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The differential model MIAGE (see “Mechanistic Interpretation of Alpine Glacierized Environments: Part 1. Model formulation and related dynamical properties” by Perona and Burlando, this issue) is analyzed in this work with the purpose of: (i) showing the model equivalence to a nonlinear reservoir system; (ii) identifying and correlating the model’s coefficients to the hydrogeomorphological properties of a number of different Alpine basins; (iii) testing the model performances to assess the potential impact of climatic change on the hydrologic dynamics of the basins being studied. The study catchments have different topographic, morphologic and hydrologic characteristics, range in size from 4 to 3300 km2 and are 2–32% glacierized. For each basin, the model coefficients are obtained by applying a system identification technique to the mean seasonal basin behaviour. It is shown that the coefficients vary in a reasonable way according to hydrogeomorphological basin characteristics. Model coefficients provide insight into the basin drainage time, and the time dependent damping and elastic properties of the system. Despite its simplicity and in the limit of the model capabilities, results for changing climatic scenarios are also in good qualitative agreement with other well tested modelling approaches. In summary, MIAGE offers an interesting minimalist approach to shed light on the dynamics of glacierized Alpine catchments.  相似文献   

Cosmogenic exposure dating of moraines during the last two decades has vastly improved knowledge on the timing of glaciation worldwide. Due to a variety of geologic complications, such as moraine degradation, snow cover, bedrock erosion and isotopic inheritance, samples from multiple large boulders (>1–2 m) often lead to the most accurate moraine age assignments. However, in many cases, large boulders are not available on moraines of interest. Here, I test the suitability of pebble collections from moraine crest surfaces as a sample type for exposure dating. Twenty-two 10Be ages from two Pleistocene lateral moraine crests in Pine Creek valley in the upper Arkansas River basin, Colorado, were calculated from both pebble and boulder samples. Ten 10Be ages from a single-crested Bull Lake lateral moraine range between 3 and 72 ka, with no statistical difference between pebble (n = 5) and boulder (n = 5) ages. The lack of a cluster of 10Be ages suggests that moraine degradation has led to anomalously young exposure ages. Twelve 10Be ages from a single-crested Pinedale lateral moraine have a bimodal age distribution; one mode is 22.0 ± 1.4 ka (three boulders, two pebble collections), the other is 15.2 ± 0.9 ka (two boulders, five pebble collections). The interpretation of the two age modes is that two glacier maxima of similar extent were attained during the late Pleistocene. Regardless of moraine age interpretations, that 10Be ages from pebble collections and boulders are indistinguishable on moraines of two different ages, and in two different age modes of the Pinedale moraine, suggests that pebble collections from moraine crests may serve as a suitable sample type in some settings.  相似文献   

Along both sides of the Tancheng-Lujiang Fracture Zone in eastern China, a series of mantle source gas pools constitute a massive-scale tectonic accumulation zone in NNE direction, with the mantle geochemical characteristics of high concentrations of C02 and He, high3He/4He-40Ar/36Ar ratio system and high δ13Coo2 ratios (the main frequency, -3.4%— 4.6%), showing no difference from the tectonic framework of the area. In the area, the tectonic environment is a rift formed as a result of diapiric mantle injection and crust thinning to form graben-type basins and lithospheric fractures. The mantle-derived volcanic rocks and inclusions are well-developed and a high geothermal zone (mantlesource) exists in the area. The characteristics of the three components (solid, liquid and gas) of mantle, concentrated all over the same tectonic space zone, show that the rift system is of a good tectonic environment or passage for mantle degassing and gas migration. The main types of the gas pools are volcano, fault-block, anticline, buried hill and so on, but most of them are combination traps closely related with fracture. For the mantle source gas pools, rift is an optimum tectonic region, and nearby lithospheric fracture, mantle source volcanic rocks or basement uplifts are a favourable structural location when reservoir-caprock association develops.  相似文献   

