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The descent imager/spectral radiometer (DISR) onboard the Huygens probe investigated the radiation balance inside Titan's atmosphere and took hundreds of images and spectra of the ground during the descent. The scattering of the aerosols in the atmosphere and the absorption by methane strongly influence the irradiation reaching the surface and the signals received by the various instruments. The physical properties of the surface can only be assessed after the influence of the atmosphere has been taken into account and properly removed. In the broadband visible images (660 to 1000 nm) the contrast of surface features is strongly reduced by the aerosol scattering. Calculations show that for an image taken from an altitude of 14.5 km, the corrected contrast is about three times higher than in the raw image.Spectral information of the surface by the imaging spectrometers in the visible and near infrared range can only be retrieved in the methane absorption windows. Intensity ratios from the methane windows can be used to make false color maps. The elevated bright ‘land’ terrain is redder than the flat dark ‘lake bed’ terrain.The reflectance spectra of the land and lake bed area in the IR are derived, as well as the reflectance phase function in the limited range from 20° to 50° phase angle. An absorption feature at 1.55 μm which may be attributed tentatively to water ice is found in the lake bed, but not in the land area. Otherwise the surface exhibits a featureless blue slope in the near-IR region (0.9-). Brightness profiles perpendicular to the coast line show that the bottoms of the channels of the large scale flow pattern become darker the further they are away from the land area. This could be interpreted as sedimentation of the bright land material transported by the rivers into the lake bed area. The river beds in the deeply incised valleys need not to be covered by dark material. Their roughly 10% brightness decrease could be caused by the illumination as illustrated by a model calculation. The size distribution of cobbles seen in the images after landing is in agreement with a single major flooding of the area with a flow speed of about .  相似文献   

The Cassini–Huygens mission, comprising the NASA Saturn Orbiter and the ESA Huygens Probe, arrived at Saturn in late June 2004. The Huygens probe descended under parachute in Titan’s atmosphere on 14 January 2005, 3 weeks after separation from the Orbiter. We discuss here the breakthroughs that the Huygens probe, in conjunction with the Cassini spacecraft, brought to Titan science. We review the achievements ESA’s Huygens probe put forward and the context in which it operated. The findings include new localized information on several aspects of Titan science: the atmospheric structure and chemical composition; the aerosols distribution and content; the surface morphology and composition at the probe’s landing site; the winds, the electrical properties, and the implications on the origin and evolution of the satellite.  相似文献   

We present the results from the first sonar to be deployed outside of Earth, and the first active acoustic instrument on Titan, onboard the Huygens probe, and the implications of its data for the geomorphology and characteristics of the Huygens landing site. Signals were recorded from 90 m downwards until impact, with a maximum sensor footprint diameter at the ground of 39.2 m. Probe impact speed was measured to be 4.67 m s−1. Derivation of terrain topography in a transect beneath the probe may indicate a ridge-trough terrain with an amplitude of about 1 m and a wavelength of about 10 m, although a flat surface is also consistent with the results. Modelling of the returned signal indicates that the surface acoustic properties at the landing site must be specular in nature, which may have two possible (not incompatible) causes—the surface may consist of sorted interlocking grains, smooth on the centimetre scale, which would imply either fluvial sorting or the infill of small particles interstitial to the larger particles (similar to a terrestrial playa). Alternatively, specularity may indicate the presence of methane as an interstitial liquid or as very small pools. Due to mission constraints, tens of metres around the landing site were not well-imaged by Huygens' cameras except for the narrow azimuth observed after impact (the camera did not look straight down, and was not in imaging mode during the last few hundred metres of descent). Thus the data presented are among the few direct observations of the landing site surroundings.  相似文献   

The Huygens Probe provided a wealth of data concerning the atmosphere of Titan. It also provided tantalizing evidence of a small amount of surface liquid. We have developed a detailed surface energy balance for the Probe landing site. We find that the daily averaged non-radiative fluxes at the surface are 0.7 W m?2, much larger than the global average value predicted by McKay et al. (1991) of 0.037 W m?2. Considering the moist surface, the methane and ethane detected by the Probe from the surface is consistent with a ternary liquid of ethane, methane, and nitrogen present on the surface with mole fractions of methane, ethane, and nitrogen of 0.44, 0.34, and 0.22, respectively, and a total mass load of ~0.05 kg m?2. If this liquid is included in the surface energy balance, only a small fraction of the non-radiative energy is due to latent heat release (~10?3 W m?2). If the amount of atmospheric ethane is less than 0.6×10?5, the surface liquid is most likely evaporating over timescales of 5 Titan days, and the moist surface is probably a remnant of a recent precipitation event. If the surface liquid mass loading is increased to 0.5 kg m?2, then the liquid lifetime increases to ~56 Titan days. Our modeling results indicate a dew cycle is unlikely, given that even when the diurnal variation of liquid is in equilibrium, the diurnal mass variation is only 3% of the total liquid. If we assume a high atmospheric mixing ratio of ethane (>0.6×10?5), the precipitation of liquid is large (38 cm/Titan year for an ethane mixing ratio of 2×10?5). Such a flux is many orders of magnitude in excess of the photochemical production rate of ethane.  相似文献   

