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A l-D numerical model of unsteady flow for river channel has been developed in the paPer. Based ontoPograPhy of l980 and field data of a flood occurred on July l2-25, l981 (,'8l.7" flood), caIculation ofthe "8l.7" flood rouhng has been imPlemented as calibration of the model. Using the same hydrographsof,'8l.7" flood and different toPograPhies of l980 and l993 respectively, processes and profiles ofhydrograps, variations and featores of flood traVel along the Yichang-Jianli river reaches h…  相似文献   

IINTRODUCTIONDebrisflowisaphenomenonhappeninginextremeseveresit'Uationofsoilerosion(Guan,1996).ItoccursfrequentlyanddistributesdenselyinupperreachesoftheYangtzeRiverandtransportsahugeamountofsedimentilltotheriver.Debrisflowdepositinfluencesthecompositionofsedimentandthemorphologyoftheriverbedfromupstreamt6downstreamandthenaffectsthedynamiccharactersandsedimentbudgetoftheYangtzeRiver.Furthermore,itimpactsonthefloodandwaterconservancyengineering.2DEBRISFLOWGULLY--HIGHWAYOFSEDI…  相似文献   

Preferential flow is the ordinary phenomenon of rapid and non-equilibrium transport of water and solutes occurring in most soil. It causes latent pollution of ground and surface waters and affects runoff yield and flow concentration. This paper studies preferential flow for a dark coniferous ecosystem in the upper reach area of the Yangtze River, establishes a classification for the preferential flow and discusses types of preferential flow with a soil column experiment using a homemade apparatus and dye-tracer analysis. The preferential flow is mainly unsaturated gravitational flow in the upper layer of the slope deposit for mature forest soil, which is dominated by a wetness front, and the flow gradually transforms to macroporous flow as the soil layer deepens. The observed preferential flow in the young, middle-aged and over-mature forests that have grown on glacial lateral moraines is macroporous flow. The purpose of this research is to analyze systemically the behavior of soil water movement for a dark coniferous forest ecosystem in the upper reach area of the Yangtze River and to provide a theoretical basis for effective watershed management.  相似文献   

The characteristics of water flow and sediment transport in a typical meandering and island-braided reach of the middle Yangtze River is investigated using a two-dimensional (2D) mathematical model. The major problems studied in the paper include the carrying capacity for suspended load, the incipient velocity and transport formula of non-uniform sediment, the thickness of the mixed layer on the riverbed, and the partitioning of bed load and suspended load. The model parameters are calibrated using extensive field data. Water surface profiles, distribution of flow velocities, riverbed deformation are verified with site measurements. The model is applied to a meandering and island-braided section of the Wakouzi-Majiazui reach in the middle Yangtze River, which is about 200 km downstream from the Three Gorges Dam, to study the training scheme of the navigation channels. The model predicts the processes of sediment deposition and fiver bed erosion, changes of flow stage and navigation conditions for the first 20 years of impoundment of the Three Gorges Project.  相似文献   

IINTRODUCTIONTheYellowRiverisfamousforitsheaVysedimentloadandcompledpluvialprocessesobviousadvanceshavebeenmadeinthetwo-dimensionalsedimentmathematicalmodel.Amongtile1llodelscreatedbeforethemechanismofsedimenttransportandrelatedphysicalparametel's,suchassedimentvelocity,sedimentcan'yingcapacityandriverfi.ictionetc.arenotyetundel.stoodvery\veil.Thesynchronousobserveddataoftheflowwithsediment,especiallyathyperconcentration,arenotenougllforthemodelcalibration.Thereforethedevelopmentoftwo-di…  相似文献   

应用 100hPa、500hPa月平均高度资料、海温、射出长波辐射(OLR)及武汉的气温 和降水资料,对1998年长江中游特大洪涝的成因作了总结分析.结果表明,冬春厄尔尼诺、副 热带高压和从春到初夏期间,印度洋-西太平洋赤道辐合带(ITCZ)南侧积云对流的异常较 强,以及冬季雨雪异常偏多等气候特点,是有利于洪涝发生的强信号.  相似文献   

