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ThenewlycompiledGeologicalMapofAsiaandEurope(1.5000000)wasoneoftheimportantmapsoftheMinistryofGeologyandMineralResources(MGMR)ofChinaforsubmittingtothe30thInternationalGeologicalCongress.ItwascompiledbytheinstituteofGeology,CAGS.ThemapincludesthewholeAsianandEuropeanterritories,covering50.71millionkm~2,withalengthof3.5mand2.5minwidth.Themainresearchresultsandgreatprogressshownonthemapareasbelow.1.Thegeographicalmap,basedonwhichthegeologicalmapwascompiled,hashighprecisioninmathematics…  相似文献   

To effectively target area and population with relatively poorer healthcare access requires information on how access to healthcare varies spatially. Considering hospitals as important components of the healthcare system, this case study of Central Missouri presents a comparison of the relatively underserved areas and population based on the results from three alternative indicators of spatial hospital access calculated at three different levels of geography. Results indicate that the alternative spatial healthcare access indicators show considerably different pictures of the relative ranking of census units, and identification of the relatively underserved areas and population. The relative ranking of census units and the identification of relatively underserved area and population are all critical indicators for policy makers when public resources are limited and distributive choices must be made.  相似文献   

The Lengshuikeng ore district in east-central China has an ore reserve of ~43 Mt with an average grade of 204.53 g/t Ag and 4.63 % Pb?+?Zn. Based on contrasting geological characteristics, the mineralization in the Lengshuikeng ore district can be divided into porphyry-hosted and stratabound types. The porphyry-hosted mineralization is distributed in and around the Lengshuikeng granite porphyry and shows a distinct alteration zoning including minor chloritization and sericitization in the proximal zone; sericitization, silicification, and carbonatization in the peripheral zone; and sericitization and carbonatization in the distal zone. The stratabound mineralization occurs in volcano-sedimentary rocks at ~100–400 m depth without obvious zoning of alterations and ore minerals. Porphyry-hosted and stratabound mineralization are both characterized by early-stage pyrite–chalcopyrite–sphalerite, middle-stage acanthite–native silver–galena–sphalerite, and late-stage pyrite–quartz–calcite. The δ34S values of pyrite, sphalerite, and galena in the ores range from ?3.8 to +6.9‰ with an average of +2.0‰. The C–O isotope values of siderite, calcite, and dolomite range from ?7.2 to ?1.5‰ with an average of ?4.4‰ (V-PDB) and from +10.9 to +19.5‰ with an average of +14.8‰ (V-SMOW), respectively. Hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon isotopes indicate that the hydrothermal fluids were derived mainly from meteoric water, with addition of minor amounts of magmatic water. Geochronology employing LA–ICP–MS analyses of zircons from a quartz syenite porphyry yielded a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 136.3?±?0.8 Ma considered as the emplacement age of the porphyry. Rb–Sr dating of sphalerite from the main ore stage yielded an age of 126.9?±?7.1 Ma, marking the time of mineralization. The Lengshuikeng mineralization classifies as an epithermal Ag–Pb–Zn deposit.  相似文献   

