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The abundances, distributions, enantiomeric ratios, and carbon isotopic compositions of amino acids in two fragments of the Aguas Zarcas CM2 type carbonaceous chondrite fall and a fragment of the CM2 Murchison meteorite were determined via liquid chromatography time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry and gas chromatography isotope ratio mass spectrometry. A suite of two‐ to six‐carbon aliphatic primary amino acids was identified in the Aguas Zarcas and Murchison meteorites with abundances ranging from ~0.1 to 158 nmol/g. The high relative abundances of α‐amino acids found in these meteorites are consistent with a Strecker‐cyanohydrin synthesis on these meteorite parent bodies. Amino acid enantiomeric and carbon isotopic measurements in both fragments of the Aguas Zarcas meteorites indicate that both samples experienced some terrestrial protein amino acid contamination after their fall to Earth. In contrast, similar measurements of alanine in Murchison revealed that this common protein amino acid was both racemic (D ≈ L) and heavily enriched in 13C, indicating no measurable terrestrial alanine contamination of this meteorite. Carbon isotope measurements of two rare non‐proteinogenic amino acids in the Aguas Zarcas and Murchison meteorites, α‐aminoisobutyric acid and D‐ and L‐isovaline, also fall well outside the typical terrestrial range, confirming they are extraterrestrial in origin. The detections of non‐terrestrial L‐isovaline excesses of ~10–15% in both the Aguas Zarcas and Murchison meteorites, and non‐terrestrial L‐glutamic acid excesses in Murchison of ~16–40% are consistent with preferential enrichment of circularly polarized light generated L‐amino acid excesses of conglomerate enantiopure crystals during parent body aqueous alteration and provide evidence of an early solar system formation bias toward L‐amino acids prior to the origin of life.  相似文献   

Abstract— Organic compounds in the Murchison (C2M) and Allende (CV3) carbonaceous chondrites were analyzed by photoionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry; thermal (25–850 °C) and stimulated (7 keV Ar+) desorption were combined with either nonresonant single-photon ionization using 118 nm light or resonantly enhanced multiphoton ionization (selective for aromatic compounds) using 266 nm light. Samples weighing only 1–10 mg were sufficient for sensitive quantitative analysis of aromatic compounds using thermal desorption. The detection limits for phenanthrene and pyrene using 118 nm light were determined to be 0.8 and 1.4 picomoles, respectively, and the concentrations of these compounds (including their isomers anthracene and fluoranthene) in the Murchison meteorite were determined to be 9 and 12 μg/g, respectively, in good agreement with previously published values. Thermal-desorption (–75–500 °C) field-ionization mass spectra (activated foil-type ionizing source and magnetic sector mass analyzer) of 20–40 mg of the same meteorite material were obtained to verify that the 118 nm photoionization mass spectra were not affected by photofragmentation or photodecomposition and were representative of the organic material extracted by thermal desorption. Photoionization mass spectrometry is a useful technique for studying small quantities (< 1 nanomole) of organic matter in terrestrial and extraterrestrial samples. The present study aims to provide the background and analytical methods necessary for application to new and unsolved cosmochemical problems. Some potential applications are discussed.  相似文献   

We present high‐precision measurements of the Mg isotopic compositions of a suite of types I and II chondrules separated from the Murchison and Murray CM2 carbonaceous chondrites. These chondrules are olivine‐ and pyroxene‐rich and have low 27Al/24Mg ratios (0.012–0.316). The Mg isotopic compositions of Murray chondrules are on average lighter (δ26Mg ranging from ?0.95‰ to ?0.15‰ relative to the DSM‐3 standard) than those of Murchison (δ26Mg ranging from ?1.27‰ to +0.77‰). Taken together, the CM2 chondrules exhibit a narrower range of Mg isotopic compositions than those from CV and CB chondrites studied previously. The least‐altered CM2 chondrules are on average lighter (average δ26Mg = ?0.39 ± 0.30‰, 2SE) than the moderately to heavily altered CM2 chondrules (average δ26Mg = ?0.11 ± 0.21‰, 2SE). The compositions of CM2 chondrules are consistent with isotopic fractionation toward heavy Mg being associated with the formation of secondary silicate phases on the CM2 parent body, but were also probably affected by volatilization and recondensation processes involved in their original formation. The low‐Al CM2 chondrules analyzed here do not exhibit any mass‐independent variations in 26Mg from the decay of 26Al, with the exception of two chondrules that show only small variations just outside of the analytical error. In the case of the chondrule with the highest Al/Mg ratio (a type IAB chondrule from Murchison), the lack of resolvable 26Mg excess suggests that it either formed >1 Ma after calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions, or that its Al‐Mg isotope systematics were reset by secondary alteration processes on the CM2 chondrite parent body after the decay of 26Al.  相似文献   

