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Palynological results from Julietta Lake currently provide the most direct evidence to support the existence of a glacial refugium for Pinus pumila in mountains of southwestern Beringia. Both percentages and accumulation rates indicate the evergreen shrub survived until at least ∼ 19,000 14C yr BP in the Upper Kolyma region. Percentage data suggest numbers dwindled into the late glaciation, whereas pollen accumulation rates point towards a more rapid demise shortly after ∼ 19,000 14C yr BP. Pinus pumila did not re-establish in any great numbers until ∼ 8100 14C yr BP, despite the local presence ∼ 9800 14C yr BP of Larixdahurica, which shares similar summer temperature requirements. The postglacial thermal maximum (in Beringia ∼ 11,000-9000 14C yr BP) provided Pinus pumila shrubs with equally harsh albeit different conditions for survival than those present during the LGM. Regional records indicate that in this time of maximum warmth Pinus pumila likely sheltered in a second, lower-elevation refugium. Paleoclimatic models and modern ecology suggest that shifts in the nature of seasonal transitions and not only seasonal extremes have played important roles in the history of Pinus pumila over the last ∼ 21,000 14C yr BP.  相似文献   

Postulations on the existence of forest refugia in parts of Beringia during the last glacial have been, in large part, based on ambiguous evidence. Existing data on radiocarbon-dated and identified fossil wood and macrofossils from Alaska and northwest Canada are synthesized here and are augmented by results of palynological studies in an effort to show the persistence of some, and total extinction of other, tree and large shrub species. Possible dispersal routes taken by species that reinvaded Beringia in postglacial times are also reconstructed from the fossil record. Macrofossil and pollen evidence, when combined with climatic factors, makes cottonwood a good candidate for survival during the last glacial. Larch and aspen are also candidates, though the evidence for them is less positive. Pollen and macrofossils of alder are very scarce in deposits of the last glacial age, and if it survived at all, it was probably in very isolated vegetatively reproducing clones. Shrub birch may have been present in Beringia, but tree birch probably was reintroduced during the Holocene. Spruce also appears to have been absent in Alaska from about 30,000 to 11,500 yr ago and probably reinvaded Beringia from a refugium south of the Laurentide ice sheet.  相似文献   

Palaeohydrology of the brackish karst lake An Loch Mór (Inis Oirr) was reconstructed based on its 11 600 year sedimentation record. Low calcareous early Holocene sediments, characterized by high TOC contents and deposited at generally low accumulation rates, show a gradual decrease upwards in the concentration of the siliciclastic sediment until c . 7000 cal. yr BP. From c . 9000 cal. yr BP, sediment accumulation became increasingly dominated by the deposition of autochthonous calcite and organic matter. The deposition of autochthonous calcite and its chemical composition (Ca/Sr, Ca/Mg) are determined by the subsurface inflow of freshwater from the catchment of the lake and by the balance between freshwater and seawater influx. During the early Holocene, the lake mainly received input of sea salt by sea-spray. The sediments document the further development from seasonal towards the onset of diurnal infiltration of seawater at c . 5100 cal. yr BP. At that time, the relative sea level must have risen nearly to its present level in Galway Bay. Diurnal seawater infiltration during high tides was controlled by freshwater input. Freshwater inflow from the catchment gradually increased with human impact on local vegetation (EVPT decrease). Permanent diurnal seawater infiltration in concert with this general freshwater increase made the geochemical sedimentation record highly sensitive to changes in annual precipitation. We use information from the palynological record to interpret geochemically inferred freshwater inflow variations in terms of dry and wet climatic periods and document distinct century-scale successions between wet and dry climatic episodes for western Ireland.  相似文献   

