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It was found in previous studies that groundwater levels may fluctuate as a temporal fractal. In this study numerical simulations of groundwater level fluctuations in an unconfined aquifer near a river were conducted to investigate the effects of aquifer heterogeneity and river stage variations on the fractal behavior of the water levels, h(t). Groundwater recharge was taken to be a white-noise process. The aquifer heterogeneity was simulated with a second-order stationary field of hydraulic conductivity (K) with an exponential variogram model. The results showed that groundwater levels fluctuate as a temporal fractal in both homogeneous and heterogeneous aquifers as long as K is less than 10 m/d. Most aquifers may indeed act as a fractal filter which takes a random non-fractal recharge inputs and produces a fractal responses of groundwater level fluctuations. A crossover in temporal scaling of h(t) may appear in more permeable aquifers. Fluctuations of the groundwater level in a homogeneous aquifer are dominated by the recharge process when the river stage is constant or by the river stage variations when the river stage varies in highly permeable aquifers. Heterogeneity plays an important role in the temporal scaling of h(t) in more permeable aquifers: the stronger the heterogeneity, the stronger the temporal scaling of h(t).  相似文献   

The deeply buried river‐connected Xishan karst aquifer (XKA) in western Beijing, China, has been suffering from diminishing recharge for several decades, which in turn leads to the disappearing of spring water outflows and continuously lowering of groundwater level in the area. Thus, it is important to correctly recognize the groundwater recharge and flow paths for the sustainable development of the XKA. To investigate these issues, the hydrochemical and isotopic compositions are analysed for both surface water and groundwater samples collected over an area of about 280 km2. Results show that (a) the river water is characterized by high Na contents; (b) the δ2H and δ18O values in the river water are distinctively higher than those of groundwater samples, after experiencing the long‐time evaporative enrichment in the upstream reservoir; (c) the Sr concentrations and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of groundwater clearly indicated the interaction between water and carbonate minerals but excluded the water–silicate interaction; and (d) the groundwater samples in the direct recharge area of the XKA have the lowest Na concentrations and the δ2H and δ18O values. Based on the large differences in the Na contents and 18O values of groundwater and surface water, a simple two‐component mixing model is developed for the study area and the fractions of the river water are estimated for groundwater samples. We find that the distribution pattern of the river water fractions in the XKA clearly shows a change of directions in the preferential flow path of the groundwater from its source zone to the discharge area. Overall, our results suggest that the recharged surface water can be a useful evidence for delineating the groundwater flow path in river‐connected karst aquifer. This study improves our understanding of the heterogeneity in karst groundwater systems.  相似文献   

Groundwater is not a sustainable resource, unless abstraction is balanced by recharge. Identifying the sources of recharge in a groundwater basin is critical for sustainable groundwater management. We studied the importance of river water recharge to groundwater in the south‐eastern San Joaquin Valley (24,000 km2, population 4 million). We combined dissolved noble gas concentrations, stable isotopes, tritium, and carbon‐14 analyses to analyse the sources, mechanisms, and timescales of groundwater recharge. Area‐representative groundwater sampling and numerical model input data enabled a stable isotope mass balance and quantitative estimates of river and local recharge. River recharge, identified by a lighter stable isotope signature, represents 47 ± 4% of modern groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley (recharged after 1950) but only 26 ± 4% of premodern groundwater (recharged before 1950). This implies that the importance of river water recharge in the San Joaquin valley has nearly doubled and is likely the result of a 40% increase in total recharge, caused by river water irrigation return flows and increased stream depletion and river recharge due to groundwater pumping. Compared with the large and long‐duration capacity for water storage in the subsurface, storage of water in rivers is limited in time and volume, as evidenced by cold river recharge temperatures resulting from fast infiltration and recharge. Groundwater banking of seasonal surface water flows and expansion of managed aquifer recharge practices therefore appear to be a natural and promising method for increasing the resilience of the San Joaquin Valley water supply system.  相似文献   

