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Abstract— Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) and Mars Odyssey data are being used to revise the Catalog of Large Martian Impact Craters. Analysis of data in the revised catalog provides new details on the distribution and morphologic details of 6795 impact craters in the northern hemisphere of Mars. This report focuses on the ejecta morphologies and central pit characteristics of these craters. The results indicate that single‐layer ejecta (SLE) morphology is most consistent with impact into an ice‐rich target. Double‐layer ejecta (DLE) and multiple‐layer ejecta (MLE) craters also likely form in volatile‐rich materials, but the interaction of the ejecta curtain and target‐produced vapor with the thin Martian atmosphere may be responsible for the large runout distances of these ejecta. Pancake craters appear to be a modified form of double‐layer craters where the thin outer layer has been destroyed or is unobservable at present resolutions. Pedestal craters are proposed to form in an icerich mantle deposited during high obliquity periods from which the ice has subsequently sublimated. Central pits likely form by the release of vapor produced by impact into ice‐soil mixed targets. Therefore, results from the present study are consistent with target volatiles playing a dominant role in the formation of crater morphologies found in the Martian northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

This study presents an automated system for cataloging impact craters using the MOLA 128 pixels/degree digital elevation model of Mars. Craters are detected by a two-step algorithm that first identifies round and symmetric topographic depressions as crater candidates and then selects craters using a machine-learning technique. The system is robust with respect to surface types; craters are identified with similar accuracy from all different types of martian surfaces without adjusting input parameters. By using a large training set in its final selection step, the system produces virtually no false detections. Finally, the system provides a seamless integration of crater detection with its characterization. Of particular interest is the ability of our algorithm to calculate crater depths. The system is described and its application is demonstrated on eight large sites representing all major types of martian surfaces. An evaluation of its performance and prospects for its utilization for global surveys are given by means of detailed comparison of obtained results to the manually-derived Catalog of Large Martian Impact Craters. We use the results from the test sites to construct local depth-diameter relationships based on a large number of craters. In general, obtained relationships are in agreement with what was inferred on the basis of manual measurements. However, we have found that, in Terra Cimmeria, the depth/diameter ratio has an abrupt decrease at ∼38°S regardless of crater size. If shallowing of craters is attributed to presence of sub-surface ice, a sudden change in its spatial distribution is suggested by our findings.  相似文献   

Abstract— We measured the depth, wall steepness, and ejecta roughness and surveyed the wall and floor morphology of all craters 10–25 km in diameter within the typical Vastitas Borealis Formation in the northern lowlands of Mars north of 52°N. Two of the 130 craters have unusually rough ejecta; they are deep, have steep walls, and are apparently the youngest in the population. Icy mantles filling the local subkilometer‐scale topographic lows is the main contribution to ejecta smoothing, which occurs at a time scale on the order of tens of Myr. Wall degradation and crater shallowing generally occur at longer time scales, comparable to the duration of the Amazonian period. Many craters are shallow due to filling of the crater with specific ice‐rich material of uncertain origin. We use our collected data to infer the nature of the past climate back through the Amazonian, a period prior to ?10–20 Myr ago, when orbital parameter solutions are chaotic and one must rely on geological data to infer climate conditions. We conclude that moderately high obliquity and wide obliquity variations were probable during the last 40–160 Myr. We tentatively conclude that high obliquity peaks (>40–45°) may have occurred episodically through the last 210–430 Myr. A sharp step in the frequency distribution of wall steepness at 20° may indicate a geologically long period prior to that time where obliquity never exceeded 40–45°.  相似文献   

Mars surface characteristics at and near the Viking Chryse and Tritonis Lacus landing areas were determined by radio scatter using the new 12.6 cm radar at the Arecibo Observatory during 1975–1976. Interpretation of each power spectrum suggests rms surface tilts of 4° at the final A1WNW (47.9°W, 22.5°N) site, 5° near the original A1 site, and 6° between the two. At the back-up site (A2) surface roughness estimates were about 4°. Striking changes in surface texture have been found near the eastern bases of Tharsis Montes and Albor Tholus, each volcanic feature marking the western boundary of very smooth surface units. The roughness sensed at 1 to 100 m scales by radar appears to be relatively independent of the surface units defined at large scale lengths by photogeologists. Radar properties thus provide an additional means by which planetary surfaces may be characterized.  相似文献   

