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A study of proglacial deformation associated with a Late Weichselian glaciomarine sequence was carried out at Melabakkar-Ásbakkar, west Iceland. At this site, coarse-grained sediments have been deformed into compressive structures with no associated push moraine morphology. Two large structures were examined, Structure A which consists of large-scale reverse (and normal) faulting and overturned bedding; and Structure B, which is more complex, with open folding, high-angle reverse faulting, nappe structures and normal faulting. The structures were interpreted as the result of increasing compressive proglacial deformation, followed by subglacial deformation, which destroyed the surface morphology of the push moraine and incorporated some of the sediments into a subglacial diamicton. The results from this study were compared with other examples of proglacial deformation, and it is suggested that at sites where deformation was restricted to the margin, longitudinal strain was lower than at sites where deformation extended out into the foreland. It is also suggested that if deformation increases downglacier, this is indicative of an overall glacial advance, whilst if the deformation decreases downglacier, this is indicative of a glacial retreat.  相似文献   

The macro‐ and micro‐sedimentology of a supraglacial melt‐out till forming at the Matanuska Glacier was examined in relationship to the properties of the stratified basal zone ice and debris from which it is originating. In situ melting of the basal ice has produced a laminated to bedded diamicton consisting mainly of silt. Macroscopic properties include: discontinuous laminae and beds; lenses of sand, silt aggregates and open‐work gravel; deformed and elongate clasts of clay; widely dispersed pebbles and cobbles, those that are prolate usually with their long axes subparallel to parallel to the bedding. Evidence for deformation is absent except for localized bending of beds over or under rock clasts. Microscopic properties are a unique element of this work and include: discontinuous lineations; silt to granule size laminae; prolate coarse sand and rock fragments commonly with their long axis subparallel to bedding; subangular to subrounded irregular shaped clay clasts often appearing as bands; sorted and unsorted silt to granule size horizons, sometimes disrupted by pore‐water pathways. Limited deformation occurs around rock clasts and thicker parts of lamina. This study shows that in situ melting of debris‐rich basal ice can produce a laminated and bedded diamicton that inherits and thereby preserves stratified basal ice properties. Production and preservation of supraglacial melt‐out till require in situ melting of a stagnant, debris‐rich basal ice source with a low relief surface that becomes buried by a thick, stable, insulating cover of ice‐marginal sediment. Also required are a slow melt rate and adequate drainage to minimize pore‐water pressures in the till and overlying sediment cover to maintain stability and uninterrupted deposition. Many modern and ancient hummocky moraines down glacier of subglacial overdeepenings probably meet these process criteria and their common occurrence suggests that both modern and pre‐modern supraglacial melt‐out tills may be more common than previously thought.  相似文献   

Aeolian dunes, coversands, glacifluvial deltas and paraglacial mass‐movement deposits in Bonäsheden and Skattungheden in Dalarna, central Sweden were dated by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) on quartz. The OSL ages confirm that the majority of the dunes started forming directly after deglaciation, as suggested by previous investigators. Dune formation seems to have lasted at least 1500 years, until c. 9 ka. Four younger episodes of sand drift resulting in coversand deposition were dated by OSL and/or radiocarbon to 4100±200 a, 1569–1412 cal. a BP, 970±60 a and 150±10 a. The youngest one is related to changes in land use, while the older ones may be due to regional climatic changes. The dated quartz had excellent luminescence characteristics; the luminescence was bright and dominated by the fast signal component, which made it possible to successfully analyse even untreated material, so‐called range‐finder dating. These characteristics are most likely inherited from one of the source rocks of the Quaternary deposits – the Mesoproterozoic Dala sandstone, which we show to also have very good luminescence properties.  相似文献   

Wohlfarth, B., Alexanderson, H., Ampel, L., Bennike, O., Engels, S., Johnsen, T., Lundqvist, J. & Reimer, P. 2010: Pilgrimstad revisited – a multi‐proxy reconstruction of Early/Middle Weichselian climate and environment at a key site in central Sweden. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00192.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. The site Pilgrimstad in central Sweden has often been cited as a key locality for discussions of ice‐free/ice‐covered intervals during the Early and Middle Weichselian. Multi‐proxy investigations of a recently excavated section at Pilgrimstad now provide a revised picture of the climatic and environmental development between ~80 and 36 ka ago. The combination of sedimentology, geochemistry, OSL and 14C dating, and macrofossil, siliceous microfossil and chironomid analyses shows: (i) a lower succession of glaciofluvial/fluvial, lacustrine and glaciolacustrine sediments; (ii) an upper lacustrine sediment sequence; and (iii) Last Glacial Maximum till cover. Microfossils in the upper lacustrine sediments are initially characteristic for oligo‐ to mesotrophic lakes, and macrofossils indicate arctic/sub‐arctic environments and mean July temperatures >8 °C. These conditions were, however, followed by a return to a low‐nutrient lake and a cold and dry climate. The sequence contains several hiatuses, as shown by the often sharp contacts between individual units, which suggests that ice‐free intervals alternated with possible ice advances during certain parts of the Early and Middle Weichselian.  相似文献   

