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We investigate the mesoscale dynamics of the mistral through the wind profiler observations of the MAP (autumn 1999) and ESCOMPTE (summer 2001) field campaigns. We show that the mistral wind field can dramatically change on a time scale less than 3 hours. Transitions from a deep to a shallow mistral are often observed at any season when the lower layers are stable. The variability, mainly attributed in summer to the mistral/land–sea breeze interactions on a 10-km scale, is highlighted by observations from the wind profiler network set up during ESCOMPTE. The interpretations of the dynamical mistral structure are performed through comparisons with existing basic theories. The linear theory of R. B. Smith [Advances in Geophysics, Vol. 31, 1989, Academic Press, 1–41] and the shallow water theory [Schär, C. and Smith, R. B.: 1993a, J. Atmos. Sci. 50, 1373–1400] give some complementary explanations for the deep-to-shallow transition especially for the MAP mistral event. The wave breaking process induces a low-level jet (LLJ) downstream of the Alps that degenerates into a mountain wake, which in turn provokes the cessation of the mistral downstream of the Alps. Both theories indicate that the flow splits around the Alps and results in a persistent LLJ at the exit of the Rhône valley. The LLJ is strengthened by the channelling effect of the Rhône valley that is more efficient for north-easterly than northerly upstream winds despite the north–south valley axis. Summer moderate and weak mistral episodes are influenced by land–sea breezes and convection over land that induce a very complex interaction that cannot be accurately described by the previous theories.  相似文献   

利用2010年和2011年春季在新疆百里风区十三间房气象站观测取得的风廓线雷达资料,分析了该地区两次强风天气过程三维风随高度的分布特征。研究表明:(1)风廓线雷达对大风的总体观测结果是准确的,由于受地物杂波等因素影响,某些高度层探测结果不佳。(2)十三间房大风爆发迅速,低空风速强劲,最大风速可达40m/s以上,大风急流区位于2500米高度以下,急流区无明显的水平和垂直风切变。(3)2010年4月19~20日大风随高度无显著变化,为一致的北风气流;2011年3月12~13日大风过程,2000米以下为北风控制,2000~4000m高度风速风向变化复杂,存在风向随高度逆时针和顺时针的多次偏转,4000m以上为平直的西风气流。(4)大风过程中,大气在铅直方向既可做上升运动,也可做下沉运动。通过对速度谱宽的分析,谱宽时间~高度分布与大风随时间和高度的变化有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

华北地区典型污染天大气气溶胶飞机探测个例分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张瑜  银燕  石立新  段英  吴志会 《高原气象》2012,31(5):1432-1438
利用2005年10月17日华北地区一次典型污染天气条件下的飞机探测资料,对石家庄和邯郸气溶胶的微物理特征进行了对比分析,初步讨论了该天气条件下大气气溶胶污染的微观特征和可能原因。结果表明,观测当天石家庄和邯郸地区的气溶胶粒子浓度很高,边界层内气溶胶平均数浓度为103cm-3量级,最高值出现在近地面附近,达到104cm-3量级;边界层以上的数浓度基本都在103cm-3量级,属于空气污染比较严重的一次过程。造成污染的原因是该日晴天风小,大气湍流较弱,不利于污染物扩散和稀释。基于美国国家海洋和大气局(NOAA)后向轨迹模式(HYSPLIT4)对颗粒物进行溯源和追踪分析,发现造成气溶胶浓度较高的气块传输路径主要为西北和偏西路径,境外源主要来自蒙古国,境内源主要来自我国西部,途经甘肃、宁夏、陕西及山西后进入河北。  相似文献   

A comprehensive planetary boundary-layer (PBL) and synoptic data set is used to isolate the mechanisms that determine the vertical shear of the horizontal wind in the convective mixed layer. To do this, we compare a fair-weather convective PBL with no vertical shear through the mixed layer (10 March 1992), with a day with substantial vertical shear in the north-south wind component (27 February). The approach involves evaluating the terms of the budget equations for the two components of the vertical shear of the horizontal wind; namely: the time-rate-of-change or time-tendency term, differential advection, the Coriolis terms (a thermal wind term and a shear term), and the second derivative of the vertical transport of horizontal momentum with respect to height (turbulent-transport term). The data, gathered during the 1992 STorm-scale Operational and Research Meteorology (STORM) Fronts Experiments Systems Test (FEST) field experiment, are from gust-probe aircraft horizontal legs and soundings, 915-MHz wind profilers, a 5-cm Doppler radar, radiosondes, and surface Portable Automated Mesonet (PAM) stations in a roughly 50 × 50 km boundary-layer array in north-eastern Kansas, nested in a mesoscale-to-synoptic array of radiosondes and surface data.We present evidence that the shear on 27 February is related to the rapid growth of the convective boundary layer. Computing the shear budget over a fixed depth (the final depth of the mixed layer), we find that the time-tendency term dominates, reflecting entrainment of high-shear air from above the boundary layer. We suggest that shear within the mixed layer occurs when the time-tendency term is sufficiently large that the shear-reduction terms – namely the turbulent-transport term and differential advection terms – cannot compensate. In contrast, the tendency term is small for the slowly-growing PBL of 10 March, resulting in a balance between the Coriolis terms and the turbulent-transport term. Thus, the thermal wind appears to influence mixed-layer shear only indirectly, through its role in determining the entrained shear.  相似文献   

