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Radiocarbon dating of Arctic marine sediment is often challenging due to the low availability of calcareous fossils. Consequently, bulk organic matter dating has at times been used to establish sediment core chronologies. Yet, radiocarbon dates based on bulk organic matter often appear to deviate vastly from dates based on fossils, mainly caused by input of allochthounous carbon, including terrigenous organic matter. In this study, we aim to examine the link between the composition of the bulk organic matter and the age offsets between the bulk radiocarbon dates and those obtained from calcareous foraminiferal tests. All samples are taken from the marine sediment core AMD14-204C from offshore Upernavik (eastern Baffin Bay). The radiocarbon dates for bulk organic matter are on average ∼3000 years older than the radiocarbon dates based on foraminifera, but with changing age offsets throughout the record. To investigate the cause of this age offset and its variations over time, we applied core scanning, X-ray Fluorescence analysis, stable isotopes, organic pyrolysis and microscopic organic petrology to examine the distribution and characterization of the organic matter. The results show that the older organic matter includes clastic input of reworked sedimentary rocks potentially originating from West Greenland and/or the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Changes in the input of contemporary marine algal produced organic matter versus both terrigenous input and reworked ancient organic matter appear to control the age offsets between the bulk and foraminifera dates. A low Hydrogen Index and low δ13Corg values together with a high Oxygen Index, indicative of high influence of terrigenous organic matter, seem to correspond to samples with the largest age offsets; 1000–2000 years greater than in other samples. To examine the cause of the variations in the age offsets, a new quantification of the autochthonous organic matter as a fraction of the TOC was calculated. This shows that samples with the largest age offsets contained the lowest fraction (as low as ∼12%) of autochthonous organic matter in the TOC.  相似文献   

Sediment samples from the marine systems along the coast of China, covering Yellow Sea, inner shelf of the East China Sea (ECS) and the South China Sea (SCS), were analyzed for n-alkanes and organic carbon. The concentrations of Σn-C(15-35) were 120-1680ngg(-1) dry weight with an average of 560ngg(-1). Short-chain n-alkanes (C(21)) were mainly derived from terrestrial higher plants. Organic carbon deposited into Yellow Sea and Southeast Hainan within the SCS was mainly of terrestrial (13-110%; mean: 58%) and marine (48-110%; mean: 86%) sources, respectively. On the other hand, organic carbon accumulated in the SCS adjacent to the Pearl River Estuary was derived from both terrestrial and marine sources.  相似文献   

Sediment samples from the continental shelf and slope off Nova Scotia were fractionated with a combination of elutriation and sieving to investigate the most easily resuspended sediment fraction and thus processes of organic deposition. Bulk sediments on the slope were enriched in carbon and nitrogen compared to those on the shelf. Fractionation indicated that<40% of bulk particulate organic carbon (POC) and particulate organic nitrogen (PON) on the shelf (from a sandy bank and a muddy-sand basin) were readily resuspendable, reflecting the large proportion of sand at these stations. On the slope however, about 85% of the bulk POC and PON was resuspendable, due to the high silt-clay content. Resuspendable fractions at all stations did not differ significantly in organic content (i.e. richness). The similarity of these fine fractions, especially at basin and slope stations suggested a related origin (surface production) for these particles. The less resuspendable coarse fraction on the shelf was an organic-poor sand; on the slope the coarse fraction consisted of benthic fecal pellets, similar in richness to the fine fractions. Comparison of predicted and measured sedimentation rates suggested that enrichment of slope sediments could only be explained by horizontal transport of shelf production. This provides further support for the hypothesis that the continental slope is a sink in the global carbon budget.  相似文献   

