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The atmospheric surface layer over sea has a density stratification which varies with moisture content and air/sea temperature difference. This influences the growth of water waves. To study the effect quantitatively, the Reynolds equations are solved numerically. For given wind speed and surface roughness, wave growth is found to be more rapid in unstably stratified conditions than in stable conditions. This is due to an increase in turbulence, primarily caused by an increase of mixing length.Under the assumption of a Charnock relation between surface roughness and friction velocity, it is found that for large inverse wave age (u */c>0.07), the effect of stratification on wave growth is weell described by Monin-Obukhov scaling of the friction velocity. For smaller values ofu */c, Monin-Obukhov scaling overpredicts.The effect on duration-limited wave growth is studied with the third-generation WAM surface wave model driven by 10 m winds. Effects of stratification on the significant wave height are found to be of the order of 10%. The results are comparable to those of a recent reanalysis of field measurements, although the measured stratification effect is somewhat stronger. Implementation of a stratification-dependent growth in wave models is recommended, as it can lead to small but significant improvements in wave forecasts when accurate air and sea temperatures are available.  相似文献   

The Leipzig wind profile recorded in 1931 has long been considered representative of the wind profile expected in a steady, barotropic flow in the planetary boundary layer over a flat homogeneous surface. As such, the Leipzig data set has been extensively used in the development of computational models for planetary boundary-layer flows. To date, workers have assumed that the effect of stable stratification in the atmosphere over Leipzig was negligible. In the present work, a second-order turbulence closure that explicitly accounts for the effects of stable stratification is used to analyse the Leipzig data. The importance of stable stratification in this near-neutral data set is demonstrated.  相似文献   

TheEfectofMesoscaleFlowsonRegionalAtmosphericTransportinaComplexTerainJiaXinyuan(贾新媛)InstituteofAtmosphericPhysics,ChineseAca...  相似文献   

利用区域尺度气象模式模拟黑河地区地表能量通量的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘树华  蒋浩宇  胡非 《大气科学》2008,32(6):1392-1400
应用中尺度区域模式RAMS (the regional atmospheric model system), 在40余组不同参数的条件下模拟中国干旱半干旱黑河地区的地表能量通量和土壤温度特征, 并以此探索模式在干旱半干旱地区的适用性。为了证明模拟结果的准确性和模式的稳定性, 模拟连续运行30天, 其中包含晴好和阴雨的天气过程。模拟结果表明: 即使使用较为可靠的NECP再分析气压层资料和实地探测资料, 进行初始场和参数的输入, RAMS的默认设置也很难较为合理地反演出地表能量通量, 只有合理地调整好其土壤特征参数, RAMS才能得到与实测资料符合得较好的结果。土壤特征参数对模拟结果影响较大, 影响因子的重要性依次为: 土壤含水量、 土壤层总厚度、 土壤温度。  相似文献   

In this paper we study the effect of atmospheric stability on the growth of surface gravity waves. To that end we numerically solved the Taylor-Goldstein equation for wind profiles which deviate from a logarithmic form because stratification affects the turbulent momentum transport. Using Charnock's relation for the roughness height z 0 of the wind profile, it is argued that the growth rate of the wave depends on the dimensionless phase velocity c/u * (where u * is the friction velocity) and a measure of the effect of atmospheric stability, namely the dimensionless Obukhov length gL/u * 2, whereas it only depends weakly on gz t /u * 2 (where z t is the roughness height of the temperature profile). Remarkably for a given value of u * /c, the growth rate is larger for a stable stratification (L > 0) than for an unstable one (L < 0). We explain why this is the case. If, on the other hand, one considers the growth rate as a function of c/U 10 (where U 10 is the windspeed at 10 m), the situation reverses for c/U 10 < 1. For practical application in wave prediction models, we propose a new parameterization of the growth rate of the waves which is an improvement of the Snyder et al. (1981) proposal because the effect of stability is taken into account.  相似文献   

