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Abstract— We have studied the mare basalts of Mare Humorum and southeastern Procellarum (30°W–50°W, 0°–40°S). One hundred and nine basaltic units have been identified from differences in their FeO wt% and TiO2 wt% content, and variations in crater densities. Crater counting and reference to isotopically dated Apollo samples have provided an age for 33 major units. Some evidence for three distinct periods of volcanic activity has been found. We found that the large unit in the middle of Mare Humorum is the oldest in the basin. This supports the suggestion that the oldest central unit sank causing the lithosphere to bend and create dykes through which lava flowed to produce the outer units. No evidence of a trend in FeO wt% and TiO2 wt% content against time is found within Mare Humorum. There appears to be no lateral trend of basalts in terms of FeO and TiO2 wt% over the entire area with time. An increase in FeO content with time is found in the 33 major units and there is some evidence for an increase in TiO2 in the same units. A correlation between FeO wt% and TiO2 wt% content is evident when all 109 units are compared. A notable feature of this correlation is a sharp increase in gradient of TiO2 wt% content when the FeO wt% content rises above about 17%.  相似文献   

This paper presents an updated stratigraphical and compositional study of the exposed maria within the Imbrium basin on the Moon. Clementine multispectral data were employed to derive TiO2 and FeO wt% abundance estimates of potentially distinct basaltic flows. Additionally, NASA Lunar Orbiter images were used to estimate flow ages using crater count statistics. Mare Imbrium shows evidence of a complex suite of low to high-Ti basaltic lava units infilling the basin over an 800 million year timescale. More than a third (37%) of identified mare basalts were found to contain 1-3 wt% TiO2. Two other major mare lithological units (representing about 25% of the surface each) show TiO2 values between 3-5 and 7-9 wt%. The dominant fraction (55%) of the sampled maria contain FeO between 16 and 18 wt%, followed by 27% of maria having 18-20 wt% and the remaining 18%, 14-16 wt% FeO. A crater frequency count (for diameters >500 m) shows that in three quarters of the sampled mare crater counts range between 3.5 and 5.5×10−2 per km2, which translates, according to a lunar cratering model chronology, into estimated emplacement ages between ∼3.3 and 2.5 Ga. A compositional convergence trend between the variations of iron and titanium oxides was identified, in particular for materials with TiO2 and FeO content broadly above 5 and 17 wt%, respectively, suggesting a related petrogenesis and evolution. According to these findings, three major periods of mare infill are exposed in the Imbrium basin; despite each period showing a range of basaltic compositions (classified according to their TiO2 content), it is apparent that, at least within these local geological settings, the igneous petrogenesis generally evolved through time towards more TiO2- and FeO-rich melts.  相似文献   

In the context of sample evidence alone, the high-alumina (HA) basalts appear to be an unique, and rare variety of mare basalt. In addition to their distinct chemistry, radiometric dating reveals these basalts to be among the oldest sampled mare basalts. Yet, HA basalts were sampled by four missions spanning a lateral range of ∼2400 km, with ages demonstrating that aluminous volcanism lasted at least 1 billion years. This evidence suggests that HA basalts may be a widespread phenomenon on the Moon. Knowing the distribution of HA mare basalts on the lunar surface has significance for models of the origin and the evolution of the Lunar Magma Ocean. Surface exposures of HA basalts can be detected with compositional remote sensing data from Lunar Prospector Gamma Ray Spectrometer and Clementine. We searched the lunar surface for regions of interest (ROIs) that correspond to the intersection of three compositional constraints taken from values of sampled HA basalts: 12-18 wt% FeO, 1.5-5 wt% TiO2, and 0-4 ppm Th. We then determined the “true” (unobscured by regolith) composition of basalt units by analyzing the rims and proximal ejecta of small impacts (0.4-4 km in diameter) into the mare surface of these ROIs. This paper focuses on two ROIs that are the best candidates for sources of sampled HA basalts: Mare Fecunditatis, the landing site of Luna 16; and northern Mare Imbrium, hypothesized origin of the Apollo 14 HA basalts. We demonstrate our technique's ability for delineating discrete basalt units and determining which is the best compositional match to the HA basalts sampled by each mission. We identified two units in Mare Fecunditatis that spectrally resemble HA basalts, although only one unit (Iltm) is consistent with the compositional and relative age of the Luna 16 HA samples. Northern Mare Imbrium also reveals two units that are within the compositional constraints of HA basalts, with one (Iltm) best matching the composition of the basalts sampled by Apollo 14.  相似文献   

