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Abstract— Nakhla contains crystallized melt inclusions that were trapped in augite and olivine when these phases originally formed on Mars. Our study involved rehomogenization (slow‐heating and fast‐heating) experiments on multiphase melt inclusions in Nakhla augite. We studied melt inclusions trapped in augite because this phase re‐equilibrated with the external melt to a lesser extent than olivine and results could be directly compared with previous Nakhla melt inclusion studies. Following heating and homogenization of encapsulated melt inclusions, single mineral grains were mounted and polished to expose inclusions. Major element chemistry was determined by electron microprobe. The most primitive melt inclusion analyzed in Nakhla NA03 is basaltic and closely matches previously reported nakhlite parent melt compositions. MELTS equilibrium and fractional crystallization models calculated for NA03 and previous Nakhla parent melt estimates at QFM and QFM‐1 produced phase assemblages and compositions that can be compared to Nakhla. Of these models, equilibrium crystallization of NA03 at QFM‐1 produced the best match to mineral phases and compositions in Nakhla. In all models, olivine and augite co‐crystallize, consistent with the hypothesis that olivine is not xenocrystic but has undergone subsolidus re‐equilibration. In addition, measured melt inclusion compositions plot along the MELTS‐calculated liquid line of descent and may represent pockets of melt trapped at various stages during crystallization. We attempt to resolve discrepancies between previous estimates of the Nakhla parental melt composition and to reinterpret the results of a previous study of rehomogenized melt inclusions in Nakhla. Melt inclusions demonstrate that Nakhla is an igneous rock whose parent melt composition and crystallization history reflect planetary igneous processes.  相似文献   

Abstract— Minor element variations in MgAl2O4 spinel from the type B1 calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusion (CAI) Allende TS‐34 confirm earlier studies in showing correlations between the minor element chemistry of spinels with their location within the inclusion and with the chemistry of host silicate phases. These correlations result from a combination of crystallization of a liquid produced by re‐melting event(s) and local re‐equilibration during subsolidus reheating. The correlation of the Ti and V in spinel inclusions with the Ti and V in the adjacent host clinopyroxene can be qualitatively explained by spinel and clinopyroxene crystallization prior to melilite, following a partial melting event. There are, however, difficulties in quantitative modeling of the observed trends, and it is easier to explain the Ti correlation in terms of complete re‐equilibration. The correlation of V in spinel inclusions with that in the adjacent host clinopyroxene also cannot be quantitatively modeled by fractional crystallization of the liquid produced by re‐melting, but it can be explained by partial re‐equilibration. The distinct V and Ti concentrations in spinel inclusions in melilite from the edge regions of the CAI are best explained as being affected by only a minor degree of re‐equilibration. The center melilites and included spinels formed during crystallization of the liquid produced by re‐melting, while the edge melilites and included spinels are primary. The oxygen isotope compositions of TS‐34 spinels are uniformly 16O‐rich, regardless of the host silicate phase or its location within the inclusion. Similar to other type B1 CAIs, clinopyroxene is 16O‐rich, but melilite is relatively 16O‐poor. These data require that the oxygen isotope exchange in TS‐34 melilite occurred subsequent to the last re‐melting event.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Vredefort Granophyre represents impact melt that was injected downward into fractures in the floor of the Vredefort impact structure, South Africa. This unit contains inclusions of country rock that were derived from different locations within the impact structure and are predominantly composed of quartzite, feldspathic quartzite, arkose, and granitic material with minor proportions of shale and epidiorite. Two of the least recrystallized inclusions contain quartz with single or multiple sets of planar deformation features. Quartz grains in other inclusions display a vermicular texture, which is reminiscent of checkerboard feldspar. Feldspars range from large, twinned crystals in some inclusions to fine‐grained aggregates that apparently are the product of decomposition of larger primary crystals. In rare inclusions, a mafic mineral, probably biotite or amphibole, has been transformed to very fine‐grained aggregates of secondary phases that include small euhedral crystals of Fe‐rich spinel. These data indicate that inclusions within the Vredefort Granophyre were exposed to shock pressures ranging from <5 to 8–30 GPa. Many of these inclusions contain small, rounded melt pockets composed of a groundmass of devitrified or metamorphosed glass containing microlites of a variety of minerals, including K‐feldspar, quartz, augite, low‐Ca pyroxene, and magnetite. The composition of this devitrified glass varies from inclusion to inclusion, but is generally consistent with a mixture of quartz and feldspar with minor proportions of mafic minerals. In the case of granitoid inclusions, melt pockets commonly occur at the boundaries between feldspar and quartz grains. In metasedimentary inclusions, some of these melt pockets contain remnants of partially melted feldspar grains. These melt pockets may have formed by eutectic melting caused by inclusion of these fragments in the hot (650 to 1610 °C) impact melt that crystallized to form the Vredefort Granophyre.  相似文献   

