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Summary A simple parameterization for the estimation of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) and momentum flux profiles under near-neutral stratification based on sodar measurements of the vertical velocity variance has been tested using data from the LINEX-2000 experiment. Measurements included operation of a phased-array Doppler sodar DSDPA.90 and of a sonic anemometer USA-1 mounted at a meteorological tower at a height of 90m. Good agreement has been found between the TKE and momentum flux values derived from the sonic and sodar data (with correlation coefficients r>0.90 and a slope of the regression lines of about 1.01.1) suggesting the possible use of sodar measurements of w 2 to derive turbulence parameter profiles above the tower range.  相似文献   

Comparisons between sensible heat flux measured using eddy correlation instrumentation and estimated using the temperature fluctuation method are presented for four types of surface in West Africa. Agreement between measured and estimated values is good. Regression of estimated on measured sensible heat flux gave a mean slope of 0.98 with a mean r 2 of 0.94 for bare soil, mature millet, fallow savannah and tiger bush. Estimates of heat flux from temperature fluctuations measured by an instrument mounted beneath a tethered balloon are also shown to be in close agreement with eddy correlation measurements made at the surface (regression slope = 0.98, r 2 = 0.84). The results provide evidence that the ratio /×is indeed a universal function of z/L for all the surface types considered.  相似文献   

The structure of atmospheric turbulence in the surface layer over the open ocean is examined under conditions of local free convection. The raw data consist of profile and fluctuation measurements of wind and temperature as obtained from a meteorological buoy. For near neutral conditions and for waves running approximately along the wind direction, wave-induced wind fluctuations can be described by a simplified linear theory based on Miles (1957). In this case, the spectrum of wind velocity is given as the sum of two parts; for the turbulent part, the parameterization as obtained by Kaimal et al. (1972) applies, while the wave-induced part is parameterized using a simplification of Miles' linear theory. For cases of local free convection, the measurements of the vertical component of the wind velocity are well described by similarity theory; as expected, w /(-uw)1/2 is proportional to (- z/L)1/3. In order to scale the longitudinal wind velocity component, it seems to be reasonable to extend the list of relevant parameters by the height of the mixed layer z i. We obtain u /(- uw)1/2 (z/z i)1/3(- z/L)1/3 with only a poor correlation coefficient of r = 0.6. Overall, the results of local free convection scaling obtained from direct measurements show good agreement with those obtained from profile measurements. A comparison between direct and indirect determination of turbulent fluxes of momentum shows an unexplained difference of about 20%. This discrepancy is mainly due to a gap in the uw-cospectrum at the swell frequency.  相似文献   

Flux measurements of ozone and water vapour employing the eddy correlation technique were used to determine the surface conductance and canopy conductance to ozone. In the surface conductance to ozone, all surfaces at which ozone is destroyed and the transport process to these surfaces are included. The canopy conductance to ozone represents the ozone uptake of transpiring plant parts. The surface conductance to ozone of the maize crop and the underlying soil was generally larger than the canopy conductance to ozone. This means that beside the uptake by stomata, there was another important ozone sink. Under wet soil surface conditions, the surface conductance and the canopy conductance to ozone coincided. This indicates that the resistance of wet soil and the remaining plant parts (cuticle) to ozone was much larger than the stomatal or soil resistance. On the other hand, under dry soil conditions the conductances differ, largely caused by a variation in the transport process to the soil. The transport of ozone to soil increased with increasing friction velocity (u *) and decreased with increasing atmospheric stability, leaf area index (LAI) or crop height (h). These effects for midday (unstable) conditions were parameterized with an in-crop aerodynamic resistance,r inc in a very straightforward way;r inc=13.9 LAIh/u *+67 (cc.=0.77). If the ozone flux in air pollution models is described with a simple resistance model (Big Leaf model), the extra destruction at the soil should be modelled using an in-crop aerodynamic resistance. For these measurements the ozone flux to the soil was 0–65% of the total ozone flux measured above the crop. Under wet soil conditions, this was less than 20%; under dry soil conditions, this was 30–65%.  相似文献   