Cosmogenic exposure dating of moraines during the last two decades has vastly improved knowledge on the timing of glaciation worldwide. Due to a variety of geologic complications, such as moraine degradation, snow cover, bedrock erosion and isotopic inheritance, samples from multiple large boulders (>1–2 m) often lead to the most accurate moraine age assignments. However, in many cases, large boulders are not available on moraines of interest. Here, I test the suitability of pebble collections from moraine crest surfaces as a sample type for exposure dating. Twenty-two 10Be ages from two Pleistocene lateral moraine crests in Pine Creek valley in the upper Arkansas River basin, Colorado, were calculated from both pebble and boulder samples. Ten 10Be ages from a single-crested Bull Lake lateral moraine range between 3 and 72 ka, with no statistical difference between pebble (n = 5) and boulder (n = 5) ages. The lack of a cluster of 10Be ages suggests that moraine degradation has led to anomalously young exposure ages. Twelve 10Be ages from a single-crested Pinedale lateral moraine have a bimodal age distribution; one mode is 22.0 ± 1.4 ka (three boulders, two pebble collections), the other is 15.2 ± 0.9 ka (two boulders, five pebble collections). The interpretation of the two age modes is that two glacier maxima of similar extent were attained during the late Pleistocene. Regardless of moraine age interpretations, that 10Be ages from pebble collections and boulders are indistinguishable on moraines of two different ages, and in two different age modes of the Pinedale moraine, suggests that pebble collections from moraine crests may serve as a suitable sample type in some settings.  相似文献   

Karst spring measurements assess biogeochemical processes occurring within groundwater contributing areas to springs (springsheds) but can only provide aggregated information. To better understand spatially distributed processes that comprise these aggregated measures, we investigated aquifer denitrification evidence in groundwater wells (n = 16) distributed throughout a springshed in the Upper Floridan aquifer in northern Florida. Aquifer geochemistry, nitrate isotopes, and dissolved gases were compared against similar measurements at the spring outlet to evaluate spatial heterogeneity of denitrification evidence in relation to land surface–aquifer connectivity. Sample locations spanned spatial variation in recharge processes (i.e., diffuse vs. focused recharge) and proximity to sources of denitrification reactants (e.g., wetlands). Although no distinct spatial pattern in denitrification was uncovered, excess dissolved N2 gas measurements were only above detection in the unconfined springshed, with some evidence of a wetland proximity effect. Measured oxidation–reduction potential and dissolved oxygen poorly predicted denitrification, indicating that measured denitrification may be occurring upgradient from sampled wells. Despite dramatic spatial chemical heterogeneity across wells, mean values for recharge nitrate concentrations (0.02 to 5.56 mg N L?1) and excess N2 from aquifer denitrification (below detection to 1.37 mg N L?1) corresponded reasonably with mean spring outlet measurements for initial nitrate (0.78 to 1.36 mg N L?1) and excess N2 (0.15 to 1.04 mg N L?1). Congruence between groundwater and spring measurements indicates that combining sampling at the spring outlet and across the springshed is useful for understanding spatial aquifer denitrification. However, this approach would be improved with a high‐density sampling network with transects of wells along distinct groundwater flow paths.  相似文献   

