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Near-shore discharge of fresh groundwater from the fractured granitic rock at Flamengo Bay, Ubatuba, Brazil, is strongly controlled by the local geology. Freshwater flows primarily through a zone of weathered granite to a distance of 24 m offshore. In the nearshore environment this weathered granite is covered by about 0.5 m of well-sorted, coarse sands containing pore water with sea water salinity, with an abrupt transition to much lower salinity once the weathered granite is penetrated. Further offshore, low-permeability marine sediments contain saline porewater, marking the limit of offshore migration of freshwater. Freshwater flux rates based on tidal signal and hydraulic gradient analysis indicate a fresh submarine groundwater discharge of 0.17–1.6 m3/day per m of shoreline. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen and silicate are elevated in the porewater relative to seawater, and appeared to be a net source of nutrients to the overlying water column. The major ion concentrations suggest that the freshwater within the aquifer has a short residence time. Major element concentrations do not reflect in situ alteration of the granitic rocks, possibly because the alteration occurred prior to development of the current discharge zones, or because of large volumes of water discharge in this high rainfall region.  相似文献   

Measurements of electric resistivity of the seabed and of the electric conductivity of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) collected in seepage meters have been made to evaluate temporal variability of the origin and quality of submarine groundwater discharge in Ubatuba, Brazil. A diurnal variation of SGD conductivity was found under the condition of semi-diurnal tidal changes over a period of 4 days. Both the ground resistivity and the conductivity of the discharged groundwater indicated that the freshwater–saltwater interface moved towards offshore at high tide, i.e. in the direction opposite to commonly made observations. SGD comprised a combination of Submarine Fresh Groundwater Discharge (SFGD) of terrestrial origin, and of Recirculated Saline Groundwater Discharge (RSGD) of marine origin. The maximum of the terrestrially derived fraction SFGD/SGD was found at a distance of 50 m offshore. A lower SFGD/SGD ratio was found closer to shore, where the highest SGD flux was measured. SGD conductivity and ground resistivity displayed a diurnal cyclicity at semi-diurnal tidal water level variations, indicating that tidal water level fluctuations may not be the primary driver of SGD flux, but preferential flow in volcanic hydrogeologic setting at Ubatuba.  相似文献   

A preliminary study shows that the submarine groundwater discharge(SGD) exists around Taiwan even though groundwater overdrawing on the island is serious. Fifteen of the 20 sites studied for major anions and cations recorded a clear SGD signal with freshwater outflow. A total of 278 salinity and major ion measurements were made. Sixteen nearly freshwater SGD(salinity≤1.0) samples were obtained, providing strong and direct evidence for the existence of fresh meteoric groundwater entering the ocean from Taiwan. The total SGD flux is estimated to be 1.07×1010 t/a which is about 14% of the annual river output. The freshwater component of the SGD is3.85×109 t which is about 5.2% of the annual river discharge in Taiwan. The collected SGD has a composition similar to seawater with an addition of Ca, CO_3 and HCO_3 due to dissolution of calcareous rocks. Some samples with high Cl/(Na+K) may indicate pollution.  相似文献   

莱州湾东岸海底地下水来源判别及量值估算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用稳定同位素——18O、D, 结合常规离子分析结果确定了莱州湾东岸海底地下水的来源, 并采用数值方法估算了其量值。结果表明: 莱州湾东岸海底地下水主要来源于波浪、潮汐的海水补给, 同时在一定程度上受地下水径流排泄的影响, 三者对海底地下水的贡献率分别为 31.0%, 56.3%和 12.7%。研究结果对于合理开发、科学保护海底地下水具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

Stable isotopes, tritium, radium isotopes, radon, trace elements and nutrients data were collected during two sampling campaigns in the Ubatuba coastal area (south-eastern Brazil) with the aim of investigating submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in the region. The isotopic composition (δD, δ18O, 3H) of submarine waters was characterised by significant variability and heavy isotope enrichment. The stable isotopes and tritium data showed good separation of groundwater and seawater groups. The contribution of groundwater in submarine waters varied from a few % to 17%. Spatial distribution of 222Rn activity concentration in surface seawater revealed changes between 50 and 200 Bq m−3 which were in opposite relationship with observed salinities. Time series measurements of 222Rn activity concentration in Flamengo Bay (from 1 to 5 kBq m−3), obtained by in situ underwater gamma-spectrometry showed a negative correlation between the 222Rn activity concentration and tide/salinity. This may be caused by sea level changes as tide effects induce variations of hydraulic gradients, which increase 222Rn concentration during lower sea level, and opposite, during high tides where the 222Rn activity concentration is smaller. The estimated SGD fluxes varied during 22–26 November between 8 and 40 cm d−1, with an average value of 21 cm d−1 (the unit is cm3/cm2 per day). The radium isotopes and nutrient data showed scattered distributions with offshore distance and salinity, which implies that in a complex coast with many small bays and islands, the area has been influenced by local currents and groundwater–seawater mixing. SGD in the Ubatuba area is fed by coastal contaminated groundwater and re-circulated seawater (with small admixtures of groundwater), which claims for potential environmental concern with implications on the management of freshwater resources in the region.  相似文献   

