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根据1951-2009年冬季北京观象台逐日最高、最低气温资料和NCAR/NcEP逐日海平面气压、500hPa高度再分析资料,分析了冬季北极涛动(Arctic Oscillation,简称AO)对北京极端低温事件的影响.结果表明,近59 a冬季北极涛动指数与北京极端低温事件显著负相关,有56.7%(57%)的冷夜(冷日)...  相似文献   

The linkage between the Arctic and midlatitudes has received much attention recently due to the rapidly changing climate. Many investigations have been conducted to reveal the relationship between the Arctic and Eurasian extreme events from the perspective of climatological statistics. As a prediction source for extreme events in Eurasia, Arctic conditions are crucial for extreme event predictions. Therefore, it is urgent to explore the Arctic influence on the predictability of Eurasian extreme ...  相似文献   

A discussion of statistical methods used to estimate extreme wind speeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Wind speeds in extra-tropical latitudes are known to be approximately Weibull distributed. Hence a Weibull distribution fitted to all available data is often used to predict extreme winds. The most extreme values then, however, have little influence on the estimated parent Weibull distribution, and the accuracy of the extreme value predictions obtained in this manner may be questioned. In the present paper such a “Weibull method” is compared to a method based on statistical extreme value theory, “the annual maxima method”. The comparison is based on 30 years of 10 minute wind speed averages measured hourly at 12 meteorological stations located at airports in Sweden. Results show that the Weibull method generates incorrect estimates of the tails of the distributions of wind speeds and of the distribution of yearly maximum wind speed, and that serial dependence of individual measurements has to be taken into account. In addition, it is inherent in the Weibull method that it does not provide any confidence bounds for the estimates. The annual maxima method avoids these problems. The measurements were rounded, first to entire knots, and then to m/s. A further, “technical”, result is that if this rounding were disregarded in the estimation procedure, then the computed standard errors of the parameter estimates would be erroneously low. Hence, if rounding is done, it should be taken into account in the estimation procedure. We also believe this to be a clear indication that rounding of the data decreases estimation accuracy.  相似文献   

Summary We investigate the capability of generalized linear models (GLMs) to simulate sequences of daily maximum wind speed (DMWS), at a selection of locations in NW Europe. Models involving both the gamma and Weibull distributions have been fitted to the NCEP reanalysis data for the period 1958–1998. In simulations, these models successfully reproduce the observed increasing trends up to 0.3 m/s per decade in coastal or oceanic locations for the wintertime and the decreasing trends down to –0.2 m/s per decade in inland Europe for the summertime. Annually extreme winds exhibit an increasing tendency (with median estimates up to 0.6 m/s per decade) at the studied locations. The gamma model slightly overestimates the upper percentiles of the wind speed distribution, but reproduces trends better than the Weibull model. In both the NCEP data and GLM simulations, local extreme DMWS events (defined in terms of threshold exceedances) have increased dramatically in frequency during winter; decreasing trends are more common in summer. The NCEP data indicate similar trends in the frequencies of large-scale windy events (defined via simultaneous exceedances at 2 or more locations). Overall, these events have increased in number; at the scale of the North Sea basin, their number may have changed from 3–5 days per year during the earlier decades, to 5–7 days per year during later decades based on observational estimates. An increase in the frequency of large-scale extreme winter storms is implied. The GLMs underestimate these large-scale event frequencies, and provide imprecise estimates of the corresponding secular trends. These problems could be rectified by using a better representation of spatial dependence. The present results suggest that GLMs offer a useful tool to study local climate extremes in the context of changing climate distributions; they also provide some pointers towards improving the representation of extremes at a regional scale.  相似文献   