Bacterially produced branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) are ubiquitous in soils and lake sediments and can potentially be used to reconstruct past temperatures. In lakes, however, it is still unclear if these compounds are derived from eroded soils or if they are produced in situ. To better understand environmental controls on the distributions of these compounds and the sources of branched GDGTs to lake sediments, we compare branched GDGT distributions and concentrations in lake sediments and catchment soils within a 3600 m altitudinal transect in western Uganda. Reconstructed mean annual air temperature (MAAT), determined from the degree of methylation (MBT) and cyclisation (CBT) of branched GDGTs in soils, decreases with increasing altitude, as is expected from the air temperature gradient in our transect. However, we observe significant offsets between observed and reconstructed temperatures in soils from wet, high elevation soils but not in most dry, low elevation soils. Branched GDGT distributions differ significantly between lake sediments and soils at all elevations, with greater differences at low elevations than at high elevations. These data support previous hypotheses that branched GDGTs are produced in situ in lakes and suggest that the abundance of water in soil environments may play a role in controlling the distribution of branched GDGTs. While branched GDGTs in lacustrine sediments can be used to reconstruct temporal temperature variations in lakes, we urge caution in utilizing this proxy in lacustrine systems with high soil loadings, especially if there is evidence of changing clastic fluxes through time.  相似文献   

Sub-bottom sediment profiles and sediment cores show that the lacustrine sediments in lake Linnevatnet are underlain by marine sediments and a basal till that mantles the bedrock. The till was probably deposited by the glacier that during the Late Weichselian glacial maximum removed all pre-existing sediments from the basin. The cores were collected in closed basins, where continuous deposition is expected. The marine sediment in the studied cores is up to 8 m thick and consists of bioturbated clay and silt. Radiocarbon dates on shells from the base of the marine sequence suggest that glacial retreat from the lake basin occurred around 12,500BP. This is more than a thousand years older than basal shell dates from raised marine sediments on the slopes above the lake. Typical ice proximal litbofacies were not identified in the cores. stratigraphic record indicates both a rapid glacial retreat and that no younger glacial re-advances occurred. During the Younger Dryas local glaciers on western Svalbard were smaller than during the Little Ice Age. This is in sharp contrast to western Europe, where Younger Dryas glaciers were much larger than those the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

基于遥感和GIS的喜马拉雅山科西河流域冰湖变化特征分析   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
受全球气候变暖的影响, 冰川退缩, 冰湖数量增多和面积增大被认为指示气候变化的重要依据, 冰湖面积增大导致其潜在危险性增大. 因此, 研究冰湖的变化对于气候变化和冰湖灾害研究具有重要意义. 基于Landsat TM/ETM+遥感影像采用人工解译的方法, 获取了喜马拉雅山地区科西河流域1990年前后、2000年和2010年的冰湖数据, 并对冰湖面积>0.1 km2且一直存在的199个冰湖的面积和长度变化进行对比分析. 结果表明: 科西河流域内面积>0.1 km2的冰湖的面积呈现增加趋势, 1990年冰湖面积为73.59 km2, 2010年冰湖面积增加至86.12 km2. 科西河流域内喜马拉雅山南北坡冰湖变化存在差异, 喜马拉雅山北坡变化较大的冰湖主要分布在海拔4 800~5 600 m之间, 而南坡变化较大的冰湖主要分布在海拔4 300~5 200 m之间; 喜马拉雅山北坡的冰湖有65%的冰湖表现扩张, 且扩张冰湖的面积主要是由冰湖在靠近终碛垅的一端基本不发生变化, 而仅在靠近冰川一端发生变化贡献的; 喜马拉雅山南坡的冰湖有32%的冰湖变化表现扩张, 且扩张的冰湖面积主要来自于冰面湖扩张. 在科西河流域内, 位于喜马拉雅山北坡的冰湖平均变化速度略高于南坡的冰湖平均变化速度.  相似文献   

The glacial hydrology of the meltwaters of the ice sheet during deglaciation in a large river basin has been reconstructed on the basis of heights of thresholds and saddles of bedrock topography, glaciofluvial accumulation forms (eskers, deltas and plains of sorted material) and erosional landforms (drainage channels and shorelines) as well as a few terminal moraines. The water level of glacial lake dropped in several stages. The lake existed and deglaciation took place before 9740±280 years B.P. The deglaciation took place at a much faster rate in the studied region than later in western Lapland.  相似文献   