The ability of glaciers to detach and transport bedrock as glaciotectonic rafts is widely observed throughout Quaternary sections. However, the glaciological, hydrological and geological parameters controlling rafting are currently poorly constrained. There is a lack of structural and sedimentary evidence concerning rafting, and therefore the processes driving raft detachment, transport and emplacement are poorly understood. This paper contributes to our understanding by presenting a macro‐ and microstructural study of deformation associated with a chalk raft at West Runton, north Norfolk. Detailed thin‐section analysis reveals several discrete micro‐fabric orientations, representing poly‐phase deformation occurring during raft transport and emplacement. A four‐stage conceptual model for raft transport and emplacement is proposed, with deformation being partitioned into the relatively weaker Happisburgh Till member, the latter forming the host to the raft. Stage 1 is the main transport phase of the chalk raft, and was dominated by easterly (down‐ice) directed ductile shearing. During Stage 2 a narrow ductile shear zone within the Happisburgh Till member propagated upwards through the base of the raft, leading to the detachment of an elongate block of chalk. Attenuated lenses of diamicton in this shear zone possess kinematics recording an easterly directed sense of shear. As deformation progressed, during Stage 3, the detached block impinged on the ‘high‐strain’ zone wrapping the base of the raft, influencing the style of deformation partitioning and leading to localized, up‐ice‐directed kinematics. Stage 4 represents the final stages of raft emplacement, when the detachment zone at the base of the raft began to ‘lock‐up’. These results demonstrate the relative importance of the hydrological controls associated with raft transport and emplacement underneath an actively advancing glacier. Furthermore, the model represents an example of how micromorphological analysis can reveal detailed poly‐phase deformation histories in deformed glacial sediments.  相似文献   

In central and northern Sweden, glacial sediments and landforms, formed during Early and Middle Weichselian stadials and their transition into interstadials, are often preserved in spite of having been overridden by later glacial advances. This study presents an OSL‐dated glacial stratigraphy from Idre in west‐central Sweden, expanding the area in which Middle Weichselian ice‐free conditions have been identified. Three sedimentary units were identified, with the lowermost unit consisting of glaciolacustrine sand, deposited in a stagnant water‐body. Nine OSL samples gave ages ranging from 54 to 41 ka, suggesting deposition during a deglacial phase in MIS 3. Normal faults and silt veins, formed after deposition, indicate that the area was ice‐free for a prolonged period, enabling the melting of buried stagnant ice. Above an erosional unconformity is a sediment unit characterized by gravels and sands deposited in a proximal braided‐river environment. OSL ages range from 180 to 41 ka, indicating poor sediment bleaching during deposition. We thus consider them to give a maximum age of the sedimentation, indicating deposition at or after 41 ka. The uppermost unit consists of a stacked succession of subglacial traction tills and glaciotectonite beds, representing the Late Weichselian glaciation of the area, probably during the inception phase with a wet‐based glacier regime. At the last deglaciation of the area there was extensive meltwater erosion, eroding all sedimentary units and forming a landscape with terraces and channels, and erosional remnants of the uppermost diamict as free‐standing hummocks.  相似文献   

