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Abstract— We propose the Sirente crater field to be the first discovered impact craters in Italy. They are located in the Sirente plain within the mountains of the Abruzzo region, central Italy. The craters are distributed in a field 450 m long and 400 m wide. This field consists of ?17 smaller craters close to a larger main crater. The main crater is located in the southern end of the crater field and is 140 m long and 115 m wide, measured rim‐to‐rim. It has a well‐developed, saddle‐shaped rim that rises at a maximum 2.2 m above the surrounding plain. Radiocarbon dating of the target surface preserved below the rim gave a calibrated age of formation at about a.d. 412 (1650 ± 40 radiocarbon years b.p.). This young age is consistent with the apparent little modification of the rim. The morphology of the main crater and its relation to a crater field strongly points to its origin by impact from a projectile that broke up during its passage through the atmosphere. Quartz is very rare in the target and no planar deformation features have been found so far. The rim material and the upper 4 m of the main crater infill are impregnated with ferric oxides, which gives a more reddish colour compared to the other sediments of the plain. Rusty crusts with high Fe and Mn content occur in the rim material, but have not been found in the plain's sediments. Some of these crusts can be separated by magnet, and have sporadic micron‐sized Ni‐rich granules. The main crater is in the size range of the craters with explosive dispersion of the projectile and has many features comparable to both large experimental and meteoritic impact craters formed in loose sediments. We suggest that this crater represents a rare example of well‐preserved, small impact crater formed in unconsolidated target materials.  相似文献   

Abstract— In this paper, we review the recent hypothesis, based mostly on geomorphological features, that a ~130 m‐wide sag pond, surrounded by a saddle‐shaped rim from the Sirente plain (Abruzzi, Italy), is the first‐discovered meteoritic crater of Italy. Sub‐circular depressions (hosting ponds), with geomorphological features and size very similar to those exhibited by the main Sirente sag, are exposed in other neighboring intermountain karstic plains from Abruzzi. We have sampled present‐day soils from these sag ponds and from the Sirente sags (both the main “crater” and some smaller ones, recently interpreted as a crater field) and various Abruzzi paleosols from excavated trenches with an age range encompassing the estimated age of the “Sirente crater.” For all samples, we measured the magnetic susceptibility and determined the Ni and Cr contents of selected specimens. The results show that the magnetic susceptibility values and the geochemical composition are similar for all samples (from Sirente and other Abruzzi sags) and are both significantly different from the values reported for soils contaminated by meteoritic dust. No solid evidence pointing at an impact origin exists, besides the circular shape and rim of the main sag. The available observations and data suggest that the “Sirente crater,” together with analogous large sags in the Abruzzi intermountain plains, have to be attributed to the historical phenomenon of “transumanza” (seasonal migration of sheep and shepherds), a custom that for centuries characterized the basic social‐economical system of the Abruzzi region. Such sags were excavated to provide water for millions of sheep, which spent summers in the Abruzzi karstic high pasture lands, on carbonatic massifs deprived of natural superficial fresh water. Conversely, the distribution of the smaller sags from the Sirente plain correlates with the local pattern of the calcareous bedrock and, together with the characteristics of their internal structure, are best interpreted as natural dolines. In fact, reported radiocarbon ages for the formation of the main sag pond and of the smaller sags differ (significantly) by more than two millennia, thus excluding that they were all contemporaneously formed by a meteoritic impact.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Sirente crater field consists of a 120 m wide, rimmed main depression flanked to the northwest by about 30 smaller depressions. It has been dated to the first centuries A.D. An impact origin is suggested, but not confirmed. The small size combined with the properties of the target material (carbonate mud) would neither allow shock features diagnostic of impact, nor projectile vaporization. Consequently, a meteoritic component in the sediments would be very localized. At impacts of this size the projectile most likely is an iron meteorite. Any iron meteorites on the ground surface would, in Iron Age Europe, have been removed shortly after the event. However, if the depressions are of impact origin they should contain meteorites at great depth in analogy with known craters. The magnetic properties of iron meteorites differ distinctly from the very low magnetic sediments and sedimentary rocks of the Sirente area. We have used a proton precession magnetometer/gradiometer to produce magnetic anomaly maps over four of the smaller depressions (~8 m diameter), as well as two crossing profiles over a fifth depression (~22 m diameter). All show distinct magnetic anomalies of about 20 nT, the larger depression up to 100 nT. Magnetic modeling shows a best fit for structures with upturned strata below their rims, excluding a karstic origin but supporting an explosive formation. The 100 nT anomaly can only be explained by highly‐magnetic objects at a few meters depth. All together, the magnetic data provides a strong indication for an impact origin of the crater field.  相似文献   

