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A methodology is used to identify the tradeoffs between costs and exposure risk associated with landfill leachate collection and low permeable systems. The results are useful in demonstrating the point at which additional levels of sophistication in design of a leachate/liner system do not produce significant reductions of exposure risk. The case study application to the Durham Regional landfill demonstrates that clay liner hydraulic conductivity is the parameter with the largest influence on the risk of exceedance at the point of compliance. When the underlying clay is more permeable, there is a significant merit associated with use of a QA/QC program.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the effect of nanoclay on permeability, swelling, compressive strength, and cation exchange capacity of a compacted Kahrizak landfill clay liner. The results show that 4% nanoclay significantly reduces permeability (3 × 10?9 to 7.74 × 10?11 cm/s in neutral, 3.66 × 10?9 to 7.9 × 10?10 cm/s in acidic, and 3.25 × 10?9 to 5.24 × 10?10 cm/s in alkaline condition), and increases compressive strength (by 36.28%) and the percentage of swelling (from 16.67 to 41.82, 23.33 to 45.45, and 15 to 38.18 at pH 7, 4.8, and 9, respectively) compare to raw clay samples. Moreover, the results of cation exchange capacity tests show that adding 4% nanoclay to the Kahrizak clay, permeated with landfill leachate, helps the sample maintain its mono‐valent ions between layers and remains dispersed. The results of SEM and XRD analyses show that by adding nanoclay, nanoclay clusters are formed in the sample; as a result, the interlayer spacing decreases which makes it remain dispersed. XRF analyses also demonstrate that by adding nanoclay to the mixture, the permeability and therefore, the amount of heavy metals which can penetrate into it decreases. The results justify the construction of clay barriers with nanoclay in order to prevent leachate penetration, and consequently reduce the operation costs.  相似文献   

Decoupled simulation of groundwater flow and heat transport assuming constant fluid density and viscosity is computationally efficient and simple. However, by neglecting the effects of variable density and viscosity, numerical solution of heat transport may be inaccurate. This study investigates the conditions under which the density and viscosity effects on heat transport modeling can be neglected without any significant loss of computational accuracy. A cross-section model of aquifer-river interactions at the Hanford 300 Area in Washington State was employed as the reference frame to quantify the role of fluid density and viscosity in heat transport modeling. This was achieved by comparing the differences in simulated temperature distributions with and without considering variable density and viscosity, respectively. The differences between the two sets of simulations were found to be minor under the complex field conditions at the Hanford 300A site. Based on the same model setup but under different prescribed temperature gradients across the simulation domain, a series of heat transport scenarios were further examined. When the maximum temperature difference across the simulation domain is within 15°C, the mean discrepancy between the simulated temperature distributions with and without considering the effects of variable density and viscosity is approximately 2.5% with a correlation coefficient of above 0.8. Meanwhile, the speedup in runtime is roughly 225% when the maximum temperature difference is at 15°C. This work provides some quantitative guidelines for when heat transport may be simulated by assuming constant density and viscosity as a reasonable compromise between accuracy and efficiency.  相似文献   

Fluorescent dyes are commonly used as hydrologic tracers in a variety of surface and subsurface environments, including karst aquifers and caves, but the fragile nature of karstic groundwater ecosystems suggests a cautious approach to selecting dyes. This study tested the effects of four fluorescent dye tracers (uranine, eosin, pyranine, sulforhodamine B) on microorganisms from Fort Stanton Cave, New Mexico, United States. Toxicity of the dyes was tested on bacteria isolated from the cave and on a sediment sample collected adjacent to Snowy River in Fort Stanton Cave. The isolates showed minimal inhibition by the four dyes in an agar diffusions assay. Minimum inhibitory concentrations calculated from liquid culture assays of one isolate were 35 g/L for uranine, 3.5 g/L for eosin, 0.1 g/L for pyranine, and 10 mg/L for sulforhodamine B. A 14C-glucose radiotracer experiment showed zero inhibition of overall microbial activity in a sediment sample at all dye concentrations, except at 350 g/L eosin. Thus, there are no cave-specific findings to indicate that Fort Stanton's microbes are especially sensitive to these commonly used dyes. Moreover, a literature survey of mutagenicity tests on these dyes indicates they are safe for environmental use. These results corroborate previous dye toxicity tests and suggest that these four dyes are suitable for use at Fort Stanton Cave in the concentration ranges commonly used for groundwater tracing. While broader testing of dyes with microbes from other caves is advised, the results suggest the dyes may be safe for all karst aquifers.  相似文献   

Bias of Apparent Tracer Ages in Heterogeneous Environments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The interpretation of apparent ages often assumes that a water sample is composed of a single age. In heterogeneous aquifers, apparent ages estimated with environmental tracer methods do not reflect mean water ages because of the mixing of waters from many flow paths with different ages. This is due to nonlinear variations in atmospheric concentrations of the tracer with time resulting in biases of mixed concentrations used to determine apparent ages. The bias of these methods is rarely reported and has not been systematically evaluated in heterogeneous settings. We simulate residence time distributions (RTDs) and environmental tracers CFCs, SF6, 85Kr, and 39Ar in synthetic heterogeneous confined aquifers and compare apparent ages to mean ages. Heterogeneity was simulated as both K‐field variance (σ2) and structure. We demonstrate that an increase in heterogeneity (increase in σ2 or structure) results in an increase in the width of the RTD. In low heterogeneity cases, widths were generally on the order of 10 years and biases generally less than 10%. In high heterogeneity cases, widths can reach 100 s of years and biases can reach up to 100%. In cases where the temporal variations of atmospheric concentration of individual tracers vary, different patterns of bias are observed for the same mean age. We show that CFC‐12 and CFC‐113 ages may be used to correct for the mean age if analytical errors are small.  相似文献   