Summary The relative strength of the stabilizing effect of buoyancy and the destabilizing effect of velocity shear in a stratified shear flow, such as a stable atmospheric boundary layer, is measured by the gradient Richardson number, Rig. The boundary layer static stability, as described by the buoyancy frequency, N, can be calculated from the virtual potential temperature gradient derived from RASS temperature profiles. The mean wind profiles from a sodar can be used to calculate the mean vertical velocity shear. In combination these profilers are potentially a powerful tool for the remotely sensing the dynamic stability of the boundary layer. However, experience shows that the combinations of two experimentally derived quantities, like N and shear, may give highly variable results. On the other hand, a simple sensitivity analysis shows that reasonable estimates of Rig are achievable over a range of conditions in the stable nocturnal boundary layer. To test this conclusion, high spatial and temporal resolution temperature and velocity soundings were obtained above 50m in the stable nocturnal boundary layer using a 920MHz continuous wave Radio Acoustic Sounding System (RASS) and 1.875kHz and 5.00kHz Doppler sodars. Examples of the evolution of Rig are presented from 24 hours of observations of the boundary layer in Canberra, on the tablelands in south- eastern Australia. Most of the boundary layer had Rig between 0.1 and 1. Thus, it was marginally dynamically stable, even with the gradient Richardson number calculated from finite differences over a vertical interval of 68m. A comparison of the results from the two sodars showed that the velocity shear increased significantly when the vertical differencing interval was decreased from 68m to 20m.  相似文献   

Potential temperature, specific humidity and wind profiles measured by radiosondes under unstable but windy conditions during FIFE in northeastern Kansas were analyzed within the framework of Monin-Obukhov similarity. Around 86% of these profiles were found to have a height range over which the similarity, formulated in terms of the Businger-Dyer functions, is valid and for which the resulting surface fluxes are in good agreement with independent measurements at ground stations. When scaled with the surface roughness z 0 = 1.05 m and the displacement height d 0 = 26.9 m, for the potential temperature this height range was 45 (±31) (z – d 0 )/z 0 104 (±54) and the comparison of the profile-derived surface fluxes with the independent measurements gave a correlation coefficient of r = 0.96. For the specific humidity these values are 42 (±29) (z – d 0 )/z 0 96 (±38) and r = 0.94. In terms of the height of the bottom of the inversion H i , in the morning hours the upper limit of (z – d 0 ) in the Monin-Obukhov layer is approximately 0.3H i , whereas for a fully developed ABL it is closer to 0.1H i . Probably, as a result of the short sampling times and perhaps also of the small gradients under the windy conditions, the exact height range of validity was difficult to establish from a mere inspection of these profiles.  相似文献   

Summary This work deals with the Linke turbidity factor, based on total spectrum observations of the direct solar beam and aerosol turbidity parametersa a , , and based on observations in broad spectral bands. Diurnal and seasonal variations of these turbidity parameters were analyzed for the period 1975 to 1991.Annual variations of these parameters show low values in winter and high values in both spring and summer. The extinction coefficients decrease with increase of both wavelength and optical airmass. Trend analysis shows an increase in aerosol extinction coefficient below 0.63 m, and a slight decrease for longer wave-lengths.Linear regression relations are also constructed to estimate botha a and whenT L is available. The relations show thata a can be estimated with errors below 20%. The relation with the parameter, may give better results when it is estimated by assigning a fixed value of .Nomenclature AV Monthly and total average of the measured parameter - a Atmospheric optical thicknes - a a Aerosol optical thickness - a r Mean value of optical thickness of. Rayleigh atmosphere over all wavelengths - a o Ozone optical thickness - a o Ozone absorption coefficient - a w Water vapor optical thickness - COR Correlation coefficient of the linear relation in percentage - Ex1, Ex2, Ex3 Aerosol extinction coefficients in the bands .2–.53, .53–.63, .63–.695, respectively - I (o) Normal incident direct solar radiation, under clear sky condition - I o Extraterrestrial insolation at normal incidence - m r Relative (optical) air mass - NO Number of the observations used in either making the relation or the verification - RMSE Root mean square error of the linear relation - RMSE% Percentage value of the root mean square error relative to the average measured value AV - T L Linke turbidity factor - T Dry bulb temperature in °C - u o Ozone layer thickness, cm - Z Zenith angle - Ångström wavelength exponent - Ångström turbidity coefficient - Wavelength - Y The year number after 1975 With 5 Figures  相似文献   