The titanium contents of lunar mare basalts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— Lunar mare basalt sample data suggest that there is a bimodal distribution of TiO2 concentrations. Using a refined technique for remote determination of TiO2, we find that the maria actually vary continuously from low to high values. The reason for the discrepancy is that the nine lunar sample return missions were not situated near intermediate basalt regions. Moreover, maria with 2–4 wt% TiO2 are most abundant, and abundance decreases with increasing TiO2. Maria surfaces with TiO2 >5 wt% constitute only 20% of the maria. Although impact mixing of basalts with differing Ti concentrations may smear out the distribution and decrease the abundance of high‐Ti basalts, the distribution of basalt Ti contents probably reflects both the relative abundances of ilmenite‐free and ilmenite‐bearing mantle sources. This distribution is consistent with models of the formation of mare source regions as cumulates from the lunar magma ocean.  相似文献   

Abstract– The feldspathic lunar meteorites contain rare fragments of crystalline basalts. We analyzed 16 basalt fragments from four feldspathic lunar meteorites (Allan Hills [ALHA] 81005, MacAlpine Hills [MAC] 88104/88105, Queen Alexandra Range [QUE] 93069, Miller Range [MIL] 07006) and utilized literature data for another (Dhofar [Dho] 1180). We compositionally classify basalt fragments according to their magma’s estimated TiO2 contents, which we derive for crystalline basalts from pyroxene TiO2 and the mineral‐melt Ti distribution coefficient. Overall, most of the basalt fragments are low‐Ti basalts (1–6% TiO2), with a significant proportion of very‐low‐Ti basalts (<1% TiO2). Only a few basalt clasts were high‐Ti or intermediate Ti types (>10% TiO2 and 6–10% TiO2, respectively). This distribution of basalt TiO2 abundances is nearly identical to that obtained from orbital remote sensing of the moon (both UV‐Vis from Clementine, and gamma ray from Lunar Prospector). However, the distribution of TiO2 abundances is unlike those of the Apollo and Luna returned samples: we observe a paucity of high‐Ti basalts. The compositional types of basalt differs from meteorite to meteorite, which implies that all basalt subtypes are not randomly distributed on the Moon, i.e., the basalt fragments in each meteorite probably represent basalts in the neighborhood of the meteorite launch site. These differences in basalt chemistry and classifications may be useful in identifying the source regions of some feldspathic meteorites. Some of the basalt fragments probably originate from ancient cryptomaria, and so may hold clues to the petrogenesis of the Moon’s oldest volcanism.  相似文献   

The stratified core sample returned from Mare Crisium by the Luna 24 unmanned space probe is composed primarily of a new variety of subophitic to ophitic basalt with very low contents of TiO2 and MgO. This consists of clinopyroxene, calcic plagioclase, olivine, and minor amounts of silica, chromite, ulvöspinel, ilmenite, troilite, apatite, and Fe-metal. Granular metabasalts have the same bulk composition, but mineral phases exhibit less compositional variation. Fine-grained impact melts have similar compositions and are apparently derived from these basalts. We conclude that the basalts, which are chemically distinct from the very-low-titanium basalts found elsewhere on the Moon, represent the local surface flows of Mare Crisium.Sparse fragments of an olivine vitrophyre that is low in TiO2 but high in MgO and approaches the composition of the Apollo 15 green glasses may be derived from patches of dark mantling materials 20 km from the landing site.Now at Department of Geology, University of California at Davis, Davis, Calif., U.S.A.Now at Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn., U.S.A.  相似文献   

