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We present detailed observations of the formations of four distinct coronal dimmings during a flare of 17 September 2002, which was followed by an eruption of a huge coronal loop system, and then an over-and-out partial halo coronal mass ejection (CME), with the same direction as the loop system eruption but laterally far offset from the flare site. Among the four dimmings, two compact ones were symmetrically located in the opposite polarity regions immediately adjacent to the highly sheared magnetic polarity inversion line in the flare region, and hence were probably composed of bipolar double dimmings due to a flux-rope eruption and represented its evacuated footpoints. However, another nearby compact dimming and a remote diffuse one were formed in the opposite polarity footpoint regions of the eruptive loop system, and thus probably consisted of a pair of dimmings magnetically linked by the erupting loop system and also indicated its evacuated footpoints. The loop system might have played a role in guiding the erupting flare field and producing the over-and-out CME, but its eruption might simply have been pushed out by the erupting flare field, because there was no reconnection signature between them. From comparison with a derived potential-field source-surface (PFSS) magnetic configuration, our observations consistently suggest that the dimmings were formed in pairs and originated from the eruptions of the two different magnetic systems. We thus define them as “quadrupolar dimmings.”  相似文献   

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are considered as one of the driving sources of space weather. They are usually associated with many physical phenomena, e.g. flares, coronal dimmings, and sigmoids. To detect these phenomena, traditional supervised-learning methods assumed that at most one event occurred in a CME; therefore each CME instance is associated with a single label and the phenomenon is processed in isolation. This simplifying assumption does not fit well, as CMEs might have multiple events simultaneously. We propose to detect multiple CME-associated events by multi-label learning methods. With the data available from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) and the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO), texture features representing the events are extracted from all of the associated and not-associated CMEs and converted into feature vectors for multi-label learning use. Then a function is learned to predict the proper label sets for CMEs, such that eight events, i.e. coronal dimming, coronal hole, coronal jet, coronal wave, filament, filament eruption, flare, and sigmoid, are detected explicitly. To test the proposed detection algorithm, we adopt the four-fold cross-validation strategy on a set of 551 labeled CMEs from AIA. Experimental results demonstrate the good performance of the multi-label classification methods in terms of test error.  相似文献   

STEREO/EUVI observed 185 flare events (detected above the GOES class C1 level or at >?25 keV with RHESSI) during the first two years of the mission (December 2006?–?November 2008), while coronal mass ejections (CMEs) were reported in about a third of these events. We compile a comprehensive catalog of these EUVI-observed events, containing the peak fluxes in soft X rays, hard X rays, and EUV, as well as a classification and statistics of prominent EUV features: 79% show impulsive EUV emission (coincident with hard X rays), 73% show delayed EUV emission from postflare loops and arcades, 24% represent occulted flares, 17% exhibit EUV dimming, 5% show loop oscillations or propagating waves, and at least 3% show erupting filaments. We analyze an example of each EUV feature by stereoscopic modeling of its 3D geometry. We find that EUV emission can be dominated by impulsive emission from a heated, highly sheared, noneruptive filament, in addition to the more common impulsive EUV emission from flare ribbons or the delayed postflare EUV emission that results from cooling of the soft-X-ray-emitting flare loops. Occulted flares allow us to determine CME-related coronal dimming uncontaminated from flare-related EUV emission. From modeling the time evolution of EUV dimming we can accurately quantify the initial expansion of CMEs and determine their masses. Further, we find evidence that coronal loop oscillations are excited by the rapid initial expansion of CMEs. These examples demonstrate that stereoscopic EUV data provide powerful new methods to model the 3D aspects in the hydrodynamics of flares and kinematics of CMEs.  相似文献   

Sympathetic coronal mass ejections (CMEs) usually occur in different active regions connected by interconnecting magnetic loops, while homologous CMEs occur within the same active region with an almost the same background magnetic field, and so are similar in shapes. Two sympathetic CMEs erupted within 3 hours on 2002 May 22, originating from the same active region, AR 9948. Their multi-wavelength data were collected and analyzed. It is suggested that emerging flux triggered the occurrence of the first CME and the corresponding flare, the reconnection inflow of which in turn triggered the eruption of the second CME. Based on the fact that the two sympathetic CMEs have many similarities, in their shapes, their low-lying dimming areas, etc., we tentatively propose, for the first time, the phenomenon of sympathetic homologous CMEs.  相似文献   

