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Samples of the Lower Carboniferous Emma Fiord Formation from two localities in the Sverdrup Basin of Arctic Canada were examined using reflected white and fluorescent light. The samples from Kleybolte Peninsula on Ellesmere Island show a relatively high level of thermal maturity. In contrast, those from Grinnell Peninsula on Devon Island are immature to marginally mature and include subbituminous coals and oil shales. Two types of oil shales are distinguished on the basis of liptinite content, mineral matrix, RockEval pyrolysis analysis, and concentration of boron. One is characterized by a liptinite-rich, clay-carbonate matrix with a relatively high hydrogen index and boron content, and the other by a liptinite-poor carbonate matrix with a relatively low hydrogen index and boron content. Hydrogen-rich components of these shales consist of alginite, matrix bituminite and minor amounts of exsudatinite and sporinite. Kerogen Types III and IV comprise only minor components of the organic matter.Thermal maturity of the Grinnell Peninsula oil shales increases with depth. Matrix bituminite in these oil shales has seeped into cavities and microfractures in the kerogen Types III and IV, forming exsudatinite.The distribution and character of the organic constituents and also the concentration of boron in these samples indicate a fresh to brackish water environment.  相似文献   

介绍了两套极区卫星跟踪水文气象自动观测浮标的研制目的、结构组成与功能,以及在中国第二次北极科学考察中的现场布放和应用。同时也介绍了由美国进口的ZENO冰浮标的结构、功能和布放情况,并将极区卫星跟踪浮标和美国ZENO冰浮标做了相应的比较和分析。  相似文献   

The initial configuration of the Arctida Craton was reconstructed from a complex geological-geophysical analysis of the anomalous magnetic field of the Canadian Basin in the Arctic Ocean. The modern version of the bottom geochronology indicates that the first stage of the formation of the Canadian Basin in the Arctic Ocean was related to extension and rifting in the Arctida Craton in the Kimmeridgian. The transformation of rifting into spreading presumably occurred during chron M22Ar (151 Ma). The second stage was related to the opening of the Canadian Basin within chrons M22Ar-M19 (151–145 Ma). The next stage of the opening of the basin was marked by a 100-km jump of the spreading axis to the east. This stage ended after chron M5 (130 Ma ago). At the fourth (Late Cretaceous) stage, extension spanned the Southern Canadian Basin with the formation of large igneous province.  相似文献   

西沙海槽盆地处于南海北部陆坡洋陆壳过渡带,为一个分割南海北部陆架和西沙地块的新生代裂谷盆地,其沉积环境演化研究有助于进一步认识南海形成演化过程。通过南海陆坡区域地震地层对比,将西沙海槽盆地新生代以来划分出9个地层单元,采用地震线描和地震相分析方法,恢复各地层单元沉积时期的地层结构及古地貌,探讨其沉积环境演化过程。结果表明,古新世—始新世西沙海槽盆地为河流和湖泊沉积环境;渐新世—早中新世初,演变为分割南海北部陆架和西沙地块古陆、贯通琼东南盆地和西北次盆的海峡,沉积环境由滨-浅海过渡到半深海环境;中中新世以来盆地进入陆坡海槽发育阶段,晚中新世以后中央水道形成,演变为一个陆坡内深水海槽,为海流和浊流通道,整体处于半深海-深海沉积环境。  相似文献   

Jurassic-Cretaceous rift successions and basin geometries of the Sverdrup Basin are reconstructed from a review and integration of stratigraphy, igneous records, outcrop maps, and subsurface data. The rift onset unconformity is in the Lower Jurassic portion of the Heiberg Group (approximately 200–190 Ma). Facies transgress from early syn-rift sandstones of the King Christian Formation to marine mudstones of the Jameson Bay Formation. The syn-rift succession of marine mudstones in the basin centre, Jameson Bay to Deer Bay formations, ranges from Early Jurassic (Pleinsbachian) to Early Cretaceous (Valanginian). Early post-rift deposits of the lower Isachsen Formation are truncated by the sub-Hauterivian unconformity, which is interpreted as a break up unconformity at approximately 135–130 Ma. Cessation of rift subsidence allowed for late post-rift sandstone deposits of the Isachsen Formation to be distributed across the entire basin. Marine deposition to form mudstone of the Christopher Formation throughout the Canadian Arctic Islands and outside of the rift basin records establishment of a broad marine shelf during post-rift thermal subsidence at the start of a passive margin stage. The onset of the High Arctic Large Igneous Province at approximately 130 Ma appears to coincide with the breakup unconformity, and it is quite typical that magma-poor rifted margins have mainly post-rift igneous rocks. We extend the magma-poor characterization where rifting is driven by lithospheric extension, to speculatively consider that the records from Sverdrup Basin are consistent with tectonic models of retro-arc extension and intra-continental rifting that have previously been proposed for the Amerasia Basin under the Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