Evaluating the water‐soluble organic composition of carbonaceous chondrites is key to understanding the inventory of organic matter present at the origins of the solar system and the subsequent processes that took place inside asteroid parent bodies. Here, we present a side‐by‐side analysis and comparison of the abundance and molecular distribution of aliphatic amines, aldehydes, ketones, mono‐ and dicarboxylic acids, and free and acid‐releasable cyanide species in the CM2 chondrites Aguas Zarcas and Murchison. The Aguas Zarcas meteorite is a recent fall that occurred in central Costa Rica and constitutes the largest recovered mass of a CM‐type meteorite after Murchison. The overall content of organic species we investigated was systematically higher in Murchison than in Aguas Zarcas. Similar to previous meteoritic organic studies, carboxylic acids were one to two orders of magnitude more abundant than other soluble organic compound classes investigated in both meteorite samples. We did not identify free cyanide in Aguas Zarcas and Murchison; however, cyanide species analyzed after acid digestion of the water‐extracted meteorite mineral matrix were detected and quantified at slightly higher abundances in Aguas Zarcas compared to Murchison. Although there were differences in the total abundances of specific compound classes, these two carbonaceous chondrites showed similar isomeric distributions of aliphatic amines and carboxylic acids, with common traits such as a complete suite of structural isomers that decreases in concentration with increasing molecular weight. These observations agree with their petrologic CM type‐2 classification, suggesting that these meteorites experienced similar organic formation processes and/or conditions during parent body aqueous alteration.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are carbon-containing chemicals that may evaporate rapidly at room temperature and standard pressure. Such organic compounds can be preserved inside carbonaceous chondrite matrices. However, unlike meteoritic soluble organic matter (SOM) and insoluble organic matter (IOM), VOCs are typically lost (at least in part) during sample processing (meteorite crushing) and exposure to terrestrial atmosphere and/or solvents. Like SOM and IOM, VOCs can provide valuable insights into the chemical inventory of the meteorite parent body and even the presolar cloud from which our solar system formed, as well as the composition and processes that occurred during the early formation of our solar system and the asteroidal stage. Thus, in this work, we designed and built an instrument that allowed us to access the VOCs present in samples of the carbonaceous chondrites Murchison and Sutter's Mill after mineral disaggregation by means of freeze–thaw cycling. We simultaneously evaluated the abundances and compound-specific 13C-distributions of the volatiles evolving after meteorite powdering at ~20, 60, and 100°C. Carbon monoxide (CO) and methane (CH4) were released from these meteorites as the most abundant VOCs. They were combusted together for analysis and showed positive δ13C values, indicative of their extraterrestrial origins. Carbon dioxide (CO2) was also an abundant VOC in both meteorites, and its isotopic values suggest that it was mainly formed from dissolved carbonates in the samples. We also detected aldehydes, ketones, and aromatic compounds in low amounts. Contrary to Murchison, which mostly yielded VOCs with positive δ13C values, Sutter's Mill yielded VOCs with negative δ13C values. The less enriched 13C isotope composition of the VOCs detected in Sutter's Mill suggest that they are either terrestrial contaminants, such as VOCs in compressed gas dusters and common laboratory solvents, or compounds disconnected from interstellar sources and/or formed through parent body processing. Understanding the relative abundances and determining the molecular distributions and isotopic compositions of free meteoritic VOCs are key in assessing their extraterrestrial origins and those of chondritic SOM and IOM. Our newly developed technique will be valuable in the study of the samples brought to the Earth from carbonaceous asteroid Bennu by NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Orgueil CI carbonaceous chondrite contains magnetite (Fe3O4) that displays a rich and seemingly unique variety of morphologies. While many have already been described, recent images provide far greater definition and, thus, provide more unambiguous identification of trapezohedral crystals and possibly also trisoctahedral forms. Although it is an extremely abundant terrestrial mineral and commonly occurs in well-developed crystals, neither of these forms have been recognized previously from magnetite. The barrel-shaped arrays of magnetite discs (“plaquettes”) are also unique. It appears as if the circumstances for the formation of these unusual crystals were somehow exceptional. Their morphologies and association with sulfates and carbonates suggest an aqueous origin.  相似文献   