河北地区秋季气溶胶飞机探测资料分析   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
张瑜  银燕  石立新  段英  吴志会 《气象科学》2011,31(6):755-762
利用河北省2005-2007年秋季不同天气(晴、有云、雾、降水)条件下气溶胶飞机观测资料和宏观天气资料,综合分析了河北地区不同天气、不同高度、不同城市大气气溶胶的分布特征.分析结果表明:2006- 2007年探测的气溶胶小粒子平均直径均在0.180μm以上,比2005年秋季的粒子尺度大0.05 μm左右.非降水天气下近...  相似文献   

We have conducted an Empirical Orthogonal Functionanalysis (EOF) of a three dimensional, 2-pointvelocity covariance field, measured in a wind tunnel. The rate of convergence of the EOF sequence was usedas an objective test for the presence of distinctlarge turbulent structures. We found that in theroughness sublayer (2h > z > 0) the sequence convergedmuch more rapidly than in the lower surface layer(6h > z > 0), 75% of the total velocity variancebeing captured by the first three of 42 eigenmodes;h is the canopy height. The analysis was extended to three dimensions, whereover 50% of the variance and most of the spatialstructure of the covariance fields were captured by aneven smaller fraction of the total number ofeigenmodes. With some relatively weak additionalassumptions we were able to construct the velocityfield of a characteristic eddy or large coherentstructure. This consisted of a pair ofcounter-rotating streamwise vortices centred above thecanopy. The sense of rotation of the vortex pair wasopposite to that found in the wall region of boundarylayers but matched that found in plane mixing layers. A strong gust or sweep motion generated between thevortices was responsible for most of the shear stresscarried by the large eddies. The region of significanttransport of streamwise momentum by the characteristiceddy is much smaller than the region of coherence of theeddy's velocity field.  相似文献   

黄山顶大气气溶胶吸收和散射特性观测分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
采用光声黑碳仪(PASS)2008年5~7月在黄山光明顶的连续观测资料,分析了该地区大气气溶胶吸收和散射系数变化特征及其与气象因子的关系。分析结果表明:在相对干燥的条件下(相对湿度小于60%)吸收散射系数日变化明显,总体上白天大,晚上小;相对湿度与吸收和散射系数有很强的正相关性,相关系数分别为0.87和0.80,而风速与散射吸收系数则呈现负相关关系,吸收系数、散射系数与风速的相关系数分别为-0.53和-0.78;湿清除使大气气溶胶的吸收和散射系数明显降低;与在平原地区的南京相比,黄山山顶的吸收和散射系数日变化趋势与南京相反,且数值比南京小一个量级。  相似文献   

广州番禺地区草地陆气相互作用观测研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了2004年在广州番禺进行的陆气相互作用观测试验。观测研究表明:新型的超声风温仪虽然带有雨滴防护沙网, 但雨滴对超声观测的误差影响显著, 尤其是对u, w方向。雨天情况下与z/L相关系数很低, 湍流强度与稳定度不存在1/3次方关系。涡动相关法和能量平衡法计算的感热通量及潜热通量比较接近, 感热、潜热通量相关系数分别达到0.8699和0.8633, 两种方法带来的误差主要发生在近地层稳定度发生明显变化的时刻, 即在午间热通量的峰值或傍晚或晚间热通量的低值, 其中能量平衡法计算的感热、潜热普遍具有较大的正负峰值。涡动相关法计算的Qh+Qe普遍偏小, 与可用能量Rn-Qg多数情况下存在能量不平衡, 说明了忽略热存储项的地表能量平衡方程的局限性。番禺夏、秋季近地层各能量具有与太阳辐射相似的日变化特征, 但夏季的潜热大于感热, 而秋季则相反。近地面二氧化碳从5—8月是一个减低过程, 尔后上升到12月份浓度最高, 总体浓度值在350×10-6~400×10-6之间变化。  相似文献   

1990年7—9月,在浙江临安(30°14'N,119°42'E),利用微气象学(梯度廓线)法及箱式技术对水稻田CH4排放通量进行了同步观测,取得了中稻整个生长期内的CH4排放资料。文章仅对箱式技术的观测结果作了介绍与分析。观测发现在整个灌溉期内,稻田CH4释放率为3.67—16.14 mg/m2·h,均值为10.58 mg/m2·h。CH4排放的季节变化明显,日变化也同样很明显。另外还发现,CH4排放通量与水(地)温及其他气象因素,如强风、阴雨等有关。与梯度廓线法的观测结果不同,箱式观测到的CH4排放通  相似文献   

