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Barrier‐island system evolution is controlled by internal and external forcing mechanisms, and temporal changes in these mechanisms may be recorded in the sedimentary architecture. However, the precise role of individual forcing mechanisms is rarely well understood due to limited chronological control. This study investigates the relative role of forcing conditions, such as antecedent topography, sea‐level rise, sediment supply, storms and climate changes, on the evolution of a Holocene wave‐dominated barrier‐island system. This article presents temporal reconstruction of the depositional history of the barrier‐island system of Rømø in the Wadden Sea in unprecedented detail, based on ground‐penetrating radar profiles, sediment cores, high‐resolution dating and palynological investigations, and shows that ca 8000 years ago the barrier island formed on a Pleistocene topographic high. During the initial phase of barrier evolution, the long‐term sea‐level rise was relatively rapid (ca 9 mm year−1) and the barrier was narrow and frequently overwashed. Sediment supply kept pace with sea‐level rise, and the barrier‐island system mainly aggraded through the deposition of a ca 7 m thick stack of overwash fans. Aggradation continued for ca 1700 years until sea‐level rise had decreased to <2 mm year−1. In the last ca 6000 years, the barrier prograded 4 to 5 km through deposition of a 10 to 15 m thick beach and shoreface unit, despite a long‐term sea‐level rise of 1 to 2 mm year−1. The long‐term progradation was, however, interrupted by a transgression between 4000 years and 1700 years ago. These results demonstrate that the large‐scale morphology of the Danish Wadden Sea shoreline influences the longshore sediment transport flux and the millennial‐scale dispersal of sediment along the shoreline. On decadal to centennial timescales, major storms induced intense beach and shoreface erosion followed by rapid recovery and progradation which resulted in a highly punctuated beach and shoreface record. Major storms contributed towards a positive sediment budget, and the sustained surplus of sediment was, and still is, instrumental in maintaining the aggradational–progradational state of the barrier island.  相似文献   

A relative sea‐level curve over the Holocene is constructed for the Young Sound region in northeastern Greenland. The reconstruction is derived by dating the heights of raised beach ridges in coastal plains using optically stimulated luminiscence (OSL), and by dating palaeoterrestrial surface levels now buried beneath the intertidal frame using the 14C technique. The relative sea‐level curve reveals a rapid fall of at least 10 mm a?1 from ca. 9500 to 7500 a ago, which slowed to 2 mm a?1 until it reached the present sea level ca. 3000 a ago. This part of the curve is based on the raised beach ridge data. Thereafter, relative sea level continued to fall, to reach a minimum level at about 0.5 m below the present sea level ca. 2300 a ago. Since then, relative sea level has experienced a slow rise of about 0.2 mm a?1. This part of the curve uses the data from the palaeoterrestrial surfaces. The study supplements other estimates of Holocene relative sea‐level changes and supports the observations of a decreasing trend in the timing of the cross point and in minimum relative sea level from South to North Greenland. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wetlands act as persistent natural carbon sinks over long time scales. Understanding the response of these carbon reservoirs to climate change is critical to assessing potential climate feedbacks. We conducted a study of an 860‐cm‐long sediment core in Dahu Swamp in south China to determine how the carbon accumulation rate (CAR) has varied as a function of palaeohydrology and palaeoclimate over the past 47 000 years. From an orbital time scale, our results show that the CAR in Dahu Swamp is relatively low in the wet periods of Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS 3) (mean: 46.7 gC m−2 a−1) and MIS 1 (mean: 28.2 gC m−2 a−1), compared to the dry periods of MIS 2 (mean: 59.9 gC m−2 a−1). At centennial and millennial scales, the highest CARs of Dahu Swamp mainly occur in organic‐rich silt or clay (gyttja) layers, which correspond to the relatively dry climate (e.g. c. 48 000–41 000, c. 33 000–32 000, c. 15 800–14 900 and c. 4400–4250 cal. a BP). The CAR of Dahu Swamp is mainly controlled by local hydrological variations that are closely related to the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) intensity, which may be co‐influenced by orbitally induced summer insolation forcing and internal feedback processes (e.g. Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and El Niño/Southern Oscillation). Based on comparison with the CARs in monsoonal regions of China, we consider that precipitation may be the key factor for wetland CAR in EASM areas, whereas temperature is more important in Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau regions under Indian summer monsoon influence. The CAR of Dahu Swamp provides valuable records of wetland carbon accumulation dynamics in subtropical monsoon regions, which contradict the traditional patterns in global northern wetlands.  相似文献   