The Izera Block in the West Sudetes, which is composed of granites, gneisses (and transitional granite-gneisses) and minor mica schists, is one of the largest outcrops of Early Palaeozoic (ca. 500 Ma) metagranitoid rocks in the basement units of the Variscides of Central Europe. The Izera granites show S-type features: magmatic cordierite, relict garnet and sillimanite, lack of mafic enclaves, and absence of coexisting tonalites and diorites. The paucity of pegmatites indicates that the granitic magma was relatively dry. The S-type character of these granites is further supported by their peraluminous character (A/CNK 1.0–1.63), high content of normative corundum (up to 3.5%) and relatively high 87Sr /86Sr initial ratio. The chemical variation of these rocks was controlled by the fractional crystallization of plagioclase (CaO, Sr, Eu/Eu*), biotite and cordierite (Al2O3, MgO, FeO), zircon (Zr, Hf) and monazite (REE). Initial Nd values range from –5.2 to –6.9 (mean: –5.9, SD=0.6). These largely negative Nd values imply that the granitic magmas emplaced ca. 500 Ma were extracted from a source reservoir that was strongly enriched in LREE (i.e., with low Sm/Nd ratio) on a time-integrated basis. The relatively consistent depleted mantle model ages (1,730–2,175 Ma; mean: 1,890 Ma) is in agreement with the earlier reported presence of ca. 2.1 Ga old inherited Pb component in zircon from the closely related Rumburk granite. This points to an old (Early Proterozoic) crustal residence age of the inferred metasedimentary protoliths of the Izera granitoids, with only minor contribution to their protoliths of juvenile components of Late Proterozoic/Early Palaeozoic age. Although the Izera granites show some trace element features reminiscent of syn-collisional or post-collisional granitoids, they more likely belong to the broad anorogenic class. Our data corroborate some previous interpretations that granite generation was connected with the Early Palaeozoic rifting of the passive margin of the Saxothuringian block, well documented in the region by bimodal volcanic suites of similar age (Kaczawa Unit, eastern and southern envelope of the Karkonosze–Izera Block). In this scenario, granite magmatism and bimodal volcanism would represent two broadly concomitant effects of a single major event of lithospheric break-up at the northern edge of Gondwana.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2008,340(9-10):651-662
The aim of this paper is to illustrate how some extreme events could affect forest ecosystems. Forest tree response can be analysed using dendroecological methods, as tree-ring widths are strongly controlled by climatic or biotic events. Years with such events induce similar tree responses and are called pointer years. They can result from extreme climatic events like frost, a heat wave, spring water logging, drought or insect damage… Forest tree species showed contrasting responses to climatic hazards, depending on their sensitivity to water shortage or temperature hardening, as illustrated from our dendrochronological database. For foresters, a drought or a pest disease is an extreme event if visible and durable symptoms are induced (leaf discolouration, leaf loss, perennial organs mortality, tree dieback and mortality). These symptoms here are shown, lagging one or several years behind a climatic or biotic event, from forest decline cases in progress since the 2003 drought or attributed to previous severe droughts or defoliations in France. Tree growth or vitality recovery is illustrated, and the functional interpretation of the long lasting memory of trees is discussed. A coupled approach linking dendrochronology and ecophysiology helps in discussing vulnerability of forest stands, and suggests management advices in order to mitigate extreme drought and cope with selective mortality.  相似文献   

The results of the first GPS measurements along the geophysical profile that intersects all major geological structures of the Osetiya region of the Greater Caucasus are presented. The results of the measurements are interpreted in comparison with those of neotectonic studies and data on the deep structure.  相似文献   

Determining an age framework for Precambrian crystalline rocks and associated granulite-facies metamorphism of the inner blocks in the North China Craton (NCC) is important for determining the tectonic setting and evolution of the craton during the Neoarchaean–Palaeoproterozoic. The Eastern Hebei terrane (EHT), located in the Eastern Block of the NCC, is composed of tonalitic-trondhjemitic-granodioritic (TTG) gneisses and potassium-rich granitoids, along with rafts of supracrustal rocks that are intruded by basic dikes. TTG gneisses in the EHT yield crystallization ages of 2516–2527 Ma. The oldest age of inherited zircons from a mylonitic TTG gneiss is ~2918 Ma. Granulite-facies supracrustal metamorphic rocks in the Zunhua high-grade meta-greenstone belt indicate an andesitic/basaltic protolith that was formed at ~2498 Ma. A syn-deformational granite in the Jinchangyu greenschist-facies shear zone yields a crystallization age of ~2474 Ma. Metamorphism of the supracrustal rocks and mylonitic greenschist took place at ~2461 and ~2475 Ma, respectively. Rare earth elements (REE) patterns and slightly negative Nb and Ta anomalies indicate that the magmatic precursors of the supracrustal rocks might be derived from partial melting of a sub-arc mantle wedge and metasomatized by fluids derived from a subducting slab. These rocks plot in the island arc basalts (IAB) field on a La/Nb vs. La diagram, further supporting this interpretation. The microstructures of a garnet–two-pyroxene granulite indicate an approximately clockwise P-T path. The crystallization ages of the TTG gneisses represent periods of the major crustal growth in the NCC, and the granulite- and greenschist-facies metamorphism indicates an orogenic event that involved crustal thickening at ~2.47 Ga.  相似文献   