Blocking is a major component of the extratropical climate and any changes in it would be a very important aspect of climate change there. Previous studies have shown that mid-latitude variability such as blocking is sensitive to tropical sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies and to variations in tropical precipitation. Climate models exhibit a wide range of skill in representing blocking, with all models having deficiencies in certain respects. In addition, coupled climate models often exhibit significant biases in both tropical precipitation and tropical and extratropical SSTs. This suggests that tropical systematic biases in coupled climate models may influence the representation of blocking and its sensitivity to climate change. We examine the relationship between winter north Pacific blocking and tropical precipitation and tropical SSTs through the use of idealised SST anomaly experiments. We find that interannual variations in convection over the Maritime Continent and eastern equatorial Pacific regions both influence the central and eastern Pacific winter blocking frequency. In addition, systematic underestimation of tropical rainfall over the Maritime Continent region in climate models can lead to underestimation of time-mean winter Pacific blocking. Finally, the sign, magnitude and variability of tropical SST biases in a coupled model, and their associated effects on tropical precipitation, could influence its representation of northern hemisphere blocking, and thus affect its ability to represent this mode of remotely-forced mid-latitude variability. These results have important implications for model development.  相似文献   

Acoustic sounder data obtained for a period of three years have been analysed to estimate the monthly mean percentage time of occurrences of sea breezes, thermal plumes, and nocturnal radiative inversion layers. The intrusion of marine air has been found to suppress daytime convection and also to inhibit the development of nocturnal inversions.  相似文献   

Human activity increases the atmospheric water vapour content in an indirect way through climate feedbacks. We conclude here that human activity also has a direct influence on the water vapour concentration through irrigation. In idealised simulations we estimate a global mean radiative forcing in the range of 0.03 to +0.1 Wm–2 due to the increase in water vapour from irrigation. However, because the water cycle is embodied in the climate system, irrigation has a more complex influence on climate. We also simulate a change in the temperature vertical profile and a large surface cooling of up to 0.8 K over irrigated land areas. This is of opposite sign than expected from the radiative forcing alone, and this questions the applicability of the radiative forcing concept for such a climatic perturbation. Further, this study shows stronger links than previously recognised between climate change and freshwater scarcity which are environmental issues of paramount importance for the twenty first century.  相似文献   

The wavy area of north-west Bohemia (Czechoslovakia) is simulated by a cylindrical surface model. A curvilinear orthogonal system of coordinates along the model surface is introduced. The hydrodynamical equations of motion are transformed into this system of coordinates. By applying boundary-layer assumptions, the equations of motion for the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) above the model are derived. The equations and boundary conditions show an equivalence of the ABL above the model with that above a flat surface with external pressure gradient.  相似文献   

