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M. Kuhn 《Journal of Geodesy》2003,77(1-2):50-65
 Geoid determination by Stokes's formula requires a complete knowledge of the topographical mass density distribution in order to perform gravity reductions to the geoid boundary. However, deeper masses are also of interest, in order to produce a smooth field of gravity anomalies which will improve results from interpolation procedures. Until now, in most cases a constant mass density has been considered, which is a very rough approximation of reality. The influence on the geoid height coming from different mass density hypotheses given by the isostatic models of Pratt/Hayford, Airy/Heiskanen and Vening Meinesz is studied. Apart from a constant mass density value, additional density information deduced from geological maps and thick sedimentary layers is considered. An overview of how mass density distributions act within Stokes's theory is given. The isostatic models are considered in spherical and planar approximation, as well as with constant and lateral variable mass density of the topographical and deeper masses. Numerical results in a test area in south-west Germany show that the differences in the geoid height due to different density hypotheses can reach a magnitude of more than 1 decimetre, which is not negligible in a precise geoid determination with centimetre accuracy. Received: 7 January 2002 / Accepted: 20 September 2002 M. Kuhn now at: Western Australian Centre for Geodesy, Curtin University of Technology, GPO Box U1987, Perth, WA 6845, Australia Acknowledgements. The author would gratefully thank Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Heck, who was the supervisor of my PhD thesis, and the second examiner Prof. Dr.-Ing. K.H. Ilk, as well as all other colleagues for their support of this work. Particular thanks go to the Landesvermessungsamt Baden–Württemberg (Survey Department of Baden–Württemberg), Bureau Gravimetrique International (BGI, France) for providing the gravity data and the Geologisches Landesamt Baden–Württemberg (Geological Department of Baden–Württemberg) for providing data and maps of the sediment layers within the Rhine Valley. Grateful thanks goes to Prof. W.E. Featherstone and the reviewers Prof. S.D. Pagiatakis, Dr. U. Marti as well as an unknown reviewer for their helpful comments on this paper.  相似文献   

 Considering a GPS satellite and two terrestrial stations, two types of equations are derived relating the heights of the two stations to the measured data (frequency ratio or clock rate differences) and the coordinates and velocity components of all three participating objects. The potential possibilities of using such relations for the determination of heights (in terms of geopotential numbers or orthometric heights) are discussed. Received: 6 December 2000 / Accepted: 9 July 2001  相似文献   

 When Stokes's integral is used over a spherical cap to compute a gravimetric estimate of the geoid, a truncation error results due to the neglect of gravity data over the remainder of the Earth. Associated with the truncation error is an error kernel defined over these two complementary regions. An important observation is that the rate of decay of the coefficients of the series expansion for the truncation error in terms of Legendre polynomials is determined by the smoothness properties of the error kernel. Previously published deterministic modifications of Stokes's integration kernel involve either a discontinuity in the error kernel or its first derivative at the spherical cap radius. These kernels are generalised and extended by constructing error kernels whose derivatives at the spherical cap radius are continuous up to an arbitrary order. This construction is achieved by smoothly continuing the error kernel function into the spherical cap using a suitable degree polynomial. Accordingly, an improved rate of convergence of the spectral series representation of the truncation error is obtained. Received: 21 April 1998 / Accepted: 4 October 1999  相似文献   