Field data from the Lower Yellow River (LYR) covering a period often consecutive years are used to test a mathematical model for one dimensional sediment transport by unsteady flow developed previously by the writers. Data of the first year of the said period, i.e., 1976, are used to calibrate the model and those of the remaining years to verify it. Items investigated include discharge, water stage, rate of transport of suspended sediment and riverbed erosion/deposition. Comparisons between computed and observed data indicate that the proposed model may well simulate sediment transport in the LYR under conditions of unsteady flow with sufficient accuracy.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONMany mathematical models for sediment transport have been developed for solving practical Problemsin hydraulic engineering. HoweveT, most of them are not able to simulate the hyper-concentratd flows inthe Lower Yellow Xiver because of the extremely high load concentration of the flows. This paper isdevoted tO the simulation of unsteady sediment trallsport in the Lower Yellow mveLIn this paPer, the riverbed deformation equation is modified and the new expressions for sedi…  相似文献   

本文根据沉积环境分析和~(14)C测龄结果,确定沿雅砻江下游河床分布的一套未成岩的河湖相地层的时代为晚更新世晚期—全新世早期,而不是长期以来归之于早更新世的昔格达组,建议称其为桐子林组;并通过该地层变形成因的分析,提出李明久-桐子林断裂带在全新世中期活动显著的认识  相似文献   

IINTRODUCTIONTheYellowRiverisfamousforitsttemendousamountofsedimenttransport.Basedonastatisticaldataanalysis,along-timeaverageannualof1.6billiontonsofsedimententerstheLowerYellowRiver,inwhich400milliontonsaredepositedintherivercharmel.Thesedimentdepositioncausesavapidriseofthebedelevation.Withahistoricalevollltionoftheriverchanges,aso-called"suspendedriver"graduallyformed.UPtonow,thegroundleveloftheareaolltsidetheriverleveesismuchlowerthanthewaterlevelintheriver.Thissituationbringsanex…  相似文献   

长江流域汛期降水集中程度和洪涝关系研究   总被引:61,自引:0,他引:61       下载免费PDF全文
用新定义的降水集中度和集中期分别讨论了我国长江流域不同地段汛期降水在时间和空间上的分布特征和变化规律. 结果表明在对长江流域旱涝灾害研究方面,降水集中度和集中期能够定量地表征降水量在时空场上的非均匀性,提取出最大降水重心对应的时段,因此可以比较理想地分析旱涝灾害发生的基本特征及其形成机制. 并且在长江中下游地区的降水集中度与东亚副热带季风之间存在着比较密切的联系.  相似文献   

I.INTRODUCTIONThePtlmped-storagepoll,erprojectofPushiriverisconsistedofupperreservoir,lobal-erreset'oir.watertransmissionSystemandpotvergeneratingsystem.ThelowerreservoirIviththecatchmentbasinareaof1141kmZisthewatersupplierl-c'hichislocatedonthedownstreamofthePushiriverinthesouthernpactofNortheastChina.Theupperreservoirisabout300-400metershigherthanthelowerresen!oirattheleftsideoftheriverwithcatchmentbasinareaof1.12km2.Thecharacteristicsoftheprojectandreservoirareshottviintablel-l.Ino…  相似文献   


ENSO和长江大水对天文因子的响应研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
ENSO(厄尔尼诺和南方涛动的总称)对世界尺度的天气气候有影响,本文用概率论统计检验方法,查明长江大水与ENSO以及ENSO与天文因子的相关关系,并系统分析了三者之间的相关关系。结果表明:ENSO事件对天文物理主周期和天文特征有明显的响应,长江大水年对太阳活动特征、节气日的月相年变化和ENSO也有显著的响应关系。这些关系对长江大水的准确预测有重要价值。文中对天文物理因子对ENSO和大水的影响机理进行了探讨。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Dongting Lake lies south of the middle reach of the Yangtze River in Hunan and Hubei provinces (Fig. 1). On the north side of Dongting Lake, there are the three diversion openings of the Yangtze River named Songzi, Taiping, and Ouchi, and, on the south and west sides, there are the four tributary streams named Xiang, Zi, Yuan, and Li Rivers. The flow of the three diversion openings and the four tributary streams runs into Dongting Lake, and runs out at Chenglingji a…  相似文献   