The rayed crater Zunil and interpretations of small impact craters on Mars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 10-km diameter crater named Zunil in the Cerberus Plains of Mars created ∼107 secondary craters 10 to 200 m in diameter. Many of these secondary craters are concentrated in radial streaks that extend up to 1600 km from the primary crater, identical to lunar rays. Most of the larger Zunil secondaries are distinctive in both visible and thermal infrared imaging. MOC images of the secondary craters show sharp rims and bright ejecta and rays, but the craters are shallow and often noncircular, as expected for relatively low-velocity impacts. About 80% of the impact craters superimposed over the youngest surfaces in the Cerberus Plains, such as Athabasca Valles, have the distinctive characteristics of Zunil secondaries. We have not identified any other large (?10 km diameter) impact crater on Mars with such distinctive rays of young secondary craters, so the age of the crater may be less than a few Ma. Zunil formed in the apparently youngest (least cratered) large-scale lava plains on Mars, and may be an excellent example of how spallation of a competent surface layer can produce high-velocity ejecta (Melosh, 1984, Impact ejection, spallation, and the origin of meteorites, Icarus 59, 234-260). It could be the source crater for some of the basaltic shergottites, consistent with their crystallization and ejection ages, composition, and the fact that Zunil produced abundant high-velocity ejecta fragments. A 3D hydrodynamic simulation of the impact event produced 1010 rock fragments ?10 cm diameter, leading to up to 109 secondary craters ?10 m diameter. Nearly all of the simulated secondary craters larger than 50 m are within 800 km of the impact site but the more abundant smaller (10-50 m) craters extend out to 3500 km. If Zunil is representative of large impact events on Mars, then secondaries should be more abundant than primaries at diameters a factor of ∼1000 smaller than that of the largest primary crater that contributed secondaries. As a result, most small craters on Mars could be secondaries. Depth/diameter ratios of 1300 small craters (10-500 m diameter) in Isidis Planitia and Gusev crater have a mean value of 0.08; the freshest of these craters give a ratio of 0.11, identical to that of fresh secondary craters on the Moon (Pike and Wilhelms, 1978, Secondary-impact craters on the Moon: topographic form and geologic process, Lunar Planet. Sci. IX, 907-909) and significantly less than the value of ∼0.2 or more expected for fresh primary craters of this size range. Several observations suggest that the production functions of Hartmann and Neukum (2001, Cratering chronology and the evolution of Mars, Space Sci. Rev. 96, 165-194) predict too many primary craters smaller than a few hundred meters in diameter. Fewer small, high-velocity impacts may explain why there appears to be little impact regolith over Amazonian terrains. Martian terrains dated by small craters could be older than reported in recent publications.  相似文献   

Abstract— Observations of impact craters on Earth show that a water column at the target strongly influences lithology and morphology of the resultant crater. The degree of influence varies with the target water depth and impactor diameter. Morphological features detectable in satellite imagery include a concentric shape with an inner crater inset within a shallower outer crater, which is cut by gullies excavated by the resurge of water. In this study, we show that if oceans, large seas, and lakes existed on Mars for periods of time, marine‐target craters must have formed. We make an assessment of the minimum and maximum amounts of such craters based on published data on water depths, extent, and duration of putative oceans within “contacts 1 and 2,” cratering rate during the different oceanic phases, and computer modeling of minimum impactor diameters required to form long‐lasting craters in the seafloor of the oceans. We also discuss the influence of erosion and sedimentation on the preservation and exposure of the craters. For an ocean within the smaller “contact 2” with a duration of 100,000 yr and the low present crater formation rate, only ?1–2 detectable marine‐target craters would have formed. In a maximum estimate with a duration of 0.8 Gyr, as many as 1400 craters may have formed. An ocean within the larger “contact 1‐Meridiani,” with a duration of 100,000 yr, would not have received any seafloor craters despite the higher crater formation rate estimated before 3.5 Gyr. On the other hand, with a maximum duration of 0.8 Gyr, about 160 seafloor craters may have formed. However, terrestrial examples show that most marine‐target craters may be covered by thick sediments. Ground penetrating radar surveys planned for the ESA Mars Express and NASA 2005 missions may reveal buried craters, though it is uncertain if the resolution will allow the detection of diagnostic features of marine‐target craters. The implications regarding the discovery of marine‐target craters on Mars is not without significance, as such discoveries would help address the ongoing debate of whether large water bodies occupied the northern plains of Mars and would help constrain future paleoclimatic reconstructions.  相似文献   