Revealing of the sources and distributions of sedimentary organic matter in the East China Sea (ECS) is important for understanding its carbon cycle, which has significant temporal and spatial variability due to the influences of recent climate changes and anthropogenic activities. In this study, we report the contents of both terrestrial and marine biomarkers including ∑C27+C29+C31n-alkanes (38.6-580 ng/g), C37 alkenones (5.6-124.6 ng/g), brassicasterol (98-913 ng/g) and dinosterol (125-1521 ng/g) from the surface sediments in the Changjiang River Estuary (CRE) and shelf areas of the ECS. Several indices based on biomarker contents and ratios are calculated to assess the spatial distributions of both terrestrial and marine organic matter in the ECS surface sediments, and these results are compared with organic matter distribution patterns revealed by the δ13C (−20.1‰ to −22.7‰) and C/N ratio (5-7.5) of total organic matter. The contents of terrestrial biomarkers in the ECS surface sediments decrease seaward, controlled mostly by Changjiang River (CR) inputs and surface currents; while higher contents of the two marine biomarkers (brassicasterol and dinosterol) occur in upwelling areas outside the CRE and in the Zhejiang-Fujian coastal zone, controlled mostly by marine productivity. Four proxies, fTerr(δ13C) (the fraction of terrestrial organic matter in TOC estimated by TOC δ13C), odd-alkanes (∑C27+C29+C31n-alkanes), 1/Pmar-aq ((C23+C25+C29+C31)/(C23+C25) n-alkanes) and TMBR (terrestrial and marine biomarker ratio) (C27+C29+C31n-alkanes)/((C27+C29+C31) n-alkanes+(brassicasterol+dinosterol+alkenones)), reveal a consistent pattern showing the relative contribution of terrestrial organic matter (TOM) is higher in the CRE and along the Zhejiang-Fujian coastline, controlled mostly by CR inputs and currents, but the TOM contribution decreases seaward, as the influences of the CR discharge decrease.  相似文献   

Radiocesium reaction with illite and organic matter in marine sediment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mineralogical effect on the (137)Cs reaction with marine sediment has not been systematically studied yet, even though illite has been known to adsorb Cs preferentially on its frayed edge sites in a low Cs concentration. Ninety-three marine sediment samples were collected near Yangnam, Korea for quantitative X-ray-diffraction (XRD), gamma-ray, and total organic carbon (TOC) analysis. Illite content was in the range of 0-23 wt.% and those of (137)Cs and TOC were minimum detectable activity (MDA) approximately 7.19 Bq/kg-dry and approximately 3.32%, respectively. The illite content in the marine sediment showed a good relationship with the (137)Cs content (R(2)=0.69), but with an increase in the illite content, the relationship became less linear. This trend can be clearly shown in two groups of samples with different size fractions (< and >5Mdvarphi). For the samples of larger particle sizes (low contents of illite), the relationship is linear, but for the samples of the smaller particle sizes (high illite content) it is less linear with a decreased slope, indicating that increase in illite content does not significantly contribute to the fixation of (137)Cs in marine sediment. Rather, the TOC has a more linear relationship with (137)Cs content with no slope change in all particle size ranges. This may indicate that humic materials in marine sediment block the access of (137)Cs to the frayed edge site and reduces the adsorption of (137)Cs on illite and that the organic materials in marine sediment play more important roles in adsorbing Cs than illite.  相似文献   

Traits have been revealed in the microbial processes of methane formation and organic matter destruction in bottom sediments of technogenic water bodies, in which at the abundance of Corg compounds, including toxic, dissolved oxygen deficiency, and low redox potential, organic matter decay in sediments is mostly anaerobic with the predominance of methanogenesis and sulfate reduction. Data on major microbial processes are used to calculate the total sludge destruction; it is maximal in the sediments of low-toxicity technogenic water bodies; organic matter destruction in them is mostly due to methanogenesis; it is minimal in high-toxicity water bodies, the share of sulfate reduction in them increases, and that of methanogenesis decreases.  相似文献   

