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1 1 17/P,21(l)、2001,p.97一101,3 illu卜.,1 rable,17 ref) RePorted in rhzs paper are the REEgeoehemstry,dlstribur一on patrerns andeharaerer Parameters一n Lare Cenozo一e eol、ansed一nlenrs of Bajlazu一seet一on atX一feng Ciry.A 150 rhe aurhors eompare the REE eharaeter-lsrxesw一rh other eolzan san飞ples frorn rhe Late1一erriary red desert,l,are Tertiary fluv一alsandstone,Quarernary desert,modern dusr一5 rorm dust,Chlna loess and renlote一souree wesrerly dust.All tlzese eolian depos一tshave…  相似文献   

p·309一315,2 illus.,2 tabl。、,20 ref,w一rhEngli、11 abstraet)200002611〕u Yangsong(China Un一verslry ofGeoseienees,Be一J一ng)A Preliminary Ap-Proaeh to Crust一Mantle Merallogeny(M一n-eral Depos一rs,ISSN 0258一7106,CN 11一1 965/P,18(4),1999,P.341一346,11 ref,w ith Engl一sh abstraet)20000262 Hua Renmin(Srate Key Laboraro-ry of Mineral Deposit Researeh,Deparrmentof Earth Se一enees,Nanjing Universiry,Nan-J ing,Jiangsu);Mao Jingwen The Prelimi-nary Diseussion on the Mesozoic Met…  相似文献   

CN22一1265/N,29(3),1999,p.267一278, 3 illus.,3 robles.1吕rof,wzthE一191一511 ab straet)左 20000673 Zou Xznm一n(C}langeh、一n Url一、·er、一 ty of Sezenee and Tec}Ino!ogy .Charlgellun, ]1 lin)The Ana.了515 of DePendenee Relation- shiP between Geomagnetieal Cl一aracteristie and Century Earthquake in China(Journal of Changchun Un一vers一ry of Se一enee arld‘feeh nology,ISSN 1008一0058,CN22一1265/N, 29(3),1 999,P·282一286,10 ref,with English abstraer)20000671 Guo Shengzhe(Shenyang …  相似文献   

众f“bB中板11中华皿5一 东一1二 泰一}5 已一}i 矿一…i 构一1‘碑尸口.侧.~.、、3一5水66一西llJ,︵︸一,旦·1哉(渐强)竺选选)“哉我·1大 尸口一,.、 .7·251一南石 尸尸~一.-~,、、中华116北土,一{二 大一}i 真一{‘足1一山 尹声户.、、2·7萌五台1芽,‘.......................月.‘.1‘.............‘..!苦! 一工连一﹃1 nol ︸尸内j一工本.尸﹄勺一3旦震︵56一枪 一 一3固,...............  相似文献   

M ineral Resources and Geology,CNNC,l0()012):Ai Xia THE METALLOGENIC CHARACTER·ISTICS AND METALLOGENIC MODEL OFHUANGGANGLIANG一MENG,ENTAOLEGAIORE BELT IN INNER MONGOLIA,CHINA(LG,ISSNl0(拍,6273,CNZI一1109/P,1993(3),P .244一53,5 graPhs,3恤bles,5 reo Two magmatie series named synteetoniemagma and remelting magma,two eorresPondingmetallogenie serie3 named Sn一Ag--Cu一Pb一Zn(Mo,Au)deep一derived.hypabyssal mineral depo一sits and Sn一Fe一W一Be s…  相似文献   

20001243HanTonglln(InsrlruteofGeology,Chlnese Aeademy of Geologieal Sejenees,Bel-J ing);Lao Xiong Diseovery and Signifieaneeof a Huge Glaeial Boulder in Gexianshan,Pengzhou City,Siehuan Provinee(ReglonalGoology of China,ISSN 1 000一3967,CN 11一1849,18(l),1999,1).59一68,4、llus.,2P lates,13 ref) Ah一ge glae一al boulder has been fourld atGexzanshan Cot一nry,I)engzhou City,SiehuanProvinee.lr 15 a huge glae一al bouldert一l)ronow in the world.It一5 disrributed abot一13一4km along rhe …  相似文献   

Lanzhou,Gansu);Xue Lianhua The Analy-515 of the High一Frequeney Cyclic一Se-quenees of the Carboniferous in the BaehuArea,Tarim Basin,Xinjiang,China(AetaSedimentologiea Siniea,ISSN 1 000一0550,CN 62一1038/P,16(4),1998, P.37一41,84,5 illus.,1 table,3 ref) Based on the analysis of outrop and wellof Carboniferous in the Baehu area,the au-thors first summarized 7 types of high一fre-queney eyelie一sequenees and 4 typieal pat-terns as well as 50 fifth一 order high一fre-queney eyelie一seque…  相似文献   

