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The acceleration of the expansion of the Universe which has been identified in recent years has deep connections with some of the most central issues in fundamental physics. At present, the most plausible explanation is some form of vacuum energy. The puzzle of vacuum energy is a central question which lies at the interface between quantum theory and general relativity. Solving it will presumably require to construct a quantum theory of gravity and a correspondingly consistent picture of spacetime. To account for the acceleration of the expansion, one may also think of more dynamical forms of energy, what is known as dark energy, or modifications of gravity. In what follows, we review the vacuum energy problem as well as the basic models for dark energy or modification of gravity. We emphasize the conceptual aspects rather than the techniques involved. We also discuss the difficulties encountered in each approach. This review is intended for astrophysicists or physicists not specialized in particle physics, who are interested in apprehending the issues at stake in fundamental physics.  相似文献   

Precise trajectory simulations typically require an ephemeris retrieval system, i.e. some mechanism to identify planetary body states and orientations at given times. However, the ephemeris systems most commonly used throughout industry and academia are, by design, general in their capabilities and application. Here, we introduce a new system called FIRE (Fast Interpolated Runtime Ephemeris) that is designed for custom trajectory applications that favor speed and smooth derivatives. The new system minimizes the overhead associated with ephemeris calls through the use of archived splines, a runtime ephemeris (stored in random access memory of the computer), and batch processing routines. Further, our approach naturally provides first and second time derivatives for a small additional computational cost. The derivative capability is particularly attractive for optimization and targeting where smooth and accurate derivatives are important. Relative performance comparisons with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Spacecraft Planet Instrument C-matrix Events ephemeris system show typical speed improvements of approximately two orders of magnitude (250 times) for various state and orientation calls. Performance comparisons for high fidelity trajectory propagations are also considered and a factor of 70 in performance increase is achieved for typical cases. The new tool has potential value to any high precision application or software requiring fast, accurate, and smooth ephemeris data.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》1999,47(3-4):451-467
An asymptotic method based on a continuous superposition of waves is used to studythe linear stability of convection in a rapidly rotating system. The method gives a uniformrepresentation of the solutions which allows us to impose the boundary conditions and then tominimize the Rayleigh number. This study was done for Prandtl numbers between 0.01 and 100.In the spherical case, for a self-gravitating, internally heated fluid in the small inclination limit,six branches are unveiled. In these branches, infinitesimal amplitude convection takes placepreferentially near the surface of a cylinder coaxial with the axis of rotation in a zone ofthickness ∝ T−1⧸12, T being the Taylor number. The Rayleigh number ofthree of these flows differs at the most by sixty percent; however, in some intervals of the Prandtlnumber the difference is less than ten percent. Since these flows are located at different radialdistances, this method predicts mixed-modes convection in separate zones at slightlysupercritical values of the Rayleigh number for all Prandtl numbers. A solution exhibitingconvection in separate zones at low supercritical Rayleigh numbers is proposed for the first time.Applications to atmospheres and dynamos of the planets and the starts are discussed.  相似文献   

This contribution is intended to give a brief review of some of the results concerning the Zeeman effect which have been recently published in the literature or which appear to be particularly relevant at the light of recent technological improvements in observations. The arguments emphasized are the Zeeman effect in molecular lines, the asymmetries observed in Stokes profiles from sunspots, and the interpretation of spectropolarimetric observations in the infrared.  相似文献   

