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《Journal of Structural Geology》2002,24(6-7):1157-1170
Quartz–sillimanite veins and nodules within the carapace of a late- to post- tectonic leucogranite crosscut one another as well as calcsilicate schlieren. These relationships document a fracture-related and hydrothermal origin of the vein and nodule complex. Two dominant orientations (N50E, N20E) are observed with the former being the oldest and most deformed. Both of these sets have undergone deformation, including boudinage of veins to produce nodules. Zircon geochronology fixes the emplacement age of the leucogranite at 1035.1±3.8 Ma and late crosscutting pegmatites at 1034±10 Ma, hence the vein–nodule complex must fall within this interval. Late dikes of leucogranite truncate the complex and document the continued presence of magma during vein–nodule formation. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) in the leucogranite carapace reveals an approximately horizontal flow direction, within a plane striking N49E and dipping moderately to the northwest. In this regime, quartz–sillimanite veins formed initially as tension fractures in subvertical NNE orientations either as a result of high fluid pressures or rapid sinistral shear along the N50E contact. Progressive sinistral shear rotated the veins counterclockwise causing buckling followed by boudinage and rotation of fragments into near parallelism with the N50E contact. Strain was accommodated by slip between crystals and melt migration with an estimated melt fraction of at least 30%. Multiple episodes of fracturing and vein formation appear to have occurred. Final deformation of the carapace and the vein–nodule complex is envisioned as a flattening against the contact, perhaps as a result of pluton inflation. Melt was still present after this event as evidenced by post-vein granite and pegmatite dikes, commonly with sinistral shear along the dike margin.  相似文献   

Tailings deposited over the Castanheira, a stream which flows through the old Ag–Pb–Zn Terramonte mine area, showed a great potential environmental risk due to sulphide weathering, facilitated by the tailings–water interaction. The high concentrations of Al, Fe, Pb and Zn in the tailings are associated with the exchangeable, reducible and sulphide fractions and suggest sphalerite and pyrite occurrences. Oxidation of pyrite is responsible for the low pH values (3.38–4.89) of the tailings. The water from the Castanheira stream is not suitable for human consumption due to high concentrations of SO4 2?, Mn, Al, Cd, Ni, and Pb. The lowest concentrations of metals and metalloids were detected in downstream stretches of the Castanheira. However, As, Fe and Zn in deeper sediments tend to increase downstream. Significant concentrations of trivalent forms of arsenic were detected in water samples. In downstream stretches of the Castanheira, some free ions (Fe2+, Mn2+ and Zn2+) also predominate and the water is saturated with ferrihydrite, goethite, hematite, lepidocrosite and magnetite.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(11-12):1369-1375
The heavy metal contamination of soils and waters by metalliferous mining activities in an area of Korea was studied. In the study area of the Imcheon Au–Ag mine, soils and waters were sampled and analyzed using AAS for Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn. Analysis of HCO3, F, NO3 and SO42− in water samples was also undertaken by ion chromatography. Elevated concentrations of the metals were found in tailings. The maximum contents in the tailings were 9.4, 229, 6160 and 1640 mg/kg extracted by aqua regia and 1.35, 26.4, 70.3 and 410 mg/kg extracted by 0.1 N HCl solution for Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn, respectively. These metals are continuously dispersed downstream and downslope from the tailings by clastic movement through wind and water. Because of the existence of sulfides in the tailings, a water sample taken on the tailings site was very acidic with a pH of 2.2, with high total dissolved solids (TDS) of 1845 mg/l and electric conductivity (EC) of 3820 μS/cm. This sample also contained up to 0.27, 1.90, 2.80, 53.4, 4,700 mg/l of Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn and SO42−, respectively. TDS, EC and concentrations of metals in waters decreased with distance from the tailings. The total amount of pulverized limestone needed for neutralizing the acid tailings was estimated to be 46 metric tons, assuming its volume of 45,000 m3 and its bulk density of 1855 kg/m3.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2000,15(9):1383-1397
Water pollution arising from base metal sulphide mines is problematic in many countries, yet the hydrogeology of the subsurface contaminant sources is rarely well-characterized. Drainage water pumped from an active F–Pb mine in northern England has unusual chemistry (alkaline with up to 40 mg.l−1 Zn) which profoundly impacts the ecology of the receiving watercourse. Detailed in-mine surveys of the quantity and quality of all ground water inflows to the mine were made. These revealed major, temporally persistent heterogeneities in ground water quality, with three broad types of water identified as being associated with distinct hydrostratigraphic units. Type I waters (associated with the Firestone Sill aquifer) are cool (<10°C), Ca–HCO3–SO4 waters, moderately mineralized (specific electrical conductance (SEC)≤410 μS.cm−1) with <4 mg.l−1 Zn. Type II waters (associated with the Great Limestone aquifer) are warmer (≈15°C), of Ca–SO4 facies, highly mineralized (SEC≤1500 μS.cm−1) with ≤40 mg.l−1 Zn. Type III waters (in the deepest workings) are tepid (>18°C), of Ca–HCO3–SO4 facies, intermediately mineralized (SEC≤900 μS.cm−1) with ≤13 mg.l−1 Zn, and with significant Fe (≤12 mg.l−1) and Pb (≤8 mg/l). Monotonic increases in temperature and Cl concentration with depth contrast with peaks in total mineralization, SO4 and Zn at medium depth (in Type II waters). Sulphate, Pb and Zn are apparently sourced via oxidation of galena and sphalerite, which would release each metal in stoichiometric equality with SO4. However, molal SO4 concentrations typically exceed those of Pb and Zn by 2–3 orders of magnitude, which mineral equilibria suggest is due to precipitation of carbonate “sinks” for these metals. Contaminant loading budgets demonstrate that, although Type II waters amount to only 25% of the total ground water inflow to the mine, they account for almost 60% of the total Zn loading. This observation has important management implications for both the operational and post-abandonment phases of the mine life cycle.  相似文献   

