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为了解酸性矿山排水(AMD)影响下水库沉积物中微量元素的质量分数水平及其分布特征,对常年受酸性废水影响的贵州兴仁猫石头水库沉积物中26种微量元素的质量分数、相关性及控制因素进行了分析。结果表明:猫石头水库沉积物柱中Sr、Ba、Zr、V、Cr和As质量分数平均值超过了100 μg/g,其中As质量分数最高,平均值超过800 μg/g;Be、Ta、Co、Ag、Cd、Sn和Se质量分数的平均值都在5 μg/g以下;其他元素质量分数平均值则在10~60 μg/g之间。相较未受AMD影响的水系沉积物,研究区水库沉积物具有明显的As和Sb富集特征。水库沉积物中Li、Be、Rb、Sr、Cs、Ba、Sc、Y、Zr、Hf、Nb、Ta、Th之间存在显著正相关关系,而As与这些元素之间存在显著负相关关系。元素相关分析、因子分析及微量元素图解表明,Li、Be、Rb、Sr、Cs、Ba、Sc、Y、Zr、Hf、Nb、Ta、Th、Cr、Sb等元素受控于流域岩石化学风化和土壤物理侵蚀,这也是控制研究区元素分布最重要的因素,而Cu、Cd等重金属元素则与AMD对地层中元素的溶蚀析出和有机质等细颗粒物的吸附有关。另外,研究区重金属元素中,Cd、Cu、Pb、Cr、Zn的生态风险轻微,而As和Sb则具有很强的潜在生态风险。  相似文献   

矿山尾矿矿物学研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈天虎 《安徽地质》2001,11(1):64-70
矿山尾矿由于产生大量酸性排水和释放重金属,污染地下水和地表水,破坏生态环境而成为人们关注的焦点。尾矿引起的环境问题是地表条件下,水一气一矿物复杂反应的综合结果。近年来尾矿矿物学的研究已经揭示出尾矿中矿物分解和形成的规律,水一气一矿物反应的机制和影响因素,酸性排水和重金属迁移规律,为尾矿环境危险性评价和尾矿污染防治提供了基础资料和新的思路。  相似文献   

矿业环境影响的地球化学研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
矿业开发对周围地区带来巨大的环境影响, 矿山废弃矿石和脉石堆、矿山选矿废石、尾矿、冶炼熔渣、矿山酸性排水、土壤重金属元素、河流及其沉积物中的重金属、大气污染等都极大地影响了矿山地球化学环境和生态系统。甚至在矿山工业关闭后,长期的环境影响依然是一个重要的地球化学研究内容。环境方面的地球化学化学扰动和平衡,是进一步研究矿山环境地球化学的重要内容。  相似文献   

铜陵矿区土壤重金属元素的空间变异及污染分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
运用地统计学分析手段对铜陵矿区土壤中的As、Cd、Hg、Pb和Zn5种重金属元素进行空间变异分析及空间插值,并进行污染分析,以期为铜陵矿区土壤环境评价、土壤污染修复及环境决策提供科学依据。数据来源于"安徽省江淮流域多目标区域地球化学调查"结果,采用Johnson变换进行正态转换,地统计拟合变异函数中,As、Cd元素为球状模型,Pb、Zn元素为五球形模型,Hg元素为指数模型。结果表明,As、Cd、Pb、Zn元素的变异函数表现为各向异性,其方向性可能主要受矿床分布控制;Hg元素块金效应较大,表明其受小  相似文献   

酸性矿山排水(AMD)是硫化矿床矿山环境污染防治的难点,因而持续受到国内外学者的关注。众多的学者对矿区AMD中次生矿物进行了研究。为深入了解AMD中次生矿物的形成和演化,为AMD污染防治提供科学依据,笔者对前人不同环境下AMD中的次生矿物类型、次生矿物形成顺序,以及铝相次生矿物的形成、特征、环境危害及意义进行了简要综述。目前与AMD有关的主要次生矿物存在3种类型,即铁相次生矿物、铝相次生矿物和其他相次生矿物,AMD中的pH、Eh和温度对于次生矿物的形成具有控制性的作用。铁、铝相次生矿物具有吸附金属能力,这一性质有助于在一定程度上实现河流的自净化作用。由于AMD形成条件高,矿物相不稳定,目前有关AMD中铝相次生矿物及“酸性白水”的研究成果有限。因此,加强铝相次生矿物以及“酸性白水”的研究,可以更好地解析蒿坪河流域石煤矿区河流酸性磺水–酸性白水的形成演化机制,以及铝相次生矿物吸附重金属的地球化学过程。  相似文献   