The precise knowledge of the initial 26Al/27Al ratio [(26Al/27Al)0] is crucial if we are to use the very first solid objects formed in our Solar System, calcium–aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) as the “time zero” age-anchor and guide future work with other short-lived radio-chronometers in the early Solar System, as well as determining the inventory of heat budgets from radioactivities for early planetary differentiation. New high-precision multi-collector inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) measurements of 27Al/24Mg ratios and Mg-isotopic compositions of nine whole-rock CAIs (six mineralogically characterized fragments and three micro-drilled inclusions) from the CV carbonaceous chondrite, Allende yield a well-defined 26Al–26Mg fossil isochron with an (26Al/27Al)0 of (5.23 ± 0.13) × 10− 5. Internal mineral isochrons obtained for three of these CAIs (A44A, AJEF, and A43) are consistent with the whole-rock CAI isochron. The mineral isochron of AJEF with (26Al/27Al)0 = (4.96 ± 0.25) × 10− 5, anchored to our precisely determined absolute 207Pb–206Pb age of 4567.60 ± 0.36 Ma for the same mineral separates, reinstate the “canonical” (26Al/27Al)0 of 5 × 10− 5 for the early Solar System. The uncertainty in (26Al/27Al)0 corresponds to a maximum time span of ± 20 Ka (thousand years), suggesting that the Allende CAI formation events were culminated within this time span. Although all Allende CAIs studied experienced multistage formation history, including melting and evaporation in the solar nebula and post-crystallization alteration likely on the asteroidal parent body, the 26Al–26Mg and U–Pb-isotopic systematics of the mineral separates and bulk CAIs behaved largely as closed-system since their formation. Our data do not support the “supra-canonical” 26Al/27Al ratio of individual minerals or their mixtures in CV CAIs, suggesting that the supra-canonical 26Al/27Al ratio in the CV CAIs may have resulted from post-crystallization inter-mineral redistribution of Mg isotopes within an individual inclusion. This redistribution must be volumetrically minor in order to satisfy the mass balance of the precisely defined bulk CAI and bulk mineral data obtained by MC-ICP-MS.The radiogenic 208Pb/206Pb ratio obtained as a by-product from the Pb–Pb age dating is used to estimate time-integrated 232Th/238U ratio (κ value) of CAIs. Limited κ variations among the minerals within a single CAI, contrasted by much larger variations among the bulk CAIs, suggest Th/U fractionation occurred prior to crystallization of igneous CAIs. If interpreted as primordial heterogeneity, the κ value can be used to calculate the mean age of the interstellar dust from which the CAIs condensed.  相似文献   


Chemical and isotopic data of groundwater of the Upper Cretaceous aquifer in the Orontes basin, Syria, have been used to assess the groundwater geochemistry, the origin of groundwater recharge and groundwater residence time. The chemical data indicate that dissolution of evaporite minerals is the main process controlling groundwater mineralization. The composition of stable isotopes δ18O and δ2H, together with 14C activity, reflect the existence of three different groups: (a) groundwater in the Coastal Mountains with δ18O of –6.65‰, quite similar to modern-day precipitation, and high 14C (>50 pmC); (b) groundwater in the unconfined aquifer of the Hama Uplift, which has δ18O of –5.52‰ and 14C near 20 pmC, and is recharged locally; and (c) groundwater from the confined aquifer of the Homs Depression, which is characterized by more depleted δ18O,, –8.01‰, and low 14C (<7 pmC), and might be recharged in the northern piedmont of the Anti-Lebanon Mountains. The distinctive isotope signatures of the latter two groups indicate different recharge elevations and palaeoclimatic effects. The low recharge rate of the groundwater in the Hama Uplift aquifer, and the even slower recharge rate in the Homs Depression aquifer, are reflected by groundwater 14C residence times of 5 and over 22 Ka BP, respectively.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Al-Charideh, A., 2013. Recharge and mineralization of groundwater of the Upper Cretaceous aquifer in Orontes basin (Syria). Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (2), 452–467.  相似文献   

To improve the knowledge of the regionally important Continental Terminal 3 (CT3) aquifer in south-western Niger, fifteen magnetic resonance soundings (MRS) were carried out in December 2005 in the vicinity of wells and boreholes. The output MRS geophysical parameters, i.e. water content and decay constants versus depth, were compared to hydrogeological characteristics, i.e. water table depth, total porosity, specific yield and transmissivity estimated from direct measurements, pumping tests and transient groundwater modelling. The MRS-determined parameters were then used to estimate the rates of groundwater recharge.Contained in poorly consolidated Tertiary sandstones, the CT3 aquifer's water table has continuously risen by 4 m in total over the past four decades. Additionally, a significant portion of this increase has occurred in the past decade alone, with an annual rise now ranging between 0.1 and 0.3 m depending on the monitored well. Increase in groundwater recharge due to land clearance and deforestation explains this situation. According to previous estimations, the pre-clearing recharge ranged from 1 to 5 mm per year in 1950–60 s, while more recent recharge rates (1990s–2000s) range from 20 to 50 mm per year. These recharge values are directly affected by estimated aquifer specific yield value, while the spatial variation of rates of water table rise can be attributed to large scale hydrodynamic heterogeneities in the aquifer. However, few field measurements were available to confirm these assumptions.The main results of this study are: (1) The water table depth and aquifer transmissivity are estimated from MRS output parameters with an average accuracy of ± 10% and ± 9% respectively. (2) The MRS-determined water content is linked to both the total porosity and the specific yield of the aquifer, but no quantitative formulation can be proposed as yet. (3) Using the average MRS-determined water content over the investigated area, i.e. 13%, the groundwater recharge rates can be estimated to be ~ 2 mm per year in the 1950–1960s (pre-clearing period), and ~ 23 mm per year for the last decade. (4) The variations in specific yield and transmissivity cannot explain by themselves the spatial variability of the rise of the water table. (5) The ranges in transmissivity and water content obtained from MRS are more realistic than the groundwater modelling outputs. Therefore, MRS could be used to better constrain the aquifer parameters in groundwater modelling with a dense site network.Finally, this work illustrates how MRS can successfully improve characterisation and transient multi-year groundwater balance of commonly found sedimentary aquifers, particularly when integrated with well observations and pumping tests.  相似文献   