 The use of GPS for height control in an area with existing levelling data requires the determination of a local geoid and the bias between the local levelling datum and the one implicitly defined when computing the local geoid. If only scarse gravity data are available, the heights of new data may be collected rapidly by determining the ellipsoidal height by GPS and not using orthometric heights. Hence the geoid determination has to be based on gravity disturbances contingently combined with gravity anomalies. Furthermore, existing GPS/levelling data may also be used in the geoid determination if a suitable general gravity field modelling method (such as least-squares collocation, LSC) is applied. A comparison has been made in the Aswan Dam area between geoids determined using fast Fourier transform (FFT) with gravity disturbances exclusively and LSC using only the gravity disturbances and the disturbances combined with GPS/levelling data. The EGM96 spherical harmonic model was in all cases used in a remove–restore mode. A total of 198 gravity disturbances spaced approximately 3 km apart were used, as well as 35 GPS/levelling points in the vicinity and on the Aswan Dam. No data on the Nasser Lake were available. This gave difficulties when using FFT, which requires the use of gridded data. When using exclusively the gravity disturbances, the agreement between the GPS/levelling data were 0.71 ± 0.17 m for FFT and 0.63 ± 0.15 for LSC. When combining gravity disturbances and GPS/levelling, the LSC error estimate was ±0.10 m. In the latter case two bias parameters had to be introduced to account for a possible levelling datum difference between the levelling on the dam and that on the adjacent roads. Received: 14 August 2000 / Accepted: 28 February 2001  相似文献   

 The topographic and atmospheric effects of gravimetric geoid determination by the modified Stokes formula, which combines terrestrial gravity and a global geopotential model, are presented. Special emphasis is given to the zero- and first-degree effects. The normal potential is defined in the traditional way, such that the disturbing potential in the exterior of the masses contains no zero- and first-degree harmonics. In contrast, it is shown that, as a result of the topographic masses, the gravimetric geoid includes such harmonics of the order of several centimetres. In addition, the atmosphere contributes with a zero-degree harmonic of magnitude within 1 cm. Received: 5 November 1999 / Accepted: 22 January 2001  相似文献   

Geoid, topography, and the Bouguer plate or shell   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
 Topography plays an important role in solving many geodetic and geophysical problems. In the evaluation of a topographical effect, a planar model, a spherical model or an even more sophisticated model can be used. In most applications, the planar model is considered appropriate: recall the evaluation of gravity reductions of the free-air, Poincaré–Prey or Bouguer kind. For some applications, such as the evaluation of topographical effects in gravimetric geoid computations, it is preferable or even necessary to use at least the spherical model of topography. In modelling the topographical effect, the bulk of the effect comes from the Bouguer plate, in the case of the planar model, or from the Bouguer shell, in the case of the spherical model. The difference between the effects of the Bouguer plate and the Bouguer shell is studied, while the effect of the rest of topography, the terrain, is discussed elsewhere. It is argued that the classical Bouguer plate gravity reduction should be considered as a mathematical construction with unclear physical meaning. It is shown that if the reduction is understood to be reducing observed gravity onto the geoid through the Bouguer plate/shell then both models give practically identical answers, as associated with Poincaré's and Prey's work. It is shown why only the spherical model should be used in the evaluation of topographical effects in the Stokes–Helmert solution of Stokes' boundary-value problem. The reason for this is that the Bouguer plate model does not allow for a physically acceptable condensation scheme for the topography. Received: 24 December 1999 / Accepted: 11 December 2000  相似文献   

 A prerequisite for the success of future gravity missions like the European Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) is a precise orbit determination (POD). A detailed simulation study has been carried out to assess the achievable orbit accuracy based on satellite-to-satellite tracking (SST) by the US global positioning system (GPS) and in conjunction the implications for gravity field determination. An orbit accuracy at the few centimeter level seems possible, sufficient to support the GOCE gravity mission and in particular its gravity gradiometer. Received: 21 January 2000 / Accepted: 4 July 2000  相似文献   

