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Densities of fishes, invertebrates and plants at rocky intertidal and shallow subtidal sites were censused 1-2 days prior to the Jessica oil spill and compared with information obtained for the same sites one month after the spill, both for sites impacted by oil and unaffected reference sites. While the availability of pre-spill data made this analysis one of the most powerful to date for testing impacts of oil on shoreline environments, no clear changes attributable to oiling could be identified. Discharged oil appeared to cause very little impact in the intertidal and shallow subtidal zones, with such impacts lying within the range of natural spatial and temporal variation at sites investigated. Factors considered to minimize impact in Galápagos included paucity of fully sheltered shores in spill path, moderate wave action, warm temperature, high levels of sunlight, and mixing of bunker oil with diesel.  相似文献   

In January 2006, 25 tonnes of heavy fuel oil spilled into the Port of Gladstone in Queensland, Australia, from the breached hull of a bulk carrier ship. While approximately 18 tonnes of the oil was recovered, a certain amount of oil was deposited in the intertidal areas of Port Curtis leaving a highly visible, viscous residue. The objectives of this research were to assess the short-term (one month post-spill) and medium-term (six months post-spill) impacts on the intertidal habitat.Sediment polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and metal concentrations, mangrove communities and intertidal macroinvertebrates were assessed at oil impacted sites, adjacent sites which were not visibly impacted and reference sites which were located outside the recorded distribution of the oil spill.At one month post-spill, highest PAH concentrations were found at the impacted sites, with concentrations of some PAHs exceeding Australian and New Zealand sediment quality guidelines (SQG) [ANZECC/ARMCANZ, 2000. Sediment Quality Guidelines. Australia and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council and Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand]. However, by six months post-spill PAH concentrations had significantly decreased. PAH concentrations tended to be higher in the back (upper) intertidal zone than at the front of the mangrove stand, and sediment cores indicated that PAH contaminants had remained in the top 4 cm of the sediment. These results indicate that the overall decreased PAH concentrations are likely to be due to evaporation, photoxidation and tidal flushing of the residual oil in these impacted sites.During the initial survey, the impact site contained very few or no crabholes in the high intertidal area, indicating a low crab density in comparison to reference sites. However, at six months post-spill mangrove crab communities appeared to be fully recovered with crabhole densities in impact sites similar to reference sites.While little immediate impact was evident on mangrove parameters, significantly higher seedling mortality and defoliation was apparent at six months post-spill, particularly in the upper intertidal zone. Intertidal macrobenthic communities did not appear to be impacted, either immediately or at six months post-spill. Monitoring of these oil impacted intertidal areas will continue to examine the long-term impacts/recovery from the oil spill.  相似文献   

In January 2006, 25 tonnes of heavy fuel oil spilled into the Port of Gladstone in Queensland, Australia, from the breached hull of a bulk carrier ship. Over the following days, approximately 18 tonnes of the oil was recovered, however a certain amount of oil was deposited in the intertidal areas of Port Curtis leaving a highly visible, viscous residue. The objectives of this research were to assess the immediate impacts on the intertidal habitat and to gain baseline information for future comparative assessments. Sediment PAH and metal concentrations, mangrove communities and intertidal macroinvertebrates were assessed within one month post-spill at oil-impacted sites; adjacent sites which were not visibly impacted; and reference sites which were located outside the recorded distribution of the oil spill. Highest PAH concentrations were found at the impacted sites, with concentrations of some PAHs exceeding Australian and New Zealand Sediment Quality Guidelines (ANZECC/ARMCANZ, 2000). These sites contained very few or no crab holes in the high intertidal area, indicating a low crab density in comparison to reference sites. Little immediate impact was evident on the mangrove and macrobenthic communities, however future surveys may show evidence of longer-term impacts on these communities.  相似文献   

Changes of meiofauna densities (nematodes and harpacticoid copepods) were studied in intertidal and sublittoral fine sand heavily polluted by the Amoco Cadiz oil spill. A general decrease in the nematode abundance was obvious in intertidal sand seven months after the pollution in spite of the occurrence of the natural spring bloom. No changes in the nematode and copepod densities could be detected in sublittoral sand. Comparisons with the pre-pollution data show, however, a significant decrease in the nematode diversity, mainly due to the increase of some limited dominant species after pollution.  相似文献   

Following the Jessica oil spill, a total of 79 oiled Galápagos sea lions (Zalophus wollebaeki) were recorded around the islands of San Cristóbal, Santa Fé, Isabela and Floreana. Almost half of these animals required washing and other treatment. One sea lion death and a high incidence of conjunctivitis and burns were detected during the period of the oil spill. Sea lion populations exhibited a tendency for decline in the first months following the spill at all three colonies monitored close to the grounding site on San Cristóbal. By comparison, declines of similar magnitude occurred at only one of six sea lion colonies monitored on islands more distant from the spill. However, no significant decreases in population numbers were detected for any colony in the year following the spill. Galápagos sea lion populations were partially recovering from the much more catastrophic impact of the 1997/98 El Ni?o.  相似文献   