The Cassini Titan Radar Mapper obtained Synthetic Aperture Radar images of Titan's surface during four fly-bys during the mission's first year. These images show that Titan's surface is very complex geologically, showing evidence of major planetary geologic processes, including cryovolcanism. This paper discusses the variety of cryovolcanic features identified from SAR images, their possible origin, and their geologic context. The features which we identify as cryovolcanic in origin include a large (180 km diameter) volcanic construct (dome or shield), several extensive flows, and three calderas which appear to be the source of flows. The composition of the cryomagma on Titan is still unknown, but constraints on rheological properties can be estimated using flow thickness. Rheological properties of one flow were estimated and appear inconsistent with ammonia-water slurries, and possibly more consistent with ammonia-water-methanol slurries. The extent of cryovolcanism on Titan is still not known, as only a small fraction of the surface has been imaged at sufficient resolution. Energetic considerations suggest that cryovolcanism may have been a dominant process in the resurfacing of Titan.  相似文献   

We report the three-dimensional fluorescence spectra of Titan tholins in water and acetonitrile, and separate some of the fluorescent components of tholins using two-dimensional thin layer chromatography. In acetonitrile, tholins exhibit a broad fluorescence with a maximum at 471 nm, and an excitation maximum at 410 nm. The fluorescence spectrum of a water extraction displays a more complicated spectrum with multiple peaks. TLC results indicate the presence of at least three distinct fluorescent species. In addition, we obtained the two-dimensional fluorescence spectrum of tholins in water ice at 77 K, close to the surface temperature of Titan. The fluorescence of tholins in a 77 K ice matrix is red-shifted in comparison to a water solution, and undergoes a further red-shift when the water solution is heated prior to freezing. These results suggest that a simple fluorescence probe could be used on the surface of Titan to identify sites where tholins have been mixed with water, and possibly reveal information about the extent of heating the tholin-water mixture has undergone. This would be useful for a future mission with the goal of examining the organic chemistry of Titan.  相似文献   

The Huygens probe landed on the then unknown surface of Titan in January 2005. A small, protruding penetrometer, part of the Surface Science Package (SSP), was pushed into the surface material measuring the mechanical resistance of the ground as the probe impacted the landing site. We present laboratory penetrometry into room temperature surface analogue materials using a replica penetrometer to investigate further the nature of Titan’s surface and examine the sensor’s capabilities. The results are then compared to the flight instrument’s signature and suggest the Titan surface substrate material consists of sand-sized particles with a mean grain size ~2 mm. A possible thin 7 mm coating with mechanical properties similar to terrestrial snow may overlie this substrate, although due to the limited data we are unable to detect any further layering or grading within the near-surface material. The unusual weakening with depth of the signature returned from Titan has, to date, only been reproduced using a damp sand target that becomes progressively wetter with depth, and supports the suggestion that the surface may consist of a damp and cohesive material with interstitial liquid contained between its grains. Comparison with terrestrial analogues highlights the unusual nature of the landing site material.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(13):2015-2024
The Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer (DISR) aboard the Huygens Probe took several hundred visible-light images with its three cameras on approach to the surface of Titan. Several sets of stereo image pairs were collected during the descent. The digital terrain models constructed from those images show rugged topography, in places approaching the angle of repose, adjacent to flatter darker plains. Brighter regions north of the landing site display two styles of drainage patterns: (1) bright highlands with rough topography and deeply incised branching dendritic drainage networks (up to fourth order) with dark-floored valleys that are suggestive of erosion by methane rainfall and (2) short, stubby low-order drainages that follow linear fault patterns forming canyon-like features suggestive of methane spring-sapping. The topographic data show that the bright highland terrains are extremely rugged; slopes of order of 30° appear common. These systems drain into adjacent relatively flat, dark lowland terrains. A stereo model for part of the dark plains region to the east of the landing site suggests surface scour across this plain flowing from west to east leaving ∼100-m-high bright ridges. Tectonic patterns are evident in (1) controlling the rectilinear, low-order, stubby drainages and (2) the “coastline” at the highland–lowland boundary with numerous straight and angular margins. In addition to flow from the highlands drainages, the lowland area shows evidence for more prolific flow parallel to the highland–lowland boundary leaving bright outliers resembling terrestrial sandbars. This implies major west to east floods across the plains where the probe landed with flow parallel to the highland–lowland boundary; the primary source of these flows is evidently not the dendritic channels in the bright highlands to the north.  相似文献   