The impacts of background (or ambient) and local atmospheric thermal stabilities, and slope steepness, on nighttime thermally induced downslope flow in meso- domains (i.e., 20–200 km horizontal extent) have been investigated using analytical and numerical model approaches. Good agreement between the analytical and numerical evaluations was found. It was concluded that: (i) as anticipated, the intensity of the downslope flow increases with increased slope steepness, although the depth of the downslope flow was found to be insensitive to slope steepness in the studied situations; (ii) the intensity of the downslope flow is generally independent of background atmospheric thermal stability; (iii) for given integrated nighttime cooling across the nocturnal boundary layer (NBL), Q s the local atmospheric thermal stability exerts a strong influence on downslope flow behavior: the downslope flow intensity increases when local atmospheric thermal stability increases; and (iv) the downslope flow intensity is proportional to Q s 1/2.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the derivation of the convective mixing height and the characteristic convective velocity w * from profiles of w measured by sodar. The parameters were obtained by fitting an analytical profile to the observed data. Results were compared with values obtained by the meteorological preprocessor of a dispersion model and from noon radiosoundings. In addition, a Monte Carlo method was applied to study the influence of measurement errors. It turned out that it is inherently difficult to determine the depth of deep mixed layers from sodar measurements with a limited range, although the determination of w * should be possible. However, a significant underestimation of w , and thus w *, was found, which is probably due to disproportional sampling of updrafts and downdrafts.  相似文献   

Several formulations and proposals to determine the value of the radiometric scalar roughness for sensible heatz 0h,r are tested with respect to their performance in the estimation of the sensible heat flux by means of the profile equations derived from Monin-Obukhov similarity theory. The equations are applied to the data set of spatially averaged surface skin temperature and profiles of wind speed and temperature observed in a pasture field during a growing season. The use of a physical model developed for a dense canopy to estimate scalar roughness for sensible heatz 0h,r produced sensible heat fluxH with a correlation coefficientr=0.884, the ratio of means being H s /H=1.19 in a comparison with reference values ofH s . In comparison, a proposal for a fixed value ofz 0h yieldedr=0.887, H s /H=0.879. In both cases, the validity ofz 0h =z 0h,r was assumed. All expressions derived to estimatez 0h,r from a multiple linear regression with such predictors as leaf area index, solar radiation and the ratio of solar radiation to extraterrestrial radiation, were found to produce a better result, withr better than 0.90 and H s /H around 1.0. However, when the constantsc andf of a linear regression equationHs=cH+f are used to evaluate the equations, a marked difference in performance of each formulation appeared. In general, equations with smaller numbers of predictors tend to produce a biased result, i.e., an overestimation ofH at largeH s . These values ofH are used in conjunction with the energy balance equation to derive values of the latent heat fluxLE, which are shown to be in good agreement with the reference valuesLE s , withr greater than 0.97.  相似文献   

Mean spectra of vertical wind velocity, temperature, and humidity and co-spectra of vertical turbulent heat and moisture fluxes are reported, normalized in terms of the similarity theory of Monin-Obukhov. The measurements were made in April 1967 at light-house Alte Weser at a height of 30 m above the German Bight. Ten spectra measured under conditions of moderate instability (z/L –0.08) have been used for the evaluation of a mean spectral curve. The humidity fluctuations have been determined from simultaneous turbulence measurements of temperature and radiorefractive-index, which were obtained by a microwave refractometer.Similar to the BOMEX measurements discussed by Phelps and Pond (1971) our results also show a dissimilarity between the fluctuations of temperature and humidity. Accordingly, in the range of lower and higher natural frequencies, significant differences were present between the co-spectra of the vertical heat and moisture fluxes, although the mean peak frequencies of both the fluxes nearly correspond to that of the mean vertical wind-velocity spectrum (f m 0.35).  相似文献   