Generalized Pareto distributions (GPD) are frequently applied for the statistical analysis of extreme wind speeds. A central topic in extreme-value theory is the adaptive estimation of the extreme-value index ??. Several authors have demonstrated a high sensitivity of ?? against the threshold when analyzing extreme wind speeds. This undesirable effect introduces the difficulty to provide reliable quantile estimates. This paper aims to bring this problem to meteorologists and proposes a stable estimator (the Zipf estimator) for ??. This could allow a more objective prior identification of the sign and range of ??. The method is based on regression in the so-called generalized quantile plots. A comparative study with a classical estimator (the probability-weighted method) is made and it is shown that the Zipf estimator significantly decreases the variance in the calibration of the GPD to extreme wind gusts. Finally, the new methodology is applied to get improved prediction of extreme wind gusts in Belgium.  相似文献   

从北大西洋中高纬度进入北极的极端气旋会引起北极异常增暖,与中高纬度极端天气事件关系密切,危害极大。利用ERA-Interim再分析资料和中国地面气象站观测资料,探讨了2015年1—2月两个极端气旋(C1,C2)影响中国天气的物理过程和机制。结果表明:当极端气旋生成并北移,附近大气低层和高层均出现异常增暖,中高纬度大气环流表现为乌拉尔阻塞形势形成,极涡断裂,低压槽加深南压,我国发生寒潮天气;且极端气旋伴随的异常增暖加强Rossby波能量频散,使中高纬度的槽和脊发展。对比发现,C1和C2的生成地和路径均存在差异,相比于C2,C1生成纬度较高且路径偏东,对应低温寒潮天气范围更大,但强度比C2略弱。这些结果均表明,极端气旋的生成和移动是中国寒潮天气发生的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

In this study, the spatial differences and interannual fluctuations in temporal variability of surface pressure and wind speed on different timescales at 12 locations in the Canadian Arctic are documented. Temporal variability is defined as the mean-squared value of time tendencies smoothed by running means over different intervals. It is shown that variability on timescales of up to 1 month is itself highly variable, both in space and time. Due to the significant impacts from the immediate geographical environment, for surface wind speed, these variations show no spatial pattern on a continental scale, and only a few persistent trends over periods of more than 10 years. Also, spatial and temporal anomalies do not significantly depend on timescale. Contrary to this, spatial and temporal variations in the variability of surface pressure and its changes with time show well-defined regional similarities, as well as a strong spatial and temporal dependence on timescale. As a result, variability of surface pressure on timescales between 1 and 3 days increases from the northeast region of the domain towards the southwest. On longer timescales, this spatial gradient is reversed. The consistent spatial pattern across the study domain suggests that variability of surface pressure is primarily governed by large-scale atmospheric processes, and is to a large extent independent of the exact geographical setting.  相似文献   

1957-2000年东北地区春季极端气温变化及其与北极涛动的关系   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
利用东北地区32个测站1957-2000年逐日气温资料,分析了东北春季极端气温指数的变化特征及其与同期和前期北极涛动指数的关系。结果表明:春季日气温距平值基本上是由高纬向低纬、由东向西增加;44 a来日气温距平强度变化呈现正趋势,春季的冷日和冷夜呈减少趋势,暖日和暖夜呈增加趋势。东北春季气温与春季北极涛动(Arctic Oscillation, AO)在年际时间尺度上具有很强的正相关性,AO和极端气温指数也存在着相同的变化周期和突变时间。  相似文献   