铜陵狮子山杨山冲尾矿库重金属元素释放的环境效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安徽铜陵狮子山铜矿杨山冲尾矿库始建于1966年,1991年停用.本文调查了尾矿库及其周边的重金属元素地球化学状况,以环境介质(土壤、水和植物)中的重金属元素含量作为研究对象,分别采集了尾矿库内、毗邻尾矿库农田和远离尾矿库土壤、植物的样品,以及尾矿库周边地表水和地下水的样品,运用原子荧光光谱(AFS)和电感耦合等离子体质...  相似文献   

矿业活动中产生的固体废弃物包括废石、尾矿和冶炼废渣。这些固体废弃物堆放于露天环境,经过长期的自然风化作用,会对周围环境产生重要的影响。以攀枝花钒钛磁铁矿矿业活动为例,采集了废石、尾矿和冶炼废渣3种类型的固体废弃物,通过浸出实验,研究了不同粒度、不同pH值条件下这些废弃物中重金属元素的释放机理及其对环境产生的影响。结果表明,大多数元素在pH值条件偏小的环境中浸出率更大,在碱性环境中浸出率更小,但废石中的V、Cr和废渣中的Ti在碱性条件下浸出率更高;细粒样品在相同pH值条件下浸出率较粗粒大,但在pH=12的条件下Ti 、V、Ni、Cr和pH=1条件下Ti、Cr的浸出量出现反常,即在粗粒样品中高于细粒样品。固体废弃物释放的重金属元素会对周围环境产生一定的影响,需要加强监测。  相似文献   

Compared to the regional groundwater, at B. S. nickel mine (W. Australia), the groundwater in the vicinity of the tailings storage facility displays low pH (minimum 2.9, mean 4.95), high electrical conductivity, and elevated concentrations of A1 and heavy metals (Co, Mn, Zn, Ni and Cu). Contours of heavy metal concentrations and pH values show that the acid drainage, which was developed from sulfide tailings and confined to the tailings storage facility, is concentrated at the northwest comer of the facility, moving northwest-southeastward across the northeast part of the facility. There has been no significant rainfall to contribute to the groundwater recharge in the study region, thus groundwater fluctuations around the facility are from infiltration through the evaporation pond and tailing slurry in the facility. Infiltration waters continuously leach the tailing pile which contains sulfide minerals including pyrrhotite, pentlandite, and trace amounts of chalcopyrite, pyrite, etc. Oxidation of these minerals led to the formation of acidic water and this acidic water assists the dissolution of sulfide minerals, which are transported into the groundwater. Therefore, it is no surprise that the heavy metals tend to move down the tailing profile, as opposed to being concentrated on the upper part of the regional weathered profile (by adsorption of weathered clay that normally resides on the surface). Quarterly monitoring (from November 2003 to August 2004) of the contaminated groundwater showed median pH values about 5, groundwater levels and heavy metal concentrations remained stable except for May 2004, when both decreased simultaneously.  相似文献   

1 重金属的来源和运移 金属矿山开发的采、选、冶都会向环境中排放重金属,另外矿石及围岩中的铊、砷、铅、铬含量很高,在采矿、运矿、排土过程中尘埃污染也是矿区重金属的一个来源.  相似文献   

矿业活动中产生的固体废弃物包括废石、尾矿和;台炼废渣。这些固体废弃物堆放于露天环境,经过长期的自然风化作用,会对周围环境产生重要的影响。以攀枝花钒钛磁铁矿矿业活动为例,采集了废石、尾矿和冶炼废渣3种类型的固体废弃物,通过浸出实验,研究了不同粒度、不同pH值条件下这些废弃物中重金属元素的释放机理及其对环境产生的影响。结果表明,大多数元素在pH值条件偏小的环境中浸出率更大,在碱性环境中浸出率更小,但废石中的v、Cr和废渣中的Ti在碱性条件下浸出率更高:细粒样品在相同pH值条件下浸出率较粗粒大。但在pH=12的条件下Ti、V、Ni、cr和pH=1条件下Tj、Cr的浸出量出现反常,即在粗粒样品中高于细粒样品。固体废弃物释放的重金属元素会对周围环境产生一定的影响,需要加强监测。  相似文献   