Apatite and merrillite are the most common phosphate minerals in a wide range of planetary materials and are key accessory phases for in situ age dating, as well as for determination of the volatile abundances and their isotopic composition. Although most lunar and meteoritic samples show at least some evidence of impact metamorphism, relatively little is known about how these two phosphates respond to shock‐loading. In this work, we analyzed a set of well‐studied lunar highlands samples (Apollo 17 Mg‐suite rocks 76535, 76335, 72255, 78235, and 78236), in order of displaying increasing shock deformation stages from S1 to S6. We determined the stage of shock deformation of the rock based on existing plagioclase shock‐pressure barometry using optical microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and SEM‐based panchromatic cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging of plagioclase. We then inspected the microtexture of apatite and merrillite through an integrated study of Raman spectroscopy, SEM‐CL imaging, and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). EBSD analyses revealed that microtextures in apatite and merrillite become progressively more complex and deformed with increasing levels of shock‐loading. An early shock‐stage fragmentation at S1 and S2 is followed by subgrain formation from S2 onward, showing consistent decrease in subgrain size with increasing level of deformation (up to S5) and finally granularization of grains caused by recrystallization (S6). Starting with 2°–3° of intragrain crystal‐plastic deformation in both phosphates at the lowest shock stage, apatite undergoes up to 25° and merrillite up to 30° of crystal‐plastic deformation at the highest stage of shock deformation (S5). Merrillite displays lower shock impedance than apatite; hence, it is more deformed at the same level of shock‐loading. We suggest that the microtexture of apatite and merrillite visualized by EBSD can be used to evaluate stages of shock deformation and should be taken into account when interpreting in situ geochemically relevant analyses of the phosphates, e.g., age or volatile content, as it has been shown in other accessory minerals that differently shocked domains can yield significantly different ages.  相似文献   

Abstract— Planar features can develop in quartz during comparatively slow tectonic deformation and during very fast dynamic shock metamorphism. Despite their very different structural nature, tectonically induced deformation lamellae have sometimes been mistaken as shock‐induced planar deformation features (PDFs). To understand the formation of deformation lamellae and to address the substantial differences between them and PDFs, we have conducted deformation experiments on single crystals of quartz in a Griggs‐type apparatus, at a temperature of 800 °C, a confining pressure of 12 kbar, and a strain rate of 0.7–1.1 · 10?6. The deformed samples were analyzed with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and compared to natural PDFs from the Ries Crater, Germany. TEM revealed that tectonic deformation lamellae are associated with numerous sub‐parallel curved subgrain walls, across which the orientation of the crystal changes slightly. The formation of deformation lamellae is due to glide‐ and climb‐controlled deformation in the exponential creep regime. In contrast, the PDFs in shocked quartz from the Ries are perfectly planar, crystallographically controlled features that originally represented amorphous lamellae. Due to post‐shock annealing and hydrothermal activity they are recrystallized and decorated with fluid inclusions.  相似文献   