Seismoacoustic profiles from the Arkona Basin show a late Pleistocene and Holocene succession of several distinct reflectors. The physical, sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical properties of more than 30 sediment cores were analysed in order to assign these reflectors to specific sedimentary discontinuity layers. Additionally, AMS 14C data and biostratigraphic information were gathered. Based on this multi‐proxy approach, seven lithostratigraphic units (AI, AII, B to F) were distinguished. These consist of fine‐grained clay, silt and mud, and are separated from each other by thin basin‐wide traceable sandy layers (Sab‐Sef). The most sensitive parameter to mark the lithostratigraphic boundaries is the weight percentage of the grain‐size fraction >63μm. In addition, some of the quartz‐grain‐dominated sandy layers cause the strong reflection lines recorded in seismoacoustic profiles. The sandy layers are interpreted to reflect enhanced hydrodynamic energy induced by episodes of basin‐wide water‐level low‐stand conditions. These low stands resulted from water‐level drops that occurred frequently during the Baltic Sea's history and presumably affected the entire Baltic basin. The thick fine‐grained units AI, AII to F, in which coarser material is absent, represent water‐level high‐stands. We conclude that the units AI and AII are Baltic Ice Lake sediments deposited before and after the Billingen‐1 regression, respectively. We assign the most prominent sandy layer Sab to the final drainage of the Baltic Ice Lake (Billingen‐2), whereas the sandy layers between units B, C., D and E are related to the Yoldia Sea and Ancylus Lake regressions of the Baltic Sea's history. The uppermost fine‐grained unit F with its high organic carbon content contains marine sediments deposited after the Littorina Transgression. The macroscopically well‐visible sediment colour change from reddish/brown‐to‐grey, previously interpreted as a regional stratigraphic boundary, varies from core to core. It has been shown by our new data that this colour change has a diagenetic origin, and thus does not represent a stratigraphic boundary. Previous subdivisions therefore have to be revised.  相似文献   

The Pingualuit Crater was formed by a meteoritic impact ca. 1.4 million years ago in northernmost Ungava (Canada). Due to its geographical position near the center of successive North American ice sheets and its favorable morphometry, the Pingualuit Crater Lake (water depth = 246 m) promises to yield a unique continuous sedimentary sequence covering several glacial/interglacial cycles in the terrestrial Canadian Arctic. In this paper, we suggest the existence of a subglacial lake at least during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) by hydraulic potential modeling using LGM ice-surface elevation and bed topography derived from a digital elevation model. These results support the hypothesis that the bottom sediments of the Crater Lake escaped glacial erosion and may contain a long-term continental sedimentary sequence. We also present the stratigraphy of a 9 m-long core retrieved from the deep basin of the lake as well as a multiproxy reconstruction of its deglacial and postglacial history. The base of the core is formed by very dense diamicton reflecting basal melt-out environments marking the end of subglacial conditions at the coring site. The overlying finely laminated silt are related to the onset of proglacial conditions characterized by extremely low lacustrine productivity. Infra Red Stimulated Luminescence and AMS 14C dating, as well as biostratigraphic data indicate sediment mixing between recent (e.g. Holocene) and much older (pre- to mid-Wisconsinan) material reworked by glacier activity. This process prevents the precise dating of these sediments that we interpret as being deposited just before the final deglaciation of the lake. Two finer grained and organic-rich intervals reflect the inception of lacustrine productivity resulting from the cessation of glacial meltwater inputs and ice-free periods. The lower organic interval corresponds to the early postglacial period (6850–5750 cal BP) and marks the transition between proglacial and postglacial conditions during the Holocene Thermal Maximum, while the uppermost organic-rich core section represents late Holocene sediments (~4200–600 cal BP). The organic intervals are separated by a basin-scale erosive slide occurring around 4200 cal BP and likely related to 1) a seismic event due to the glacio-isostatic rebound following the last deglaciation or 2) slope instabilities associated with rapid discharge events of the lake.  相似文献   