Total organic carbon (TOC) and biogenic silica (opal) content, elemental (C/N) and isotopic (δ13C, δ15N) composition of organic matter and the content of lipid biomarkers derived from both marine and terrestrial sources constrain relative contributions from marine productivity and continental erosion to surface sediments throughout coastal SE Alaska (54°N to 61°N). TOC and opal content are very high (up to 8% and 33% by weight, respectively) in fjords and inlets south of Icy Strait (∼58°N) and uniformly low at offshore sites to the south, and at both offshore and inland sites to the north (averaging 0.6±0.3% and 2.3±1.8%, respectively). TOC and opal mass accumulation rates (MARs, based on bulk density and 210Pb-derived sediment MAR) suggest dilution with terrigenous, inorganic detrital materials accounts for the low concentrations of both biogenic phases in sediments from the glacial tidewater fjords of Muir and Yakutat Bays but not elsewhere. C/N, δ13C, and δ15N indicate a dominant marine origin for organic matter deposited at most sites. This conclusion implicates elevated primary productivity in inland waters to the south with diatoms, based on opal results, being the dominant contributor. A very significant terrestrial organic fraction (25–50%) is contained in sediments deposited on the continental shelf to the north of 58°N. Hydrocarbon biomarkers indicate the terrestrial fraction in sediments from this region is represented by old organic matter (kerogen) likely contained within riverborne particles eroding from now heavily glaciated adjacent landscapes. In sediment to the south, the terrestrial fraction is traced to modern soil organic matter eroded from the now non-glaciated, heavily forested adjacent landscape. Our study provides a framework to guide future investigations of short- (anthropogenic) to long- (Holocene) term environmental and/or climate change in this region through down-core, stratigraphic analysis.  相似文献   

A nomogram is developed to show that pH, redox potentials (EhNHE) and measures of dissolved sulfides (H2S + HS + S2−)(total free S2−) can be used to classify organic enrichment impacts in marine sediments. The biogeochemical cycle of sulfur in marine sediments is described to show that changes in macrobenthic infauna community structure associated with high levels of organic matter supply result from stress due to oxygen deficiency (hypoxia and anoxia) and toxic effects of S2−. The changes reflect enhancement of microbial sulfate reduction under conditions of high organic matter sedimentation and the progressive formation of hypoxic–anoxic conditions measured by decreased EhNHE and increased concentrations of S2−. The nomogram provides a basis for classification of the oxic status of marine sediments based on changes in inter-related biological and biogeochemical variables along an organic enrichment gradient.  相似文献   

Grain size effect on trace metals (cadmium, copper, lead, zinc, and iron) and total organic content distribution in various fractions (<0.063, 0.063–0.105, 0.105–0.250, 0.250–0.500, and 0.500–1.000 mm) of contaminated sediment has been studied. Selective partitioning of the studied contaminants in sediment fractions was observed, with a minimum content in the fine sand fraction of grain size 0.125–0.250 mm. Anomalously high concentrations of trace metals and organic matter content in the medium and coarse sediment fractions (>0.250 mm) was explained by the formation of large agglomerates (clusters) during the generally recommended drying procedures. These large agglomerates, formed from smaller sediment fraction particles enriched by various contaminants kept on their large specific area by adsorption forces, have been observed in photographs of the medium and coarse sediment fractions only. The formed agglomerates consist of small particles cemented either by dissolved organic matter or by sea salts present in the marine sediment. The formation of such agglomerates should be taken into consideration when conducting metal contamination studies on sediments.  相似文献   

Summary The geographical distribution of organic matter and particles <20 m in North Sea sediments as well as the correlation between organic content, <20 m fraction and PCB (as the sum of content of 24 individual components), p, p-DDE, HCB, -HCH and Lindane (-HCH) is reported. High amounts of organic matter and fine particles have been found in Fladen Ground, Kattegat/Skagerrak/Norwegian Channel, and the inner German Bight. Organic matter settling in the Kattegat/Skagerrak/Norwegian Channel is probably degraded by benthic organisms, including mineralization by bacteria. The smelter in south Norway and the rivers Ems and Elbe are point sources for HCB, the mud-area south-east of Helgoland is a point source for HCB and PCBs. No point source, however, was found for p,p-DDE. Sediment content of PCB, p,p-DDE and HCB show a good correlation to the amount of organic matter and to the <20 m fraction. -HCH and Lindane are only poorly adsorbed onto sediments.
Zyklische organische Chlorverbindungen in Nordseesedimenten: Verteilung von organischer Substanz und feinpartikulärem Material
Zusammenfassung Es wird über die Verteilung von organischer Substanz und feinpartikulärem Material <20 m in Nordseesedimenten sowie über die Korrelation der Sedimentparameter mit den Konzentrationen von polychlorierten Biphenylen (24 Einzelisomere), p,p-DDE, HCB, -HCH und Lindan (-HCH) berichtet. Hohe Gehalte an organischer Substanz und der <20 m Fraktion wurden im Fladengrund, Kattegat/ Skagerrak/Norwegische Rinne sowie in der inneren Deutschen Bucht gefunden. Die Ergebnisse legen den Schluß nahe, daß ein Großteil des sedimentierten organischen Materials vor der norwegischen Küste von Benthosorganismen und Bakterien verstoffwechselt wird. Durch die mit Søderbergelektroden arbeitenden Metallschmelzen Südnorwegens sowie durch die Flüsse Elbe und Ems werden die Sedimente punktuell mit HCB belastet. Das Schlammgebiet südöstlich von Helgoland tritt als Emittent für PCBs in Erscheinung. Für p,p-DDE konnte keine Punktquelle nachgewiesen werden. Im Gegensatz zu -HCH und Lindan korrelieren die Sedimentkonzentrationen an PCBs, HCB und p,p-DDE gut mit den Gehalten an organischer Substanz bzw. feinpartikulärem Material.