Morphodynamic modeling is employed in the present work to predict the long-term evolution (over the next 100 years) of typical sedimentary coasts in the western Russian Arctic. The studied objects are the coasts of Varandey (the Barents Sea), Baydaratskaya Bay and Harasavey (the Kara Sea). The model developed takes into account both the short-term processes (storm events) and long-term factors (for example, changes in sea level, inter-annual variations in gross sediment flux, lack or excess of sediment supply). Predicted and observed morphological changes in coastal profiles are shown to agree well for time scales ranging from weeks to decades. It is revealed that under given environmental conditions, the morphological evolution is strongly influenced by storm surges and associated wind-driven circulation. The water level gradient created by a surge generates a seaward flow at the bed. This outflow is shown to be an important destructive mechanism contributing to the erosion and recession of Arctic coasts. The rate of change is found to depend on both the exposure of the coast (relative to the direction of dominant winds) and its height above the sea. The open coast of Varandey is expected to retreat as much as 300–500 m over 100 years, while recession of the less exposed coasts of Baydaratskaya Bay would not exceed about 100 m/century. If long-term sediment losses are insignificant, the rate of erosion decays with time and the morphodynamic system may tend toward equilibrium. It is concluded that the expected relative sea-level rise (up to 1 m over the nearest 100 years) is non-crucial to the future coastal evolution if an erosion activity is already high enough.  相似文献   

蔡锋  陈峰 《台湾海峡》1998,17(2):172-179
本文通过对大嶝码头拟建区沉积环境的详细,对比其几年来表层沉积物的变化状况,建立三维粒度参数图象,并结合柱状沉积物的参数演化,建立了该区域新近年代沉积环境演化模式。通过岸、滩的实地考察,采用海图对比分析,计算出拟建区岸滩宽度、高程的变化,并对其原因、泥沙运移规律进行探讨,计算出其年淤积强度,为该项工程建成后的防护问题提供依据。  相似文献   

2008年7月至9月,中国第3次北极科学考察期间,在走航路线上利用黑碳仪对黄海-日本海-鄂霍次克海-西北太平洋-白令海-楚科奇海-加拿大海盆等海区上的黑碳气溶胶浓度进行连续观测,最北观测位置达85°21.3′N.观测结果显示,北冰洋是全航线黑碳浓度最低的海区,平均浓度为(5.3±3.7)ng/m3;在70°N以北的海区...  相似文献   

Though narrow straits may have a strong influence on the large-scale sea ice mass balance, they are often crudely represented in coarse resolution sea ice models. Unstructured meshes, with their natural ability to fit boundaries and locally increase the mesh resolution, propose an alternative framework to capture the complex oceanic areas formed by coasts and islands. In this paper, we develop a finite element sea ice model to investigate the sensitivity of the Arctic sea ice cover features to the resolution of the narrow straits constituting the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The model is a two-level dynamic-thermodynamic sea ice model, including a viscous-plastic rheology. It is run over 1979–2005, forced by daily NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. Confronting qualitatively numerical experiments with observations shows a good agreement with satellite and buoys measurements. Due to its simple representation of the oceanic interactions, the model overestimates the sea ice extent during winter in the southernmost parts of the Arctic, while the Baffin Bay and Kara Sea remain ice-covered during summer. In order to isolate the benefits from resolving the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, a numerical experiment is performed where we artificially close the archipelago. Focusing on the large-scale sea ice thickness pattern, no significant change is found in our model, except in the close surroundings of the archipelago. However, the local and short-term influences of the ice exchanges are nonnegligible. In particular, we show that the ice volume associated to the Canadian Arctic Archipelago represents 10% of the Northern Hemisphere sea ice volume and that the annual mean ice export towards Baffin Bay amounts to 125 km3 yr−1, which may play an important role on the convective overturning in the Labrador Sea.  相似文献   