感应电机矢量控制系统的仿真研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据2008年4—7月黄山大气气溶胶观测资料,研究了气溶胶粒子的数浓度、谱分布特征及其与气象因子的关系,探讨了雾天和非雾天气溶胶颗粒物时间和尺度分布特点。分析发现,黄山光明顶春、夏季大气气溶胶数浓度的平均值分别为3.14×103个/cm3和1.80×103个/cm3,其中超细粒子(粒径小于0.1μm的粒子)在春夏季分别约占总粒子数浓度的79%和68%;高数浓度值集中在粒径0.04~0.12μm;积聚模态气溶胶粒子(0.1~1.0μm)在体积浓度分布和表面积分布中占很大比例。结合气象资料比较了雾天与非雾天气溶胶分布的差异,发现细粒子浓度非雾天大于雾天,而气溶胶数浓度与温度呈正相关,与相对湿度成反相关。结果还发现,黄山在春季以西北风和偏南风为主,西北风时气溶胶数浓度较高,在夏季主要以偏南风,特别是西南风为主,但是气溶胶数浓度的高值多发生在偏东风的条件下。  相似文献   

沈阳春夏季大气冰核浓度的观测研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了解沈阳地区大气冰核浓度的时空分布状况,2010年起开始对沈阳地区的大气冰核浓度分布进行观测和研究.地面采用Bigg型混合云室法和滤膜法进行冰核气溶胶的采样测量,高空利用辽宁省人工影响天气办公室租用的人工增雨飞机进行滤膜法采样.采样滤膜的处理都是统一在活化温度-15℃及冰面过饱和度20%、水面过饱和度3%的湿度条件下进行的.根据取得的部分观测资料,给出了沈阳春夏季大气冰核的浓度及冰核温度谱分布参数,分析了冰核浓度在3~6月各月以及在不同天气状况下的分布特征,初步给出了大气冰核浓度的尺度谱分布及其随高度的变化.  相似文献   

Features associated with the upper limit of convection, observed by turbulence probes supported by a tethered kite balloon and by high-power Doppler radar, are described. The observations illustrate the interaction of thermal plumes with the capping inversion (and stable air aloft) and confirm the existence of non-turbulent, intermittently turbulent and fully turbulent layers. Evidence is presented for entrainment processes occurring on scales ranging from a few metres to several hundred metres. Individual distortions of the inversion interface, tracked by the radar, have a lifetime of about 5 minutes. Other, larger scale (i.e., > 1 km) perturbations of the top of the boundary layer were observed over longer periods, and are thought to be due to topographical effects.  相似文献   

2006年春季西北地区黑碳气溶胶的观测研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用西北地区兰州、敦煌和塔中3个观测站2006年3-5月黑碳气溶胶(black carbon aerosol;BC)的观测资料及相关台站PM10和气溶胶光学厚度(aerosol optical depth;AOD)的观测数据,分析该地区2006年春季BC分布特征。结果表明:兰州地区BC质量浓度均值最高,达2.22μg/m^3,敦煌地区为1.89μg/m^3,塔中地区为2.07μg/m^3,低于北京、上海和珠三角等地区,高于瓦里关本底站观测值。BC的日变化具有明显的峰值峰谷特征,一般在12:00—14:00质量浓度低,08:00前后和20:00前后质量浓度较高,这主要取决于其源的日变化及其在近地层中的湍流交换以及大气稳定度的日变化等。表明西北地区BC与PM10的相关性非常小,相关性最好的塔中地区总体小时观测值的相关性仅为0.24,BC主要来自当地的人类活动,PM10的主要成份是沙尘气溶胶;由于沙尘气溶胶对辐射也具有一定的吸收特性,当出现沙尘天气时,BC的测量值受其影响将增加50%以上:大量的沙尘中也携带了少量BC.但其所占比例有限。  相似文献   