Summary The standard equations for the theory of atmospheric tides are solved here by an integral representation on the continuous spectrum of free oscillations. The model profile of back-ground temperature is that of the U.S. Standard Atmosphere in the lower and middle atmosphere, and in the lower thermosphere, above which an isothermal top extends to arbitrarily great heights. The top is warm enough to bring both the Lamb and the Pekeris modes into the continuous spectrum.Computations are made for semidiurnal lunar tidal pressure at sea level at the equator, and the contributions are partitioned according to vertical as well as horizontal structure. Almost all the response is taken up by the Lamb and Pekeris modes of the slowest westward-propagating gravity wave. At sea level, the Lamb-mode response is direct and is relatively insensitive to details of the temperature profile. The Pekeris mode at sea level has an indirect response-in competition with the Lamb mode-and, as has been known since the time of its discovery, it is quite sensitive to the temperature profile, in particular to stratopause temperature. In the standard atmosphere the Lamb mode contributes about +0.078 mb to tidal surface pressure at the equator and the Pekeris mode about –0.048 mb.The aim of this investigation is to illustrate some consequences of representing the tide in terms of the structures of free oscillations. To simplify that task as much as possible, all modifying influences were omitted, such as background wind and ocean or earth tide. Perhaps the main defect of this paper's implementation of the free-oscillation spectrum is that, in contrast to the conventional expansion in the structures of forced oscillations, it does not include dissipation, either implicity or explicity, and thus does not satisfy causality. Dissipation could be added implicity by means of an impedance condition, for example, which would cause up-going energy flux to exceed downgoing flux at the base of the isothermal top layer. To achieve complete causality, however, the dissipation must be modeled explicity. Nevertheless, since the Lamb and Pekeris modes are strongly trapped in the lower and middle atmosphere, where dissipation is rather weak (except possibly in the surface boundary layer), more realistic modeling is not likely to change the broad features of the present results.Symbols a earth's mean radius; expansion coefficient in (5.3) - b recursion variable in (7.4); proximity to resonance in (9.2) - c sound speed in (2.2); specific heatc p in (2.2) - f Coriolis parameter 2sin in (2.2) - g standard surface gravity - h equivalent depth - i ; discretization index in (7.3) - j index for horizontal structure - k index for horizontal structure; upward unit vectork in (2.2) - m wave number in longitude - n spherical-harmonic degree; number of grid layers in a model layer - p tidal pressure perturbation; background pressurep 0 - q heating function (energy per mass per time) - r tidal state vector in (2.1) - s tidal entropy perturbation; background entropys 0 - t time - u tidal horizontal velocityu - w tidal vertical component of velocity - x excitation vector defined in (2.3); vertical coordinate lnp */p 0 [except in (3.8), where it is lnp /p 0] - y vertical-structure function in (7.1) - z geopotential height - A constant defined in (6.2) - C spherical-harmonic expansion coefficient in (3.6) - D vertical cross section defined in (5.6) and (5.9) - E eigenstate vector - F vertical-structure function for eigenstate pressure in (3.2) [re-defined with WKB scaling in (7.2)] - G vertical-structure function for eigenstate vertical velocity in (3.2) [re-defined with WKB scaling in (7.2)] - H pressure-scale height - I mode intensity defined in (8.1) - K quadratic form defined in (4.4) - L quadratic form defined in (4.4); horizontal-structure magnification factor defined in (5.11) - M vertical-structure magnification factor defined in (4.6) - P eigenstate pressure in (3.2); tidal pressure in (6.2) - R tidal state vector in (5.1) - S eigenstate entropy in (3.2); spherical surface area, in differential dS - T background molecular-scale (NOAA, 1976) absolute temperatureT 0 - U eigenstate horizontal velocityU in (3.2); coefficient in (7.3) - V horizontal-structure functionV for eigenstate horizontal velocity in (3.2); recursion variable in (7.3) - W eigenstate vertical velocity in (3.2) - X excitation vector in (5.1) - Y surface spherical harmonic in (3.7) - Z Hough function defined in (3.6) - +dH/dz - (1––)/2 - Kronecker delta; Dirac delta; correction operator in (7.6) - equilibrium tide elevation - (square-root of Hough-function eigenvalue) - ratio of specific gas constant to specific heat for air=2/7 - longitude - - - background density 0 - eigenstate frequency in (3.1) - proxy for heating functionq =c P/t - latitude - tide frequency - operator for the limitz - horizontal-structure function for eigenstate pressure in (3.2) - Hough function defined in (6.2) - earth's rotation speed - horizontal gradient operator - ()0 background variable - ()* surface value of background variable - () value at base of isothermal top layer - Õ state vector with zerow-component - , energy product defined in (2.4) - | | energy norm - ()* complex conjugate With 10 Figures  相似文献   