Abstract– The <1,100 yr old Whitecourt meteorite impact crater, located south of Whitecourt, Alberta, Canada, is a well‐preserved bowl‐shaped structure having a depth and diameter of approximately 6 and 36 m, respectively. There are fewer than a dozen known terrestrial sites of similar size and age. Unlike most of these sites, however, the Whitecourt crater contains nearly all of the features associated with small impact craters including meteorites, ejecta blanket, observable transient crater boundary, raised rim, and associated shock indicators. This study indicates that the crater formed from the impact of an approximately 1 m diameter type IIIAB iron meteoroid traveling east‐northeast at less than approximately 10 km s?1, striking the surface at an angle between 40° and 55° to horizontal. It appears that the main mass survived atmospheric transit relatively intact, with fragmentation and partial melting during impact. Most meteoritic material has a jagged, shrapnel‐like morphology and is distributed downrange of the crater.  相似文献   

Abstract The Crestone Crater is an elliptical bowl measuring 355 feet by 246 feet with a mean depth of 23 feet. It lies in unconsolidated sand on the surface of an alluvial fan at the base of the Sangre de Cristo Mountain Range in the San Luis Valley, Colorado (37° 54′ N, 105° 39′ W). Aerial photographs show the crater as a striking feature in its setting on a gently undulating terrain. We examined the site in August 1963 to appraise the possibility that it was formed by meteorite or comet impact. The crater and its vicinity were mapped at two-foot contour intervals, and two lines of auger-hole samples, eight feet deep, were collected across the crater. Sand from the rim and floor is similar in grain size and composition to that several miles to the north and south. It is barren of meteoritic debris, nickel-iron spherules, rock flour, and impact glass. The crater is less than half as deep relative to its diameter as known meteorite explosion craters. Furthermore, topographic profiles indicate that the crater does not form a depression in the land surface. The crater rim is a positive feature enclosing a basin that has a floor approximately level with the surface of the alluvial fan on which it lies. In the absence of any mineralogic or topographic evidence of impact or explosion, we conclude that this landform is not meteoritic or cometary in origin.  相似文献   

A sampling program of soil surrounding the Boxhole meteorite crater reveals very much smaller amounts of meteoritic material in the soil than found for other craters, such as Henbury and Canyon Diablo. Microprobe analyses of individual small particles show the presence of four spherules with Ni-Fe ratios in agreement with that for the parent meteorite.  相似文献   

Abstract— A meteoritic origin was proposed for the New Quebec Crater in 1949 on the basis of an aerial photograph showing its unique circularity and raised rim amid Precambrian gneisses of the Canadian Shield. At that time, only those few craters associated with meteorites were generally accepted as of impact origin. When the earliest field expeditions failed to find meteorites or impact products, two leading meteoriticists, Frederick C. Leonard and Lincoln LaPaz, cited the “Chubb” Crater as a flagrant example for which claims of meteoritic origin were advanced without valid proof. They also listed the Lake Bosumtwi Crater in Ashanti (now Ghana) among crater-like features, clearly of non-meteoritic origin, misidentified as meteorite craters. Controversy over the origin these two craters continued for decades. In Part I of this paper, we trace the investigations that led to the current acceptance of New Quebec as an authentic impact crater. We note that, for reasons that are not entirely clear, a meteoritic origin for the New Quebec Crater achieved wider acceptance at an earlier date than for the Lake Bosumtwi Crater, where petrographic and chemical evidence is more abundant and compelling. In Part II, we describe the petrography of two impact melt samples from the New Quebec Crater and present new evidence on the degrees of shock metamorphism affecting the accessory minerals: apatite, sphene, magnetite and zircon. Zircon, in particular, shows a range from euhedral grains with no signs of alteration to those decomposed to baddeleyite plus silica.  相似文献   