Oceanus Procellarum, the largest lunar mare, is distributed with a large area of the late-stage (Eratosthenian) basalts. Research on the thickness, volume, and eruption flux of the late-stage basalts is essential for understanding the late thermal evolution of Oceanus Procellarum, even the Moon. The Eratosthenian basalts are rich in olivine and ilmenite, while the underlying Imbrian basalts are rich in pyroxene. Their significant spectral differences are easy to be distinguished using the hyperspectral data. We determine whether a crater has penetrated the overlying basalt layer by the data of Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3), and estimate the thickness of Eratosthenian basalts in the Oceanus Procellarum region by using a crater excavation technique. A high-resolution thickness distribution map of the last-stage basalts within the Oceanus Procellarum has been acquired. The results show that the averaged thickness of Eratosthenian basalts in the Oceanus Procellarum region varies from (24 ± 2) m to (88 ± 2) m. Among them, the thickness of Eratosthenian basalts in the western Aristarchus is the greatest (>60 m), whereas the southernmost area of the study has a minimum thickness of about 28–31 m. The basalt thickness at the Chang’e-5 potential landing site Mons Rümker is about 31–38 m. The thickness of Eratosthenian basalts in the east of Marius is about 35–45 m, which is much smaller than the value of 100  300 m estimated by Weider et al. The total volume of Eratosthenian basalts is estimated to be ~1.39 × 104 km3, which is only about 1.6% of total basalts in Oceanus Procellarum. This indicates that the magmatism in the Eratosthenian period has been greatly weakened compared to the Imbrian period.  相似文献   

The absorption band center of visible and near infrared reflectance spectra is a key spectral parameter for lunar mineralogical studies, especially for the mafic minerals(olivine and pyroxene) of mare basalts, which have two obvious absorption bands at 1000 nm(Band I) and 2000 nm(Band II). Removal of the continuum from spectra, which was developed by Clark and Roush and used to isolate the particular absorption feature, is necessary to estimate this parameter. The Moon Mineralogy Mapper(M3) data are widely used for lunar mineral identification. However, M3 data show a residual thermal effect, which interferes with the continuum removal, and systematic differences exist among optical data taken during different optical periods. This study investigated a suitable continuum removal method and compared the difference between two sets of M3 data taken during different optical periods, Optical Period 1B(OP1B)and Optical Period 2A(OP2A). Two programs for continuum removal are reported in this paper. Generally,a program respectively constructs two straight lines across Band I and Band II to remove the continuum,which is recommended for locating band centers, because it can find the same Band I center with different right endpoints. The optimal right endpoint for continuum removal is mainly dominated by two optical period data at approximately 2480 and 2560 nm for OP1 B and OP2 A data, respectively. The band center values derived from OP1 B data are smaller than those derived from OP2 A data in Band I but larger in Band II, especially for the spectra using longer right endpoints(2600 nm). This may be due to the spectral slopes of OP1 B data being steeper than those of OP2 A data in Band I but gentler in Band II. These results were applied to Mare Humorum and Mare Nubium, and the measurements were found to mainly vary from intermediate- to high-Ca pyroxene.  相似文献   

Abstract– Fourteen major basaltic units in Mare Serenitatis have been identified and mapped from differences in TiO2 wt%. The ages of these units have been inferred from their crater densities and reference to isotopically dated Apollo samples. It has been found that FeO and TiO2 wt% of the units do not show any apparent trend with time. However, the oldest units have much greater variation in FeO and TiO2 wt% than younger ones. No lateral trend in the age of the basaltic units is apparent within the basin. A vertical profile of Mare Serenitatis has been produced based on the depth of basalt within impact craters. The minimum depth of basalt has been estimated where craters have not exposed underlying highland material. The profile has been used to estimate the minimum volume of basalt within the basin to be ≈500,000 km3.  相似文献   

New data from a petrological and geochemical examination of 12 coarse basaltic fines from the Apollo 12 soil sample 12023,155 provide evidence of additional geochemical diversity at the landing site. In addition to the bulk chemical composition, major, minor, and trace element analyses of mineral phases are employed to ascertain how these samples relate to the Apollo 12 lithological basalt groups, thereby overcoming the problems of representativeness of small samples. All of the samples studied are low‐Ti basalts (0.9–5.7 wt% TiO2), and many fall into the established olivine, pigeonite, and ilmenite classification of Apollo 12 basaltic suites. There are five exceptions: sample 12023,155_1A is mineralogically and compositionally distinct from other Apollo 12 basalt types, with low pigeonite REE concentrations and low Ni (41–55 ppm) and Mn (2400–2556 ppm) concentrations in olivine. Sample 12023,155_11A is also unique, with Fe‐rich mineral compositions and low bulk Mg# (=100 × atomic Mg/[Mg+Fe]) of 21.6. Sample 12023,155_7A has different plagioclase chemistry and crystallization trends as well as a wider range of olivine Mg# (34–55) compared with other Apollo 12 basalts, and shows greater similarities to Apollo 14 high‐Al basalts. Two other samples (12023,155_4A, and _5A) are similar to the Apollo 12 feldspathic basalt 12038, providing additional evidence that feldspathic basalts represent a lava flow proximal to the Apollo 12 site rather than material introduced by impacts. We suggest that at least one parent magma, and possibly as many as four separate parent magmas, are required in addition to the previously identified olivine, pigeonite, and ilmenite basaltic suites to account for the observed chemical diversity of basalts found in this study.  相似文献   