20001979 Cheng Yuqi(Inst一rute of Geology,Chinese Aeademy of Geologieal Seienees,Bei-J ing);Liu Dunyi SHRIMPU一Pb Dating ofZircons of a Dark一Colored Eelogite andaGarnet一Bear主ng Gneissie一Granitie Roekfrom Bixiling,Eastern Dabie Area,Chi-na—IsotoPe Chronologieal Evidenee ofNeoProterozoie HP一UHP MetamorPhism(Aeta Geologiea Siniea,ISSN 0001一5717,CNll一1951/P,74(3),2000,P.193一205,2 illus.,2 rables,4 Plares,19 ref) This PaPer rePorts SHRIMPU一Pb zir-eon data of a d…  相似文献   

980485 Chen Duofu(Guangzhou Instirute ofGeochemistry,CAS,Guangzhou,Guang-dong);Chen Guangqian ore一ControllingRock Assemblage of Hydrothermal Sedimen-tary SuPerlarge ore DePosits Bio一Reef一Chert Suite,Guangdong Provinee(Aeta Sed-im即tologiea Siniea,ISSN1000一0550,CN62一1038/P,15(suPP.),1997,P.91一95,4graPhs,5 ref) Bio一reef一ehert suite 15 an importantrock assemblage for eontrolling Dajiagping su-Perlarge Pyrite deposits,Fankou super一largelead一zine deposits and Changkeng su…  相似文献   

9622651,uol)一nggu一(I)。parrnlont ofE:一rrhSelenoe、,Eosr Chin。匕eologieol lr一srlrute.Fuzhot:,J一angxi,344000);X。flu:APPLI-CATION OF GREY SYSTEM THEORY INWATER QUALITY EVALUArfION(JECGI,ISSN 1000一2251,CN36一1034/I’,18(4),1 995,p.349一352,1 gral)h,1 rablo.4ref,wir}1 Engllsh ab、rraer)962266’I,anl’一elong(Chlna tjn一vor、一ty ofGeoseienees,Wuhan,Hube一,430074);S论lengJ ihu STATISTIC ANAIJYSIS OF GEO-CHEMICAL ELEMENTS AND DEEPMETALLOGEN…  相似文献   

962188 Ye Yuguang(Institute of MarineGeology,Minisrry of Geology and MineralResourees,Qingdao,266071);Diao Guang-bo PRELIMINARY STUDY ON ESR DAT-ING OF PALAEO一ACCUMULATION OFMUD一ROCK FLOW IN DONGCHUAN,YUNNAN PROVINCE(SGGS,ISSN 1000一0690,CN22一1124/P,15(4).1995,P.374一377,1 graph,1 table,10 rof) The age、of palaeo一aeeumulat一on ofmud一roek flow in Dongehuan,Yunnar一areobrained by ESR daring teehnique,rhey areeons一stent wirh’‘C ages.’rhe ESR …  相似文献   

1 uplift,basement一weathering一erust一type 011 aeeumulation,fissure一type 011 aeeumu- lation,proximal delta and gently slope zone related to rift一valley一type graben and semigraben struetures are targets of Petroleum exPloration and develoPment.962066 Wu Yaoxing(Central Laboratory ofPetroleum Geology,MGMR,Wuxi,Jiangsu,2 1 4151);Cai Yunkai ROCK一EVAL ANA-LYSIS AND HYDROCARBON一CENER-ATING POTENTIAL OF VITRINITEGROUPS OF DIFFERENT DENSITIES(GS,ISSN 1000…  相似文献   

the boundary of upper flocxling sandstone,and 50 on,the underworking of the muiri一eoal beds,inelined eoal beds mining area.980422 Chen Yum一ng(Researeh Insriture ofPerroleum ExPiorat一on and Developmenr,Daping Petroleum Administrat一Ve Bureau,Daqing,He一longjlang);Le一Maosheng TheQuantitative InterPretation of the Sandstonein Qijia Region of Songliao Basin of NorthChina(Petroleum Exploration and Develo卜ment,ISSN 1 000一0747,CNll一2360/TE,24(5),1 997,p.5]一53,5 graPhs,4 ref) In…  相似文献   