Seasonal signals of stable isotopes in precipitation, combined with measurements of isotope ratios in soil water, can be used for quantitative estimation of groundwater recharge rates. This study investigates the applicability of using the piston flow principle and the peak shift displacement method to estimate actual groundwater recharge rates in a humid Nordic region located in the province of Quebec, Canada. Two different sites with and without vegetation (C1 and C2) in an unconfined aquifer were tested by measuring soil water isotope ratios (18O/16O and 2H/1H) and volumetric pore water content. Core samples were obtained along the vadose zone down to the groundwater table at the two sites (2.45 m for Site C1 and 4.15 m for Site C2). The peak shift method to estimate groundwater recharge rates was shown to be accurate only in certain specific conditions inherent to the soil properties and the topographical situation of the investigated sites. Indeed, at Site C2, recharge from the snowmelt could not be estimated because of heterogeneity in the lower part of the vadose zone. At this same site the later recharge after the snowmelt (in the period from late spring to early autumn) could be estimated accurately because the upper part of the vadose zone was homogeneous. Furthermore, at site C1, runoff/runon phenomena hampered calculations of actual infiltration and thus produced inaccurate results for recharge. These two different site effects (heterogeneity in the first site and runoff/runon in the other site) were identified as being limiting factors in the accurate assessment of actual recharge. This study therefore recommends the use of the peak shift method for (1) humid Nordic regions, (2) homogeneous and thick vadose zones, and (3) areas with few or limited site effects (runoff/runon).  相似文献   

Climate change, combined with industrial growth and increasing demand, could result in serious future water shortages and related water quality and temperature issues, especially for upland and humid areas. The extreme 2018 drought that prevailed throughout Europe provided an opportunity to investigate conditions likely to become more frequent in the future. For an upland rural catchment utilised by the distilling industry in North-East Scotland, a tracer-based survey combined discharge, electrical conductivity, stable water isotopes and temperature measurements to understand the impacts of drought on dominant stream water and industry water sources, both in terms of water quantity and quality (temperature). Results showed that water types (groundwater, ephemeral stream water, perennial stream water and water from small dams) were spatially distinct and varied more in space than time. With regards to the drought conditions we found that streams were largely maintained by groundwater during low flows. This also buffered stream water temperatures. Water types with high young water fractions were less resilient, resulting in streams with an ephemeral nature. Although our results demonstrated the importance of groundwater for drought resilience, water balance data revealed these storage reserves were being depleted and only recovered towards the end of the following year because of above average rainfall in 2019. Increased storage depletion under continued trends of extreme drought and water abstraction could be addressed via informed (nature based) management strategies which focus on increasing recharge. This may improve resilience to droughts as well as floods, but site specific testing and modelling are required to understand their potential. Results could have implications for management of water volumes and temperature, particularly for the sustainability of an historic industry, balancing requirements of rural communities and the environment.  相似文献   

Comparative hydrology attempts to identify regions with similar environmental attributes and then compares the hydrological activities in these regions to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and exchange of techniques. As a case study, the mountainous regions of Canada and China were compared. Vertical zonation is a characteristic feature of such regions, generating contrasts in microclimate, vegetation, soil and the resultant hydrological responses. An increase in precipitation with altitude is modified by aspect and other local factors. In temperate and colder latitudes, snow and ice are important, especially at higher elevations. Both countries have conducted many hydrological studies on snow and glaciers, but evaporation in mountainous terrain merits more attention. Runoff from mountainous catchments is often generated by a range of processes including rainfall, snowmelt and glacier melt, and runoff response to water input tends to be rapid. This study identifies some of the strengths and weaknesses of our current knowledge of mountain hydrology in both countries, and suggests that a more comprehensive treatment of the subject will improve the prediction of the hydrological behaviour of such regions.  相似文献   