Abstract— To ascertain the progressive stages of shock metamorphism of zircon, samples from three well‐studied impact craters were analyzed by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and Raman spectroscopy in thin section and grain separates. These samples are comprised of well‐preserved, rapidly quenched impactites from the Ries crater, Germany, strongly annealed impactites from the Popigai crater, Siberia, and altered, variably quenched impactites from the Chicxulub crater, Mexico. The natural samples were compared with samples of experimentally shock‐metamorphosed zircon. Below 20 GPa, zircon exhibits no distinct shock features. Above 20 GPa, optically resolvable planar microstructures occur together with the high‐pressure polymorph reidite, which was only retained in the Ries samples. Decomposition of zircon to ZrO2 only occurs in shock stage IV melt fragments that were rapidly quenched. This is not only a result of post‐shock temperatures in excess of ?1700 °C but could also be shock pressure‐induced, which is indicated by possible relics of a high‐pressure polymorph of ZrO2. However, ZrO2 was found to revert to zircon with a granular texture during devitrification of impact melts. Other granular textures represent recrystallized amorphous ZrSiO4 and reidite that reverted to zircon. This requires annealing temperatures >1100 °C. A systematic study of zircons from a continuous impactite sequence of the Chicxulub impact structure yields implications for the post‐shock temperature history of suevite‐like rocks until cooling below ?600 °C.  相似文献   

The depths of 109 impact craters 2–16 km in diameter, located on the ridged plains materials of Hesperia Planum, Mars, have been measured from their shadow lengths using digital Viking Orbiter images (orbit numbers 417S–419S) and the PICS computer software. On the basis of their pristine morphology (very fresh lobate ejecta blankets, well preserved rim crests, and lack of superposed impact craters), 57 of these craters have been selected for detailed analysis of their spatial distribution and geometry. We find that south of 30°S, craters <6.0 km in diameter are markedly shallower than similar-sized craters equatorward of this latitude. No comparable relationship is observed for morphologically fresh craters >6.0 km diameter. We also find that two populations exist for older craters <6.0 km diameter. When craters that lack ejecta blankets are grouped on the basis of depth/diameter ratio, the deeper craters also typically lie equatorward of 30° S. We interpret the spatial variation in crater depth/diameter ratios as most likely due to a poleward increase in volatiles within the top 400 m of the surface at the times these craters were formed.  相似文献   

Springtime low albedo features, called Dark Dune Spots, on the seasonal frost covered dunes on Mars between 77°N and 84°N latitude have been analyzed. Two groups of these spots have been identified: “small” and “large” ones, where large spots have diameters above 4 m, and complex internal structure. From these “large” spots branching seepage-like features emanate and grow on the steep slopes. They show a characteristic sequence of changes: first only wind-blown features emanate from them, while later a bright circular and elevated ring forms, and dark seepage-features start from the spots. These streaks grow with a speed between 0.3 m/day and 7 m/day respectively, first only from the spots, later from all along the dune crest.During this “seepage period” the temperature is between 150 K and 180 K at a 3-9 km spatial resolution scale, indicating that CO2 ice-free parts must be present at the observed dark spots. Around the receding northern seasonal CO2 cap, an annulus of water ice lags behind, which is probably present in the spots too where the CO2 frost has sublimated. Our model estimates show in the present work and in Kereszturi et al. (Kereszturi, A., Möhlmann, D., Berczi, Sz., Ganti, T., Kuti, A., Sik, A., Horvath, A. [2009b]. Icarus 201, 492-503) that the warming driven by solar insolation may produce not only interfacial water, but also bulk brines around the dune grains. The brine can support the movement of liquids and dune grains, enhances the sublimation of CO2 frost, and produce the dark features, as well as liquid modifies the optical properties of the surface.Signs of movement of dune material after the total defrosting of the terrain is also visible but it is uncertain because of the limit of resolution. In our previous work (Kereszturi et al., 2009b) we showed that resembling seepage-like streaks at the southern hemisphere might have been formed by ephemeral interfacial water, as well as these northern features. Such wet environments may have astrobiological importance too.  相似文献   