The lunar maria reflect two to five times less Earth-based radar power than the highlands, the spectrally blue maria surfaces returning the lowest power levels. This effect of weakening signal return has been attributed to increased signal absorption related to the electrical and magnetic characteristics of the mineral ilmenite (FeTiO3). The surface of Mare Imbrium contains some of the most distinct red-blue colorimetric boundaries and depolarized 70 cm wavelength reflectivity variations on the near side of the Moon. The weakest levels of both 3.8 cm and 70 cm reflectivity within Imbrium are confined to regional mare surfaces of the blue spectral type that can be recognized as stratigraphically unique flow surfaces. Frequency distributions of the 70 cm polarized and depolarized radar return power for five mare surfaces within the basin indicate that signal absorption, and probably the ilmenite content, increases generally from the beginning of the Imbrian Period to the end of the Eratosthenian Period with slight reversal between the end of the Imbrian and beginning of the Eratosthenian. TiO2 calibrated radar reflectivity curves can be utilized for lunar maria geochemical mapping in the same manner as the TiO2 calibrated spectral reflectivity curves of Charetteet al. (1974). The long wavelength radar data may be a sensitive indicator of mare chemical variations as it is unaffected by the normal surface rock clutter that includes ray materials from large impact craters.  相似文献   

Abstract— We studied crystallization trends of pyroxene and spinel in four Antarctic meteorites known to be derived from mare regions of the Moon: Y-793169 and A-881757 (YA meteorites) are unbrecciated igneous basalts, EET 87521 is a fragmental breccia, and Y-793274 is a regolith breccia. All have relatively low bulkrock TiO2 content, and the YA meteorites are uncommonly ancient. Our electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) data indicate that the YA meteorites and the dominant mare components of Y-793274 and EET 87521 conform to a general trend for Ti-poor (low-Ti and very low-Ti) mare basalts. Their pyroxenes show a strong correlation between Fe/(Fe + Mg) (Fe#) and Ti/(Ti + Cr) (Ti#), both ratios typically increasing from core to rim. These trends presumably reflect local crystallization differentiation of interstitial melt. Previous studies (M. J. Drake and coworkers) have suggested that the detailed configurations of such Fe# vs. Ti# trends may reflect the bulk TiO2 contents of the parent magmas (basalts). As a more systematic approach to this problem, we plot bulk-rock TiO2 as a function of the Fe# = 0.50 intercept of each rock's pyroxene Fe# vs. Ti# trend. We call this intercept the Fe#-normalized Ti#. Based on our data for EET 87521, the YA meteorites, and Apollo 12 basalts 12031 and 12064, plus literature data for several other Ti-poor mare basalts, we find a strong correlation between Fe#-normalized Ti# and the bulk TiO2 content of the parent basalt. This correlation confirms that fragmental breccia EET 87521 is nearly pure very low-Ti (VLT) basalt and that the YA meteorites, for which bulk-rock TiO2 results scatter due to unusually coarse grain size (A-881757) or scarcity of available sample (Y-793169), are pieces of an uncommonly Ti-poor, but not quite VLT, variety of low-Ti mare basalt. Extrapolating from this correlation, the dominant mare component of regolith breccia Y-793274 is probably of VLT affinity. Besides the normal mare pyroxene trend of strong correlation between Fe# and Ti#, Y-793274 includes two additional pyroxene compositional trends, both showing a wide range of Ti# despite relatively constant (and low, by mare standards) Fe#. The most magnesian of these trends consists of a single clast with a mode of orthopyroxene + MgO-rich ilmenite. These two trends are of uncertain origin. Possibly one or both represents the highland component of this regolith breccia, although, unlike most highland pyroxenes, these appear relatively unaltered by impact brecciation and metamorphism. Compositions of spinels in the coarse-grained A-881757 show an extraordinary distribution: chromite and ulvöspinel components vary among grains but are nearly constant within grains. Despite its old age and unusually coarse grain sizes, mineralogical evidence (i.e., heterogeneity within both pyroxene and spinel; typical pyroxene exsolution scale very coarse by mare standards but exceeded by the pyroxenes of EET 87521 and Y-793274) indicates that A-881757 was cooled only slightly more slowly than typical mare basalts and may have formed near the center of an uncommonly thick lava flow. Both of the VLT basaltic lunar meteorite breccias, EET 87521 and Y-793274, are composed dominantly of pyroxenes with exsolution coarser than normal for mare basalts. Possibly VLT basalt flows tend to be systematically thicker, and thus more slowly cooled, than more Ti-rich flows.  相似文献   