A new approach, combining 15NH4+ isotope dilution and continuous-flow techniques, provided estimates of “actual” and “net” NH4+ flux and sediment NH4+ demand (SAD) at the sediment-water interface (SWI) of sites in the northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOMEX). The sites included a hypoxic site (C6), two sites with intermediate oxygen levels (B7 and F5), and a normoxic site (CT). Control cores without isotope addition and other cores from the same site treated with 15NH4+ labeled overflowing water differentiated between net and actual regeneration flux and actual vs. potential uptake flux of NH4+. Experiments were conducted in 2008 before (July) and after (September) two successive hurricanes (Gustav and Ike) and in January and August, 2009. Actual regeneration was significantly higher than net flux at most sites. Net flux did not differ significantly in most sites/dates, but the actual regeneration, and the actual and potential uptake, showed temporal and spatial variation; the flux at the hypoxic site was more active than non-hypoxic sites. SAD, the difference between potential and actual NH4+ uptake flux, was higher at the hypoxic site than at non-hypoxic sites before and after the hurricanes in 2008 and during the hypoxia season in 2009. SAD related negatively to bottom water DO values. Conclusions: (1) net flux often underestimated actual regeneration, (2) hurricane activity decreased N dynamics, and (3) microbial N limitation status at the hypoxic site related to NH4+ removal processes that were independent of oxygen (e.g., anaerobic heterotrophic uptake or anammox). These results indicate a rather consistent NH4+ demand at the SWI during the hypoxic season and suggest that reduced nitrogen may limit microbial dynamics in the region.  相似文献   

Climate change is an issue of major concern nowadays.Its impact on the natural and human environment is studied intensively,as the expected shift in climate will be significant in the next few decades.Recent experience shows that the effects will be critical in coastal areas,resulting in erosion and inundation phenomena worldwide.In addition to that,coastal areas are subject to "pressures" from upstream watersheds in terms of water quality and sediment transport.The present paper studies the impact of climate change on sediment transport and morphology in the aforementioned coupled system.The study regards a sandy coast and its upstream watershed in Chalkidiki,North Greece;it is based on:(a)an integrated approach for the quantitative correlation of the two through numerical modeling,developed by the authors,and(b)a calibrated application of the relevant models Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT)and PELNCON-M,applied to the watershed and the coastal zone,respectively.The examined climate change scenarios focus on a shift of the rainfall distribution towards fewer and more extreme rainfall events,and an increased frequency of occurrence of extreme wave events.Results indicate the significance of climatic pressures in wide-scale sediment dynamics,and are deemed to provide a useful perspective for researchers and policy planners involved in the study of coastal morphology evolution in a changing climate.  相似文献   

To answer the requirement of the European Commission's Water Framework Directive (WFD) for biological-effects endpoints to classify the ecological health of aquatic ecosystems, we propose the biomarker response index (BRI). The BRI, based on a suite of biomarkers at different levels of biological response at the individual level, provides an integrated relative measure of the general health status of coastal invertebrates. Using the BRI, the health of mussels (Mytilus edulis) from 10 estuaries classified by the Environment Agency of England and Wales under the WFD was compared. Eight sites were healthier than predicted and two showed a similar health status to that of the predicted point-source pollution risk classification. Results indicate that the BRI offers a potential measure of organism health that can be used in monitoring under the WFD as an additional aid to reduce uncertainty in defining risk classification and to provide better evidence of existing impact.  相似文献   

In order to identify the origin of saline groundwater in the eastern part of Jeju volcanic island, Korea, a hydrogeochemical and isotopic study has been carried out for 18 observation wells located in east and southeast coastal regions. The total dissolved solid contents of groundwaters are highly variable (77–21,782 mg/l). Oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, and strontium isotopic data clearly show that the saline water results from mixing of groundwater with seawater. Strontium isotopic compositions and Br/Cl and I/Cl ratios strongly suggest that the source of salinity is modern seawater intrusion. Hydrogeochemical characteristics based on bivariate diagrams of major and minor ions show that changes in the chemical composition of groundwater are mainly controlled by the salinization process followed by cation-exchange reactions. The highly permeable aquifers at the east coastal region are characterized by low hydraulic gradient and discharge rate and high hydraulic conductivity as compared with other regions. These properties enhance the salinization of groundwater observed in the study area. Based on the Cl, Br, and δ18O data, seawater was determined to have intruded inland some 2.5 km from the coastline. Considering the poor correlation of sampling depth and Cl concentrations observed, the position of seawater-freshwater interface is not uniformly distributed in the study area, due to heterogeneities of the basaltic aquifers.  相似文献   

