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Summary Over the last decade sensitive observations of radio recombination line emission using high angular resolution synthesis telescopes have become available. As a result it has now become possible to image the physical parameters deduced from radio recombination lines across individual sources. In the case of HII regions this work has resulted in detailed images of radial velocities, electron temperatures and the abundance of singly ionized helium (Y+). Direct observational evidence has been found for pressure broadening and non-LTE effects. Dramatic variations have been found in the ratio of He+ to H+, from as low as a few percent (the galactic centre) to as high 34% in one region of W3. Detailed images have been obtained of the partially ionized medium (CII and H regions) close to HII regions. Observations of recombination lines at very low frequencies have revealed the existence of very low density ionized gas in all directions in our galaxy. Higher resolution observations have led to a partial understanding of this medium. The first complete velocity field of the ionized gas in the centre of our galaxy has been obtained. Very recently the first images were made of extragalactic radio recombination lines, offering the possibility to study the kinematics of the ionized gas in the central few hundred parsecs of external galaxies.  相似文献   

Recent observations indicate that the primordial abundance of4He could be smaller than 0.24. It may then be necessary to invoke neutrino degeneracy in the early universe to explain the primordial abundances of helium and deuterium. It is shown here that the necessary degeneracy, though small, gives rise to a large asymmetry between the present number densities of neutrinos and antineutrinos. The effect of degeneracy on the upper limit to the neutrino masses is also considered.  相似文献   

Observations of carbon (C), hydrogen and helium (H, He) radio recombination lines (RRLs) at four positions in the Orion Bar photodissociation region (PDR) and toward the center of Orion A have been performed with the RT-22 radio telescope (Pushchino) at 8 mm. The physical parameters of the PDR at these points have been estimated by comparing the carbon RRLs and infrared CII and OI lines. A hydrogen number density in the range 1.2–3.1 × 105 cm?3 and a mean size of the region along the line of sight (L) in the range 0.006–0.04 pc have been derived. The PDR temperature decreases with increasing distance from the exciting star (θ 1 C Ori) from 210–230 to 140–150 K (a distance of ≈5′). The data obtained confirm the increase in the PDR size along the line of sight toward the Orion Bar, where, however, L has turned out to be less than the available values in the literature, which can be explained by the presence of clumps in the PDR. A density jump is evident in the Orion Bar region. The PDR zone encompasses the core of the HII region by a thin layer and extends farther, delineating the boundary and the ionization front of the core of the HII region in the Orion Bar and further out the boundary between the halo of the HII region and the molecular cloud. The derived emission measure (EM) toward the Orion Bar has been compared with other C RRL observations. The EM measured from carbon RRLs is EM ≈ 100(±50%) pc cm?6, imposing constraints on the possible two-component PDR structure. Estimates show that the star θ 1 C Ori is quite sufficient as a carbon ionization source in the Orion Bar PDR. Some of the data on the ionized hot gas (HII) in this direction have been obtained from H and He RRLs. In particular, the radial velocities (V lsr) of the HII region are blueshifted with respect to V lsr of the PDR by 10–17 km s?1, while the relative ionized helium abundance decreases with increasing distance from the star, indicating that the helium ionization zone is smaller than the ionized hydrogen one.  相似文献   

In order to study the ionized gas with low electron density the H159 and H200 radio recombination lines (v = 1.62 GHz) atl = 30°5 andl = 31°0 in the galactic plane, observed with the NRAO 43 m radiotelescope, are analyzed. The profiles show the LTE/ intensity ratio for the more distant component of the profiles ( LSR = 100 km s–1) (Cersosimo and Onello, 1991).To derive the electron density and temperature of the emitting gas a new interpretation of the radio recombination lines is made. We suppose that the emission originates in a superposition of ionized gas layers with different densities along the line of sight. The number of layers in the model is equal to the numbers of different order transitions observed. By solving an equations set, the contribution of different components can be calculated. The method is used to estimate the electron density and temperature of the gas. Eleven models of two non-LTE components are considered. The photon flux required to ionize the regions are calculated and the results are compared with previous observations obtained in the region at 3 cm (H85, H87, H88 lines) (Lockman, 1989).Our results suggest that the necessary photon flux to ionize the extended envelopes of the regions is at least one order of magnitude larger than that needed for ionizing the core of the regions.Member of the Carrera del Investigador Científico y Tecnológico del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) from Argentina.Also Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia.  相似文献   