Les Organochlorines cycliques dans les Sédiments de la Mer du Nord, relation avec la taille et les matières organiques
Résumé La distribution géographique de matière organique et des particules de taille inférieure à 20 m dans les sédiments de la Mer du Nord ainsi que la corrélation entre le contenu organique, (la fraction <20 m) et PCB (somme des contenus de 24 composants individuels), p, p-DDE, HCB, -HCH et Lindane (-HCH) est décrite. D'importantes quantités de matières organiques et de particules fines ont été trouvées à Fladen Ground, Kattegat/Skagerrak/Norwegian Channel et dans le baie intérieur allemende. Les composants organiques qui se trouvent dans le Kattegat/ Skagerrak/Norwegian Channel sont probablement soumis à la dégradation par des organismes (benthic), et aussi à une minéralisation par bactéries. Les usines de métallurgie du Sud de la Norvège et la rivière l'Ems et l'Elbe sont des points sources pour HCB, les zones de boue au Sud Est de Helgoland sont des points sources pour HCB et PCB. Aucun point source ne fût trouvé cependant pour p, p-DDE. Le contenu en sédiment de PCB, p, p-DDE et HCB montre une bonne corrélation avec la quantité de matière organique et la fraction <20 m. -HCH et Lindane ne sont que peu absorbés dans les sédiments.

We studied the dynamics of bacteria and organic matter in the Ancient Port of Genoa (Italy) during a bioremediation treatment of sediment (during summer-autumn 1998) in an area characterised by continuous sewage discharge. A strong increase in total benthic bacterial density (TBN) was recorded at the end of the study, from 14 x 10(8) to 58-172 x 10(8) cell g(-1) in different parts of the treated area. The TBN increase was linked to organic matter depletion, from more than 40 to less than 20 mg x g(-1). In order to highlight the main ecological mechanisms involved in bioremediation, a laboratory experiment based on both water and sediment from the basin studied was carried out. We observed an increase in TBN during the first 20 days and a decrease in sediment organic matter (up to about 20%). Increases of organic matter (about 2-fold) and TBN (from 21 to 33 x 10(9) cell l(-1)) occurred in the overlying water, suggesting a strong association between the sediments and water column processes. Hydrolytic activities, which double in the sediment and increase up to a 300-fold in the water, are consistent with the decrease in sediment organic matter and with the water fraction dynamics.  相似文献   

Intertidal marine microbial mats exhibited biologically mediated uptake of low molecular weight dissolved organic matter (DOM), including D-glucose, acetate, and an L-amino acid mixture at trace concentrations. Uptake of all compounds occurred in darkness, but was frequently enhanced under natural illumination. The photosystem 2 inhibitor, 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea (DCMU) generally failed to inhibit light-stimulated DOM uptake. Occasionally, light plus DCMU-amended treatments led to uptake rates higher than light-incubated samples, possibly due to phototrophic bacteria present in subsurface anoxic layers. Uptake was similar with either 3H- or 14C-labeled substrates, indicating that recycling of labeled CO2 via photosynthetic fixation was not interfering with measurements of light-stimulated DOM uptake. Microautoradiographs showed a variety of pigmented and nonpigmented bacteria and, to a lesser extent, cyanobacteria and eucaryotic microalgae involved in light-mediated DOM uptake. Light-stimulated DOM uptake was often observed in bacteria associated with sheaths and mucilage surrounding filamentous cyanobacteria, revealing a close association of organisms taking up DOM with photoautotrophic members of the mat community. The capacity for dark- and light-mediated heterotrophy, coupled to efficient retention of fixed carbon in the mat community, may help optimize net production and accretion of mats, even in oligotrophic waters.  相似文献   

