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Solar Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) imaging observation is an important measure for the researches of solar activities and coronal plasma physics. But the traditional EUV imager and spectrograph can hardly achieve simultaneously the high spectral resolution and wide field-of-view of solar imaging. This paper has designed a new type of solar EUV multi-band imager, by adopting a kind of slitless grating and grazing incidence structure, it can realize the solar full-disk imaging of high spectral and spatial resolution. The field-of-view of the imager can be as broad as 47′. The spectral resolution is 2×10?3nm per pixel, and the spatial resolution is 1.4′ per pixel. The temporal resolution of the solar full-disk is better than 60 s. The analysis of the solar full-disk spectral image and system response shows that the imager can observe the morphological evolutions of various solar activities, and can provide more comprehensive data for the researches of solar physics and space weather forecast.  相似文献   

T. Dudok De Wit 《Solar physics》2006,239(1-2):519-530
A segmentation scheme for identifying large-scale structures (coronal holes, active regions, etc.) in solar extreme ultraviolet images, is presented. Unlike standard approaches, both the image intensity and the relative contribution of different wavelengths are used. Spectral information is important for compensating luminosity changes. The approach is illustrated with images taken in the extreme ultraviolet by the EIT telescope onboard SOHO. This supervised segmentation scheme, which incorporates a Bayesian classifier, is computationally simple, and can easily be used to track in near-real time structures, such as coronal holes.  相似文献   

The solar extreme ultraviolet (EUV) irradiance, the dominant global energy source for Earth's atmosphere above 100 km, is not known accurately enough for many studies of the upper atmosphere. During the absence of direct solar EUV irradiance measurements from satellites, the solar EUV irradiance is often estimated at the 30–50% uncertainty level using both proxies of the solar irradiance and earlier solar EUV irradiance measurements, primarily from the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory (now Phillips Laboratory) rockets and Atmospheric Explorer (AE) instruments. Our sounding rocket measurements during solar cycle 22 include solar EUV irradiances below 120 nm with 0.2 nm spectral resolution, far ultraviolet (FUV) airglow spectra below 160 nm, and solar soft X-ray (XUV) images at 17.5 nm. Compared to the earlier observations, these rocket experiments provide a more accurate absolute measurement of the solar EUV irradiance, because these instruments are calibrated at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) with a radiometric uncertainty of about 8%. These more accurate sounding-rocket measurements suggest revisions of the previous reference AE–E spectra by as much as a factor of 2 at some wavelengths. Our sounding-rocket flights during the past several years (1988–1994) also provide information about solar EUV variability during solar cycle 22.  相似文献   

Keenan  F.P.  Katsiyannis  A.C.  Aggarwal  K.M.  Mathioudakis  M.  Brosius  J.W.  Davila  J.M.  Thomas  R.J. 《Solar physics》2003,212(1):65-79

Theoretical electron-density-sensitive emission line ratios involving 2s 22p 2–2s2p 3 transitions in Si?ix between 223 and 350 Å are presented. A comparison of these with an extensive dataset of solar-active-region, quiet-Sun, subflare and off-limb observations, obtained during rocket flights by the Solar EUV Research Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS), reveals generally very good agreement between theory and experiment. This provides support for the accuracy of the line-ratio diagnostics, and hence the atomic data on which they are based. In particular, the density-sensitive intensity ratio I(258.10 Å)/I(349.87 Å) offers an especially promising diagnostic for studies of coronal plasmas, as it involves two reasonably strong emission lines and varies by more than an order of magnitude over the useful density range of 109–1011 cm?3. The 2s 22p 2 1 S 0–2s2p 3 1 P 1 transition at 259.77 Å is very marginally identified for the first time in the SERTS database, although it has previously been detected in solar flare observations.


