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Tectono-sedimentary evolution of active extensional basins   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:25  
We present conceptual models for the tectono-sedimentary evolution of rift basins. Basin architecture depends upon a complex interaction between the three-dimensional evolution of basin linkage through fault propagation, the evolution of drainage and drainage catchments and the effects of changes in climate and sea/lake level. In particular, the processes of fault propagation, growth, linkage and death are major tectonic controls on basin architecture. Current theoretical and experimental models of fault linkage and the direction of fault growth can be tested using observational evidence from the earliest stages of rift development. Basin linkage by burial or breaching of crossover basement ridges is the dominant process whereby hydrologically closed rifts evolve into open ones. Nontectonic effects arising from climate, sea or lake level change are responsible for major changes in basin-scale sedimentation patterns. Major gaps in our understanding of rift basins remain because of current inadequacies in sediment, fault and landscape dating.  相似文献   

Pressure and temperature evolution in sedimentary basins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Structural development of Neogene basins in western Greece   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract An account is given of the structural setting of the various Neogene sedimentary basins of western Greece. Compressional basins are attributable to foreland loading by the Alpine fold and thrust belt of the Outer Hellenides, and to active subduction in the adjacent western Hellenic arc. Late extensional basins are related to N-S crustal extension in the Aegean marginal basin and, in western Greece, are superimposed on the earlier compressional structures. The local seismicity provides evidence that the main E-W-trending basin-bounding faults of the extensional basins form a linked system that includes NW-SE- and NE-SW-trending transfer zones of transtension. The transfer zones are themselves the sites of small extensional basins.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT From study of Palaeozoic formations in the Appalachian foreland basin, a predictive stratigraphic model is proposed based on facies tract development during convergent-margin structural evolution. Five major facies tracts are recognized: shallow-water carbonates that formed during interorogenic quiescence and initial foreland subsidence; deep-water siliciclastics that accumulated in the proximal foreland basin during early collision; syn-collisional shallow-water siliciclastics; syn-collisional, channellized fluvial sandstones that aggraded in the proximal foreland; and progradational shoreline sandstones that were deposited in response to filling of the proximal foreland. Two other facies tracts that occur are organic-rich siliciclastics ('black shales'), which accumulated in oxygen-deficient areas of low clastic-sediment influx, and incised valley-fill deposits, which formed where subsidence rate was low.
Because the origin of each facies tract is dependent upon a unique combination of rate of accommodation change and rate of sediment supply, facies tract distribution is predictable from spatial and temporal patterns of subsidence and uplift associated with plate convergence. Alternating phases of thrust loading and quiescence caused fluctuations between underfilled and overfilled conditions during Palaeozoic evolution of the Appalachian basin. Along-strike variations in stratigraphic thickness, facies tract distribution, and development of unconformities in the Appalachian basin reflect the influence of structural irregularities along the collisional margin. In distal parts of the Appalachian foreland and in areas of structural recesses, eustatic influence on stratigraphic patterns is expressed more clearly than in areas of higher subsidence rate.  相似文献   