Abstract– Although the meteorite impact origin of the Keurusselkä impact structure (central Finland) has been established on the basis of the occurrence of shatter cones, no detailed microscopic examination of the impactites from this structure has so far been made. Previous microscope investigations of in situ rocks did not yield any firm evidence of shock features (Raiskila et al. 2008; Kinnunen and Hietala 2009). We have carried out microscopic observations on petrographic thin sections from seven in situ shatter cone samples and report here the discovery of planar fractures (PFs) and planar deformation features (PDFs) in quartz and feldspar grains. The detection and characterization of microscopic shock metamorphic features in the investigated samples substantiates a meteorite impact origin for the Keurusselkä structure. The crystallographic orientations of 372 PDF sets in 276 quartz grains were measured, using a universal stage (U‐stage) microscope, for five of the seven distinct shatter cone samples. Based on our U‐stage results, we estimate that investigated shatter cone samples from the Keurusselkä structure have experienced peak shock pressures from approximately 2 GPa to slightly less than 20 GPa for the more heavily shocked samples. The decoration of most of the PDFs with fluid inclusions also indicates that these originally amorphous shock features were altered by postimpact processes. Finally, our field observations indicate that the exposed surface corresponds to the crater floor; it is, however, difficult to estimate the exact diameter of the structure and the precise amount of material that has been eroded since its formation.  相似文献   

Abstract– Acfer 094 is an unshocked, nearly unaltered carbonaceous chondrite with an unusual suite of refractory inclusions. The refractory inclusions in a newly prepared thin section and a small aliquot of disaggregated material were studied to compare the population with previous work, and to report new or unusual inclusion types. A total of 289 Ca‐, Al‐rich inclusions in the thin section and 67 among the disaggregated material, having a total of 31 different mineral assemblages, were found. Inclusions are largely free of secondary alteration products, and are typically ≤200 μm across. The most common are gehlenitic melilite+spinel±perovskite, spinel+perovskite, and spinel with a thin, silicate rim, typically melilite±diopside. Such rims and (thicker) mantles are very common among Acfer 094 inclusions, and they exhibit a variety of zoning patterns with respect to åkermanite and FeO contents. In the thin section, about 13% of the inclusions contain hibonite and approximately 5% are grossite‐bearing; in the disaggregated material, the percentages are 14 and 9, respectively, comparable to previous work. Among the unusual inclusions are a fine‐grained, porous, Ti‐rich hibonite+spinel+perovskite+melilite inclusion with a compact, coarse, Ti‐poor hibonite+spinel+melilite clast; two inclusions in which hibonite has reacted to form grossite; two inclusions with FeO‐rich spinel; and a small object consisting of fassaite enclosing euhedral spinel, the first fragment of a Type B inclusion reported from Acfer 094. Inclusions similar to those found in CM or CV chondrites are rare; Acfer 094 contains a distinctive population of inclusions. The population, dominated by small, melilite‐bearing inclusions, is most similar to that of CO chondrites. A distinguishing feature is that in Acfer 094, almost every phase in almost every refractory inclusion contains 0.5–1.5 wt% FeO. A lack of diffusion gradients and the pristinity of the matrix imply that the inclusions experienced prolonged exposure to FeO‐bearing fluid prior to accretion into the Acfer 094 parent body. There are no known nebular conditions under which the refractory phases found in the present samples could acquire FeO enrichments to the observed levels. The most likely setting is therefore in an earlier, FeO‐rich parent body. The inclusions were ejected from this parent body, mixed with typical CAIs, chondrules, amoeboid olivine aggregates, and amorphous material, and incorporated into the Acfer 094 parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report new petrographic and chemical data for the equilibrated EL chondrite Grein 002, including the occurrence of osbornite, metallic copper, abundant taenite, and abundant diopside. As inferred from low Si concentrations in kamacite, the presence of ferroan alabandite, textural deformation, chemical equilibration of mafic silicates, and a subsolar noble gas component, we concur with Grein 002's previous classification as an EL4‐5 chondrite. Furthermore, the existence of pockets consisting of relatively coarse, euhedral enstatite crystals protruding large patches of Fe‐Ni alloys suggests to us that this EL4‐5 chondrite has been locally melted. We suspect impact induced shock to have triggered the formation of the melt pockets. Mineralogical evidence indicates that the localized melting of metal and adjacent enstatite must have happened relatively late in the meteorite's history. The deformation of chondrules, equilibration of mafic silicates, and generation of normal zoning in Fe, Zn‐sulfides took place during thermal alteration before the melting event. Following parent body metamorphism, daubreelite was exsolved from troilite in response to a period of slow cooling at subsolidus temperatures. Exsolution of schreibersite from the coarse metal patches probably occurred during a similar period of slow cooling subsequent to the event that induced the formation of the melt pockets. Overall shock features other than localized melting correspond to stage S2 and were likely established by the final impact that excavated the Grein 002 meteoroid.  相似文献   