拟柱孢藻(Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii)和角星鼓藻(Staurastrum spp.)是热带亚热带浮游植物群落中的常见优势种类,为了解铁对2种浮游植物季节动态和生长的影响,本文通过对典型热带水库的野外调查,分析铁与2种藻生物量和相对生物量的季节动态的关系,并通过室内实验分别以无机磷(KH2PO4)和有机磷(C6H13O9P)为磷源,比较3种铁浓度(0.029、0.29和0.689 mg/L)下拟柱孢藻(C.raciborskii,N8)和角星鼓藻(Staurastrum sp.,FACHB-1449)的比生长速率、铁载体产量和碱性磷酸酶活性的差异.结果显示,拟柱孢藻和角星鼓藻是浮游植物群落的主要优势种类,两者的生物量最大占到总生物量的82%以上;两者对环境变量响应的区别主要体现在对溶解性铁浓度变化的响应差异上,拟柱孢藻生物量与溶解性铁有显著的线性回归关系,但角星鼓藻的生物量与铁没有显著线性回归关系.室内实验中,拟柱孢藻N8的比生长速率在无机磷源铁浓度为0.689 mg/L条件下最大,为0.098±0.01 d-1,2种磷源条件下比生长速率均随铁浓度降低而显著降低,6个实验组均检到铁载体:6个实验组角星鼓藻FACHB-1449的比生长速率没有明显差异,平均为0.079±0.001 d-1,均未检出铁载体,磷源和铁浓度对其比生长速率的影响不显著;有机磷源条件下,拟柱孢藻N8实验组碱性磷酸酶活性均显著高于角星鼓藻FACHB-1449实验组,拟柱孢藻N8实验组酶活性随铁浓度降低而显著降低,但角星鼓藻FACHB-1449各实验组的碱性磷酸酶活性无明显差异.以上结果表明,水体中溶解性铁的供应对拟柱孢藻的种群动态和优势有重要作用,与角星鼓藻相比,拟柱孢藻的生长更易受到铁的限制,尤其在无机磷缺乏、磷源主要以有机磷形式供应时,铁对拟柱孢藻生长的限制作用增强.  相似文献   

Geochemical composition (Al, Zn, Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, Cr and As) and foraminiferal assemblages in surface and core sediments were determined to assess the current situation and the recent environmental transformation of the Suances estuary (southern Bay of Biscay, Spain). Dating of the historical record has been achieved using isotopic analysis (210Pb, 137Cs) and two benchmark events such as the beginning of the mineral exploitation in the Reocín Pb-Zn deposits and the evolution of the chlor-alkali industry (inputs of Hg). Concentrations of Zn, Pb and Cd in both surface and core samples are remarkably higher than background values, reflecting the existence of significant amounts of polluted materials. The dramatic environmental impact of this pollution is clearly recorded by the change of the foraminiferal assemblages that even reach an afaunal stage during recent decades. Application of two different sets of Sediment Quality Guidelines confirm that they exert potential risk to the environment, and therefore if dredged they should need specific management measures.The results provide a reference database to monitor future environmental changes in the Suances estuary, particularly as regards the contaminated sediment storage and the re-colonization by autochtonous meiofauna.  相似文献   

