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Investigationontherelationbetweenthegravityanomaly,crustaldeformationandundergroundwaterXue-FangWU(吴雪芳),Shi-HuaTIAN(田世华)andGu...  相似文献   

Featuresofisostaticgravityanomalyandseis┐micactivityintheCentralAsianregionSHENG-MINGFANG1)(方盛明)RUIFENG2)(冯锐)CHANG-ZHENGTIAN...  相似文献   

Gravity anomaly reference fields, required e.g. in remove-compute-restore (RCR) geoid computation, are obtained from global geopotential models (GGM) through harmonic synthesis. Usually, the gravity anomalies are computed as point values or area mean values in spherical approximation, or point values in ellipsoidal approximation. The present study proposes a method for computation of area mean gravity anomalies in ellipsoidal approximation (‘ellipsoidal area means’) by applying a simple ellipsoidal correction to area means in spherical approximation. Ellipsoidal area means offer better consistency with GGM quasigeoid heights. The method is numerically validated with ellipsoidal area mean gravity derived from very fine grids of gravity point values in ellipsoidal approximation. Signal strengths of (i) the ellipsoidal effect (i.e., difference ellipsoidal vs. spherical approximation), (ii) the area mean effect (i.e., difference area mean vs. point gravity) and (iii) the ellipsoidal area mean effect (i.e., differences between ellipsoidal area means and point gravity in spherical approximation) are investigated in test areas in New Zealand and the Himalaya mountains. The impact of both the area mean and the ellipsoidal effect on quasigeoid heights is in the order of several centimetres. The proposed new gravity data type not only allows more accurate RCR-based geoid computation, but may also be of some value for the GGM validation using terrestrial gravity anomalies that are available as area mean values.  相似文献   

A regional recovery of the Earth’s gravity field from satellite observables has become particularly important in various geoscience studies in order to better localize stochastic properties of observed data, while allowing the inversion of a large amount of data, collected with a high spatial resolution only over the area of interest. One way of doing this is to use observables, which have a more localized support. As acquired in recent studies related to a regional inversion of the Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) data, the satellite gravity-gradient observables have a more localized support than the gravity observations. Following this principle, we compare here the performance of the second- and third-order derivatives of the gravitational potential in context of a regional gravity modeling, namely estimating the gravity anomalies. A functional relation between these two types of observables and the gravity anomalies is formulated by means of the extended Stokes’ integral formula (or more explicitly its second- and third-order derivatives) while the inverse solution is carried out by applying a least-squares technique and the ill-posed inverse problem is stabilized by applying Tikhonov’s regularization. Our results reveal that the third-order radial derivatives of the gravitational potential are the most suitable among investigated input data types for a regional gravity recovery, because these observables preserve more information on a higher-frequency part of the gravitational spectrum compared to the vertical gravitational gradients. We also demonstrate that the higher-order horizontal derivatives of the gravitational potential do not necessary improve the results. We explain this by the fact that most of the gravity signal is comprised in its radial component, while the horizontal components are considerably less sensitive to spatial variations of the gravity field.  相似文献   


A model based on analytical development and numerical solution is presented for estimating the cumulative distribution function (cdf) of the runoff volume and peak discharge rate of urban floods using the joint probability density function (pdf) of rainfall volume and duration together with information about the catchment's physical characteristics. The joint pdf of rainfall event volume and duration is derived using the theory of copulas. Four families of Archimedean copulas are tested in order to select the most appropriate to reproduce the dependence structure of those variables. Frequency distributions of runoff event volume and peak discharge rate are obtained following the derived probability distribution theory, using the functional relationship given by the rainfall–runoff process. The model is tested in two urban catchments located in the cities of Chillán and Santiago, Chile. The results are compared with the outcomes of continuous simulation in the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) and with those from another analytical model that assumes storm event duration and volume to be statistically independent exponentially distributed variables.

Citation Zegpi, M. & Fernández, B. (2010) Hydrological model for urban catchments – analytical development using copulas and numerical solution. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(7), 1123–1136.  相似文献   

Introduction Richter and Mckenzie (1978) supposed that there is a small-scale convection system in the mantle. For a long time lots of research provides observational data to infer the possibility of a small-scale convection in the upper mantle. For example, Haxby and Weissel (1986) discussed the relationship between SEASAT map and small-scale convection. Baudry and Kroenke (1991), Maia and Diament (1991) found that the geoid and bathymetry exhibit peaks in the 400~650 km range in the Pa…  相似文献   

What is a credible seismic precursor in observation of deformation? A real seismic precursor ought to be resulted from the variations in the earth strain and stress. The deformation observation can provide the information during earthquake gestation and occurrence period for us. Usually the seismic precursors can be divided into field and epicentral region precursors. The precursor information is very useful for seismic prediction from epicentral region or near epicentral region. Micro-deform…  相似文献   