Abstract Detailed analysis of cumulate and melt inclusion assemblages in the chassignites provide important constraints on the nature of the melt trapped as inclusions in cumulus olivine (and, by extension, parental magma compositions), the pressures of crystallization, and magmatic volatile contents. These mineral assemblages show strong similarities to the experimental fractionation assemblages that produce the sodic silica‐saturated alkalic lavas on Earth (e.g., Ascension Island, Azores, the Nandewar volcano of Australia). The experimental assemblages were produced from silica‐saturated hawaiite at pressures above 4.3 kbar with dissolved water contents above 0.5 wt%. Such pressures are consistent with Ti:Al ratios of the melt‐inclusion pyroxenes in the Chassigny meteorite. Pyroxene compositions suggest early high crystallization temperatures and thus relatively low initial water and F contents. Feldspars indicate that melt evolution proceeded to rhyolite compositions both within the interstices of the cumulate olivine and within the melt inclusions, even though rhyolitic glass is only found within olivine‐hosted polyphase melt inclusions. The observed rhyolite glass is compositionally similar to the alkali‐rich rhyolite of Ascension Island which is produced experimentally by crystallization of hawaiite. It is proposed that the melt trapped in cumulus olivine of the Chassigny dunite was similar to a terrestrial silica‐saturated hawaiite, while that trapped in olivine of the Northwest Africa (NWA) 2727 dunite was less evolved, perhaps mildly alkalic basalt. Melts similar to terrestrial intra‐plate tholeiite could be parental to the cumulus minerals and evolve upon crystallization at pressures above 4.3 kbar and water contents above ?0.4 wt% to mildly alkalic basalt, silica‐saturated hawaiite, and alkali‐rich rhyolite. The melt inclusion assemblages are inconsistent with either crystallization of a low‐Al, high‐Fe basalt, or low‐pressure crystallization of a terrestrial‐like tholeiite.  相似文献   

Abstract– A method is described for imaging in 3‐D the interiors of meteoritic chromite grains and their inclusions using synchrotron radiation X‐ray tomographic microscopy. In ordinary chondrites, chromite is the only common mineral that survives long‐term weathering on Earth. Information about the silicate matrix of the original meteorite, however, can be derived from mineral inclusions preserved in the protecting chromite. The inclusions are crucial in the classification of fossil meteorites as well as sediment‐dispersed chromite grains from decomposed meteorites and larger impacts, as these are used for characterizing the past influx of material to Earth, but have previously been difficult to locate. The method is non‐destructive and time efficient for locating inclusions. The method allowed quantitative and morphological studies of both host chromite grains and inclusions in three dimensions. The study of 385 chromite grains from eight chondrites (H4–6, L4–6, LL4, LL6) reveals that inclusions are abundant and equally common in all samples. Almost two‐thirds of all chromite grains contain inclusions, regardless of group and type. The study also shows that the size of the inclusions and the host chromite grains, as well as the number of inclusions, within the host chromite grains vary with petrographic type. Thus, the petrographic type of the host of a suite of chromite grains can be determined based solely on inclusion content. The study also revealed that the amount of fractures in the host chromite can be correlated to previously assigned shock stages for the various chondrites. The study has thus shown that the features and inclusions of fossil chromite grains can give similar information about a former host meteorite as do studies of an unweathered whole meteorite, meaning that this technique is essential in the studies of ancient meteorite flux to Earth.  相似文献   

All Martian meteorites have experienced shock metamorphism to some degree. We quantitatively determined shock‐related strain in olivine crystals to measure shock level and peak shock pressure experienced by five Martian meteorites. Two independent methods employing nondestructive in situ micro X‐ray diffraction (μXRD) are applied, i.e., (1) the lattice strain method, in which the lattice strain value (ε) for each olivine grain is derived from a Williamson–Hall plot using its diffraction pattern (peak width variation with diffraction angle) with reference to a best fit calibration curve of ε values obtained from experimentally shocked olivine grains; (2) the strain‐related mosaicity method, allowing shock stage to be estimated by measuring the streaking along the Debye rings of olivine grain diffraction spots to define their strain‐related mosaic spread, which can then be compared with olivine mosaicity in ordinary chondrites of known shock stage. In this study, both the calculated peak shock pressures and the estimated shock stages for Dar al Gani 476 (45.6 ± 0.6 GPa), Sayh al Uhaymir 005/8 (46.1 ± 2.2 GPa), and Nakhla (18.0 ± 0.6 GPa) compare well with literature values. Formal shock assessments for North West Africa 1068/1110 (53.9 ± 2.1 GPa) and North West Africa 6234 (44.6 ± 3.1 GPa) have not been reported within the literature; however, their calculated peak shock pressures fall within the range of peak shock pressures defining their estimated shock stages. The availability of nondestructive and quantitative μXRD methods to determine shock stage and peak shock pressure from olivine crystals provides a key tool for shock metamorphism analysis.  相似文献   