Abstract Elemental and isotopic compositions of noble gases extracted from the bore hole water in Osaka plain, central Japan were examined. The water samples were collected from four shallow bore holes (180-450 m) and seven deep bore holes (600-1370 m) which have been used for an urban resort hot spring zone. The water temperatures of the deep bore holes were 22-50°C and that of the shallow bore holes, 13-23°C. The elemental abundance patterns show the progressive enrichment of the heavier noble gases compared with the atmospheric noble gas composition except for He, which is heavily enriched in deep bore hole water samples. 3He/4He ratios from the bore holes reaching the Ryoke granitic basement were higher than the atmospheric value (1.4 × 10−6), indicating a release of mantle He through the basement. The highest value of 8.2 × 10−6 is in the range of arc volcanism. On the other hand, the bore holes in sedimentary rocks overlying the basement release He enriched in radiogenic 4He, resulted in a low 3He/4He ratio of 0.5 × 10−6. 4He/20Ne and 40Ar/36Ar ratios indicate that the air contamination is generally larger in shallow bore holes than in deep ones from each site. The helium enriched in mantle He is compatible with the previous work which suggested up-rising magma in 'Kinki Spot', the area of Osaka and western Wakayama, in spite of no volcanic activity in the area. A model to explain an initiation of magma generation beneath this area is presented.  相似文献   

The warming of the Earth's atmosphere system is likely to change temperature and precipitation, which may affect the climate, hydrology and water resources at the river basins over the world. The importance of temperature change becomes even greater in snow or glacier dominated basins where it controls the snowmelt processes during the late‐winter, spring and summer months. In this study hydrologic responses of streamflow in the Pyanj and Vaksh River basins to climate change are analysed with a watershed hydrology model, based on the downscaled atmospheric data as input, in order to assess the regional climate change impact for the snowfed and glacierfed river basins in the Republic of Tajikistan. As a result of this analysis, it was found that the annual mean river discharge is increasing in the future at snow and glacier dominated areas due to the air temperature increase and the consequent increase in snow/ice melt rates until about 2060. Then the annual mean flow discharge starts to decrease from about 2080 onward because the small glaciers start to disappear in the glacier areas. It was also found that there is a gradual change in the hydrologic flow regime throughout a year, with the high flows occuring earlier in the hydrologic year, due to the warmer climate in the future. Furthermore, significant increases in annual maximum daily flows, including the 100‐year return period flows, at the Pyanj and Vaksh River basins toward the end of the 21st century can be inferred from flood frequency analysis results. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Due to their slow growth rates, seamount Co-rich crusts are very difficult to date with high resolution and precision. This paper is to test the use of orbital pacing on the growth profile of crusts to determine high-resolution age and growth rate. Crust CB14 from the central Pacific Ocean was selected for this study. We first examined the growth pattern in detail under a reflected-light microscope and ascertained that the growth environment was stable for the sub-layer 1 (0–3 mm). We then used electron microprobe line-scanning to obtain elemental profiles. The pattern of the power spectrum analysis of the Al-profile revealed that there are significant cycles of 113.9, 87.8, 51.5, 42.2 and 25.8 μm. These cycles correspond to the Milankovitch cycles of 53.1, 41, 24, 19.7 and 12 ka, respectively, and yield the growth rate of about 2.14 mm/Ma and an age of about 1.40 Ma for the boundary between the sub-layer 1 and sub-layer 2. We also used a drilling machine with a numerically controlled drive to obtain high-resolution samples at 0.1mm intervals, and used the 230Thex/232Th method to date the samples. For the uppermost 1.3 mm, the growth rate was about 2.15 mm/Ma, and the age for the layer at the depth of 3 mm was about 1.40 Ma, which coincides perfectly with the results obtained from orbital pacing. Thus, it is considered that orbital pacing is a new and effective method to determine the growth rate of the seamount Co-rich crust. This method is applicable for establishing a high-resolution age frame for the crusts of the world’s oceans. Supported by China Ocean Mineral Resources R & P Association (Grant No. DY105-01-01-08) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40106005, 40476050)  相似文献   

