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The full potential of batch dissolution experiments in geochemical and industrial applications has been hampered by the lack of an equation to describe the increase in dissolved solid concentration with time. This study provides new experimental results on the dissolution of salts and new equations, which describe dissolution according to the shrinking sphere model. Sieved salts were found to dissolve according to the shrinking sphere model while the dissolution of the parent material, raw (agglomerated) salt, fitted an exponential dissolution curve. The implications of this to the development of a systematic approach to batch dissolution, irrespective of the solid, is explored. Mathematical equations are derived for the dissolution of solids in under-saturated systems, which are much simpler than ones available, so far. In turn these provide easier comprehension of the workings of the shrinking sphere model. Finally, existing results for biogenic silica dissolution are reviewed in the light of the above-mentioned experimental and modelling advances. An earlier claim that shrinking sphere dissolution had been observed is refuted.  相似文献   

The cubic equation recently derived for the increase in concentration of a solute with time, as the solid dissolves in batch according to the shrinking sphere model at high under-saturation, is extended to dissolutions of mixtures of differently sized particles. This problem needs to be solved if batch dissolutions are to play their part in the proposed amelioration of global warming and associated climate change by accelerated ‘re-burial’ of excess CO2 in ocean sediment. The upgraded model was tested using sodium chloride dissolved in 50% aqueous propanone, whence the model fitted two separate runs with 500 and 212 μm, and 212 and 38 μm, diameter crystals, respectively. The key to simulating dissolution in this way lies in the dissolutions being independent of each other. It is further shown that although this condition was implicit in the recent derivation of the cubic equation, it was not recognised at the time. The work should be applicable to any batch dissolution of mixed particles at high under-saturation, and hence, may find use in many industrial and laboratory dissolutions. Simulations show how agglomerated mixtures can yield a straight line on the plot of ln(1 − C/C T) versus time, as was reported to occur recently with sodium chloride taken ‘straight from the bottle’. It is shown that this probably explains why exponential dissolutions may have seemed appropriate to the dissolution of biogenic silica in earlier literature. This study suggests that a new round of biogenic silica dissolutions, but with sieved samples, would be worthwhile, with the likelihood that shrinking sphere behaviour might well be found to characterise the kinetics. The opportunity is taken to investigate a number of aspects of the shrinking sphere model not generally discussed before, e.g. the graph for the change in surface area with time. The limitations of using cubic salt crystals with the shrinking sphere model are discussed.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to study the rates of migration of the (10¯1 4) plane of a single-crystal of calcite dissolving in 0.1 M NaCl aqueous solutions at room temperature. The solution pH and PCO 2 controlled in the ranges 4.4 < pH < 12.2 and 0 < PCO 2 < 10-3.5 atm (ambient), respectively. Measured step velocities were compared with the mineral dissolution rates determined from the calcium fluxes. The step velocity is defined as the average of the velocities of the obtuse and acute steps. Rates of step motion increased gradually from 1.4(±0.2) at pH 5.3 to 2.4(±0.3) nm s-1 at pH 8.2, whereas the rates inverted and decreased to the minimum value of 0.69(±0.18) nm s-1 at pH 10.8. For pH > 10.8, only the velocity of the obtuse steps increased as pH increased, whereas that of acute steps gradually decreased.The dissolution rate of the mineral can be calculated from the measured step velocities and average slope, which is proportional to the concentration of exposed monomolecular steps on the surface. The average slope of the dissolving mineral, measured at pH 5.6 and 9.7, was 0.026 (±0.015). Using this slope, we calculate bulk dissolution rates for 5.3 < pH < 12.2 of 4.9(±3.0) × 10-11 to 1.8(±1.0) × 10-10 mol cm-2 s-1. The obtained dissolution rate can be expressed by the following empirical equation:Rdss = 10-4.66(±0.13)[H+] + 10-3.87(±0.06)[HCO3 -] + 10-7.99(plusmn; 0.08)[OH-]We propose that calcite dissolution in these solutions is controlled by elementary reactions that are similar to those that control the dissolution of other amphoteric solids, such as oxides. The mechanisms include the proton-enhanced hydration and detachment of calcium-carbonate ion pairs. The detachments are enhanced by the presence of adsorbed nucleophiles, such as hydroxyl and bicarbonate ions, and by protons adsorbed to key oxygens. A molecular model is proposed that illustrates these processes.  相似文献   