Abstract– To investigate the effect of parent body processes on the abundance, distribution, and enantiomeric composition of amino acids in carbonaceous chondrites, the water extracts from nine different powdered CI, CM, and CR carbonaceous chondrites were analyzed for amino acids by ultra performance liquid chromatography‐fluorescence detection and time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry (UPLC‐FD/ToF‐MS). Four aqueously altered type 1 carbonaceous chondrites including Orgueil (CI1), Meteorite Hills (MET) 01070 (CM1), Scott Glacier (SCO) 06043 (CM1), and Grosvenor Mountains (GRO) 95577 (CR1) were analyzed using this technique for the first time. Analyses of these meteorites revealed low levels of two‐ to five‐carbon acyclic amino alkanoic acids with concentrations ranging from approximately 1 to 2,700 parts‐per‐billion (ppb). The type 1 carbonaceous chondrites have a distinct distribution of the five‐carbon (C5) amino acids with much higher relative abundances of the γ‐ and δ‐amino acids compared to the type 2 and type 3 carbonaceous chondrites, which are dominated by α‐amino acids. Much higher amino acid abundances were found in the CM2 chondrites Murchison, Lonewolf Nunataks (LON) 94102, and Lewis Cliffs (LEW) 90500, the CR2 Elephant Moraine (EET) 92042, and the CR3 Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 99177. For example, α‐aminoisobutyric acid (α‐AIB) and isovaline were approximately 100 to 1000 times more abundant in the type 2 and 3 chondrites compared to the more aqueously altered type 1 chondrites. Most of the chiral amino acids identified in these meteorites were racemic, indicating an extraterrestrial abiotic origin. However, nonracemic isovaline was observed in the aqueously altered carbonaceous chondrites Murchison, Orgueil, SCO 06043, and GRO 95577 with l ‐isovaline excesses ranging from approximately 11 to 19%, whereas the most pristine, unaltered carbonaceous chondrites analyzed in this study had no detectable l ‐isovaline excesses. These results are consistent with the theory that aqueous alteration played an important role in amplification of small initial left handed isovaline excesses on the parent bodies.  相似文献   

Abstract— CM2 carbonaceous chondrites are the most primitive material present in the solar system, and some of their subtypes, the CM and CI chondrites, contain up to 2 wt% of organic carbon. The CM2 carbonaceous chondrites contain a wide variety of complex amino acids, while the CI1 meteorites Orgueil and Ivuna display a much simpler composition, with only glycine and β‐alanine present in significant abundances. CM1 carbonaceous chondrites show a higher degree of aqueous alteration than CM2 types and therefore provide an important link between the CM2 and CI1 carbonaceous chondrites. Relative amino acid concentrations have been shown to be indicative for parent body processes with respect to the formation of this class of compounds. In order to understand the relationship of the amino acid composition between these three types of meteorites, we have analyzed for the first time three Antarctic CM1 chondrites, Meteorite Hills (MET) 01070, Allan Hills (ALH) 88045, and LaPaz Icefield (LAP) 02277, using gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry (GC‐MS) and high performance liquid chromatography‐fluorescence detection (HPLC‐FD). The concentrations of the eight most abundant amino acids in these meteorites were compared to those of the CM2s Murchison, Murray, Mighei, Lewis Cliff (LEW) 90500, ALH 83100, as well as the CI1s Orgueil and Ivuna. The total amino acid concentration in CM1 carbonaceous chondrites was found to be much lower than the average of the CM2s. Relative amino acid abundances were compared in order to identify synthetic relationships between the amino acid compositions in these meteorite classes. Our data support the hypothesis that amino acids in CM‐ and CI‐type meteorites were synthesized under different physical and chemical conditions and may best be explained with differences in the abundances of precursor compounds in the source regions of their parent bodies in combination with the decomposition of amino acids during extended aqueous alteration.  相似文献   

