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 In Taiwan, rapid economic growth, rising standards of living, and an altered societal structure have in recent years put severe demands on water supplies. Because of its stable quantity and quality, groundwater has long been a reliable source of water for domestic, agricultural, and industrial users, but the establishment of a management program that integrates groundwater and surface-water use has been hampered by the lack of groundwater data. In 1992, the Department of Water Resources (DWR) initiated a program entitled "Groundwater Monitoring Network Plan in Taiwan." Under this program, basic groundwater data, including water-level and water-quality data, are being collected, and a reliable database is being established for the purpose of managing total water resources. This paper introduces the goals, implementation stages, and scope of that plan. The plan calls for constructing 517 hydrogeologic survey stations and 990 groundwater monitoring wells within 17 years. Under this program, water-level fluctuations are continuously monitored, whereas water-quality samples are taken for analysis only at the initial drilling stage and, subsequently, at the time when a monitoring well is being serviced. In 1996, the DWR and the Water Resources Planning Commission were merged to form today's Water Resources Bureau. Received, July 1997 · Revised, February 1998 · Accepted, January 1998  相似文献   

地下水动态监测网的部署和调整探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文根据我国地下水动态监测网的任务、目的和服务对象,将地下水动态监测网分为两类二级。并在此基础上,重点讨论了国家级地下水动态监测网的观测内容、频率、部署原则和部署调整的工作流程。  相似文献   

本文在关中盆地现有监测网的基础上,基于GIS技术,采用建设监测剖面与编制地下水动态类型图相结合的方法,对关中盆地地下水动态监测网进行了优化调整,形成4横5纵共9条监测剖面、239个监测点的地下水动态监测网,其中潜水监测井120个,承压水监测井119个;利用原有监测井165个,新增监测井74个。新建监测网能够较全面地控制关中盆地区域地下水动态变化,在2011年"严重缺水地区地下水监测项目"中,以动态监测数据为依据,确定了主要干旱区位置,为政府应急抗旱找水打井提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

The paper illustrates the concept, methodology, essential components and importance of groundwater level monitoring in terms of various aquifers such as multiple aquifer, karst aquifer and other aquifers. The groundwater resources in Mekong countries including Cambodia, Laos PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam have also been reviewed. Finally, the author briefly presents Global Groundwater Monitoring Network  相似文献   

采用模拟-优化方法建立了一个用于地下水污染监测网设计的多目标优化模型,该模型包括最小化监测费用、污染物质量评估误差、污染羽一阶矩评估误差和二阶矩评估误差等4个目标函数,以充分揭示减少地下水污染监测费用与提高污染监测精度之间的权衡关系.将改进小生境Pareto遗传算法与地下水流模拟程序和污染物运移模拟程序相耦合用于求解地下水污染监测网多目标设计模型.算例研究表明,采用进化算法求解监测网的多目标模型,能真实地反映各个目标函数间的权衡关系,并且不用考虑传统方法中惩罚因子的影响.与单目标优化模型相比,多目标优化模型可在较短的时间内得到优化问题的一系列Pareto权衡解,以利于相应条件下决策者选择最为经济有效的地下水污染监测方案.  相似文献   

The optimal selection of monitoring wells is a major task in designing an information-effective groundwater quality monitoring network which can provide sufficient and not redundant information of monitoring variables for delineating spatial distribution or variations of monitoring variables. This study develops a design approach for an optimal multivariate geostatistical groundwater quality network by proposing a network system to identify groundwater quality spatial variations by using factorial kriging with genetic algorithm. The proposed approach is applied in designing a groundwater quality monitoring network for nine variables (EC, TDS, Cl, Na, Ca, Mg, SO 4 2− , Mn and Fe) in the Pingtung Plain in Taiwan. The spatial structure results show that the variograms and cross-variograms of the nine variables can be modeled in two spatial structures: a Gaussian model with ranges 28.5 km and a spherical model with 40 km for short and long spatial scale variations, respectively. Moreover, the nine variables can be grouped into two major components for both short and long scales. The proposed optimal monitoring design model successfully obtains different optimal network systems for delineating spatial variations of the nine groundwater quality variables by using 20, 25 and 30 monitoring wells in both short scale (28.5 km) and long scale (40 km). Finally, the study confirms that the proposed model can design an optimal groundwater monitoring network that not only considers multiple groundwater quality variables but also monitors variations of monitoring variables at various spatial scales in the study area.  相似文献   