Frequency spectra of atmospheric turbulenceS (f) in the inertial subrange are considered in the free convection regime over the sea surface in a case of motionless instrument measurements (Eulerian frequency spectra). The frequency spectra formulaef * S (f)/ 2 =c (f */f)5/3 for wind velocity (=1–3), temperature (=t) and humidity (=e) fluctuations are derived on the basis of similarity theory and the –5/3 law. These relations also can be derived from a consideration of convective large-scale advection of small eddies. The frequency scalef * = (N 1 2/)1/2 (H/z 2)1/3 is the lower bound of the inertial subrange and it is of order 10–2 Hz.The spectra formulae are compared with direct measurements of atmospheric turbulence from the fixed research tower in the coastal zone of the Black Sea in calm weather. It is shown that these formulae are realized at least over two to three decades of the frequency range (approximately from 10–2 to 10 Hz) and values of the numerical coefficients are found. The derived formulae can be used for calculations of sensible and latent heat fluxes by measuring the high-frequency range of spectra at a fixed point at low wind speeds when the conventional inertial dissipation method is not applicable.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the remote sensing of waves and turbulence in statically stable atmospheric layers, utilizing sodar and microwave radar echoes from the small-scale inhomogeneities in gaseous refractive index caused by localized fluctuations in temperature, humidity, and velocity. Scattering theory and sounding methodology are reviewed briefly, and the relative performance of typical radar and sodar systems compared. The main section of the paper takes the form of a summary and discussion of experimental progress since 1969, showing how the echo patterns obtained may be applied to the interpretation of multiple layering, gravity waves, internal fronts and the details of dynamic instability and the genesis of turbulence in stably stratified shear layers. In addition, methods for the measurement of the intensity of the small-scale ( /2) variability of wind, temperature and water vapor from the observed radar or sodar echo intensities, and the use of Doppler techniques for the measurement of mean velocity and turbulence are discussed.SODAR from SOund Detection And Ranging in analogy to RAdio Detection And Ranging.  相似文献   

A calibration equation and some results of the field performance of an infrared instrument, which is designed to measure simultaneous fluctuations of atmospheric carbon dioxide and water vapor, are described. Field observations show that the instrument is suitable for simultaneous measurement of turbulent fluxes of carbon dioxide and water vapor in conjunction with a sonic anemometer. Measured values of carbon dioxide and water vapor fluxes show diurnal variations characterized by crop activity with respect to assimilation, respiration and evapotranspiration. Carbon dioxide is transferred downward during the daytime and upward at night, while latent heat and sensible heat are transferred in the opposite sense. The non-dimensional gradient of carbon dioxide is expressed in the following form under weak unstable conditions: c = (1 – 16 v )-1/2. Here, v is the Monin-Obukhov stability parameter including the humidity effect. This relation was originally proposed for temperature and humidity. Thus, the results indicate that the turbulent mechanisms of carbon dioxide fluctuations are similar to those of other scalar entities. This is strongly supported by the high correlation coefficient found between fluctuations of carbon dioxide and temperature or humidity in the air layer over crop fields.  相似文献   

Zusammefassung Um Trübungsbestimmungen nach Aktinometermessungen gegenüber demSchüeppschen Verfahren (und ähnlichen) wesentlich zu erleichtern, wird an Hand derSchüeppschen Unterlagen ein Diagramm zur Bestimmung des dekadischen TrübungskoeffizientenB 500 aus Messungen der Kurzstrahlung (J K , <625 nm) berechnet. Die so erhaltenen Werte vonJ K sind praktisch unabhängig vom -Exponenten der Dunstextinktion.J K -Werte fürB=0 verschiedener Autoren werden verglichen, und Trübungsgrößen verschiedener Diagramme (,T K ,B nachSchüepp) werden in Beziehung gesetzt. Es wird darauf hingewiesen, daß dieSchüepp-sche Methode bei kleinen Trübungen wahrscheinlich etwas zu hohe Werte ergibt.
Summary To simplify the determination of atmospheric turbidity by actinometric measurements with respect to theSchüepp method, a diagram has been computed from the data ofSchüepp to derive the decadic turbidity coefficientB 500 from measurements of short wave radiation (J K , <625 nm). Values ofJ K are practically independent of the -exponent of haze attenuation.J K -values forB=0 of different authors and turbidity values of different diagrams (,T K ,B Schüepp) are compared. It is pointed out that theSchüepp method yields probably slightly too high values with small turbidity.