We have carried out reconnaissance gravity surveys across three Mauritanian craters: Aouelloul, an undoubted meteorite crater; Tenoumer, a probable meteorite crater with a unique array of concentric dikes on its outer rim flanks containing xenoliths of country rock showing abundant shock artifacts; and Temimichat Ghallaman, a crater of possible meteorite impact origin. All three have residual negative gravity anomalies associated with their interiors. In all cases the gravity values return to “normal” immediately outside their rims. At Tenoumer the anomaly has the form and magnitude expected for a meteorite crater which has been subsequently in-filled with unconsolidated sediments to the level of the surrounding country. Maximum depth from the present crater floor to the bottom of the sedimentary fill (top of the original crater floor) is at least 750 feet. With a rim-rim diameter of 6,300 feet, the origin depth/diameter ratio of about 1:8 is virtually identical with that of Meteor Crater, Arizona. Temimichat, with a rim-rim diameter of 2,100 to 2,400 feet, is somewhat larger than has been previously reported. If it is meteoritic in origin the gravity data dictate a surprisingly shallow structure, with a depth from the present floor to the original crater floor of 150 feet maximum and an original depth/diameter ratio of 1:15. No positive evidence for an impact origin has yet been found for Temimichat. Aouelloul is also larger than generally reported, with a rim-rim diameter averaging 1,275 feet. As for Temimichat the gravity data dictate a remarkably shallow structure having a depth/diameter ratio of about 1:13. The combination of a shallow depth and a reasonably high rim apparently requires a scaled depth of burst for the impact event substantially in excess of 0.50, a value previously considered a maximum for explosive impacts. The morphological resemblance between Temimichat and Aouelloul is striking but, without additional evidence, this fact alone cannot be used to infer a similar origin.  相似文献   

Abstract— Numerous circular depressions north of Burghausen in eastern Bavaria, with diameters ranging from meters to tens of meters in size and dispersed over an area of at least 11 times 7 km, are suspected to have an extraterrestrial origin since they resemble other small meteorite impact craters. The depressions are bowl‐shaped, have high circularity and a characteristic rim. Most of them were formed in unconsolidated glacial gravels and pebbles intermixed with fine‐grained sand and clay. Magnetic investigations reveal weak anomalies with amplitudes of less than ±10 nano Tesla (nT). In some cases, the origins of the anomalies are suspected to be due to human activity within the structures. So far, no traces of meteoritic material have been detected. An evident archaeological or local geological explanation for the origin of the craters does not exist. A World War I and II explosive origin can be excluded since trees with ages exceeding 100 years can be found in some craters. One crater was described in 1909. Carbon‐14 dating of charcoal found in one crater yielded an age of 1790 ± 60 years. Hence, a formation by meteorite impacts that occurred in Celtic or early medieval times should be considered. A systematic archaeological excavation of some structures and an intensified search for traces of meteoritic material are planned.  相似文献   

Reta F. Beebe 《Icarus》1980,44(1):1-19
The simple-to-complex transition for impact craters on Mars occurs at diameters between about 3 and 8 km. Ballistically emplaced ejecta surround primarily those craters that have a simple interior morphology, whereas ejecta displaying features attributable to fluid flow are mostly restricted to complex craters. Size-dependent characteristics of 73 relatively fresh Martian craters, emphasizing the new depth/diameter (d/D) data of D. W. G. Arthur (1980, to be submitted for publication), test two hypotheses for the mode of formation of central peaks in complex craters. In particular, five features appear sequentially with increasing crater size: first flat floors (3–4 km), then central peaks and shallower depths (4–5 km), next scalloped rims (? km), and lastly terraced walls (~8 km). This relative order indicates that a shallow depth of excavation and an unspecified rebound mechanism, not centripetal collapse and deep sliding, have produced central peaks and in turn have facilitated failure of the rim. The mechanism of formation of a shallow crater remains elusive, but probably operates only at the excavation stage of impact. This interpretation is consistent with two separate and complementary lines of evidence. First, field data have documented only shallow subsurface deformation and a shallow transient cavity in complex terrestrial meteorite craters and in certain surface-burst explosion craters; thus the shallow transient cavities of complex craters never were geometrically similar to the deep cavities of simple craters. Second, the average depths of complex craters and the diameters marking the transition from simple to complex craters on Mars and on three other terrestrial planets vary inversely with gravitational acceleration at the planetary surface, g, a variable more important in the excavation of a crater than in any subsequent modification of its geometry. The new interpretation is summarized diagrammatically for complex craters on all planets.  相似文献   

A catalog of crater dimensions that were compiled mostly from the new Apollo-based Lunar Topographic Orthophotomaps is presented in its entirety. Values of crater diameter, depth, rim height, flank width, circularity, and floor diameter (where applicable) are tabulated for a sample of 484 craters on the Moon and 22 craters on Earth. Systematic techniques of mensuration are detailed. The lunar craters range in size from 400 m to 300 km across and include primary impact craters of the main sequence, secondary impact craters, craterlets atop domes and cones, and dark-halo craters. The terrestrial craters are between 10 m and 22.5 km in diameter and were formed by meteorite impact.  相似文献   