The southeastern Karoo Basin is considered to be one of the most prospective areas for shale gas exploration in South Africa. An interesting magnetic anomaly, the Beattie magnetic anomaly (BMA), and geologic intrusions are seen on the magnetic map. To date, the source of the BMA and interconnectivity of the igneous intrusions are not well understood. In this study, we investigate the interconnectivity of the igneous intrusions and possible location of the source of the BMA using gravity and magnetic methods. The gravity model results showed that igneous intrusions are interconnected at depth, which probably pose threat by increasing the risk of fracking the Karoo for shale gas exploration. The magnetic results revealed that the BMA becomes stronger with depth. The average depths to the top of the shallow and deep magnetic sources were estimated to be approximately 0.6 and 15 km, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper presents an approach to determine the gradient of curvature of the normal plumblines at a point P above the ellipsoid and introduces a new geometrical object which is the isocurvature line. The assumed facts are the coordinates of the point P and the formula for the normal gravity potential U. For the determination of the gradient of the normal plumbline curvature k at the point P we define a small circle on the meridian plane of P whose center is at the point P. The circle has the radius of one meter and interior D. In this circle we construct a curvature replacement function to approximate the curvature function k. This replacement function is a quotient of polynomials hence it is easy to find its partial derivatives at the point P. For the construction of replacement function we make the assumption that in the interior of the circle D the first order partial derivatives of U behave linearly and the second order partial derivatives have constant values which equal their value at the point P. Then we set the gradient of the curvature function to be equal with the gradient of the aforementioned replacement function at P. An isocurvature line of the normal gravity field passing through a point P is a curve such that the value of the function of the plumblines’ curvature k is constant and equals k(P). We give a formula to find the direction of the isocurvature line on the meridian plane and we prove that there are infinitely many isocurvature lines passing through the point P and they all lie on a special surface, the isocurvature surface.  相似文献   

Introduction Since the middle of the century, gravitational isostasy has been a fundamental hypothesis for inverting the gravity data to find the crust thickness. Geophysicists have done a lot of researches on using gravity data to investigate the depth of Moho discontinuity. Since 1980, the International Lithosphere Program emphasized the importance of investigating the Moho depth variation. Thereafter a lot of results have been published in the world (Braitenberg et al, 2000; Kaban et al,…  相似文献   

本文研究重力异常分离的相关法,它由测点坐标的多项式方程构建区域异常,由观测异常减去区域异常计算剩余异常,根据最大化已知测点的目标密度分界面深度与剩余异常的互相关原则来分离重力异常.互相关的最大化目标可写为最小二乘方程,并利用线性或非线性优化算法迭代求解出构建区域异常的多项式系数,进而可计算出全区的区域异常和目标密度分界面的剩余异常,实现重力异常分离.理论重力异常试验结果表明,相关法直接有效地利用了已知测点的目标密度分界面深度信息,分离效果良好、反映实际地质情况.  相似文献   

基于配置法的局部重力场延拓模型构建与应用分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在大地坐标系下利用Forsberg局部扰动位协方差模型(即DPM模型)导出了实用的局部重力异常协方差模型(即GAC模型)和局部扰动重力协方差模型(即GDC模型),两种模型形式完全一致.针对GAC模型,提出了两种模型参数的拟合方法,即按照泊松积分向上延拓获得的不同高度数据进行拟合以及按照测量区域的平面实测数据进行拟合,通过某地区的实测数据检验得出两种参数拟合方法得到的参数值相差不大,这种差别在向上和向下延拓过程中的影响可以忽略.依据本文的算例,GAC模型作为配置法的协方差模型用于延拓时,其向上延拓的精度在1.8×10-5 m·s-2左右,向下延拓的精度在5×10-5 m·s-2左右,完全满足局部重力场在中等山区的延拓要求.通过对不同高度下GAC模型用于延拓效果的对比,可以得出基于GAC模型的延拓精度随着高度的增加而衰减,在满足测量精度要求下其最大向下延拓高度约为7 km.总体而言,本文推导的GAC模型能够很好地利用地形数据,较好地满足了航空重力测量在局部重力场的延拓要求.  相似文献   




基于优选延拓的重力异常分离方法及其应用(英文)   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
本文在Pawlowski优选延拓思想的基础上,提出了在深源长波长信息和浅源短波长信息互不相关、延拓高度足够大的前提下,基于优选向上延拓算子的重力异常分离方法与步骤,通过分析理论模型重力异常分离算子的频率响应随不同延拓高度的变化规律,给出了估计最佳延拓高度的办法.利用本文方法对某铁矿区实际重力异常进行处理,有效地分离出了区域异常和局部异常,异常分离效果好.  相似文献   