海底承压含水层排泄是海底地下水排泄的一种主要形式。由于这一过程发生在海水层下部,探测难度较大。为探讨海洋多电极电阻率法对该过程的探测能力,根据典型海底承压含水层地质模型构建不同排泄阶段地电模型,模拟海面和海床面两种探测情形分别进行多电极电阻率法理论探测结果计算和物理模拟,并对所得电阻率剖面进行对比分析。研究结果表明,水面多电极电阻率探测剖面能够清晰刻画出排泄入海的淡水体在海水中迁移、混合过程,但剖面异常特征和分辨率受探测装置形式、电极极距、海水深度影响;海床面探测则对沉积层中咸淡水交换过程反映能力更强,沉积层中的锲形海水侵入体可得到良好反映。  相似文献   

Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is delivered into the oceans at various hydrogeological settings. Where coastal aquifers have spatial heterogeneous properties such as preferential flowpaths, SGD is also commonly heterogeneously distributed along the coast. SGD from a heterogeneous, fractured rock aquifer on the Ubatuba coast, Brazil has been investigated by depth profiling of ground conductivity. On spatial scales of <10 m, a significant variation in sub-surface conductivity and associated discharge rate is documented. These geophysical observations were used to identify preferential flowpaths, and to explain significant differences in average discharge rates observed in seepage meter records placed only a few metres apart from each other. This paper illustrates the utility of sub-surface conductivity measurements for accurate investigations of SGD fluxes.  相似文献   

陆源地下淡水排泄(SFGD)作为海底地下水排泄(SGD)中的重要组成部分,也是陆地向海洋输送化学物质重要且隐蔽的通道.将宾州州立集成水文模型PIHM应用到广东省东南部沿海地区,构建海岸地表水-地下水耦合模型,对SFGD速率进行时空变异分析,结果表明:(1)SFGD速率与相关影响因子的多元回归分析显示当地形坡度i≤2%时...  相似文献   

The Patos–Mirim Lagoon system along the southern coast of Brazil is linked to the coastal ocean by a narrow mouth and by groundwater transport through a Holocene barrier. Although other groundwater systems are apparently active in this region, the hydraulic head of the lagoon, the largest in South America, drives groundwater transport to the coast. Water levels in wells placed in the barrier respond to changing water level in the lagoon. The wells also provide a measure of the nutrient concentrations of groundwater flowing toward the ocean. Additionally, temporary well points were used to obtain nutrient samples in groundwater on the beach face of the barrier. These samples revealed a subterranean freshwater–seawater mixing zone over a ca. 240 km shoreline. Previously published results of radium isotopic analyses of groundwater and of surface water from cross-shelf transects were used to estimate a water flux of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) to nearshore surface waters of 8.5 × 107 m3/day. Using this SGD and the nutrient concentrations in different compartments, nutrient fluxes between groundwater and surface water were estimated. Fluxes were computed using both average and median reservoir (i.e. groundwater and surface water) nutrient concentrations. The SGD total dissolved inorganic nitrogen, phosphate and silicate fluxes (2.42, 0.52, 5.92 × 106 mol day− 1, respectively) may represent as much as 55% (total N) to 10% (Si) of the nutrient fluxes to the adjacent shelf environment. Assuming nitrogen limitation, SGD may be capable of supporting a production rate of ca. 3000 g C m2 year− 1in the nearshore surf zone in this region.  相似文献   