川西前陆盆地上三叠统沉积特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
应用层序地层学方法将川西前陆盆地上三叠统划分为4个三级层序和12个体系域。在层序格架内,研究了不同时期的古地理背景、物源、沉积类型和沉积相展布,明确了上三叠统存在龙门山古陆、米仓山-大巴山古陆、康滇古陆、江南古陆4个物源,识别出上三叠统海湾、冲积扇、曲流河、辫状河、扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲、曲流河三角洲和湖泊8种沉积相类型。层序Ⅰ沉积时期,盆地处于海陆交互相向陆相转变的时期,整体具有填平补齐的沉积特征,发育海湾等沉积;层序Ⅱ沉积时期,川西前陆盆地成为统一的内陆湖盆,其湖侵期为须家河期最大的湖侵期,主要发育三角洲沉积和湖相沉积;层序Ⅲ沉积时期,米仓山-大巴山古陆提供充足的物源,在米仓山-大巴山两逆冲推覆带前缘广泛发育大型冲积扇、辫状河、辫状河三角洲沉积体系;层序Ⅳ沉积时期,主要受江南古陆的影响,发育三角洲沉积和湖泊沉积。整体上,川西前陆盆地沉积相带的展布格局受构造控制,具有平行构造带展布的特点。盆地西北部陡坡带发育粗粒的冲积扇、扇三角洲-湖底扇,西南部陡坡带发育辫状河三角洲、北部-东北部陡坡带发育辫状河三角洲,而在东南部缓坡带则发育远源的曲流河、曲流河三角洲。  相似文献   

The transition from full glacial to interglacial conditions along the southern margin of the Laurentide ice sheet resulted in dramatic changes in landscapes and biotic habitats. Strata and landforms resulting from the Wisconsin Episode of glaciation in the area directly west of Lake Superior indicate a context for late Pleistocene biota (including human populations) connected to ice margins, proglacial lakes, and postglacial drainage systems. Late Glacial landscape features that have the potential for revealing the presence of Paleoindian artifacts include abandoned shorelines of proglacial lakes in the Superior and Agassiz basins and interior drainages on deglaciated terrains. The linkage between Late Pleistocene human populations and Rancholabrean fauna has yet to be demonstrated in the western Lake Superior region, although isolated remains of mammoth ( Mammuthus) have been documented, as well as fluted points assigned to Clovis, Folsom, and Holcombe‐like artifact forms. Agate Basin and Hell Gap (Plano‐type) artifacts also imply the presence of human groups in Late Glacial landscapes associated with the Agassiz and Superior basins. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

During the expedition 01 of the National Gas Hydrate Program (NGHP), drilling and coring were carried out at one site in the Kerala-Konkan basin on the west cost of India to validate gas hydrate. Drilling/coring results show a homogenous sequence of oozes and explains that the reflector, which was identified as a bottom-simulating reflector (BSR) on seismic section, is mainly due to changes in formation density because of less clay content in carbonate-rich sediment. Downhole logs collected at this site are of good quality and have been used to establish empirical relationship between the P-wave velocity (V P ), S-wave velocity (V S ), density (ρ) and porosity (?). The established relations show very good fit with high R2 value (>0.73), and can be used for further studies in this region. Well known existing empirical formulas between V P , V S , ρ and ? deviate significantly from our established relations.  相似文献   

High resolution research of rock magnetic records and quartz sands from the Maogou Section in the Linxia basin reveals that after a relatively stable environment between 13.07 Ma and 8.6 Ma, the basin was gradually influxed by eolian dusts at about 8.6 Ma, with two rapid increases at about 6.4 Ma and 5.3 Ma, respectively. The study suggests that drying of northwest China began at 8.6 Ma and strengthened rapidly at about 6.4 Ma and 5.3 Ma. __________ Translated from Marine geology & Quaternary geology, 2007, 27(4): 103–110 [译自: 海洋地质与第四纪地质]  相似文献   