25~75℃酸性NaCl溶液中方铅矿的溶解动力学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在25~75℃、pH=0.43~2.45的1mol/LNaCl溶液中进行了方铅矿的溶解动力学实验。发现在远平衡条件下,方铅矿的溶解速率r与氢离子活度犤H+犦呈线性关系,溶解速率方程(速率定律)为:r=k犤H+犦,即对H+而言,溶解反应为一级。其中速率常数k为2.344×10-7mol/m2·s(25℃)、1.380×10-6mol/m2·s(50℃)、7.079×10-6mol/m2·s(75℃)。溶解反应的活化能为43.54kJ/mol,方铅矿的溶解机理为表面化学反应,速率决定步骤为表面配合物的离解。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地腹部深层超压顶面附近(现今埋深4400~6200m, 温度105~145℃) 砂岩中广泛出现的碳酸盐胶结作用和次生溶蚀孔隙与超压流体活动关系密切.由于超压封闭和释放引起其顶面附近砂岩中的孔隙压力和水化学环境的周期性变化可导致碳酸盐沉淀和易溶矿物溶解过程交替出现.根据腹部地区超压顶面附近深埋砂岩成岩作用、碳酸盐胶结物含量、储集物性、碳酸盐胶结物碳、氧同位素和烃源岩热演化模拟等资料的综合研究表明: 含铁碳酸盐胶结物是主要的胶结成分, 长石类成分的次生溶蚀孔隙是主要的储集空间类型, 纵向上深层砂岩碳酸盐胶结物出现15%~30%含量的地层厚度范围约在邻近超压顶面之下100m至之上大于450m, 碳酸盐胶结物出现大于25%含量高值带分布在靠近超压顶面向上的250~300m的地层厚度范围, 超压顶面附近砂岩中碳酸盐胶结物含量高值的深度范围也是次生溶蚀孔隙(孔隙度10%~20%) 发育带的范围; 因晚白垩世以来深部侏罗纪煤系有机质生烃增压作用, 导致在超压顶面附近砂岩晚成岩作用阶段深部富含碳酸盐的超压流体频繁活动, 所形成的碳酸盐胶结物受到了明显的与深部生烃增压有关的超压热流体和有机脱羧作用的影响; 超压流体多次通过超压顶面排放, 使得超压顶面附近砂岩遭受了多期酸性流体溶蚀作用过程, 形成了次生溶蚀孔隙发育带.   相似文献   

The Hadamengou gold deposit is located in western part of the northern margin of the North China craton. It is a hydrothermal deposit related to alkaline magmatism. Dissolution of Au, Fe from pyrite and iron oxide (including magnetite and hematite) individual minerals in the three main types of ore shows: in iron oxides (magnetite and hematite), Au and Fe were dissolved simultaneously and their solubilities are positively correlated, which means Au is mainly chemical-bonded (lattice gold) and/or colloidal-adsorbed in iron oxides; while in pyrite, on the contrary, Au dissolution obviously lags behind Fe and the solubility of Au shows negative relationship with that of Fe, which indicates Au is mainly hosted as grains of elemental gold (or native gold) within pyrite. Previous studies revealed that the Hadamengou gold deposit is characterized by intensive K-feldspathization and holds high content of iron oxides occasionally replaced by sulfides, which was caused by oxidizing K-enriched alkaline fluids under a stretching geodynamic setting. These geological features, together with the high Au-content in iron oxides, comparable with that of the Olympic Dam deposit in South Australia, suggest that this deposit is the first example of iron oxide-type gold deposits in China.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地奥陶系不同组构碳酸盐岩埋藏溶蚀实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鄂尔多斯盆地奥陶系碳酸盐岩储层受埋藏溶蚀作用控制明显,而地层深部复杂的水-岩反应造成埋藏溶蚀研究难度较大,并进而影响了储层的评价与预测。分别利用CO2溶液和乙酸溶液为流体介质进行溶蚀模拟实验,探讨埋藏条件下温度、压力、流体等因素对不同矿物及组构碳酸盐岩溶蚀作用的影响。结果表明:1)随着温度与压力升高,碳酸盐岩样品在乙酸溶液中的溶解速率均相应提高,在CO2溶液中的溶解速率则先增加后减小,且在110℃~130℃区间内溶蚀速率最大;深埋藏环境下,各岩类溶蚀速率差异减小,并趋于一致;2)岩石矿物成分和组构,原岩初始孔隙度的大小及其连通关系,以及晶体的产状对成岩后期的埋藏溶蚀作用也具有重要的影响。不溶组分含量低、颗粒/灰泥比高、矿物成分复杂的碳酸盐岩由于组构选择性溶蚀作用而更易被溶蚀;碳酸盐岩的溶蚀速率随方解石含量的增加而增加,但深埋藏环境下,矿物成分含量差异对溶蚀速率的影响作用减弱;硬石膏与白云岩相伴生时,可优先溶蚀形成膏模孔,并促进白云石的溶解,改善储层效果。不同岩性,总体上灰岩较白云岩及过渡岩类更易发生埋藏溶蚀作用。结合研究区实际地质条件分析,砂屑灰岩、膏质白云岩等埋藏溶蚀强度较大,通过对原岩早期组构选择性溶蚀形成孔隙的继承和调整,叠加埋藏期岩溶作用后,可形成规模优质储层。  相似文献   