Coesite is one of the most common and abundant high‐pressure phases occurring in impactites. The mechanism of formation of coesite and its postshock evolution is revisited in this paper based on Raman microspectroscopy, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy of a coesite‐bearing suevite from the Ries impact structure. Our data indicate that coesite forms through a single process, i.e., by crystallization from high‐pressure silica melt, and that its formation is related to fluid inclusions in precursor quartz. During the postshock phase, coesite aggregates are partially modified by annealing and interactions with fluids. In an early stage of the postshock evolution, coesite is back‐transformed to quartz and the surrounding diaplectic glass devitrifies into β‐cristobalite, which transforms into α‐cristobalite and then into microcrystalline quartz during subsequent stages of the postshock evolution. Altogether these postshock modifications result in a significant volume loss and extensional fracturing. During a late postshock stage, the fractures are filled with clay minerals due to circulation of hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   

Abstract– Low‐iron, manganese‐enriched (LIME) olivine grains are found in cometary samples returned by the Stardust mission from comet 81P/Wild 2. Similar grains are found in primitive meteoritic clasts and unequilibrated meteorite matrix. LIME olivine is thermodynamically stable in a vapor of solar composition at high temperature at total pressures of a millibar to a microbar, but enrichment of solar composition vapor in a dust of chondritic composition causes the FeO/MnO ratio of olivine to increase. The compositions of LIME olivines in primitive materials indicate oxygen fugacities close to those of a very reducing vapor of solar composition. The compositional zoning of LIME olivines in amoeboid olivine aggregates is consistent with equilibration with nebular vapor in the stability field of olivine, without re‐equilibration at lower temperatures. A similar history is likely for LIME olivines found in comet samples and in interplanetary dust particles. LIME olivine is not likely to persist in nebular conditions in which silicate liquids are stable.  相似文献   

Granitoid rock samples from the assumed center of the Keurusselkä impact site were subjected to a systematic study of fluid‐inclusion compositions and densities in various microstructures of the shocked quartz. The results are consistent with the following impact‐induced model of formation. After cessation of all major regional tectonic activity and advanced erosional uplift of the Fennoscandian shield, a meteorite impact (approximately 1.1 Ga) caused the formation of planar fractures (PFs) and planar deformation features (PDFs) and the migration of shock‐liberated metamorphic fluid (CO2 ± H2O) to the glass in the PDFs. Postimpact annealing of the PDFs led to the formation of CO2 (±H2O) fluid‐inclusion decorated PDFs. The scarce fluid‐inclusion implosion textures (IPs) suggest a shock pressure of 7.6–10 GPa. The postimpact pressure release and associated heating initiated hydrothermal activity that caused re‐opening of some PFs and their partial filling by moderate‐salinity/high temperature (>200 °C) H2O (+ chlorite + quartz) and moderate‐density CO2. The youngest postimpact endogenic sub‐ and nonplanar microfractures (MFs) are characterized by low‐density CO2 and low‐salinity/low‐temperature (<200 °C) H2O.  相似文献   