Résumé Le calcul du trouble atmosphérique d'après les mesures actinométriques est assez compliqué selon la méthode deSchüepp ou d'autres méthodes semblables. Afin d'en faciliter notablement la détermination, l'auteur a calculé une abaque en se basant sur les données deSchüepp. Ce diagramme permet d'évaluer le coefficient de trouble atmosphérique décadaireB 500 en partant de la mesure du rayonnement à ondes courtes (J K , <625 m). Les valeurs deJ K obtenues alors sont pratiquement indépendantes de l'exposant de l'extinction due à la brume. Les valeurs deJ K pourB=0 et provenant de divers auteurs sont comparées entre elles. On a en outre établi le rapport existant entre le trouble atmosphérique calculé d'après divers diagrammes (,T K ,B Schüepp). On rend le lecteur attentif au fait que les valeurs calculées selonSchüepp sont probablement trop élevées lorsque le trouble atmosphérique est peu important.

Mit 2 Textabbildungen  相似文献   

Summary The broadband solar absorptivity concept is employed to parameterize the aerosol absorption effect. The solar radiation model developed by Liou and his associates was modified to incorporate the parameterization of solar radiative transfer in an aerosol layer. Comparison of the results from this method with other schemes exhibits close agreement. A Sahara dust storm case was also chosen to test the performance of the present model, and the computed heating rate profiles agree well with calculations based on optical properties derived from observations for both clear and dust cases. In general, enhanced heating due to aerosol absorption of solar flux occurs particularly in the lower troposphere (below 5 km). The heating rate is independent of the scattering partition factor (), but the planetary albedo increases with . Further study shows that the aerosol heating is sensitive to the surface albedo (r s ) and to the cosine of the solar zenith angle (µ 0). The decrease inr s and/or increase inµ 0 lower the solar heating rate, the planetary albedo and the atmospheric absorptivity, but raise the surface absorptivity due to reduced multiple reflection between the atmosphere and surface.With 9 Figures  相似文献   

Line-averaged measurements of the structure parameter of refractive index (C n 2 ) were made using a semiconductor laser diode scintillometer above two markedly different surfaces during hours of positive net radiation. The underlying vegetation comprised in the first instance a horizontally homogeneous, pasture sward well-supplied with water, and in the second experiment, a sparse thyme canopy in a semi-arid environment. Atmospheric stability ranged between near neutral and strongly unstable (–20). The temperature structure parameterC T 2 computed from the optical measurements over four decades from 0.001 to 2 K2 m–2/3 agreed to within 5% of those determined from temperature spectra in the inertial sub-range of frequencies. Spectra were obtained from a single fine thermocouple sensor positioned near the midway position of the 100m optical path and at the beam propagation height (1.5m).With the inclusion of cup anemometer measurements, rule-of-thumb assumptions about surface roughness, and Monin-Obukhov similarity theory, path-averaged optical scintillations allow calculation of surface fluxes of sensible heat and momentum via a simple iterative procedure. Excellent agreement was obtained between these fluxes and those measured directly by eddy correlation. For sensible heat, agreement was on average close to perfect over a measured range of 0 to 500 W m–2 with a residual standard deviation of 30 W m–2. Friction velocities agreed within 2% over the range 0–0.9 m s–1 (residual standard deviation of 0.06 m s–1). The results markedly increase the range of validation obtained in previous field experiments. The potential of this scintillation technique and its theoretical foundation are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Nine profiles of the temperature structure parameter C T 2 and the standard deviation of vertical velocity fluctuations ( w) in the convective boundary layer (CBL) were obtained with a monostatic Doppler sodar during the second intensive field campaign of the First ISLSCP Field Experiment in 1987. The results were analyzed by using local similarity theory. Local similarity curves depend on four parameters: the height of the mixed layer (z i ), the depth of the interfacial layer (), and the temperature fluxes at the top of the mixed layer (Q i ) and the surface (Q o). Values of these parameters were inferred from sodar data by using the similarity curve for C T 2 and observations at three points in its profile. The effects of entrainment processes on the profiles of C T 2 and wnear the top of the CBL appeared to be described well by local similarity theory. Inferred estimates of surface temperature flux, however, were underestimated in comparison to fluxes measured by eddy correlation. The measured values of wappeared to be slightly smaller than estimates based on available parmeterizations. These discrepancies might have been caused by experimental error or, more likely, by the distortion of turbulence structure above the site by flow over the nonuniform terrain at the observation site.  相似文献   