Flow regulation and water diversion for irrigation have considerably impacted the exchange of surface water between the Murray River and its floodplains. However, the way in which river regulation has impacted groundwater–surface water interactions is not completely understood, especially in regards to the salinization and accompanying vegetation dieback currently occurring in many of the floodplains. Groundwater–surface water interactions were studied over a 2 year period in the riparian area of a large floodplain (Hattah–Kulkyne, Victoria) using a combination of piezometric surface monitoring and environmental tracers (Cl, δ2H, and δ18O). Despite being located in a local and regional groundwater discharge zone, the Murray River is a losing stream under low flow conditions at Hattah–Kulkyne. The discharge zone for local groundwater, regional groundwater and bank recharge is in the floodplain within ∼1 km of the river and is probably driven by high rates of transpiration by the riparian Eucalyptus camaldulensis woodland. Environmental tracers data suggest that the origin of groundwater is principally bank recharge in the riparian zone and a combination of diffuse rainfall recharge and localized floodwater recharge elsewhere in the floodplain. Although the Murray River was losing under low flows, bank discharge occurred during some flood recession periods. The way in which the water table responded to changes in river level was a function of the type of stream bank present, with point bars providing a better connection to the alluvial aquifer than the more common clay‐lined banks. Understanding the spatial variability in the hydraulic connection with the river channel and in vertical recharge following inundations will be critical to design effective salinity remediation strategies for large semi‐arid floodplains. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Comparison of the chemical characteristics of spring and river water draining the flanks of Poa´s Volcano, Costa Rica indicates that acid chloride sulfate springs of the northwestern flank of the volcano are derived by leakage and mixing of acid brines formed in the summit hydrothermal system with dilute flank groundwater. Acid chloride sulfate waters of the Rio Agrio drainage basin on the northwestern flank are the only waters on Poa´s that are affected by leakage of acid brines from the summit hydrothermal system. Acid sulfate waters found on the northwestern flank are produced by the interaction of surface and shallow groundwater with dry and wet acid deposition of SO2 and H2SO4 aerosols, respectively. The acid deposition is caused by a plume of acid gases that is released by a shallow magma body located beneath the active crater of Poa´s.No evidence for a deep reservoir of neutral pH sodium chloride brine is found at Poa´s. The lack of discharge of sodium chloride waters at Poa´s is attributed to two factors: (1) the presence of a relatively volatile-rich magma body degassing at shallow depths (< 1 km) into a high level summit groundwater system; and (2) the hydrologic structure of the volcano in which high rates of recharge combine with rapid lateral flow of shallow groundwater to prevent deep-seated sodium chloride fluids from ascending to the surface. The shallow depth of the volatile-rich magma results in the degassing of large quantities of SO2 and HCl. These gases are readily hydrolyzed and quickly mix with meteoric water to form a reservoir of acid chloride-sulfate brine in the summit hydrothermal system. High recharge rates and steep hydraulic gradients associated with elevated topographic features of the summit region promote lateral flow of acid brines generated in the summit hydrothermal system. However, the same high recharge rates and steep hydraulic gradients prevent lateral flow of deep-seated fluids, thereby masking the presence of any sodium chloride brines that may exist in deeper parts of the volcanic edifice.Structural, stratigraphic, and topographic features of Poa´s Volcano are critical in restricting flow of acid brines to the northwestern flank of the volcano. A permeable lava-lahar sequence that outcrops in the Rio Agrio drainage basin forms a hydraulic conduit between the crater lake and acid chloride sulfate springs. Spring water residence times are estimated from tritium data and indicate that flow of acid brines from the active crater to the Rio Agrio source springs is relatively rapid (3 to 17 years). Hydraulic conductivity values of the lava-lahar sequence calculated from residence time estimates range from 10−5 to 10−7 m/s. These values are consistent with hydraulic conductivity values determined by aquifer tests of fractured and porous lava/pyroclastic sequences at the base of the northwestern flank of the volcano.Fluxes of dissolved rock-forming elements in Rio Agrio indicate that approximately 4300 and 1650 m3 of rock are removed annually from the northwest flank aquifer and the active crater hydrothermal system, respectively. Over the lifetime of the hydrothermal system (100's to 1000's of years), significant increases in aquifer porosity and permeability should occur, in marked contrast to the reduction in permeability that often accompanies hydrothermal alteration in less acidic systems. Average fluxes of fluoride, chloride and sulfur calculated from discharge and compositional data collected in the Rio Agrio drainage basin over the period 1988–1990 are approximately 2, 38 and 30 metric tons/day. These fluxes should be representative of minimum volatile release rates at Poa´s in the last 10 to 20 years.  相似文献   