Porphyritic granitoids that host the Sangan iron mine deposit belong to the Khaf–Kashmar–Bardaskan volcanoplutonic belt in northeastern Iran. These intrusive rocks, mostly quartz monzonite to syenogranite porphyries, have been divided into three groups on the basis of crosscutting relationships and zircon U–Pb dating: (1) group 1, 42.3 ± 0.8 Ma, (2) group 2, 40.0 ± 0.5 Ma, and (3) group 3, 39.2 ± 0.6 Ma. The group 1 and 2 rocks host magnetite mineralization, whereas the group 3 intrusions are interpreted as syn-mineralization. They have features typical of high-K alkali-calcic to calc-alkalic magnesian rocks and are metaluminous to weakly peraluminous formed in a volcanic arc setting. Mantle-normalized, trace-element spider diagrams display enrichment in large ion lithophile elements, such as Rb, Ba, K, and Cs, and depletion in high field strength elements, e.g., Nb, Ti, Ta, Zr, Y, and heavy rare earth elements, with moderate to strong light rare earth elements enrichment ((La/Yb)N = 24.8–7.6) and a negative Eu anomaly. The parental magmas are probably derived from partial melting of mantle that had been metasomatized by a slab-derived fluid. During the upward migration of these melts, additional input of crustal materials could account for the high K characteristic for most of the intrusive rocks around the Sangan mine area.Textural evidence and mineral assemblages indicate the Sangan Fe-skarn is an oxidized magmatic-hydrothermal system caused by the group 3 intrusions.  相似文献   

The mineralogical and chemical evolution of ochreous precipitates forming from acid mine drainage (AMD) from the abandoned Libiola Fe–Cu-sulfide mine (Eastern Liguria, Italy) was followed through a multianalytical approach (XRD, TEM, XRF, ICP) applied to surface precipitates and associated waters collected from several mine adits. The mineralogy of the precipitates changed significantly as a consequence of the variations of the chemical parameters of the circulating solutions (mainly pH, Eh, and sulfate concentrations) which, in turn, were mainly controlled by mixing with unpolluted stream and rill waters of the mining area. A progressive transition from jarosite-, to schwertmannite-, to goethite-, to ferrihydrite-, to amorphous-dominated precipitates was observed, mainly as a consequence of an increase in the pH of the associated solutions. This mineralogical evolution agrees well with the aqueous speciation and Eh–pH stability calculations performed on the waters associated with the different precipitate types. Furthermore, TEM analysis indicated that metastable pristine phases (schwertmannite) tend to transform progressively to well-crystallized more stable species, here represented by goethite. The comparison of the water chemistry and the crystal chemistry of the different precipitates showed a significant decrease in the Zn, Cu, Ni, Co contents in waters where the coexisting precipitates were almost exclusively composed of goethite. The distribution of V, Sr, As concentrations within the different precipitates showed that the most efficient scavenging phase for these elements was jarosite, whereas ferrihydrite efficiently took up Pb ions, and schwermannite acted as a natural sink for Cr.  相似文献   