Regional seismic reflection profiles tied to lithological and biostratigraphic data from deep exploration wells have been used to determine the structure and evolution of the poorly known basins of northern Somalia. We recognize six major tectonostratigraphic sequences in the seismic profiles: Middle‐Late Jurassic syn‐rift sequences (Adigrat and Bihen Group), ?Cenomanian‐Campanian syn‐rift sequences (Gumburo Group), Campanian‐Maastrichtian syn‐rift sequences (Jesomma Sandstones), Palaeocene post‐rift sequences (Auradu Limestones), Early‐Middle Eocene post‐rift sequences (Taleh Formation) and Oligocene‐Miocene (Daban Group) syn‐rift sequences. Backstripping of well data provides new constraints on the age of rifting, the amount of crustal and mantle extension, and the development of the northern Somalia rifted basins. The tectonic subsidence and uplift history at the wells can be explained by a uniform extension model with three episodes of rifting punctuated by periods of relative tectonic quiescence and thermal subsidence. The first event initiated in the Late Jurassic (~156 Ma) and lasted for ~10 Myr and had a NW‐SE trend. We interpret the rift as a late stage event associated with the break‐up of Gondwana and the separation of Africa and Madagascar. The second event initiated in the Late Cretaceous (~80 Ma) and lasted for ~20–40 Myr. This event probably correlates with a rapid increase in spreading rate on the ridges separating the African and Indian and African and Antarctica plates and a contemporaneous slowing down of Africa's plate motion. The backstripped tectonic subsidence data can be explained by a multi‐rift extensional model with stretching factor, β, of 1.09–1.14 and 1.05–1.28 for the first and second rifting events, respectively. The model, fails, however, to completely explain the slow subsidence and uplift history of the margin during Early Cretaceous to Late Cretaceous. We attribute this slow subsidence to the combined effect of a sea‐level fall and regional uplift, which caused a major unconformity in northern Somalia. The third and most recent event occurred in the Oligocene (~32 Ma) and lasted for ~10 Myr. This rift developed along the Gulf of Aden and reactivated the Guban, Nogal and Daroor basins, and is related to the opening of the Gulf of Aden. As a result of these events the crust and upper mantle were thinned by up to a factor of two in some basins. In addition, several distinct petroleum systems developed. The principal exploration play is for Mesozoic petroleum systems with the syn‐rift Oligocene‐Miocene as a subordinate objective owing to low maturity and seal problems. The main seals for the different plays are various shales, some of which are also source rocks, but the Early Eocene evaporites of the Taleh formations can also perform a sealing role for Palaeogene or older generated hydrocarbons migrating vertically.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(2):279-301
Spatio‐temporal analysis of basins formed along sheared margins has received much less attention than those formed along orthogonally extended margins. Knowledge about the structural evolution of such basins is important for petroleum exploration but there has been a lack of studies that document these based on 3D seismic reflection data. In this study, we demonstrate how partitioning of strain during deformation of the central and southern part of the Sørvestsnaget Basin along the Senja Shear Margin, Norwegian Barents Sea, facilitated coeval shortening and extension. This is achieved through quantitative analysis of syn‐kinematic growth strata using 3D seismic data. Our results show that during Cenozoic extensional faulting, folds and thrusts developed coevally and orthogonal to sub‐orthogonal to normal faults. We attribute this strain partitioning to be a result of the right‐lateral oblique plate motions along the margin. Rotation of fold hinge‐lines and indications of hinge‐parallel extension indicate that the dominating deformation mechanism in the central and southern Sørvestsnaget Basin during opening along the Senja Shear Margin was transtensional. We also argue that interpretation of shortening structures attributed to inversion along the margin should consider that partitioning of strain may result in shortening structures that are coeval with extensional faults and not a result of a separate compressional phase.  相似文献   

Summary. A systematic approach is suggested for modelling the development of sedimentary basins. The theory, which partitions basin formation into initiating and isostatic adjustment processes, is applicable to all modes of basin formation if these processes are linear, or can he represented with sufficient accuracy in an incrementally linear form.
The dynamics of regional isostatic adjustment are characterized by the Heaviside space-time Green functions for the response of elastic and viscoelastic (Maxwell) thin plate models of the lithosphere. It is shown, by convolving the Heaviside—Green functions with cylindrical surface loads, that the rate of isostatic adjustment on a viscoelastic lithosphere is a function of the wavelength of the surface load, long wavelengths being compensated most rapidly.
Six archetypal initiating processes for sedimentary basin development are presented. These processes are those responsible for the subsidence of the Earth's surface which creates a depression in which water and sediments collect. Isostatic amplification of subsidence by sediment and water loads is cast in the form of an integral equation with isostatic Heaviside—Green functions as kernel.
Specific examples, the basins that result from a graben initiating process, are compared with the largest scale structure of the North Sea Basin, a basin that is known to be underlain by a graben system. A model, in which a 50-km wide graben subsides exponentially with a time constant of 5 × 107yr during the interval 180–100 Myr bp , is shown to be consistent with the largest scale structure of the North Sea Basin if the underlying lithosphere is viscoelastic with a flexural rigidity of ∼5 × 1025 Nm and relaxation time constant ∼ 106 yr.  相似文献   