We report regional-scale low-resolution backscatter images of Titan's surface acquired by the Cassini RADAR scatterometer at a wavelength of 2.18-cm. We find that the average angular dependence of the backscatter from large regions and from specific surface features is consistent with a model composed of a quasi-specular Hagfors term plus a diffuse cosine component. A Gaussian quasi-specular term also fits the data, but less well than the Hagfors term. We derive values for the mean dielectric constant and root-mean-square (rms) slope of the surface from the quasi-specular term, which we ascribe to scattering from the surface interface only. The diffuse term accommodates contributions from volume scattering, multiple scattering, or wavelength-scale near-surface structure. The Hagfors model results imply a surface with regional mean dielectric constants between 1.9 and 3.6 and regional surface roughness that varies between 5.3° and 13.4° in rms-slope. Dielectric constants between 2 and 3 are expected for a surface composed of solid simple hydrocarbons, water ice, or a mixture of both. Smaller dielectric constants, between 1.6 and 1.9, are consistent with liquid hydrocarbons, while larger dielectric constants, near 4.5, may indicate the presence of water-ammonia ice [Lorenz, R.D., 1998. Icarus 136, 344-348] or organic heteropolymers [Thompson, W.R., Squyres, S.W., 1990. Icarus 86, 336-354]. We present backscatter images corrected for angular effects using the model residuals, which show strong features that correspond roughly to those in 0.94-μm ISS images. We model the localized backscatter from specific features to estimate dielectric constant and rms slope when the angular coverage is within the quasi-specular part of the backscatter curve. Only two apparent surface features are scanned with angular coverage sufficient for accurate modeling. Data from the bright albedo feature Quivira suggests a dielectric constant near 2.8 and rms slope near 10.1°. The dark albedo feature Shangri-La is best fit by a Hagfors model with a dielectric constant close to 2.4 and an rms slope near 9.5°. From the modeled backscatter curves, we find the average radar albedo in the same linear (SL) polarization to be near 0.34. We constrain the total-power albedo in order to compare the measurements with available groundbased radar results, which are typically obtained in both senses of circular polarization. We estimate an upper limit of 0.4 on the total-power albedo, a value that is significantly higher than the 0.21 total albedo value measured at 13 cm [Campbell, D., Black, G., Carter, L., Ostro, S., 2003. Science 302, 431-434]. This is consistent with a surface that has more small-scale structure and is thus more reflective at 2-cm than 13-cm. We compare results across overlapping observations and observe that the reduction and analysis are repeatable and consistent. We also confirm the strong correlations between radar and near-infrared images.  相似文献   

Saturn's moon Titan has been considered as one of the few places in our Solar System, where atmospheric and surface conditions could have produced organic compounds essential as precursors for an evolution of life. The Cassini-Huygens mission has provided new data on Titan's atmosphere and surface, which enabled us to simulate the chemical processes occurring under these conditions. Possible lightning events on Titan cannot only produce higher hydrocarbons, but also allow surface water ice to participate in the reaction scenario, resulting in CHO, CHN, and CHON compounds including several molecules relevant for the formation of amino acids and nucleic acids.  相似文献   

A procedure is shown for extracting weak resonances from the responses of electromagnetic systems excited by electric discharges. The procedure, based on analysis of the late-time system response, is first checked using an analytical function and later with the data for the electric field generated by the computational simulation of Titan's atmosphere using the Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) method. Finally, the low frequency spectrum of the natural electric field in Titan's atmosphere sent by the mutual impedance sensor (MIP) included in the Huygens probe is analyzed employing this technique. The MIP sensor was initially designed to measure the horizontal component of the electric field during a quiet descent. Fortunately, the swinging that occurred during the descent allowed the MIP to measure the radial component of the electric field mixed with the horizontal one. Application of the late-time analysis technique shown in this paper confirms the signature of lightning reported by preliminary data observations, bringing out the expected eigenfrequencies of the Titan-ionosphere electromagnetic cavity, known as Schumann resonances. These resonances are the resonant frequencies of the lower TMr (transverse magnetic to r) modes, which are quasi-transverse electromagnetic modes because they present vertical or radial components of the electric field two orders of magnitude higher than the associated horizontal, azimuthal and zenithal, components. The sequence of Schumann resonances is unique for each celestial body with an ionosphere, since these resonances are fully determined by the dimensions of the planet or satellite and the corresponding atmospheric conductivity profile. Detecting these frequencies in an atmosphere is clear proof of electrical activity, since it implies the existence of an electromagnetic-energy source, which is essential to create and maintain them.  相似文献   