Twenty thin sections were studied from Cactus Hill, a ca. 20 ka stratified sand dune site in Virginia, USA, with a Clovis and hypothesized pre‐Clovis component. The high‐resolution soil micromorphology investigation focused on testing the integrity of Clovis and pre‐Clovis stratigraphy from one location where there is a high density of artifacts. Site formation processes were dominated by eolian (dune) sand formation. There was also ephemeral topsoil development and associated occupation, along with their penecontemporaneous disturbance and dispersal by scavenging animals (assumed) and localized down‐working by small invertebrate mesofauna (as evidenced by aggregates of fine phytolith‐rich humic soil and fine soil‐coated charcoal fragments). Partial erosion of these occupation soils (deflation?) was followed by successive sand burial. Post‐depositional processes affecting these sand‐buried occupations involved only small‐scale bioturbation and overprinting of clay lamellae, suggesting site stratigraphy has been stable for a long time. Soil micromorphological analysis has defined a difference between occupational units (pre‐Clovis and Clovis) and sterile units found between these units as well as above and below. In summary, according to this analysis, the site appears intact with only minor disturbances affecting the long‐term integrity of the stratigraphy. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Middle Pleistocene preglacial and glacial sediments are described from Sidestrand in north Norfolk, UK. The sequence consists of estuarine and fluvial deposits of the Wroxham Crag and Cromer Forest-bed formations that were deposited by, and adjacent to, a major river system that drained northern and central England during the ‘Cromerian Complex’. These preglacial sediments were subsequently overridden and partially tectonised during a glaciation that deposited till of the Happisburgh Formation associated with the first lowland glaciation of eastern England. Detailed examination of the stratigraphy and structural evolution of the sequence reveals that glaciotectonic rafts of Sidestrand Unio Bed material, a regionally important biostratigraphic marker horizon, have been remobilised and partially mixed with other lithologies whilst being transported and emplaced further up-sequence by glaciotetconic processes. Caution should therefore be exercised when examining this deposit for biostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental purposes to ensure that sampling is from in situ material.  相似文献   

Owing to proximity of the North Atlantic Stream and the shelf, the Andøya biota are assumed to have responded rapidly to climatic changes taking place after the Weichselian glaciation. Palynological, macrofossil, loss‐on‐ignition, tephra and 14C data from three sites at the northern part of the island of Andøya were studied. The period 12 300–11 950 cal. yr BP was characterized by polar desert vegetation, and 11 950–11 050 cal. yr BP by a moisture‐demanding predominantly low‐arctic Oxyria vegetation. During the period 11 050–10 650 cal. yr BP, there was a climatic amelioration towards a sub‐arctic climate and heaths dominated by Empetrum. After 10 650 cal. yr BP the Oxyria vegetation disappeared. As early as about 10 800 cal. yr BP the bryozoan Cristatella mucedo indicated a climate sufficient for Betula woodland. However, tree birch did not establish until 10 420–10 250 cal. yr BP, indicating a time‐lag for the formation of Betula ecotypes adapted to the oceanic climate of Andøya. From about 10 150 to 9400 cal. yr BP the summers were dry and warm. There was a change towards moister, though comparatively warm, climatic conditions about 9400 cal. yr BP. The present data are compared with evidence from marine sediments and the deglaciation history in the region. It is suggested that during most of the period 11 500–10 250 cal. yr BP a similar situation as in present southern Greenland existed, with birch woodland in the inner fjords near the ice sheet and low‐arctic heath vegetation along the outer coast.  相似文献   

Mafic intrusive rocks (1.79–1.78 Ga) of the Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) and the c. 1.87 Ga Hedesunda Igneous Complex in the Fennoscandian Shield of south‐central Sweden were studied using whole‐rock and isotope geochemistry. Rock types vary from gabbros/norites (and leucogabbros) to quartz diorites, with Mg# between 76 and 49, and wt% SiO2 between 43.6 and 59.7, indicating some variation in evolutionary levels and variable cumulus components. Geochemical signatures are calc‐alkaline to shoshonitic, large ion lithophile elements and light rare earth elements enriched and high‐field strength elements depleted of continental‐arc type. εNd(t) ranges between +1.0 and +2.7, and 87Sr/86Sr(t) between 0.7020 and 0.7038. There is no systematic correlation between chemical parameters and isotope ratios. These isotopic data overlap with other mafic plutonic TIB rocks; samples from the Dala Province (DP) tend to overlap with the c. 1.7 Ga basic Dala lavas of TIB at slightly elevated relative Sr/Nd ratios. With two exceptions, the εNd(t) of +1 to +2 conform to an isotopically ‘mildly depleted’ source, typical for mafic TIB rocks and many Svecofennian rocks in the region. Reported values above εNd(t) +2.0 are scarce in the TIB. Mantle sources represent depleted mantle wedge material that was enriched by fluids/melts not long before (TDM c. 2.0 Ga), that is during subduction in the preceding Svecofennian (2.0–1.87 Ga) and/or during the TIB‐0&1 event (1.85–1.78 Ga). The palaeotectonic settings inferred are active continental margins; N–S‐directed convergence at 1.87 Ga and E–W‐directed at 1.79–1.78 Ga. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigates the retention of heavy metals in secondary precipitates from a sulfidic mine rock dump and underlying podzolic soils by means of mineralogical and chemical extraction methods. The rock dump, which is at least 50 years old, consists of a 5–10-cm-thick leached zone and an underlying 110–115-cm-thick accumulation zone. Optical microscopy and electron microprobe analyses confirm that pyrrhotite weathering has proceeded much further in the leached horizon relative to the accumulation horizon. The weathering of sulfides in the leached zone has resulted in the migration of most heavy metals to the accumulation zone or underlying soils, where they are retained in more stable phases such as secondary ferric minerals, including goethite and jarosite. Some metals are temporarily retained in hydrated ferrous sulfates (e.g., melanterite, rozenite). Received: 28 October 1996 · Accepted: 24 February 1997  相似文献   

