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Abstract— A compilation of the chemical analyses of 241 stony and 36 iron meteorites is presented; 196 analyses were published previously, 81 are new. This compilation includes analyses of new falls, new finds, previously analyzed meteorites, previously analyzed meteorites with suspect values, analyses of separates and inclusions, and analyses of 53 stony and 29 iron meteorites from Antarctica, including one of the “lunar” type. Mean compositions of chondrite falls, finds, and Antarctic chondrites are compared. References are listed for earlier published analyses and an appendix provides an outline of the sampling procedures, sample preparation, and the analytical methods.  相似文献   

Abstract— A catalog of Chinese meteorites is presented. The catalog updates Bian Depei's 1981 catalog and is complete through 1990 October. It includes data for 54 stone meteorites, 30 iron meteorites and a stony-iron meteorite. Many of the meteorites were previously unknown in the West.  相似文献   

Stony-iron meteorites formed at the core/mantle interfaces of small asteroidal parents. The mesosiderites formed when the thick crust of a largely molten parent body (100–200 km in diameter) foundered and sank through the mantle to the core. Pallasites formed in smaller parent bodies (50–100 km) in which olivine crystals from the partially molten mantle sank to the core/mantle interface and rafted there. Subsequent collisions stripped away the rocky mantles of both kinds of parent bodies, exposing the stony-iron surfaces of their cores to direct impacts, which continue to knock off meteorite fragments.  相似文献   

Abstract– The feldspathic lunar meteorites contain rare fragments of crystalline basalts. We analyzed 16 basalt fragments from four feldspathic lunar meteorites (Allan Hills [ALHA] 81005, MacAlpine Hills [MAC] 88104/88105, Queen Alexandra Range [QUE] 93069, Miller Range [MIL] 07006) and utilized literature data for another (Dhofar [Dho] 1180). We compositionally classify basalt fragments according to their magma’s estimated TiO2 contents, which we derive for crystalline basalts from pyroxene TiO2 and the mineral‐melt Ti distribution coefficient. Overall, most of the basalt fragments are low‐Ti basalts (1–6% TiO2), with a significant proportion of very‐low‐Ti basalts (<1% TiO2). Only a few basalt clasts were high‐Ti or intermediate Ti types (>10% TiO2 and 6–10% TiO2, respectively). This distribution of basalt TiO2 abundances is nearly identical to that obtained from orbital remote sensing of the moon (both UV‐Vis from Clementine, and gamma ray from Lunar Prospector). However, the distribution of TiO2 abundances is unlike those of the Apollo and Luna returned samples: we observe a paucity of high‐Ti basalts. The compositional types of basalt differs from meteorite to meteorite, which implies that all basalt subtypes are not randomly distributed on the Moon, i.e., the basalt fragments in each meteorite probably represent basalts in the neighborhood of the meteorite launch site. These differences in basalt chemistry and classifications may be useful in identifying the source regions of some feldspathic meteorites. Some of the basalt fragments probably originate from ancient cryptomaria, and so may hold clues to the petrogenesis of the Moon’s oldest volcanism.  相似文献   

Detecting neutrinos associated with the still enigmatic sources of cosmic rays has reached a new watershed with the completion of IceCube, the first detector with sensitivity to the anticipated fluxes. In this review, we will briefly revisit the rationale for constructing kilometer-scale neutrino detectors and summarize the status of the field.  相似文献   

Ann M. Vickery  H.J. Melosh 《Icarus》1983,56(2):299-318
Shergottites, Nakhlites, and Chassignites (SNC) are a small group of achondrites with crystallization ages of approximately 1.3 AE. Although it has recently been postulated the these meteorites came from Mars, the dynamical difficulties of ejecting large meteorites from a major planet have caused us to examine the alternative possibility that they crystallized from an impact melt formed on a large asteroid. The kinetic energy necessary to produce a crater of a given size is estimated; it is postulated that 25% of this energy is partitioned into heat, and the heat is distributed in this model in a pattern suggested by the impact melt distribution in Brent Crater and the radioactivity distribution in Cactus nucelear explosion crater. The time evolution of the temperature by heat conduction for several locations around the crater is computed. Crystallization times for the more deeply buried impact melts are form 5 × 104 years for 60-km-diameter craters and increase for larger craters. These times are long enough for the observed cumulate textures to develop. Once solidified, these rocks may be ejected from the asteroid by subsequent cratering events. Since asteroidal escape velocities are low, ejection may be accomplished by shock pressures too low to produce petrologically detectable shock features. The SNC meteorites could thus have originated in the asteroid belt, their young crystallization ages being due to melting induced by impacts occurring on asteroids long after condensation from the solar nebula. This scenario avoids the dynamical difficulties of a major planet origin, but raises questions of how the SNC's acquired their chemical and REE characteristics. To date, there seems to be no internally consistent model for the origin of these strange meteorites. The impact melt hypothesis is offered as a rational alternative to a Martian origin. Neither hypothesis explains all the problems.  相似文献   

