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The oil refining and petrochemical industries have occupied an important role in Puerto Rico's development strategy since the early 1960s. However, the hopes epitomized in various planning models of highly integrated and diversified oil-based industrial complexes have not been fulfilled. This paper attempts to account for the discrepancy between official expectations and subsequent events in Puerto Rico and indicates some of the lessons for other developing countries.  相似文献   

Twenty-four soil pedons on each of four sandy lake terraces in northwestern lower Michigan that ranged in age from 3000 to 11,000 years BP were studied to assess trends in soil morphological variability with time. After verifying the general uniformity of parent materials within and between the four surfaces, we examined temporal trends in the spatial variability of soil color, cementation, horizon thickness and development. E horizons attained high color values (lightness) by 3000 years and changed little after that time, whereas B horizons continued to get darker with time. Cementation within B horizons increased in strength and amount with time, as did B horizon thickness. Soils ≥4000 years old had deeper eluvial zones but much greater variabilities in the thickness of that zone than did younger soils. Soil development increased with time, but spatial variability in degree of development also increased with time. These patterns are best explained by invoking spatially random soil mixing upon a surface that is otherwise undergoing podzolization. [Key words: podzolization, chronofunction, Michigan, soil variability, soil genesis.]  相似文献   

漳浦县基于建设海峡西岸经济区和ECFA等政策机遇,依托大型石化项目和闽台特色农业项目合作的快速工业化,推进其国民经济迅速发展和产业结构转型升级,同时也给旅游业发展带来了政策、资金、基础设施完善和发展等机遇及旅游环境质量下降的潜在风险。"十二五"期间,快速工业化背景下,漳浦县旅游业发展应继续深化滨海火山旅游和闽台特色农业文化旅游两大特色,根据"点-轴"理论和增长极理论,结合县域功能区和空间布局调整,建立"一心两带"的功能分区和"两中心四区"的空间布局,以适应新形势的发展。  相似文献   

时空统一是地理研究中重要的理论与方法,弥补了对象研究空间分析的局限,在实践中得到广泛应用。改革开放以来中国高等教育事业的蓬勃发展,校园绿地作为学校建设中一项十分重要的内容越来越受学术界和工程界的关注。同时,校园绿地作为城市绿地系统的重要组成部分其功能与性质具有极大的异质性,而目前学术界对此界定尚不明确。基于时空分析视角下综述中国校园绿地研究,从近30年来关于"校园绿地"研究时序分析、空间方面的学科分布、地域格局分析以探索校园绿地研究进展,对未来研究发展趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

Recent growth in long-distance migration by non-Scots to remote parts of the Scottish Highlands is evaluated in relation to key explanatory themes in counter-urbanization literature: rural-urban convergence, expansion of the affluent middle class, and changing residential preferences. A survey of in-migrants' motivations and livelihood adjustments reveals the primacy of quality of life considerations and a ‘satisficing’ approach to work, lifestyle and residential location. It is concluded that peripheral area counter-urbanization could be maintained without the context of societal affluence that spawned the movement in the 1960s.  相似文献   

暴雨是一种影响力极其严重的灾害性天气之一,连降的暴雨或大暴雨、特大暴雨,常导致山洪爆发,危及人们的生命和财产安全。利用1961~2007年百色12个县(区)的降水实测资料,采用统计分析方法,对百色市暴雨进行分析,得出暴雨时空分布的特征,为该区域暴雨预报起到一定的指导作用。  相似文献   


Global distributions are commonly described by maps and tables which emphasize the dispersion of a distribution. The Mean Spheroidal Center (M.S.C.) defines the average location of a world distribution. It is an objectively determined point within the sphere's surface. The M.S.C. calculations are demonstrated using the world's 25 largest cities in each of four time periods.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):209-228
Legal cases are increasingly used in the social sciences as the raw material for social analysis. While this is entirely laudable as a research strategy, the analytical methods used in the social sciences to study cases are too often simplistic and reductionist. Positivism is too often the preferred analytical mode. I argue that the legal texture of cases ought to be retained by social scientists, just as we ought to be more aware of the problematic nature of interpretation, an issue embedded within legal discourse. In contrast to those who contend that the interpretive turn in the social sciences is nihilistic and subjective, I suggest reasons for understanding the interpretive turn as an organized social practice dependent upon social standards of right and wrong. These issues are illustrated by reference to a recent court case involving a corporation that secretly and illegally relocated production so as to avoid its pension obligations.  相似文献   