The Wenquan ultramafic rocks, located in the East Kunlun Orogenic belt in the northeastern part of the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau, consist of dunite, wehrlite, olivine‐clinopyroxenite and clinopyroxenite, and exhibit cumulate textures. Olivine from dunite has high Fo (forsterite, 90–92) and NiO (0.15–0.42 wt%) contents. Cr‐spinels from all of the rocks in this suite are characterized by high Cr# (100×[Cr/(Cr+Al)], 67–91), low Mg# (100×[Mg/(Mg+Fe2+)], 17–35) and low TiO2 contents (mostly < 0.5 wt%). Clinopyroxenes display high Mg# (92–98) and low TiO2 contents (0.002–0.099 wt%), similar to those in ophiolitic cumulates. Geochemically, the Wenquan ultramafic rocks show enrichment of LILE, Sr, and Ba, and depletion of Nb and Th. Mineral chemistry and geochemistry indicate that the Wenquan cumulates were generated from a depleted mantle and likely evolved from high‐Mg basaltic magmas (Mg#=78) that underwent fractional crystallization and crustal contamination. Zircons from clinopyroxenites yield a U–Pb weighted mean age of 331 ± 2 Ma, which is nearly coeval with the formation age of the Buqingshan and A'nyemaqen Carboniferous ophiolites. The Wenquan Carboniferous ophiolites are confirmed to exist in the Central East Kunlun Fault zone, whereas previous studies have considered them to be the Proterozoic ophiolites. The Wenquan ultramafic rocks might be an arc cumulates of the Paleo‐Tethyan ocean, indicating that there were two cycles of oceanic–continental evolution along the Central East Kunlun Fault zone. Keywords Ultramafic rock, Cumulate, Ophiolite, East Kunlun Orogenic belt.  相似文献   

This paper presents one of the most extensive Holocene tephra records found to date in Scandinavia. Microtephra horizons originating from Icelandic eruptions were recorded in two ca. 2 m thick peat profiles at Klocka Bog in west‐central Sweden. Five of the microtephra horizons were geochemically correlated to the Askja‐1875, Hekla‐3, Kebister, Hekla‐4 and Lairg A tephras respectively. Radiocarbon‐based dating of these tephras broadly agree with previously published ages from Iceland, Sweden, Germany and the British Isles. The identification of the Lairg A tephra demonstrates a more widespread distribution than previously thought, extending the usefulness of Icelandic Holocene tephrochronology further north into west‐central Scandinavia. Long‐lasting snow cover and seasonal wind distribution in the lower stratosphere are suggested as factors that may be responsible for fragmentary tephra deposition patterns in peat deposits of subarctic Scandinavia. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cryoturbation and slump fold‐like sedimentary structures in ca. 1.9 Ga old dacitic metavolcanic sediments in West Bergslagen, Central Sweden, are recognized as a lowland periglacial environment. This type of environment is comparable with present day tundra in Siberia. Ice‐wedge casts and cryoturbation, together with polygonal frost patterns, are typical geomorphological structures above permafrost in this type of environment. The sedimentary environment could be interpreted as periglacial, broadly comparable to present day tundras. Intensive cryoturbation of the formation and close structural analogy with Quaternary ice‐wedges suggests a cold and humid environment. This discovery is corroborated by a previous report of glacial sediments and structures from NW Australia of ca. 1.8 Ga age. Both occurrences developed at low geographical latitudes, at locations far apart in the Late Palaeoproterozoic supercontinent Columbia. Either suggest the existence of a ca. 100 Ma long epoch of extreme, though possibly intermittent glaciations during the ca. 1.4 Ga long ‘Proterozoic gap’ (~2.2–0.77 Ga) from which no convincing glacial deposits were previously known.  相似文献   