植物中硅矿化作用的硅同位素示踪研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
项目首次对田地生长的水稻与竹子和室内栽培水稻中氧化硅的含量、形态、分布及硅同位素组成进行了系统研究。研究发现水稻中的氧化硅含量有由根到茎、叶、稻壳逐渐增高的趋势, 但在米粒中含量急剧降低。竹子中的氧化硅含量也显由杆到枝、叶逐渐增高的趋势。在竹子和水稻的根部, 氧化硅都集中在内皮层;而在其地上部分(竿、枝、叶、壳), 氧化硅主要出现于外皮层。在单株水稻和竹子中都发现不同器官间存在显著的、系统的硅同位素分馏。水稻的? 30Si显示有由根到茎降低, 而后向叶、壳和米逐渐增高的趋势。竹子的? 30Si也显由根到竿降低, 而后向枝、叶增高的趋势。这种硅同位素变化可能是由植株内体液中的溶解硅在竿、枝、叶、壳相继沉淀出氧化硅时, 产生瑞利过程的硅同位素分馏的结果。研究得出竹子和水稻中溶解硅与沉淀硅间的硅同位素分馏系数分别为0.9981和0.9996。研究发现水稻根和竹根从土壤溶液中吸取硅时, 也存在硅同位素动力分馏。竹子与水稻吸收硅与土壤可溶硅之间的硅同位素分馏系数分别为0.9988和0.9989。研究得出:1)水稻与竹子由外界吸收的含硅化合物主要为正硅酸;2)被动吸收是其吸收硅的重要形式;3)蒸发作用是硅在这些植物中迁移和沉淀的主要机制。研究结果为理解植物中硅吸收、搬运和沉淀硅的方式与机制和探讨植物在硅、碳生物地球化学循环方面的作用提供了可靠的证据  相似文献   

不同温度、羧酸溶液中长石溶解模拟实验   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:22  
报道了在100℃、140℃下微斜长石在不同羧酸溶液中的溶解实验数据。通过实验表明1)反应温度增高,可增强溶液中阳离子的活性和迁移性,加快长石溶解的反应速率,促进长石的溶解。2)在强酸性条件下,pH值的变化可影响长石的溶解。但在中等酸性条件下,pH值对长石的溶解影响很小。3)羧酸(乙二酸)可不同程度地促进长石溶解,可通过形成乙二酸络合物的形式,增加离子在溶液中的溶解度。但乙酸络合物的作用不明显。长石溶蚀导致岩石孔隙度变大,并且改善孔喉性质。同时,由于乙二酸络合物的存在,增加了Si在溶液中的溶解度,阻止了石英加大和其它成因SiO2的生成,有利于次生孔隙和原生孔隙的保存。4)长石溶解使溶液中Al的浓度较高,但由于铝-羧酸络合物的亲油性比亲水性强,故有一部分Al被分配到油相中,这也是目前大多数油田水中Al浓度偏低的主要原因。  相似文献   

测试地质样品中的硫含量,以电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-OES)和燃烧-红外吸收光谱法应用最为广泛。ICP-OES法灵敏度高、稳定性好,但受样品预处理和基体干扰的影响较大;燃烧-红外吸收光谱法便捷高效,但受结晶水红外吸收干扰,分析硫含量低的样品稳定性较差。本文采用5种酸溶方式处理样品ICP-OES测定硫含量,同时采用燃烧-红外吸收光谱法测定低中高含量的硫,综合比较了两类方法的检出限、检测范围、精密度和准确度、分析效率等,明确了各方法的适用范围。实验中确定了燃烧-红外吸收光谱法最佳测试条件为:称样量0.0500g,燃烧时间25s,分析时间40s,氧气流量4.0L/min;通过标准物质验证,该方法检出限为10×10-6,检测范围为10×10-6~470000×10-6,相对标准偏差(RSD) < 6%(n=12),相对误差绝对值小于8%。实验结果表明,ICP-OES分析效率高,但是样品处理时间长,检测范围不如燃烧-红外吸收光谱法宽;燃烧-红外吸收光谱法采用固体直接进样,成本低,用高氯酸镁作为干燥剂可解决结晶水红外吸收干扰问题。总体上,ICP-OES法适用于分析硫含量低的样品或作为测试结果佐证的手段,可实现多元素联测;批量样品或基体类型复杂的样品宜采用燃烧-红外吸收光谱法测试,更加便捷。  相似文献   