Flakket on the island of Anholt in Denmark is a cuspate foreland facing the microtidal Kattegat sea. It is composed of a number of beach ridges typically covered by dune sand and separated by swales and wetlands. OSL dating indicates that the evolution of Flakket began c. AD 1000. Foreland growth was punctuated by a major episode of coastal reorganization leading to coastal retreat c. AD 1800. Coastal retreat led to the formation of an erosion surface that separates older and higher‐lying beach‐ridge and swale deposits from younger and lower‐lying deposits. The palaeo‐sea level is deduced from the architecture of the deposits, and interpretation of ground‐penetrating radar data and geomophological observations indicates that relative sea level was about 1.90±0.25 m above present sea level c. AD 1000, but about 0.00±0.25 m relative to present sea level c. AD 1830 and c. AD 1870. Anholt is situated at the margin of the uplifted Fennoscandian area; assuming uplift to be about 1.2 mm a?1 it follows that absolute sea level was about +0.70±0.25 m at AD 1000, but around ?0.22±0.25 m at AD 1830 and around ?0.17±0.25 m at AD 1870. Within the uncertainties of the age control, the sea‐level indicators mapped by ground‐penetrating radar reflections and the variability of estimates of uplift found in the literature, the result obtained for AD 1000 is consistent with findings from the Stockholm area in Sweden and with a recently published global sea‐level curve.  相似文献   

In order to reconstruct former sea‐levels and to better characterize the history of Holocene salt‐marsh sedimentary infillings in West Brittany (western France), local foraminifera‐based transfer functions were developed using weighted‐average‐partial‐least‐squares (WAPLS) regression, based on a modern data set of 26 and 51 surface samples obtained from salt‐marshes in the bay of Tresseny and the bay of Brest, respectively. Fifty cores were retrieved from Tresseny, Porzguen, Troaon and Arun salt‐marshes, which were litho‐ and biostratigraphically analysed in order to reconstruct palaeoenvironmental changes. A total of 26 AMS 14C age determinations were performed within the sediment successions. The Holocene evolution of salt‐marsh environments can be subdivided into four stages: (i) a development of brackish to freshwater marshes (from c. 6400 to 4500 cal. a BP); (ii) salt‐marsh formation behind gravel barriers in the bay of Brest (from 4500 to 2900 cal. a BP); (iii) salt‐marsh erosion and rapid changes of infilling dynamics due to the destruction of coastal barriers by storm events (c. 2900?2700 cal. a BP); (iv) renewed salt‐marsh deposition and small environmental changes (from 2700 cal. a BP to present). From the application of transfer functions to fossil assemblages, 14 new sea‐level index points were obtained, indicating a mean relative sea‐level rise of around 0.90±0.12 mm a?1 since 6300 cal. a BP.  相似文献   

We report a new Holocene relative sea‐level curve based on the stratigraphy in five closely located isolation basins near Lista in southernmost Norway. The results detail the progress and timing of the mid‐Holocene Tapes transgression, the peak of which in this region represents the highest postglacial sea level, as well as the rate of land emergence since then. One additional cored basin is situated above the marine limit. All the basins have bedrock sills that were levelled using a differential GPS. Isolation and ingression boundaries were identified by macrofossil analysis and radiocarbon dated on terrestrial plant remains. In most cases several dates were obtained from each transition. Relative sea level rose with a mean rate of 7 mm a?1 during the last part of the Tapes transgression 8600?8200 cal. a BP and then gradually slowed to a mean rate of 1 mm a?1 from 8200?7000 cal. a BP. Mean sea level reached ~5 m higher than the present level when the transgression culminated. Land emergence took place after this, first slowly at a mean rate of 0.4 mm a?1 until ~3900 cal. a BP before it increased to 2.6 mm between 3900 and 3400 cal. a BP. Since then it has slowly decreased until today and has been ~0.2 mm a?1 for the last 2000 years. Based on the new curve we present updated Tapes isobases for the region that are displaced by ~20 km in relation to the existing model. From one basin we also report a 5–10 cm thick layer of sorted, sandy gravel, embedded in a more than 5‐m‐thick deposit of homogeneous shallow‐marine mud. The gravel was deposited ~5500 cal. a BP, which is the same age as a tsunami deposit previously mapped in Shetland. As several typical characteristics of tsunami facies deposits are lacking, the origin of the gravel layer remains inconclusive.  相似文献   