Abstract— Lunar meteorite Queen Alexandra Range 94281 is remarkably similar to Yamato 793274. Pairing in the conventional Earth-entry sense is difficult to reconcile with the 2500 km separation between the find locations for these two samples. Nonetheless, both of these regolith breccias are dominated by very-low-Ti (VLT) mare basalt, the pyroxenes of which feature exsolution lamellae on a remarkably coarse scale (typical lamella width = 0.5–1 μm) by mare standards. The pyroxenes also show similar compositional variations (e.g., Fe# vs. Ti# trends, which confirm parentage from VLT mare basalt). Plots using Al2O3 or FeO as a tracer of the highland component indicate indistinguishable internal mare-highland geochemical mixing trends. The same two distinctive glass types dominate the mare glass populations of both breccias. Glass type YQ1 features 0.37–0.63 wt% TiO2, 10–17 wt% MgO, and 9–11 wt% Al2O3. Glass type YQ2 features higher TiO2 (0.99–1.22 wt%), which is inversely correlated with MgO (12.6–13.8 wt%), and nearly constant (8.8 wt%) Al2O3. All of these similarities suggest that Y-793274 and QUE 94281 are a launch pair, which we designate YQ. Most of these similarities also extend to another mare-breccia meteorite, Elephant Moraine 87521. However, the EET 87521 mare basalt is unusually V-poor (~88 μg/g), whereas the YQ mare component contains ~166 μg/g. Queen Alexandra Range 94281 features a variety of textural domains. Discrete patches of dark matrix material appear to represent clods of mature regolith that have been mixed with a coarser, relatively immature material. Interior to a frothy fusion crust are areas of massive glass that probably formed as a splash coating on QUE 94281 when it was still on the Moon. The coarse YQ and EET 87521 pyroxene exsolution features imply relatively slow cooling in either a very shallow sill or an unusually thick (ponded) lava and/or later annealing within a cryptomare. Mare pyroclastic glasses, including the two YQ varieties, are systematically MgO-rich compared to crystalline mare basalts. This disparity may be a consequence of limited survival of graphite—the main fuel for explosive volcanism—during formation of the mare source regions as magma ocean cumulates. Graphite (2.2 g/cm3) survived preferentially in regions that avoided extensive early melting and thus remained MgO-rich. An apparent bimodality in the TiO2 contents of mare volcanics, especially the pyroclastic glasses, also seems a plausible consequence of petrogenesis by remelting of magma ocean cumulates. Cumulates deposited after the magma ocean evolved to ilmenite saturation had vastly higher TiO2 contents than cumulates deposited shortly before. The YQ regolith's subequal proportions of mare and highland matter are consistent with derivation from a terrain close to a mare-highland boundary. However, a similar mixture might also develop through vertical mixing in a cryptomare or a region of thin mare coverage. Thus, unfortunately, the YQ bulk composition is not a very useful clue to the identity of the source crater.  相似文献   