Abstract— Insoluble organic matter (IOM) dominates the HF/HCl residue of the Orgueil (CI) carbonaceous chondrite meteorite. The IOM is composed primarily of two C‐rich particle types. The first has a fluffy texture similar to crumpled tissue paper, and the second type occurs as solid or hollow nanospheres. High‐resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) images of the fluffy material show it is poorly ordered, with small, irregularly shaped regions having fringes with 0.34–0.38 nm spacings and locally 0.21 nm cross‐fringes. Nanodiamonds occur in the fluffy material. The rounded C‐rich particles are common in the residue and their HRTEM images show neither fringes nor nanodiamonds. Both types of carbonaceous materials have a high aromatic component, as revealed by electron energy‐loss spectroscopy (EELS), with up to 10 at% substitution by S, N, and O. The average compositions of the fluffy material and nanospheres are C100S1.9N3.7O4.9 and C100S2.4N5.0O3.9, respectively. The structural and chemical heterogeneity of the carbonaceous materials may represent material from multiple sources.  相似文献   

Abstract— Iron‐rich aureoles in CM carbonaceous chondrites are previously unidentified domains of aqueously altered matrix material, whose FeO content may exceed that of the surrounding matrix by up to more than 15 wt%. We describe the petrography and mineralogy of these objects in the CM chondrites Murray, Murchison, and Allan Hills (ALH) 81002. The size of Fe‐rich aureoles ranges from a few hundred microns to several millimeters in diameter and appears to be a function of the degree of alteration of the host chondrite. The origin of Fe‐rich aureoles is related to the alteration of large metal grains that has resulted in the formation of characteristic PCP‐rich reaction products that are frequently observed at the centers of the aureoles. This suggests that Fe‐rich aureoles in CM chondrites are the result of the mobilization of Fe from altering metal grains into the matrix. The fact that Fe‐rich aureoles enclose numerous chondritic components such as chondrules, calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs), and mineral fragments, as well as their radial symmetric appearance, are strong evidence that they formed in situ and that significant directional fluid flow was not involved in the alteration process. This and additional constraints, such as the distribution of S and other elements, as well as the inferred alteration conditions, are consistent with in situ parent‐body alteration. The observations are, however, entirely incompatible with preaccretionary alteration models in which the individual CM chondrite components have experienced diverse alteration histories. The presence of numerous intact aureoles in the brecciated CM chondrites Murray and Murchison further suggests that the alteration occurred largely after brecciation affected these meteorites. Therefore, the progressive aqueous alteration of CM chondrites may not be necessarily coupled to brecciation as has been previously proposed.  相似文献   

The size distribution, abundance, and physical and chemical characteristics of chondritic inclusions are key features that define the chondrite groups. We present statistics on the size and abundance of the macroscopic components (inclusions) in the Murchison (CM2) and Allende (CV3) chondrites and measure their general chemical trends using established X‐ray mapping techniques. This study provides a fine‐scale assessment of the two meteorites and a semiquantitative evaluation of the relative abundances of elements and their distribution among meteorite components. Murchison contains 72% matrix and 28% inclusions; Allende contains 57% and 43%, respectively. A broad range of inclusion sizes and relative abundances has been reported for these meteorites, which demonstrates the necessity for a more standardized approach to measuring these characteristics. Nonetheless, the characteristic mean sizes of inclusions in Allende are consistently larger than those in Murchison. We draw two significant conclusions (1) these two meteorites sampled distinct populations of chondrules and refractory inclusions, and (2) complementary Mg/Si ratios between chondrules and matrix are observed in both Murchison and Allende. Both support the idea that chondrules and matrix within each chondrite group originated in single reservoirs of precursors with approximately solar Mg/Si ratios, providing a constraint on astrophysical models of the origin of chondrite parent bodies.  相似文献   