By means of Hα, EUV, soft X-ray, hard X-ray, and photospheric magnetic field observations, we report the surge-like eruption of a small-scale filament, called “blowout surge” according to recent observations, occurring on a plage region around AR 10876 on 1 May 2006. Along magnetic polarity reversal boundaries with obvious magnetic cancelations, the filament was located underneath a compact coronal arcade and close to one end of large coronal loops around the AR’s periphery. The filament started to erupt about 8 min before the main impulsive phase of a small two-ribbon flare, which had two Hα blue-wing kernels connected by hard X-ray loop-top sources on the both sides of the filament. After the flare end, the filament further underwent a distant eruption following a path nearly along the preexisting large loops, and thus looked like an Hα surge and an EUV jet. During the eruption, a small coronal dimming was formed near the flare, while weak brightenings appeared around the remote end of the large loops. We interpret these joint observations as the filament eruption being confined and guided by the large loops. The filament eruption, initially embedded in one footpoint region of the large loops, can break away from the magnetic restraint of the overlying compact arcade, but might be still limited inside the large loops. As a result, the eruption took a surge form that can only expand laterally along the large loops rather than erupt radially.  相似文献   

Every two-ribbon flare observed during the Skylab period produced an observable coronal transient, provided the flare occurred close enough to the limb. The model presented here treats these two events as a combined process. Transients that occur without flares are believed to involve magnetic fields that are too weak to produce significant chromospheric emission. Adopting the hypothesis that the rising flare loop systems observed during two-ribbon flares are exhibiting magnetic reconnection, a model of a coronal transient is proposed which incorporates this reconnection process as the driving force. When two oppositely directed field lines reconnect a lower loop is created rooted to the solar surface (the flare loop) and an upper disconnected loop is produced which is free to rise. The magnetic flux of these upper loops is proposed as the driver for the transient. The force is produced by the increase in magnetic pressure under the filament and transient.A quantitative model is developed which treats the transient configuration in terms of four distinct parts- the transient itself with its magnetic field and material, the region just below the transient but above the filament, the filament with its magnetic field, and the reconnected flux beneath the filament. Two cases are considered - one in which all the prominence material rises with the transient and one in which the material is allowed to fall out of the transient. The rate of rise of the neutral line during the reconnection process is taken from the observations of the rising X-ray flare loop system during the 29 July, 1973 flare. The MHD equations for the system are reduced to four non-linear ordinary coupled differential equations which are solved using parameters believed to be realistic for solar conditions. The calculated velocity profiles, widths, etc., agree quite well with the observed properties of coronal transients as seen in white light. Since major flares are usually associated with a filament eruption about 10–15 min before the flare and since this model associates the transient with the filament eruption, we suspect that the transient is actually initiated some time before the actual flare itself.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We carry out an analysis of the mass that is evacuated from three coronal dimming regions observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory. The three events are unambiguously identified with white-light coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that are associated in turn with surface activity of diverse nature: an impulsive (M-class) flare, a weak (B-class) flare, and a filament eruption without a flare. The use of three AIA coronal passbands allows applying a differential emission measure technique to define the dimming regions and identify their evacuated mass through the analysis of the electronic density depletion associated with the eruptions. The temporal evolution of the mass loss from the three dimmings can be approximated by an exponential equation followed by a linear fit. We determine the mass of the associated CMEs from COR2 data. The results show that the evacuated masses from the low corona represent a considerable amount of the CME mass. We also find that plasma is still being evacuated from the low corona at the time when the CMEs reach the COR2 field of view. The temporal evolution of the angular width of the CMEs, of the dimming regions in the low corona, and of the flux registered by GOES in soft X-rays are all in close relation with the behavior of mass evacuation from the low corona. We discuss the implications of our findings toward a better understanding of the temporal evolution of several parameters associated with the analyzed dimmings and CMEs.  相似文献   