许建玉  刘羽 《暴雨灾害》2016,27(1):31-38



A numerical modelling study is presented focusing on the effects of mesoscale sea-surface temperature (SST) variability on surface fluxes and the marine atmospheric boundary-layer structure. A basic scenario is examined having two regions of SST anomaly with alternating warm/cold or cold/warm water regions. Conditions upstream from the anomaly region have SST values equal to the ambient atmosphere temperature, creating an upstream neutrally stratified boundary layer. Downstream from the anomaly region the SST is also set to the ambient atmosphere value. When the warm anomaly is upstream from the cold anomaly, the downstream boundary layer exhibits a more complex structure because of convective forcing and mixed layer deepening upstream from the cold anomaly. An internal boundary layer forms over the cold anomaly in this case, generating two distinct layers over the downstream region. When the cold anomaly is upstream from the warm anomaly, mixing over the warm anomaly quickly destroys the shallow cold layer, yielding a more uniform downstream boundary-layer vertical structure compared with the warm-to- cold case. Analysis of the momentum budget indicates that turbulent momentum flux divergence dominates the velocity field tendency, with pressure forcing accounting for only about 20% of the changes in momentum. Parameterization of surface fluxes and boundary-layer structure at these scales would be very difficult because of their dependence on subgrid-scale SST spatial order. Simulations of similar flow over smaller scale fronts (<5 km) suggest that small-scale SST variability might be parameterized in mesoscale models by relating the effective heat flux to the strength of the SST variance.  相似文献   

Landscape heterogeneity that causes surface flux variability plays a very important role in triggering mesoscale atmospheric circulations and convective weather processes. In most mesoscale numerical models, however, subgrid-scale heterogeneity is somewhat smoothed or not adequately accounted for, leading to artificial changes in heterogeneity patterns (e.g., patterns of land cover, land use, terrain, and soil types and soil moisture). At the domain-wide scale, the combination of losses in subgrid-scale heterogeneity from many adjacent grids may artificially produce larger-scale, more homogeneous landscapes. Therefore, increased grid spacing in models may result in increased losses in landscape heterogeneity. Using the Weather Research and Forecasting model in this paper, we design a number of experiments to examine the effects of such artificial changes in heterogeneity patterns on numerical simulations of surface flux exchanges, near-surface meteorological fields, atmospheric planetary boundary layer (PBL) processes, mesoscale circulations, and mesoscale fluxes. Our results indicate that the increased heterogeneity losses in the model lead to substantial, nonlinear changes in temporal evaluations and spatial patterns of PBL dynamic and thermodynamic processes. The decreased heterogeneity favor developments of more organized mesoscale circulations, leading to enhanced mesoscale fluxes and, in turn, the vertical transport of heat and moisture. This effect is more pronounced in the areas with greater surface heterogeneity. Since more homogeneous land-surface characteristics are created in regional models with greater surface grid scales, these artificial mesoscale fluxes may have significant impacts on simulations of larger-scale atmospheric processes.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the main theoretical progress of mesoscale weather dynamics since 2003, including: (1) The dynamic mechanisms of balanced and unbalanced flow are applied to study the genesis and development problems of mesoscale circulation. The symmetric instability and transverse-wave instability are analyzed in line and vortex atmosphere convection, and further research has been done on nonlinear convective symmetric instability. The interaction between forced convection and unstable convection and the wave characteristics of mesoscale motion are also discussed. (2) Intermediate atmosphere dynamic boundary layer models are developed. The complicated nonlinear interaction is analyzed theoretically between the atmospheric boundary layer and the free atmosphere. The structure of the topography boundary layer, atmospheric frontogenesis, the structure and circulation of the low-level front and other boundary layer dynamic problems are discussed. (3) The formation and development of meso-β-scale rainstorms under the background of the East-Asia atmosphere circulation are diagnosed with the variation of MPV (moist potential vorticity) anomalies. And some physical vectors are modified and applied in the moist atmosphere.  相似文献   

Near-surface wind velocities were measured on an array of anchored spar buoys in the East China Sea in February 1975 as a part of the Japanese AMTEX '75 (Air Mass Transformation Experiment), a subprogram of GARP. These data were used to determine the effects of atmospheric convection associated with mesoscale convective cells (MCC) on near-surface winds over the ocean. When MCC were present, a peak occurred in the near-surface wind spectrum in the so-called spectral gap.  相似文献   