Carbonaceous chondrites contain numerous indigenous organic compounds and could have been an important source of prebiotic compounds required for the origin of life on Earth or elsewhere. Extraterrestrial amino acids have been reported in five of the eight groups of carbonaceous chondrites and are most abundant in CI, CM, and CR chondrites but are also present in the more thermally altered CV and CO chondrites. We report the abundance, distribution, and enantiomeric and isotopic compositions of simple primary amino acids in six metal‐rich CH and CB carbonaceous chondrites that have not previously been investigated for amino acids: Allan Hills (ALH) 85085 (CH3), Pecora Escarpment (PCA) 91467 (CH3), Patuxent Range (PAT) 91546 (CH3), MacAlpine Hills (MAC) 02675 (CBb), Miller Range (MIL) 05082 (CB), and Miller Range (MIL) 07411 (CB). Amino acid abundances and carbon isotopic values were obtained by using both liquid chromatography time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry and fluorescence, and gas chromatography isotope ratio mass spectrometry. The δ13C/12C ratios of multiple amino acids fall outside of the terrestrial range and support their extraterrestrial origin. Extracts of CH chondrites were found to be particularly rich in amino acids (13–16 parts per million, ppm) while CB chondrite extracts had much lower abundances (0.2–2 ppm). The amino acid distributions of the CH and CB chondrites were distinct from the distributions observed in type 2 and 3 CM and CR chondrites and contained elevated levels of β‐, γ‐, and δ‐amino acids compared to the corresponding α‐amino acids, providing evidence that multiple amino acid formation mechanisms were important in CH and CB chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites of the lowest petrologic types were surveyed by X‐ray mapping techniques. A variety of metamorphic effects were noted and subjected to detailed analysis using electron microprobe, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and cathodoluminescence (CL) methods. The distribution of Cr in FeO‐rich olivine systematically changes as metamorphism increases between type 3.0 and type 3.2. Igneous zoning patterns are replaced by complex ones and Cr‐rich coatings develop on all grains. Cr distributions in olivine are controlled by the exsolution of a Cr‐rich phase, probably chromite. Cr in olivine may have been partly present as tetrahedrally coordinated Cr3+. Separation of chromite is nearly complete by petrologic type 3.2. The abundance of chondrules showing an inhomogeneous distribution of alkalis in mesostasis also increases with petrologic type. TEM shows this to be the result of crystallization of albite. Residual glass compositions systematically change during metamorphism, becoming increasingly rich in K. Glass in type I chondrules also gains alkalis during metamorphism. Both types of chondrules were open to an exchange of alkalis with opaque matrix and other chondrules. The matrix in the least metamorphosed chondrites is rich in S and Na. The S is lost from the matrix at the earliest stages of metamorphism due to coalescence of minute grains. Progressive heating also results in the loss of sulfides from chondrule rims and increases sulfide abundances in coarse matrix assemblages as well as inside chondrules. Alkalis initially leave the matrix and enter chondrules during early metamorphism. Feldspar subsequently nucleates in the matrix and Na re‐enters from chondrules. These metamorphic trends can be used to refine classification schemes for chondrites. Cr distributions in olivine are a highly effective tool for assigning petrologic types to the most primitive meteorites and can be used to subdivide types 3.0 and 3.1 into types 3.00 through 3.15. On this basis, the most primitive ordinary chondrite known is Semarkona, although even this meteorite has experienced a small amount of metamorphism. Allan Hills (ALH) A77307 is the least metamorphosed CO chondrite and shares many properties with the ungrouped carbonaceous chondrite Acfer 094. Analytical problems are significant for glasses in type II chondrules, as Na is easily lost during microprobe analysis. As a result, existing schemes for chondrule classification that are based on the alkali content of glasses need to be revised.  相似文献   