Based on investigation of the characteristics of solid waste of two different mines, the Fenghuangshan copper mine and the Xinqiao pyrite mine in Tongling, Anhui province in central-east China, the possibility and the differences of acid mine drainage (AMD) of the railings and the waste rocks are discussed, and the modes of occurrence of heavy metal elements in the mine solid waste are also studied. The Fenghuangshan copper mine hardly produces AMD, whereas the Xinqiao pyrite mine does and there are also differences in the modes of occurrence of heavy metal elements in the railings. For the former, toxic heavy metals such as Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, As and Hg exist mostly in the slag mode, as compared to the latter, where the deoxidization mode has a much higher content, indicating that large amounts minerals in the waste rocks have begun to oxidize at the earth surface. AMD is proved to promote the migration and spread of the heavy metals in mining waste rocks and lead to environmental pollution of the surroundings of the mine area.  相似文献   

In this study, geochemical characteristics of acid mine drainage (AMD) and its sediments from the Malan and Sitai coalmines, Shanxi Province, China, were investigated. Many analytical approaches such as IC, ICP-MS, XRD, XRF, and modeling calculation of hydrogeochemistry using PHREEQCI software were employed. The AMD is characterized by higher concentrations of iron and sulfate, a low pH, and elevated concentrations of a wide variety of heavy metals. The results of modeling calculation by PHREEQCI software demonstrate the metals in AMD are present mainly as Me^n+ and MeSO4^n-2 species. The sediments of AMD are composed mainly of iron-beating minerals such as goethite and schwertmannite, which are controlled by pH, Fe and SO4^2- concentrations. The schwertmannite mineral has been found for the first time in China.  相似文献   

The acid mine drainage (AMD) discharged from the Hejiacun uranium mine in central Hunan (China) was sampled and analyzed using ICP-MS techniques. The analyzing results show that the AMD is characterized by the major ions FeTotal, Mn, Al and Si, and is concentrated with heavy metals and metalloids including Cd, Co, Ni, Zn, U, Cu, Pb, Tl, V, Cr, Se, As and Sb. During the AMD flowing downstream, the dissolved heavy metals were removed from the AMD waters through adsorption onto and co-precipitation with metal-oxhydroxides coated on the streambed. Among these metals, Cd, Co, Ni, Zn, U, Cu, Pb and Tl are negatively correlated to pH values, and positively correlated to major ions Fe, Al, Si, Mn, Mg, Ca and K. The metals/metalloids V, Cr, Se, As and Sb are conservative in the AMD solution, and negatively-correlated to major ions Na, Ca and Mg. Due to the above different behaviors of these chemical elements, the pH-negatively related metals (PM) and the conservative metals (CM) are identified; the PM metals include Cd, Co, Ni, Zn, U, Cu, Pb and Tl, and the CM metals V, Cr, Se, As and Sb. Based on understanding the geochemistry of PM and CM metals in the AMD waters, a new equation: EXT = (Acidity + PM)/pH + CM × pH, is proposed to estimate and evaluate extent of heavy-metal pollution (EXT) of AMD. The evaluation results show that the AMD and surface waters of the mine area have high EXT values, and they could be the potential source of heavy-metal contamination of the surrounding environment. Therefore, it is suggested that both the AMD and surface waters should be treated before they are drained out of the mine district, for which the traditional dilution and neutralization methods can be applied to remove the PM metals from the AMD waters, and new techniques through reducing the pH value of the downstream AMD waters should be developed for removal of the CM metals.  相似文献   

矿山开发过程中重金属污染研究综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
矿山固体废物和酸性废水已成为矿山资源开发的两大环境公害,与此产生的矿山重金属污染也成为人们关注的焦点。矿山重金属和类金属元素在人类改造过的环境中发生的活化、迁移和再分配,必然对矿山开发区和邻近区的地球化学平衡带来新的扰动。研究重金属元素在这种地球化学过程中的扰动与平衡,可以揭示污染元素的迁移循环、形态转化规律及其对生态环境的危害,对矿山重金属的污染治理、环境影响评价和生态修复具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

文章在对广西某铅锌矿矿区水文地质条件分析的基础上,采用连通试验对地下水动态特征及其影响因素进行分析评价。实验结果表明,矿山区域地下水流经地下巷道携带大量重金属离子由废旧矿洞口排出地表,地表水流经地表废旧矿渣堆场携带大量污染物和矿洞水汇成溪沟,然后以地表径流方式污染长屯的土壤和水系,最终由长屯南伏流入口汇入洞零水库。尾矿库区域地下水通过地下岩溶管道和溶蚀裂隙向长屯洼地径流,经长屯南伏流入口,汇入洞零水库。  相似文献   

