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The study area is a part of Kagna river basin in the Gulburga district of Karnataka, India. It covers an area of 1320 km2 and it has been subdivided into 4 sub-basins namely Wadi, Chitapur, Sedam and Kurkunta, which range in area from 184 to 537 km2. The drainage pattern of these sub-basins are delineated using Geo-coded FCC bands 2,3,4 of IRS 1C and 1D(LISS III+PAN merged) on 1:50,000 scale and Survey of India toposheets as reference. The morphometric parameters are computed using ArcInfo and ArcView GIS softwares. The drainage pattern of the study area is dendritic to sub-dendritic with stream orders ranging from IV to VII orders. Drainage density ranges from 1.40 to 1.86 km/km2 suggesting coarse to moderate drainage texture. The change in values of stream length ratio indicate their late youth stage of geomorphic development. The values of bifurcation ratio ranging from 2.00 to 4.71 indicate that all the sub-basins fall under normal basin category. The values of form factor and circulatory ratio, suggest that the Kurkunta sub-basin is elongated and the remaining sub-basins are more or less circular in shape. Elongation ratio indicates that the Wadi sub-basin is a region of very low relief whereas the other sub-basins are associated with moderate to high relief and steep ground slopes. It is concluded that remote sensing and GIS have been proved to be efficient tools in drainage delineation and updation. In the present study these updated drainages have been used for the morphometric analysis.  相似文献   

Remote sensing techniques using satellite images and aerial photographs are convenient tools in morphometric analysis of a drainage basin. In the present study morphometric parameters of Khairkuli drainage basin, district Dehradun, are worked out using aerial photographs. The parameters worked out include bifurcation ratio, stream length, form factor, circulatory ratio, elongation ratio, drainage density, constant of channel maintenance and stream frequency. Hypsometric relations of drainage basin are also presented. Relation between cumulative stream length and the stream order establishes that the ratio between cumulative stream length Σ 1 u Σ 1 nu Lu and the stream order u is constant throughout the. successive orders of a drainage basin suggesting that geometrical similarity is preserved in the basins of increasing order. The morphometric parameters computed suggest that the area is covered by resistant permeable rocks (with fracture and karstic porosities) and vegetative cover, the drainage network is affected by tectonic disturbances. The peak flows generated from the basin are likely to be moderately high and of short duration.  相似文献   

Study of drainage pattern of Jharia Coalfield as observed on IRS-IA LISS II image shows that the region is drained by 11 streams with general flow direction to north east to south east and ultimately joining to trunk river Damodar. The perennial river Damodar flows from west to east and approximately marks the southern limit of the famous Jharia Coalfied. The average stream length in the region varies from 15 km to 110 km with average hasin area from 10 km2 to 150 km2. The general pattern is essentially a coarse dendritc with very gentle (0 to 1%) to sluggish stream flow condition over a gentle sloping (1 to 3%) topographic surface characteristic of old age streams in matured erosion terrain (Paleo-pediplain).  相似文献   

Rivers flowing through the alluvium invariably have very low gradient forcing the river to flow slowly in a meandering and zigzag path. Nature and intensity of meandering is governed by the geological and tectonic conditions of the river basin. Barak River in tectonically active south Assam (Northeast India) exhibits intense meandering and shifting of the river course. Topographic data of two different years and satellite images of 4 different years covering a section of the Barak River have been investigated to verify the nature of changes undergone by the river through times. This study reveals active northward shift of the river and a prominent neck-cut off in the initial part of the study area. Northward shift of the river also occurred in the area west of Silchar. But, in the western part the river has shifted both towards north and south. Oscillatory shifting in the river channel has also been noticed. The river has shown a overall northward shift which is probably due to uplift of the southern part of the Barak River valley.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the morphometric parameters requires preparation of drainage map, contour map, ordering of the various streams and measurements of catchment area, perimeter, relative relief, relief ratio, length of drainage channels, drainage density, drainage frequency, bifurcation ratio, texture ratio, circulatory ratio and constant channel maintenance, which help to understand the nature of the drainage basin. The present study involves the Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis techniques to evaluate and compare linear, relief and aerial morphometry of the five subwatersheds of Song River (tributary of the Ganga River) with special reference to landslide incidences, for future development and planning of the watershed. Jakhan Rao, Song River, Bandal Nadi, Baldi Nadi and Suswa Nadi are the five major subwatersheds of the Song River basin. All the subwatersheds are basically of 5th to 6th order. Drainage patterns are mainly dendritic to sub dendritic. The drainage pattern of the Song River basin is mainly structurally controlled and the area is characterized by high to moderate relief. The asymmetric factor indicates that the tectonic rotation of the four subwatersheds is upward on the right side of the drainage basin and only one sub-watershed is downward. The numbers of the landslide incidences are also more in the upward side, than the downward side of the Song River basin.  相似文献   