Abstract— We describe the mineralogy, petrology, oxygen, and magnesium isotope compositions of three coarse‐grained, igneous, anorthite‐rich (type C) Ca‐Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs) (ABC, TS26, and 93) that are associated with ferromagnesian chondrule‐like silicate materials from the CV carbonaceous chondrite Allende. The CAIs consist of lath‐shaped anorthite (An99), Cr‐bearing Al‐Ti‐diopside (Al and Ti contents are highly variable), spinel, and highly åkermanitic and Na‐rich melilite (Åk63–74, 0.4–0.6 wt% Na2O). TS26 and 93 lack Wark‐Lovering rim layers; ABC is a CAI fragment missing the outermost part. The peripheral portions of TS26 and ABC are enriched in SiO2 and depleted in TiO2 and Al2O3 compared to their cores and contain relict ferromagnesian chondrule fragments composed of forsteritic olivine (Fa6–8) and low‐Ca pyroxene/pigeonite (Fs1Wo1–9). The relict grains are corroded by Al‐Ti‐diopside of the host CAIs and surrounded by haloes of augite (Fs0.5Wo30–42). The outer portion of CAI 93 enriched in spinel is overgrown by coarse‐grained pigeonite (Fs0.5–2Wo5–17), augite (Fs0.5Wo38–42), and anorthitic plagioclase (An84). Relict olivine and low‐Ca pyroxene/pigeonite in ABC and TS26, and the pigeonite‐augite rim around 93 are 16O‐poor (Δ17O ~ ?1‰ to ?8‰). Spinel and Al‐Ti‐diopside in cores of CAIs ABC, TS26, and 93 are 16O‐enriched (Δ17O down to ?20‰), whereas Al‐Ti‐diopside in the outer zones, as well as melilite and anorthite, are 16O‐depleted to various degrees (Δ17O = ?11‰ to 2‰). In contrast to typical Allende CAIs that have the canonical initial 26Al/27Al ratio of ~5 × 10?5 ABC, 93, and TS26 are 26Al‐poor with (26Al/27Al)0 ratios of (4.7 ± 1.4) × 10?6 (1.5 ± 1.8) × 10?6 <1.2 × 10?6 respectively. We conclude that ABC, TS26, and 93 experienced remelting with addition of ferromagnesian chondrule silicates and incomplete oxygen isotopic exchange in an 16O‐poor gaseous reservoir, probably in the chondrule‐forming region. This melting episode could have reset the 26Al‐26Mg systematics of the host CAIs, suggesting it occurred ~2 Myr after formation of most CAIs. These observations and the common presence of relict CAIs inside chondrules suggest that CAIs predated formation of chondrules.  相似文献   

Abstract— Through freeze-thaw disaggregation of the Murchison meteorite, we have recovered, in addition to many spinel-hibonite spherules, several hibonite-rich inclusion fragments in which the hibonite has wider ranges in TiO2 contents (e.g., 0.07–8.6 wt% in one inclusion and 2–10 wt% in another) than previously observed within single inclusions. In these inclusions, there are sharp contacts between texturally early, Ti-poor hibonite and relatively late, Ti-rich hibonite, and the two types occur in complex intergrowth textures that are not consistent with crystallization from a melt in a single-stage cooling event. One inclusion has, in addition to relatively TiO2-rich hibonite, some that is virtually TiO2-free but contains ~1 wt% MgO and ~1.5 wt% SiO2. Instead of the common substitution of Mg + Ti for 2Al, Mg coupled with Si in this case, probably reflecting crystallization from an unusual, Ti-free silicate liquid. Ion microprobe analyses of Ti-rich and Ti-poor hibonite from this inclusion yield quite similar trace-element patterns and Mg-isotopic compositions. The results are most consistent with formation of Ti-rich hibonite from Ti-poor hibonite by addition of Mg and Ti to the latter by exchange with a hot, Ti-rich liquid. That this occurred without a resolvable change in the Mg-isotopic composition requires that the Ti-rich, second generation of hibonite formed <2.5 times 105 yr later than the Ti-poor hibonite. Observations of spinel-hibonite spherules and spherule fragments in our sample suite provide additional evidence that, despite the claims by Greenwood et al. (1994), spinel-hibonite spherules crystallized from individual, molten droplets, as earlier suggested by Macdougall (1981) and MacPherson et al. (1983).  相似文献   