The Rhodope Domain in NE Greece consists of different tectonometamorphic complexes involved in the Alpine collisional history between the Eurasian and African plates. In the Kechros Complex, which is the lowermost tectonic unit in the East Rhodope, a lense of kyanite eclogite occurs within orthogneiss and common eclogites are found between serpentinized peridotite and underlying pelitic gneisses. In kyanite eclogite, the high-pressure (HP) mineral assemblage is Grt?+?Omp (Jd35–55)?+?Ky?+?Ph?+?Qz?+?Rt?+?(indirectly inferred Tlc?+?Law); a Na-rich tremolite and zoisite formed at or near peak metamorphic conditions. In common eclogites, the HP mineral assemblage is Grt?+?Omp (Jd29–41)?+?Rt and, with less certainty, Amp (Gln-rich?+?Brs?+?Wnc?+?Hbl)?±?Czo. The inclusions in garnet are glaucophane, actinolite, barroisite, hornblende, omphacite, clinozoisite, titanite, rutile and rarely paragonite and albite. In kyanite eclogite, peak PT conditions are constrained at 2.2?GPa and 615°C using garnet–omphacite–phengite geothermobarometry and very similar values of 585?±?32°C and 2.17?±?0.11?GPa with the average PT method, by which conditions of formation could also be narrowed down for the common eclogite (619?±?53°C and 1.69?±?0.17?GPa) and for a retrogressed eclogite (534?±?36°C and 0.77?±?0.11?GPa). Ages for the HP metamorphism in the Kechros Complex are not yet available. A Rb–Sr white mica age of 37?Ma from orthogneiss records a stage of the exhumation. The HP event may be coeval with the Eocene HP metamorphism (49–55?Ma) recorded in the Nestos Shear Zone in Central Rhodope and in the Attic-Cycladic crystalline belt, where it is interpreted as the result of subduction and final closure of the Axios/Vardar ocean and subsequent subduction of the Apulian continental crust (a promontory of the Africa continent) under the southern margin of the European continent in the late Cretaceous and early Tertiary.  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial distribution, stocks, and influencing factors of soil organic carbon (SOC) is important for understanding the current situation of SOC in alpine meadow ecosystems on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP). We sampled 23 soil profiles to a depth of 50 cm in a 33.5 hm\(^{2}\) plot in a typical meadow on the central QTP. The distribution, stock and influencing factors of SOC was then analyzed. The mean density of soil carbon content (SOCD) was 2.28 kg m\(^{-2}\) with a range of 5.99 kg  m\(^{-2}\). SOCD in the 0–10 cm layer was 3.94 kg m\(^{-2}\) and decreased quadratically with depth. The total stock of SOC to a depth of 50 cm was ca. 2950 t, the 0–10 and 0–30 cm layers accounting for 38 and 80%, respectively. SOCD varied moderately spatially and was distributed more homogeneously in the 0–10 and 40–50 cm layers but was more variable in the middle three layers. SOCD was significantly correlated positively with soil-water content, total porosity, and silt content and negatively with soil pH, bulk density, stone content and sand content. This study provides an important contribution to understanding the role of alpine meadows in the global carbon cycle. It also provides field data for model simulation and the management of alpine meadow ecosystems.  相似文献   

An assemblage of planktonic foraminifers is recognized for the first time from the Yunusdag Formation (Kelevudag Section, northeastern Azerbaijan) The analysis of foraminifers from the studied sample suggests that it may belong to the upper part of the Marginotruncana coronata Zone, embracing the interval from the upper Turonian to the lower Coniacian inclusive. The taxonomic composition of the assemblage allows the Kelevudag section to be assigned to an intermediate province separating the Boreal and Tethyan realms and including the Late Cretaceous carbonates of Dagestan.  相似文献   