Surface fluxes of heat and water vapour from sites in the European Arctic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary  Measurements of the surface fluxes of heat and water vapour were taken at four sites across the European Arctic as part of the EU funded LAPP project. The sites cover a range of latitudinal, altitudinal and climatic conditions. The most northerly site is near Ny-?lesund, Svalbard, a polar semi-desert with continuous permafrost. A second permafrost site is a fen area in the Zackenberg valley, East Greenland. Finally two sites in northern Finland, Skalluvaara and Kaamanen are on the southern boundary of the region affected by permafrost. At all sites measurements were made of the turbulent fluxes of heat and water vapour using eddy correlation equipment for at least one active season. The net radiation totals for July and August are similar at all sites. At the sites with permafrost a substantial proportion (over 20%) of the net radiation goes into soil heat flux, to thaw the soil moisture in the top metre. Of the remaining energy just over half is used for evaporation. At the Finnish sites the vegetation is largely deciduous and this is seen in the record with higher evaporative ratios in July and August, after the vegetation becomes green. The Finnish sites tend to have higher surface resistance to evaporation; however, the evaporative demand is greater leading to slightly higher evaporation rates. The two Finnish sites have a similar seasonal pattern determined by the water table and seasonality of the vegetation. The two northern sites show a pattern that is determined primarily by the variation of water table only. It is concluded that the water balance through the active season is influenced primarily by the history of snow cover. The seasonality of the vegetation, the permafrost and the depth of water table are also important influences. Received November 1, 1999 Revised April 17, 2000  相似文献   

Summary  The carbon dioxide exchange in arctic and subarctic terrestrial ecosystems has been measured using the eddy-covariance method at sites representing the latitudinal and longitudinal extremes of the European Arctic sea areas as part of the Land Arctic Physical Processes (LAPP) project. The sites include two fen (Kaamanen and Kevo) and one mountain birch ecosystems in subarctic northern Finland (69° N); fen, heathland, and snowbed willow ecosystems in northeastern Greenland (74° N); and a polar semidesert site in Svalbard (79° N). The measurement results, which are given as weekly average diurnal cycles, show the striking seasonal development of the net CO2 fluxes. The seasonal periods important for the net CO2 fluxes, i.e. winter, thaw, pre-leaf, summer, and autumn can be identified from measurements of the physical environment, such as temperature, albedo, and greenness. During the late winter period continuous efflux is observed at the permafrost-free Kaamanen site. At the permafrost sites, efflux begins during the thaw period, which lasts about 3–5 weeks, in contrast to the Kaamanen site where efflux continues at the same rate as during the winter. Seasonal efflux maximum is during the pre-leaf period, which lasts about 2–5 weeks. The summer period lasts 6 weeks in NE Greenland but 10–14 weeks in northern Finland. During a high summer week, the mountain birch ecosystem had the highest gross photosynthetic capacity, GP max, followed by the fen ecosystems. The polar semidesert ecosystem had the lowest GP max. By the middle of August, noon uptake fluxes start to decrease as the solar elevation angle decreases and senescence begins within the vascular plants. At the end of the autumn period, which lasts 2–5 weeks, topsoil begins to freeze at the end of August in Svalbard; at the end of September at sites in eastern Greenland; and one month later at sites in northern Finland. Received March 1, 2000 Revised October 2, 2000  相似文献   

Summary  Based on the six-hourly re-analysis sea-level pressure data of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) a cyclone statistics for the Arctic region north of 60° is elaborated for the period 1 November 1986 to 31 October 1991. For each low pressure center on a weather map its location, central pressure and horizontal pressure gradients in E, W, N, and S direction are determined. Furthermore, cyclone centers are followed with time to calculate trajectories, pressure tendencies, and lifetimes. A horizontal grid of 300 km × 300 km is used as unit area for the statistical computations. A unit area experiences about 20 cyclone passages per year (range 5–40). On the average, six cyclones occur simultaneously in the Arctic region. Lifetimes vary from 6 h to 15 days. The annual cyclone activity over the 5-year period is nearly the same. Cyclones are more frequent in summer (about 94 per month) than in winter (77 per month). In general summer cyclones are weaker than winter cyclones. On the average, the minimum central pressure during the lifetime of a cyclone is about 1000 hPa (typical range 980–1020) in summer and about 988 hPa (typical range 940–1030) in winter. In winter, a zone of high cyclone frequency extends from the region near Iceland over the Greenland Sea, Barents Sea, and Kara Sea to the Laptev Sea while the interior of the Arctic shows little cyclone frequency. In summer, the region near Iceland and the interior of the Arctic are separate centers of high cyclone frequency. Both in winter and summer very high cyclone frequencies are observed over the northern Baffin Bay. The regional distribution of mean central pressures and maximum pressure gradients roughly follows the distribution of cyclone frequencies except for the Baffin Bay cyclones which are generally weak. Cyclolysis dominates cyclogenesis over largest parts of the Arctic. Regions of high cyclone frequency are also regions of frequent cyclogenesis and frequent cyclolysis. One third of all cyclones is generated in a region with an already existing cyclonic circulation. Cyclones in the Fram Strait are studied in more detail because of their special impact on the ice export from the Arctic Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. On the average, there are 5 cyclones per month. the cyclone frequency in the Fram Strait is higher during the winter period than during the summer period. This is in contrast to the overall Arctic frequency which is higher in summer than in winter. Cyclogenesis predominates in winter and cyclolysis in summer in the Fram Strait. The most frequent direction of motion is from SW to NE. Received November, 1999 Revised June 22, 2000  相似文献   