Haryana-Punjab plain (Yamuna-Sutlej interfluve) is part of the Indo-Gangetic foreland basin and makes the eastern part of the Indus River system. It is characterized by southwestern regional slope and is made up of sediments derived from the Himalayan front. The southern part of the Haryana-Punjab plain has a narrow northeast sloping surface, made up of sediments derived from the Rajasthan craton, making the peripheral bulge of the basin. The area of interaction of these two opposing slopes is marked by a rather flat region of poor drainage with a number of water bodies. This interactive zone of the two slopes has a constricted belt of westerly outlet merging in the Indus alluvial plain. The excessive sediments derived from the Himalayan front formed mega-fans, which in Late Pleistocene, extended down to 200 m altitude close to the southern limit of Haryana-Punjab plain. There are geomorphic evidence of punctuations in reduction in fan building activity during Late Quaternary with terminations at 225 and 300 m altitude, prominently seen in satellite imagery and Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The Haryana-Punjab plain also exhibits undulations with prominent highgrounds around Bhatinda, Hissar, and Sonipat-Jind. During the Late Quaternary, the streams of Yamuna-Sutlej interfluve region, viz., Dangri (sometimes referred as Tangri), Ghaggar-Saraswati, Markanda and Chautang, drastically reduced their carrying capacity due to reduced monsoon activity and neotectonic block movements. These streams abort within their terminal fans. Yamuna River is confined within its valley having prominent flood plain (T0) and well-developed Newer Alluvial plain (T1); as such it has not been a part of Indus system, at least during Holocene.  相似文献   

Drainage pattern of Raniganj Coalfield basin has been mapped as observed on false colour composites of Landsat TM and IRS-LISS II imagery and their characteristics have been interpreted in terms of basin morphology, surface materials and underlying rock types. The drainage system of the region is composed of 3 perennial rivers with 15 ephemeral nalas and jhors which as a whole flows on recent peneplain basin. Although, on an average, nalas and jhors of the area have smaller stream length and with smaller basinal area but they hold sufficient amount of water during monsoon and therefore by effective planning and management, surface water resources could be enhanced in the region.  相似文献   

Anandpur Sahib area of Rupnagar district (Punjab) was investigated using an integrated multi-disciplinary approach of geomorphological, structural, drainage and morphotectonic analysis through satellite data and GIS. Most commonly used geomorphic indices viz., channel sinuosity, drainage basin asymmetry, basin elongation ratio, mountain front sinuosity and valley floor to valley width ratio index have been used to identify the geomorphic indicators of active tectonics in the area. Existence of fluvial anomalies viz., abrupt changes in flow direction, flow against gradient, beheaded streams and river terraces reflect the strong structural control on the fluvial features. Asymmetric nature of drainage basin, elongated nature of the sub-watersheds, straight to curvilinear mountain fronts and narrow incised valley floors further substantiate the role of active tectonics in the region.  相似文献   

An analysis of the drainage network of a part of Sivasagar district, Assam, India, is undertaken to reveal the role of neotectonic activity of the area. A number of fluvial geomorphic anomalies have been identified in the area. A prominent annular drainage anomaly is displayed by the major rivers—the Dikhu, Jhanzi, Namdang, Dorika and Disang, whose courses are carved in response to the ongoing tectonic deformation in the area. This study reveals that the development of topography and drainage system of the study area have been influenced by active subsurface geological structures. Formation of paleochannels, compressed meanders, reticulate streams, swamps, sagging of grounds, stream alignments, lineaments, knick points and abandonment of rivers as well as development of smaller drainage anomalies also substantiate the active nature of the subsurface structures.  相似文献   