Glacial hazards relate to hazards associated with glaciers and glacial lakes in high mountain areas and their impacts downstream. The climatic change/variability in recent decades has made considerable impacts on the glacier life cycle in the Himalayan region. As a result, many big glaciers melted, forming a large number of glacial lakes. Due to an increase in the rate at which ice and snow melted, the accumulation of water in these lakes started increasing. Sudden discharge of large volumes of water with debris from these lakes potentially causes glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) in valleys downstream. Outbursts from glacier lakes have repeatedly caused the loss of human lives as well as severe damage to local infrastructure. Monitoring of the glacial lakes and extent of GLOF impact along the downstream can be made quickly and precisely using remote sensing technique. A number of hydroelectric projects in India are being planned in the Himalayan regions. It has become necessary for the project planners and designers to account for the GLOF also along with the design flood for deciding the spillway capacity of projects. The present study deals with the estimation of GLOF for a river basin located in the Garwhal Himalaya, India. IRS LISSIII data of the years 2004, 2006 and 2008 have been used for glacial lake mapping, and a total of 91 lakes have been found in the year 2008, and out of these, 45 lakes are having area more than 0.01?km2. All the lakes have been investigated for vulnerability for potential bursting, and it was found that no lake is vulnerable from GLOF point of view. The area of biggest lake is 0.193, 0.199 and 0.203?km2 in the years 2004, 2006 and 2008, respectively. Although no lake is potentially hazardous, GLOF study has been carried out for the biggest lake using MIKE 11 software. A flood of 100-year return period has been considered in addition to GLOF. The flood peak at catchment outlet comes out to be 993.74, 1,184.0 and 1,295.58 cumec due to GLOF; 3,274.74, 3,465.0 and 3,576.58 cumec due to GLOF; and 100-year return flood together considering breach width of 40, 60 and 80?m, respectively.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon dating of the organic-rich sediments of Lake Illisarvik in the outer Mackenzie Delta indicates that formation of the lake occurred approximately 9500yr BP, with maximum expansion around 6000 yr BP. Sedimentation rates have remained relatively constant at an average of 0.3mm/yr. 13C results on biogenic and inorganic carbonates and organics indicate a change from dominantly terrestrial organics (?27 to ?28%0) to submerged aquatic vegetation or plankton (?18 to ?23%0) upon formation of the lake (9500yr BP), and a dramatic return to dominantly terrestrial organics at 5800yr BP (δ13C = ?27 to ?30%0). This latter shift is accompanied by a drastic reduction in the macroflora and fauna populations. 18O results suggest that a warmer climate than today existed prior to the shift at 5800yr BP.  相似文献   

A sudden release of large volumes of water during a glacier outburst flood (GLOF) is a major hazard worldwide. Here, we identify the sedimentary signature of glacial and non‐glacial processes, including GLOFs, based on lacustrine sediments from the distal glacier‐fed Lake Buarvatnet in western Norway. Historically documented GLOFs in 2002 CE and during the 1980s CE are identified in the 210Pb‐ and 14C‐dated sediments. These events have the same sedimentary signature as 12 earlier events throughout the Holocene interpreted to represent previous GLOFs in the catchment. The GLOFs are interpreted to have occurred during periods when the glacier extent was similar to the modern positions, and the events are thus used to pinpoint past positions of the glacier terminus and, hence, the equilibrium line altitudes (ELAs). The results indicate that the glacier Svartenutbreen, located at the eastern part of Folgefonna, had a similar size in 2002 CE as c. 8200–8300 cal. a BP, corresponding to the 8.2 ka event in the North Atlantic region. The regrowth of Sørfonna after the Holocene Thermal Optimum occurred at c. 6900 cal. a BP and Svartenutbreen was at modern size and extent in the periods c. 6400, c. 5450, c. 4850, c. 3850, c. 3550 and c. 1650 cal. a BP. Since 1650 cal. a BP, we infer that the glacier was larger than the 2002 CE glacier extent until 1910 CE when a GLOF occurred. Svartenutbreen has been retreating since 1910 CE, which led to the ice damming of the two historical GLOFs in the 1980s and 2002 CE separated by a glacier advance in the 1990s CE. The findings are discussed and compared to other regional glacier reconstructions in Norway, and emphasize the value of identifying and utilizing GLOFs as an indicator of past ELA variability.  相似文献   