The Younger Dryas (YD) stadial signified an interruption of the warming during the transition from the last glacial to the present interglacial. The mechanism responsible for this cooling is still uncertain, so valuable information concerning climate variability can be obtained by numerical simulation of the YD climate. We performed four experiments on the Younger Dryas climate with the Hamburg atmospheric general circulation model. Here we use the results of these experiments, which differed in prescribed boundary conditions, to characterize the atmospheric winter circulation during the YD stadial in the North Atlantic/European sector. The 10 year means of the following variables are presented: sea level pressure, 500 hPa geopotential heights and 200 hPa winds. In addition, we used daily values to calculate an index to assess the occurrence of blocking and strong zonal flow and to compute storm tracks. Our results show that the YD cooling in Europe was present with a strong and stable westerly circulation without blocking. This is in conflict with an earlier study suggesting frequent easterly winds over NW-Europe. In our experiments the sea-ice cover in the North Atlantic Ocean was the crucial factor forcing this specific YD circulation. Moreover, the jet stream over the North Atlantic was strengthened considerably, causing an enhanced cyclonic activity over the Eurasian continent. The YD winter circulation was different from the circulation found in most simulation studies on the Last Glacial Maximum, since no glacial anticyclones were present and no split of the jet stream occurred. Received: 1 November 1995 / Accepted: 29 May 1996  相似文献   

Dynamical downscaling of ECHAM5 using HIRHAM5 and RCA3 for a northern European domain focused on Scandinavia indicates sustained extreme wind speeds with long recurrence intervals (50?years) and intense winds are not likely to evolve out of the historical envelope of variability until the end of C21st. Even then, significant changes are indicated only in the SW of the domain and across the central Baltic Sea where there is some evidence for relatively small magnitude increases in the 50?year return period wind speed (of up to 15%). There are marked differences in results based on the two Regional Climate Models. Additionally, internal (inherent) variability and initial conditions exert a strong impact on projected wind climates throughout the twenty-first century. Simulations of wind gusts by one of the RCMs (RCA3) indicate some evidence for increased magnitudes (of up to +10%) in the southwest of the domain and across the central Baltic Sea by the end of the current century. As in prior downscaling of ECHAM4, dynamical downscaling of ECHAM5 indicates a tendency towards increased energy density and thus wind power generation potential over the course of the C21st. However, caution should be used in interpreting this inference given the high degree of wind climate projection spread that derives from the specific AOGCM and RCM used in the downscaling.  相似文献   