Traditionally, stream and sub‐watershed characterization in GIS has been accom‐ plished using a DEM‐based terrain analysis approach; however, there is a large amount of existing vector hydrographic data difficult to accurately reproduce using DEMs. WaterNet is a GIS/hydrologic application for the integration and analysis of stream and sub‐watershed networks in vector format. Even with vector data, hydrologic inconsistencies between streams and sub‐watersheds do exist, and are revealed in the form of streams crossing drainage divides and sub‐watersheds with more than one outlet. WaterNet rectifies these inconsistencies and couples the two datasets. Most algorithms involving traces of dendritic networks employ a form of tree traversal which requires topologic information to be organized into specialized data structures. On the contrary, WaterNet develops topologic relationships from GIS attribute tables, which, in combination with sorting and querying algorithms, make the calculation process efficient and easy to implement. With the topologic relationships of the streams and sub‐watersheds, WaterNet can perform traces to calculate cumulative network parameters, such as flow lengths and drainage areas. WaterNet was applied to the catchment of the Texas Gulf coast for a total of 100 cataloging units (411,603 km2) and 60,145 stream lines (183,228 km).  相似文献   

Drainage pattern of Naugarh Block of district Varanasi has been mapped. The basin characterestics have been analysed is terms of basin morphology and related parameters. The drainage system of the region is composed of 3 perennial rivers with 7 sub-basins. A total of 1223 streams. of 1st to 6th order exist, out of which 761 are of 1st order and 350 of 2nd order which hold sufficient amount of water duing the peak monsoon period Surface water resources could be enhanced in the region by constructing check dams and creating artificial recharge through effective and management.  相似文献   


The Muthirapuzha watershed (MW) is one among the major tributaries of Periyar – the longest west flowing river in Kerala, India. A morphometric analysis was carried out to determine the spatial variations in the drainage characteristics of MW and its 14 fourth order sub-watersheds (SW1–SW14) using Survey of India topographic maps and Landsat ETM+ imagery. The study revealed that the watershed includes a sixth order stream and lower order streams dominate the basin. Results did indicate that rainfall has a significant role in the drainage development whereas structure and relief of rocks dictate the drainage pattern. The asymmetry in the drainage distribution is correlated with the tectonic history of the Munnar plateau in the late Paleocene age. The watershed is moderate to well-drained and exhibited a geomorphic maturity in its physiographic development. The shape parameters revealed the elongated nature of MW and drainage network development in the watershed. Further, the analysis provided significant insight into the terrain characteristics. This study strongly brings to light, (a) the tendency of the watershed to soil loss and (b) the hydrological makeup of the sub-watersheds, which combined helped to formulate a comprehensive watershed management plan.  相似文献   

Groundwater exploration and modelling requires hydrological parameters and a large volume of hydrologic database. This study integrates remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) to map and classify hydrological parameters indicates areas of groundwater recharge and discharge. Bivariate quadratic surfaces with moving window size of 5 × 5 were fitted to the digital elevation model and drainage basins, drainage network, topographic wetness index (TWI) and hydroforms were derived. The eight-direction algorithm (D8) that determines in which neighbouring pixel any water in a central pixel will flow naturally was used to delineate drainage basin and drainage network in the study area. The TWI was used to quantify the effect of local topography on hydrological processes and for modelling soil moisture. The results indicate the presence of intensive of stream network (1336 km2), wettest zones and accumulation zones (63.99 km2) within Wadi Bih, the UAE and Wadi Khasb, Oman, suggesting regional recharge.  相似文献   

The study area, Hesaraghatta watershed is located between 77° 20′ to 77° 42′ E longitude and 13° 10′ to 13° 24′ N latitude with an area of 600.01 km2. Thematic layers such as Land Use/Land Cover, drainage, soil and hydrological soil group were generated from IRS–1D LISS III satellite data (FCC). An attempt was made to estimate runoff using Soil Conservation Service (SCS) curve number model and it was estimated to be 1960, 2066, 1870 and 1810 mm for sub-watersheds 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Quantitative morphometric analysis was carried out for the entire watershed and the four sub-watersheds independently by estimating their (a) linear aspects like stream order, stream length, stream length ratio, bifurcation ratio, length of overland flow, drainage pattern (b) aerial aspects like shape factor, circulatory ratio, elongation ratio and drainage density and (c) relief aspects like basin relief, relief ratio, relative relief and ruggedness number. Drainage density was estimated to be 1.23 km/km2 designating the study area as a very coarse textured watershed.  相似文献   