J. Yang  Y. Jiang  B. Yang  R. Zheng  D. Yang  J. Hong  H. Li  Y. Bi 《Solar physics》2012,279(1):115-126
We will present detailed observations of the asymmetrical eruption of a large quiescent filament on 24 November 2002, which was followed by a two-ribbon flare, three coronal dimmings, endpoint brightenings, and a very fast halo-type coronal mass ejection (CME). Before the eruption, the filament lay along the main neutral line (MNL) underneath a single-arcade helmet streamer with a simple bipolar configuration. However, photospheric magnetic fields on both sides of the filament showed an asymmetrical distribution, and the filament and MNL were not located just at the center of the streamer base but were closer to the eastern leg of the streamer arcade. Therefore, instead of erupting along the streamer’s symmetrical axis, the filament showed a nonradial and asymmetrical eruption. It lifted from the eastern flank of the streamer arcade to impact the western leg directly, leading to an asymmetrical CME that expanded westward; eventually the streamer was disrupted significantly. Accordingly, the opposite-polarity coronal dimmings at both sides of the filament forming in the eruption also showed an asymmetrical area distribution. We thus assume that the streamer arcade could guide the filament at the early eruption phase but failed to restrain it later. Consistent with previous results, these observations suggest that the global background magnetic field can impose additional action on the initial eruption of the filament and CME, as well as the dimming configuration.  相似文献   

Developments in our knowledge of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) have shown that many of these transients occur in association with solar flares. On the occasions when there is a common occurrence of the eruption and the flare, it is most likely that the flare is of high intensity and/or long-duration (Burkepile, Hundhausen, and Webb, 1994; Munro et al., 1979; Webb and Hundhausen, 1987). A model for the relationship between the long-duration event and eruption has been developed (Carmichael, 1964; Sturrock, 1966; Hirayama, 1974; Kopp and Pneuman, 1976), but not so for the high-intensity flares and eruptions. This work investigates the magnetic topology changes that occur for a X1.2 GOES classification flare which has no associated CME. It is found that the flare is likely to result from the interaction between two pre-existing loops low in the corona, producing a confined flare. Slightly higher in the corona, a loop is observed which exhibits an outward motion as a result of the reconfiguration during reconnection. The objective of this work is to gain insight on the magnetic topology of the event which is critical in order to determine whether a high-intensity flare is likely to be related to a CME or not.  相似文献   

We present a case study of two successive filament eruptions at the southeast limb of the Sun observed by Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) on 2012 April 19. At the initial stage of the first filament (F1) eruption, one leg of the F1 moved toward the second filament (F2) and swept the F2. The interaction between two filaments occurred. After the leg of the F1 swept the F2, it returned from northeast to southwest following the F1 expansion. During the F1 eruption, the middle of the F1 exhibited an obvious twisted structure. The rising speed of the F1 was 85.6 km/s. The partial material of the F1 fell back to the surface along the other leg of the F1 after the F1 eruption and the falling speed was 311.6 km/s. A CME was observed by SOHO/LASCO after the F1 eruption. One of the bright flare ribbons and the dimming regions formed after the F1 eruption were found to move toward the F2. The propagation speeds of the flare ribbons were 4.7 km/s and 4.1 km/s and the propagation speeds of the dimmings were 3 km/s and 6.3 km/s. The small active region was emerging in the northern flank of the F2. The ejection and the falling plasma in the small active region produced the disturbance to the right part of the F2. When the F1 erupted, the large-scale overlying coronal loops of the F1 were pushed out toward the southeast of the Sun by its expanding. During the F1 eruption, the large-scale overlying coronal loops of the F2 began to open toward the southeast. Following the opening of the large-scale overlying coronal loops, the F2 became instable and began to erupt. The rising speed of the F2 was 300.1 km/s. A two-ribbon flare and a weak CME were formed after the F2 eruption. These observations evidenced that the interaction of two filaments and the opening of the large-scale overlying coronal loops caused by the F1 eruption are the most important reason that led to the F2 eruption. Our observations also support the standard solar flare model.  相似文献   

We have found that solar flares in NOAA active region (AR) 10696 were often associated with large-scale trans-equatorial activities. These trans-equatorial activities appeared to be very common and manifest themselves through i) the formation and eruption of trans-equatorial loops (TELs), ii) the formation and eruption of trans-equatorial filaments (TEFs), and iii) the trans-equatorial brightening (TEB) in the chromosphere. It is determined that the TEF was formed following episodic plasma ejecta from flares occurring in the AR. The TEF eruption was associated with a trans-equatorial flare. All flares in the AR that were accompanied by trans-equatorial activities were associated with halo coronal mass ejections (CMEs). It was noticed that one or several major flares in the AR were followed by an increase of brightness and nonpotentiality of a TEL. These coupled events had a lifetime of more than 12 hours. In addition their associated halo CMEs always had a positive acceleration, indicating prolonged magnetic reconnections in the outer corona at high altitudes.  相似文献   