Deuterium abundance measurements and the 13C NMR spectrum of the HF/HCl insoluble residue of the Orgueil carbonaceous chondrite indicate the presence of an extensive component of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) that is of possible interstellar origin or is similar to PAH hypothesized to exist in interstellar space. Infrared spectra have been obtained using an FTIR spectrometer of the acid insoluble residue, the residue after heating in vacuum, and condensate. Bulk acid insoluble residue was pressed into KBr pellets and also heated under high vacuum to sublimate a volatile component onto KBr disks. The remaining non-volatile organic component of the Orgueil meteorite from such evaporations pressed into KBr pellets exhibits a spectral signature similar to that observed in emission from the Orion Nebula and found in Raman spectra of interplanetary dust particles (IDPs). In addition it has an 11.3 microns (885 cm-1) band indicating PAH having single hydrogens per peripheral aromatic ring. We conclude the nonvolatile material is similar to interstellar PAH because the observed 11.3 microns (885 cm-1) unidentified infrared (UIR) emission suggests interstellar PAH have single hydrogens per peripheral aromatic ring. The volatile fraction of the Orgueil shows an aliphatic CH stretch feature and its spectrum in the 2-25 microns range is similar to that of the bulk residue.  相似文献   

Abstract– We used instrumental neutron activation analysis and petrography to determine bulk and phase compositions and textural characteristics of 15 carbonaceous chondrites of uncertain classification: Acfer 094 (type 3.0, ungrouped CM‐related); Belgica‐7904 (mildly metamorphosed, anomalous, CM‐like chondrite, possibly a member of a new grouplet that includes Wisconsin Range (WIS) 91600, Dhofar 225, and Yamato‐86720); Dar al Gani (DaG) 055 and its paired specimen DaG 056 (anomalous, reduced CV3‐like); DaG 978 (type 3 ungrouped); Dominion Range 03238 (anomalous, magnetite‐rich CO3.1); Elephant Moraine 90043 (anomalous, magnetite‐bearing CO3); Graves Nunataks 98025 (type 2 or type 3 ungrouped); Grosvenor Mountains (GRO) 95566 (anomalous CM2 with a low degree of aqueous alteration); Hammadah al Hamra (HaH) 073 (type 4 ungrouped, possibly related to the Coolidge‐Loongana [C‐L] 001 grouplet); Lewis Cliff (LEW) 85311 (anomalous CM2 with a low degree of aqueous alteration); Northwest Africa 1152 (anomalous CV3); Pecora Escarpment (PCA) 91008 (anomalous, metamorphosed CM); Queen Alexandra Range 99038 (type 2 ungrouped); Sahara 00182 (type 3 ungrouped, possibly related to HaH 073 and/or to C‐L 001); and WIS 91600 (mildly metamorphosed, anomalous, CM‐like chondrite, possibly a member of a new grouplet that includes Belgica‐7904, Dhofar 225, and Y‐86720). Many of these meteorites show fractionated abundance patterns, especially among the volatile elements. Impact volatilization and dehydration as well as elemental transport caused by terrestrial weathering are probably responsible for most of these compositional anomalies. The metamorphosed CM chondrites comprise two distinct clusters on the basis of their Δ17O values: approximately ?4‰ for PCA 91008, GRO 95566, DaG 978, and LEW 85311, and approximately 0‰ for Belgica‐7904 and WIS 91600. These six meteorites must have been derived from different asteroidal regions.  相似文献   