A re‐analysis of sea‐level data from eastern Australia based on 115 calibrated C‐14 ages is used to constrain the origin, timing and magnitude of sea‐level change over the last 7000 years. We demonstrate that the Holocene sea‐level highstand of +1.0–1.5 m was reached ~7000 cal yr bp and fell to its present position after 2000 yr bp . These findings are in contrast to most previous studies that relied on smaller datasets and did not include the now common conversion of conventional C‐14 ages to calendar years. During this ~5000 year period of high sea level, growth hiatuses in oyster beds and tubeworms and lower elevations of coral microatolls are interpreted to represent short‐lived oscillations in sea‐level of up to 1 m during two intervals, beginning c. 4800 and 3000 cal yr bp . The rates of sea‐level rise and fall (1–2 mm yr?1) during these centennial‐scale oscillations are comparable with current rates of sea‐level rise. The origin of the oscillations is enigmatic but most likely the result of oceanographic and climatic changes, including wind strengths, ice ablation, and melt‐water contributions of both Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets.  相似文献   

Fifty‐six new radiocarbon dates from driftwood (mainly Larix, Picea and Populus spp.) collected from the modern and raised shorelines of Melville and Eglinton islands (western Canadian High Arctic) are presented and compared to other driftwood collections from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (CAA) and Greenland. By documenting the species (provenance) and spatio‐temporal distribution of driftwood at various sites across the Arctic, regional characterizations of former sea‐ice conditions and changes in Arctic Ocean circulation patterns may be deduced. The earliest postglacial invasion of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago by driftwood is recorded on central Melville Island at c. 11 cal. ka BP, suggesting that the modern circulation pattern of Arctic Ocean surface water southeast through the archipelago was established >1000 years earlier than previously proposed. Throughout most of the Holocene until c. 1.0 cal. ka BP, the rate of driftwood delivery to the western Arctic islands was low (~1 recorded stranding event per 200 years) and intermittent, with the longest break in the record occurring between c. 3.0 and 5.0 cal. ka BP. This 2000‐year hiatus is attributed to a period of colder temperatures causing severe sea‐ice conditions and effectively making the coasts of the western Arctic islands inaccessible. After c. 1.0 cal. ka BP, driftwood incursion increased to maximum Holocene levels (~1 recorded stranding event every 20 years). Driftwood identified to the genus level as Larix that was delivered at this time suggests that the Trans Polar Drift current was regularly in its most southwestern position, related to a dominantly positive Arctic Oscillation mode. The Little Ice Age appears to have had little impact on driftwood entry to the western Canadian Arctic Archipelago, indeed the general abundance in the latest Holocene may record infrequent landfast sea ice.  相似文献   

A new core drilled at Nørrekær Enge, Løgstør, Denmark, shows terrestrial lake and bog sediments lying beneath 10 m of marine sediments. Pollen analysis, 14C dating and sedimentary observations show that these sediments relate to an ancient lake basin that was flooded when the rising sea levels reached 8.0 m b.s.l. This new study has allowed a review of previous data relating to shoreline displacement from the Limfjord region of northern Jutland, Denmark. Here we present a new shoreline displacement curve spanning the period between c. 11 700 and 7700 cal. a BP and built upon the Nørrekær Enge data and data from seven other boreholes and excavations from the Limfjord region. A previous shoreline displacement curve for this region suggested a very rapid relative sea‐level rise of 3 to 5 m 100 a?1 whereas this new curve suggests a much slower rise of around 1 m 100 a?1, similar to global rates.  相似文献   