 The downward continuation of the harmonic disturbing gravity potential, derived at flight level from discrete observations of airborne gravity by the spherical Hotine integral, to the geoid is discussed. The initial-boundary-value approach, based on both the direct and inverse solution to Dirichlet's problem of potential theory, is used. Evaluation of the discretized Fredholm integral equation of the first kind and its inverse is numerically tested using synthetic airborne gravity data. Characteristics of the synthetic gravity data correspond to typical airborne data used for geoid determination today and in the foreseeable future: discrete gravity observations at a mean flight height of 2 to 6 km above mean sea level with minimum spatial resolution of 2.5 arcmin and a noise level of 1.5 mGal. Numerical results for both approaches are presented and discussed. The direct approach can successfully be used for the downward continuation of airborne potential without any numerical instabilities associated with the inverse approach. In addition to these two-step approaches, a one-step procedure is also discussed. This procedure is based on a direct relationship between gravity disturbances at flight level and the disturbing gravity potential at sea level. This procedure provided the best results in terms of accuracy, stability and numerical efficiency. As a general result, numerically stable downward continuation of airborne gravity data can be seen as another advantage of airborne gravimetry in the field of geoid determination. Received: 6 June 2001 / Accepted: 3 January 2002  相似文献   

Sun  W. 《Journal of Geodesy》2002,76(8):399-406
Journal of Geodesy - ?The application of Stokes' formula to create geoid undulations requires no masses outside the geoid. However, due to the existence of the topography, terrain...  相似文献   

Efficient gravity field recovery from GOCE gravity gradient observations   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
 An efficient algorithm is proposed for gravity field recovery from Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) satellite gravity gradient observations. The mathematical model is formulated in the time domain, which allows the inclusion of realistic observational noise models. The algorithm combines the iterative solution of the normal equations, using a Richardson-type iteration scheme, with the fast computation of the right-hand side of the normal equations in each iteration step by a suitable approximation of the design matrix. The convergence of the iteration is investigated, error estimates are provided, and the unbiasedness of the method is proved. It is also shown that the method does not converge to the solution of the normal equations. The performance of the approach for white noise and coloured noise is demonstrated along a simulated GOCE orbit up to spherical harmonic degree and order 180. The results also indicate that the approximation error may be neglected. Received: 30 November 1999 / Accepted: 31 May 2000  相似文献   

P. Moore 《Journal of Geodesy》2001,75(5-6):241-254
 Dual satellite crossovers (DXO) between the two European Remote Sensing satellites ERS-1 and ERS-2 and TOPEX/Poseidon are used to (1) refine the Earth's gravity field and (2) extend the study of the ERS-2 altimetric range stability to cover the first four years of its operation. The enhanced gravity field model, AGM-98, is validated by several methodologies and will be shown to provide, in particular, low geographically correlated orbital error for ERS-2. For the ERS-2 altimetric range study, TOPEX/Poseidon is first calibrated through comparison against in situ tide gauge data. A time series of the ERS-2 altimeter bias has been recovered along with other geophysical correction terms using tables for bias jumps in the range measurements at the single point target response (SPTR) events. On utilising the original version of the SPTR tables the overall bias drift is seen to be 2.6±1.0 mm/yr with an RMS of fit of 12.2 mm but with discontinuities at the centimetre level at the SPTR events. On utilising the recently released revised tables, SPTR2000, the drift is better defined at 2.4±0.6 mm/yr with the RMS of fit reduced to 3.7 mm. Investigations identify the sea-state bias as a source of error with corrections affecting the overall drift by close to 1.2 mm/yr. Received: 25 May 2000 / Accepted: 24 January 2001  相似文献   

Y. Yuan  J. Ou 《Journal of Geodesy》2001,75(7-8):438-447
 Ionospheric variation may be considered as a stationary time series under quiet conditions. However, the disturbance of a stationary random process from stationarity results in the bias of corresponding samples from the stationary observations, and in the change of statistical model parameters of the process. From a general mathematical aspect, a new method is presented for monitoring ionospheric variations, based on the characteristic of time-series observation of GPS, and an investigation of the statistical properties of the estimated auto-covariance of the random ionospheric delay when changing the number of samples in the time series is carried out. A preliminary scheme for monitoring ionospheric delays is proposed. Received: 18 August 2000 / Accepted: 12 April 2001  相似文献   