影响喀斯特流域地貌发育的因素复杂多样,除岩性、气候等条件外,流域水系特征及高程、流域坡度和流域切割程度和流域地表形态特征等也是影响喀斯特流域地貌发育的重要因素。本文根据贵州省ASTER影像,利用RS和GIS技术,提取DEM数据;以DEM数据、TM影像和CBERS影像为基础,选取32个喀斯特流域,探讨分析影响地貌发育的五大因素,并提取25个指标;借助MATLAB和Spss软件进行数据处理和主成分分析,得出影响地貌发育的九个主成分,得出影响喀斯特地貌发育从大到小的因素是流域水系特征及高程、流域坡度和流域切割程度和流域地表形态特征。  相似文献   

Karjan river is an important tributary of Narmada in Gujarat. Along with one of its own tributaries, called Terav it has carved a “meandering valley” across the block faulted rldge and valley Deccan Trap topography, south of Narmada. Karjan originates at Bardipada, which is much nearer to Tapti river than Narmada and in the initial stretches its channel is consequent to faults and fractures. However, before emerging on to the alluvial plain in north it has a sinuous valley. With confines of this valley the present stream channel wanders back and forth and has incised deep into various Deccan Trap flows. The geometry of such meanders shows that this is an symmetric meandering valley. The valley as such is an antecedent one in which the present stream channel is ur.derfit and ingrown. Natural fluvial processes, accelerated by dynamic rejuvenation of the area and wetter climatic phases during Pleistocene and Holocene seem to have carved this meandering valley and integrated the drainage.  相似文献   

The study area covers 570 km2 comprising of 9 sub-watersheds (Dalavayihalli, Maddalenahalli, Talamaradahalli, Puluvalli tank, Nagalamadike, Gowdatimmanahalli, Naliganahalli, Devadabetta and Byadanur) range from 49 to 75 km2 forming part of Pennar river basin around Pavagada. The drainage network of 9 sub-watersheds was delineated using remote sensing data - Geocoded FCC of bands - 2 3 4 of IRS 1 C and 1 D (LISS III+PAN merged) on 1:50,000 scale and SOI topomaps were used as reference. The morphometric analysis of 9 sub-watersheds has been carried out using GIS softwares - Arclnfo and Are View. The drainage network shows that the terrain exhibits dendritic to sub-dendritic drainage pattern. Stream orders ranges from fourth to fifth order. Drainage density varies between 1.55 and 2.16 km/ km2 and has very coarse to coarse drainage texture. The relief ratio range from 0.006 to 0.021. The mean bifurcation ratio varies from 3.21 to 4.88 and falls under normal basin category. The elongation ratio shows that Devedabetta sub-watershed possesses circular shape while remaining sub-watersheds mark elongated pattern. Hence from the study it can be concluded that remote sensing techniques proved to be a competent tool in morphometric analysis.  相似文献   

The morphometric analysis of river basin helps to explore the interrelationship between hydraulic parameters and geomorphologic characteristics. The study has been conducted in the Upper Tons basin of Northern Foreland of Peninsular India. The river basin has been characterized using the topographical maps, CARTOSAT satellite image integrated using the GIS techniques. The drainage density analysis indicates lower values in the north-eastern regions and thus these regions can be categorized as better ground water potential zone. There are in total 10 sub-watersheds which have been delineated; SW-4 has maximum drainage density (4.75), stream frequency (5.61) and drainage texture (26.64) followed by SW-6–10. The prioritized sub-watershed numbers SW-4 and SW-6–10 need conservation practices because of their high erodibility and run-off. SW-1–3 and SW-5 regions have better permeable bed rocks and hence good for water harvesting. The areal parameter indicates elongated shape of basin and moderate to steeper ground slope. The results are supported by extensive field survey. This study can be applied for soil and water management, as well as disaster prevention from similar type of drainage basins.  相似文献   

Kachchh basin is a Mesozoic rift basin under the influence of many active faults. This in turn gives rise to marked structural complexity and associated seismicity. Remote Sensing study of geomorphic evidences of these faults has been carried out using satellite images and is validated using morphometric analysis and digital elevation model data. Satellite images not only help in identifying expression of active faults and active tectonics on a macroscopic scale, but also provide the image characteristics of active faults directly. A few faults along with nature of lateral displacement could be identified from the Kachchh area. Morphometric analysis viz., sinuosity, asymmetry factor and hypsometry indicated affected streams and drainage basins due to fault activity.  相似文献   

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