基于淮海经济区1995、2000、2005年的县域经济发展数据和图形数据,以县域为研究单元,对淮海经济区近10年的经济发展特征进行综合分析。分析了淮海经济区近十年的经济发展出现的趋势,表明淮海经济区各县域经济不断发展,但是区域内部出现了极化现象,贫富差距不断拉大;低发展水平县域的数量占县域总数的66%,且大部分位于西部地区,区域出现了东西分化现象;区域发展核心轴线逐步形成,成为区域经济发展的带动力量。区域内部交通干线对经济区经济发展起到了带动作用,交通网络的形成可以促进区域差异的缩小。  相似文献   

21世纪湖北省城镇空间发展研究是以空间相互作用理论为基础,提出了湖北省城镇空间发展的“一点二线,占轴开发;实内拓外,圈层扩展;多重循环,交叉推进”的模式,其依据主要是:①从区位理论看,湖北省武汉市地处中国中部,理所当然地承担着承东启西、南北交流的枢纽作用,武汉就是湖北省乃至长江中游的极核城市;②从经济区位来看,“两线”交汇于湖北省的经济增长极核-武汉,“两线”地带集中湖北省的大部分工业、农业、人口和城市;③湖北省盆状地形,向心状的水系,向心状的土地利用以及向心交汇的综合运轴网络,构成了以武汉为中心的集聚与扩散的层状网络结构;在此基础上构想今后一段时间内湖北省城镇空间组织的格局及建设层次,即武汉(一级)-襄樊、荆州、宜昌、黄石(二级)-十堰、荆门、鄂州、随州、恩施、仙桃、枝城等(三级)。  相似文献   

The farming regime of the Wola people of Nipa District in the Southern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea features the cultivation of some land semi-permanently under non-perennial crops within the broad context of a swidden regime. An investigation of the fertility status of the soils they cultivate —Inceptisols variably affected by falls of volcanic ash — suggests how these farmers avoid the soil constraints that might otherwise prompt long-term fallowing of sites under such a tropical subsistence agricultural regime. While organic matter and the elements N and K all decline significantly with time under cultivation, they settle at new equilibria which may not signify deficiencies for some crops. The other major nutrient P also falls significantly over time, although levels are relatively low throughout. Other nutrients show no significant variation. These findings comply with the wide variety of crops observed under cultivation early in the life of gardens, followed later by a virtual sweet potato mono-crop. This crop is able to continue yielding adequately in the long term, following a decline in nutrient availability, notably because they remain in favourable ratios for tuberisation and because of its tolerance of low P conditions.  相似文献   

The Wola people of Nipa District in the Southern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea show little interest in attempting to manipulate the fallow vegetation that colonises their garden sites when they cease to cultivate them, although they are intimately aware of the composition of different successions. Their disinterest signals an interesting farming regime, one in which people cultivate some land semi-permanently under non-perennial crops within the broad context of a swidden regime. This paper reports on the general sequence in which plants recolonise cleared sites, both according to locally identified stages and the results of a survey of fallow vegetation on sites uncultivated for different periods of time. The attitudes of local people to various regrowth species are also discussed in the context of fallow management. One species, the casuarina, emerges as pre-eminent and its effect on fallow soil recuperation is investigated.  相似文献   

非均质空间动态随机扩散的一般方程及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单卫东  包浩生 《地理科学》1997,17(2):127-133
通过非均质空间条件下革新随机游动模式的理论推导,结合实证研究成果,建立了非均质空间动态随机扩散方程。同时,将此方程应用于城市基准地价评估,予以实例验证。  相似文献   

Soils and alluvial sediments in two wadi systems provide preliminary evidence of intense prehistoric soil erosion in the Plateau of Central Jordan. Magnetic susceptibility, color, secondary carbonate morphology, and soil structure suggest that, at the end of the Pleistocene, red Mediterranean soils (terra rossa soils) extended into areas that today are dry steppes on desert fringes. The chronological correlation between alluvial depositional events and cultural phases in the context of climatic change in the Levant suggests that climatic fluctuations at the end of the Pleistocene, which were characterized by gradual drying and warming, triggered several consecutive cycles of soil erosion. There is also evidence to suggest that the advent of early farming in the early Holocene played an important role in the continuation of soil erosion processes. The results of this preliminary research suggest that studies of ancient soil erosion in this region, red Mediterranean soils are a useful chronological and pedological datum to be correlated with alluvial and colluvial deposits. [Key words: soil erosion, alluvial sequences, red Mediterranean soils, Levant, Jordan, Middle East, soil properties.]  相似文献   