The amount of heat conducted to an isolated drop of water on a leaf is described by an equation which includes an effective thermal conductivity coefficient. Measurements of the dimensions of water drops on a horizontal wheat leaf give relationships which allow the volume and exposed surface areas to be obtained from drop diameter. These relationships are used in the experimental determination of the drop boundary-layer resistance and the effective thermal conductivity coefficient for drops on a leaf in a chamber. The boundary-layer resistance of the drop appeared to be independent of drop size and the mean value was about 60% of that for one side of the leaf. For drops with diameters less than 1 mm, conduction of heat to the drop reduced the leaf-to-drop temperature difference by over 50% of the value expected without conduction. Conduction of heat to drops will significantly affect the evaporation rate of surface water from cereal canopies after rain.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is assessment of regional atmospheric influence on satellite derivation of Adriatic Sea surface temperature (SST). To this end the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) ERA-40 reanalysis dataset has been employed to provide the temperature and humidity profiles and surface data, while the RTTOV 8.7 radiative transfer model was used to calculate the top-of-atmosphere brightness temperatures for the advanced very high-resolution radiometer (AVHRR) channels. Ten ERA-40 grid points over the Adriatic Sea were used in the analysis, providing 29,590, 00 UTC and 12 UTC, clear-sky profiles. Climatological analysis of the ERA-40 profiles demonstrated distinct seasonal variability over the Adriatic Sea. Seasonality noted in the temperature and specific humidity profiles also evinced in the atmospheric transmittance, thermal channels temperature deficit, and derived γ and ρ parameters. A multivariate analysis was applied to relate the simulated top-of-atmosphere brightness temperatures to the Adriatic SSTs in order to generate exploratory sets of SST retrieval coefficients. All derived coefficient sets exhibited smaller noise amplification factor than the global counterpart. A test comparison of satellite-derived SST with an 11-month in situ SST series showed than locally derived coefficients provide smaller scatter (improved precision), and skin-centred bias that requires additional adjustment. Almost identical SST residual and error metric was obtained with seasonally adjusted classical split-window coefficients and with coefficients explicitly accommodating water-vapor dependence. Comparison with data reinforces the notion that the atmosphere over the Adriatic may exhibit variability that cannot be fully accommodated by globally adjusted correction.  相似文献   

Currents and atmospheric parameters were measured in the East China Sea in February, 1975, as part of the AMTEX'75 program. These data were used to describe outbreaks of cold continental air over this warm and shallow sea. Particular emphasis was placed on describing the structure of mesoscale atmospheric cells embedded in the outbreaks and the effects of these cells on the water column.Two cold air outbreaks were recorded. Heat fluxes (latent plus sensible) as high as 1270 cal/cm2 day were calculated. Evidence of mesoscale atmospheric cells was found during outbreaks in satellite imagery and in solarimeter data. The development of mesoscale cells was described by correlating fluctuations in the air temperature and absolute humidity records. The cells were found to be best developed when satellite imagery showed that they were of the closed variety. The data suggest that cellular activity matures from open to closed cell types.During the period of greatest development, a representative closed cell was 24–30 km in diameter, moved at 8 m s-1 over the spar buoy, had a temperature fluctuation of 0.4 °C, an absolute humidity fluctuation of 0.4 g kg-1, and wind speed and heat flux fluctuations of - 12.5%.A non-dimensional index, formed from the fluctuations of the air temperature and absolute humidity records, was used to indicate the passage of mesoscale atmospheric cells over the measuring site. Using this index as input and the fluctuations in the oceanic parameters at a depth of 20 m as output, it was found that the passage of mature cells was significantly correlated with temperature fluctuations and current fluctuations aligned 25 ° to the right of the wind about 45 min later.  相似文献   

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