The alkaline intrusion of Grønnedal-ka (South Greenland) is the oldest of the ten major rift-related plutonic complexes of southern Greenland that intruded during the Gardar period between 1330 and 1150 Ma into the 2.6-Ga-old gneisses and metasediments of the Ketilidian basement. The Grønnedal-ka alkaline intrusion consists of carbonatites, silicocarbonatites, transitional carbonatites and nepheline-bearing syenites. The silicocarbonatites exhibit locally ocellar textures that are typical for immiscibility processes. A 87Sr/86Sr initial ratio of about 0.703184 major and trace element compositions—including REE and C-, and O-isotope data from 15 carbonatite, 12 silicocarbonatite, 10 transitional carbonatite and 8 syenite and samples—provide evidence for minor crustal contamination of the mantle-derived magma that generated by unmixing carbonatites, silicocarbonatites and syenites. A scatter in major and trace element contents and isotope ratios is related to late- to post-magmatic alteration processes. The Grønnedal-ka silicocarbonatites are one of the rather rare cases in which unmixing of a highly alkaline mantle-derived magma into an alkalisilicate and a carbonatitic magma-fraction under plutonic conditions is well documented by textural and geochemical data.  相似文献   

Sixteen soil samples were collected from the vicinity of an abandoned lead–zinc mine in Shangyu City, eastern China, and the heavy-metal speciation and wheat phytotoxicity in the soils were studied. The results showed that the concentrations of free Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+ were highly variable and ranged from <0.01 to 0.32, 0.06 to 10.62, <0.01 to 1.40 and 0.02 to 37.10 μmol l−1, respectively. The concentrations of soluble Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb ranged from 0.38 to 3.24, 0.72 to 78.74, <0.01 to 1.95 and 0.15 to 639.34 μmol l−1, respectively. The general trend of mean solid/liquid partition coefficient and percentage of free metal ion to total soluble metal concentration were Cu > Pb > Zn > Cd and Cd > Zn > Cu > Pb, respectively. Stepwise multiple linear regression with pH, log(total metal) and log(organic matter) showed that log(total metal) was an important factor that controlled log(free metal ion) and log(soluble metal). Of the variability in log(free Cu2+), log(free Cd2+) and log(free Pb2+), 55.2, 58.6 and 64.3% could be explained by log(total Cu), log(total Cd) and log(total Pb) alone, respectively. Of the variability in log(soluble Cu) and log(soluble Cd), 77.1 and 72.5% could be explained by log(total Cu) and log(total Cd) alone, respectively. Wheat root length was controlled by the various metals with different free and soluble concentrations, and 99.2% of the variability in root length could be explained by concentrations of free and soluble Pb, soluble Cu and total Zn in the soils.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of microbial activity on the chemistry of hydrothermal fluids related to the Vicano–Cimino system, central Italy. The database included the composition and δ13C CO2 and δ13C CH4 values for soil gas from an area characterized by intense degassing of fluids having a deep origin. The δ13C CH4 values along vertical profiles in the soil indicated that CH4 was controlled by microbial oxidation occurring at shallow (< 50 cm) depth, where free O2 was available. This was consistent with the vertical gradients of CH4, H2S and O2 concentrations. The δ13C CO2 values in soil gas, characterized by a composition similar to that of the hydrothermal fluids, were not significantly influenced by biodegradation. On the contrary, gas strongly affected by air contamination showed a significant δ13C CO2 fractionation. Microbial activity caused strong consumption of hydrothermal alkanes, alkenes, cyclics and hydrogenated halocarbons, whereas benzene was recalcitrant. Oxygenated compounds from hydrocarbon degradation consisted of alcohols, with minor aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids. A predominance of alcohols at a high rate of degassing flux, corresponding to a short residence time of hydrothermal gas within the soil, indicated incomplete oxidation. N-bearing compounds were likely produced by humic substances in the soil and/or related to contamination by pesticides, whereas α-pinene traced air entering the soil. The study demonstrates that microbial communities in the soil play an important role for mitigating the release to the atmosphere of C-bearing gases, especially CH4, through diffuse soil degassing, a mechanism that in central Italy significantly contributes to the discharge of CO2-rich gas from deep sources.  相似文献   