During the period from 1990 to 1997, annual rainfall accumulation averaged 87% of normal at the 12 stations with the longest period of record in Puerto Rico, a Caribbean island with a 1999 population of 3.8 million. Streamflow in rivers supplying the La Plata and Loíza reservoirs, the principal water supply of the San Juan metropolitan area, was at or below the 10th flow percentile for 27% to 50% of the time between December 1993 and May 1996. Diminished reservoir levels in 1994 and 1995 affected more than 1 million people in the San Juan metropolitan area. Water rationing was implemented during this period and significant agricultural losses, valued at $165 million, were recorded in 1994. The public endured a year of mandatory water rationing in which sections of the city had their water-distribution networks shut off for 24 to 36 hours on alternate days. During the winter and spring of 1997–1998, water was rationed to more than 200,000 people in northwestern Puerto Rico because water level in the Guajataca reservoir was well below normal for two years because of rainfall deficits. The drought period of 1993–1996 was comparable in magnitude to a drought in 1966–1968, but water rationing was more severe during the 1993–1996 period, indicating that water management issues such as demand, storage capacity, water production and losses, and per capita consumption are increasingly important as population and development in Puerto Rico expand. [Key words: drought, streamflow, water resources, Caribbean, Puerto Rico, rainfall, water supply.]  相似文献   

Popper's concept of Worlds 1. 2, and 3 is discussed briefly in the light of idealism and materialism and to illustrate the debate about reification and reductionism. Then six types of change in geography are classified as changes in the phenomenal environment (World 1) and in that part of the behavioral environment that constitutes World 3. These changes involve those comparisons within or between “Worlds” that identify future research problems.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionEnvironmentalrisk'isamajorenvirotunedlthreattothesustainabilityoftheropon.ItsanalysishasbecomeafOcusofenvironmentalstudyinthepastl0years.0win8torapideconothecdeveloPmentinChina,manykindsOfpotatialriskshavegreatlyhamPeredtheroponalsustainable…  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):160-185
Informed by feminist debates about the distinction between public and private in western urban societies, this article examines some urban landscapes created or transformed in recent decades with a view to assessing the extent to which emancipatory conceptions of gender are apparent. Evidence drawn from the city of Edinburgh shows how divisions between public space and private space operate at different scales and take different forms in different neighborhoods. These forms illustrate how gender and class are interwoven in demarcations between and connotations of public and private spaces. In one of the neighborhoods examined, some breaking down of traditional gender connotations of public and private spaces is detected, a process that is closely associated with privileged middle-class lifestyles.  相似文献   

新疆宏观生态的空间分异与变化   总被引:11,自引:12,他引:11  
根据新疆环境和生态特点,将新疆划分为14个二级生态区进行了研究。结果表明,新疆荒漠与非荒漠生态景观面积大致相当,但空间分异较大。新疆北部荒漠景观占全区域的约1/3,非荒漠景观占2/3,宏观生态相对稳定;新疆东部荒漠景观占全区域的2/3以上,宏观生态十分严峻;新疆南部荒漠景观占全区域的1/2,宏观生态稳定性差。沙漠、绿洲、水体三种主要景观类型中,北疆阿尔泰山南坡、伊犁盆地及南疆叶尔羌-喀什河三角洲地区沙漠化呈降低趋势;天山北坡各段及准噶尔盆地西部,20世纪90年代以来沙漠化明显减缓;新疆东部及南部其余各地区沙漠化均呈现增强趋势。新疆水体景观的变化表现为天然和人工水体面积的消长。近50年来,新疆修建的水库和坑塘等人工水体总面积与同期天然水体缩小的面积基本相当,表明新疆水体景观再近50年来的变化主要体现为水体的空间位移。绿洲景观的变化表明,北疆地区天然绿洲与人工绿洲面积的比例已经从50年代的5:1以上下降到约1:1,南疆由6:1以上下降到3:1左右。天然绿洲的减少是绿洲生态局部劣变的标志。研究还表明,新疆宏观生态的空间分异主要受自然因素的影响,其中,区域降水量的影响最为重要。  相似文献   

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