New Zealand's gravel‐bed rivers have deposited coarse, highly conductive gravel aquifers that are predominantly fed by river water. Managing their groundwater resources is challenging because the recharge mechanisms in these rivers are poorly understood and recharge rates are difficult to predict, particularly under a more variable future climate. To understand the river‐groundwater exchange processes in gravel‐bed rivers, we investigate the Wairau Plain Aquifer using a three‐dimensional groundwater flow model which was calibrated using targeted field observations, “soft” information from experts of the local water authority, parameter regularization techniques, and the model‐independent parameter estimation software PEST. The uncertainty of simulated river‐aquifer exchange flows, groundwater heads, spring flows, and mean transit times were evaluated using Null‐space Monte‐Carlo methods. Our analysis suggests that the river is hydraulically perched (losing) above the regional water table in its upper reaches and is gaining downstream where marine sediments overlay unconfined gravels. River recharge rates are on average 7.3 m3/s, but are highly dynamic in time and variable in space. Although the river discharge regularly hits 1000 m3/s, the net exchange flow rarely exceeds 12 m3/s and seems to be limited by the physical constraints of unit‐gradient flux under disconnected rivers. An important finding for the management of the aquifer is that changes in aquifer storage are mainly affected by the frequency and duration of low‐flow periods in the river. We hypothesize that the new insights into the river‐groundwater exchange mechanisms of the presented case study are transferable to other rivers with similar characteristics.  相似文献   

Seasonal signals of stable isotopes in precipitation, combined with measurements of isotope ratios in soil water, can be used for quantitative estimation of groundwater recharge rates. This study investigates the applicability of using the piston flow principle and the peak shift displacement method to estimate actual groundwater recharge rates in a humid Nordic region located in the province of Quebec, Canada. Two different sites with and without vegetation (C1 and C2) in an unconfined aquifer were tested by measuring soil water isotope ratios (18O/16O and 2H/1H) and volumetric pore water content. Core samples were obtained along the vadose zone down to the groundwater table at the two sites (2.45 m for Site C1 and 4.15 m for Site C2). The peak shift method to estimate groundwater recharge rates was shown to be accurate only in certain specific conditions inherent to the soil properties and the topographical situation of the investigated sites. Indeed, at Site C2, recharge from the snowmelt could not be estimated because of heterogeneity in the lower part of the vadose zone. At this same site the later recharge after the snowmelt (in the period from late spring to early autumn) could be estimated accurately because the upper part of the vadose zone was homogeneous. Furthermore, at site C1, runoff/runon phenomena hampered calculations of actual infiltration and thus produced inaccurate results for recharge. These two different site effects (heterogeneity in the first site and runoff/runon in the other site) were identified as being limiting factors in the accurate assessment of actual recharge. This study therefore recommends the use of the peak shift method for (1) humid Nordic regions, (2) homogeneous and thick vadose zones, and (3) areas with few or limited site effects (runoff/runon).  相似文献   