Abstract– Northwest Africa (NWA) 2977 is an olivine‐gabbro lunar meteorite that has a distinctly different petrographic texture from other lunar basalts. We studied this rock with a series of in situ analytical methods. NWA 2977 consists mainly of olivine and pyroxene with minor plagioclase. It shows evidence of intense shock metamorphism, locally as high as shock‐stage S6. Olivine adjacent to a melt vein has been partially transformed into ringwoodite and Al,Ti‐rich chromite grains have partially transformed into their high‐pressure polymorph (possibly CaTi2O4‐structure). Olivine in NWA 2977 contains two types of lithic inclusions. One type is present as Si,Al‐rich melt inclusions that are composed of glass and, in most cases, dendritic pyroxene. The other type is mafic and composed of relatively coarse‐grained augite with accessory chromite, RE‐merrillite, and baddeleyite. Two Si,Al‐rich melt inclusions are heavy rare earth elements (REE) enriched, whereas the mafic inclusion has high REE concentrations and a KREEP‐like pattern. The mafic inclusion could be a relict fragment captured during the ascent of the parent magma of NWA 2977, whereas the Si,Al‐rich inclusions may represent the original NWA 2977 melt. The calculated whole‐rock composition has a KREEP‐like REE pattern, suggesting that NWA 2977 has an affinity to KREEP rocks. Baddeleyite has recorded a young crystallization age of 3123 ± 7 Ma (2σ), which is consistent with results from previous whole‐rock and mineral Sm‐Nd and Rb‐Sr studies. The petrography, mineralogy, trace element geochemistry, and young crystallization age of NWA 2977 support the possibility of pairing between NWA 2977 and the olivine‐gabbro portion of NWA 773.  相似文献   

Three‐dimensional X‐ray tomographic reconstructions and petrologic studies reveal voluminous accumulations of metal in Pu?tusk H chondrite. At the contact of these accumulations, the chondritic rock is enriched in troilite. The rock contains plagioclase‐rich bands, with textures suggesting crystallization from melt. Unusually large phosphates are associated with the plagioclase and consist of assemblages of merrillite, and fluorapatite and chlorapatite. The metal accumulations were formed by impact melting, rapid segregation of metal‐sulfide melt and the incorporation of this melt into the fractured crater basement. The impact most likely occurred in the early evolution of the H chondrite parent body, when post‐impact heat overlapped with radiogenic heat. This enabled slow cooling and separation of the metallic melt into metal‐rich and sulfide‐rich fractions. This led to recrystallization of chondritic rock in contact with the metal accumulations and the crystallization of shock melts. Phosphorus was liberated from the metal and subsumed by the silicate shock melt, owing to oxidative conditions upon slow cooling. The melt was also a host for volatiles. Upon further cooling, phosphorus reacted with silicates leading to the formation of merrillite, while volatiles partitioned into the residual halogen‐rich, dry fluid. In the late stages, the fluid altered merrillite to patchy Cl/F‐apatite. The above sequence of alterations demonstrates that impact during the early evolution of chondritic parent bodies might have contributed to local metal segregation and silicate melting. In addition, postshock conditions supported secondary processes: compositional/textural equilibration, redistribution of volatiles, and fluid alterations.  相似文献   

Dar al Gani (DaG) 978 is an ungrouped type 3 carbonaceous chondrite. In this study, we report the petrography and mineralogy of Ca,Al‐rich inclusions (CAI), amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs), chondrules, mineral fragments, and the matrix in DaG 978. Twenty‐seven CAIs were found: 13 spinel‐diopside‐rich inclusions, 2 anorthite‐rich inclusions, 11 spinel‐troilite‐rich inclusions, and 1 spinel‐melilite‐rich inclusion. Most CAIs have a layered texture that indicates a condensation origin and are most similar to those in R chondrites. Compound chondrules represent a high proportion (approximately 8%) of chondrules in DaG 978, which indicates a local dusty chondrule‐forming region and multiple heating events. Most spinel and olivine in DaG 978 are highly Fe‐rich, which corresponds to a petrologic type of >3.5 and a maximum metamorphic temperature of approximately 850–950 K. This conclusion is also supported by other observations in DaG 978: the presence of coarse inclusions of silicate and phosphate in Fe‐Ni metal, restricted Ni‐Co distributions in kamacite and taenite, and low S concentrations in the matrix. Mineralogic records of iron‐alkali‐halogen metasomatism, such as platy and porous olivine, magnetite, hedenbergite, nepheline, Na‐rich in CAIs, and chlorapatite, are present, but relatively limited, in DaG 978. The fine‐grained, intergrowth texture of spinel‐troilite‐rich inclusions was probably formed by reaction between pre‐existing Al‐rich silicates and shock‐induced, high‐temperature S‐rich gas on the surface of the parent body of DaG 978. A shock‐induced vein is present in the matrix of DaG 978, which indicates that the parent body of DaG 978 at least experienced a shock event with a shock stage up to S3.  相似文献   