Abstract– Previous workers have proposed that a northern ocean existed early during Martian geologic history and the shorelines of that ocean would coincide roughly with the crustal dichotomy that divides the smooth, northern lowlands with the cratered, southern highlands. Arabia Terra is a region on Mars that straddles the crustal dichotomy, and several proposed shorelines are located in the area. Shallow marine impact craters on Mars likely would exhibit features like those on Earth, including characteristic morphological features that are distinctly different from that of craters formed on land. Common attributes of terrestrial marine impact craters include features of wet mass movement such as gravity slumps and debris flows; radial gullies leading into the crater depression; resurge deposits and blocks of dislocated materials; crater rim collapse or breaching of the crater wall; a central peak terrace or peak ring terrace; and subdued topography (an indicator of both age and possible flood inundation immediately following impact). In this article, these features have been used to evaluate craters on Mars as to a possible marine origin. This study used a simple quantification system to approximately judge and rank shallow marine impact crater candidates based on features observed in terrestrial analogs. Based on the quantification system, 77 potential shallow marine impact craters were found within an area bounded by 20°N and 40°N as well as 20°W and 20°E. Nine exemplary candidates were ranked with total scores of 70% or more. In a second, smaller study area, impact craters of approximately similar size and age were evaluated as a comparison and average total scores are 35%, indicating that there is some morphological difference between craters inside and outside the proposed shorelines. Results of this type of study are useful in helping to develop a general means of classification and characterization of potential marine craters.  相似文献   

David P. Hinson  Huiqun Wang 《Icarus》2010,206(1):290-1294
We have investigated the near-surface meteorology in the northern hemisphere of Mars through detailed analysis of data obtained with Mars Global Surveyor in January-August 2005. The season in the northern hemisphere ranged from midsummer through winter solstice of Mars Year (MY) 27. We examined composite, wide-angle images from the Mars Orbiter Camera and compiled a catalog of the dust storms that occurred in this interval. As in previous martian years, activity in the northern hemisphere was dominated by regional “flushing” dust storms that sweep southward through the major topographic basins, most frequently in Acidalia Planitia. We also used atmospheric profiles retrieved from radio occultation experiments to characterize eddy activity near the surface at high northern latitudes. There are strong correlations between the two sets of observations, which allowed us to identify three factors that influence the timing and location of the regional dust storms: (1) transitions among baroclinic wave modes, which strongly modulate the intensity of meridional winds near the surface, (2) storms zones, which impose strong zonal variations on the amplitude of some baroclinic eddies, and (3) stationary waves, which further modulate the wind field near the surface. The flushing dust storms ceased abruptly in midautumn, possibly in response to source depletion, CO2 condensation, a shift in the period of the baroclinic eddies, and changes in the tidal wind field near the surface. Our results extend the meteorological record of the northern hemisphere, substantiate the findings of previous investigations, and further illuminate the climatic impact of baroclinic eddies.  相似文献   

Huiqun Wang 《Icarus》2007,189(2):325-343
Data from the third Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) mapping year (MY 26, 2003-2005) are used to investigate dust storms originating in the northern hemisphere. Flushing dust storms, which originate as frontal dust storms at the northern polar vortex edge and propagate southward through topographic channels, are observed immediately before and after a quiescent period that occurs around the northern winter solstice (240°<Ls<300°). Both the pre- and post-solstice active periods can be further divided into two sub-periods. The most vigorous of these flushing storms occurred during Ls 210-220° and Ls 310-320°. The lifted dust crossed the equator and accumulated in the southern hemisphere. These major dust storms enhanced the Hadley circulation and suppressed the lower-level baroclinic eddies in the northern mid and high latitudes. The 2-3 sol wave number m=3 traveling waves show the best correlation with flushing dust storms and can combine with other wave modes to produce storm tracks and fronts within individual sub-periods.  相似文献   