We present a new time‐slice reconstruction of the Eurasian ice sheets (British–Irish, Svalbard–Barents–Kara Seas and Scandinavian) documenting the spatial evolution of these interconnected ice sheets every 1000 years from 25 to 10 ka, and at four selected time periods back to 40 ka. The time‐slice maps of ice‐sheet extent are based on a new Geographical Information System (GIS) database, where we have collected published numerical dates constraining the timing of ice‐sheet advance and retreat, and additionally geomorphological and geological evidence contained within the existing literature. We integrate all uncertainty estimates into three ice‐margin lines for each time‐slice; a most‐credible line, derived from our assessment of all available evidence, with bounding maximum and minimum limits allowed by existing data. This approach was motivated by the demands of glaciological, isostatic and climate modelling and to clearly display limitations in knowledge. The timing of advance and retreat were both remarkably spatially variable across the ice‐sheet area. According to our compilation the westernmost limit along the British–Irish and Norwegian continental shelf was reached up to 7000 years earlier (at c. 27–26 ka) than the eastern limit on the Russian Plain (at c. 20–19 ka). The Eurasian ice sheet complex as a whole attained its maximum extent (5.5 Mkm2) and volume (~24 m Sea Level Equivalent) at c. 21 ka. Our continental‐scale approach highlights instances of conflicting evidence and gaps in the ice‐sheet chronology where uncertainties remain large and should be a focus for future research. Largest uncertainties coincide with locations presently below sea level and where contradicting evidence exists. This first version of the database and time‐slices (DATED‐1) has a census date of 1 January 2013 and both are available to download via the Bjerknes Climate Data Centre and PANGAEA ( www.bcdc.no ; http://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.848117 ).  相似文献   

Vertical land motion caused by continuing glacial isostatic adjustment is one of several important components of sea‐level change and is not limited just to previously glaciated regions. A national‐scale analysis for the British Isles shows an ellipse of present‐day relative uplift (relative sea‐level fall), ~1.2 mm a?1, broadly centred on the deglaciated mountains of Scotland. The pattern of three foci of relative subsidence, ~1 mm a?1, results from the additional interactions of the deglacial meltwater load on the Atlantic basin and the continental shelf, and the signal due to far‐field ice sheets. At a local scale, sediment compaction can more than double the rate of relative land subsidence. Relative land‐level change (the negative of relative sea‐level change) is not the same as vertical land motion. There is a spatial pattern in the difference between relative land‐level change and vertical land motion, with differences at present of approximately ?0.1 to ?0.3 mm a?1 around the British Isles and +2.5 to ?1.5 mm a?1 globally. For the wider scientific and user community, whether or not the differences are considered significant will depend upon the location, time frame and spatial scale of the study that uses such information. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In support of efforts to reconstruct relative sea level (RSL), we investigated the utility of foraminifera, diatoms and bulk‐sediment geochemistry (δ13C, C:N and parameters measured by Rock‐Eval pyrolysis) as sea‐level indicators in Eurasian sub‐Arctic salt marshes. At three salt marshes (<15 km apart) in Dvina Bay (White Sea, Russia), we collected surface sediment samples along transects from subtidal to Taiga forest environments. Foraminifera at all sites formed bipartite assemblages, where elevations below mean high higher water (MHHW) were dominated by Miliammina spp. and elevations between MHHW and the highest occurrence of foraminifera were dominated by Jadammina macrescens and Balticammina pseudomacrescens. Five high‐diversity groups of diatoms were identified and they displayed pronounced variability amongst the study sites. Bulk‐sediment geochemistry recognized two groups (clastic‐dominated environments below MHHW and organic‐rich environments above MHHW). As one group included subtidal elevations and the other included supratidal elevations, we conclude that the measured geochemical parameters are not stand‐alone sea‐level indicators. Core JT2012 captured a regressive sediment succession of clastic, tidal‐flat sediment overlain by salt‐marsh organic silt and freshwater peat. The salt‐marsh sediment accumulated at 2804±52 years before present and preserved foraminifera (Jadammina macrescens and Balticammina pseudomacrescens) with good analogy to modern assemblages indicating that RSL was +2.60±0.47 m at this time. Diatoms confirm that marine influence decreased through time, but the lack of analogy between modern and core assemblages limited their utility as sea‐level indicators. Geochemical parameters also indicate a reduction in marine influence through time. We conclude that RSL reconstructions derived from salt‐marsh sediment preserved beneath Eurasian sub‐Arctic peatlands can provide valuable insight into the spatio‐temporal evolution of the Fennoscandian and Eurasian ice sheets.  相似文献   