It is shown that the combined use of radio observations of the quiet Sun and UV line intensities allows to compute the absolute coronal abundance of the elements. The abundances found by this method agree very well with the most recent determinations. A model of the transition region and corona in hydrostatic equilibrium is also presented. Similarities and differences with models based on UV observations are discussed.  相似文献   

The intensities of carbon radio recombination lines (RRL’s) are definedallowing for the effect of dielectronic-like recombination. The rate ofdielectronic-like recombination is calculated as functions of line number,electron density and temperature accurate to 0.05. Following from the balanceequation solutions for populations, the RRL intensities are analytically foundby the method of successive approximations to an accuracy of 0.15. Theobservations of carbon RRL’s are analyzed toward Cassiopeia A. The averageelectron temperature, density, expanded CII region lengths and inaccuraciesare found with the experimental values of RRL widths and intensities.  相似文献   

Slitless spectra of the chromosphere, observed cinematographically at the total solar eclipse of 10 July 1972, were reduced. The surface brightness distribution of the helium D3 line in the undisturbed chromosphere was obtained in agreement with results by other observers. The available eclipse data on the D3 absolute brightness was analysed by means of theoretical curves of growth. Intensity data by some observers were found to be certainly too high. A trend was found that the D3 absolute brightness in the quiet chromosphere decreases with the increasing solar activity (sunspot number). This perhaps indicates a variation of the spicule number over the solar surface during a sunspot cycle.  相似文献   

Observations of Orion A, M 17, and W 3 made at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory show Stark broadening in the , , and hydrogen recombination lines at 22 cm. Stark effect has such a large effect on the line profiles that fitted Gaussian profiles cannot be used to measure the area of the line. Theoretical line profiles have been derived from modelHii regions. Voigt profiles fitted to the theoretical line profiles indicate that the areas of the lines derived from the fitted profiles may be systematically too small. Using Voigt profiles fitted by least squares to the observations, we found that the line intensities at 22 cm agree with the intensity ratios predicted by LTE theory.  相似文献   

Some problems of the two-photon decay of highly excited atomic hydrogen and helium levels are considered. The necessary accuracy of calculating the transition probabilities is shown to require abandoning the purely dipole approximation in the theory of atomic hydrogen radiation. The range of applicability of the perturbation theory to this process is discussed. We suggest a new mechanism of the Lyman photon redistribution due to very close locations of the 20P and 19P levels in the hydrogen and deuterium atoms, respectively (hydrogen-deuterium resonance).  相似文献   

For models of planetary accumulation in the presence of solar nebular gas, the initial surface temperature of the Earth is controlled by the grain opacity of the atmosphere. The surface temperature in turn controls the quantity of neon dissolved and trapped within the interior of the Earth. To compare accumulation theory with observation calculations have been made of the grain opacity expected to be associated with accumulation in a gaseous nebula. There are two parameters that are in principle determined by the theory, but actually are at present uncertain: the mean eccentricity e of the planetesimal swarm, and the fraction ξ of the accretional energy that is expended in the release of grains into the atmosphere by ablation of the incoming planetesimal. It is found that if the eccentricity of swarm is low (10?3), rather low values of ξ(10?5) are required to match the observed neon data. In contrast higher values of ξ are required (10?1) for the most probable case, intermediate eccentricity (10?2). For the high eccentricity case (e ~ 0.1) ξ must be >10?2. The results show that avoidance of excess trapped neon of solar composition places restrictive, but not necessarily impossible, conditions on the parameters of the accumulation theory.  相似文献   