本文通过分析陆地实测空间重力异常数据、海洋船载测量空间重力异常数据、卫星测高重力异常,布格重力异常数据、EGM2008地球重力模型数据等多种来源数据的性质和精度,并对相关数据进行对比,研究了编制1:500万中国海陆空间重力异常图的数据使用方案和技术方法.在地形较为平坦、实测数据分布均匀的陆区,使用实测数据,在地形复杂,实测数据稀少以及没有实测数据的陆区或岛屿,利用布格重力异常反推空间异常的方法合成平均空间重力数据,西藏地区的数据对比实验证明合成平均空间重力异常数据是一种有效的数据补充.利用三观测列方差分解法在南海地区对船载测量空间重力数据和美国SS系列及丹麦DNSC08GRA卫星重力数据进行了方差分解计算,结果表明不同来源的卫星测高重力数据具有很大的一致性,数据精度较以往有了很大的提高.海区空间重力数据使用原则是在船载重力测量数据校准下,全面使用卫星测高重力数据进行编图.海陆过渡区的异常处理应以EGM2008地球重力模型重力场为基准参考场,实现海陆异常平缓过渡,无缝连接.对中国海陆空间重力异常场进行了小波变换处理,对空间重力异常场进行了解读,勾画出三横四竖的一级重力梯级带及其所围限的8个一级重力异常区,并划分了二级重力异常区和梯级带,为块体构造学体系中大地构造格架的建立提供了地球物理证据.  相似文献   

在云南省西部,跨越中、缅两国交界的横断山系地区(97°E~102°E,24°N~30°N)有近一半的面积尚没有重力测点、即重力数据空白区和重力测点稀少的普查级测区.以前的有关文献、图集中所给出对此地区的重力场都是十分模糊的结果与图件.因此应用这些资料无法详细地研究该地区重力场特征与深部地壳结构(构造).本文应用卫星重力异常资料作为“近似空间重力异常”,经中间层改正后给出的“计算布格重力异常”,其分布特征与该地区的地形高程呈很好的镜像相关.对相应山脉、河谷以及断裂构造都有所反映.特别是在横断山系地区该布格重力异常呈现为近南北的走向.为此,据该“计算布格重力异常”,并选定对该区有代表性的一条重力异常剖面作正反演计算,以得到其地壳深部结构剖面.结果表明,在横断山脉地区的地壳厚度在51~56 km间起伏变化;滇西北云岭山系以及玉龙山区的地壳厚度约在60 km以上. 最后,对所得结果与图件进行了讨论,并提出了几点认识和纠正的建议.  相似文献   

月球重力异常的小波多尺度分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文将小波多尺度分析引入月球重力场的研究,选取测量数据质量较好的月球近区作为实验区域,以“Clementine”探测器获得的自由空气重力异常作为原始数据对主要月海盆地进行了局部的重力异常分解,解释了月球内部基本分层结构,并利用主要月海盆地的实验结果分析了月海下部质量异常以及莫霍面的起伏形态,与已有研究成果进行比较证明了方法的适用性及结果的合理性.  相似文献   

本文基于格林公式,给出了均匀二度体重力异常线积分表达式的严格数学推导过程,其结果与前人推导出的结果完全相同,但我们的方法在数学上更简单,也更严谨.在此基础之上,我们详细讨论了多边形截面二度体重力异常计算公式中所包含的数值不稳定性,并作了适当的修正.新的计算方法在数值上是稳定的,且适用于包括场源内部以及边界上的任意空间位置.为了对新算法进行验证,我们以一个均匀无限长水平圆柱体及其内接正多边形截面棱柱体为模型,分别利用解析公式和本文所提供的算法计算了二者在不同深度的两条水平观测线上所产生的重力异常,其中一条观测线穿过了模型的内部.通过两种途径计算得到的重力异常在两条测线上都是吻合的,这表明新算法是正确的.  相似文献   

Curvelet阈值迭代法地震随机噪声压制(英文)   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文将近些年发展起来的多尺度分析技术——Curvelet变换与求解优化反演问题的阈值迭代法相结合,研究了基于Curvelet变换的阈值迭代法在地震数据随机噪声衰减中的应用。充分利用了Curvelet变换对地震数据表示的稀疏性,提出将地震数据随机噪声压制问题转化为基于Curvelet稀疏变换的L1范数最优化问题,并采用前人提出的阈值迭代法求解。通过与常规的中值滤波、FX反褶积和小波阈值法去噪方法对比,理论合成数据和实际数据试算表明,Curvelet阈值迭代法去噪法具有优势,该法不仅能够获得较高的信噪比,而且对有效信号的损失较小。为充分利甩Curvelet的多尺度、多方向特性,提出了在Curvelet阈值迭代法去噪结果的基础上再进行方向控制,进一步提高了数据信噪比。  相似文献   

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