Ralph D. Lorenz 《Icarus》2006,182(2):559-566
The Huygens probe lost heat to its cold environment during its descent through Titan's atmosphere and after landing. Here I report measurements of the probe's thermal behavior and comparison with ground tests (1) to provide a context for other scientific investigations, such as the release of volatiles from the landing site, and (2) to place constraints on Titan environmental parameters directly, such as the thermal conductivity of the surface material and the strength of winds at the surface. Near-surface winds are constrained to be less than 0.2 m s−1, and probably much less.  相似文献   

Cassini observations of the surface of Titan offer unprecedented views of its surface through atmospheric windows in the 1-5 μm region. Images obtained in windows for which the haze opacity is low can be used to derive quantitative photometric parameters such as albedo and albedo distribution, and physical properties such as roughness and particle characteristics. Images from the early Titan flybys, particularly T0, Ta, and T5 have been analyzed to create albedo maps in the 2.01 and 2.73 μm windows. We find the average normal reflectance at these two wavelengths to be 0.15±0.02 and 0.035±0.003, respectively. Titan's surface is bifurcated into two albedo regimes, particularly at 2.01 μm. Analysis of these two regimes to understand the physical character of the surface was accomplished with a macroscopic roughness model. We find that the two types of surface have substantially different roughness, with the low-albedo surface exhibiting mean slope angles of ∼18°, and the high-albedo terrain having a much more substantial roughness with a mean slope angle of ∼34°. A single-scattering phase function approximated by a one-term Henyey-Greenstein equation was also fit to each unit. Titan's surface is back-scattering (g∼0.3-0.4), and does not exhibit substantially different backscattering behavior between the two terrains. Our results suggest that two distinct geophysical domains exist on Titan: a bright region cut by deep drainage channels and a relatively smooth surface. The two terrains are covered by a film or a coating of particles perhaps precipitated from the satellite's haze layer and transported by eolian processes. Our results are preliminary: more accurate values for the surface albedo and physical parameters will be derived as more data is gathered by the Cassini spacecraft and as a more complete radiative transfer model is developed from both Cassini orbiter and Huygens Lander measurements.  相似文献   

The descent imager/spectral radiometer aboard the Huygens probe successfully acquired images and spectra of the surface of Titan. To counter the effects of haze and atmospheric methane absorption it carried a surface science lamp to illuminate the surface just before landing. We reconstruct the reflectance spectrum of the landing site in the 500-1500 nm range from downward looking visual and infrared spectrometers data that show evidence of lamp light. Our reconstruction is a followup to the analysis by Tomasko et al. [2005. Rain, winds and haze during the Huygens probe's descent to Titan's surface. Nature 438, 765-778], who scaled their result to the ratio of the up- and down flux measured just before landing. Instead, we use the lamp flux from the calibration experiment, and find a significantly higher overall reflectance. We attribute this to a phase angle dependance, possibly representing the opposition surge commonly encountered on solar system bodies. The reconstruction in the visible wavelength range is greatly improved. Here, the reflectance spectrum features a red slope, consistent with the presence of organic material. We confirm the blue slope in the near-IR, featureless apart from a single shallow absorption feature at 1500 nm. We agree with Tomasko et al. that the evidence for water ice is inconclusive. By modeling of absorption bands we find a methane mixing ratio of 4.5±0.5% just above the surface. There is no evidence for the presence of liquid methane, but the data do not rule out a wet soil at a depth of several centimeters.  相似文献   