 It is suggested that a spherical harmonic representation of the geoidal heights using global Earth gravity models (EGM) might be accurate enough for many applications, although we know that some short-wavelength signals are missing in a potential coefficient model. A `direct' method of geoidal height determination from a global Earth gravity model coefficient alone and an `indirect' approach of geoidal height determination through height anomaly computed from a global gravity model are investigated. In both methods, suitable correction terms are applied. The results of computations in two test areas show that the direct and indirect approaches of geoid height determination yield good agreement with the classical gravimetric geoidal heights which are determined from Stokes' formula. Surprisingly, the results of the indirect method of geoidal height determination yield better agreement with the global positioning system (GPS)-levelling derived geoid heights, which are used to demonstrate such improvements, than the results of gravimetric geoid heights at to the same GPS stations. It has been demonstrated that the application of correction terms in both methods improves the agreement of geoidal heights at GPS-levelling stations. It is also found that the correction terms in the direct method of geoidal height determination are mostly similar to the correction terms used for the indirect determination of geoidal heights from height anomalies. Received: 26 July 2001 / Accepted: 21 February 2002  相似文献   

 The AUSGeoid98 gravimetric geoid model of Australia has been computed using data from the EGM96 global geopotential model, the 1996 release of the Australian gravity database, a nationwide digital elevation model, and satellite altimeter-derived marine gravity anomalies. The geoid heights are on a 2 by 2 arc-minute grid with respect to the GRS80 ellipsoid, and residual geoid heights were computed using the 1-D fast Fourier transform technique. This has been adapted to include a deterministically modified kernel over a spherical cap of limited spatial extent in the generalised Stokes scheme. Comparisons of AUSGeoid98 with GPS and Australian Height Datum (AHD) heights across the continent give an RMS agreement of ±0.364 m, although this apparently large value is attributed partly to distortions in the AHD. Received: 10 March 2000 / Accepted: 21 February 2001  相似文献   

 A methodology for precise determination of the fundamental geodetic parameter w 0, the potential value of the Gauss–Listing geoid, as well as its time derivative 0, is presented. The method is based on: (1) ellipsoidal harmonic expansion of the external gravitational field of the Earth to degree/order 360/360 (130 321 coefficients; http://www.uni-stuttgard.de/gi/research/ index.html projects) with respect to the International Reference Ellipsoid WGD2000, at the GPS positioned stations; and (2) ellipsoidal free-air gravity reduction of degree/order 360/360, based on orthometric heights of the GPS-positioned stations. The method has been numerically tested for the data of three GPS campaigns of the Baltic Sea Level project (epochs 1990.8,1993.4 and 1997.4). New w 0 and 0 values (w 0=62 636 855.75 ± 0.21 m2/s2, 0=−0.0099±0.00079 m2/s2 per year, w 0/&γmacr;=6 379 781.502 m,0/&γmacr;=1.0 mm/year, and &γmacr;= −9.81802523 m2/s2) for the test region (Baltic Sea) were obtained. As by-products of the main study, the following were also determined: (1) the high-resolution sea surface topography map for the Baltic Sea; (2) the most accurate regional geoid amongst four different regional Gauss–Listing geoids currently proposed for the Baltic Sea; and (3) the difference between the national height datums of countries around the Baltic Sea. Received: 14 August 2000 / Accepted: 19 June 2001  相似文献   

 The first results of the International GLONASS Experiment 1998 (IGEX-98) campaign have provided significant material to illustrate the mutual benefits of the GLONASS system and the realization of the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS). A specific aspect, namely the relationship between the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84) and the PZ-90 system using ITRS as a primary standard, is investigated. A review of current works is carried out. A transformation strategy is proposed for the three systems based on recent results from IGEX-98 and an independent set of transformation parameters derived by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory from ITRF97 and PZ-90 coordinates for 16 global stations. Received: 9 June 2000 / Accepted: 12 June 2001  相似文献   