Derechos occur frequently in Europe and the United States, but reports of derechos in China are scarce. In this paper, radar, satellite, and surface observation data are used to analyze a derecho event in South China on 17 April 2011. A derecho-producing mesoscale convective system formed in an environment with medium convective available energy, strong vertical wind shear, and a dry layer in the middle troposphere, and progressed southward in tandem with a front and a surface wind convergence line. The windstorm can be divided into two stages according to differences in the characteristics of the radar echo and the causes of the gale. One stage was a supercell stage, in which the sinking rear inflow of a high-precipitation supercell with a bow-shaped radar echo induced a Fujita F0 class gale. The other stage was a non-supercell stage (the echo was sequentially kidney-shaped, foot-shaped, and an ordinary single cell), in which downbursts induced a gale in Fujita F1 class. This derecho event had many similarities with derechos observed in western countries. For example, the windstorm was perpendicular to the mean flow, the gale was located in the bulging portion of the bow echo, and the derecho moved southward along with the surface front. Some differences were observed as well. The synoptic-scale forcing was weak in the absence of an advancing high-amplitude midlevel trough and an accompanying strong surface cyclone; however, the vertical wind shear was very strong, a characteristic typical of derechos associated with strong synoptic-scale forcing. Extremely high values of convective available potential energy and downdraft convective available potential energy have previously been considered necessary to the formation of weak-forcing archetype and hybrid derechos; however, these values were much less than 2000 J during this derecho event.  相似文献   

Based on observations and numerical simulations, the topographic impacts on dust transport in East Asia were studied. Two regions frequently attacked by dust storms have been confirmed: one is the western part of Inner Mongolia and the southern Mongolia (namely the Mongolia Plateau), and the other is the Tarim Basin. The most frequent dust storm occurrence area within the first region appears in its hinterland while that of the second one lies in its southern boundary. Moreover, the region from the northeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) to the Loess Plateau is attacked by dust storms second frequently. The dust storms frequently occurring over the Mongolia Plateau axe related not only to the abundant sand and dust sources, but also to the special topographic conditions of East Asia. The most significant factor that influences the dust storms forming in the hinterland of the Mongolia Plateau is the canyon low level jet (CLLJ), which dominates around the southern areas of the Altay-Sayan Mountains with an east-west direction in the beginning of its formation, and is accompanied by significantly enhanced surface wind afterwards. Due to the obstructive effects of the CLLJ, a lot of dust particles carried by the southward down-slope cold air mass would pile up over the southern slope of the Sayan Mountains. Meanwhile, uneven surface conditions are favorable for the dust particles to go up into the upper atmosphere. With the dust particles piling up continuously, a dust layer is formed in the troposphere and can be recognized as a '!dust accumulating container", which provides abundant dust particles to be transported later to the downstream areas. Additionally, the topographic features of East Asia also exert a great influence on dust transport. Generally, the easterly CLLJ enhances the easterly dust transport. The down-slope air current over the southern Sayan Mountains and the air flow surrounding the TP near its northeastern edge enhance the southward dust transport. Lastly, weather system influences are also examined. The weathers associated with cold fronts frequently appear over the areas of Mongolia and North China in springtime. The cold front system, in general, carries the sand and dust southwards. Among all topographic influencing elements, the rounding effect of the TP is the strongest. Under the combined influences of the cold front and the rounding effect of topography, most sand and dust particles are transported and then deposited over the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

Zhangjiakou is an important wind power base in Hebei Province, China. The impact of its wind farms on the local climate is controversial. Based on long-term meteorological data from 1981 to 2018, we investigated the effects of the Shangyi Wind Farm (SWF) in Zhangjiakou on air temperature, wind speed, relative humidity, and precipitation using the anomaly or ratio method between the impacted weather station and the non-impacted background weather station. The influence of the SWF on land surface temperature (LST) and evapotranspiration (ET) using MODIS satellite data from 2003 to 2018 was also explored. The results showed that the SWF had an atmospheric warming effect at night especially in summer and autumn (up to 0.95°C). The daytime air temperature changes were marginal, and their signs were varying depending on the season. The annual mean wind speed decreased by 6%, mainly noted in spring and winter (up to 14%). The precipitation and relative humidity were not affected by the SWF. There was no increase in LST in the SWF perhaps due to the increased vegetation coverage unrelated to the wind farms, which canceled out the wind farm-induced land surface warming and also resulted in an increase in ET. The results showed that the impact of wind farms on the local climate was significant, while their impact on the regional climate was slight.  相似文献   

南京冬季平流雾的生消机制及边界层结构观测分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用系留飞艇边界层要素探测系统等设备,对2006年12月24q7日发生在南京地区的雾日边界层结构进行了综合探测,深入研究了这次平流雾的生消机制及边界层结构。结果表明:此次雾属于比较典型的平流雾,生成和维持主要决定于暖湿气流和系统性下沉运动,消散主要是干冷空气南下造成的;雾项下降阶段出现了双层结构,中层逆温是逆温主层,属于下沉逆温及平流逆温,主逆温层强中心始终位于雾顶附近或处于雾顶之下;风速随高度呈现多峰分布,中层急流与强度较弱的中上层和上层急流合并后,又与下层急流出现了一强一弱的波动;在风速较小时,风场趋于均匀化;雾消散时,低层风场趋于线性化;雾主要的水汽来源是暖湿气流;比湿场与风场有较好的时空分布对应性,主逆温层强中心也是逆湿强中心,风场与温度场共同主导了比湿场的时空分布。  相似文献   

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