This paper reports LA–ICP–MS U–Pb dates and in situ Hf isotope analyses of detrital zircons from the Mesozoic basins in western Shandong, China, with the aim to constrain the depositional ages and provenances of the Mesozoic strata as well as the Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the eastern North China Block (NCB). The Mesozoic strata in western Shandong, from bottom to top, include the Fenghuangshan, Fangzi, Santai and Wennan formations. Most of the analyzed zircon grains exhibit oscillatory growth zoning and have relatively high Th/U ratios (generally 0.2–3.4), suggesting a magmatic origin. Zircons from the Fenghuangshan Formation in the Zhoucun Basin yield six main age populations (2489, 1854, 331, 305, 282, and 247 Ma). Zircons from the Fangzi Formation in the Zhoucun and Mengyin basins yield eight main age populations (2494, 1844, 927, 465, 323, 273, 223, and 159 Ma) and ten main age populations (2498, 1847, 932, 808, 540, 431, 315, 282, 227, and 175 Ma), respectively, whereas zircons from the Santai Formation in the Zhoucun and Mengyin basins yield nine main age populations (2519, 1845, 433, 325, 271, 237, 192, 161, and 146 Ma) and six main age populations (2464, 1845, 853, 277, 191, and 150 Ma), respectively. Five main age populations (2558, 1330, 609, 181, and 136 Ma) are detected for zircons from the Wennan Formation in the Pingyi Basin. Based on the youngest age, together with the contact relationships among formations, we propose that the Fenghuangshan Formation formed in the Early–Middle Triassic, the Fangzi Formation in the Middle–Late Jurassic, the Santai Formation after the Late Jurassic, and the Wennan Formation after the Early Cretaceous. These results, together with previously published data, indicate that: (1) the sediments of the Fenghuangshan Formation were sourced from the Precambrian basement and from late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic igneous rocks in the northern part of the NCB; (2) the sediments of the Fangzi and Santai formations were sourced from the Precambrian basement, late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic igneous rocks in the northern part of the NCB, and the Sulu terrane, as well as from Middle–Late Jurassic igneous rocks in the southeastern part of the NCB; and (3) the Wennan Formation was sourced from the Tongshi intrusive complex, the Sulu terrane, and minor Precambrian basement and Early Cretaceous igneous rocks. The evolution of detrital provenance indicates that in the Early–Middle Triassic, the northern part of the NCB was higher than its interior; during the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic, the eastern NCB was uplifted, resulting in a period of non-deposition; and an important transition from a compressional to an extensional tectonic regime occurred during the Middle–Late Jurassic. The presence of Neoproterozoic and Triassic detrital zircons in the Fangzi Formation sourced from the Sulu terrane suggests that large-scale sinistral strike-slip movement along the Tan-Lu Fault Zone did not occur after the Middle Jurassic (ca. 175 Ma).  相似文献   


气象观测资料表明,在当前全球暖化背景下高海拔地区的增温速率更快,其气候对全球气候变化的响应更为敏感。但是,高海拔地区如何响应快速气候事件,由于古气候古环境重建资料在高海拔地区较少,这一问题还没有很好的回答。为此选择云南省高山湖泊错恰湖为研究对象(海拔约3960 m),分析了湖泊沉积岩芯(深度范围90~244 cm)中正构烷烃的分布特征,重建了末次冰消期(19000~9500 a B.P.)沉积物有机质来源的变化,进而推断古气候演变。在17800~17000 a B.P.,错恰湖有机质以陆源输入为主,水生贡献相对减少,气候以暖湿为主;在17000~15100 a B.P.,水生有机质的贡献的比例增加,气候以冷干为主;在15100~12700 a B.P.,湖泊沉积有机质的陆源贡献增加,水生贡献相对减少,气候相对暖湿;在12700~11400 a B.P.时段,湖泊沉积水生有机质来源相对增多,气候相对冷干。与其他区域和全球气候记录对比发现,错恰湖的沉积记录指示的气候变化事件,受高纬冰量以及北大西洋驱动的西南季风突变所影响,在末次冰消期记录的4个明显的千年尺度气候事件,在时间上与First warmth、H1、B-A和YD事件相对应。与云南地区其他湖泊记录对比发现,小型湖泊或高海拔湖泊对这些全球快速气候事件的响应更加敏感。


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