Hättestrand, M. & Robertsson, A.‐M. 2010: Weichselian interstadials at Riipiharju, northern Sweden – interpretation of vegetation and climate from fossil and modern pollen records. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2009.00129.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. The most complete records of Weichselian ice‐free conditions in northern Sweden have been retrieved from kettleholes in the Riipiharju esker. In an earlier study, the Riipiharju I core was described as containing two Weichselian interstadials and Riipiharju was chosen as type site for the second Weichselian interstadial in northern Sweden. Here, we present a palynological investigation of two new sediment cores (Riipiharju II and III) retrieved from Riipiharju. Together, the new cores comprise a late cold part of the first Weichselian interstadial recorded in northeastern Sweden (Tärendö I, earlier correlated with Peräpohjola in Finland) as well as a long sequence of the second Weichselian interstadial (Tärendö II, earlier named Tärendö). The results indicate that the climate during deposition of the Tärendö II sequence was more variable than earlier suggested. According to the present interpretation it was relatively warm in the early part of Tärendö II; thereafter a long cold phase persisted, and finally the climate was warmer again in the late part of Tärendö II. The warm phases are characterized by Betula‐dominant pollen assemblages, while the cold phase is characterized by high percentages of Artemisia and Gramineae pollen. Since there is still no firm chronology established of the interstadials in northeastern Sweden, two possible correlations are discussed; either Tärendö I and II are correlated with Brörup (MIS 5c) and Odderade (MIS 5a), or, perhaps more likely, they are correlated with Odderade and early Middle Weichselian (MIS 3) time.  相似文献   

Palaeoglaciological reconstructions of the North Sea sector of the last British Ice Sheet have, as other shelf areas, suffered from a lack of dates directly related to ice‐front positions. In the present study new high‐resolution TOPAS seismic data, bathymetric records and sediment core data from the Witch Ground Basin, central North Sea, were compiled. This compilation made it possible to map out three ice‐marginal positions, partly through identification of terminal moraines and partly through location of glacial‐fed debrisflows. The interfingering of the distal parts of the glacial‐fed debrisflows with continuous marine sedimentation enabled the development of a chronology for glacial events based on previously published and some new radiocarbon dates on marine molluscs and foraminifera. From these data it is suggested that after the central Witch Ground Basin was deglaciated at c. 27 cal. ka BP, the eastern part was inundated by glacial ice from the east in the Tampen advance at c. 21 cal. ka BP. Subsequently, the basin was inundated by ice from northeast during the Fladen 1 (c. 17.5 cal. ka BP) and the Fladen 2 (16.2 cal. ka BP) events. It should be emphasized that the Fladen 1 and 2 events, individually, may represent dynamics of relatively small lobes of glacial ice at the margin of the British Ice Sheet and that the climatic significance of these may be questioned. However, the Fladen Events probably correlate in time with the Clogher Head and Killard Point re‐advances previously documented from Ireland and the Bremanger event from off western Norway, suggesting that the British and Fennoscandian ice sheets both had major advances in their northwestern parts, close to the northwestern European seaboard, at this time.  相似文献   

Chullpas are pre‐Columbian burial towers built by indigenous Aymaras on the Bolivian Altiplano. Bolivian chullpas date back to the Late Intermediate Period (A.D. 1000–1476) and the Late Horizon (A.D. 1476–1532). We recorded 228 chullpas among 84 sites in the Huachacalla region of west‐central Bolivia. In our study area, the chullpas are on debris flows and coarse alluvium in the proximal and medial segments of alluvial fans at the foot of two volcanoes. Grain‐size, element, and mineralogical analysis of chullpa wall material and local sediment revealed that the burial towers are composed of calcareous sand that is readily available in alluvial fan deposits near the sites. Our data suggest that the Aymaras considered environmental factors, such as drainage and stability of the soil, when they selected the locations of chullpas, whereas cultural factors played a significant role in chullpa architecture. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Getsjö area of Kolmärden is located within the Swedish terminal moraines. The pollen diagrams reflect a Younger Dryas flora. Some radiocarbon dates have been obtained from the oldest sediment with some organic matter. Diatom profiles show the Baltic Ice Lake diatom flora.  相似文献   

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