The spatial organisation of meandering-river deposits varies greatly within the sedimentary fills of rift basins, depending on how differential rates of fault propagation and subsidence interplay with autogenic processes to drive changes in fluvial channel-belt position and rate of migration, avulsion frequency and mechanisms of meander-bend cut off. This set of processes fundamentally influences stacking patterns of the accumulated successions. Quantitative predictions of the spatio-temporal evolution and internal architecture of meandering fluvial deposits in such tectonically active settings remain limited. A numerical forward stratigraphic model—the Point-Bar Sedimentary Architecture Numerical Deduction (PB-SAND)—is applied to examine relationships between differential rates of subsidence and resultant fluvial channel-belt migration, reach avulsion and channel-deposit stacking in active, fault-bounded half-grabens. The model is used to reconstruct and predict the complex morphodynamics of fluvial meanders, their generated channel belts, and the associated lithofacies distributions that accumulate as heterogeneous fluvial successions in rift settings, constrained by data from seismic images and outcrop successions. The 3D modelling outputs are used to explore sedimentary heterogeneity at various spatio-temporal scales. Results show how the connectivity of sand-prone geobodies can be quantified as a function of subsidence rate, which itself decreases both along and away from the basin-bounding fault. In particular, results highlight the spatial variability in the size and connectedness of sand-prone geobodies that is seen in directions perpendicular and parallel to the basin axis, and that arises as a function of the interaction between spatial and temporal variations in rates of accommodation generation and fault-influenced changes in river morphodynamics. The results have applied significance, for example, to both hydrocarbon exploration and assessment of groundwater aquifers. The expected greatest connectivity of fluvial sandbody in a half-graben is primarily determined by the complex interplay between the frequency and rate of subsidence, the style of basin propagation, the rates of migration of channel belts, the frequency of avulsion and the proportion and spatial distribution of variably sand-prone channel and bar deposits.  相似文献   

The gravitational compaction of sediments is an important process in forward basin modelling. This paper presents a mathematical model for the one-dimensional compaction of an accreting layer of argillaceous sediments. Realistic constitutive laws for the clay compressibility and the clay permeability, based on soil mechanics tests, were incorporated into the model. The governing equations were put in dimensionless form and the extent of abnormal pore fluid pressure development was found to depend on the sedimentation parameter, a dimensionless group representing the ratio of the sediment hydraulic conductivity to the sediment accumulation rate. The effects of clay compressibility were studied and highly colloidal clays such as montmorillonite developed higher overpressures than less compressible materials. The results also showed that overpressuring developed in shales for cases in which the clay permeability did not go to zero in the limit of zero porosity. Linear models based on simplifying assumptions inappropriate for sedimentary basins were found to give significantly different estimates for the conditions leading to overpressuring. Using reasonable parameters, the model adequately reproduced porosity and pore pressure profiles measured in the sand-shale sequences of the South Caspian Sea.  相似文献   

Three successive zones of fault‐related folds disrupt the proximal part of the northern Tian Shan foreland in NW China. A new magnetostratigraphy of the Taxi He section on the north limb of the Tugulu anticline in the middle deformed zone clarifies the chronology of both tectonic deformation and depositional evolution of this collisional mountain belt. Our ~1200‐m‐thick section encompasses the upper Cenozoic terrigenous sequence within which ~300 sampling horizons yield an age span of ~8–2 Ma. Although the basal age in the Taxi He section of the Xiyu conglomerate (often cited as an indicator of initial deformation) is ~2.1 Ma, much earlier growth of the Tugulu anticline is inferred from growth strata dated at ~6.0 Ma. Folding of Neogene strata and angular unconformities in anticlines in the more proximal and distal deformed zones indicate deformation during Miocene and Early Pleistocene times, respectively. In the Taxi He area, sediment‐accumulation rates significantly accelerate at ~4 Ma, apparently in response to encroaching thrust loads. Together, growth strata, angular unconformities, and sediment‐accumulation rates document the northward migration of tectonic deformation into the northern Tian Shan foreland basin during the late Cenozoic. A progradational alluvial–lacustrine system associated with this northward progression is subdivided into two facies associations at Tugulu: a shallow lacustrine environment before ~5.9 Ma and an alluvial fan environment subsequently. The lithofacies progradation encompasses the time‐transgressive Xiyu conglomerate deposits, which should only be recognized as a lithostratigraphic unit. Along the length of the foreland, the locus of maximum shortening shifts between the medial and proximal zones of folding, whereas the total shortening across the foreland remains quite homogeneous along strike, suggesting spatially steady tectonic forcing since late Miocene times.  相似文献   