The aim of this contribution is to explore the relationship among some concepts, often considered to be unrelated, such as weathering reactions, compositional data and fractals by means of distribution analysis.Weathering reactions represent the necessary transfer of heat and entropy to the environment in geochemical cycles. Compositional data express the relative abundance of chemical elements/species in a given total (i.e. volume or weight). Fractals are temporal or spatial objects with self-similarity and scale-invariance, so that internal structures repeat themselves over multiple levels of magnification or scales of measurement.Gibbs's free energy and the application of the Law Mass Action can be used to model weathering reactions, under the hypothesis of chemical equilibrium. Compositional data are obtained in the analytical phase after the determination of the concentrations of chemicals in sampled solid, liquid or gaseous materials. Fractals can be measured by using their fractal dimensions.In this paper, the presence of fractal structures is observed when the frequency distribution of isometric log-ratio coordinates is investigated, showing the logarithm of the cumulative number of samples exceeding a certain coordinate value plotted against the coordinate value itself. Isometric log-ratio coordinates (or balances) were constructed by using the sequential binary partition (SBP) method. The balances were identified to maintain, as far as possible, the similarity with a corresponding weathering reaction affecting the Arno river catchment (Tuscany, central Italy) as described by the Law of Mass Action. The emergence of fractal structures indicates the presence of dissipative systems, which require complexity, large numbers of inter-connected elements and stochasticity.  相似文献   

正The iconic image of a giant radiating dyke swarm subsequently fragmented into three pieces via supercontinental breakup was produced by Paul May in1971(see next page).That figure presented a large part of  相似文献   

The crustal section beneath amphibolite Nied?wied? Massif (Fore-Sudetic Block in NE Bohemian Massif), modelled on the basis of geological and seismic data, is dominated by gneisses with subordinate granites (upper and middle crust) and melagabbros (lower crust). The geotherm was calculated based on the chemical analyses of the heat-producing elements in the rocks forming the crust and the measurements of their density and heat conductivity. The results were verified by heat flow calculations based on temperature measurements from 1,600?m deep well in the Nied?wied? Massif and by temperature–depth estimates in mantle xenoliths coming from the nearby ca. 4.5?My basanite plug in Lutynia. The paleoclimate-corrected heat flow in the Nied?wied? Massif is 69.5?mW?m?2, and the mantle heat flow is 28?mW?m?2. The mantle beneath the Massif was located marginally relative to the areas of intense Cenozoic thermal rejuvenation connected with alkaline volcanism. This results in geotherm which is representative for lithosphere parts located at the margins of zones of continental alkaline volcanism and at its waning stages. The lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary (LAB) beneath Nied?wied? is located between 90 and 100?km depth and supposedly the rheological change at LAB is not related to the appearance of melt.  相似文献   

This study investigates the δ13C values of Middle Miocene–Modern drift deposits and periplatform sediments in the Maldives and compares these data with the global δ13C values derived from bulk oceanic sediments and foraminifera. This comparison reveals that while the δ13C values of the early Miocene periplatform sediments in the Maldives appear to track the global record of δ13C values, including increases associated with the Oligocene–Miocene boundary as well as the variations within the Monterey Event, the correlation with the Monterey Event may be coincidental. It is suggested that variations in δ13C values do not reflect changes in oceanic dissolved inorganic carbon, but instead pulses of sediment arising from platform progradation that contribute carbonates with elevated δ13C values derived from the adjacent shallow‐water atolls. This conclusion is supported both by correlations between the seismic sequence architecture and the δ13C values which document progradation of 13C‐rich platform sediments, and also by the continuation of the interval of 13C‐rich sediments past the end of the Monterey Event at 13 Ma within the drift.  相似文献   

New data on the geology, age, and composition of the Late Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the Vitim Depression, a satellite of the Vitim Lava Plateau (VLP), have been obtained. Two-stage volcanic activity has been revealed. In the Middle Miocene (14–13 Ma), a basalt and trachybasalt (hawaiite) lava covers were formed. In the Pleistocene (1.6–0.7 Ma), basanite erupted from scoria cones. Both stages of volcanism were coeval to similar pulses of volcanism within the VLP. However, unlike the latter, there were no Pliocene and Late Miocene eruptions within the Vitim Depression. Additionally, the Vitim Depression basalts have depleted geochemical characteristics comparative to those of the VLP. These features of the Vitim Depression volcanics imply their autonomous formation, whereas the synchroneity of the initial and final stages of volcanism in the depression and in the VLP reflects the existence of a common regulating mechanism of igneous activity.  相似文献   


