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本文介绍了基于国际探月观测数据建立的月球重力场模型:8×4、15×8、13×13、5×5、7×7、16×16-1/2/3、Lun60d、GLGM-1/2、LP75D/G、LP100K/J、LP165P、LP150Q和SGM90d;通过对比SST-HL/LL-Doppler-VLBI和SST-HL/SGG-Doppler-VLBI跟踪观测模式的优缺点,建议我国将来首期月球卫星重力测量计划采用SST-HL/SGG-Doppler-VLBI较优;其次,通过对比静电悬浮、超导和量子卫星重力梯度仪的优缺点,建议我国将来首期月球卫星重力梯度计划采用静电悬浮重力梯度仪;并建议我国将来首颗月球重力梯度卫星的轨道高度(50~100 km)选择在已有月球探测卫星的测量盲区,轨道倾角(90°±3°)设计为有利于月球卫星观测数据全球覆盖的近极轨模式。  相似文献   

 A comparison was made between two methods for gravity field recovery from orbit perturbations that can be derived from global positioning system satellite-to-satellite tracking observations of the future European gravity field mission GOCE (Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer). The first method is based on the analytical linear orbit perturbation theory that leads under certain conditions to a block-diagonal normal matrix for the gravity unknowns, significantly reducing the required computation time. The second method makes use of numerical integration to derive the observation equations, leading to a full set of normal equations requiring powerful computer facilities. Simulations were carried out for gravity field recovery experiments up to spherical harmonic degree and order 80 from 10 days of observation. It was found that the first method leads to large approximation errors as soon as the maximum degree surpasses the first resonance orders and great care has to be taken with modeling resonance orbit perturbations, thereby loosing the block-diagonal structure. The second method proved to be successful, provided a proper division of the data period into orbital arcs that are not too long. Received: 28 April 2000 / Accepted: 6 November 2000  相似文献   

Summary A low cost lunar Satellite-to-Satellite radio tracking mission in a low-low configuration could considerably improve the existing knowledge about the lunar gravity field. The impact of various mission parameters that may contribute to the recovery of the gravity field, such as satellite altitude, satellite separation, mission duration, measurement precision and sampling interval were quantified using the Jekeli-Rapp algorithm. Preliminary results indicate that the gravity field resolution up to harmonic degree 40 to 80 is feasible depending on various mission configurations. Radio tracking data from a six-month mission with a precision of 1 mm s–1 every 10 s and 300 km satellite separation at 150 km altitude will permit the determination of 5o×5o mean gravity anomalies with an error of approximately 15 mgals. Consideration of other unaccounted error sources of instrumental, operational as well as environmental nature may lower this resolution.  相似文献   

The Gravity and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) satellite mission measures Earth’s gravity field with an unprecedented accuracy at short spatial scales. In doing so, it promises to significantly advance our ability to determine the ocean’s general circulation. In this study, an initial gravity model from GOCE, based on just 2 months of data, is combined with the recent DTU10MSS mean sea surface to construct a global mean dynamic topography (MDT) model. The GOCE MDT clearly displays the gross features of the ocean’s steady-state circulation. More significantly, the improved gravity model provided by the GOCE mission has enhanced the resolution and sharpened the boundaries of those features compared with earlier satellite only solutions. Calculation of the geostrophic surface currents from the MDT reveals improvements for all of the ocean’s major current systems. In the North Atlantic, the Gulf Stream is stronger and more clearly defined, as are the Labrador and the Greenland currents. Furthermore, the finer scale features, such as eddies, meanders and branches of the Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Current system are visible. Similar improvements are seen also in the North Pacific Ocean, where the Kuroshio and its extension are well represented. In the Southern hemisphere, both the Agulhas and the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence current systems are well defined, and in the Southern ocean the Antarctic Circumpolar Current appears enhanced. The results of this preliminary analysis, using an initial GOCE gravity model, clearly demonstrate the potential of the GOCE mission. Already, at this early stage of the mission, the resolution of the MDT has been improved and the estimated surface current speeds have been increased compared with a GRACE satellite-only MDT. Future GOCE gravity models are expected to build further upon this early success.  相似文献   