An estimate of roughness length is required by some atmospheric models and is also used in the logarithmic profile to determine the increase of wind speed with height under neutral conditions. The choice of technique for determining roughness lengths is generally constrained by the available input data. Here, we compare sets of roughness lengths derived by different methods for the same site and evaluate their impact on the prediction of the vertical wind speed profile.Wind speed and direction data have been collected at four heights over a three-year period at the North Norfolk Wind Monitoring Site. Wind speed profiles were used to generate sector roughness lengths based on the logarithmic profile formula. This is the only direct way of determining roughness lengths. The simplest and cheapest method is to use maps with published tables giving roughness length estimates for different terrain types. Alternatively Wieringa (1976, 1986) and Beljaars (1987) give formulae for determining roughness lengths from wind speed gusts or standard deviations.The four sets of estimated roughness lengths vary considerably. They were used to estimate 34 m wind speeds from 12.7 m observations. The profile-derived roughnesses are used simply as a check on the prediction of the wind speed profiles. The terrain-derived roughness lengths give reasonable results. Gust-derived and standard deviation roughnesses both predict wind speeds which are lower than the observed ones. The error is greater in the case of standard deviation roughnesses. If stability corrections are applied in the prediction of the vertical wind speed profile, the results are considerably improved.  相似文献   

The long-term ice record (from 1964 to 2008) of an Arctic lake in northern Europe (Lake Kilpisj?rvi) reveals the response of lake ice to climate change at local and regional scales. Average freeze-up and ice breakup occurred on 9 November and 19 June, respectively. The freeze-up has been significantly delayed at a rate of 2.3 d per decade from 1964 onward (P?<?0.05). No significant change has taken place in ice breakup. Annual average ice thickness has become smaller since the mid-1980s (P?<?0.05). Air temperature during the early ice season significantly affected the ice thickness. The freeze-up date exhibits the highest correlation with the 2-month average daily minimum air temperature centered at the end of October, while the ice breakup date exhibits the highest correlation with the 2-month average daily maximal air temperature centered in mid May. A 1°C increase in the surface air temperature corresponds to a freeze-up later by 3.4?days and an ice breakup earlier by 3.6?days. Snow cover is a critical factor in lake-ice climatology. For cumulative November to March precipitation of less than 0.13?m, the insulating effect of the snow dominated, while higher rates of precipitation favored thicker ice due to the formation of snow ice. Variations in ice records of Lake Kilpisj?rvi can serve as an indicator of climate variations across the northern Europe. The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) does not significantly affect the ice season there, although both the local air temperatures and winter precipitation contain a strong NAO signal.  相似文献   

The time series of seasonal average values and standard deviations of wind speed components at the isobaric surfaces of 850 and 200 hPa are analyzed on the basis of the data of upper-air observations carried out in 1961–2003 at 18 stations of the Russian Federation territory. The energy spectra of wind speed components in the first and in the second halves of the whole period under study are compared. On the whole, an increase in average values of U-component and decrease in average values of V-component took place both in upper and lower troposphere, and the largest variations occurred in winter season in the upper troposphere. Average coefficients of linear trends of average winter values for the whole region amount to 0.57 and ?0.62 m/s per 10 years for the wind components U and V at the isobaric surface of 200 hPa, respectively. The increase in the standard deviations of both components was registered in the upper troposphere in winter period almost on the whole territory. The average coefficients of linear trends of standard deviations at the isobaric surface of 200 hPa in winter for the whole region amount to 0.53 and 0.61 m/s per 10 years for U- and V-components, respectively. The intensity of the annual cycle and processes of intraseasonal scale both in the lower and upper troposphere increased in the second half of the whole interval under study.  相似文献   

Carried out are the statistical analysis of spatiotemporal characteristics of quasistationary and blocking anticyclones in the Atlantic European sector, their classification, and the analysis of large-scale circulation in the lower and middle troposphere preceding the formation of different classes of blocking anticyclones. Studied are the threshold conditions of anticyclone blocking in the lower and middle troposphere in the Atlantic European sector. Determined are the typical situations, when the formed dipoles of heat and cold are observed in the area of the future blocking in the lower troposphere as well as the formed ridges or divergence of flows in the middle troposphere. A conclusion can be made on the possibility of using the information about blocking anticyclones in the schemes of long-range forecasting of thermal regime.  相似文献   

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