Since the Lyman-\(\alpha\) rocket observations of Gabriel (Solar Phys. 21, 392, 1971), it has been realized that the hydrogen (H) lines could be observed in the corona and that they offer an interesting diagnostic for the temperature, density, and radial velocity of the coronal plasma. Moreover, various space missions have been proposed to measure the coronal magnetic and velocity fields through polarimetry in H lines. A necessary condition for such measurements is to benefit from a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio. The aim of this article is to evaluate the emission in three representative lines of H for three different coronal structures. The computations have been performed with a full non-local thermodynamic-equilibrium (non-LTE) code and its simplified version without radiative transfer. Since all collisional and radiative quantities (including incident ionizing and exciting radiation) are taken into account, the ionization is treated exactly. Profiles are presented at two heights (1.05 and 1.9 solar radii, from Sun center) in the corona, and the integrated intensities are computed at heights up to five solar radii. We compare our results with previous computations and observations (e.g. L\(\alpha\) from Ultraviolet Coronal Spectrometer) and find a rough (model-dependent) agreement. Since the H\(\alpha\) line is a possible candidate for ground-based polarimetry, we show that in order to detect its emission in various coronal structures, it is necessary to use a very narrow (less than 2 Å wide) bandpass filter.  相似文献   

The rare-earth ions cerium ii, lanthanum ii, dysprosium ii, and additionally zirconium ii and iron ii, are seen as weak emission features in the wings of the solar Ca ii H and K lines. The strength of these emission lines increases on the disk toward the limb. We provide recent high-resolution observations at disk center and at the limb. The identity of the weak lines is re-worked. We point out the unique role of eclipse spectra in distinguishing between the photospheric and chromospheric origins of emission lines. It is then demonstrated from our full disk (Sun-as-a-Star) and center disk archives, 1974 – 2010, that no activity cycle related signal is evident (save for the H and K lines themselves).  相似文献   

Keenan  F.P.  Pinfield  D.J.  Mathioudakis  M.  Aggarwal  K.M.  Thomas  R.J.  Brosius  J.W. 《Solar physics》2000,197(2):253-262
Theoretical electron density sensitive emission line ratios involving a total of eleven 2s 22p 2–2s2p 3 transitions in Sxi between 187 and 292 Å are presented. A comparison of these with solar active region observations obtained during rocket flights by the Solar EUV Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS) reveals generally good agreement between theory and experiment. However, the 186.87 Å line is masked by fairly strong Fexii emission at the same wavelength, while 239.83 Å is blended with an unknown feature, and 285.58 Å is blended with possibly Niv 285.56 Å. In addition, the 191.23 Å line appears to be more seriously blended with an Fexiii feature than previously believed. The presence of several new Sxi lines is confirmed in the SERTS spectra, at wavelengths of 188.66, 247.14 and 291.59 Å, in excellent agreement with laboratory measurements. In particular, the detection of the 2s 22p 2 3 P 1 –2s2p 3 3 P 0,1 transitions at 242.91 Å is the first time (to our knowledge) that this feature has been identified in the solar spectrum. The potential usefulness of the Sxi line ratios as electron density diagnostics for the solar transition region and corona is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Thomas N. Woods 《Solar physics》2014,289(9):3391-3401
The solar extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) have revealed interesting characteristics of warm coronal emissions, such as Fe xvi 335 Å emission, which peak soon after the hot coronal X-ray emissions peak during a flare and then sometimes peak for a second time hours after the X-ray flare peak. This flare type, with two warm coronal emission peaks but only one X-ray peak, has been named the EUV late phase (Woods et al., Astrophys. J. 739, 59, 2011). These flares have the distinct properties of i) having a complex magnetic-field structure with two initial sets of coronal loops, with one upper set overlaying a lower set, ii) having an eruptive flare initiated in the lower set and disturbing both loop sets, iii) having the hot coronal emissions emitted only from the lower set in conjunction with the X-ray peak, and iv) having the first peak of the warm coronal emissions associated with the lower set and its second peak emitted from the upper set many minutes to hours after the first peak and without a second X-ray enhancement. The disturbance of the coronal loops by the eruption is at about the same time, but the relaxation and cooling down of the heated coronal loops during the post-flare reconnections have different time scales with the longer, upper loops being significantly delayed from the lower loops. The difference in these cooling time scales is related to the difference between the two peak times of the warm coronal emission and is also apparent in the decay profile of the X-ray emissions having two distinct decays, with the first decay slope being steeper (faster) and the delayed decay slope being smaller (slower) during the time of the warm-coronal-emission second peak. The frequency and relationship of the EUV late-phase decay times between the Fe xvi 335 Å two flare peaks and X-ray decay slopes are examined using three years of SDO/EUV Variability Experiment (EVE) data, and the X-ray dual-decay character is then exploited to estimate the frequency of EUV late-phase flares during the past four solar cycles. This study indicates that the frequency of EUV late-phase flares peaks before and after each solar-cycle minimum.  相似文献   