This paper examines the conservativeness of tracers through the sediment generation process. This is done by comparing a selection of tracer properties of sediment eroded from large plots by simulated rainfall, with the corresponding properties of the source materials within the plots. Sediment was generated using three simulated rainfall events for each of five selected erosion source types in the Tarago catchment, Victoria, Australia. As there were particle size and organic content differences between the source material and the generated sediment, the measured tracer properties of the source material were corrected for these differences. The possible role of analytical errors in this investigation was also addressed. The geochemical property, concentration of Fe2O3, was not conservative for any of the process sources investigated. Concentration of Al2O3 was not conservative for three of the four process sources investigated, and the sum of molecular proportions of CaO**, Na2O, K2O and Al2O3 was not conservative for two of the four process sources investigated. Mineral magnetic properties, IRM850 and χ were also found to be not conservative, although this may be the result of the complex relationship between particle size and mineral magnetic properties not being adequately accommodated in this analysis. The radionuclide tracers, 137Cs and 210Pbex, were found to be conservative through the sediment generation process. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Time sequences of tracer release from an alpine snowpack were investigated at Mammoth Mountain, California in 1989. Lysimeter discharge and conductivity were recorded at 30 minute intervals. Three separate applications of chemical tracers were added to the snow surface to provide an ionic signal with known origins in the snowpack. Grab samples of meltwater and snow from snow pits were analysed for chemical composition. There were three distinct discharge periods, each characterized by diurnal fluctuations in discharge and conductivity. An inverse relation between discharge and conductivity was interpreted as the combination of a concentrated signal from regions in the pack less subject to leaching and a relatively dilute signal from near the snow surface where the snow was actively melting Conductivity peaks were highest and diurnal changes greatest immediately following periods of freezing. Grab samples showed little correlation with either 30 minute or daily average conductivity. Relative concentrations of individual ions in meltwater were similar between samples. Non-systematic grab sampling of snowpack meltwater is shown to be potentially misleading because of multiple ionic pulses over the ablation season and strong diurnal fluctuations in chemical concentrations. Continuous measurements of discharge conductivity are a good indicator of diurnal and seasonal changes in the rate of ion release from the snowpack, and should be used to guide sampling. Composite, or time-integrated samples rather than grab samples may be required to estimate daily and weekly rates of ion release in melting snow.  相似文献   

This paper reviews different borehole flowmeter analysis methods and evaluates their applicability to a test site composed of fluvial deposits. Results from tracer and aquifer tests indicate that the aquifer is highly heterogeneous and that low-K skin effects exist at the wells. Borehole flowmeter tests were performed at 37 wells. An appropriate method for calculating borehole flowmeter K values was developed based on results from multiwell pumping tests, single-well pumping tests, and slug tests. The flowmeter data produced 881 K values. The trends and the magnitude of the K values are consistent with results from geologic investigations, recirculating tracer tests, and large-scale multiwell pumping tests. The field tests illustrate that high-K deposits can significantly affect ground-water flows in some heterogeneous fluvial aquifers.  相似文献   

Numerous socio-economic activities depend on the seasonal rainfall and groundwater recharge cycle across the Central American Isthmus. Population growth and unregulated land use changes resulted in extensive surface water pollution and a large dependency on groundwater resources. This work combines stable isotope variations in rainfall, surface water, and groundwater of Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Honduras to develop a regionalized rainfall isoscape, isotopic lapse rates, spatial–temporal isotopic variations, and air mass back trajectories determining potential mean recharge elevations, moisture circulation patterns, and surface water–groundwater interactions. Intra-seasonal rainfall modes resulted in two isotopically depleted incursions (W-shaped isotopic pattern) during the wet season and two enriched pulses during the mid-summer drought and the months of the strongest trade winds. Notable isotopic sub-cloud fractionation and near-surface secondary evaporation were identified as common denominators within the Central American Dry Corridor. Groundwater and surface water isotope ratios depicted the strong orographic separation into the Caribbean and Pacific domains, mainly induced by the governing moisture transport from the Caribbean Sea, complex rainfall producing systems across the N-S mountain range, and the subsequent mixing with local evapotranspiration, and, to a lesser degree, the eastern Pacific Ocean fluxes. Groundwater recharge was characterized by (a) depleted recharge in highland areas (72.3%), (b) rapid recharge via preferential flow paths (13.1%), and enriched recharge due to near-surface secondary fractionation (14.6%). Median recharge elevation ranged from 1,104 to 1,979 m a.s.l. These results are intended to enhance forest conservation practices, inform water protection regulations, and facilitate water security and sustainability planning in the Central American Isthmus.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional flow experiment on biological clogging was carried out by biostimulating a sandbox packed with sand inoculated with bacteria. Biostimulation consisted of continuously injecting nutrients (acetate and nitrate). Clogging was visualized by frequently carrying out colored tracer experiments using Brilliant Blue. The tracer experiments were recorded with a digital camera and converted to concentration maps using an image-analysis method that revealed in detail the complex spreading pattern surrounding clogged areas. Clogging resulted in a finger-like spreading of the tracer around the main clogged area. Fingers were asymmetric and their dominant direction changed over time. Although the flow field was complex around the main clogged area, the effect on the bulk hydraulic conductivity at the scale of the sandbox was very small.  相似文献   

A simple method of determining the anisotropy ratio of hydraulic conductivity in near-surface granular aquifers using tracer test and piezometer measurements is presented. Depending on the length of time allowed, the test will yield anisotropy ratios that are representative of the distance traversed by the tracer during the test, up to tens of feet from the injection point for some systems. This method is illustrated with an application to a ground water flow system in northern Wisconsin.  相似文献   

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