Multiple tracers of groundwater input (salinity, Si, 223Ra, 224Ra, and 226Ra) were used together to determine the magnitude, character (meteoric versus seawater), and nutrient contribution associated with submarine groundwater discharge across the leeward shores of the Hawai'ian Islands Maui, Moloka'i, and Hawai'i. Tracer abundances were elevated in the unconfined coastal aquifer and the nearshore zone, decreasing to low levels offshore, indicative of groundwater discharge (near-fresh, brackish, or saline) at all locations. At several sites, we detected evidence of fresh and saline SGD occurring simultaneously. Conservative estimates of SGD fluxes ranged widely, from 0.02–0.65 m3 m− 2 d− 1at the various sites. Groundwater nutrient fluxes of 0.04–40 mmol N m− 2 d− 1 and 0.01–1.6 mmol P m− 2 d− 1 represent a major source of new nutrients to coastal ecosystems along these coasts. Nutrient additions were typically greatest at locations with a substantial meteoric component in groundwater, but the recirculation of seawater through the aquifer may provide a means of transferring terrestrially-derived nutrients to the coastal zone at several sites.  相似文献   

In certain regions,submarine groundwater discharge(SGD) into the ocean plays a significant role in coastal material fluxes and their biogeochemical cycle;therefore,the impact of SGD on the ecosystem cannot be ignored.In this study,SGD was estimated using naturally occurring radium isotopes(~(223)Ra and ~(224)Ra) in a subtropical estuary along the Beibu Gulf,China.The results showed that the Ra activities of submarine groundwater were approximately 10 times higher than those of surface water.By assuming a steady state and using an Ra mass balance model,the SGD flux in May 2018 was estimated to be 5.98×10~6 m~3/d and 3.60×10~6 m~3/d based on ~(224)Ra and ~(223)Ra,respectively.At the same time,the activities of Ra isotopes fluctuated within a tidal cycle;that is,a lower activity was observed at high tide and a higher activity was seen at low tide.Based on these variations,the average tidal pumping fluxes of SGD were 1.15×10~6 m~3/d and 2.44×10~6 m~3/d with ~(224)Ra and ~(223)Ra,respectively.Tidaldriven SGD accounts for 24%-51% of the total SGD.Therefore,tidal pumping is an important driving force of the SGD in the Dafengjiang River(DFJR) Estuary.Furthermore,the SGD of the DFJR Estuary in the coastal zone contributes significantly to the seawater composition of the Beibu Gulf and the material exchange between land and sea.  相似文献   

基于223Ra和224Ra的桑沟湾海底地下水排放通量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海底地下水排放(SGD)是陆地向海洋输送水量和营养物质的重要通道之一,对沿海物质通量及其生物地球化学循环有重要的影响,对生态环境起着不可忽视的作用。本文运用天然放射性同位素223Ra和224Ra示踪估算了我国北方典型养殖基地桑沟湾的海底地下水排放通量。结果表明,海底地下水样尤其是间隙水中Ra活度[224Ra=(968±31)dpm/(100 L),223Ra=(31.4±4.9)dpm/(100 L),n=9]远高于表层海水[224Ra=(38.7±2.0)dpm/(100 L),223Ra=(1.70±0.50)dpm/(100 L), n=21]。假设稳态条件下,考虑Ra的各源、汇项,利用Ra平衡模型,估算出桑沟湾SGD排放通量为(0.23~1.03)×107 m3/d。潮周期内的观测结果显示,涨潮时,水力梯度较小,SGD排放变弱,落潮时,水力梯度较大,导致了相对较多的SGD排放。在一个潮周期间,基于223Ra和224Ra得到的SGD排放通量平均为0.39×107 m3/d。潮汐动力下的SGD排放平均占总SGD排放的61%,因此桑沟湾沿岸的地下水排放主要受潮汐动力的影响,并对海水组成及海陆间物质交换有显著贡献。  相似文献   

Coastal waters contain elevated dissolved activities of short-lived radium isotopes, 223Ra and 224Ra, having half-lives of 11.4 and 3.66 days, respectively. The input of these isotopes near the coast must be balanced by decay and mixing into the open ocean, where excess activities are zero. Since the decay rate is known, in the ideal case the mixing rate may be determined from the offshore distribution of these isotopes. This study found that samples collected in June 2000 followed the expected exponential decrease with distance offshore. We assign a dispersion coefficient of 28–39 m2 s−1 for this study. During January 2002 and November 2003, there was not a consistent decrease of activity with distance offshore. This is likely due to the ruggedness of the coastline, where many bays and small islands interrupt simple mixing patterns. To estimate exchange rates during 2002 and 2003, we used a model based on the decrease in the 224Ra/223Ra activity ratio (AR) with time for samples isolated from fresh inputs of Ra. This model yielded residence times of 1–2 weeks for samples collected within 20 km of the coast. We used this residence time to calculate the flux of 228Ra (half-life = 5.7 years) to the study area necessary to maintain the enrichment relative to ocean water. This enrichment is a factor of ten greater than the flux of 228Ra expected from submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) occurring within 50 m of shore.  相似文献   