The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is a project for a next-generation observatory for very high energy (GeV–TeV) ground-based gamma-ray astronomy, currently in its design phase, and foreseen to be operative a few years from now. Several tens of telescopes of 2–3 different sizes, distributed over a large area, will allow for a sensitivity about a factor 10 better than current instruments such as H.E.S.S, MAGIC and VERITAS, an energy coverage from a few tens of GeV to several tens of TeV, and a field of view of up to 10°. In the following study, we investigate the prospects for CTA to study several science questions that can profoundly influence our current knowledge of fundamental physics. Based on conservative assumptions for the performance of the different CTA telescope configurations currently under discussion, we employ a Monte Carlo based approach to evaluate the prospects for detection and characterisation of new physics with the array.First, we discuss CTA prospects for cold dark matter searches, following different observational strategies: in dwarf satellite galaxies of the Milky Way, which are virtually void of astrophysical background and have a relatively well known dark matter density; in the region close to the Galactic Centre, where the dark matter density is expected to be large while the astrophysical background due to the Galactic Centre can be excluded; and in clusters of galaxies, where the intrinsic flux may be boosted significantly by the large number of halo substructures. The possible search for spatial signatures, facilitated by the larger field of view of CTA, is also discussed. Next we consider searches for axion-like particles which, besides being possible candidates for dark matter may also explain the unexpectedly low absorption by extragalactic background light of gamma-rays from very distant blazars. We establish the axion mass range CTA could probe through observation of long-lasting flares in distant sources. Simulated light-curves of flaring sources are also used to determine the sensitivity to violations of Lorentz invariance by detection of the possible delay between the arrival times of photons at different energies. Finally, we mention searches for other exotic physics with CTA.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the progress in development of the numerical planet ephemerides EPM—Ephemerides of Planets and the Moon. EPM was first created in the 1970s in support of Russian space flight missions and constantly improved at IAA RAS. Comparison between various available EPM ephemerides (EPM2004, EPM2008, EPM2011) is shown. The first results of the updated EPM2013 version which takes into account the two-dimensional annulus of small asteroids are presented. Currently two main factors drive the progress of planet ephemerides: dynamical models of planet motion and observational data, with the crucial role of spacecraft ranging. EPM ephemerides are the basis for the Russian Astronomical and Nautical Astronomical Yearbooks, are planned to use in the GLONASS and LUNA-RESOURCE programs, and are being used for determination of physical parameters: masses of asteroids, planet rotation parameters and topography, the \(GM_\odot \) and its secular variation, the PPN parameters, and the upper limit on the mass of dark matter in the Solar System. The files containing polynomial approximation for EPM ephemerides (EPM2004, EPM2008, EPM2011) along with TTTDB and ephemerides of Ceres, Pallas, Vesta, Eris, Haumea, Makemake, and Sedna are available from ftp://quasar.ipa.nw.ru/incoming/EPM/. Files are provided in IAA’s binary and ASCII formats, as well as in the SPK format.  相似文献   

We present the results of an analysis of the winds of two WC10 central stars of planetary nebulae, CPD-56°8032 and He 2-113. These two stars have remarkably similar spectra, although the former exhibits somewhat broader emission line widths. High resolution spectra (up to R=50 000) were obtained in May 1993 for both objects at the 3.9 m AAT, using the UCL Echelle Spectrograph. The fluxes in individual Cii auto-ionising multiplet components, many of which were blended, were derived. Lines originating from auto-ionising resonance states situated in the C2+ continuum are very sensitive to the electron temperature, since the population of the these levels is close to LTE. The measured widths and profile shapes of these transitions are presented and are in excellent agreement with those predicted on the basis of their calculated auto-ionising lifetimes. The wind electron temperature is derived for both stars from the ratio of the fluxes in four such transitions (T e =18 500 K±1 500 K for CPD-56° 8032 andT e =13 600 K±800 K for He 2-113). Optical depth effects are investigated using normal recombination lines to obtain an independent wind electron temperature estimate in excellent agreement with the dielectronic line analysis.  相似文献   

We present a detailed analysis of the planetary nebula M4–18 (G146.7+07.6) and its WC10-type Wolf–Rayet (WR) central star, based on high‐quality optical spectroscopy (WHT/UES, INT/IDS, WIYN/DensPak) and imaging ( HST /WFPC2). From a non-LTE model atmosphere analysis of the stellar spectrum, we derive T eff=31 kK,     v =160 km s−1 and abundance number ratios of H/He<0.5, C/He=0.60 and O/He=0.10. These parameters are remarkably similar to those of He 2–113 ([WC10]). Assuming an identical stellar mass to that determined by De Marco et al. for He 2–113, we obtain a distance of 6.8 kpc to M4–18 [ E ( B−V )=0.55 mag from nebular and stellar techniques]. This implies that the planetary nebula of M4–18 has a dynamical age of ∼3100 yr, in contrast to ≥270 yr for He 2–113. This is supported by the much higher electron density of the latter. These observations may be reconciled with evolutionary predictions only if [WC]-type stars exhibit a range in stellar masses.
Photoionization modelling of M4–18 is carried out using our stellar WR flux distribution, together with blackbody and Kurucz energy distributions obtained from Zanstra analyses. We conclude that the ionizing energy distribution from the WR model provides the best consistency with the observed nebular properties, although discrepancies remain.  相似文献   