More than 100 radiocarbon dates of penguin guano and remains, shells and seal skin afford ages for raised beaches adjacent to Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica. These dates permit construction of a new relative sea‐level curve that bears on the timing of deglaciation. Recession of the Ross Sea ice‐sheet grounding line from Terra Nova Bay occurred no earlier than 7200 14C yr (8000 cal. yr) BP. Retreat along the Victoria Land coast may have been rapid, possibly contributing to eustatic sea‐level rise centred at ca. 7600 cal. yr BP. The presence of a significant amount of ice remaining in the Ross Sea Embayment in Holocene time lessens the chance that Antarctica contributed significantly to meltwater pulse 1A several thousand years earlier. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Lamont‐Doherty Earth Observatory radiogenic isotope group has been systematically measuring Sr‐Nd‐Pb‐Hf isotopes of USGS reference material BCR‐2 (Columbia River Basalt 2), as a chemical processing and instrumental quality control monitor for isotopic measurements. BCR‐2 is now a widely used geochemical inter‐laboratory reference material (RM), with its predecessor BCR‐1 no longer available. Recognising that precise and accurate data on RMs is important for ensuring analytical quality and for comparing data between different laboratories, we present a compilation of multiple digestions and analyses made on BCR‐2 during the first author's dissertation research. The best estimates of Sr, Nd and Hf isotope ratios and measurement reproducibilities, after filtering at the 2s level for outliers, were 87Sr/86Sr = 0.705000 ± 11 (2s, 16 ppm, n = 21, sixteen digestions, one outlier), 143Nd/144Nd = 0.512637 ± 13 (2s, 25 ppm, n = 27, thirteen digestions, one outlier) and 176Hf/177Hf = 0.282866 ± 11 (2s, 39 ppm, n = 25, thirteen digestions, no outliers). Mean Nd and Hf values were within error of those reported by Weis et al. (2006, 2007) in their studies of RMs; mean Sr values were just outside the 2s uncertainty range of both laboratories. Moreover, a survey of published Sr‐Nd‐Hf data shows that our results fall within the range of reported values, but with a smaller variability. Our Pb isotope results on acid leached BCR‐2 aliquots (n = 26, twelve digestions, two outliers) were 206Pb/204Pb = 18.8029 ± 10 (2s, 55 ppm), 207Pb/204Pb = 15.6239 ± 8 (2s, 52 ppm), 208Pb/204Pb = 38.8287 ± 25 (2s, 63 ppm). We confirm that unleached BCR‐2 powder is contaminated with Pb, and that sufficient leaching prior to digestion is required to achieve accurate values for the uncontaminated Pb isotopic compositions.  相似文献   

Pressure–Temperature–time (P–Tt) estimates of the syn‐kinematic strain at the peak‐pressure conditions reached during shallow underthrusting of the Briançonnais Zone in the Alpine subduction zone was made by thermodynamic modelling and 40Ar/39Ar dating in the Plan‐de‐Phasy unit (SE of the Pelvoux Massif, Western Alps). The dated phengite minerals crystallized syn‐kinematically in a shear zone indicating top‐to‐the‐N motion. By combining X‐ray mapping with multi‐equilibrium calculations, we estimate the phengite crystallization conditions at 270 ± 50 °C and 8.1 ± 2 kbar at an age of 45.9 ± 1.1 Ma. Combining this P–Tt estimate with data from the literature allows us to constrain the timing and geometry of Alpine continental subduction. We propose that the Briançonnais units were scalped on top of the slab during ongoing continental subduction and exhumed continuously until collision.  相似文献   