The development of intense agriculture in semiarid areas modifies intensity and spatial distribution of groundwater recharge by summing irrigation return flow to limited rainfall infiltration. Environmental tracers provide key information, but their interpretation is complicated by more complex groundwater flow patterns. In multilayered aquifers, the real origin of the groundwater samples is hard to assess because of local mixing processes occurring inside long‐screened boreholes. We use environmental tracers (14C, 13C, 2H, 18O, 3H) to investigate the long‐term evolution of recharge in the five‐layer Campo de Cartagena aquifer in South‐Eastern Spain, in addition to high‐resolution temperature loggings to identify the depth of origin of groundwater. Despite the complex background, this methodology allowed a reliable interpretation of the geochemistry and provided a better understanding of the groundwater flow patterns. The tritium method did not give good quantitative results because of the high variability of the recharge signal but remained an excellent indicator of recent recharge. Nonetheless, both pre‐anthropization and post‐anthropization recharge regime could be identified and quantified by radiocarbon. Before the development of agriculture, recharge varied from 17 mm.year‐1 at the mountain ranges to 6 mm.year‐1 in the plain, whereas the mean annual rainfall is about 300 mm. In response to the increase of agricultural activity, recharge fluxes to the plain were amplified and nowadays reach up to 210 mm.year‐1 in irrigated areas. These values are strengthened by global water budget and local unsaturated zone studies. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We evaluated sources and pathways of groundwater recharge for a heterogeneous alluvial aquifer beneath an agricultural field, based on multi‐level monitoring of hydrochemistry and environmental isotopes of a riverside groundwater system at Buyeo, Korea. Two distinct groundwater zones were identified with depth: (1) a shallow oxic groundwater zone, characterized by elevated concentrations of NO3? and (2) a deeper (>10–14 m from the ground surface) sub‐oxic groundwater zone with high concentrations of dissolved Fe, silica, and HCO3?, but little nitrate. The change of redox zones occurred at a depth where the aquifer sediments change from an upper sandy stratum to a silty stratum with mud caps. The δ18O and δ2H values of groundwater were also different between the two zones. Hydrochemical and δ18O? δ2H data of oxic groundwater are similar to those of soil water. This illustrates that recharge of oxic groundwater mainly occurs through direct infiltration of rain and irrigation water in the sandy soil area where vegetable cropping with abundant fertilizer use is predominant. Oxic groundwater is therefore severely contaminated by agrochemical pollutants such as nitrate. In contrast, deeper sub‐oxic groundwater contains only small amounts of dissolved oxygen (DO) and NO3?. The 3H contents and elevated silica concentrations in sub‐oxic groundwater indicate a somewhat longer mean residence time of groundwater within this part of the aquifer. Sub‐oxic groundwater was also characterized by higher δ18O and δ2H values and lower d‐excess values, indicating significant evaporation during recharge. We suggest that recharge of sub‐oxic groundwater occurs in the areas of paddy rice fields where standing irrigation and rain water are affected by strong evaporation, and that reducing conditions develop during subsequent sub‐surface infiltration. This study illustrates the existence of two groundwater bodies with different recharge processes within an alluvial aquifer. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The groundwater flow equation governing the elevation (h) of the steady-state phreatic surface in a sloping aquifer fed by constant recharge over a bi-circular sector is rhh′ ? r 2 Bh′ + Pr 2 ? PR 2 = 0, where r is the radial coordinate, P is a constant involving recharge and aquifer properties, and B is the slope of the aquifer—bedrock boundary. The derived flow equation describes radially convergent flow through a sloping aquifer that discharges to a water body of fixed head. One important simplification is that in which the width of the bi-circular sector is constant, and the draining land becomes a rectangular aquifer. The bi-circular sector and rectangular-strip groundwater flow problems are solved in terms of implicit equations. The solutions for the steady-state phreatic surfaces depend on the ratio of recharge to hydraulic conductivity, the slope of the aquifer-bedrock, and the downstream constant-head boundary. Computational examples illustrate the application of the solutions.  相似文献   