The chlorophyll a specific absorption coefficient of phytoplankton, aφ(λ) is an important parameter to determine for primary production models and for the estimation of phytoplankton physiological condition. Knowledge of this parameter at high latitudes where nutrient rich cold water submitted to low incident light is a common environment is almost nonexistent. To address this issue, we investigated the light absorption properties of phytoplankton as a function of irradiance, temperature, and nutrients using a large data set in the southern Beaufort Sea during the open water to ice cover transition period. The aφ(λ) tended to increase from autumn when open water still existed to early winter when sea ice cover was formed, resulting from a biological selection of smaller-size phytoplankton more efficient to absorb light. There was no significant correlation between aφ(λ) and irradiance or temperature for both seasons. However, aφ(λ) showed a significant positive correlation with NO3 + NO2. Implications of the results for phytoplankton community adaptation to changing light levels are discussed.  相似文献   

Coastal change in the western Canadian Arctic is influenced by coastal morphology, relative sea-level trend and sea-ice and storm climates. The spatial variability of these factors tends to follow general east–west trends suggesting similar trends in coastal erosion hazard, processes and rates of coastal change. The spatial variability in the causes of coastal change is examined in the communities of Tuktoyaktuk, Sachs Harbour, Holman and Kugluktuk.  相似文献   

东山岛以东近岸海域水下沙丘及其环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1990~1991年,我所对东山岛海域进行海底地形、底质调查、水文泥沙测验时发现:1)沿东山岛一古雷半岛的NNE、NE向断裂在海域呈现为落差可达20m左右“V”字型深糟;2)在东山岛东部10m等深线以东海域发育众多的水沙丘群,水深15m左右有一地形坡折线,水深20~25m海底为水下一级阶地。据底质粒度、石英电镜扫描、重矿物、地球化学指标等分析表明,水下沙丘群分布区的沉积为准残留沉积,水下一级阶地及水下沙丘为早期滨岸的准残留地貌作,又受到后期现代水动力的改造。  相似文献   

对采自辽河口盖州滩北部柱状样进行沉积物粒度分析和137Cs、210Pb年代测试,结合1988年、1994年、1999年和2013年4期遥感影像数据,对近30年盖州滩沉积环境进行了研究。沉积物样品主要为砂质粉砂和粉砂,分选较差,极正偏,峰态很窄至宽。近30年来盖州滩沉积速率为2.83 cm/a,沉积较为快速。1969年,盘山建闸后,虽然辽河入海径流量和输沙量减少,盖州滩沉积物粒度仍受到径流、潮流和波浪的共同影响,以径流影响为主;1999年,辽河截流后,径流影响较弱,潮流和波浪对沉积物改造作用增强。盖州滩发育过程受到径流、潮流和波浪以及人类活动的共同影响,但近30年来盖州滩主体形态无明显变化,仅北部沙洲不断淤高,与主沙体连为一起,南部受波浪改造呈鸟足状。  相似文献   

正In recent decades, Arctic climate is warming at a rate of almost twice the global average(Osborne et al., 2018). The surface atmosphere and oceanic temperatures over Arctic Ocean increase leads to the rapid retreat of sea ice. The extension and thickness of sea ice in the Arctic, as well as the multi-year ice coverage, have decreased significantly. For example, the September sea ice extent in the Arctic, which is the end of the summer melt season, decreases at a rate of larger than 11% per decade(Polyakov et al., 2012).  相似文献   