The topography and geomorphology of active orogens result from the interaction of tectonics and climate. In most orogens, a fluvial channel is most sensitive to the coupling between tectonics, lithology, and climate. Meanwhile, the related signals have been recorded by both the drainage geometry and channel longitudinal profile. Thus, how to extract tectonic information from fluvial channels has been a focused issue in geologic and geomorphologic studies. The well known stream-power river incision model bridges the gap between tectonic uplift, river incision and channel profile change, making it possible to retrieve rock uplift pattern from river profiles. In this model, the river incision rate depends on the rock erodibility, contributing drainage area and river gradient. The steady-state form of the river incision model predicts a power-law scaling between the drainage area and channel gradient. Via a linear regression to the log-transformed slope-area data, the slope and intercept are channel concavity and steepness indices, respectively. The concavity relates to lithology, climatic setting and incision process while the channel steepness can be used to map the spatial pattern of rock uplift. For its simple calculation process, the slope-area analysis has been widely used in the study of tectonic geomorphology during past decades. However, to calculate river slope, the coarse channel elevation data must be smoothed, re-sampled, and differentiated without any reasonable smooth window or rigid mathematical fundamentals. One may lose important information and derive stream-power parameters with high uncertainties. In this paper, we introduce the integral approach, a procedure that has been widely used in the latest four years and demonstrated to be a better method for river profile analysis than the traditional slope-area analysis. Via the integration to the steady-state form of the stream-power river incision equation, the river longitudinal profile can be converted into a straight line of which the independent variable is the integral quantity χ with the unit of distance and the dependent variable is the relative channel elevation. We can calculate the linear correlation coefficient between elevation and χ based on a series of concavity values and find the best linear fit to be the reasonable channel concavity index. The slope of the linear fit to the χ value and elevation is simply related to the ratio of the uplift rate to the erodibility. Without calculating channel slope, the integral approach makes up for the drawback of the slope-area analysis. Meanwhile, via the integral approach, a steady-state river profile can be expressed as a continuous function, which can provide theoretical principle for some geomorphic parameters (e.g., slope-length index, hypsometric integral). In addition, we can determine the drainage network migration direction using this method. Therefore, the integral approach can be used as a better method for tectonogeomorphic research.  相似文献   

1 BANK EROSION IN THE LOWER YELLOW RIVER In alluvial rivers, riverbeds are always in a state of transition and development. Two kinds of deformations result for the fluvial process according to certain basic characteristics. One is longitudinal deformation that is characterized by the deformation of a riverbed in the direction of streamwise flow such as riverbed scour or deposition. The other is transverse or lateral deformation that is distinguished by the deformation of a riverb…  相似文献   

沂沭断裂带大水场剖面断层泥的ESR年代学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
对山东省沂水县大水场断层剖面的断层泥带进行了野外观测和ESR 测年。断层泥的ESR年龄与由其穿插关系等判断出的断层活动次序相符。各断层泥的ESR 年龄显示出大水场断层经历了两个活动较频繁的时段,即0-25~0-28Ma B-P- 和0-45~0-55Ma B.P  相似文献   

IINTRODUCTIONTheannualaverageruff-offinthewatershedoftheGongzuiReservoiris50billioncubicmeterswithanaveragesedimentloadof34.7milliontonsperyear.Finesedimentwithd,,=0'055mmcompose97%oftheiota]sedimentload.Theannualcoarsegravelpericleswithd,,=58.5mmisaboutonemilliontons.TheendofbackWateris38kmawayfromthedam.Thereservoirwasoriginallydesignedtoatotalstoragecapacityof374millioncubicmeters,inwhich102millioncubicmetersisregulationstoragecapacityand243millioncubicmetersis'dead'storagecapacityfo…  相似文献   

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