The Complex Terminal (CT) and Plio-Quaternary (P-Q) aquifers in the Chott Gharsa plain in southwestern Tunisia have been investigated with the aid of chemical and isotopic tools. It has been demonstrated that groundwater from the CT is mainly of palaeo-origin, especially in the western and central parts of the plain where the most negative values of δ18O and δ2H were observed (between??8.1 and??7.6‰ for δ18O, and??60 to??57‰ for δ2H), combined with low concentrations of radiocarbon (6.8–7.5 pmc) and absence of tritium. Modern recharge of the aquifer occurs only in the eastern part of the system where younger waters were observed, as indicated by their stable isotope composition, relatively high radiocarbon content and presence of tritium. Groundwater from the P-Q multi-layer aquifer represents mixtures of ascending deep CT waters and modern water recharging the P-Q aquifer system. Isotope mass balance was used to quantify mixing proportions. The calculations showed that the contribution of deep CT groundwater to the P-Q aquifer system reaches about 75% in the western and central parts of the plain where the CT aquifer remains strongly artesian. This contribution decreases to about 15% towards the eastern part of the plain, as a consequence of significant reduction of artesian pressure in this area of the CT aquifer. Chemical data suggest that mineralization of the studied groundwater systems is controlled mainly by dissolution of evaporative minerals (halite, anhydrite and gypsum) and cation exchange reactions with the matrix, possibly enhanced by recent anthropogenic disturbance of the system caused by lowering of the water table due to heavy exploitation and return flow of saline irrigation water into the P-Q aquifer.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor E. Custodio

Citation Yangui, H., Abidi, I., Zouari, K., and Rozanski, K., 2012. Deciphering groundwater flow between the Complex Terminal and Plio-Quaternary aquifers in Chott Gharsa plain (southwestern Tunisia) using isotopic and chemical tools. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (5), 967–984.  相似文献   

The parallel physically-based surface–subsurface model PARFLOW was used to investigate the spatial patterns and temporal dynamics of river–aquifer exchange in a heterogeneous alluvial river–aquifer system with deep water table. Aquifer heterogeneity at two scales was incorporated into the model. The architecture of the alluvial hydrofacies was represented based on conditioned geostatistical indicator simulations. Subscale variability of hydraulic conductivities (K) within hydrofacies bodies was created with a parallel Gaussian simulation. The effects of subscale heterogeneity were investigated in a Monte Carlo framework. Dynamics and patterns of river–aquifer exchange were simulated for a 30-day flow event. Simulation results show the rapid formation of saturated connections between the river channel and the deep water table at preferential flow zones that are characterized by high conductivity hydrofacies. Where the river intersects low conductivity hydrofacies shallow perched saturated zones immediately below the river form, but seepage to the deep water table remains unsaturated and seepage rates are low. Preferential flow zones, although only taking up around 50% of the river channel, account for more than 98% of total seepage. Groundwater recharge is most efficiently realized through these zones. Subscale variability of Ksat slightly increased seepage volumes, but did not change the general seepage patterns (preferential flow zones versus perched zones). Overall it is concluded that typical alluvial heterogeneity (hydrofacies architecture) is an important control of river–aquifer exchange in rivers overlying deep water tables. Simulated patterns and dynamics are in line with field observations and results from previous modeling studies using simpler models. Alluvial heterogeneity results in distinct patterns and dynamics of river–aquifer exchange with implications for groundwater recharge and the management of riparian zones (e.g. river channel-floodplain connectivity via saturated zones).  相似文献   