The inflow of terrestrial groundwater into the ocean is increasingly recognized as an important local source of nutrients and pollutants to coastal ecosystems. Although there is evidence of a link between fresh submarine groundwater discharge (SGD)-derived nutrients and primary producer and primary consumer abundances, the effects of fresh SGD on the productivity of higher trophic levels such as ichthyofaunal communities remain unclear. To further investigate this relationship, we sampled three sites inside a coral reef lagoon in Mauritius: One site entailing six distinct groundwater springs, a site highly influenced by freshwater influx through the springs, and a strictly marine control site. Using remote underwater video surveys, we found that fish abundances were significantly higher at the groundwater springs than at the other two sampling sites.Principal component analyses showed that the springs and the spring-influenced part of the lagoon were best described by elevated water nutrient loadings, whereas the control site was characterized by higher water salinity and pH. Macroalgae cover was highest at the control site and the springs. Herbivores and invertivores dominated the fish community at the springs, in contrast to generalists at the control site. At the spring-influenced site, we mainly encountered high coral/turf algae cover and high abundances of associated fish feeding groups (territorial farmers, corallivores). Our results provide evidence of a fresh SGD-driven relationship between altered hydrography and distinct fish communities with elevated abundances at groundwater springs in a coral reef lagoon. These findings suggest that the management and assessment of secondary consumer productivity in tropical lagoons should take into account the effects of groundwater springs.  相似文献   

The natural flux of groundwater into coastal water bodies has recently been shown to contribute significant quantities of nutrients and trace metals to the coastal ocean. Groundwater discharge and hyporheic exchange to estuaries and rivers, however, is frequently overlooked though it often carries a distinctly different chemical signature than surface waters. Most studies that attempt to quantify this input to rivers use multiple geochemical tracers. However, these studies are often limited in their spatial and temporal extents because of the labor-intensive nature of integrating multiple measurement techniques. We describe here a method of using a single tracer, 222Rn, to rapidly characterize groundwater discharge into tidally-influenced rivers and streams. In less than one week of fieldwork, we determined that of six streams that empty into the Indian River Lagoon (IRL), Florida, three (Eau Gallie River, Turkey Creek, and Main Canal) did not receive substantial groundwater inputs, one canal (C-25 Canal) was dominated by groundwater exchange, and the remaining two (Sebastian River system and Crane Creek) fell somewhere in between. For more detailed discharge assessments, we focused on the Sebastian River system, a stratified tidal river estuary, during a relatively dry period (June) and a wet period (July) in 2008. Using time-series 222Rn and current velocity measurements we found that groundwater discharge into all three branches of the Sebastian River increased by 1–2 orders of magnitude during the wetter period. The estimated groundwater flow rates were higher than those reported into the adjacent IRL, suggesting that discharge into these rivers can be more important than direct discharge into the IRL. The techniques employed here should work equally well in other river/stream systems that experience significant groundwater discharge. Such assessments would allow area managers to quickly assess the distribution and magnitude of groundwater discharge nature into rivers over large spatial ranges.  相似文献   

Measurements of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) along the South American coast and over fractured rock aquifers are rare. The rate and distribution of SGD was measured using three types of vented benthic chambers on the floor of Flamengo Bay located at the southeast coast of Brazil. Discharge rates were found up to almost 400 cm day−1, although typically less than 100 cm d−1. Large variations in SGD rates were seen over distances of a few meters which are attributed to the geomorphologic features of the fracture rock aquifer underlying a thin blanket of coastal sediments; clustering of fractures and the topography of the rock–sediment interface might be focusing or dispersing the discharge of groundwater. SGD was modulated by the tides with the highest values occurring at times of low tide, but the interaction was non-linear and, the correlation was weak at tidal ranges less than 1 m. The effect was masked by devices that integrated the SGD, but detected on continuously recording devices.  相似文献   