This study determined effects of an oil spill on subtropical benthic community production and respiration by monitoring CO2 fluxes in benthic chambers on intertidal sandflats during emersion before and after an accidental spill. The oil spill decreased sediment chlorophyll a concentrations, altered benthic macrofaunal community, and affected ecological functioning by suppressing or even stopping microalgal production, increasing bacterial respiration, and causing a shift from an autotrophic system to a heterotrophic system. Effects of the oil spill on the macrofauna were more severe than on benthic microalgae, and affected sedentary infauna more than motile epifauna. Despite the oil spill’s impact on the benthic community and carbon metabolism, the affected area appeared to return to normal in about 23 days. Our results suggest that the prompt response of benthic metabolism to exposure to petroleum hydrocarbons can serve as a useful indicator of the impact of an oil spill.  相似文献   

Infralittoral soft-bottom macrofauna abundance data collected during four-year surveys after the Aegean Sea (Galicia, Spain) and the Amoco Cadiz oil spill (Brittany, France) at a total of seven sites were analysed at three different taxonomic levels (species, genus, and family). The effects of the spills on macrofauna populations were very similar in the two areas. The post-spill time-courses of Shannon-Weaver diversity values were similar regardless of whether species-, genus- or family-level data were used. Non-metric multidimensional scaling identified well-defined groups of samples corresponding to different times post-spill, and again the results obtained were very similar regardless of the taxonomic level considered. In general, the use of genus- or family-level data did not lead to relevant information loss by comparison with species-level data. In view of these findings and those of previous studies of this type, we conclude that family-level data is generally sufficient for monitoring pollution effects in infralittoral soft-bottom environments.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the coastal exposure to potential oil spills coming from the various corridors that constitute the Finisterre Traffic Separation Scheme (NW Iberia). A Lagrangian model was executed with results from a realistic configuration of an ocean model during 2012, validated here against High-Frequency (HF) radar-derived surface currents. Virtual particles were released each hour and followed during the next 4 days. A series of maps summarize which regions would be impacted and when. We have learnt, for example, that Cape Finisterre is the most affected area under a wide range of scenarios and that a sensitive area such as the National Park of the Atlantic Islands would require protective actions in less than 24 h if oil spills from the south eventually occurred. A complete analysis by corridor and during specific wind events is available through a web tool, which could be useful for decision makers in case of contingency.  相似文献   

Short and long term effects of a fuel oil spill from a grounded ship "M V Sea Transporter" on meiofauna of a sandy beach of central West Coast of India were investigated. A significant reduction in the absolute abundance of meiofauna was observed immediately after 3 days of spillage particularly at Sinquerim beach, the site of spillage. The reduction was most pronounced in density of nematodes and harpacticoid copepods, which were the most dominant groups. Long-term response showed no apparent oil-induced changes at major taxa levels. The population density improved considerably after the cessation of monsoons with a parallel decrease in petroleum hydrocarbon concentration in the sediment. Nematodes recovered more quickly than benthic copepods. No evidence for this could be due to reproductive dynamics in meiobentos. Although the effect of the oil on meiofauna could be seen initially it could not be proved conclusively on a long-term basis. The effects of the oil spill were confounded with seasonal monsoon effects and beach dynamics. The nematode:copepod ratio and the index of trophic diversity (ITD) were inadequate for detecting oil pollution effects. Therefore it may be concluded that in the presence of other environmental factors acting strongly, the effects of oil on meiofauna was strong but of a temporary nature.  相似文献   

Selected key components of the continental shelf benthic and demersal communities were monitored for the two years following the Prestige oil spill (POS) in order to identify the possible ecological effects of the oil. This work includes the first results regarding changes in abundance, distribution and food habits of hake (Merluccius merluccius), four-spot megrim (Lepidorhombus boscii), Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) and Pandalid shrimp (Plesionika heterocarpus) populations of Galician and Cantabrian Sea shelves following the POS. Significant reductions in the abundance of Norway lobster, Plesionika heterocarpus and four-spot megrim were detected in the POS maximum impact area, located over the Galician shelf. Noteworthy recoveries were observed in the 2004 abundance indices of four-spot megrim and Plesionika. On the other hand, no significant effects were detected in the abundance or distribution of hake juveniles even though the tar aggregates were bound by the same oceanographic drift events as the hake recruits were during the winter of 2003 (Navidad current) in different water column layers of the Cantabrian Sea. Feeding patterns of the four species analysed did not present apparent modifications that can be related to the POS.  相似文献   