D. Stannard  R.G. Conway 《Icarus》1976,27(3):447-452
The position angle of linear polarization and the degree of circular polarization of the decimetric emission show no marked variations with time, although there may be an indication in the position angle data of a secular decrease in the inclination of the magnetic field structure. High resolution observations of the radiation belts show that the asymmetry in the emission found in synthesis maps originates from an extended region. The presence of this features accounts well for the observed variation in the position of the centroid of the emission with rotation. The radio observations suggest that any equatorial displacement of the main magnetic field structure from the center of the planet is less than 0.05 RJ.  相似文献   

We present a survey of helium abundance indicators derived from a comprehensive study of globular cluster photometry in the literature. For each of the three indicators used, we conduct a thorough error analysis, and identify systematic errors in the computational procedures. For the population ratio R N HB N RGB, we find that there is no evidence of a trend with metallicity, although there appears to be real scatter in the values derived. Although this indicator is the one best able to provide useful absolute helium abundances, the mean value is Y ≈0.20, indicating the probable presence of additional systematic error.
For the magnitude difference from the horizontal branch to the main sequence Δ and the RR Lyrae mass–luminosity exponent A , it is only possible to determine relative helium abundances reliably. This is due to continuing uncertainties in the absolute metallicity scale for Δ, and uncertainty in the RR Lyrae temperature scale for A . Both indicators imply that the helium abundance is approximately constant as a function of [Fe/H]. According to the A indicator, both Oosterhoff I and II group clusters have constant values independent of [Fe/H] and horizontal branch type. In addition, the two groups have slopes d log〈 P ab 〉/d[Fe/H] that are consistent with each other, but significantly smaller than the slope for the combined sample.  相似文献   

The interplanetary sectors have been correlated to observations of solar coronal active centers and condensations in the metric wavelengths. We have found that (1) a sector boundary is always located to the west of a coronal condensation, and (2) the effect of active centers is to displace systematically the boundary toward the east, thus enlarging the sector. A physical interpretation is discussed.  相似文献   

New, high-resolution 1.66 GHz MERLIN maps of Cep A2 and LkH101 are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

A method is presented to measure the magnetic field vector in prominences by means of the polarimetric observations in the D3 line of He obtained with the High Altitude Observatory Stokes polarimeter. The characteristics of the observed Stokes profiles are discussed. The theory of the Hanle effect is reformulated in the representation of the irreducible tensors of the density matrix, and is generalized to derive the circular polarization profiles across the spectral line in terms of the intensity and direction of the prominence magnetic field. The circular polarization profile so deduced can be employed to obtain useful information which adds to that carried by the linear polarization observations. A non-linear least-squares algorithm is proposed to derive the measurement of the magnetic field from the observations, and a consistency check is suggested to test the adequacy of the theoretical model to describe the physics of the He I atomic excitation in prominences.On leave from: Astrophysical Observatory of Arcetri, Largo E. Fermi, 5, 50125 Firenze, Italy.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

A noise storm center clearly associated to an active center has been followed from January 2 to January 8, 1969. The study of the mean distribution of continuum and of type 1 bursts has shown a global and systematic displacement interpreted in terms of the coronal magnetic structure. This structure is formed by field lines connecting the active center to a stable region of inverse polarity, characterized by the existence of a coronal condensation. These results show the possibility of using this method for the systematic study of coronal magnetic structures, the knowledge of which is vital as far as the problems of particle propagation in the corona and in the interplanetary medium are concerned.  相似文献   

We have observed an H dark filament at 8, 15, and 22 GHz and derived the radio spectrum of the filament. We suggest that the filament has to be optically thick at radio frequencies and that the observed spectrum is due to the presence of a transition sheath surrounding the filament. We examine a model for the transition sheath in which the energy radiated away is balanced by the conduction of heat from the corona, and show that the radio observations indicate that little or no thermal energy is conducted into the main body of the filament. We compare the model with ultraviolet observations of filaments and discuss how the discrepancies can be removed.On leave of absence from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India.  相似文献   

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