Mineral inclusions are ubiquitous in metamorphic rocks and elastic models for host‐inclusion pairs have become frequently used tools for investigating pressure–temperature (P–T) conditions of mineral entrapment. Inclusions can retain remnant pressures () that are relatable to their entrapment P–T conditions using an isotropic elastic model and P–T–V equations of state for host and inclusion minerals. Elastic models are used to constrain P–T curves, known as isomekes, which represent the possible inclusion entrapment conditions. However, isomekes require a temperature estimate for use as a thermobarometer. Previous studies obtained temperature estimates from thermometric methods external of the host‐inclusion system. In this study, we present the first P–T estimates of quartz inclusion entrapment by integrating the quartz‐in‐garnet elastic model with titanium concentration measurements of inclusions and a Ti‐in‐quartz solubility model (QuiG‐TiQ). QuiG‐TiQ was used to determine entrapment P–T conditions of quartz inclusions in garnet from a quartzofeldspathic gneiss from Goodenough Island, part of the (ultra)high‐pressure terrane of Papua New Guinea. Raman spectroscopic measurements of the 128, 206, and 464 cm?1 bands of quartz were used to calculate inclusion pressures using hydrostatic pressure calibrations (), a volume strain calculation (), and elastic tensor calculation (), that account for deviatoric stress. values calculated from the 128, 206, and 464 cm?1 bands’ hydrostatic calibrations are significantly different from one another with values of 1.8 ± 0.1, 2.0 ± 0.1, and 2.5 ± 0.1 kbar, respectively. We quantified elastic anisotropy using the 128, 206 and 464 cm?1 Raman band frequencies of quartz inclusions and stRAinMAN software (Angel, Murri, Mihailova, & Alvaro, 2019,  234 :129–140). The amount of elastic anisotropy in quartz inclusions varied by ~230%. A subset of inclusions with nearly isotropic strains gives an average and of 2.5 ± 0.2 and 2.6 ± 0.2 kbar, respectively. Depending on the sign and magnitude, inclusions with large anisotropic strains respectively overestimate or underestimate inclusion pressures and are significantly different (<3.8 kbar) from the inclusions that have nearly isotropic strains. Titanium concentrations were measured in quartz inclusions exposed at the surface of the garnet. The average Ti‐in‐quartz isopleth (19 ± 1 ppm [2σ]) intersects the average QuiG isomeke at 10.2 ± 0.3 kbar and 601 ± 6°C, which are interpreted as the P–T conditions of quartzofeldspathic gneiss garnet growth and entrapment of quartz inclusions. The P–T intersection point of QuiG and Ti‐in‐quartz univariant curves represents mechanical and chemical equilibrium during crystallization of garnet, quartz, and rutile. These three minerals are common in many bulk rock compositions that crystallize over a wide range of P–T conditions thus permitting application of QuiG‐TiQ to many metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

Deglacial sequences typically include backstepping grounding zone wedges and prevailing glaciomarine depositional facies. However, in coastal domains, deglacial sequences are dominated by depositional systems ranging from turbiditic to fluvial facies. Such deglacial sequences are strongly impacted by glacio‐isostatic rebound, the rate and amplitude of which commonly outpaces those of post‐glacial eustatic sea‐level rise. This results in a sustained relative sea‐level fall covering the entire depositional time interval. This paper examines a Late Quaternary, forced regressive, deglacial sequence located on the North Shore of the St. Lawrence Estuary (Portneuf Peninsula, Québec, Canada) and aims to decipher the main controls that governed its stratigraphic architecture. The forced regressive deglacial sequence forms a thick (>100 m) and extensive (>100 km2) multiphased deltaic complex emplaced after the retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet margin from the study area ca 12 500 years ago. The sedimentary succession is composed of ice‐contact, glaciomarine, turbiditic, deltaic, fluvial and coastal depositional units. A four‐stage development is recognized: (i) an early ice‐contact stage (esker, glaciomarine mud and outwash fan); (ii) an in‐valley progradational stage (fjord head or moraine‐dammed lacustrine deltas) fed by glacigenics; (iii) an open‐coast deltaic progradation, when proglacial depositional systems expanded beyond the valley outlets and merged together; and (iv) a final stage of river entrenchment and shallow marine reworking that affected the previously emplaced deltaic complex. Most of the sedimentary volume (10 to 15 km3) was emplaced during the three‐first stages over a ca 2 kyr interval. In spite of sustained high rates of relative sea‐level fall (50 to 30 mm·year?1), delta plain accretion occurred up to the end of the proglacial open‐coast progradational stage. River entrenchment only occurred later, after a significant decrease in the relative sea‐level fall rates (<30 mm·year?1), and was concurrent with the formation and preservation of extensive coastal deposits (raised beaches, spit platform and barrier sands). The turnaround from delta plain accretion to river entrenchment and coastal erosion is interpreted to be a consequence of the retreat of the ice margin from the river drainage basins that led to the drastic drop of sediment supply and the abrupt decrease in progradation rates. The main internal stratigraphic discontinuity within the forced regressive deglacial sequence does not reflect changes in relative sea‐level variations.  相似文献   