With the TanDEM‐X digital elevation model (DEM), the terrestrial solid surface is globally mapped with unprecedented accuracy. TanDEM‐X is a German X‐band radar mission whose two identical satellites have been operated in single‐pass interferometer configuration over several years. The acquired data are processed to yield a global DEM with 12 m independent posting and relative vertical accuracies of better than 2 m and 4 m in moderate and mountainous terrain, respectively. This DEM provides new opportunities for space‐borne remote‐sensing studies of the entire sample of terrestrial impact craters. In addition, it represents an interesting repository to aid in the search for new impact crater candidates. We have used the TanDEM‐X DEM to investigate the current set of confirmed impact structures. For a subsample of the craters, including small, midsized, and large structures, we compared the results with those from other DEMs. This quantitative analysis demonstrates the excellent quality of the TanDEM‐X elevation data. Our findings help to estimate what can be gained by using the TanDEM‐X DEM in impact crater studies. They may also be beneficial in identifying the regions and morphologies where the search for currently unknown impact structures might be most promising.  相似文献   

Abstract— Impact craters are not always circular; sometimes their rims are composed of several straight segments. Such polygonal impact craters (PICs) are controlled by pre‐existing target structures, mainly faults or other similar planes of weakness. In the Argyre region, Mars, PICs comprise ? 17% of the total impact crater population (>7 km in diameter), and PICs are relatively more common in older geologic units. Their formation is mainly controlled by radial fractures induced by the Argyre and Ladon impact basins, and to a lesser extent by the basin‐concentric fractures. Also basin‐induced conjugate shear fractures may play a role. Unlike the PICs, ridges and graben in the Argyre region are mostly controlled by Tharsis‐induced tectonism, with the ridges being concentric and graben radial to Tharsis. Therefore, the PICs primarily reflect an old impact basin‐centered tectonic pattern, whereas Tharsis‐centered tectonism responsible for the graben and the ridges has only minor influence on the PIC rim orientations. According to current models of PIC formation, complex PICs should form through a different mechanism than simple PICs, leading to different orientations of straight rim segments. However, when simple and complex PICs from same areas are studied, no statistically significant difference can be observed. Hence, in addition to enhanced excavation parallel to the strike of fractures (simple craters) and slumping along the fracture planes (complex craters), we propose a third mechanism involving thrusting along the fracture planes. This model is applicable to both simple and small complex craters in targets with some dominating orientations of structural weakness.  相似文献   

The relation between the size and velocity of impact crater ejecta has been studied by both laboratory experiments and numerical modeling. An alternative method, used here, is to analyze the record of past impact events, such as the distribution of secondary craters on planetary surfaces, as described by Vickery (Icarus 67 (1986) 224; Geophys. Res. Lett. 14 (1987) 726). We first applied the method to lunar images taken by the CLEMENTINE mission, which revealed that the size-velocity relations of ejecta from craters 32 and 40 km in diameter were similar to those derived by Vickery for a crater 39 km in diameter. Next, we studied the distribution of small craters in the vicinity of kilometer-sized craters on three images from the Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) on board the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS). If these small craters are assumed to be secondaries ejected from the kilometer-sized crater in each image, the ejection velocities are of hundreds of meters per second. These data fill a gap between the previous results of Vickery and those of laboratory studies.  相似文献   

The boundaries of the polar caps of Mars have been measured on more than 3000 photographs since 1905 from the plate collection at the Lowell Observatory. For the Earth, the polar caps have been accurately mapped only since the mid 1960's when satellites were first available to synoptically view the polar regions. The polar caps of both planets wax and wane in response to changes in the seasons, and interannual differences in polar cap behavior on Mars as well as Earth are intimately linked to global energy balance. Data on the year to year variations in the extent of the north polar caps of Mars and Earth have been assembled and compared, although only 6 years of concurrent data were available for comparison.  相似文献   