Evapotranspiration is a major component of both the energy and water balances of wetland tundra environments during the thaw season. Reliable estimates of evapotranspiration are required in the analysis of climatological and hydrological processes occurring within a wetland and in interfacing the surface climate with atmospheric processes. Where direct measurements are unavailable, models designed to accurately predict evapotranspiration for a particular wetland are used.This paper evaluates the performance, sensitivity and limitations of three physically-based, one-dimensional models in the simulation of evaporation from a wetland sedge tundra in the Hudson Bay Lowland near Churchill, Manitoba. The surface of the study site consists of near-saturated peat soil with a sparse sedge canopy and a constantly varying coverage of standing water. Measured evaporation used the Bowen ratio energy balance approach, to which the model results were compared. The comparisons were conducted with hourly and daily simulations.The three models are the Penman-Monteith model, the Shuttleworth-Wallace sparse canopy model and a modified Penman-Monteith model which is weighted for surface area of the evaporation sources.Results from the study suggest that the weighted Penman-Monteith model has the highest potential for use as a predictive tool. In all three cases, the importance of accurately measuring the surface area of each evaporation source is recognized. The difficulty in determining a representative surface resistance for each source and the associated problems in modelling without it are discussed.

List of Symbols

Models BREB Bowen ratio energy balance - P-M Penman-Monteith combination - S-W Shuttleworth-Wallace combination - W-P-M Weighted Penman-Monteith combination Other AE Available energy-all surfaces - AE c Available energy-canopy (S-W, W-P-M) - AE s Available energy-bare soil (S-W, W-P-M) - AE w Available energy-open water (W-P-M) - C p Specific heat of air - D Vapor pressure deficit - DAI Dead area index - FAI Foliage area index - LAI Leaf area index - Q * Net radiation - Q e Latent heat flux-total - Q ec Latent heat flux-canopy (S-W, W-P-M) - Q es Latent heat flux-bare soil (S-W, W-P-M) - Q ew Latent heat flux-open water (W-P-M) - Q g ground heat flux - Q h Sensible heat flux - S Proportion of area in bare soil - W Proportion of surface in open water - r a Aerodynamic resistance (P-M, W-P-M) - r c Canopy resistance - r s Generalized optimized surface resistance - r st Stomatal resistance - r c a Bulk boundary layer resistance (S-W) - r s a Aerodynamic resistance below mean canopy level (S-W) - r s s Soil surface resistance (S-W, W-P-M) Greek Bowen ratio - Psychrometer constant - Air density - Slope of saturation vapour pressure vs temperature curve  相似文献   

Wind and stability characteristics in the atmospheric surface boundary layer at a height,Z, less than 20 m above the sea were examined in nine oceanic investigations. The analysis lends further support to the utility of the log-linear wind-profile law in the stability region of –0.4Z/L0.9, whereL is the Monin-Obukhov length. However, it is also shown that, inasmuch as better than 90% of the measurements fall within the range of ¦Z/L¦ 0.25, and inasmuch as this correction to the drag coefficient under neutral conditions amounts to less than 10%, the familiar logarithmic wind law may be used rather than the log-linear form. A wind-stress drag coefficient,C d (=1.2×10–3 between 1.0 m Z 18.3 m), is thus recommended for general deepwater oceanic applications. The situation over shallow water, which is different, is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

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