我国原矿、精矿消费量和尾矿产出量巨大,这些矿产品中有毒有害污染物的溶解释放(称为"溶出")已经成为一个普遍存在的环境问题。本文阐述了目前国内外矿产品污染物溶出的研究现状,总结了研究矿产品中污染物溶出最常用的四种模拟试验方法(湿度室试验、淋滤柱试验、静态浸泡试验、萃取试验)的应用进展。湿度室试验可模拟自然风化过程,确定污染物溶出速率和产物;淋滤柱试验可模拟降水和喷淋过程,提供污染物吸附和解吸附动力学依据;静态浸泡试验可模拟被水浸泡过程,探明溶出规律和产物;萃取试验可对污染物进行形态分析,评估介质中污染物的流动性、稳定性等。污染物溶出的各种影响因素由强到弱依次是pH值、淋溶浸泡时间、温度、固液比、矿石粒径,多数情况下pH值越大、浸泡时间越长、温度越高、固液比越小、粒径越小越有利于污染物的溶出。溶出是一个长期和具有潜伏性的过程,其内部发生一系列物理化学反应,显示出与扩散效应不同的规律。目前这方面的研究对象还主要集中于废弃的尾矿,对经运输、堆放并在人类生活区使用的原矿、精矿产品的污染物溶出有待进一步研究,需要对其溶出污染进行预测和评估,采取有效措施控制和治理矿产品的污染。  相似文献   

石膏对白云岩溶解影响的实验模拟研究   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25  
黄思静  杨俊杰 《沉积学报》1996,14(1):103-109
表生到埋藏成岩作用的温度与压力(40-130℃、常压-30MPa)条件下,含膏与不含膏白云岩的溶解实验证明:在表生与相对浅埋藏的温压条件(低于75℃,20MPa)下,石膏(或硬石膏)的存在可不同程度地加速白云岩的溶解,随着实验温度和压力的升高,石膏(或硬石膏)对白云岩溶解的这种积极作用逐渐降低。在相对深埋藏的温压条件(高于75℃、20MPa)下,石膏(或硬石膏)的存在显著阻止白云岩的溶解,随着实验温度和压力的继续升高,石膏(或硬石膏)对白云岩溶解的这种消极作用也逐渐增加。从实验的这种结果可以预测,在近地表条件下和埋藏成岩作用的早期阶段,由溶解作用造成的含膏白云岩地层的次生孔隙将比不含膏的白云岩地层更为发育,因而在经历了古风化作用的地层中,含膏白云岩层更易形成良好的储层;与之相反,在相对高温高压的深埋藏成岩阶段,不含膏的白云岩地层中将更容易因酸性水的溶解作用而形成次生孔隙。因而在非蒸发沉积环境中形成的白云岩体(如正常海沉积环境的灰岩中的白云岩透镜体)更易因深埋藏溶蚀作用而形成良好的储层。  相似文献   

气候-构造相互作用是目前固体地球和全球变化中最前沿的核心科学问题,地表侵蚀是气候-构造之间的桥梁纽带,地层沉积速率则是地表侵蚀强弱的直接响应.祁连山北缘-河西走廊在约4~2Ma期间沉积了一套粗粒相磨拉石-玉门砾岩,是研究气候-构造相互作用的一个理想产物,目前其气候或构造的主要成因存在争议.本文尝试阐述祁连山北缘-河西走...  相似文献   