In this paper main implication of basic properties detected in the satellite systems of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, and presented by the author in an earlier contribution (Barricelli, 1971b) are investigated. The similarity between the primary periods in the three systems, their apparent relation to the axial rotation periods of the three planets and other features suggesting that collisions with the planetary surfaces may have played a role in the evolution of the three satellite systems are interpreted by assuming that in each case a satellite of unusually large size was originally disintegrated at the Roche limit of its primary. The disintegration of large satellites and their fusion with the respective planets is assumed to be a normal feature in the latest stage of planetary growth and the main cause of axial rotation in the respective planets.These assumptions make it possible to give a selfconsistent interpretation of the similarity between the axial rotation periods of the three planets and their relation to the primary periods (as defined by Barricelli, 1971b) in the three systems.Similar assumptions when applied to the Earth-Moon system make it possible to understand why the Moon, in its closest approach to the Earth is found to have been almost exactly at the Roche limit (Gerstenkorn, 1955; MacDonald, 1964), a coincidence which is too good to be accidental. According to this interpretation our Moon is a portion (representing about one third) of our original satellite, which survived its approach to the Roche limit and the ensuing fusion process with the Earth. It can be shown (see text) that under certain conditions this could leave a residual satellite with a stationary distance from the Earth (which in retrospect would be identified as its lowest distance from the Earth) at the Roche limit.The only other case in which we have observational evidence of parts of a satellite surviving its fusion process at the Roche limit is represented by the rings of Saturn and possibly the small innermost satellite Janus which seems to have been feeding on the rings.  相似文献   

Using an exosphere model which includes the effects of rotation and temperature and density variations at the exobase, we determine kinetic temperature and density distributions for planetary exospheres in general and terrestrial O, He and H in particular, the latter being based on empirical models for density and temperature variations at exobase altitudes. We examine the effects of energy flow and confirm Fahr's suggestion that the lateral energy flow at the exobase should be important for the temperature distributions above the base. Considering uniform density and sinusoidal temperature variations at the base, we find that temperatures decrease with altitude above the diurnal temperature maximum Tmax at the base. On the other hand, above the diurnal temperature minimum Tmin at the base, the temperatures increase from the base to peak values (except for low values of mMG/kT0) and then decrease above the peaks, tending to approach the values above Tmax. The corresponding densities near the base, above Tmin, decrease with altitude more rapidly than above Tmax but exhibit considerable increases in their scale heights in the vicinity of their temperature peaks, at which points the densities begin to approach those above Tmax. In the converse case, with uniform base temperature and sinusoidal base density variations, the exospheric density and temperature distributions above the diurnal density maximum Nmax and minimum Nmin at the base result in similar characteristics to those above Tmax and Tmin, respectively. Applying the model to terrestrial O, He and H, we find that multiple exospheric temperatures should occur wherein temperatures above Tmax decrease less rapidly with altitude for increasing species mass. On the other hand, O and He temperatures increase with altitude above Tmin to peak values near 5000 km and then decrease above the peaks while H temperatures decrease with altitude throughout. We also examine the effects of the terrestrial exospheric H temperature distribution on optical depths for Lyman alpha absorption and find that such temperature variation may be important for radiative transfer calculations when the depths are greater than unity and satellite orbits are unimportant.  相似文献   

This paper represents a final report on the gravity analysis of radio Doppler and range data generated by the Deep Space Network (DSN) with Mariner 10 during two of its encounters with Mercury in March 1974 and March 1975. A combined least-squares fit to Doppler data from both encounters has resulted in a determination of two second degree gravity harmonics, J2 = (6.0 ± 2.0) × 10−5 and C22 = (1.0 ± 0.5) × 10−5, referred to an equatorial radius of 2439 km, plus an indication of a gravity anomaly in the region of closest approach of Mariner 10 to Mercury in March 1975 amounting to a mass deficiency of about GM = −0.1 km3sec−2. An analysis is included that defends the integrity of previously published values for the mass of Mercury (H. T. Howard et al. 1974, Science 185, 179–180; P. B. Esposito, J. D. Anderson, and A. T. Y. Ng 1978, COSPAR: Space Res. 17, 639–644). This is in response to a published suggestion by R. A. Lyttleton (1980, Q. J. R. Astron. Soc. 21, 400–413; 1981, Q. J. R. Astron. Soc. 22, 322–323) that the accepted values may be in error by more than 30%. We conclude that there is no basis for being suspicious of the earlier determinations and obtain a mass GM = 22,032.09 ± 0.91 km3sec−2 or a Sun to Mercury mass ratio of 6,023,600 ± 250. The corresponding mean density of Mercury is 5.43 ± 0.01 g cm−3. The one-sigma error limits on the gravity results include an assessment of systematic error, including the possibility that harmonics other than J2and C22 are significantly different from zero. A discussion of the utility of the DSN radio range data obtained with Mariner 10 is included. These data are most applicable to the improvement of the ephemeris of Mercury, in particular the determination of the precession of the perihelion.  相似文献   