Late Holocene paleoceanography and climate variability of the Southeastern Beaufort Sea (Canadian Arctic) have been investigated on the basis of sedimentary cores collected over the Mackenzie Slope. Piston, trigger and box cores were sampled at station 803 in 2004 aboard the CCGS Amundsen at 218 m water depth. The chronology of the piston core is constrained by 4 AMS-14C dates, as the sedimentation rate in the box core is assessed from 210Pb data. We obtain a continuous composite sequence covering the last 4600 years, with a sedimentation rate of ~ 140 cm.kyr? 1. Transfer functions (modern analogue technique) based on dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) assemblages were used to reconstruct the evolution of sea-surface conditions over the time period covered by the cores.Palynological data reveal that dinocyst assemblages are dominated by Operculodinium centrocarpum sensu lato (mean of 43.3%) throughout the core, with the accompanying taxa Brigantedinium spp. (19.6%), Islandinium minutum (15.6%) and cysts of Pentapharsodinium dalei (13.7%). Four zones have been established on the basis of dinocyst relative abundances. Dinocyst assemblage zone 1 (D1), from 4600 to 2700 cal years BP, is dominated by O. centrocarpum (mean of 49.0%). In zone D2 (2700–1500 cal years BP), the relative abundances of O. centrocarpum decrease (34.4%) in favour of the opportunistic, heterotrophic taxa Brigantedinium spp. (28.8%) and cysts of Polykrikos sp. var. arctic/quadratus (2.8%). Dinocyst zone D3 (1500–30 cal years BP or 450–1920 AD) is characterised by the high relative abundance of the peridinioid taxa I. minutum (19.9%). The last zone (D4), spanning from 1920 to 2004 AD, is again dominated by O. centrocarpum (44.5%), and shows low relative abundances of Brigantedinium spp. and cf. Echinidinium karaense.Quantitative reconstructions of past sea-surface parameters (August sea-surface temperature: SST, August sea-surface salinity: SSS, and duration of sea-ice cover) indicate relatively stable conditions over the last 4.6 kyr, with episodic cooling events (SST of ~ 1.5 °C below the modern value of 6 °C) that took place between 700 and 1820 AD. We associate the last and the longest of these cooling events (1560–1820 AD) with the Little Ice Age. Reconstructed SSS shows decadal oscillations since 1920 AD that we tentatively associate with the accumulation of freshwater by the Beaufort Gyre and the subsequent Great Salinity Anomalies. Our data suggest that similar salinity anomalies could have occurred ca. 1860 and 1790 AD.Stable isotopic data show a slight increase in δ13C values (from ~?27.1‰ at the base to ~?25.8‰ at the top) over the last 4.6 kyr that we associate with the gradual increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration as recorded by Antarctic ice cores. Variations in the δ15N profile suggest variations in Pacific water influence from 4600 to ~ 1300 cal years BP, associated with centennial scale shifts of the Arctic Oscillation phases.  相似文献   

根据湛江湾海域2020年10月采集的61个表层沉积物样品粒度分析结果,对沉积物粒度参数进行了总结,划分了沉积物类型,结合Pejrup三角图解对湛江湾海域沉积动力环境进行了分区,运用Gao-Collins粒径趋势分析模型,探讨了沉积物运移趋势。结果表明,湛江湾海域表层沉积物类型共有5种,其中砂、粉砂质砂、砂质粉砂分布最广,粒度组成以细砂为主,平均粒径均值为3.93Φ,分选较差,粒度分布曲线以正偏、正态分布为主。沉积动力判别图解揭示湛江湾海域沉积水动力较强,整体表现为湾内比湾外弱、湾外向外海方向逐渐减弱的特征。粒径趋势分析反映出湛江湾内整体向南部潮流深槽方向运移,湾外围绕沉积中心整体呈逆时针方向运移。湛江湾海域表层沉积物的运移和分布主要受泥沙来源及潮流、波浪、沿岸流等沉积动力环境的共同作用,近年来,人类活动的影响愈加明显。  相似文献   

Significant oil and gas accumulations occur in and around Lougheed Island, Arctic Canada, where hydrocarbon prospectivity is controlled by potential source rock distribution and composition. The Middle to Upper Triassic rocks of the Schei Point Group (e.g. Murray Harbour and Hoyle Bay formations) contain a mixture of Types I and II organic matter (Tasmanales marine algae, amorphous fluorescing bituminite). These source rocks are within the oil generation zone and have HI values up to 600 mg HC/g Corg. The younger source rocks of the Lower Jurassic Jameson Bay and the Upper Jurassic Ringnes formations contain mainly gas-prone Type II/III organic matter and are marginally mature. Vitrinite reflectance profiles suggest an effective geothermal gradient essentially similar to the present-day gradient (20 to 30°C/km). Maturation gradients are low, ranging from 0.125 to 0.185 log%Ro/km. Increases in subsidence rate in the Early Cretaceous suggest that the actual heat flow history was variable and has probably diminished from that time. The high deposition rates of the Christopher Formation shales coincide with the main phase of rifting in Aptian-Albian times. Uplift and increased sediment supply in the Maastrichtian resulted in a new sedimentary and tectonic regime, which culminated in the final phase of the Eurekan Orogeny. Burial history models indicate that hydrocarbon generation in the Schei Point Group took place during rifting in Early Cretaceous, long before any Eurekan deformation.  相似文献   

部分元素对氧化还原环境非常敏感,氧化还原条件往往决定着这些元素的迁移或富集,这些元素被称为氧化还原敏感性元素(redox sensitive elements,RSE).除Fe、Mn外大部分RSE在氧化环境条件下以溶解态离子形式存在于海洋水体而发生迁移,在还原环境条件下则容易从海洋水体中析出向沉积物中迁移并发生富集.R...  相似文献   

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