本文主要针对目前地下水观测网存在的层次不清问题,提出了基于信息熵理论新的分类方法.文章列举了观测网层次问题的表现,原因和可能造成的后果,提出地下水观测网的层次性应该对应地下水流动系统的层次性.认为地下水观测网就是一种信号通讯网,水位信号具有可传递性、差异性以及衰减性等特征,可以运用信息熵理论中的互信息概念,定量刻画观测孔之间的信息联系,并以这种信息联系程度作为观测孔层次分类的主要依据.作者以河北平原地下水观测网为实例,研究了区域尺度和局部尺度观测网的分类,结果表明信息熵方法可以很好地解决此类问题.  相似文献   

Mingyu WANG 《地学前缘》2005,12(Z1):22-28
试图阐述如何对一个国家或地区在可持续发展国策下优化资金及人力配置,采取必要的防护和修复地下水污染的可行措施,从而最大限度减少由地下水污染对人类及生态可能产生的危害。提出了一个管理地下水污染防护与修复的综合决策系统框架。该系统框架的构筑是基于资金及人力的有限性、系统优化原理、地下水污染对人类及生态可能产生的危害,地下水防护与修复的难度或费用高低、地下水保护的效益与价值,以及同时考虑满足可持续发展要求。其中,由不同地下水污染防护与修复措施产生的地下水污染危害减少量构成了优化分析的目标函数。有限资金的最佳配置是通过使目标函数的最大化,并满足所有的管理、资源等限制条件加以确定的。还就执行该决策系统框架中所需完成的主要任务及步骤给予简述,并就几个相关的前沿性问题加以探讨。  相似文献   

北京平原地下水水位监测网优化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
文章在北京市地下水水位监测现状基础上,分潜水和承压水对北京平原地下水监测网的监测密度和监测频率进行了优化设计。主要采用编制地下水动态类型图的方法进行了地下水水位监测网的优化,克里金插值法能定量评价依据监测网观测值绘制的地下水水位等高线的精度,因而可以用来评价监测优化结果。并根据时间序列分析和统计检验提供的定量标准优化了地下水水位监测频率。优化后,北京平原共有监测孔400眼,其中利用原有监测孔300眼,新设计监测孔100眼,手工监测频率由原来的每月6次优化为每月1次,专项高频率监测可以由地下水自动监测仪实现。文中还对地下水自动监测仪(DIVER)的监测结果和手工监测结果进行了对比评价,提出了地下水水位监测网的维护、管理措施和信息发布方式。  相似文献   

Since incorrect site selection has sometimes led to the failure of artificial recharge projects,it is necessary to increase the effectiveness of such projects and minimize their failure by employing new techniques.Therefore,the present research used a combination of decision-making models,numerical groundwater modeling and clustering technique to determine suitable sites for implementation of an artificial recharge project.This hybrid approach was employed for the Yasouj aquifer located in southwestern Iran.In the first stage,by employing an AHP decision-making model,hydraulic conductivity,specific yield,slope,land use,depth to groundwater,and aquifer thickness were selected from 21 criteria used in previous research.The selected criteria were then entered as input into the classical k-means clustering model.Using the output,aquifer was divided into seven different regions or clusters.These clusters were then matched with the land use map,and some of the abandoned land areas were selected as the final option for implementing the artificial recharge project.Finally,the MODFLOW code in the GMS software was used to simulate the groundwater level and cluster the sites selected,with regards to increase in groundwater level.Results indicated that the most significant increases in groundwater level(43 and 27 cm) were those of Clusters 2 and 6 in the northern and western parts of the aquifer,respectively.Therefore,this approach can be used in other similar aquifers in arid and semi-arid regions to select the best sites for artificial recharge and to prevent loss of floodwaters.  相似文献   