Recent observations of the eclipsing system of Aurigae converge to a conclusion that its secondary (invisible) component constitutes a flat disc, some 40 AU across, which is semitransparent, of constant optical depth, and dims light non-selecting without a trace of polarization. Its constituent particles must, therefore, be large in comparison with the wavelength of observation — probably greater, on the average, than 10 ; with no upper limit imposed by the observations. The mass of this disc appears to be no less than 20 ; and its mean temperature, approximately 500K.The primary component of Aurigae is an F2 Ia supergiant, probably less than one million years old; while its less massive (and, consequently, less evolved) companion has not yet reached a stellar stage. The external characteristics of this disc-like companion appear to approximate the properties that have frequently been postulated as pre-requisites for the formation of a planetary system. A hypothesis is put forward that, in the secondary component of Aurigae, we witness at present, an evolutionary process that may result in the formation of a planetary system very much more massive than our own in the astronomically near future.With a possible exception of S Doradus, which according to Gaposchkin (1943) is an eclipsing variable with a period of 40.2 y.  相似文献   

The Voyager spacecraft discovered that small moons orbit within all four observed ring systems coincident with the discovery of narrow and dusty rings around Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. These moons can provide the source for new rings if they are catastrophically disrupted by a comet or large meteoroid impact. This hypothesis for ring origins provides a natural mechanism for the ongoing creation of planetary rings. While it relieves somewhat the problem of explaining the continued existence of rings with apparently short evolutionary lifetimes, it raises the problem of explaining the continued existence of small moons, and the coexistence of moons and rings at comparable locations within the Roche zones of the giant planets. This problem has been studied in some detail recently, and the present work is a review of our current understanding of the processes in satellite disruption that pertain to the creation of planetary rings and the collisional cascade of circumplanetary bodies. Significant progress has been made. Narrow rings are produced by disruption of small moons in numerical simulations, and a self-consistent model of the collisional cascade can explain present-day moon populations. Absolute timescales and initial moon populations remain uncertain due to our poor knowledge of the impactor population and uncertainties in the strength of planetary satellites. More pressing are the qualitative issues that remain to be resolved including the nature of reaccretion of the debris and the origin of Saturn's rings.  相似文献   

The so-called inverse planetary problem can be stated as follows: given the distances from the centre, masses, and radii of (say) three planets of a planetary system, find the optimum polytropic index, mass, and radius of their star, and also other quantities of interest, which depend either explicitly or implicitly on the foregoing ones (e.g., central and mean density, central and mean pressure, central and mean temperature, etc.). It is hereafter tacitly assumed that the system is opaque with respect to observations concerning periods of planetary otbits; hence, we cannot have any relevant estimates due to the well-known period laws. In the present paper, the inverse planetary problem is treated numerically on the basis of the so-called global polytropic model, developed recently by the first author.  相似文献   

We review in this part the outline of a third-order general planetary theory established through Von Zeipel's method and in terms of Poincaré's canonical variables We consider our system to consist of the Sun as the primary body, one disturbed planet, and one disturbing planet.  相似文献   

Using a new approach, we have obtained a formula for calculating the rotation period and radius of planets. In the ordinary gravitomagnetism the gravitational spin (S) orbit (L) coupling, $\vec{L}\cdot\vec{S}\propto L^{2}$ , while our model predicts that $\vec{L}\cdot\vec{S}\propto\frac{m}{M}L^{2}$ , where M and m are the central and orbiting masses, respectively. Hence, planets during their evolution exchange L and S until they reach a final stability at which MSmL, or $S\propto\frac{m^{2}}{v}$ , where v is the orbital velocity of the planet. Rotational properties of our planetary system and exoplanets are in agreement with our predictions. The radius (R) and rotational period (D) of tidally locked planet at a distance a from its star, are related by, $D^{2}\propto\sqrt{\frac{M}{m^{3}}}R^{3}$ and that $R\propto\sqrt{\frac {m}{M}}a$ .  相似文献   

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