Abstract– We have examined the relationship between natural thermoluminescence (TL) and 26Al in 120 Antarctic meteorites in order to explore the orbital history and terrestrial ages of these meteorites. Our results confirm the observations of Hasan et al. (1987) which were based on 23 meteorites. For most meteorites there was a positive correlation between natural TL and 26Al, reflecting their similarity in decay rate under Antarctic conditions and thus in terrestrial age. For a small group with low TL and high 26Al a small perihelion was proposed. Within this group, natural TL decreases with terrestrial age as determined by 36Cl measurements, although the rate of TL decay is faster (half‐life approximately 10 ka) and the ages that can be determined are smaller (<200 ka) than for most meteorites. The faster decay rate and lower natural TL levels are a reflection of recent exposure to higher radiation doses and higher temperatures, since this history would populate less stable TL traps with smaller electron densities. We sort the 120 meteorites by perihelion and terrestrial age. The normal perihelion group range up to approximately 1000 ka and the small perihelion group range up to approximately 200 ka. An intermediate perihelion group tends to have short terrestrial ages (20–60 ka). There is acceptable agreement between most (34 out of 43) of our present terrestrial age estimates and those determined by isotopic means, the exceptions reflecting complex irradiation histories, long burial times in the Antarctic, or other issues.  相似文献   

Abstract— Twenty minerals that were not included in the most recent list of meteoritic minerals have been reported as occurring in meteorites. Extraterrestrial anhydrous Ca phosphate should be called merrillite, not whitlockite.  相似文献   

Abstract— The varied organic suite extracted from the Murchison meteorite contains several amino acids that are common to the biosphere. Some of these have been found to be non‐racemic, but the indigenous nature of their L‐enantiomeric excesses has been subject to debate in view of possible terrestrial contamination. We have investigated two amino acids of common terrestrial and meteoritic occurrence, alanine and glutamic acid, and assessed their indigenous enantiomeric ratios in the Murchison and Murray meteorites through the ratios of some of their derivatives. Analyzed were N‐acetyl alanine, α‐imino propioacetic acid, N‐acetyl glutamic acid and pyroglutamic acid. Both alanine derivatives were found to be racemic, while those of glutamic acid showed L‐enantiomeric excesses varying from 16% to 47.2% for pyroglutamic acid, and from 8.6% to 41% for N‐acetyl glutamic acid. The δ13C was determined for the two enantiomers of Murchison pyroglutamic acid both before and after acid hydrolysis to glutamic acid. The values of +27.7%0 (D‐pyro), +10.0%0 (L‐pyro), +32.2%0 (D‐glu) and +14.6%0 (L‐glu) were obtained. The racemic nature of alanine derivatives strongly suggests that alanine itself, as indigenous to the meteorite, is racemic. The explanation of the L‐enantiomeric excesses found for glutamic acid derivatives is less direct; however, the variability of the enantiomeric ratios for these compounds and the distinctly lower δ13C values determined for pyroglutamic L‐enantiomer point to a terrestrial contamination, possibly dating to the time of fall.  相似文献   