A new compilation of data from 436 drill cores using decompaction and backstripping techniques was used to reconstruct the basin filling history from the Pliocene until the present day in the Palma, Inca and Sa Pobla Basins on the island of Mallorca (Spain). Calcareous rocks dominate the source area and provide a limited amount of clastic input to the basins that has resulted in an average accumulation rate of between 5 and 20 m/Ma during the last 5.3 Ma. Carbonate sediment production dominated the basin filling history during early‐mid Pliocene, but during the Quaternary, the sedimentation processes in the Palma Basin were probably enhanced by an evolution in the drainage network that increased the sediment supply and the accumulated thickness caused by stream capture. However, the maximum sedimentation rate filling the depocentres of the three basins has been decreasing since the Pliocene, showing that not only the catchment transport efficiency but also the relative sea level have been controlling the sediment accumulation in these carbonate basins. The isopach cross‐sections support the idea that a palaeorelief was generated during the Messinian sea level drop and that heterogeneities were filled in from the Pliocene to the Quaternary. We conclude that the central basins of Mallorca were filled heterogeneously due to tectonic and geomorphic processes that controlled sediment transport and production, resulting in different average sedimentation thicknesses that decreased since the Pliocene as the accommodation space became filled and the relative sea level dropped.  相似文献   

Two end-members characterize a continuum of continental extensional tectonism: rift settings and highly extended terrains. These different styles result in and are recorded by different extensional basins. Intracontinental rifts (e.g. East Africa, Lake Baikal) usually occur in thermally equilibrated crust of normal thickness. Rift settings commonly display alkali to tholeiitic magmatism, steeply dipping (45–60°) bounding faults, slip rates <1 mm yr-1 and low-magnitude extension (10–25%). Total extension typically requires > 25 Myr. The fault and sub-basin geometry which dominates depositional style is a half-graben bounded by a steeply dipping normal fault. Associated basins are deep (6–10 km), and sedimentation is predominantly axial- or hangingwall-derived. Asymmetric subsidence localizes depocentres along the active basin-bounding scarp. Highly extended continental terrains (e.g. Colorado River extensional corridor, the Cyclade Islands) represent a different tectonic end-member. They form in back-arc regions where the crust has undergone dramatic thickening before extension, and usually reactivate recently deformed crust. Volcanism is typically calc-alkalic, and 80–90% of total extension requires much less time (<10 Myr). Bounding faults are commonly active at shallow dips (15–35°); slip rates (commonly > 2 mm yr-1) and bulk extension (often > 100%) are high. The differences in extension magnitude and rate, volcanism, heat flow, and structural style suggest basin evolution will differ with tectonic setting. Supradetachment basins, or basins formed in highly extended terrains, have predominantly long, transverse drainage networks derived from the breakaway footwall. Depocentres are distal (10–20 km) to the main bounding fault. Basin fill is relatively thin (typically 1–3 km), probably due to rapid uplift of the tectonically and erosionally denuded footwall. Sedimentation rates are high (? 1 m kyr-1) and interrupted by substantial unconformities. In arid and semi-arid regions, fluvial systems are poorly developed and alluvial fans dominated by mass-wasting (debris-flow, rock-avalanche breccias, glide blocks) represent a significant proportion (30–50%) of basin fill. The key parameters for comparing supradetachment to rift systems are extension rate and amount, which are functions of other factors like crustal thickness, thermal state of the lithosphere and tectonic environment. Changes in these parameters over time appear to result in changes to basin systematics.  相似文献   

Unconformities, which represent either periods of interruption of sedimentation or, in most cases events characterized by deposition and subsequent erosion, are commonplace geological phenomena in sedimentary basins, and will affect the pore pressure evolution of the basin fill. The effect of unconformities on pore pressure, as well as on sediment compaction and on burial processes is studied using a numerical basin model. For coarse sediments, which are permeable so that their pore pressure always remains nearly hydrostatic, the effects of both pure deposition interruption (hiatus) and deposition-erosion events are negligible for pore pressure evolution. However, for fine-grained sediments, unconformities can modify the pore pressure and the stress state to varying degrees. The results show that the rate of removal of overlying sediments, the permeability of sediments and time play important roles in the pore pressure evolution. In the East Slope of the Ordos Basin (China), in which overpressure has not been detected in deep wells, the modelling results suggest that the large-scale erosion occurring in the Late Cretaceous and in the Tertiary may have removed high overpressure existing in the basin before the erosion.  相似文献   