We investigate the elevated crater rims of lunar craters. The two main contributors to this elevation are a structural uplift of the preimpact bedrock and the emplacement of ejecta on top of the crater rim. Here, we focus on five lunar complex mare craters with diameters ranging between 16 and 45 km: Bessel, Euler, Kepler, Harpalus, and Bürg. We performed 5281 measurements to calculate precise values for the structural rim uplift and the ejecta thickness at the elevated crater rim. The average structural rim uplift for these five craters amounts to SRU = 70.6 ± 1.8%, whereas the ejecta thickness amounts to ET = 29.4 ± 1.8% of the total crater rim elevation. Erosion is capable of modifying the ratio of ejecta thickness to structural rim uplift. However, to minimize the impact of erosion, the five investigated craters are young, pristine craters with mostly preserved ejecta blankets. To quantify how strongly craters were enlarged by crater modification processes, we reconstructed the dimensions of the transient crater. The difference between the transient crater diameter and the final crater diameter can extend up to 11 km. We propose reverse faulting and thrusting at the final crater rim to be one of the main contributing factors of forming the elevated crater rim.  相似文献   

The simulation has shown that the regolith layers several hundred meters thick can be formed on the small satellites of planets of Phobos and Deimos type providing that almost all the material lost at meteorite impacts return to the satellite. The existence of a global layer on Deimos that filled the craters for the depth of about 5 m can be explained by the crater presence of diameter of about 4 km and the age of less than 350 Myr on its hemisphere almost unstudied. Dust belts with dust concentration by 3 orders greater than round the Earth can exist in the region of satellite orbits.  相似文献   

Charles A. Wood 《Icarus》1973,20(4):503-506
The heights of central peaks in lunar craters are directly proportional to crater diameters, implying that peak height is a function of crater-forming energy. A similar relationship exists for terrestrial meteorite and TNT craters whose uplifts are of rebound origin. A rebound origin for lunar central peaks implies an impact origin for central peak craters. Correlation of peak heights and crater depths provides direct evidence for lava filling of crater floors.  相似文献   

Abstract— Precise radiometric age determination of the Kaalijärv meteorite craters on the island of Saaremaa in Estonia have so far proved inconclusive. Here we present trace element analyses of peat cores taken several kilometers away from the Kaalijärv craters that reveal a distinct Ir‐enriched layer produced by the meteorite impact. By radiocarbon dating the peat cores, we have determined for the first time the precise age of the impact that generated the Kaalijärv craters. The calibrated date of the impact is 400–370 B.C. at ± 1σ.  相似文献   

This paper considers morphologic signatures of mass-wasting processes on the surface of Phobos. Two types of downslope movement of material are distinguished: (i) intracrater volume landslides inside impact craters and (ii) downslope near-surface movement of material. Crater statistics for the Stickney area (based on new images of Phobos) showed that the landslide in the crater Stickney could have been formed after resurfacing of the outer rim of the crater in the process of meteorite bombardment. An estimate of the volume of the landslide in Stickney (1–2 km3) and simulation of its movement allowed us to classify the landslide as a long-runout one. The possibility of forming a hummocky topographic relief to the east of Stickney due to the crater ejecta and the emplacement of the frontal part of the long-runout landslide is discussed.  相似文献   

Twenty-one lunar craters have radar bright ring appearances which are analogous to eleven complete ring features in the earth-based 12.5 cm observations of Venus. Radar ring diameters and widths for the lunar and Venusian features overlap for sizes from 45 to 100 km. Radar bright areas for the lunar craters are associated with the slopes of the inner and outer rim walls, while level crater floors and level ejecta fields beyond the raised portion of the rim have average radar backscatter. We propose that the radar bright areas of the Venusian rings are also associated with the slopes on the rims of craters.The lunar craters have evolved to radar bright rings via mass wasting of crater rim walls and via post impact flooding of crater floors. Aeolian deposits of fine-grained material on Venusian crater floors may produce radar scattering effects similar to lunar crater floor flooding. These Venusian aeolian deposits may preferentially cover blocky crater floors producing a radar bright ring appearance.We propose that the Venusian features with complete bright ring appearances and sizes less than 100 km are impact craters. They have the same sizes as lunar craters and could have evolved to radar bright rings via analogous surface processes.  相似文献   