The regolith samples returned by the Chang'E-5 mission (CE-5) contain the youngest radiometrically dated mare basaltic clasts, which provide an opportunity to elucidate the magmatic activities on the Moon during the late Eratosthenian. In this study, detailed petrographic observations and comprehensive geochemical analyses were performed on the CE-5 basaltic clasts. The major element concentrations in individual plagioclase grain of the CE-5 basalts may vary slightly from core to rim, whereas pyroxene has clear chemical zonation. The crystallization sequence of the CE-5 mare basalts was determined using petrographic and geochemical relations in the basaltic clasts. In addition, both fractional crystallization (FC) and assimilation and fractional crystallization models were applied to simulate the chemical evolution of melt equilibrated with plagioclase in CE-5 basalts. Our results reveal that the melt had a TiO2 content of ~3 wt% and an Mg# of ~45 at the onset of plagioclase crystallization, suggesting a low-Ti parental melt of the CE-5 basalts. The relatively high FeO content (>14.5 wt%) in melt equilibrated with plagioclase could have resulted in extensive crystallization of ilmenite, unlike in Apollo low-Ti basalts. Furthermore, our calculations showed that the geochemical evolution of CE-5 basaltic melt could not have occurred in a closed system. On the contrary, the CE-5 basalts could have assimilated mineral, rock, and glass fragments that have higher concentrations of KREEP elements (potassium, rare earth elements, and phosphorus) in the regolith during magma flow on the Moon's surface. The presence of the KREEP signature in the CE-5 basalts is consistent with literature remote sensing data obtained from the CE-5 landing site. These KREEP-bearing fragments could originate from KREEP basaltic melts that may have been emplaced at the landing site earlier than the CE-5 basalts.  相似文献   

In a previous paper, it was shown that the basic properties and the developmental history of a gravitationally differentiated Moon of fission origin match those known for the Moon. In the first part of this report, the models of a differentiated Moon are critically reviewed based on second order considerations of some of the chemical systems used to develope the earlier models and based on new lunar data. As a result, slightly updated models are developed and the results indicate that a Moon of fission origin has a feldspar rich crust (≈70% Or0.8Ab5.3An93.9 with ≈30% pyroxene and olivine) reaching an average depth of ≈65 km. A KREEP rich layer is located at the interface of the crust and the upper mantle. The upper mantle consists of peridotite (≈80% Wo10En70Fs20 and ≈20% Fo75–80 with ≈3% Al2O3 and ≈ 2% TiO2) and reaches a depth of 300–400 km. Below 300–400 km lies a dunite (≈Fo95) lower mantle. A simple model for the distribution of K, U and Th (and by inference, KREEP) in the differentiated Moon model is developed using a distribution coefficient of 0.1 for the three elements. This coefficient is derived from published data on the distribution of U in Apollo 11 basalts. The simple model successfully accounts for the observed K, U and Th contents of the various mare basalts and upland rocks and yields a heat flow of 21 erg cm?2s?1 for the Moon. A model for the fine structure of the peridotite upper mantle of the model Moon is developed based on the TiO2 and trace element variations observed in the various mare basalts. It is proposed that the upper mantle is rhythmically banded on the scale of 10's of km and that this banding leads to local variations of a factor of ±3 in the K, U and Th content, -10 +5 in the TiO2 content and -∞ +2 in the olivine content of the peridotite. It is also proposed that this banding leads to large scale horizontal inhomogenuities in the composition of the upper mantle. It is also shown that the formation of the primitive suite of upland rocks is easily explained by the cumulation of plagioclase, which carried varying amounts of pyroxene, olivine and melt with it, during the peritectic crystallization of the last 20% of the differentiating Moon. It is found that the 100 Mg/(Mg+Fe) ratios of the mafics and the An contents of the plagioclases of the rocks are controlled by several factors, the most important of which is the ratio of melt to crystals which together formed the various upland rocks. The inverse relationship between the An contents and the Mg contents of the upland rocks is a direct consequence of the differentiation sequence proposed. The results and models presented in this paper further support the hypothesis that the Moon formed as a result of fission from the proto-Earth.  相似文献   