铜陵鸡冠山硫铁矿废矿堆积区的重金属分布与磁化率变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
应用ICP-AES、EMPA和矿物磁测,对铜陵市鸡冠山硫铁矿废矿堆积区的废矿及周围进行系统分析.发现不同堆放时间的废矿样品中重金属含量的变化规律不同,在堆放时间为10年和6年的剖面(分别为XO、XM剖面)呈现富集-淋滤-富集的变化模式,而在堆放时间<3年的剖面(XN剖面)呈现富集-淋滤的变化模式.结合重金属迁移的特性,证明重金属对周边的生态环境存在着潜在的危害性.同时还分析了风化程度不同的XO、XM、XN剖面样品中磁化率与重金属的关系,证实两者之间存在较好的相关性.磁化率是重金属含量变化的一个有效指数,它的研究为重金属污染研究提供了一个新的方法.  相似文献   

通过对铜陵凤凰山矿林冲尾矿库中重金属元素的空间分布特征及相关土壤、水系沉积物和植物中重金属元素含量变化的研究,初步了解尾矿重金属元素的空间变化和迁移规律,分析了其对周围环境的影响及潜在危害性,并指出了尾矿库土地综合开发利用的方向。  相似文献   

Field and laboratory work was carded out to investigate the chemistry and ecotoxicity of stream water affected by acid mine drainage in a tributary catchment of the Pearl River in subtropical China during a major flood event that corresponded to a return period of 100 years occurred in the study area. The results indicate that stream water was affected by acid mine drainage from the Dabaoshan Mine at least to a distance of 25 km downstream of the mine water discharge point. It appears that sulfide-H^+ from the waste rock dumps was readily available for discharging and the amount of H^+ being transported outwards depended on the volume of out-flowing waters. However, there was a lag time for the discharge of the metals. This may be attributed to the slower release of metals, relative to H^+, because it might take more time for the dissolution of heavy metal-bearing compounds. Fe, Zn and Al were the major metals of potential toxicity contained in the AMD-affected stream water, followed by Mn, Cu, Pb, As, Cd and Ni. Acute toxicity tests show that the AMD-affected stream water at 3.5 km downstream of the discharge point was highly toxic to the test organisms.  相似文献   

安徽铜陵狮子山硫化物矿山酸矿水中微生物功能群的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
从安徽铜陵狮子山硫化物矿山酸矿水溪流获得样品,采用YE、Feo、FeSo、FeTo 4种选择性培养基,利用overlay分离技术,获得7株细菌菌株.利用16S rRNA基因序列同源性分析,与目前已分离得到的酸矿水微生物进行了比较.利用分离菌株16S rRNA基因序列构建系统进化树,结果表明获得的菌株可分为3个功能群:嗜酸性异养菌、嗜酸性自养菌、中度嗜酸性铁氧化细菌.嗜酸性异养菌主要与酸矿水中三价铁的异化还原和寡营养状态的维持有关;嗜酸性自养菌与酸矿水中铁、硫元素的氧化有关,是酸水中的生产者;中度嗜酸性铁氧化细菌能将二价铁氧化成三价铁,并产生难溶性的矿物,可实现酸矿水与酸矿水底泥之间铁元素的动态平衡.  相似文献   

广西某铅锌矿区废水汇集洼地土壤重金属污染调查与评价   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
覃朝科  易鹞  刘静静  何娜 《中国岩溶》2013,32(3):318-324
对某铅锌矿废水汇集的岩溶洼地土壤重金属镉、铜、铅、锌、铬、砷和汞的含量进行调查分析,运用单项污染指数与综合污染指数相结合的方法对土壤环境质量状况和采用Hakanson潜在生态指数法对土壤重金属污染潜在生态风险进行评价。结果表明,该区块土壤受到重金属镉、锌、汞、铅的严重污染,其污染指数均大于1,尤其是镉污染指数高达88.4,其后依次为锌和汞,铅最小;剖面上,A、B、C层,即0~30 cm、30~60 cm和60~90 cm土壤,均已受到不同程度的重金属污染,而且污染程度A层>B层>C层,其综合污染指数分别为67.0、11.9和8.8,各自的潜在生态风险指数分别为2 921.0、543.4、421.2,对应的潜在生态风险程度分别为极强、强、强。由此可见,该岩溶洼地土壤不仅镉、锌、汞、铅污染严重,而且其生态风险也很大,但土壤中基本没有受铜、铬、砷污染。在该洼地土壤重金属污染物没有清除前,建议禁止种植食用农产品,而改为种植非食用型经济作物。   相似文献   

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