Recent R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates in Mg-like Fe  xv are used to derive theoretical emission-line ratios involving transitions in the 243–418 Å  wavelength range. A comparison of these with a data set of solar active region, subflare and off-limb spectra, obtained during rocket flights by the Solar Extreme-Ultraviolet Research Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS), reveals generally very good agreement between theory and observation, indicating that most of the Fe  xv emission lines may be employed with confidence as electron density diagnostics. In particular, the 312.55-Å  line of Fe  xv is not significantly blended with a Co  xvii transition in active region spectra, as suggested previously, although the latter does make a major contribution in the subflare observations. Most of the Fe  xv transitions which are blended have had the species responsible clearly identified, although there remain a few instances where this has not been possible. We briefly address the long-standing discrepancy between theory and experiment for the intensity ratio of the  3s2 1S–3s3p 3P1  intercombination line at 417.25 Å  to the  3s2 1S–3s3p 1P  resonance transition at 284.16 Å.  相似文献   

We investigate the possibility that strong EUV lines observed with the Goddard Solar EUV Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS) provide good proxies for estimating the total coronal flux over shorter wavelength ranges. We use coordinated SERTS and Yohkoh observations to obtain both polynomial and power-law fits relating the broad-band soft X-ray fluxes to the intensities of Fexvi 335 Ú and 361 Ú, Fexv 284 Ú and 417 Ú, and Mgix 368 Ú measured with SERTS. We found that the power-law fits best cover the full range of solar conditions from quiet Sun through active region, though not surprisingly the cooler Mgix 368 Ú line proves to be a poor proxy. The quadratic polynomial fits yield fair agreement over a large range for all but the Mgix line. However, the linear fits fail conspicuously when extrapolated into the quiet-Sun regime. The implications of this work for the Heii 304 Ú line formation problem are also briefly considered.  相似文献   

Solar five-minute oscillations have been detected in the power spectra of two six-day time intervals from soft X-ray measurements of the Sun observed as a star using the Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer (ESP) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)/Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE). The frequencies of the largest amplitude peaks were found to match the known low-degree (?=0?–?3) modes of global acoustic oscillations within 3.7 μHz and can be explained by a leakage of the global modes into the corona. Due to the strong variability of the solar atmosphere between the photosphere and the corona, the frequencies and amplitudes of the coronal oscillations are likely to vary with time. We investigated the variations in the power spectra for individual days and their association with changes of solar activity, e.g. with the mean level of the EUV irradiance, and its short-term variations caused by evolving active regions. Our analysis of samples of one-day oscillation power spectra for a 49-day period of low and intermediate solar activity showed little correlation with the mean EUV irradiance and the short-term variability of the irradiance. We suggest that some other changes in the solar atmosphere, e.g., magnetic fields and/or inter-network configuration may affect the mode leakage to the corona.  相似文献   