We performed impact disruption experiments on pieces from eight different anhydrous chondritic meteorites—four weathered ordinary chondrite finds from North Africa (NWA791, NWA620, NWA869 and MOR001), three almost unweathered ordinary chondrite falls (Mbale, Gao, and Saratov), and an almost unweathered carbonaceous chondrite fall (Allende). In each case the impactor was a small (1/8 or 1/4 in) aluminum sphere fired at the meteorite target at , comparable to the mean collision speed in the main-belt. Some of the ∼5 to debris from each disruption was collected in aerogel capture cells, and the captured particles were analyzed by in situ synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence. For each meteorite, many of the smallest particles ( up to in size, depending on the meteorite) exhibit very high Ni/Fe ratios compared to the Ni/Fe ratios measured in the larger particles , a composition consistent with the smallest debris being dominated by matrix material while the larger debris is dominated by fragments from olivine chondrules. These results may explain why the interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) collected from the Earth's stratosphere are C-rich and volatile-rich compared to the presumed solar nebula composition. The IDPs may simply sample the matrix of an inhomogeneous parent body, structurally and mineralogically similar to the chondritic meteorites, which are inhomogeneous assemblages of compact, strong, C- and volatile-poor chondrules that are distributed in a more porous, C- and volatile-rich matrix. In addition, these results may explain why the micrometeorites, which are to millimeters in size, recovered from the polar ices are Ni- and S-poor compared to chondritic meteorites, since these polar micrometeorites may preferentially sample fragments from the Ni- and S-poor olivine chondrules. These results indicate that the average composition of the IDPs may be biased towards the composition of the matrix of the parent body while the average composition of the polar micrometeorites may be more heavily weighted towards the composition of the chondrules and clasts. Thus, neither the IDPs nor the polar micrometeorites may sample the bulk composition of their respective parent bodies.We determined the threshold collisional specific energy for these chondritic meteorites to be 1419 J/kg, about twice the value for terrestrial basalt. Comparison of the mass of the largest fragment produced in the disruption of an sample of the porous ordinary chondrite Saratov with the largest fragment produced in the disruption of an sample of the compact ordinary chondrite MOR001 when each was struck by an impactor having approximately the same kinetic energy confirms that it requires significantly more energy to disrupt a porous target than a non-porous target.These results may also have important implications for the design of spacecraft missions intended to sample the composition and mineralogy of the chondritic asteroids and other inhomogeneous bodies. A Stardust-like spacecraft intended to sample asteroids by collecting only the small debris from a man-made impact onto the asteroid may collect particles that over-sample the matrix of the target and do not provide a representative sample of the bulk composition. The impact collection technique to be employed by the Japanese HAYABUSA (formerly MUSES-C) spacecraft to sample the asteroid Itokawa may result in similar mineral segregation.  相似文献   

The composition of the Earth's ring current was reviewed at the Chapman Conference on “Magnetospheric Substorms and Related Plasma Processes,” held at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM., 9–13 October 1978 (Akasofu, 1980; Williams, 1980a). It was found that the composition of the bulk of the ring current energy distribution had not been measured and several source mechanisms were possible. In this note we update that review and present recent results from Prognoz, GEOS, and ISEE instruments. Composition data and results concerning the general behavior of storm time energetic particles are shown. It is found that the ring current energy density composition still has not been observed and that the recent equatorial low energy composition results add to the particle type (charge state) and source possibilities.  相似文献   

Abstract Research on meteorite finds, especially those from the Antarctic and from desert regions in Australia, Africa, and America, has become increasingly important, notably in studies of possible changes in the nature of the meteorite flux in the past. One important piece of information needed in the study of such meteorites is their terrestrial age which can be determined using a variety of methods, including 14C, 36Cl, and 81Kr. Natural thermoluminescence (TL) levels in meteorites can also be used as an indicator of terrestrial age. In this paper, we compare 14C-determined terrestrial ages with natural TL levels in finds from the Prairie States (central United States), a group of finds from Roosevelt County (New Mexico, USA), and a group from the Sahara Desert. We find that, in general, the natural TL data are compatible with the 14C-derived terrestrial ages using a 20 °C TL decay curve for the Prairie States and Roosevelt County and a 30 °C decay curve for the Saharan meteorites. We also present TL data for a group of meteorites from the Sahara desert which has not been studied using cosmogenic radionuclides. Within these data there are distinct terrestrial age clusters which probably reflect changes in meteorite preservation efficiency over ~ 15, 000 years in the region.  相似文献   

Archeops is a balloon-borne instrument dedicated to measuring cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature anisotropies at high angular resolution (~ 8 arcminutes) over a large fraction (~ 30%) of the sky in the millimetre domain. The general design is based on Planck High Frequency Instrument (HFI) technology. Bolometers cooled to 0.1 K scan the sky in total power mode along large circles at constant elevation. Archeops is designed to observe a complete annulus on the sky covering all right ascensions between about 25 and 55 degrees during the course of a 24-hour Arctic-night balloon flight, in four frequency bands centered at 143, 217, 353 and 545 GHz. We describe the Archeops flights and the data products obtained during the three successful flights from Trapani (Sicily) to Spain in July 1999, and from Kiruna (Sweden) to Russia in January 2001 and February 2002. We discuss present Archeops results and the future use of Archeops data.  相似文献   