J.N. Goswami  D. Lal 《Icarus》1979,40(3):510-521
We have carried out extensive particle track studies for several C2 chondrites. On the basis of these and the available data on spallogenic stable and radioactive nuclides in several C1 and C2 chondrites, we have constructed a scenario for the precompaction irradiation of these meteorites. We discuss the rather severe constraints which these data place on the events leading to the formation of the parent bodies of the carbonaceous chondrites. Our analyses suggest that the precompaction solar flare and solar wind irradiation of the individual components most probably occurred primarily while the matter had accreted to form swarms of centimeter- to meter-sized bodies. This irradiation occured very early, within a few hundred my of the birth of the solar system; the pressure in the solar system had then dropped below 10?9 atm. Further, the model assumes that soon after the irradiation of carbonaceous matter as swarms, the small bodies coalesced to form kilometer-sized objects, in time scales of 105±1 years, a constraint defined by the low cosmogenic exposure ages of these meteorites. Collisions among these objects led to the formation of much-larger-sized parent bodies of the carbonaceous chondrites. Implicit in this model is the existence of “irradiated” components at all depths in the parent bodies, which formed out of the irradiated swarm material.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have studied both of the known glass-free, hibonite-pyroxene spherules: MYSM3, from Murray (CM2), and Y17–6, from Yamato 791717 (CO3). They consist of hibonite plates (~2 wt% TiOtot2) enclosed in Al-rich pyroxene that has such high amounts of CaTs (CaAl2SiO6) component, up to ~80 mol%, that it must have crystallized metastably. Within the pyroxene, abundances of MgO and SiO2 are strongly correlated with each other and are anticorrelated with those of Al2O3, reflecting an anticorrelation between the diopside and CaTs components of the pyroxene. In contrast with previous results for Type B fassaite, however, we do not observe an anticorrelation between MgO and TiOtot2, possibly reflecting different relative distribution coefficients for Ti3+ and Ti4+ in the aluminous pyroxene of the spherules from those found for fassaite in Type B inclusions. Previously described hibonite-silicate spherules have 26Mg deficits but the present samples do not. Furthermore, the pyroxene in Y17-6 has excess 26Mg, while the hibonite it encloses does not, indicating that the two phases either had different initial 26Al/27Al ratios or different initial 26Mg/24Mg ratios. The Ti isotopic compositions of the present samples are highly unusual: δ50Ti = 103.4 ± 5.2%o in MYSM3 and -61.4 ± 4.1%0 in Y17-6, which are among the largest 50Ti anomalies reported for any refractory inclusion. The textures suggest that hibonite crystallized first; but based on the calculated bulk compositions of both spherules, it is not the liquidus phase in either sample, which suggests that the hibonite in both samples is relict. The presence of ragged hibonite grains in MYSM3 and rounded hibonite grains in Y17-6 and a lack of isotopic equilibrium between pyroxene and hibonite support this conclusion. The spherules crystallized from liquid droplets that probably formed as a result of the melting of solid precursor grains that included hibonite. The heating events were too short and/or not hot enough to melt all the hibonite. The droplets cooled quickly enough that CaTs-rich pyroxene crystallized instead of anorthite. Based on the observed differences in isotopic composition, it is unlikely that the precursors of the present samples formed in the same reservoir as each other or as the previously described hibonite-silicate spherules, providing further evidence of the isotopic heterogeneity of the early solar nebula.  相似文献   

We report microscopic, cathodoluminescence, chemical, and O isotopic measurements of FeO‐poor isolated olivine grains (IOG) in the carbonaceous chondrites Allende (CV3), Northwest Africa 5958 (C2‐ung), Northwest Africa 11086 (CM2‐an), and Allan Hills 77307 (CO3.0). The general petrographic, chemical, and isotopic similarity with bona fide type I chondrules confirms that the IOG derived from them. The concentric CL zoning, reflecting a decrease in refractory elements toward the margins, and frequent rimming by enstatite are taken as evidence of interaction of the IOG with the gas as stand‐alone objects. This indicates that they were splashed out of chondrules when these were still partially molten. CaO‐rich refractory forsterites, which are restricted to ?17O <?4‰ likely escaped equilibration at lower temperatures because of their large size and possibly quicker quenching. The IOG thus bear witness to frequent collisions in the chondrule‐forming regions.  相似文献   

Abstract— The radicals in the insoluble organic matter (IOM) from the Tagish Lake meteorite were studied by electron paramagnetic resonance and compared to those existing in the Orgueil and Murchison meteorites. As in the Orgueil and Murchison meteorites, the radicals in the Tagish Lake meteorite are heterogeneously distributed and comprise a substantial amount (?42%) of species with a thermally accessible triplet state and with the same singlet‐triplet gap, ΔE ?0.1 eV, as in the Orgueil and Murchison meteorites. These species were identified as diradicaloid moieties. The existence of similar diradicaloid moieties in three different carbonaceous chondrites but not in terrestrial IOM strongly suggests that these moieties could be “fingerprints” of the extraterrestrial origin of meteoritic IOM and markers of its synthetic pathway before its inclusion into a parent body.  相似文献   

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