类星体SDSS J151653.22+190048.2 (简称J1516+1900)在紫外-光学-近红外波段展现出奇特的光谱性质:其光学Hα、Hβ和近红外的Paα、Paβ等发射线的半高全宽(full width at half maximum intensity, FWHM)均超过5000 km/s,等值宽度接近类星体平均值;而紫外波段光谱的常见发射线Lyβ、OVI、Lyα、NV、Si IV和CIV等,由FWHM1700 km/s的中等宽度成分主导.这种现象很可能是由于紫外发射线的宽线成分经尘埃消光,强度严重削弱,从而使得中等宽度成分凸显出来;在光学和近红外波段,尘埃消光减弱,发射线由宽线成分主导,潜在的中等宽度成分不容易被看到.根据中等宽度成分的线宽和J1516+1900中央超大质量黑洞的质量MBH5.75×108M⊙,在维里化假设下,估计中等宽度发射区到中央黑洞的距离约为1.6 pc.另一方面,利用J1516+1900丰富的观测谱线,结合光致电离模型计算,可以限定J1516+1900的中等宽度发射线区气体密度1012cm-3、电离参数10-0.65.据此估计该发射线区到中心黑洞距离0.016 pc,只有维里化距离的1%.这一矛盾结果预示着中等宽度发射区可能具有较为复杂的物理结构,未来需要观测更多类似J1516+1900的部分遮蔽类星体并进行系统的分类和研究.  相似文献   

We address the problem of how to test whether an observed solar hard X-ray bremsstrahlung spectrum (I(∊)) is consistent with a purely thermal (locally Maxwellian) distribution of source electrons, and, if so, how to reconstruct the corresponding differential emission measure (ξ(T)). Unlike previous analysis based on the Kramers and Bethe-Heitler approximations to the bremsstrahlung cross-section, here we use an exact (solid-angle-averaged) cross-section. We show that the problem of determining ξ(T) from measurements of I(∊) invOlves two successive inverse problems: the first, to recover the mean source-electron flux spectrum ( [`(F)]\overline{F} (E)) from I(∊) and the second, to recover ξ(T) from [`(F)]\overline{F} (E). We discuss the highly pathological numerical properties of this second problem within the framework of the regularization theory for linear inverse problems. In particular, we show that an iterative scheme with a positivity constraint is effective in recovering δ-like forms of ξ(T) while first-order Tikhonov regularization with boundary conditions works well in the case of power-law-like forms. Therefore, we introduce a restoration approach whereby the low-energy part of [`(F)]\overline{F} (E), dominated by the thermal component, is inverted by using the iterative algorithm with positivity, while the high-energy part, dominated by the power-law component, is inverted by using first-order regularization. This approach is first tested by using simulated [`(F)]\overline{F} (E) derived from a priori known forms of ξ(T) and then applied to hard X-ray spectral data from the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI).  相似文献   

R.P. Kane 《Solar physics》2002,205(2):351-359
A spectral analysis of the time series of daily values of ten solar coronal radio emissions in the range 275–1755 MHz, the 2800 MHz radio flux, several UV emission lines in the chromosphere and in the transition region, and sunspot number, for six successive intervals of 132 days each, during June 1997–July 1999 (26 months) showed that the spectral characteristics were not the same for all intervals. Details are presented for Interval 1, where there was no 27-day oscillation, and Interval 2, where there was a strong 27-day oscillation. In every interval, periodicities were remarkably similar in most of these indices, indicating that the solar atmosphere (chromosphere and corona) rotated as one block, up to a height of 150000 km. Above this height, the periodicities became obscure. Near the solar surface, sunspots showed extra or different periodicities, some of which vanished at low altitudes. For the 27-day feature as also for the long-term rise during 1996–1998, the maximum percentage changes were for radio emissions near 1350–1620 MHz.  相似文献   

A certain class of non-thermal electron distributions can exhibit more mono-energetic shape and a higher peak than the Maxwellian distribution. This type of electron distribution can be observed mainly in flaring plasmas. We have studied the influence of this kind of electron energy distribution on the excitation equilibrium of Fe VIII – Fe XVI in the solar corona. The changes in synthetic spectra of the emission lines belonging to these ions due to this non-thermal distribution are shown. The possibilities of finding the shape of the energy distribution function of electrons from the Fe line ratios are also discussed. The results can be used for diagnostics of coronal plasmas where the deviations of particle energy distributions from the Maxwellian one can be significant.  相似文献   