The relationship between the velocity of CMEs and the plasma temperature of the associated X-ray solar flares is investigated.The velocity of CMEs increases with plasma temperature(R=0.82)and photon index below the break energy(R=0.60)of X-ray flares.The heating of the coronal plasma appears to be significant with respect to the kinetics of a CME from the reconnection region where the flare also occurs.We propose that the initiation and velocity of CMEs perhaps depend upon the dominant process of conversion of the magnetic field energy of the active region to heating/accelerating the coronal plasma in the reconnected loops.Results show that a flare and the associated CME are two components of one energy release system,perhaps,magnetic field free energy.  相似文献   

By using Hα, He I 10830, EUV and soft X-ray (SXR) data, we examined a filament eruption that occurred on a quiet-sun region near the center of the solar disk on 2006 January 12, which disturbed a sigmoid overlying the filament channel observed by the GOES-12 SXR Imager (SXI), and led to the eruption of the sigmoid. The event was associated with a partial halo coronal mass ejection (CME) observed by the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraphs (LASCO) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), and resulted in the formation of two flare-like ribbons, post-eruption coronal loops, and two transient coronal holes (TCHs), but there were no significantly recorded GOES or Hα flares corresponding to the eruption. The two TCHs were dominated by opposite magnetic polarities and were located on the two ends of the eruptive sigmoid. They showed similar locations and shapes in He Ⅰ 10830, EUV and SXR observations. During the early eruption phase, brightenings first appeared on the locations of the two subsequent TCHs, which could be clearly identified on He Ⅰ 10830, EUV and SXR images. This eruption could be explained by the magnetic flux rope model, and the two TCHs were likely to be the feet of the flux rope.  相似文献   

We review recent progress on our understanding of radio emission from solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) with emphasis on those aspects of the subject that help us address questions about energy release and its properties, the configuration of flare?–?CME source regions, coronal shocks, particle acceleration and transport, and the origin of solar energetic particle (SEP) events. Radio emission from electron beams can provide information about the electron acceleration process, the location of injection of electrons in the corona, and the properties of the ambient coronal structures. Mildly relativistic electrons gyrating in the magnetic fields of flaring loops produce radio emission via the gyrosynchrotron mechanism, which provides constraints on the magnetic field and the properties of energetic electrons. CME detection at radio wavelengths tracks the eruption from its early phase and reveals the participation of a multitude of loops of widely differing scale. Both flares and CMEs can ignite shock waves and radio observations offer the most robust tool to study them. The incorporation of radio data into the study of SEP events reveals that a clear-cut distinction between flare-related and CME-related SEP events is difficult to establish.  相似文献   

Using data from the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE), Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI), and Hida Observatory (HO), we present a detailed study of an EUV jet and the associated Hα filament eruption in a major flare in the active region NOAA 10044 on 29 July 2002. In the Hα line wings, a small filament was found to erupt out from the magnetic neutral line of the active region during the flare. Two bright EUV loops were observed rising and expanding with the filament eruption, and both hot and cool EUV plasma ejections were observed to form the EUV jet. The two thermal components spatially separated from each other and lasted for about 25 minutes. In the white-light corona data, a narrow coronal mass ejection (CME) was found to respond to this EUV jet. We cannot find obvious emerging flux in the photosphere accounting for the filament eruption and the EUV jet. However, significant sunspot decay and magnetic-flux cancelation owing to collision of opposite flux before the events were noticed. Based on the hard X-ray data from RHESSI, which showed evidence of magnetic reconnection along the main magnetic neutral line, we think that all of the observed dynamical phenomena, including the EUV jet, filament eruption, flare, and CME, should have a close relation to the flux cancelation in the low atmosphere.  相似文献   