This paper reports the initial results of a study of groundwater and coastal waters of southern Brazil adjacent to a 240 km barrier spit separating the Patos Lagoon, the largest coastal lagoon in South America, from the South Atlantic Ocean. The objective of this research is to assess the chemical alteration of freshwater and freshwater–seawater mixtures advecting through coastal permeable sands, and the influence of the submarine discharge of these fluids (SGD) on the chemistry of coastal waters. Here we focus on dissolved iron in this system and use radium isotopic tracers to quantify SGD and cross-shelf fluxes. Iron concentrations in groundwaters vary between 0.6 and 180 μM. The influence of the submarine discharge of these fluids into the surf zone produces dissolved Fe concentrations as high as several micromolar in coastal surface waters. The offshore gradient of dissolved Fe, coupled with results for Ra isotopes, is used to quantify the SGD flux of dissolved Fe from this coastline. We estimate the SGD flux to be 2 × 106 mol day− 1 and the cross-shelf flux to be 3.2 × 105 mol day− 1. This latter flux is equal to about 10% of the soluble atmospheric Fe flux to the entire South Atlantic Ocean. We speculate on the importance of this previously unrecognized iron input to regional ocean production and on the potential significance of this source to understanding variations in glacial–interglacial ocean production.  相似文献   

Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) to coastal southern Rhode Island was estimated from measurements of the naturally-occurring radioisotopes 226Ra (t1/2 = 1600 y) and 228Ra (t1/2 = 5.75 y). Surface water and porewater samples were collected quarterly in Winnapaug, Quonochontaug, Ninigret, Green Hill, and Pt. Judith–Potter Ponds, as well as nearly monthly in the surface water of Rhode Island Sound, from January 2002 to August 2003; additional porewater samples were collected in August 2005. Surface water activities ranged from 12–83 dpm 100 L− 1 (60 dpm = 1 Bq) and 21–256 dpm 100 L− 1 for 226Ra and 228Ra, respectively. Porewater 226Ra activities ranged from 16–736 dpm 100 L− 1 (2002–2003) and 95–815 dpm 100 L− 1 (2005), while porewater 228Ra activities ranged from 23–1265 dpm 100 L− 1. Combining these data with a simple box model provided average 226Ra-based submarine groundwater fluxes ranging from 11–159 L m− 2 d− 1 and average 228Ra-derived fluxes of 15–259 L m− 2 d− 1. Seasonal changes in Ra-derived SGD were apparent in all ponds as well as between ponds, with SGD values of 30–472 L m− 2 d− 1 (Winnapaug Pond), 6–20 L m− 2 d− 1 (Quonochontaug Pond), 36–273 L m− 2 d− 1 (Ninigret Pond), 29–76 L m− 2 d− 1 (Green Hill Pond), and 19–83 L m− 2 d− 1 (Pt. Judith–Potter Pond). These Ra-derived fluxes are up to two orders of magnitude higher than results predicted by a numerical model of groundwater flow, estimates of aquifer recharge for the study period, and values published in previous Ra-based SGD studies in Rhode Island. This disparity may result from differences in the type of flow (recirculated seawater versus fresh groundwater) determined using each technique, as well as variability in porewater Ra activity.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in many areas represents a major source of dissolved chemical constituents to the coastal ocean. In Great South Bay, NY, previous studies have shown that the discharge of nutrients with SGD may cause harmful algal blooms. This study estimates SGD to Great South Bay during August 2006 by performing a mass balance for each of the dissolved Ra isotopes (224Ra, 223Ra, 228Ra, 226Ra). The budget indicates a major unknown source (between 30 and 60% of the total input) of Ra to the bay. This imbalance can be resolved by a flux of Ra-enriched groundwater on the order of 3.5–4.5 × 109 L d− 1, depending on the Ra isotope. The Ra-estimated SGD rates compare well with those previously estimated by models of flow that decreases exponentially away from shore. Compared to previous reports of fresh groundwater discharge to the bay, the Ra-estimated discharge must comprise approximately 90% recirculated seawater. The good agreement between Ra- and model-estimated flow rates indicates that the primary SGD endmember may be best sampled at shallow depths in the sediments a short distance bayward of the low tide line.  相似文献   

1 引言 海底地下水排泄(submarine groundwater dis-charge,SGD)早在几世纪前就被发现,直到20世纪80年代,LOCIZ工作组成立并通过一系列的研究,让人们才逐渐认识地下水向沿海海域排泄是海岸带陆海相互作用的一个重要过程[1-2].近年来随着监测技术的发展,特别是同位素示踪剂技术的应用[3-4],已证实SGD是一个全球性的现象.  相似文献   

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