Eit Observations of the Extreme Ultraviolet Sun   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) on board the SOHO spacecraft has been operational since 2 January 1996. EIT observes the Sun over a 45 x 45 arc min field of view in four emission line groups: Feix, x, Fexii, Fexv, and Heii. A post-launch determination of the instrument flatfield, the instrument scattering function, and the instrument aging were necessary for the reduction and analysis of the data. The observed structures and their evolution in each of the four EUV bandpasses are characteristic of the peak emission temperature of the line(s) chosen for that bandpass. Reports on the initial results of a variety of analysis projects demonstrate the range of investigations now underway: EIT provides new observations of the corona in the temperature range of 1 to 2 MK. Temperature studies of the large-scale coronal features extend previous coronagraph work with low-noise temperature maps. Temperatures of radial, extended, plume-like structures in both the polar coronal hole and in a low latitude decaying active region were found to be cooler than the surrounding material. Active region loops were investigated in detail and found to be isothermal for the low loops but hottest at the loop tops for the large loops. Variability of solar EUV structures, as observed in the EIT time sequences, is pervasive and leads to a re-evaluation of the meaning of the term ‘quiet Sun’. Intensity fluctuations in a high cadence sequence of coronal and chromospheric images correspond to a Kolmogorov turbulence spectrum. This can be interpreted in terms of a mixed stochastic or periodic driving of the transition region and the base of the corona. No signature of the photospheric and chromospheric waves is found in spatially averaged power spectra, indicating that these waves do not propagate to the upper atmosphere or are channeled through narrow local magnetic structures covering a small fraction of the solar surface. Polar coronal hole observing campaigns have identified an outflow process with the discovery of transient Fexii jets. Coronal mass ejection observing campaigns have identified the beginning of a CME in an Fexii sequence with a near simultaneous filament eruption (seen in absorption), formation of a coronal void and the initiation of a bright outward-moving shell as well as the coronal manifestation of a ‘Moreton wave’. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1004902913117  相似文献   

Recent ultraviolet and X-ray observations suggest that the Fe/O ratio in the NLR gas in NGC 1068 is abnormally high. The X-ray analysis, which is presented elsewhere, suggests a large Fe/H and the data shown and discussed here, in particular the extremely weak O III] λ1663 line, argue for small O/N and O/C. Models to support this claim are shown and discussed. They include improved reddening estimates, dusty and dust-free calculations, and abnormal abundances. The anomalous composition makes NGC 1068 unique among Seyfert galaxies and an unusual laboratory for investigating metal enrichment and depletion.  相似文献   

Fits to ASCA data allow the first classification of ULIRG spectra into starburst dominated and AGN dominated. New calculations presented here demonstratethe expected improvementin such analysis, in the near future, when three advanced X-ray missions willenable proper measurements of X-ray lines in such objects.  相似文献   

Brosius  J.W.  Thomas  R.J.  Davila  J.M.  Thompson  W.T. 《Solar physics》2000,193(1-2):117-129
We used slit spectra from the 18 November 1997 flight of Goddard Space Flight Center's Solar EUV Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS-97) to measure relative wavelength shifts of coronal emission lines as a function of position across NOAA active region 8108. The shifts are measured relative to reference wavelengths derived from spectra of the region's nearby quiet surroundings (not necessarily at rest) because laboratory rest wavelengths for the coronal EUV lines have not been measured to sufficient accuracy for this work. An additional benefit to this approach is that any systematic uncertainties in the wavelength measurements are eliminated from the relative shifts by subtraction. We find statistically significant wavelength shifts between the spatially resolved active region slit spectra and the reference spectrum. For He ii 303.78 Å the maximum measured relative red shift corresponds to a Doppler velocity +13 km s–1, and the maximum relative blue shift corresponds to a Doppler velocity –3 km s–1. For Si x 347.40 Å, Si xi 303.32 Å, Fe xiv 334.17 Å, and Fe xvi 335.40 Å the corresponding maximum relative Doppler velocities are +19 and –14, +23 and –7, +10 and –10, and +13 and –5 km s–1, respectively. The active region appears to be divided into two different flow areas; hot coronal lines are predominantly red-shifted in the northern half and either blue-shifted or nearly un-shifted in the southern half. This may be evidence that material flows up from the southern part of the region, and down into the northern part. Qualitatively similar relative wavelength shifts and flow patterns are obtained with SOHO/CDS spectra.  相似文献   

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