 The Cartesian moments of the mass density of a gravitating body and the spherical harmonic coefficients of its gravitational field are related in a peculiar way. In particular, the products of inertia can be expressed by the spherical harmonic coefficients of the gravitational potential as was derived by MacCullagh for a rigid body. Here the MacCullagh formulae are extended to a deformable body which is restricted to radial symmetry in order to apply the Love–Shida hypothesis. The mass conservation law allows a representation of the incremental mass density by the respective excitation function. A representation of an arbitrary Cartesian monome is always possible by sums of solid spherical harmonics multiplied by powers of the radius. Introducing these representations into the definition of the Cartesian moments, an extension of the MacCullagh formulae is obtained. In particular, for excitation functions with a vanishing harmonic coefficient of degree zero, the (diagonal) incremental moments of inertia also can be represented by the excitation coefficients. Four types of excitation functions are considered, namely: (1) tidal excitation; (2) loading potential; (3) centrifugal potential; and (4) transverse surface stress. One application of the results could be model computation of the length-of-day variations and polar motion, which depend on the moments of inertia. Received: 27 July 1999 / Accepted: 24 May 2000  相似文献   

 Four different implementations of Stokes' formula are employed for the estimation of geoid heights over Sweden: the Vincent and Marsh (1974) model with the high-degree reference gravity field but no kernel modifications; modified Wong and Gore (1969) and Molodenskii et al. (1962) models, which use a high-degree reference gravity field and modification of Stokes' kernel; and a least-squares (LS) spectral weighting proposed by Sj?berg (1991). Classical topographic correction formulae are improved to consider long-wavelength contributions. The effect of a Bouguer shell is also included in the formulae, which is neglected in classical formulae due to planar approximation. The gravimetric geoid is compared with global positioning system (GPS)-levelling-derived geoid heights at 23 Swedish Permanent GPS Network SWEPOS stations distributed over Sweden. The LS method is in best agreement, with a 10.1-cm mean and ±5.5-cm standard deviation in the differences between gravimetric and GPS geoid heights. The gravimetric geoid was also fitted to the GPS-levelling-derived geoid using a four-parameter transformation model. The results after fitting also show the best consistency for the LS method, with the standard deviation of differences reduced to ±1.1 cm. For comparison, the NKG96 geoid yields a 17-cm mean and ±8-cm standard deviation of agreement with the same SWEPOS stations. After four-parameter fitting to the GPS stations, the standard deviation reduces to ±6.1 cm for the NKG96 geoid. It is concluded that the new corrections in this study improve the accuracy of the geoid. The final geoid heights range from 17.22 to 43.62 m with a mean value of 29.01 m. The standard errors of the computed geoid heights, through a simple error propagation of standard errors of mean anomalies, are also computed. They range from ±7.02 to ±13.05 cm. The global root-mean-square error of the LS model is the other estimation of the accuracy of the final geoid, and is computed to be ±28.6 cm. Received: 15 September 1999 / Accepted: 6 November 2000  相似文献   

 A comparison was made between two methods for gravity field recovery from orbit perturbations that can be derived from global positioning system satellite-to-satellite tracking observations of the future European gravity field mission GOCE (Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer). The first method is based on the analytical linear orbit perturbation theory that leads under certain conditions to a block-diagonal normal matrix for the gravity unknowns, significantly reducing the required computation time. The second method makes use of numerical integration to derive the observation equations, leading to a full set of normal equations requiring powerful computer facilities. Simulations were carried out for gravity field recovery experiments up to spherical harmonic degree and order 80 from 10 days of observation. It was found that the first method leads to large approximation errors as soon as the maximum degree surpasses the first resonance orders and great care has to be taken with modeling resonance orbit perturbations, thereby loosing the block-diagonal structure. The second method proved to be successful, provided a proper division of the data period into orbital arcs that are not too long. Received: 28 April 2000 / Accepted: 6 November 2000  相似文献   

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