BP神经网络方法在地下水动态监测网质量评价中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文运用BP神经网络方法构建了地下水动态监测网的质量评价模型,并以甘肃省武威盆地的地下水位监测网为例进行了实例研究。研究表明,在武威和清源附近地下水监测点密度大于0.09/km^2的三个区域,需要进一步调整地下水监测点结构。武威以东、双城以南的地下水位漏斗区和武威以西的山前地带,需要增加地下水监测点。其它地下水监测点密度小于0.03/km^2的地区,则需要根据实际情况而决定。  相似文献   

In the Daqing region of China there are 34 groundwater well fields with a groundwater withdrawal of 81.9×104 m3/d. Due to over-abstraction of the groundwater resources from the 1960s to present, a cone of depression up to 4,000 km2 has formed in the area. To monitor the change in the groundwater environment, it is necessary to design an effective groundwater-monitoring network. The sites for monitoring groundwater level were selected by applying the finite-element method coupled with Kalman filtering to the area in which the groundwater resources have been extensively exploited. The criterion is a threshold value of the standard deviation of estimation error. This threshold value is determined by the tradeoff between maximum information and minimum cost, in which the maximum information is characterized by the standard deviation and the minimum cost is equivalent to the number of observation wells. The groundwater flow model was calibrated by an optimal algorithm coupled the finite-element method with Kalman filtering by using the data from 16 observation wells from 1986 to 1993. A simulation algorithm coupled with the finite-element method with Kalman filtering analyzed the location data obtained from the existing 38 observation wells in the same region. The spatial distribution of standard deviation of estimation error is computed and the locations that have the maximum standard deviation are selected as additional sites for augmenting the existing observational well network at a given threshold value of the standard deviation surface. Based on the proposed method for selecting a groundwater level monitoring network, an optimal monitoring network with 88 observation wells with the measurement frequency of 12 times per year is selected in the Daqing region of China.  相似文献   

大庆油田西部地区地下水动态监测网优化设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
大庆油田地下水动态监测网(用水文地质定性方法建立)历经30多年的开采,需要进行定量优化设计。本次研究采用卡尔曼滤波技术与地下水流系统确定-随机性数值模型相耦合的方法,首先对现有监测网进行质量评价,计算结果表明:监测网在漏斗区(地下水集中开采区)应增加监测孔的数目,调整监测孔的位置。为此,我们拟订了6套12个备选方案,从中选取了由88个监测孔组成的监测网,此监测网无论从监测目标上还是经费上都是最优的。  相似文献   

Source-water protection strategies are ideally focused where the greatest amount of harm reduction can occur. This process of risk management requires an assessment of the spatial variability of risk to water. The assessment methodology presented herein combines aquifer susceptibility with a hazard threat inventory and an analysis of the consequence of contamination to assess the risk to water quality. Aquifer susceptibility combines the intrinsic susceptibility of the physical system with anthropogenic features that locally increase susceptibility. Hazard threats are assessed based on the properties of the chemicals (toxicity and environmental fate), the potential magnitude (extent and quantity of release) and the likelihood of release. The consequence is herein considered as the financial costs of the loss of the resource, including the replacement of a water source and the economic loss where water intensive businesses are lost. A second scenario is included that analyses health issues related to pathogen sources as well as the financial impact to the community where people fall ill and present a financial burden to the public health care system. The risk assessment methodology is applied to the Township of Langley, in southwestern British Columbia, Canada. The results outline the most vulnerable areas as those where susceptible aquifers coexist with potential chemical and biological threats. The risk is greatest where these vulnerable areas coincide with those with the greatest potential for financial loss: within the capture zones of major municipal production wells and where private wells serve agricultural operations with high annual farm sales.  相似文献   