We investigate the early phase of the 13 February 2009 coronal mass ejection (CME). Observations with the twin STEREO spacecraft in quadrature allow us to compare for the first time in one and the same event the temporal evolution of coronal EUV dimmings, observed simultaneously on-disk and above-the-limb. We find that these dimmings are synchronized and appear during the impulsive acceleration phase of the CME, with the highest EUV intensity drop occurring a few minutes after the maximum CME acceleration. During the propagation phase two confined, bipolar dimming regions, appearing near the footpoints of a pre-flare sigmoid structure, show an apparent migration away from the site of the CME-associated flare. Additionally, they rotate around the ‘center’ of the flare site, i.e., the configuration of the dimmings exhibits the same ‘sheared-to-potential’ evolution as the postflare loops. We conclude that the motion pattern of the twin dimmings reflects not only the eruption of the flux rope, but also the ensuing stretching of the overlying arcade. Finally, we find that: i) the global-scale dimmings, expanding from the source region of the eruption, propagate with a speed similar to that of the leaving CME front; ii) the mass loss occurs mainly during the period of strongest CME acceleration. Two hours after the eruption Hinode/EIS observations show no substantial plasma outflow, originating from the ‘open’ field twin dimming regions.  相似文献   

We present a study of a mini-filament erupting in association with a circular ribbon flare observed by NVST and SDO/AIA on 2014 March 17. The filament was located at one footpoint region of a large loops. The potential field extrapolation shows that it was embedded under a magnetic null point configuration. First, we observed a brightening of the filament at the corresponding EUV images, close to one end of the filament. With time evolution, a circular flare ribbon was observed around the filament at the onset of the eruption, which is regarded as a signature of reconnection at the null point. After the filament activation, its eruption took the form of a surge, which ejected along one end of a large-scale closed coronal loops with a curtain-like shape. We conjecture that the null point reconnection may facilitate the eruption of the filament.  相似文献   

We report on the occurrence of Hα dimming associated with a sigmoid eruption in a quiet-sun region on 14 August 2001. The coronal sigmoid in soft X-ray images from the Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope was located over an Hα filament channel. Its eruption was accompanied by a flare of GOES X-ray class C2.3 and possibly associated with a halo coronal mass ejection (CME) observed with the Large Angle and Spectroscopic Coronagraphs (LASCO) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). During the eruption, coronal bipolar double dimming took place at the regions with opposite magnetic polarities around the two sigmoid ends, but the underlying chromospheric channel did not show observable changes corresponding to the coronal eruption. Different from the erupting coronal sigmoid itself, however, the coronal dimming had a detectable chromosphere counterpart, i.e., Hα dimming. By regarding the sigmoid as a coronal sign for a flux rope, these observations are explained in the framework of the flux rope model of CMEs. The flux rope is possibly deeply rooted in the chromosphere, and the coronal and Hα dimming regions mark its evacuated feet, through which the material is possibly fed to the halo CME.  相似文献   

Pevtsov  Alexei A. 《Solar physics》2002,207(1):111-123
We use Yohkoh soft X-ray telescope data and H full-disk observations to study the evolution of chromospheric filaments and coronal sigmoids in 6 active regions in association with coronal mass ejections (CMEs). In two cases, CMEs are directly observed by the SOHO/LASCO C2 coronagraph. In four cases, other observations (magnetic clouds, geomagnetic storms, sigmoid-arcade evolution) are used as CME indicators. Prior to eruption, each active region shows a bright coronal sigmoidal loop and underlying H filament. The sigmoid activates, erupts and gets replaced by a cusp, or an arcade. In contrast, the H filament shows no significant changes in association with sigmoid eruption and CME. We explain these observations in a framework of the classical two-ribbon flare model.  相似文献   

We study two CME events on 13 and 14 December 2006 that were associated with large-scale dimmings. We study the eruptions from pre-event on 11 December through the recovery on 15 December, using a combination of Hinode/EIS, SOHO/EIT, SOHO/MDI, and MLSO Hα data. The GOES X-class flares obscured the core dimmings, but secondary dimmings developed remote from the active region (AR) in both events. The secondary dimmings are found to be formed by a removal of bright coronal material from loops in the plage region to the East of the AR. Using Hinode/EIS data, we find that the outflows associated with the coronal-dimming regions are highly structured. The concentrated outflows are located at the footpoints of coronal loops (which exist before, and are re-established after, the eruptions), and these are correlated with regions of positive magnetic elements. Comparative study of the Hinode/EIS and SOHO/EIT data shows that the reduction in outflow velocity is consistent with the recovery in intensity of the studied regions. We find that concentrated downflows develop during the recovery phase of the dimmings and are also correlated with the same positive magnetic elements that were previously related to outflows.  相似文献   

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