Two hibonite‐spinel inclusions (CAIs 03 and 08) in the ALHA77307 CO3.0 chondrite have been characterized in detail using the focused ion beam sample preparation technique combined with transmission electron microscopy. These hibonite‐spinel inclusions are irregularly shaped and porous objects and consist of randomly oriented hibonite laths enclosed by aggregates of spinel with fine‐grained perovskite inclusions finally surrounded by a partial rim of diopside. Melilite is an extremely rare phase in this type of CAI and occurs only in one inclusion (CAI 03) as interstitial grains between hibonite laths and on the exterior of the inclusion. The overall petrologic and mineralogical observations suggest that the hibonite‐spinel inclusions represent high‐temperature condensates from a cooling nebular gas. The textural relationships indicate that hibonite is the first phase to condense, followed by perovskite, spinel, and diopside. Texturally, melilite condensation appears to have occurred after spinel, suggesting that the condensation conditions were far from equilibrium. The crystallographic orientation relationships between hibonite and spinel provide evidence of epitaxial nucleation and growth of spinel on hibonite surfaces, which may have lowered the activation energy for spinel nucleation compared with that of melilite and consequently inhibited melilite condensation. Hibonite contains abundant stacking defects along the (001) plane consisting of different ratios of the spinel and Ca‐containing blocks within the ideal hexagonal hibonite structure. This modification of the stacking sequence is likely the result of accommodation of excess Al in the gas into hibonite due to incomplete condensation of corundum from a cooling gas under disequilibrium conditions. We therefore conclude that these two hibonite‐spinel inclusions in ALHA77307 formed by high‐temperature condensation under disequilibrium conditions.  相似文献   

The Tenoumer impact structure is a small, well‐preserved crater within Archean to Paleoproterozoic amphibolite, gneiss, and granite of the Reguibat Shield, north‐central Mauritania. The structure is surrounded by a thin ejecta blanket of crystalline blocks (granitic gneiss, granite, and amphibolite) and impact‐melt rocks. Evidence of shock metamorphism of quartz, most notably planar deformation features (PDFs), occurs exclusively in granitic clasts entrained within small bodies of polymict, glass‐rich breccia. Impact‐related deformation features in oligoclase and microcline grains, on the other hand, occur both within clasts in melt‐breccia deposits, where they co‐occur with quartz PDFs, and also within melt‐free crystalline ejecta, in the absence of co‐occurring quartz PDFs. Feldspar deformation features include multiple orientations of PDFs, enhanced optical relief of grain components, selective disordering of alternate twins, inclined lamellae within alternate twins, and combinations of these individual textures. The distribution of shock features in quartz and feldspar suggests that deformation textures within feldspar can record a wide range of average pressures, starting below that required for shock deformation of quartz. We suggest that experimental analysis of feldspar behavior, combined with detailed mapping of shock metamorphism of feldspar in natural systems, may provide critical data to constrain energy dissipation within impact regimes that experienced low average shock pressures.  相似文献   

The positive identification of the Rock Elm impact structure (Wisconsin, USA) and the Upheaval Dome (Utah, USA) as impact craters was complicated by a lack of distinctive shock features in the record. Low‐impedance surface layers over high‐impedance bedrock affect energy coupling and shock effects in the substrate; in both cases, removal of surface sediments erased most of the original impact structures, thereby making identification of the impact origin difficult. In this study, a combination of laboratory and 3‐D numerical experiments reveals the underlying processes controlling subsurface deformation and demonstrates that a low‐impedance layer can reduce expression of peak shock pressures left in the rock record, as at the Rock Elm and the Upheaval Dome impact sites. 3‐D CTH models of the Rock Elm impact structure predict that peak shock pressures should fall below the hugoniot elastic limit of quartz in the basement rocks, yet still induce permanent deformation. The model predicts peak pressures around 5–10 GPa, levels consistent with field observations of shocked quartz from both Rock Elm and the Upheaval Dome. Consequently, other impact sites exhibiting minimal shock features might be explained.  相似文献   

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