Abstract— Polished thin sections of stony-iron meteorites can be prepared easily and quickly using a new technique in which the cooling water to the polishing machine is refrigerated. When using this technique, the silicate and sulfide phases do not heat up and expand differentially, as is often the case when normal procedures are used, and do not pluck out during the polishing process.  相似文献   

Abstract— Isotopic ages of meteorites that indicate chronometer resetting due to impact heating are summarized. Most of the ages were obtained by the 39Ar-40Ar technique, but several Rb-Sr, Pb-Pb, and Sm-Nd ages also suggest some degree of impact resetting. Considerations of experimental data on element diffusion in silicates suggest that various isotopic chronometers ought to differ in their ease of resetting during shock heating in the order K-Ar (easiest), Rb-Sr, Pb-Pb, and Sm-Nd, which is approximately the order observed in meteorites. Partial rather than total chronometer resetting by impacts appears to be the norm; consequently, interpretation of the event age is not always straightforward. Essentially all 39Ar-40Ar ages of eucrites and howardites indicate partial to total resetting in the relatively narrow time interval of 3.4–4.1 Ga ago (1 Ga = 109 years). Several disturbed Rb-Sr ages appear consistent with this age distribution. This grouping of ages and the brecciated nature of many eucrites and all howardites argues for a large-scale impact bombardment of the HED parent body during the same time period that the Moon received its cataclysmic bombardment. Other meteorite parent bodies such as those of mesosiderites, some chondrites, and IIE irons also may have experienced this bombardment. These data suggest that the early bombardment was not lunar specific but involved much of the inner Solar System, and may have been caused by breakup of a larger planetismal. Although a few chondrites show evidence of age resetting ~3.5–3.9 Ga ago, most impact ages of chondrites tend to fall below 1.3 Ga in age. A minimum of ~4 impact events, including events at 0.3, 0.5, 1.2, and possibly 0.9 Ga appear to be required to explain the younger ages of H, L, and LL chondrites, although additional events are possible. Most L chondrites show evidence of shock, and the majority of 39Ar-40Ar ages of L chondrites fall near 0.5 Ga. The L chondrite parent body apparently experienced a major impact at this time, which may have disrupted it. The observations (1) that lunar highland rocks experienced major impact resetting of various isotopic chronometers ~3.7–4.1 Ga ago; (2) that the HED parent body experienced widespread impact resetting of the K-Ar chronometer but only modest disturbance of other isotopic systems, during a similar time period; (3) that ordinary chondrite parent bodies show much more recent and less extensive impact resetting; and (4) that impacts, which initiated cosmic-ray exposure of most stone meteorites almost never reset isotopic chronometers, may all be a consequence of relative parent body size. Greater degrees of isotopic chronometer resetting occur in larger and warmer impact ejecta deposits that cool slowly. The relatively greater size of bodies like the Moon and Vesta (assumed to be the parent asteroid of HED meteorites) both permit such favorable ejecta deposits to occur more easily compared to smaller parent bodies (generally assumed for chondrites) and also protect parent objects from collisional disruption. Thus, impacts on larger bodies would tend to more easily reset chronometers, consistent with the observed relative ease of resetting of Moon (easiest), HED, chondrites and of K-Ar (easiest), Rb-Sr, other chronometers. In contrast, the more recent impact ages of chondrites are postulated to represent collisional disruption of smaller parent objects whose fragments are more readily removed from the meteorite source reservoirs. Impacts that initiate cosmic-ray exposure are mostly small in scale and produce little heating.  相似文献   

The current shock classification scheme of meteorites assigns shock levels of S1 (unshocked) to S6 (very strongly shocked) using shock effects in rock‐forming minerals such as olivine and plagioclase. The S6 stage (55–90 GPa; 850–1750 °C) relies solely on localized effects in or near melt zones, the recrystallization of olivine, or the presence of mafic high‐pressure phases such as ringwoodite. However, high whole rock temperatures and the presence of high‐pressure phases that are unstable at those temperatures and pressures of zero GPa (e.g., ringwoodite) are two criteria that exclude each other. Each type of high‐pressure phase provides a minimum shock pressure during elevated pressure conditions to allow the formation of this phase, and a maximum temperature of the whole rock after decompression to allow the preservation of this phase. Rocks classified as S6 are characterized not by the presence but by the absence of those thermally unstable high‐pressure phases. High‐pressure phases in or attached to shock melt zones form mainly during shock pressure decline. This is because shocked rocks (<60 GPa) experience a shock wave with a broad isobaric pressure plateau only during low velocity (<4.5 km s?1) impacts, which rarely occur on small planetary bodies; e.g., the Moon and asteroids. The mineralogy of shock melt zones provides information on the shape and temporal duration of the shock wave but no information on the general maximum shock pressure in the whole rock.  相似文献   