δ87Sr values and Ca/Sr ratios were employed to quantify solute inputs from atmospheric and lithogenic sources to a catchment in NW Germany. The aquifer consists primarily of unconsolidated Pleistocene eolian and fluviatile deposits predominated by >90% quartz sand. Accessory minerals include feldspar, glauconite, and mica, as well as disperse calcium carbonate in deeper levels. Decalcification of near-surface sediment induces groundwater pH values up to 4.4 that lead to enhanced silicate weathering. Consequently, low mineralized Ca–Na–Cl- and Ca–Cl-groundwater types are common in shallow depths, while in deeper located calcareous sediment Ca–HCO3-type groundwater prevails. δ87Sr values and Ca/Sr ratios of the dissolved pool range from 7.3 to −2.6 and 88 to 493, respectively. Positive δ87Sr values and low Ca/Sr ratios indicate enhanced feldspar dissolution in shallow depths of less than 20 m below soil surface (BSS), while equilibrium with calcite governs negative δ87Sr values and elevated Ca/Sr ratios in deep groundwater (>30 m BSS). Both positive and negative δ87Sr values are evolved in intermediate depths (20–30 m BSS). For groundwater that is undersaturated with respect to calcite, atmospheric supplies range from 4% to 20%, while feldspar-weathering accounts for 8–26% and calcium carbonate for 62–90% of dissolved Sr2+. In contrast, more than 95% of Sr2+ is derived by calcium carbonate and less than 5% by feldspar dissolution in Ca–HCO3-type groundwater. The surprisingly high content of carbonate-derived Sr2+ in groundwater of the decalcified portion of the aquifer may account for considerable contributions from Ca-containing fertilizers. Complementary tritium analyses show that equilibrium with calcite is restricted to old groundwater sources.  相似文献   

This study explores linkages between the microbial composition and hydrochemical variables of pristine groundwater to identify active redox conditions and processes. Two confined aquifers underlying the city of Qianjiang in the Jianghan Plain in China were selected for this study, having different recharge sources and strong hydrochemical gradients. Typical methods for establishing redox processes according to threshold concentration criteria for geochemical parameters suggest iron or sulphate reduction processes. High‐throughput 16S rRNA sequencing was used to obtain diversity and taxonomic information on microbial communities. Instead of revealing iron‐ and sulphate‐reducing bacteria, salt‐ and alkali‐tolerant bacteria, such as the phylum Firmicutes and the class Gammaproteobacteria, and in particular, the family Bacillaceae, were dominant in the downstream groundwater of the first aquifer that had high ion concentrations caused by the dissolution of calcite and dolomite; meanwhile, the heterotrophic microaerophilic families Comamonadaceae and Rhodocyclaceae prevailed in the upstream groundwater of the first aquifer. Sulphate‐reducing bacteria were extremely abundant in the upstream groundwater of the second aquifer, as the SO42? concentration was especially high. Methanogens and methanotrophs were predominant in the downstream groundwater of the second aquifer even though the concentration of SO42? was much higher than 0.5 mg L?1. The microbial communities, together with the geochemical parameters, indicated that the upstream region of the first aquifer was suboxic, that Fe(III) and Mn(IV) reductions were not the main redox processes in the downstream groundwater of the first aquifer with high Fe and Mn concentrations, and that the redox processes in the upstream and downstream regions of the second confined aquifer were SO42? reduction and methanogenesis, respectively. This study expands understanding of the linkages between microbial communities and hydrogeochemistry in pristine groundwaters and provides more evidence for identifying active redox conditions and processes.  相似文献   


Despite the Sahelian drought of the 1970s–1990s, the unconfined aquifer in southwest Niger exhibits a multidecadal increase in groundwater reserves. Recent changes in land surface conditions have enhanced runoff and thus indirect groundwater recharge below endorheic ponds. This paper presents a model-based investigation of surface runoff and groundwater recharge at mesoscale (~5000 km2). A new lumped-conceptual runoff model applicable to the large number of ungauged endorheic catchments is specially developed, derived from an existing fine-scale, physically-based hydrologic model. Runoff simulated for sites identified as groundwater recharge sources are used to derive recharge forcing for a Modflow-based model of the aquifer. The rising water table trend and its spatial distribution over the period 1992–2003 are generally well simulated, albeit smoothed year-to-year dynamics. Comparison with alternative methods of recharge estimation suggests, however, that there may presently exist more recharging sites and/or contributing surfaces than those considered so far.

Citation Massuel, S., Cappelaere, B., Favreau, G., Leduc, C., Lebel, T. & Vischel, T. (2011) Integrated surface water–groundwater modelling in the context of increasing water reserves of a regional Sahelian aquifer. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(7), 1242–1264.  相似文献   

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