海洋卫星测高在全球和区域大地水准面建模、全球海洋重力场反演、海底地形探测、海平面变化监测、构造板块运动研究等大地测量领域至关重要。本文概述了海洋微波测高卫星的简要发展历程,重点梳理了卫星测高在全球海洋重力场和全球海底地形建模方面取得的丰硕成果,对比分析了主流的海洋重力场和海底地形模型;介绍了合成孔径雷达高度计、Ka频段雷达高度计、合成孔径雷达干涉仪3种先进微波测高技术,并分析了其各自的优缺点,表明它们将在未来若干年呈并驱发展趋势;较为系统地阐述了海洋卫星测高的另一新型技术,即GNSS反射信号测量技术的研究动态,给出了GNSS-R(GNSS reflectometry)类(试验)卫星的发展脉络和发展前景。卫星测高的发展趋势之一是多颗测高卫星的组网观测,本文概括了曾经提出的和拟议中的若干组网测高计划,扼要介绍了由我国提出并正在实施的双星跟飞测高模式;最后指出了卫星测高发展的几个主要关注点,包括双星跟飞测高和SWOT(surface water ocean topography)任务的2维海面高(差)测量、卫星测高反演海底地形与高级地形激光高度计观测数据及遥感卫星图像的结合、星载GNSS-R厘米级海面高的载波相位测量、人工智能技术在卫星测高中的潜在应用等。  相似文献   

Spectral analysis of data noise is performed in the context of gravity field recovery from inter-satellite ranging measurements acquired by the satellite gravimetry mission GRACE. The motivation of the study is two-fold: (i) to promote a further improvement of GRACE data processing techniques and (ii) to assist designing GRACE follow-on missions. The analyzed noise realizations are produced as the difference between the actual GRACE inter-satellite range measurements and the predictions based on state-of-the-art force models. The exploited functional model is based on the so-called “range combinations,” which can be understood as a finite-difference analog of inter-satellite accelerations projected onto the line-of-sight connecting the satellites. It is shown that low-frequency noise is caused by limited accuracy of the computed GRACE orbits. In the first instance, it leads to an inaccurate estimation of the radial component of the inter-satellite velocities. A large impact of this component stems from the fact that it is directly related to centrifugal accelerations, which have to be taken into account when the measured range-accelerations are linked with inter-satellite accelerations. Another effect of orbit inaccuracies is a miscalculation of forces acting on the satellites (particularly, the one described by the zero-degree term of the Earth’s gravitational field). The major contributors to the noise budget at high frequencies (above 9?mHz) are (i) ranging sensor errors and (ii) limited knowledge of the Earth’s static gravity field at high degrees. Importantly, we show that updating the model of the static field on the basis of the available data must be performed with a caution as the result may not be physical due to a non-unique recovery of high-degree coefficients. The source of noise in the range of intermediate frequencies (1–9?mHz), which is particularly critical for an accurate gravity field recovery, is not fully understood yet. We show, however, that it cannot be explained by inaccuracies in background models of time-varying gravity field. It is stressed that most of the obtained results can be treated as sufficiently general (i.e., applicable in the context of a statistically optimal estimation based on any functional model).  相似文献   

卫星测高与卫星重力对洋流的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卫星测高与卫星重力的发展为进一步研究洋流提供了前所未有的机遇。本文从EGM 96 ,GGM0 1与未来的GOCE任务获取的高精度高分辨率海洋大地水准面的角度对洋流的研究方法与可行性进行了分析  相似文献   

大洋环流对海洋学、大地测量学以及地球物理学等学科具有重要意义.介绍了利用卫星测高确定海面地形和大洋环流的原理与方法,利用6年的TOPEX测高数据计算了平均稳态海面地形模型,并将其与EGM96、CSR以及Levitus(1982)海面地形模型进行了比较,在此基础上对平均大洋环流模式进行了初步的研究.  相似文献   