Photochemical reaction pathways in Titan's atmosphere were investigated by irradiation of the individual components and the mixture containing nitrogen, methane, hydrogen, acetylene, ethylene, and cyanoacetylene. The quantum yields for the loss of the reactants and the formation of products were determined. Photolysis of ethylene yields mainly saturated compounds (ethane, propane, and butane) while photolysis of acetylene yields the same saturated compounds as well as ethylene and diacetylene. Irradiation of cyanoacetylene yields mainly hydrogen cyanide and small amounts of acetonitrile. When an amount of methane corresponding to its mixing ratio on Titan was added to these mixtures the quantum yields for the loss of reactants decreased and the quantum yields for hydrocarbon formation increased indicative of a hydrogen atom abstraction from methane by the photochemically generated radicals. GC/MS analysis of the products formed by irradiation of mixtures of all these gases generated over 120 compounds which were mainly aliphatic hydrocarbons containing double and triple bonds along with much smaller amounts of aromatic compounds like benzene, toluene and phenylacetylene. The reaction pathways were investigated by the use of 13C acetylene in these gas mixtures. No polycyclic aromatic compounds were detected. Vapor pressures of these compounds under conditions present in Titan's atmosphere were calculated. The low molecular weight compounds likely to be present in the atmosphere and aerosols of Titan as a result of photochemical processes are proposed.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(13):2025-2036
Titan's vast equatorial fields of RADAR-dark longitudinal dunes seen in Cassini RADAR synthetic aperture images correlate with one of two dark surface units discriminated as “brown” and “blue” in Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) color composites of short-wavelength infrared spectral cubes (RGB as 2.0, 1.6, 1.3 μm). In such composites bluer materials exhibit higher reflectance at 1.3 μm and lower at 1.6 and 2.0 μm. The dark brown unit is highly correlated with the RADAR-dark dunes. The dark brown unit shows less evidence of water ice suggesting that the saltating grains of the dunes are largely composed of hydrocarbons and/or nitriles. In general, the bright units also show less evidence of absorption due to water ice and are inferred to consist of deposits of bright fine precipitating tholin aerosol dust. Some set of chemical/mechanical processes may be converting the bright fine-grained aerosol deposits into the dark saltating hydrocarbon and/or nitrile grains. Alternatively the dark dune materials may be derived from a different type of air aerosol photochemical product than are the bright materials. In our model, both the bright aerosol and dark hydrocarbon dune deposits mantle the VIMS dark blue water ice-rich substrate. We postulate that the bright mantles are effectively invisible (transparent) in RADAR synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images leading to lack of correlation in the RADAR images with optically bright mantling units. RADAR images mostly show only dark dunes and the water ice substrate that varies in roughness, fracturing, and porosity. If the rate of deposition of bright aerosol is 0.001–0.01 μm/yr, the surface would be coated (to optical instruments) in hundreds-to-thousands of years unless cleansing processes are active. The dark dunes must be mobile on this very short timescale to prevent the accumulation of bright coatings. Huygens landed in a region of the VIMS bright and dark blue materials and about 30 km south of the nearest occurrence of dunes visible in the RADAR SAR images. Fluvial/pluvial processes, every few centuries or millennia, must be cleansing the dark floors of the incised channels and scouring the dark plains at the Huygens landing site both imaged by Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer (DISR).  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(13):1990-2009
This study aims at interpreting the zonal and meridional wind in Titan's troposphere measured by the Huygens probe by means of a general circulation model. The numerical simulation elucidates the relative importance of the seasonal variation in the Hadley circulation and Saturn's gravitational tide in affecting the actual wind profile. The observed reversal of the zonal wind at two altitudes in the lower troposphere can be reproduced with this model only if the near-surface temperature profile is asymmetric about the equator and substantial seasonal redistribution of angular momentum by the variable Hadley circulation takes place. The meridional wind near the surface is mainly caused by the meridional pressure gradient and is thus a manifestation of the Hadley circulation. Southward meridional wind in the PBL (planetary boundary layer) is consistent with the near-surface temperature at the equator being lower than at mid southern latitudes. Even small changes in the radiative heating profile in the troposphere can substantially affect the mean zonal and meridional wind including their direction. Saturn's gravitational tide is rather weak at the Huygens site due to the proximity to the equator, and does not clearly manifest itself in the instantaneous vertical profile of wind. Nevertheless, the simulated descent trajectory is more consistent with the observation if the tide is present. Because of a different force balance in Titan's atmosphere from terrestrial conditions, PBL-specific wind systems like on Earth are unlikely to exist on Titan.  相似文献   

Continuous temperature logs to depths between 750 and 1400 m in the Transylvanian Basin, Romania, in many cases show temperature gradient variations with depth which cannot be explained by depth variations in thermal conductivity, topography and ground water flow. The only possible responsible agent seems to be past surface temperature variations. The temperature logs from nine boreholes have been interpreted individually and jointly by least squares inverse modelling with the surface temperature history and background heat flux as unknown parameters. All the temperature profiles are consistent with a temperature rise at the end of the last glaciation. The effects of borehole depth, of a wrong choice of thermal conductivity, and the level of uncorrelated random noise were examined using synthetic examples.  相似文献   

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