Multiple episodes of extensional tectonism dominated the formation of Mesozoic fault-bounded basins on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, the Irish Continental Shelf and the central North Sea. A range of structural and stratigraphic responses in the Jeanne d'Arc, Porcupine and Moray Firth basins support widespread synchronous tectonic controls on sedimentation during one of these episodes, the Late Cimmerian. Rifting was preceded by a phase of related tectonism during which subsidence rates began to vary across broad areas but without significant fault block rotation. This Late Cimmerian ‘onset warp’ pattern of subsidence is considered to have been essential in the establishment of restricted anoxic basins from latest Oxfordian through Kimmeridgian (sensu gallico) time and the development of one prolific layer of organic-rich source rocks. The most prominent and widely recognized structural/lithostratigraphic response to Late Cimmerian rifting was the deposition of sediment wedges. Tithonian to early Valanginian strata generally thicken- into northerly trending faults in the Jeanne d'Arc and Porcupine basins, indicating that extensional stress was orientated WNW-ESE across a very broad area. The misalignment of this regional Late Cimmerian extensional stress with local inherited structural fabric may be responsible for transpressional uplift of individual fault blocks in the Outer Moray Firth basin. Sedimentological responses to Late Cimmerian rifting were varied, though a common lithofacies stacking pattern is recognized. Variably thick conglomerates and/or sandstones were widely deposited at the start of rift deformation, while palaeoenvironments ranged from alluvial and braid plain to submarine fan even within individual basins. The relatively coarse basal sediments fine upwards into a second layer of commonly organic-rich shales and mark The widest variations in palaeoenvironments and sediment thicknesses occurred during the last phase of Late Cimmerian rift tectonism, though all three basins show evidence of decreasing water depths, increasing oxygen levels and increasing grain size. This lithofacies stacking pattern of relatively coarse to fine to coarse (reservoir/source/reservoir) and the development of bounding unconformities are largely attributable to progressive changes in rift-controlled subsidence. Rift basin subsidence rates are interpreted to increase from a low at initiation of faulting to a mid-rift peak, followed by slowing subsidence to the end of extension. A number of counteracting crustal mechanisms that may account for progressive variations in rift-induced subsidence are considered.  相似文献   

Recent scientific work has highlighted the presence of an up to 12 km thick Cenozoic siliclastic and carbonate infill in the Levant Basin. Since the Late Eocene, several regional geodynamic events affecting Afro‐Arabia and Eurasia (collision and strike slip deformation) induced marginal uplifts. The initiation of local and long‐lived regional drainage systems in the Oligo‐Miocene period (e.g., Lebanon, Arabia and Nile) provoked a change in the depositional pattern along the Levant region from carbonate‐dominated to mixed clastic‐rich systems. Herein, we explore the importance of multi‐scale constraints (i.e., seismic, well and field data) in the quantification of subsidence history, sediment transport and deposition of a Middle to Upper Miocene “multi‐source” to sink system along the northern Levant frontier region. Through a comprehensive 4D forward stratigraphic modelling workflow, we suggest that the contribution to basin infill is split between proximal and more distal clastic sources as well as in situ carbonate and hemipelagic deposition. The results show that single‐source scenarios could not reasonably satisfy the basin‐scale constraints. The worldwide application of such new multi‐disciplinary workflows in frontier regions highlights the additional data constraints that are needed to de‐risk highly uncertain geological models in the hydrocarbon exploration phase.  相似文献   

Although it has been suggested that structural adjustment policies have slowed Third World urban growth and have stimulated a spatial deconcentration of economic activity, this paper argues that African cities continue to grow and mainly through peri-urban development. This investment comes mainly from domestic sources and migrants' remittances, and tends to be in consumption rather than production. Reasons include cultural factors, lack of confidence in the national economy and in the state's long-term economic objectives, an increasing demand for housing, improvements in intraurban transport, and a desire to spread investment risk among a range of alternatives including housing.  相似文献   

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