The dissolution rates of the major upper mantle minerals olivine,orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, spinel, and garnet have been determinedin an alkali basalt melt at superliquidus temperatures and 5,12, and 30 kb. At low pressure where olivine is the liquidusphase of the basalt, olivine has a slower dissolution rate thanclinopyroxene; however, at higher pressure where clinopyroxeneis the liquidus phase, clinopyroxene has a slower dissolutionrate than olivine. The relative rates of dissolution of olivineand clinopyroxene at each pressure are, therefore, governedby their relative stabilities in the melt and hence by the structureof the melt. As the degree of superheating above the liquidusincreases at each pressure, the dissolution rates of olivineand clinopyroxene converge, suggesting that the melt undergoestemperature-induced structural changes. Orthopyroxene has a dissolution rate similar to olivine at highpressure and similar to clinopyroxene at low pressure. Spinelhas the slowest dissolution rate at each pressure. Garnet dissolvesvery rapidly at 12 kb and at a comparable rate of olivine at30 kb. The dissolution rates determined in the experiments varyfrom 9.21 ? 10–9cm s–1 for spinel at 5 kbar and1250?C to 3.83 ? 10–5cm s–1 for garnet at 30 kband 1500?C. Textures produced during the dissolution experiments are relatedto mineral stability in the melt at each pressure and are independentof the degree of superheating. The mineral phases that are stableon or near the liquidus exhibit no reaction; whereas complexreaction textures and crystallization characterize dissolutionof minerals that are relatively unstable in the melt. Concentration profiles in the melt adjacent to the same crystalfor different experimental durations are identical, indicatingthat dissolution is time-independent and a steady-state process.However, cation diffusion coefficients calculated for single-componentoxides in the melt reveal that dissolution may not be completelycontrolled by diffusion of cations away from the crystal/meltinterface. The apparent diffusivities positively correlate withthe dissolution rate, which suggests that the stability of themineral is an important factor to consider when deriving diffusioncoefficients from these experiments. Other factors that maybe involved are multi-component effects and the nature of thediffusing species in the melt. A simple model has been constructed that predicts the survivalof ultramafic xenoliths in alkali basalt magmas as a functionof xenolith radius, magma ascent time and superheating. Theresults of the model suggest that the relative proportions ofperidotite and pyroxenite xenoliths brought to the surface inalkali basalts are generally representative of their proportionsas constituents of the upper mantle. Further experiments usingdifferent melt compositions are required to extend the model.  相似文献   

天然丝光沸石表面重构改性及其在水中去除重金属的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
天然丝光沸石作为一种绿色廉价多孔材料广泛应用于环境治理中去除重金属,目前报道的天然沸石对重金属的去除率多在60%~90%,提升其去除效率已成为研究热点。本文采用正硅酸乙酯对天然丝光沸石进行表面重构改性,通过TEM、XRD、BET等手段表征其形貌和结构。结果表明:正硅酸乙酯水解生成的SiO_2可与天然丝光沸石复合形成新颖的"SiO_2/丝光沸石",原沸石表面包覆了新生纳米SiO_2孔结构,同时没有损坏原始沸石的多孔结构,使改性沸石材料兼具了天然丝光沸石和纳米SiO_2孔结构优点,增强了对重金属离子的吸附能力。该改性材料对水中Pb~(2+)、Cd~(2+)、Zn~(2+)和Mn~(2+)的最高吸附率为99. 3%、97. 1%、98. 3%和97. 0%,且极少解吸,性能稳定。考虑经济成本并保证合适吸附率的情况下选择吸附效率最佳的投加量,得到改性材料对初始浓度10 mg/L的Pb~(2+)、Cd~(2+)、Zn~(2+)、Mn~(2+)溶液的最佳投加量分别为0. 5 g/L、2 g/L、2 g/L、5 g/L,可为中试和规模应用提供参考。较之焙烧、酸、碱、盐和有机改性,本改性方式对多种重金属均有高的吸附率,并显现出操作简便、成本低和环境友好等优势,具有较好应用前景。  相似文献   

The Cretaceous Bashijiqike Formation is the main gas-bearing strata in the northern structural deformation zone of Kuqa subbasin. The acidic dissolution of this formation arose at 5–4Ma, which corresponds to the late burial stage of the Bashijiqike Formation. Variability of interlayer due to rock composition is negligible. Differentiation of acidic dissolution in sandstones was controlled by difference in amount of exogenous acid fluid from underlying strata. For the absence of sedimentary and structural carrier system between the isolated sandstone reservoirs, most fluid-rock systems show relative sealing feature during later burial stage by sealing feature of formation pressure, geochemical characteristics of formation water and content of diagenetic products in sandstones. Variation of sealing effects for different fluid-rock systems is obvious. The pressure coefficient is inversely proportional to acidic dissolved porosity of sandstone reservoirs, indicating that the variation of sealing effects for fluidrock system mainly controls the differentiation of acidic dissolution.  相似文献   