Because of the ubiquity of subsurface microbial life on Earth, examination of the subsurface of Mars could provide an answer to the question of whether microorganisms exist or ever existed on that planet. Impact craters provide a natural mechanism for accessing the deep substrate of Mars and exploring its exobiological potential. Based on equations that relate impact crater diameters to excavation depth we estimate the observed crater diameters that are required to prospect to given depths in the martian subsurface and we relate these depths to observed microbiological phenomena in the terrestrial subsurface. Simple craters can be used to examine material to a depth of ∼270 m. Complex craters can be used to reach greater depths, with craters of diameters ≥300 km required to reach depths of 6 km or greater, which represent the limit of the terrestrial deep subsurface biosphere. Examination of the ejecta blankets of craters between 17.5 and 260 km in diameter would provide insights into whether there is an extant, or whether there is evidence of an extinct, deep subsurface microbiota between 500 and 5000 m prior to committing to large-scale drilling efforts. At depths <500 m some crater excavations are likely to be more important than others from an exobiological point of view. We discuss examples of impacts into putative intracrater paleolacustrine sediments and regions associated with hydrothermal activity. We compare these depths to the characteristics of subsurface life on Earth and the fossil microbiological record in terrestrial impact craters.  相似文献   

Abstract The Campo del Cielo meteorite crater field in Argentina contains at least 20 small meteorite craters, but a recent review of the field data and a remote sensing study suggest that there may be more. The fall occurred ~4000 years ago into a uniform loessy soil, and the craters are well enough preserved so that some of their parameters of impact can be determined after excavation. The craters were formed by multi-ton fragments of a type IA meteoroid with abundant silicate inclusions. Relative to the horizontal, the angle of infall was ~9°. Reflecting the low angle of infall, the crater field is elongated with apparent dimensions of 3 × 18.5 km. The largest craters are near the center of this ellipse. This suggests that when the parent meteoroid broke apart, the resulting fragments diverged from the original trajectory in inverse relation to their masses and did not undergo size sorting due to atmospheric deceleration. The major axis of the crater field as we know it extends along N63°E, but the azimuths of infall determined by excavation of Craters 9 and 10 are N83.5°E and N75.5°E, respectively. This suggests that the major axis of the crater field is not yet well determined. The three or four largest craters appear to have been formed by impacts that disrupted the projectiles, scattering fragments around the outsides of the craters and leaving no large masses within them; these are relatively symmetrical in shape. Other craters are elongated features with multi-ton masses preserved within them and no fragmentation products outside. There are two ways in which field research on the Campo del Cielo crater field is found to be useful. (1) Studies exist that have been used to interpret impact craters on planetary surfaces other than the Earth. This occurrence of a swarm of projectiles impacting at known angles and similar velocities into a uniform target material provides an excellent field site at which to test the applicability of those studies. (2) Individual craters at Campo del Cielo can yield the masses of the projectiles that formed them and their velocities, angles and azimuths of impact. From these data, there is a possibility to estimate parameters for the parent meteoroid at entry and, thus, learn enough about its orbit to judge whether or not it was compatible with an asteroidal origin. Preliminary indications are that it was. Campo del Cielo is a IA iron meteorite and Sikhote-Alin, an observed fall, is a IIB iron meteorite in Wasson's classification. The Sterlitamak iron, also an observed fall, is a medium octahedrite in the Prior-Hey classification. It would be interesting to compare their orbital parameters.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Sirente crater is a circular structure with a diameter of ˜80 m. The rim deposit is an inverse‐graded, matrix‐supported breccia. Sedimentological features of the rim deposit suggest that the crater is not related to an explosion or violent mechanical displacement. The structure and texture of the deposit exhibit a primary sedimentary character. The rim deposits do not contain artifacts and do not show evidence of reworking. A multistage formation is reconstructed for the rim growth and associated deposits. The geometry and sedimentology of the deposits indicate that they were produced by the extrusion and accumulation of mudflow deposits. The dominant ejection mechanism was low mud fountains and the transport medium was water. Petrographic and geochemical evidence does not indicate any physical or cryptic trace of an extraterrestrial body. The most realistic agent that explains the observed effects is a rapid local emission of mud and/or water. Geological processes capable of producing these features include piping sinkholes or, more probably, “caldera”‐type mud volcanoes, which may result from underground water‐table perturbation and/or decompression of deep CO2/hydrocarbon gas reservoirs due to tectonic deformation or faulting activity during a seismic event. In both cases, the name “crater” for this geological form may be maintained, but there is no compelling evidence for an impact origin. In this paper, the scientific literature on the Sirente crater is reconsidered in the light of new morphological, sedimentological, geochemical, and archaeological data. A new mechanism is proposed involving mud‐fountaining.  相似文献   

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