Abstract– We have studied 27 KREEP basalt fragments in six thin sections of samples collected from four Apollo 15 stations. Based on local geology and regional remote sensing data, these samples represent KREEP basalt lava flows that lie beneath the younger, local Apollo 15 mare basalts and under other mare flows north of the Apollo 15 site. Some of these rocks were deposited at the site as ejecta from the large craters Aristillus and Autolycus. KREEP basalts in this igneous province have a volume of 103–2 × 104 km3. Mineral and bulk compositional data indicate that the erupted magmas had Mg# [100 × molar Mg/(Mg + Fe)] up to 73, corresponding to orthopyroxene‐rich interior source regions with Mg# up to 90. Minor element variations in the parent magmas of the KREEP basalts, inferred from compositions of the most magnesian pyroxene and most calcic plagioclase in each sample, indicate small but significant differences in the concentrations of minor elements and Mg#, reflecting variations in the composition of lower crustal or mantle source regions and/or different amounts of partial melting of those source regions.  相似文献   

We obtained constraints on the luminosity of the central source in SNR 1987 A using XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL data. XMM-Newton yields an upper limit on the SNR luminosity in the 2–10 keV energy band, LX ? 5 × 1034 erg s?1. Since the optical depth of the envelope is still large in the XMM-Newton energy band, this constraint carries no useful information about the luminosity of the central source. The optical depth is expected to be small in the hard (20–200 keV) X-ray band of the IBIS telescope aboard the INTEGRAL observatory. We detected no statistically significant emission from SNR 1987 A in the INTEGRAL data and obtained an upper limit of LX ? 1.1 × 1036 erg s?1 on the luminosity of the central source in the 20–60 keV band. We also obtained an upper limit on the mass of radioactive 44Ti, M(44Ti) ? 10?3M.  相似文献   

Bulk major element composition, petrography, mineralogy, and oxygen isotope compositions of twenty Al‐rich chondrules (ARCs) from five CV3 chondrites (Northwest Africa [NWA] 989, NWA 2086, NWA 2140, NWA 2697, NWA 3118) and the Ningqiang carbonaceous chondrite were studied and compared with those of ferromagnesian chondrules and refractory inclusions. Most ARCs are marginally Al‐richer than ferromagnesian chondrules with bulk Al2O3 of 10–15 wt%. ARCs are texturally similar to ferromagnesian chondrules, composed primarily of olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase, spinel, Al‐rich glass, and metallic phases. Minerals in ARCs have intermediate compositions. Low‐Ca pyroxene (Fs0.6–8.8Wo0.7–9.3) has much higher Al2O3 and TiO2 contents (up to 12.5 and 2.3 wt%, respectively) than that in ferromagnesian chondrules. High‐Ca pyroxene (Fs0.3–2.0Wo33–54) contains less Al2O3 and TiO2 than that in Ca,Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs). Plagioclase (An77–99Ab1–23) is much more sodic than that in CAIs. Spinel is enriched in moderately volatile element Cr (up to 6.7 wt%) compared to that in CAIs. Al‐rich enstatite coexists with anorthite and spinel in a glass‐free chondrule, implying that the formation of Al‐enstatite was not due to kinetic reasons but is likely due to the high Al2O3/CaO ratio (7.4) of the bulk chondrule. Three ARCs contain relict CAIs. Oxygen isotope compositions of ARCs are also intermediate between those of ferromagnesian chondrules and CAIs. They vary from ?39.4‰ to 13.9‰ in δ18O and yield a best fit line (slope = 0.88) close to the carbonaceous chondrite anhydrous mineral (CCAM) line. Chondrules with 5–10 wt% bulk Al2O3 have a slightly more narrow range in δ18O (?32.5 to 5.9‰) along the CCAM line. Except for the ARCs with relict phases, however, most ARCs have oxygen isotope compositions (>?20‰ in δ18O) similar to those of typical ferromagnesian chondrules. ARCs are genetically related to both ferromagnesian chondrules and CAIs, but the relationship between ARCs and ferromagnesian chondrules is closer. Most ARCs were formed during flash heating and rapid cooling processes like normal chondrules, only from chemically evolved precursors. ARCs extremely enriched in Al and those with relict phases could have had a hybrid origin (Krot et al. 2002) which incorporated refractory inclusions as part of the precursors in addition to ferromagnesian materials. The occurrence of melilite in ARCs indicates that melilite‐rich CAIs might be present in the precursor materials of ARCs. The absence of melilite in most ARCs is possibly due to high‐temperature interactions between a chondrule melt and the solar nebula.  相似文献   

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