Multiresolution approximation of the gravity field   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zuofa Li 《Journal of Geodesy》1996,70(11):731-739
In this paper, the idea of multiresolution approximation to the gravity field of the Earth is introduced, and a new approach is developed based on wavelet theory. In this approach, the modelling of the gravity field is done based on all available data with different resolutions, while a discrete wavelet transform is utilized as a bridge, effectively linking different resolution levels. The main advantage of this approach is that it allows us to consider not only optimal estimation of gravity field signals at multiple resolutions but also the fusion of measurements at multiple resolutions. Numerical results with simulated data show the applicability of the proposed approach in physical geodesy.  相似文献   

A function having some properties of a wavelet and being harmonic around a given point in R 3 is defined, and three models showing the local relationships between the disturbing density, the disturbing potential and the disturbing gravity are established by using the function as the kernel function of the integrals in the models. The local relationship has two meanings. One is that we can evaluate with a high accuracy the integrals in the models by using mainly high-accuracy and high-resolution data in a local area. The other is that we can obtain a stable solution with high resolution when we invert the integrals in the models because of the rapid decrease of the kernel function of the integrals. As a result, with these models we evaluate one quantity with high resolution, in a band limited by the maximum degree of a set of geopotential coefficients or by the resolution (spacing) of the local data, from another quantity (or quantities) in a local area, and the resulting solution is stable. Received: 6 April 1998 / Accepted: 16 June 1999  相似文献   

 A prerequisite for the success of future gravity missions like the European Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) is a precise orbit determination (POD). A detailed simulation study has been carried out to assess the achievable orbit accuracy based on satellite-to-satellite tracking (SST) by the US global positioning system (GPS) and in conjunction the implications for gravity field determination. An orbit accuracy at the few centimeter level seems possible, sufficient to support the GOCE gravity mission and in particular its gravity gradiometer. Received: 21 January 2000 / Accepted: 4 July 2000  相似文献   

章传银  瞿锋 《测绘科学》2004,29(Z1):23-27
本文讨论地面大地测量基准框架在我国重力卫星、海洋二号卫星任务的设计、初始化、任务维持、质量控制等方面的作用,以及这两个卫星任务的实施对完善我国大地测量基准框架的作用。并从重力场和海洋环流探测的角度,分析了重力卫星与海洋测高卫星的互补关系。最后,简单介绍了大地测量理论和方法在提高卫星任务总体性能和任务过程质量控制中的作用。  相似文献   

An estimate of the errors in gravity ocean tide loading computations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The error contributions within the ocean tide loading (OTL) convolution integral computation were determined to be able to estimate the numerical accuracy of the gravity OTL values. First, the comparison of four OTL programs by different authors (CONMODB, GOTIC2, NLOADF and OLFG/OLMPP) at ten globally distributed gravity stations using exactly the same input values shows discrepancies between 2% and 5%. A new program, called CARGA, was written that is able to reproduce the results of these programs to a level of 0.1%. This has given us the ability to state with certainty the cause of the discrepancies among the four programs. It is shown that by choosing an appropriate interpolation of the Green’s function, refinement of the integration mesh and a high-resolution coastline, an accuracy level of better than 1% can be obtained for stations in Europe. Besides this numerical accuracy, there are errors in the ocean tide model such as a 1% uncertainty in the mean value of the sea-water density and the lack of conservation of tidal water mass, which can produce offsets of around 0.04 μgal.  相似文献   

R. H. Rapp  Y. Yi 《Journal of Geodesy》1997,71(10):617-629
Procedures to calculate mean sea surface heights and gravity anomalies from altimeter-derived sea surface heights and along-track sea surface slopes using the least-squares collocation procedure are derived. The slope data is used when repeat track averaging is not possible to reduce ocean variability effects. Tests were carried out using Topex, Geosat, ERS-1 [35-day and 168-day (2 cycle)] data. Calculations of gravity anomalies in the Gulf Stream region were made using the sea surface height and slope data. Tests were also made correcting the sea surface heights for dynamic ocean topography calculated from a degree 360 expansion of data from the POCM-4B global ocean circulation model. Comparisons of the anomaly predictions were carried out with ship data using anomalies calculated for this paper as well as others. Received: 19 August 1996 / Accepted: 14 April 1997  相似文献   

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