The Marcona–Mina Justa deposit cluster, hosted by Lower Paleozoic metaclastic rocks and Middle Jurassic shallow marine andesites, incorporates the most important known magnetite mineralization in the Andes at Marcona (1.9 Gt at 55.4% Fe and 0.12% Cu) and one of the few major iron oxide–copper–gold (IOCG) deposits with economic Cu grades (346.6 Mt at 0.71% Cu, 3.8 g/t Ag and 0.03 g/t Au) at Mina Justa. The Middle Jurassic Marcona deposit is centred in Ica Department, Perú, and the Lower Cretaceous Mina Justa Cu (Ag, Au) prospect is located 3–4 km to the northeast. New fluid inclusion studies, including laser ablation time-of-flight inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-TOF-ICPMS) analysis, integrated with sulphur, oxygen, hydrogen and carbon isotope analyses of minerals with well-defined paragenetic relationships, clarify the nature and origin of the hydrothermal fluid responsible for these contiguous but genetically contrasted deposits. At Marcona, early, sulphide-free stage M-III magnetite–biotite–calcic amphibole assemblages are inferred to have crystallized from a 700–800°C Fe oxide melt with a δ18O value from +5.2‰ to +7.7‰. Stage M-IV magnetite–phlogopite–calcic amphibole–sulphide assemblages were subsequently precipitated from 430–600°C aqueous fluids with dominantly magmatic isotopic compositions (δ34S = +0.8‰ to +5.9‰; δ18O = +9.6‰ to +12.2‰; δD = −73‰ to −43‰; and δ13C = −3.3‰). Stages M-III and M-IV account for over 95% of the magnetite mineralization at Marcona. Subsequent non-economic, lower temperature sulphide–calcite–amphibole assemblages (stage M-V) were deposited from fluids with similar δ34S (+1.8‰ to +5.0‰), δ18O (+10.1‰ to +12.5‰) and δ13C (−3.4‰), but higher δD values (average −8‰). Several groups of lower (<200°C, with a mode at 120°C) and higher temperature (>200°C) fluids can be recognized in the main polymetallic (Cu, Zn, Pb) sulphide stage M-V and may record the involvement of modified seawater. At Mina Justa, early magnetite–pyrite assemblages precipitated from a magmatic fluid (δ34S = +0.8‰ to +3.9‰; δ18O = +9.5‰ to +11.5‰) at 540–600°C, whereas ensuing chalcopyrite–bornite–digenite–chalcocite–hematite–calcite mineralization was the product of non-magmatic, probably evaporite-sourced, brines with δ34S ≥ +29‰, δ18O = 0.1‰ and δ13C = −8.3‰. Two groups of fluids were involved in the Cu mineralization stage: (1) Ca-rich, low-temperature (approx. 140°C) and high-salinity, plausibly a basinal brine and (2) Na (–K)-dominant with a low-temperature (approx. 140°C) and low-salinity probably meteoric water. LA-TOF-ICPMS analyses show that fluids at the magnetite–pyrite stage were Cu-barren, but that those associated with external fluids in later stages were enriched in Cu and Zn, suggesting such fluids could have been critical for the economic Cu mineralization in Andean IOCG deposits.  相似文献   

In the old mining area of Rodalquilar, mine wastes, soil and sediments were characterized and the results revealed high concentration of Au, Ag, As, Bi, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Se, Sb and Zn in tailings and sediments. The contaminant of greatest environmental concern is As. The mean concentration in the tailings was 679.9, and 345 mg/kg in the sediments of Playazo creek. The groundwater samples from the alluvial aquifer showed high concentration of Al, As, Cd, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, Sb and Zn and very high concentration of chloride and sulfate, which were above the concentration defined in the European standards for drinking water. The presence of As in groundwater may be caused by the oxidation of arsenian pyrite, the possible As desorption from goethite and ferrihydrite and the jarosite dissolution. Groundwater concentrations of Cd, Fe, Mn, and possibly Cu, were associated with low values of Eh, indicating the possible dissolution of oxy-hydroxides of Fe and Mn. The mobility of metals in the column experiments show the release of Al, Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, V and Zn in significant concentrations but below the detected values in groundwater. However, As, Cd, Sb, Se Pb and Au, are generally mobilized in concentrations above the detected values in groundwater. The possible mass transfer processes that could explain the presence of the contaminants in the aquifer and the leachates was simulated with the PHREEQC numerical code and revealed the possible dissolution of the following mineral phases: jarosite, natrojarosite, arsenian pyrite, alunite, chlorite, kaolinite and calcite.  相似文献   