采用室内培养的方法,以富营养化湖泊太湖为例,研究了沉积物有机质矿化过程中碳、氮、磷的迁移特征.结果表明,在沉积物中的有机质矿化过程中,碳以溶解性无机碳释放至水中,同时以CH4和CO2形式释放至大气中,培养结束时,CH4和CO2累积排放含量分别为1492.21和498.96 mg/g(dw),其中CH4占气态碳的89.16%(以C质量计);此外,大量的氮、磷营养盐释放至上覆水体,水中总氮、总磷和铵态氮的最高浓度分别是初始浓度的62.16、28.16和139.45倍,而硝态氮浓度在整个培养过程中逐渐下降,培养末期浓度是初期的0.21倍;厌氧条件下,沉积物有机质的矿化,不仅可以生成大量的CH4、CO2气体,还能够促使沉积物中铵态氮和磷的释放;而沉积物有机质矿化释放的碳、氮、磷营养元素又能加剧湖泊富营养化程度,促进湖泊水体的初级生产力,从而增加湖泊沉积物有机质输入.这样的循环方式可能是湖泊富营养化自维持的重要机制之一.  相似文献   

Subarctic marine sediments amended with various organic compounds were exposed to fresh Cook Inlet crude oil at a concentration of 50 ppt for either 6 or 8 months. After the sediments were initially treated, they were returned to the approximate location where they were collected and left to be exposed to natural environmental conditions until they were retrieved for analysis. As a result of crude oil treatment, the activities of the enzymes that hydrolyse structural polysaccharides were reduced and the activities of the enzymes that hydrolyse storage polysaccharides were stimulated. In addition to these changes, we observed changes in phosphatase activity, nitrogen fixation rates, potential denitrification rates, methane concentrations, CO2 production rates, and the glucose uptake and mineralization rates. The effect of the crude oil perturbation was different depending on the organic compound used in the amended sediments. Many of these differences could be explained by the effect of crude oil on the hydrolases which were responsible for degrading the compound in question. The results of this study suggest the effect of crude oil on microbial processes may be affected by the type of organic material present in the impacted marine sediment. This study also illustrates the value of measuring hydrolase activity in studies designed to determine the effects of this or any other pollutant on microbial processes in marine sediments.  相似文献   

The controlling factors affecting the accumulation of (137)Cs in marine sediment have not been investigated in detail, especially in coarse grained sediment. Eighty eight coarse marine sediment samples near Wuljin, Korea, were characterized by quantitative X-ray-diffraction (XRD), gamma-ray, and total organic carbon (TOC) analysis. Those factors were then compared. The grain size was in the range of -0.48 to 3.6Mdphi corresponding to sand grains. TOC content was in the range of 0.06-1.75%, and the concentration of (137)Cs was 相似文献   

There is an urgent need to control nutrient release fluxes from organically-enriched sediments into overlying waters to alleviate the effects of eutrophication. This study aims to characterize blast furnace slag (BFS) and evaluate its remediation performance on organically-enriched sediments in terms of suppressing nutrient fluxes and reducing acid volatile sulfide. BFS was mainly composed of inorganic substances such as CaO, SiO2, Al2O3 and MgO in amorphous crystal phase. Container experiments showed that the phosphate concentration in the overlying water, its releasing flux from sediment and AVS of the sediment decreased by 17-23%, 39% and 16% compared to the control without BFS, respectively. The loss on ignition was significantly decreased by 3.6-11% compared to the control. Thus, the application of BFS to organically-enriched sediment has a suppressive role on organic matter, AVS concentration and phosphate releasing flux from sediments and therefore, is a good candidate as an effective environmental remediation agent.  相似文献   