Side-by-side comparisons of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations in resident blue mussels (Mytilus trossulus) and in semi-permeable membrane devices (SPMDs) were made at four sites in Prince William Sound, Alaska. SPMDs were deployed for approximately 30 days on the surface of the beach sediment at three tidal elevations on each shore and in 0.5 m deep open pits in the middle intertidal zone. Total PAH (TPAH) concentrations in mussels and in SPMDs were correlated, but the PAH compositions were different. The lower molecular weight PAH were relatively more abundant in the SPMDs than in the mussels at oiled and HA sites. TPAH concentrations in SPMDs deployed in pits and mussels collected adjacent to those pits at oiled sites were higher than in SPMDs and mussels from non-pitted SPMD locations approximately 3-15 m from the pits. Pitting released buried oil making its PAH bioavailable. SPMDs deployed in the supratidal zone (+4.0 m tidal elevation) were exposed to atmospheric contaminants for a large fraction of the deployment time and accumulated primarily pyrogenic (combustion-sourced) PAH from the atmosphere. The SPMD strips supplied by the manufacturer contained significant amounts (approximately 125 ng/strip) of primarily alkylated 2-3 ring PAH. These blank levels make SPMDs unsuitable for shoreline assessments when environmental PAH concentrations are low. Consequently, where available, mussels are recommended for use in assessments of the bioavailability of buried oil residues sequestered in intertidal sediments following an oil spill. Mussels are the preferred monitoring tool when the assessments involve food-chain effects. At locations where the absence of mussels necessitates the use of SPMDs or other passive sampling devices, their limitations need to be carefully considered in the interpretation of results.  相似文献   

When oil is spilled in the sea at a temperature near its pour point, it can become invisible to aerial reconnaissance through being fragmented by wave action. The lumps formed drift in the wind at a velocity less than 2–4% of the wind speed and the velocity of oil lenses.  相似文献   

In January 2006, 25 tonnes of heavy fuel oil spilled into the Port of Gladstone in Queensland, Australia, from the breached hull of a bulk carrier ship. Over the following days, approximately 18 tonnes of the oil was recovered, however a certain amount of oil was deposited in the intertidal areas of Port Curtis leaving a highly visible, viscous residue. The objectives of this research were to assess the immediate impacts on the intertidal habitat and to gain baseline information for future comparative assessments.Sediment PAH and metal concentrations, mangrove communities and intertidal macroinvertebrates were assessed within one month post-spill at oil-impacted sites; adjacent sites which were not visibly impacted; and reference sites which were located outside the recorded distribution of the oil spill. Highest PAH concentrations were found at the impacted sites, with concentrations of some PAHs exceeding Australian and New Zealand Sediment Quality Guidelines (ANZECC/ARMCANZ, 2000). These sites contained very few or no crab holes in the high intertidal area, indicating a low crab density in comparison to reference sites. Little immediate impact was evident on the mangrove and macrobenthic communities, however future surveys may show evidence of longer-term impacts on these communities.  相似文献   

In November 2002, the sinking of the Prestige cargo ship produced an oil spill of 60,000 tons that affected many areas along the Galician coast (in the northwest of Spain). In a number of rocky shore sites, most organisms (particularly marine mollusks) were nearly extinct at a local scale. We tested whether the local bottleneck/extinction that occurred in affected localities caused any detectable reduction of the genetic diversity in the marine snail Littorina saxatilis, an ovoviviparous rocky shore model species characterized by a low dispersal ability, high population density, and wide distribution range. We compared the level of genetic variation and population differentiation between affected (polluted) and control sites located in seven geographical areas (three sites per area, one impacted and two controls, and two replicates per site) one and a half years after the spill. The analysis included molecular marker variation (microsatellite and AFLP loci) and quantitative trait genetic variation for shell variables in embryos extracted from pregnant females. Our results indicate that the affected populations did not show a significant overall reduction in genetic diversity when compared to the controls, suggesting that the species is highly resistant to losing genetic variability as a consequence of a local short-term pollution process in spite of its low dispersal ability and direct development. However, some genetic effects were detected in the polluted populations, particularly for quantitative shell traits and AFLPs, consistent with local adaptations resulting from the fuel contamination.  相似文献   

Review of oil spill remote sensing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Remote-sensing for oil spills is reviewed. The use of visible techniques is ubiquitous, however it gives only the same results as visual monitoring. Oil has no particular spectral features that would allow for identification among the many possible background interferences. Cameras are only useful to provide documentation. In daytime oil absorbs light and remits this as thermal energy at temperatures 3–8 K above ambient, this is detectable by infrared (IR) cameras.  相似文献   

Two years after the Prestige oil spill (POS) an assessment of the effects on benthic fauna was carried out using the data obtained in five multidisciplinary surveys. Otter trawl, beam trawl, suprabenthic sled and box corer were used to study the main benthic compartments, along eight transects perpendicular to the coastline. Beam trawl was also employed to quantify the amount of tar aggregates on the continental shelf. No significant correlations between tar aggregates and species richness, biomass and diversity of benthic communities were found. This result was corroborated when the role of depth, season, latitude and sediment characteristics was examined by canonical ordination, in which POS-related variables had low influence on spatial distribution patterns. Depth and sediment grain diameter profoundly influence epibenthic communities. Sediment organic content is a third key variable for the infaunal, suprabenthic and lower-sized epibenthic communities, but not for the larger epibenthic communities. Nevertheless, a decrease in the densities of several epibenthic indicators was detected the first year after spill, followed by a noteworthy recovery in 2004. Non-macroscopic toxicity and some oceanographic agents are suggested as possible causes of these shifts.  相似文献   

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