20011754 He Ping(Chengdu Un一vorsiry ofTeehnology,Chengd:一,SiehL一an);YuanXuewu DeveloPment of the Diamond Bit Ap-PI ieable to Drilling into the XIluodu Forma-tion(Journal of Chengdu Universiry of Teeh-nology,ISSNIOO05一9539,CN51一1460/P,27(4),2000,P.402一407,4 illus.,3 ra-bles,4 ref,with Engl一sh abstraer)20011753 Duan Lor一gehen(College of Engi-neering Teehnology,Jilin University,Changehu,Jilin);Yang Kaihua Researeh onDiamond with Chemieal一Plating NIFeBLater and its B…  相似文献   

20012213 Li Daming(Insrirute of Geology,China Seismologieal Bureau,Beijing);Li QiA NewK一Ar,JOAr一39ArlsoehronMethod:40Ar一40K一3‘Ar/4oK and刁oAr/39Ar一36 Ar/39 Ar七orope Correlation Diagrams(Seismology and Geology,ISSNo253一4967,CN 11一2192/P,23(l),2001,P.79一85,21 llus.,4 rables,8 ref,with English abstraer)20012214 Li Jianghai(Department of Geolo-gy,Peking University,Beijing);Hou Gui-t ing Single一ZirconU一Pb Age of the InitialMesoProterozoie Basie Dike Swarms in Heng…  相似文献   

20010982 Chang An’ding(DePartment ofMathematies and Physies,Xi’an EngineeringUniversity,Xi’an,Shaanxi);L一u YuanhuiThe Analytical Solution of Unstable Well In-fl uent when ToPPing Make一UP and the In-taking Radius Varianle(Journal of Xi’an En-g一neering Un一versiry,ISSN 1007一9955,CN61一]3 14/1一D,22(4),2000,P.65一68,5ref,w一th Engl又sh abstraet)20010983 Du wenrang(Hebei Insrlture ofArehireeturally Seienee and Teehnology,Handan,Hebel)Reliability Analysis of CoalPi一ar r…  相似文献   

962211 FuJ一aean(GeoPhy、一eal FrosPe、·t一ngParry of Hubel Bt::℃au of(i。、ology an〔1 Mz-neral Resourees,Hanyang,Hubez,430125)GEOPllYSICAL PROSPECTING WORKIN STEREOSCOPIC GEOLOGICAL MAP-PING OF TllE SOtJTHEASTERN HUBEIMETALLIC ORE DISTRICT(GGE,ISSN1 000一8918,(、Nll一1906/I),19(6),1995,「).430一438,7 grol)105,It::};l。,w一rh Engl一、hal)5 r rae:)962212 Zhot.IJrju:,n(Jlang}1:,nl,errolounlInsr一rute,J一ngsha,Hube一);(’11。,1 6ongy;,,19MULTI…  相似文献   

20001145 Cao Yuq一ng(Changehun Un一vorsl-:y of Scienee and Teehnology,Change}lun,J ilin);Hu Kuanrong The HydrogeologiealChemieal Kinetie Form of DuPuit,s Formula(Journal of Changehun Universlry of Seleneeand‘feehnology, ISSN 1 008一0058,C闪22一1 265/N,29(1),1999,P.42一47,]11}t】5.,5 ref,with Engli、}1 abstraet)20001147 Ho[一I一e(Faeulty of Enviro了lmentSe一eneo and Georeehni(lue,Chir飞a Universlryof Geosc一。nees,Wuhan,H:一boi);WangX一aneheng The Ground Water Resourees Man-a…  相似文献   

English abstraet)990168 Deng Jun(China University of Geo--scienees,Beijing);Zhai Yusheng on ore一Forming system of防ear Zone Teetonies(Geoseienee,ISSN 1000一8527,CN 11一2035,12(4),1998,P.493一500,1 illus.,44 ref,with English abstraet)990169 Du Guangshu(Chengdu Institute ofGeology&Mineral Resourees,Chengdu,Siehuan)Present Situatfon of Theory of Sed卜撤ntation一Exhalation(Tibet Geology,ISSN 1004一1893,CN 54一1008/P,1997(2),p.99一105,1 illus.,1 table) Study of sedimentation一exhal…  相似文献   

or truneation in the basin.991277 Chen Guojun(Lanzhou Institute ofGeology,Chinese Aeademy of Seienees,Lanzhou,Gansu);Xue Lianhua Sea一LevelChanges and Formation of Cyelie一决quenceof Cambrian一ordovieian in Akesu一BaehuArea,Xinjiang,China(Aeta Sedimentolog-iea Siniea,ISSN 1000一0550,CN62一1046/P,17(2),1999,P.192一197,6 ilius.,6ref) The Cambrian一Ordovieian sequenees arethe most widesPread ones in Tarim Basin.More and more results of exPlorations and ex-ploitations indieate that …  相似文献   

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