The nature of the substrate below the northern Lachlan Orogen and the southern Thomson Orogen is poorly understood. We investigate the nature of the mid- to lower-crust using O and Lu–Hf isotope analyses of zircons from magmatic rocks that intrude these regions, and focus on the 440–410 Ma time window to minimise temporal effects while focussing on spatial differences. Over the entire region, weighted mean δ18O values range from 5.5 to 9.8‰ (relative to VSMOW, Vienna Standard Mean Oceanic Water), and weighted mean ?Hft range from ?8.8 to +8.5. In the northern Lachlan Orogen and much of the southern Thomson Orogen, magmatic rocks with unradiogenic ?Hft (~?7 to ?4) and elevated δ18O values (~9 to 10‰) reflect a supracrustal source component that may be common to both orogens. Magmatic rocks intruding the Warratta Group in the western part of the Thomson Orogen also have unradiogenic ?Hft (~?9 to ?6) but more subdued δ18O values (~7‰), indicating a distinct supracrustal source component in this region. Some regions record radiogenic ?Hf and mantle-like δ18O values, indicative of either a contribution from arc-derived rocks or a direct mantle input. In the northeast Lachlan Orogen Hermidale Terrane, magmatic rocks record mixing of the supracrustal source component with input from a infracrustal or mantle source component (?Hft as high as +8.5, δ18O values as low as 5.5‰), possibly of Macquarie Arc affinity. Samples in the west-southwestern Thomson Orogen also record some evidence of radiogenic input (?Hft as high as ?0.5, δ18O values as low as 6.4‰), possibly from the Mount Wright Arc of the Koonenberry Belt. Overall, our results demonstrate a strong spatial control on isotopic compositions. We find no isotopic differences between the bulk of the Lachlan Orogen and the bulk of the Thomson Orogen, and some indication of similarities between the two.  相似文献   

In the present study, Al Ji’lani layered intrusion was subjected to integrated field, petrographic, processing of ASTER data, and geophysical investigations to delineate its subsurface extension and to determine the chronological order of the exposed rocks. The intrusion is surrounded by foliated granodiorite and both were intruded by younger granite. Processing of ASTER data revealed that the intrusion incorporated foliated granodiorite masses along its NE corner indicating its younger age (postorogenic) setting contrary to what have been proposed by previous authors. Also, this is further confirmed by the presence of an offshoot from the intrusion in the South-East corner as well as freshness and undeformed nature of the gabbroic rocks. Petrographically, the gabbroic rocks are characterized by the presence of kelyphytic coronas around olivine in contact with plagioclase, magnetite-orthopyroxene symplectites after olivine, and symplectites between plagioclase and magnetite/ilmenite. These textures are explained in terms of interaction with late deuteric magmatic fluids and not to metamorphism as believed before. The extensive geophysical analyses of the Al Ji’lani prospect using aeromagnetic data suggest complicated combination of magnetic bodies composed mainly of gabbroic rocks intruding the foliated granodiorite with variable magnetic susceptibilities. Gradient analysis, tilt angle and edge detection techniques extracted the shallow subsurface magnetic boundaries and a probable multiple bodies in the subsurface are detected. The 3-dimensional constraint inversion using parametrized trust region algorithm revealed the deep subsurface distribution of magnetic susceptibilities of the bodies. Two resolved bodies are clear, a northern more shallow body, and a southern, deeper and laterally extend to the south and southwest. The calculated volume from the inverted model representing the Al Ji’lani layered intrusion is approximately 518.7 km3 as calculated to 6.0 km depth. The body could be extended to a deeper depth if a different proposed model geometry is adjusted. The surface area of the exposed body is only 42.39 km2. Several magnetic anomalies are defined within the intrusion and are considered potential sites of mineralization. The south east corner of the gabbroic intrusion is traversed by a shear zone trending ENE-WSW which hosts sulfide-bearing quartz veins with high silver content (Samrah Prospect) associated with an offshoot from the layered gabbro. The shear zone should be followed to the west where the intrusion extends for a distance of about 10 km in the subsurface to the southwest of the exposed part of the intrusion.  相似文献   