Developing an accurate conceptual model is the most important step in the process of a groundwater numerical modeling. Disorganized and limited available data and information, especially in the developing countries, make the preparation of the conceptual model difficult and sometimes cumbersome. In this research, an integrative and comprehensive method is proposed to develop groundwater conceptual model for an unconfined aquifer. The proposed method consists of six steps. A preliminary step (step 0) is aimed at collecting all the available data and information. The output of the first step as “controlling observations” is conceptual model version 00. This step should be rigorously checked due to its critical role in the controlling of final conceptual model. Step 2 determines the aquifer geometry. The output of this step is conceptual model version 01. Step 3 is responsible to determine hydrodynamic properties and its output develops conceptual model version 02. Step 4 evaluates the surface and subsurface interactions and lateral in/out groundwater flows. The output of this step is conceptual model version 03. Step 5 is to integrate the results from other steps and to deliver the final conceptual model version. The accuracy level of the conceptual model and the annual groundwater balance is also determined at this step. The presented groundwater conceptual model procedure was implemented for the Neishaboor plain, Iran. Results showed its usefulness and practicality in developing the conceptual model for the study area.  相似文献   

Isotope techniques for monitoring groundwater salinization   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Hydrogeology Journal - Groundwater monitoring wells or boreholes often show complex flow behaviors that are essential to understand for the characterization of aquifer systems. In karst or...  相似文献   

北京平原区地下水水质监测网优化设计   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
文章分析了北京地下水水质监测和水质变化的历史和现状。应用DRASTIC评价方法对平原区进行了易污性评价并获得易污性分区图。叠加地下水易污性分区图、地下水价值分区图和地下水源保护区图生成地下水保护紧迫性分区图。编制了地下水污染源分布图。合并地下水保护紧迫性分区图和地下水污染源分布图获得地下水污染风险分区图。以地下水污染分区图指导地下水水质监测网的设计,调整地下水水质监测孔的密度。优化后的北京平原共有监测孔538眼(组),其中分层监测井136眼(组),新设计监测孔343眼。结合地区地下水水质年内变化规律调整监测频率。建议浅层极易污染区每年丰枯期各取1次样,其它地区每年枯水期取1次样。承压水每2年在枯水期取1次样。  相似文献   

. A groundwater tracing study was conducted on the Mitchell Plain of southern Indiana to aid in the design of a karst groundwater monitoring program for a proposed landfill facility. Fluorescein and rhodamine WT dyes were introduced into sinkholes at the project site. On-site fluorometric analyses and concentration-dependent sampling were utilized at springs and a local stream for data resolution while minimizing delays between tracing events. As a result of this investigation, springs including a submerged spring that drain groundwater from the site have been identified and two groundwater monitoring stations have been established. The submerged spring was discovered in the streambed at intersections between prominent joints and solution-enlarged bedding-plane partings. It could not have been identified readily during a typical karst hydrogeologic inventory, nor would it have been detected by analyzing charcoal dye receptors with a spectrofluorophotometer.  相似文献   

针对地下水监测工程施工中面临的承压-自流监测井密封、监测、取样、洗井等紧迫难题,研发了承压-自流监测井密封技术。该技术是在监测井管口安装一个具有多个功能组件的密封不锈钢盖板来实现自流监测井长期监测的各项需求。本文介绍了承压-自流监测井密封技术原理、系统组成和安装流程及方法。通过山西忻州市地下水监测井现场示范及其他地区50余口井的工程应用,证实该技术可有效解决自流监测井井口密封、水样采集、洗井清淤和维护探头等一系列问题,具有密封效果好、不污染水质、操作便捷和成本低等优点,可实现不同特征自流监测井地下水数据长期自动采集与传输,并可为类似井的封孔工作提供解决思路。  相似文献   

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