Data are presented on chromitites from the northern and southern sheets of the Il’chir ophiolite complex (Ospa–Kitoi and Khara-Nur (Kharanur) massifs). The new and published data are used to consider similarities and differences between ore chrome-spinel from the chromitites of the northern and southern ophiolite sheets as well as the species diversity of PGE minerals and the evolution of PGE mineralization. Previously unknown PGE minerals have been found in the studied chromitites.Ore chrome-spinel in the chromitites from the northern sheet occurs in medium- and low-alumina forms, whereas the chromitites from the southern sheet contain only medium-alumina chrome-spinel. The PGE minerals in the chromitites from the southern sheet are Os–Ir–Ru solid solutions as well as sulfides and sulfoarsenides of these metals. The chromitites from the northern sheet contain the same PGE minerals and diverse Rh–Pt–Pd mineralization: Pt–Ir–Ru–Os and isoferroplatinum with Ir and Os–Ir–Ru lamellae. Areas of altered chromitites contain a wide variety of low-temperature secondary PGE minerals: Pt–Cu, Pt–Pd–Cu, PdHg, Rh2SnCu, RhNiAs, PtAs2, and PtSb2. The speciation of the PGE minerals is described along with multiphase intergrowths. The relations of Os–Ir–Ru solid solutions with laurite and irarsite are considered along with the microstructure of irarsite–osarsite–ruarsite solid solutions. Zoned Os–Ir–Ru crystals have been found. Zone Os82–99 in these crystals contains Ni3S2 inclusions, which mark off crystal growth zones. Different sources of PGE mineralization are presumed for the chromitites from the northern and southern sheets.The stages of PGE mineralization have been defined for the chromitites from the Il’chir ophiolite belt. The Pt–Ir–Ru–Os and (Os, Ru)S2 inclusions in Os–Ir–Ru solid solutions might be relics of primitive-mantle PGE minerals. During the partial melting of the upper mantle, Os–Ir–Ru and Pt–Fe solid solutions formed syngenetically with the chromitites. During the late-magmatic stage, Os–Ir–Ru solid solutions were replaced by sulfides and sulfarsenides of these metals. Mantle metasomatism under the effect of reduced mantle fluids was accompanied by PGE remobilization and redeposition with the formation of the following assemblage: garutiite (Ni,Fe,Ir), zaccariniite (RhNiAs), (Ir,Ni,Cu)S3, Pt–Cu, Pt–Cu–Fe–Ni, Cu–Pt–Pd, and Rh–Cu–Sn–Sb. The zoned Os–Ir–Ru crystals in the chromitites from the northern sheet suggest dissolution and redeposition of Os–Ir–Ru primary-mantle solid solutions by bisulfide complexes. Most likely, the PGE remobilization took place during early serpentinization at 450–600 ºC and 13–16 kbar.During the crustal metamorphic stage, tectonic movements (obduction) and a change from reducing to oxidizing conditions were accompanied by the successive transformation of chrome-spinel into ferrichromite–chrome-magnetite with the active participation of a metamorphic fluid enriched in crustal components. The orcelite–maucherite–ferrichromite–sperrylite assemblage formed in epidote-amphibolitic facies settings during this stage.The PGE mineral assemblage reflects different stages in the formation of the chromitites and dunite-harzburgite host rocks and their transformation from primitive mantle to crustal metamorphic processes.  相似文献   