Seth J. Kadish  James W. Head 《Icarus》2011,213(2):443-450
An outstanding question in Mars’ climate history is whether or not pedestal craters represent the armored remnants of ice-rich paleodeposits. We address this question using new high-resolution images; in a survey of several hundred high-latitude pedestal craters, we have identified 12 examples in which visible and/or topographically expressed layers are exposed on the marginal scarp of the pedestal. One example, located on the south polar layered deposits, preserves ice-rich layers that have otherwise been completely removed from the polar cap. These observations provide empirical evidence that the pedestal crater formation mechanism is capable of armoring and preserving ice-rich layered paleodeposits. Although layered exposures have not yet been observed in mid-latitude pedestal craters, high-latitude instances of discontinuous, partially covered layers suggest that layers can be readily concealed, likely through mantling and/or mass wasting processes along the marginal scarp. This interpretation is supported by the observation that high-latitude pedestals with exposed layers along their margins are, on average, taller than mid-latitude examples, and have larger, steeper marginal scarps, which may help to maintain layer exposures. These observations favor the interpretation that mid- to high-latitude pedestal craters represent the armored remnants of ice- and dust-rich paleodeposits, which occurred transiently due to changes in the climate regime. Preservation of fine-scale layering of ice and dust at these latitudes implies that the climate change did not involve regional melting conditions.  相似文献   

Confirmed small impact craters in unconsolidated deposits are rare on Earth, and only a few have been the subjects of detailed investigations. Consequently, our knowledge of indicators permitting unambiguous identification of such structures is limited. In this work, detailed geological mapping was performed in the area of the Morasko craters, of which the largest crater is of about 96 m diameter. These craters were formed in the mid‐Holocene (~5000 yr ago) in unconsolidated sediments of a glacial terminal moraine. Fragments of the impactor—an iron meteorite—have been found in the craters’ vicinity for many decades. Despite numerous studies of the meteorite, no detailed research concerning the geological structure around the craters and of the ejecta deposits has been undertaken. The new data, including evaluation of over 52 sediment cores and 260 shallow drillings, permit the identification of four main sediment types: Neogene clays, diamicton with Neogene clay clasts containing charcoal pieces, diamicton without clasts, and sand with locally preserved paleosoil and charcoal pieces. Based on sedimentological properties, the ejecta deposits are mainly identified as diamicton with Neogene clay clasts, described as lithic impact breccia, covering locally preserved pre‐impact soil. Moreover, crater sections characterized by inverse stratigraphy of sediments are identified as belonging to overturned flaps.  相似文献   

A melt‐bearing impactite unit is preserved in the 2.7 km diameter shallow marine Ritland impact structure. The main exposure of the melt‐bearing unit is in an approximately 100 m long cliff about 700 m southwest of the center of the structure. The melt and clast content vary through this maximum 2 m thick unit, so that lithology ranges from impact melt rock to suevite. Stratigraphic variations with respect to the melt content, texture, mineralogy, and geochemistry have been studied in the field, and by laboratory analysis, including thin section microscopy. The base of the melt‐bearing unit marks the transition from the underlying lithic basement breccia, and the unit may have been emplaced by an outward flow during the excavation stage. There is an upward development from a melt matrix‐dominated lower part, that commonly shows flow structures, to an upper part characterized by more particulate matrix with patchy melt matrix domains, commonly as deformed melt slivers intermingled with small lithic clasts. Melt and lithic fragments in the upper part display a variety of shapes and compositions, some of which possibly represent fallback material from the ejecta cloud. The upper boundary of the melt‐bearing impactite unit has been placed where the deposits are mainly clastic, probably representing slump and avalanche deposits from the modification stage. These deposits are therefore considered sedimentary and not impactites, despite the component of small melt fragments and shocked minerals within the lowermost part, which was probably incorporated as the debris moved down the steep crater walls.  相似文献   

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