Meteorites are impact-derived fragments from ≈ 85 parent bodies. For seven of these bodies, the meteorites record evidence suggesting that they may have been catastrophically fragmented. We identify three types of catastrophic events: (a) impact and reassembly events > 4.4 Gy ago, involving molten or very hot parent bodies(> 1200°C); this affected the parent bodies of the ureilites, Shallowater, and the mesosiderites. In each case, the fragments cooled rapidly (≈ 1–1000°C day−1) and then reassembled, (b) Later impacts involving cold bodies which, in some cases, reassembled; this occurred on the H and L ordinary chondrite parent bodies. The L parent body probably suffered another catastrophic event about 500 My ago. (c) Recent impacts of cold, multi-kilometer-sized bodies that generated meter-sized meteoroids; this occurred on the parent bodies of the IIIAB irons (650 My ago), the IVA irons (400 My ago), and the H ordinary chondrite (7 My ago).  相似文献   

Yung YL 《Icarus》1987,72(2):468-472
New chemical schemes leading to the formation of cyanogen (C2N2) and dicyanoacetylene (C4N2) in the upper atmosphere of Titan are proposed and examined in light of recent laboratory kinetics experiments and Voyager observations.  相似文献   

Abstract— Our studies of the silicate-bearing inclusions in the IIICD iron meteorites Maltahöhe, Carlton and Dayton suggest that their mineralogy and mineral compositions are related to the composition of the metal in the host meteorites. An inclusion in the low-Ni Maltahöhe is similar in mineralogy to those in IAB irons, which contain olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase, graphite and troilite. With increasing Ni concentration of the metal, silicate inclusions become poorer in graphite, richer in phosphates, and the phosphate and silicate assemblages become more complex. Dayton contains pyroxene, plagioclase, SiO2, brianite, panethite and whitlockite, without graphite. In addition, mafic silicates become more FeO-rich with increasing Ni concentration of the hosts. In contrast, silicates in IAB irons show no such correlation with host Ni concentration, nor do they have the complex mineral assemblages of Dayton. These trends in inclusion composition and mineralogy in IIICD iron meteorites have been established by reactions between the S-rich metallic magma and the silicates, but the physical setting is uncertain. Of the two processes invoked by other authors to account for groups IAB and IIICD, fractional crystallization of S-rich cores and impact generation of melt pools, we prefer core crystallization. However, the absence of relationships between silicate inclusion mineralogy and metal compositions among IAB irons analogous to those that we have discovered in IIICD irons suggests that the IAB and IIICD cores/metallic magmas evolved in rather different ways. We suggest that the solidification of the IIICD core may have been very complex, involving fractional crystallization, nucleation effects and, possibly, liquid immiscibility.  相似文献   

Morocco is known for the high number of meteorites collected in its territory, including finds and falls. This is explained by the large size of the Moroccan Sahara, the guarantee of security in this desert, and the large community of well-trained Moroccan hunters and nomads who roam through it. Despite this richness, most meteorites collected in Morocco are sold abroad and exported. The exportation of meteorites as well as other geoheritage samples such as fossils and minerals was not completely legal or illegal as there was no dedicated regulation. Since 2000, the APPGM (Association pour la Protection du Patrimoine Géologique du Maroc) a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) dedicated to the preservation of the Moroccan geoheritage began working with the Moroccan Geological Survey, on a draft of a specific law dedicated to geoheritage. It was fundamental to benefit from the experience of other countries with a high number of meteorites where exportation is not allowed and that are losing their meteorites to illegal exportation. The author recommended a win-win regulation that would allow the legal collection and exportation of meteorites under clear rules benefiting both hunters and scientists but also the country. In 2014, Morocco updated its law regarding mines. One article cited geoheritage as including fossils, minerals, and meteorites and mentioned that their collection and exportation would be regulated by decree. In 2019, the Moroccan Geological Survey and APPGM prepared the application decree of this article that has been discussed and approved by the Moroccan government and implemented in February 2020. This situation is unique in the region as well as compared to the other countries with a high potential of meteorites collection. Meteorite researchers and collectors all over the world should be aware of this regulation in Morocco to make their acquisitions legal. They should request a copy of the “End of the work” from local traders, the receipt from the Geological survey, and the certificate of export from customs. It is an important ethical and scientific responsibility of our community.  相似文献   

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