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The time-average velocity profiles of the flows carrying natural sand particles and three kinds of plastic particles as suspension and neutrally buoyant load are measured and analyzed. The velocity profiles of the sediment-laden flow can approximately be divided into two regions - the near-bed region and the far-bed region. Main factors affecting the velocity profiles are viscosity, density gradient, grain shear stress and damping of turbulence due to particles. Based on these physical conceptions, a velocity profile model of sediment-laden flow is developed. It agrees well with the experimental data. The discrepancy is 1.57% for the plastic particle-laden flow and 3.67% for the natural sand-laden flow. In the far-bed region, von Karman constants are smaller than those of the clear water flow.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments on longitudinal dispersion in clear-water and sediment-laden open channel flows are reported. Data from these experiments and those available from previous studies indicate that the suspended sediment present in the flow affects the longitudinal dispersion process. The observed velocity distributions over the depth of sediment-laden flows indicate that the velocity deviates from the mean velocity more in sediment-laden flows than in clear-water flows. The velocity distributions over the cross section and secondary flow in the channel are also expected to be altereddue to the presence of suspended sediments in the flow. For these reasons, more dispersion is found in sediment-laden flows than in corresponding clear-water flows. A predictor for the dispersion coefficient in sediment-laden flows is proposed.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONThe vertical velocity profile of open channel flows is the most basic infOrmation for the stUdy of flowresistance, channel bed stability, river nuvial process and sediment transport. Although it has been asubject of great interest for many years, there does not exist a consensus on some perPlexing questions,such as the position of the theoretical bed level. In order to investigate the properties of velocity profile,data measured in open channel nows from eight sources were …  相似文献   

I. ON THE INFLUENCING FACTORS OF THE SEDIMENT~LADEN FLOW VELOCITY PROFILEThe influence of sediment on the water--now structures must be considered when thevelocity profile of the sediment--laden now (or turbid flow) is studied. widely usedparameters for reflecting thoses influences are the sediment concentrahon and theffichardson number, where Ri represents the variation of the concentration gradient.Generally, the vertical distributions of sediment concentration and th…  相似文献   

I.~ODUCTIONSuspendedsedimenttransportcapacity(SSTC)ofopenchannelflowisoneofthebasicsubjectsinsedimenttransportmechanicsandsedimentationengineeringpractice.Mostexistingformulationsareempiricalandsemiempiricalorrestheavilyonassumptionswhicharenotyetjustified.Thisarisesmostlybecauseofthecomplexityoftheproblem.Forafullydeveloped,in-equilibriumflowinawiderectangularchannel,theSSTCcanbbdeterminedasfollowsor=n:,ty)cab)-dy=Ca'I(l)1I=J4(D)'exp[--V,(n)]'da(2)unwhereCTIsSSTC,uistheaveragedflo…  相似文献   

Based on the power function of velocity and the friction velocity,a velocity profile is obtained.By solving the Schmidt’s diffusion equation,an equilibrium suspended sediment concentration profile is further deduced.The profiles of velocity and suspended sediment concentration agree well with the field data,and the profile of suspended sediment concentration avoids the unreasonableness of the classical Rouse profile such as a zero value at the water surface.According to these profiles,an expression which is easy to use for calculating the suspended sediment transport rate is derived.  相似文献   

I.I~rnoxTherearemanyproblemsfortheresearchondebrisflowmechanism.ThemostimPOrtantandmOSturgentoneisthecalculationofresistanceandvelocityOfdebrisflow.Inthisaspectmuchresearchhasbeencompletedfromtwoapproaches.Oneapproachisbasedonordinaryhydraulicsandmodifiedbyfieldobservationdata,andempiricalformulaeofdebrisflowresistanceandvelocitywereestablished.MOStoftheearlyresearch,suchascalculatingdebrisflowvelocitywiththemodifiedformOfMariningformula,belongedtothisscope.Theonlydifferenceisthattherough…  相似文献   

The Reynolds stress and bed shear stress are important parameters in fluvial hydraulics. Steady-nonuniform flow in open channels with streamwise sloping beds having upward seepage through loose beds is theoretically analyzed to estimate the Reynolds stress and bed shear stress. Equations of the Reynolds stress and bed shear stress are developed, assuming a modified logarithmic velocity distribution law due to upward seepage, and using the Reynolds and continuity equations of two-dimensional flow in open channels.  相似文献   


Turbulence theory has demonstrated that the log law is one of the established theoretical results for describing velocity profiles, which is in principle applicable for the near-bed overlap region, being less than about 20% of the flow depth. In comparison, the power law that is often presented in an empirical fashion could apply to larger fraction of the flow domain. However, limited information is available for evaluating the power-law exponent or index. This paper attempts to show that the power law can be derived as a first-order approximation to the log law, and its power-law index is computed as a function of the Reynolds number as well as the relative roughness height. The result obtained also coincides with the fact that the one-sixth power included in the Manning equation is of prevalent acceptance, while higher indexes would be required for flows over very rough boundaries.  相似文献   

Field data from the Lower Yellow River (LYR) covering a period often consecutive years are used to test a mathematical model for one dimensional sediment transport by unsteady flow developed previously by the writers. Data of the first year of the said period, i.e., 1976, are used to calibrate the model and those of the remaining years to verify it. Items investigated include discharge, water stage, rate of transport of suspended sediment and riverbed erosion/deposition. Comparisons between computed and observed data indicate that the proposed model may well simulate sediment transport in the LYR under conditions of unsteady flow with sufficient accuracy.  相似文献   


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