刘新  吴定桂  江和龙  宋娜 《湖泊科学》2020,32(2):440-449
活性氧物种(ROS)参与天然水体系统中的光化学反应、氧化还原反应,是影响水体中有机污染物的迁移、转化、环境归宿及生态效应的重要因素.然而目前对草源型可溶性有机物(DOM)分解过程中ROS的产生过程并不清楚.本文通过室内模拟实验首先构建了室内测定3种ROS(3CDOM*1O2、·OH)的方法,进而分析草源植物——苔草(Carex tristachya)残体浸出液中DOM光降解过程中ROS的产生过程.结果表明:ROS累积含量的产生随着DOM的降解逐渐升高在3种自由基含量中,3CDOM*的产生含量最多,·OH产生含量低于另外2种ROS两个数量级.CDOM含量与3CDOM*1O2、·OH浓度呈现正相关关系,尤其与3CDOM*1O2浓度的显著性水平最高,·OH次之.ROS浓度与水质指标呈现出不同的线性相关关系,与硝态氮浓度呈负相关...  相似文献   

Results of incubation experiments with marine sediments containing added amounts of lead in various chemical forms indicated that about 0.03% of lead as Pb(NO3)2 underwent methylation. Tetravalent lead, as (CH3)3PbOAc, however, was methylated nearly quantitatively in the same time span. Experiments with sediments from four different areas of the British Columbia coastline showed little variation in methylating capacity and no relationship to total ambient lead content. The results suggest that lead contained in mine tailings in particular is not mobilized in detectable amounts by this route.  相似文献   

为了揭示湖库内源性污染物的分布、来源、组成及垂向分布特征,以新建人工深水湖泊龙景湖为研究对象,采用紫外-可见光谱和三维荧光光谱技术,研究了该湖泊以成湖前用途划分的3个特征区域(原河道底部、新淹没区底部和新淹没区边坡)的沉积物上覆水和孔隙水中的溶解性有机质(DOM)的光谱特征.结果表明,孔隙水中的DOM芳香性和腐殖化程度高于上覆水;孔隙水中疏水组分含量大于上覆水,且水体中可能存在内源孔隙水释放的低分子量DOM.龙景湖上覆水和孔隙水中的DOM主要源于水体自身的微生物,自生源特征明显,且可能存在新近释放到水体的有机质.龙景湖沉积物上覆水和孔隙水中的DOM以类腐殖酸和类蛋白质为主,且随着深度增加,类腐殖酸峰强度增强,与龙景湖的建湖背景有明显联系.  相似文献   

Recently, black carbon has been introduced as the form of carbon that may be separated from the biologically mediated carbon cycle thereby representing the non-bioavailable fraction of the estimated organic carbon. It has been speculated that the bioavailability of organic matter may be a limiting factor for the presence of active bacteria within the sediments. In order to address this question, marine sediments were collected from the Thracian Sea (Eastern Mediterranean), a complex system impacted by riverine inputs and Black Sea water masses. In addition to counts of total bacteria, we estimated the fraction of active bacteria by using a destaining step to the DAPI staining method. Black carbon was also estimated following the thermal oxidation method in order to determine the fraction of the refractory organic matter. The fraction of black carbon to total organic carbon varied from 16% to 53% indicating that black carbon constitutes a significant pool of sedimentary organic carbon in the Thracian sea. A fraction ranging from 18% to 97% was scored as nucleoid containing cells. We did not record any significant differences in the fraction of nucleoid-containing bacteria among sediment depths (P<0.05) indicating that there was no accumulation of dead bacterial cells with depth. The same was observed for the fraction of black carbon and bioavailable organic carbon with sediment depth (P<0.05) indicating that benthic consumers are not the key regulators of the organic matter pool in these sediments but have a minor effect. A possible reason for these observations and for the uncoupling between the active bacterial fraction and the bioavailability of organic matter could be (i) the presence of refractory components in the estimated bioavailable organic matter and (ii) the hydrological and geological complexity of the study area. The North Aegean marginal slopes are highly unstable experiencing frequent seismic events. These events are capable of inducing sediment transport from the upper slopes thus altering the entire sediment profile. On the other hand, the significant correlations that were recorded between nucleoid-containing cells and phytopigments (chlorophyll a, phaeopigments, chloroplastic pigment equivalents) at all sediment depths indicate that bacterial communities respond immediately to the deposited phytodetritus, using it as a primary source of carbon and energy. Our data suggests that the Thracian Sea sediments are by no means homogeneous and can best be described as a mosaic controlled by numerous local and regional environmental factors.  相似文献   

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