Nelsonite and Fe–Ti oxides ore are common in Proterozoic massif-type anorthosites and layered intrusions. Their geneses have long been controversial, with existing hypotheses including liquid immiscibility between Si-rich and Fe–Ti–P-rich melts and gravitational fractionation among apatite, magnetite, ilmenite and silicates. In this paper, we report detailed field geology and mineral geochemical studies of the nelsonite and Fe–Ti oxides ore from the Damiao anorthosite complex, NE China. Geological observations indicate that the nelsonite and Fe–Ti oxides ore occur as irregularly inclined stratiform-like or lensoid or veins, and are in sharp contact with the anorthosite and gabbronorite. The widespread veins and lenses structure of the Damiao nelsonite and Fe–Ti oxides ore in the anorthosite indicates their immiscibility-derived origin. The apatite in the nelsonite and gabbronorite shows evolution trends different from that in the gabbronorite in the diagrams of Sr versus REEs and Eu/Eu*, suggesting that petrogenesis of the nelsonite and gabbronorite is different from the gabbronorite. Compared with the gabbronorite, the nelsonite and Fe–Ti oxides ore have magnetite high in Cr, plagioclase high in Sr and low in An, and apatite high in Sr, low in REEs with negative Eu anomaly. The evidence permits us to propose that the Damiao Fe–Ti oxides ore/nelsonite and gabbronorite were derived from different parental magmas. The gabbronorite was formed by solidification of the interstitial ferrodioritic magma in the anorthosite, which was the residual magma after extensive plagioclase and pyroxene crystallization and was carried upward by the plagioclase crystal mesh. In contrast, the Fe–Ti oxides ore and nelsonites and mangerite were produced by crystallization of the Fe–Ti–P-rich and SiO2-rich magmas, respectively, due to the liquid immiscibility that occurred when the highly evolved ferrodioritic magma mixed with newly replenished magmas. The variation from Fe–Ti oxides ore to nelsonite and gabbro-nelsonite upwards (as apatite content increases with height) in the steeply inclined Fe–Ti oxides orebodies suggest that gravity fractionation may have played important roles during the crystallization of the Fe–Ti–P-rich magma.  相似文献   

The Xinqiao deposit is one of several polymetallic deposits in the Tongling ore district. There are two types of mineralization in the Xinqiao: skarn-type and stratiform-type. The skarn-type mineralization is characterized by iron oxides such as magnetite and hematite, whereas stratiform-type mineralization is characterized by massive sulfides with small amounts of magnetite and hematite. We defined three types of ores within the stratiform-type mineralization by the mineral assemblages and ore structures. Type I ore is represented by magnetite crosscut by minor calcite veins. Type II is a network ore composed of magnetite and crosscutting pyrite. Type III is a massive ore containing calcite and hematite. Type I magnetite is characterized by highly variable trace element content, whereas Type II magnetite has consistently higher Si, Ti, V, and Nb. Type III magnetite contains more In, Sn, and As than the other two types. Fluid–rock interaction, oxygen fugacity (fO2), and temperature (T) are the main factors controlling element variation between the different magnetite types. Type I magnetite was formed by more extensive fluid–rock interaction than the other two types at moderate fO2 and T conditions. Type II magnetite is thought to have formed in relatively low fO2 and high-T environments, and Type III in relatively high fO2 and moderate-T environments. Ca?+?Al?+?Mn and Ti?+?V discrimination diagrams show that magnetite in the Xinqiao deposit is hydrothermal in origin and is possibly linked with skarn.  相似文献   

The paper reports the spatial distribution and contamination level of heavy metals (Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn and V) in urban topsoil from the interior area of the second ringroad of Xi’an city, China, based on X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy measurements. Geostatistical analysis shows that Co, Cu, and Pb have similar spatial distribution patterns. Heavy traffic density mainly contributed to the high concentrations of Co, Cu and Pb. The spatial distribution of Cr coincides with the industrial activity, whereas the spatial distribution of Zn differs from other heavy metals. The high concentrations of Zn coincide with heavy traffic and high population density. For Mn, Ni and V, natural factors are important in controlling their distribution. The calculated geoaccumulation indices indicate that urban topsoil inside the Xi’an second ringroad was uncontaminated by Cr, V, Mn and Ni, while Pb, Cu, Co and Zn are classified as uncontaminated to moderately contaminated with means of 0.64, 0.46, 0.26 and 0.21, respectively. The Nemero synthesis pollution index of these heavy metals revealed that the topsoil inside Xi’an second ringroad has been heavily contaminated due to anthropogenic activity.  相似文献   

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