By measuring S spacing, C spacing and the SC angle (α) in deformed rocks, this paper investigates the geometry of previously published examples of SC and SC-like structures on a scale range between micrometres and several hundred kilometres. The results indicate that common SC fabrics of thin-section, hand-specimen and outcrop scale, and conjugate fault/mylonite zones of map scale define a simple function Cspacing=2Sspacing, which depicts a scale-invariant geometry over ten orders of magnitude. Logarithmic plots of cumulative frequency suggest that the SC fractal set (D=0.13) is restricted to the scale range between 600–800 μm and 1 km where genuine SC structures, characterized by antithetic shear on the S planes, can be formed. Below 600–800 μm, grain scale processes seem to influence the development of SC structures. Above the upper limit (1 km), only SC-like structures with duplex kinematics (synthetic shear on S planes) occur. The SC and SCC′ fractals are envisaged as self-similar structures where the foliations work as both S or C planes, depending on which scale is considered.  相似文献   

Summary The Mesoproterozoic diamondiferous Majhgawan pipe of central India is re-examined in the light of new and recently published petrological, geochemical and isotope data. This investigation reveals that its tectonic setting is similar to that of lamproites and orangeites (Group II kimberlite of southern Africa) and not that of a typical kimberlite. The petrography and mineralogy are comparable to lamproite and to some extent to orangeite, whereas the major element geochemistry is more akin to that of kimberlite. Trace element geochemistry is closer to that of lamproite but Nd isotope systematics are atypical of lamproite or orangeite. The inferred petrogenesis of the Majhgawan pipe is also similar to that of other such potassic metasomatised mantle magmas without any strong affinity to a particular clan/group.It is demonstrated in this study that the Majhgawan pipe shares the petrological, geochemical and isotope characteristics of all three rock types. It is therefore suggested to constitute a transitional kimberlite–orangeite (Group II kimberlite)–lamproite rock. The existence of such transitional magmas in space and time in other cratons, outside India, is also highlighted. The name majhgawanite is proposed for this rock – keeping in mind the antiquity of the Majhgawan pipe, its intriguing petrological and geochemical characteristics and also on the basis of Indias legacy for introducing diamond to the world – to designate such mafic potassic-ultrapotassic transitional rock types so as to distinguish them from the classical kimberlite, lamproite or orangeite.It is concluded that the correlations between kimberlite petrography, geochemistry and isotopic types (viz., Group I and II), as established for kimberlites in southern Africa, need not be necessarily valid elsewhere. Hence, the recommendations of I.U.G.S. on classification of kimberlite, orangeite and lamproite are clearly inadequate when dealing with the transitional mafic potassic ultrapotassic rocks. It is further stressed that mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic aspects of mafic potassic-ultrapotassic rocks need to be considered in unison before assigning any name as the nomenclature of such exotic and rare alkaline rock types invariably implies economic and tectono-magmatic (regional) significance.  相似文献   

There exists a transition between rockfalls, large rock mass failures, and rock avalanches. The magnitude and frequency relations (M/F) of the slope failure are increasingly used to assess the hazard level. The management of the rockfall risk requires the knowledge of the frequency of the events but also defining the worst case scenario, which is the one associated to the maximum expected (credible) rockfall event. The analysis of the volume distribution of the historical rockfall events in the slopes of the Solà d’Andorra during the last 50 years shows that they can be fitted to a power law. We argue that the extrapolation of the F-M relations far beyond the historical data is not appropriate in this case. Neither geomorphological evidences of past events nor the size of the potentially unstable rock masses identified in the slope support the occurrence of the large rockfall/rock avalanche volumes predicted by the power law. We have observed that the stability of the slope at the Solà is controlled by the presence of two sets of unfavorably dipping joints (F3, F5) that act as basal sliding planes of the detachable rock masses. The area of the basal sliding planes outcropping at the rockfall scars was measured with a terrestrial laser scanner. The distribution of the areas of the basal planes may be also fitted to a power law that shows a truncation for values bigger than 50 m2 and a maximum exposed surface of 200 m2. The analysis of the geological structure of the rock mass at the Solà d’Andorra makes us conclude that the size of the failures is controlled by the fracture pattern and that the maximum size of the failure is constrained. Two sets of steeply dipping faults (F1 and F7) interrupt the other joint sets and prevent the formation of continuous failure surfaces (F3 and F5). We conclude that due to the structural control, large slope failures in Andorra are not randomly distributed thus confirming the findings in other mountain ranges.  相似文献   

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