Sediments contained in the river bed do not necessarily contribute to morphological change. The finest part of the sediment mixture often fills the pores between the larger grains and can be removed without causing a drop in bed level. The discrimination between pore‐filling load and bed‐structure load, therefore, is of practical importance for morphological predictions. In this study, a new method is proposed to estimate the cut‐off grain size that forms the boundary between pore‐filling load and bed‐structure load. The method evaluates the pore structure of the river bed geometrically. Only detailed grain‐size distributions of the river bed are required as input to the method. A preliminary validation shows that the calculated porosity and cut‐off size values agree well with experimental data. Application of the new cut‐off size method to the river Rhine demonstrates that the estimated cut‐off size decreases in a downstream direction from about 2 to 0·05 mm, covariant with the downstream fining of bed sediments. Grain size fractions that are pore‐filling load in the upstream part of the river thus gradually become bed‐structure load in the downstream part. The estimated (mass) percentage of pore‐filling load in the river bed ranges from 0% in areas with a unimodal river bed, to about 22% in reaches with a bimodal sand‐gravel bed. The estimated bed porosity varies between 0·15 and 0·35, which is considerably less than the often‐used standard value of 0·40. The predicted cut‐off size between pore‐filling load and bed‐structure load (Dc,p) is fundamentally different from the cut‐off size between wash‐load and bed‐material load (Dc,w), irrespective of the method used to determine Dc,p or Dc,w. Dc,w values are in the order of 10?1 mm and mainly dependent on the flow characteristics, whereas Dc,p values are generally much larger (about 100 mm in gravel‐bed rivers) and dependent on the bed composition. Knowledge of Dc,w is important for the prediction of the total sediment transport in a river (including suspended fines that do not interact with the bed), whereas knowledge of Dc,p helps to improve morphological predictions, especially if spatial variations in Dc,p are taken into account. An alternative to using a spatially variable value of Dc,p in morphological models is to use a spatially variable bed porosity, which can also be predicted with the new method. In addition to the morphological benefits, the new method also has sedimentological applications. The possibility to determine quickly whether a sediment mixture is clast‐supported or matrix‐supported may help to better understand downstream fining trends, sediment entrainment thresholds and variations in hydraulic conductivity.  相似文献   

Uummannaq Fjord, West Greenland, held the Uummannaq Ice Stream system that drained an estimated ~6% of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) during the Last Glacial Maximum. Published ages for the final deglaciation in Uummannaq Fjord vary from as early as c. 9.8 ka to as late as c. 5.3 ka. Assessing this variability requires additional chronological controls to improve the deglaciation history of central West Greenland. Here, we combine 14C dating of lake sediment cores with cosmogenic 10Be exposure dating at sites adjacent to the present GrIS margin in the central‐inland sector of the Uummannaq Fjord system. We find that ice retreated to or within the present GrIS margin at 10.8±0.2 ka (n = 6). Although this ‘final deglaciation’ to or within the present GrIS margin across the Uummannaq Fjord system varies from c. 10.8 to 5.3 ka, all chronologies indicate collapse from the continental shelf to the inner fjords at c. 11.0 ka, which occurred at a net retreat rate of 300–1100 m a−1. The Uummannaq Fjord system deglaciated c. 1000 years earlier than the major fjord system to the south, Disko Bugt. However, similarly rapid retreat rates of the two palaeo‐ice stream systems suggest that their collapse may have been aided by high calving rates. The asynchronous deglaciation of the GrIS throughout the Uummannaq Fjord system probably relates to the influence of varying fjord geometry on marine glacier behaviour.  相似文献   

Boron isotopes in marine carbonates are increasingly used to reconstruct seawater pH and atmospheric pCO2 through Earth’s history. While isotope ratio measurements from individual laboratories are often of high quality, it is important that records generated in different laboratories can equally be compared. Within this Boron Isotope Intercomparison Project (BIIP), we characterised the boron isotopic composition (commonly expressed in δ11B) of two marine carbonates: Geological Survey of Japan carbonate reference materials JCp‐1 (coral Porites) and JCt‐1 (giant clam Tridacna gigas). Our study has three foci: (a) to assess the extent to which oxidative pre‐treatment, aimed at removing organic material from carbonate, can influence the resulting δ11B; (b) to determine to what degree the chosen analytical approach may affect the resultant δ11B; and (c) to provide well‐constrained consensus δ11B values for JCp‐1 and JCt‐1. The resultant robust mean and associated robust standard deviation (s*) for un‐oxidised JCp‐1 is 24.36 ± 0.45‰ (2s*), compared with 24.25 ± 0.22‰ (2s*) for the same oxidised material. For un‐oxidised JCt‐1, respective compositions are 16.39 ± 0.60‰ (2s*; un‐oxidised) and 16.24 ± 0.38‰ (2s*; oxidised). The consistency between laboratories is generally better if carbonate powders were oxidatively cleaned prior to purification and measurement.  相似文献   

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