东海表层沉积物碎屑矿物组合分布特征及其物源环境指示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张凯棣  李安春  董江  张晋 《沉积学报》2016,34(5):902-911
为进一步明确东海陆架区的沉积物物源及水动力环境,对研究区表层沉积物的碎屑矿物进行了鉴定分析。研究区共鉴定出49种重矿物、8种轻矿物。根据碎屑矿物的组合分布结合矿物形态特征,将东海陆架区划分为三个矿物区,内陆架矿物区、外陆架矿物区及虎皮礁矿物区。内陆架矿物区,动力分选是影响碎屑矿物分布的主要因素,物质来源相对单一,碎屑矿物主要来源于现代长江物质,闽浙沿岸近岸河流的输入,人类活动也对该区的矿物组成产生一定的影响;外陆架矿物区,重矿物分布的主控因素是长期的分选作用,主要是长江物质经后期改造形成,现代长江物质可从内陆架中北部扩散至124.5°E左右,此外外陆架东南部地形的变化也对碎屑矿物的分布起到一定控制作用;虎皮礁矿物区,有来自黄河、长江、火山物质的多重影响,且水动力环境相对复杂。  相似文献   

热带地区火山岛/岛弧的化学风化对全球碳循环和海水的Sr同位素演化均有着重要的作用。文章对中国热带海南岛的玄武岩、花岗岩小流域和大河流域进行了河水、地下水、雨水以及基岩和沉积物的综合研究,分析了水样和固体样品的元素含量和Sr同位素比值。结果显示,河床沉积物的化学蚀变指数(CIA)与87Sr/86Sr之间存在着一定的变化关系,而这主要归因于沉积物的阶段性差异风化:风化早期阶段以黑云母占主导,87Sr/86Sr较高。此后斜长石开始风化,87Sr/86Sr逐渐下降。在风化程度中等阶段,斜长石大量分解后,各种富钾矿物风化加剧,87Sr/86Sr值升至最高点。在高风化程度阶段,随着富钾矿物逐渐减少,稳定的风化残余物质占据主导,87Sr/86Sr值逐渐下降。与年轻的活火山岛——加勒比海小安的列斯群岛和印度洋的留尼汪岛相比(其地下化学风化速率2~5倍于地表风化速率),由于相对较低的降水量和老死火山低的孔隙度,海南岛地下水的流量和固溶物总量(TDS)要低的多,导致海南岛的地下化学风化速率低于地表风化速率,仅与高纬的俄罗斯堪察加活火山岛相近,为小安的列斯群岛和留尼汪岛的约6%~25%,属于全球地下风化贡献最低的区域之一。海南岛玄武岩区的地表化学风化和CO2消耗速率高于法国中央高原和西伯利亚,略低于夏威夷和德干,而显著小于东南亚的爪哇岛和 吕宋岛。在温度相近的条件下,径流量对化学风化速率有着非常明显的控制作用。由于较低的年径流量,热带区域的海南岛,其对大气CO2的消耗能力只是处于一个全球平均的范围内。  相似文献   

The conversion of CO2 into H+ and is a relatively slow reaction. Hence, its kinetics may be rate determiningin carbonate rock dissolution. Carbonic anhydrase (CA), which is widespread in nature, was used to catalyze the CO2 conversion process in dissolution experiments of limestone and dolomite. It was found that the rate of dissolution increases by a factor of about 10 after the addition of CA at a high CO2 partial pressure (Pco2) for limestone and about 3 at low Pcoj for dolomite. This shows that reappraisal is necessary for the importance of chemical weathering (including carbonate rock dissolution and silicate weathering) in the atmospheric CO2 sink and the mysterious missing sink in carbon cycling. It is doubtless that previous studies of weathering underestimated weathering rates due to the ignorance of CA as an activator in weathering, thus the contribution of weathering to the atmospheric CO2 sink is also underestimated. This finding also shows the need to examine the situ distribution and activ  相似文献   

由于铁元素分布的广泛性和化学反应的活泼性,它在地球科学研究中具有极为重要的应用意义。与其他多种方法相比较,穆斯堡尔技术是铁元素化学种检测最为有效的方法之一,许多研究结果显示铁元素化学种在相关表生坩球科学研究中的应用前景广阔,例如滑坡带地球化学、湖泊沉积环境、岩石光谱特征、重金属污染沉积物及其环境修复技术等。  相似文献   

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