We present an example of using converted-waves for characterizing onshore gas reservoirs in the Ordos basin in Northwest China. The Ordos basin is the largest gas province in China. The main gas reservoirs (about 3 300 m in depth) are in upper Paleozoic sandstone that has low or reversed P-wave impedance and is immediately above a coal seam. This makes it very difficult to image the gas reservoirs using conventional P-wave data. Analysis of core, log and VSP data shows a weak PP reflection but a relatively ...  相似文献   

Shallow groundwater is an important source of water for the maintenance and restoration of ecosystems in arid environments, which necessitates a deeper understanding of its complex spatial and temporal dynamics driven by hydrological processes. This study explores the dominant hydrological processes that control the shallow groundwater dynamics in the Gobi Desert‐riparian‐oasis system of the lower Heihe River, a typical arid inland river basin located in northwestern China. The groundwater level and temperature were monitored in 14 shallow wells at 30‐min intervals during the 2010–2012 period. After combining this information with meteorological and hydrological data, a comprehensive analysis was conducted to understand the dynamic behaviour of the shallow groundwater system and to determine the dominant factors that control the groundwater flow processes. The results of the study indicate notably large temporal and spatial variations in both the groundwater level and temperature. Noticeable fluctuations in the groundwater level (0.5–1 m) and temperature (4–8 °C) were observed in the riparian zone, evidencing a clear river influence. In comparison, the groundwater fluctuations in the Gobi Desert were more stable (the annual variations of the water table were less than 0.5 m, and the water temperature varied by no more than 2 °C). Strong variations in the groundwater table (1.5–5.0 m/year) and temperature (1.5–6.5 °C), mainly caused by surface flood irrigation and groundwater pumping, were observed in the oasis area. The investigated sites were categorized into three types that reflect the dominant hydrological processes: (1) the riparian zone, dominated by riverbank filtration and groundwater evapotranspiration; (2) the Gobi Desert area, controlled by groundwater evaporation and lateral recharge; and (3) the oasis area, dominated by groundwater evapotranspiration as well as surface–groundwater interactions caused by human activities. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report here the first documented case of a cetacean fatality from entanglement in recreational Spectra® fishing twine. Spectra® twine is a relatively new microfilament braided twine that is marketed to replace nylon monofilament twine in rod and reel fisheries. Following the case of this entangled bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), we conducted tests with Spectra® and comparable monofilament twines on Tursiops tissue from stranded animals to compare the abrasion properties of the twines. We found that Spectra® twine was significantly more abrasive on bottlenose dolphin fluke tissue than a similar strength and diameter monofilament. With the same forces applied, the Spectra® twine cut deeper than the monofilament, exhibiting a linear relationship with force applied where the monofilament appeared to reach a maximum depth of penetration of approximately 2 mm. These tests may explain why this bottlenose dolphin was so severely debilitated from carrying a relatively light load of twine over a short period of time (20 days). Future public and corporate outreach will be essential to minimize the effect that this increasingly popular fishing twine will have on non-target species.  相似文献   

Groundwater flow-paths through shallow-perch and deep-regional basaltic aquifers at the Golan Heights, Israel, are reconstructed by using groundwater chemical and isotopic compositions. Groundwater chemical composition, which changes gradually along flow-paths due to mineral dissolution and water–rock interaction, is used to distinguish between shallow-perched and deep-regional aquifers. Groundwater replenishment areas of several springs are identified based on the regional depletion in rainwater δ18O values as a function of elevation (−0.25‰ per 100 m). Tritium concentrations assist in distinguishing between pre-bomb and post-bomb recharged rainwater.

It was found that waters emerging through the larger springs are lower in δ18O than surrounding meteoric water and poor in tritium; thus, they are inferred to originate in high-elevation regions up to 20 km away from their discharge points and at least several decades ago. These results verify the numerically simulated groundwater flow field proposed in a previous study, which considered the geological configuration, water mass balance and hydraulic head spatial distribution.  相似文献   

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