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Habitat use by the European eel Anguilla anguilla in Irish waters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The apparent use of marine and freshwater habitats by European eel Anguilla anguilla was examined by analyzing the strontium (Sr) and calcium (Ca) concentrations in otoliths of the eels collected from Irish coastal and fresh waters. The age and growth of eels were also examined using their otolith annuli. The sizes and ages of the female eels were greater than those of the males. The somatic growth rates ranged from 15 to 62 mm/year, which is typical for Ireland and other European countries. Analyses of Sr:Ca ratios along a life history transect in each otolith showed peaks (maximum more than 25 × 10−3) between the core and elver mark corresponding to the period of their leptocephalus and early glass eel stages in the ocean. Outside the elver mark, the Sr:Ca ratios indicated that eels had remained in different habitats that included freshwater (average Sr:Ca ratios, 0.98–1.78 × 10−3) and areas with relatively high salinities (average Sr:Ca ratios, 6.73–8.89 × 10−3). Some individuals showed clear evidence of shifts from sea to fresh waters. These findings suggest that Irish eels have the same behavioral plasticity regarding whether or not to enter freshwater or remain in marine environments as has been recently documented in this species and several other temperate anguillid species. However, patterns of habitat use in Irish waters were somewhat different than those previously reported for other habitats.  相似文献   

西沙-中沙海域春季鸢乌贼资源与海洋环境的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2006-2010年春季(3-5月)大型罩网渔船的生产监测数据,运用广义线性模型(Generalized Linear Model,GLM)对鸢乌贼单位捕捞努力量渔获量(Catch Per Unit Effort,CPUE)进行标准化,同时结合卫星遥感数据(海表温度、叶绿素a浓度及海面风场)对西沙-中沙海域春季鸢乌贼资源量变化和海洋环境的关系进行统计分析。结果表明,春季鸢乌贼资源在海表温度(Sea Surface Temperature,SST)25~28.5℃、叶绿素a浓度(chlorophyll a concentration,Chl a)0.1~0.16 mg/m3时随着水温的升高和叶绿素a浓度的降低而增大,资源量最高的SST范围为27~28.5℃、Chl a范围为0.1~0.13 mg/m3。西沙-中沙海域春季Chl a峰值出现在3月份,该时期为鸢乌贼的繁殖高峰期。鸢乌贼的资源量在5月份达到峰值,其对Chl a的响应时间延迟约2个月。此外,2008年春季鸢乌贼资源量波动较大,与2007-2008年的拉尼娜事件引起的气候异常有关。研究结果对于了解西沙-中沙海域鸢乌贼资源变动规律、指导鸢乌贼资源科学生产、开发南海外海渔业资源等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The springtime temporal variations of striped weakfish (Cynoscion guatucupa) population structure available to the commercial fishery and its relationship to environmental factors were evaluated in the Uruguayan coastal zone (35° −33.4°S), from 86 stations sampled in 1994, 98, 99 and 2003. We examined the inter-annual variability of age-class structure over four years under different oceanographic conditions: (1) 1998 (El Niño year) was characterized by elevated water temperature; (2) 1999 (La Niña year) was characterized by decreased water temperature; and (3) 1994 and 2003 were ‘typical years’ with intermediate values in those parameters. To determine whether or not major shifts in population structure occurred between years we used ANOSIM and SIMPER analysis to determine which age-class typified and discriminated between years. A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to define the temporal pattern of age-class structure of C. guatucupa and to estimate its associations with environmental factors (depth, temperature, salinity, vertical stratification, and zonal and meridional component of the wind). The C. guatucupa population structure showed significant difference between 1998 and 1999 and 1994–2003. During 1998 and 1999, the population structure was dominated by adults (between 4 and >7 age-class), while that in 1994 and 2003 was dominated by juveniles (between 0 and 3 age-class). CCA results indicated that zonal wind and salinity has a major influence on the temporal pattern of C. guatucupa population structure. Juvenile population structure was associated with low salinities and occurred when the wind field forced an inflow of freshwater into the marine coastal area from the Rio de la Plata estuary, while the adult structure, associated with high salinities, occurred when the area was dominated by a wind driven inflow of higher salinity shelf water. These results support the hypothesis that the short-term environmental synoptic condition has a greater influence on the distribution and population structure of C. guatucupa than long-term environmental variability.  相似文献   

2010-2011年胶州湾叶绿素a与环境因子的时空变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
王玉珏  刘哲  张永  汪岷  刘东艳 《海洋学报》2015,37(4):103-116
2010年4、6、8、10月和2011年1、3月在胶州湾开展了6个航次的综合调查,研究了表层海水温度、盐度、营养盐和叶绿素a浓度的时空变化特征。调查期间,总无机氮(DIN)、磷酸盐(PO4)和硅酸盐(SiO3)多呈现东北部湾边缘高,而湾内和湾口低的空间分布特征。季节变化表明,DIN和PO4主要受养殖排放、河流径流输入和浮游植物生长消耗的影响,呈现初夏和秋季高,夏末和冬季低的特点;而SiO3主要受河流径流输入和浮游植物消耗的影响,呈现夏、秋高,而冬、春低的特点。营养盐浓度和结构分析表明,胶州湾存在PO4和SiO3的绝对和相对限制;SiO3限制尤其严重,是控制胶州湾浮游植物生长的主要环境因子。SiO3和PO4的限制主要表现在冬季,几乎遍布整个海湾;夏季降水可有效缓解海域的SiO3限制。叶绿素a浓度呈现春、夏季高,秋、冬季低的季节分布,温度、营养盐浓度与结构和季节性贝类养殖活动是控制胶州湾叶绿素a浓度时空分布的关键因素。  相似文献   

Anodonta cygnea is a freshwater clam, belonging to the Unionidae family, which can be found in rivers and lagoons all over Europe and Northern America. As they appear as important case studies for ecological damage assessments, the various species of the Unionidae family have been submitted to a sort of recent studies on their chromosomal or cytogenetic status. In this study we confirmed the diploid chromosome number of 2n = 38 for this species, and established for the first time the karyotype, which comprised six metacentric, 12 submetacentric and one subtelocentric chromosome pairs. We also found a high percentage of cells with an abnormal number of chromosomes. Considering that karyotype disturbances in Unionids have been previously related with exposure to chemicals, either natural or produced by human activity, we determined the aneuploidy index for our population. The aneuploidy index is an excellent marker for pollutant presence/effect. The animals acclimatized in tap water and in natural water from the lake where the individuals were collected showed different levels of aneuploidy. The higher values were found in tap water. Chromosome analysis techniques seem a suitable tool to study the impact of contaminants referred above, and making A. cygnea a suitable organism for assessment of an eugenic damage in aquatic systems. On the other hand, our results also point out to the importance of doing the acclimatizing process of the collected animals in their own natural water.  相似文献   

Sandy beaches are harsh environments, driving resident arthropod populations to various typical adaptations, particularly behavioural ones. Here we evaluated the effects of seasonal meteorological variability on the behaviour of Talitrus saltator on Berkoukesh beach (N-W Tunisia). The site is characterised by a Mediterranean climate, but is particularly exposed to seasonal winds and storms. The shoreline is in morphodynamic equilibrium. We tested sandhopper Talitrus saltator orientation in April, when sudden rainfall and storms are common, and in June, when as a rule the weather is warm and dry. The results were analysed with circular statistics and multiple regression models adapted to angular distributions, in order to highlight differences in orientation under the various conditions. Depending on the environmental conditions, amphipods from the same population appeared to utilise various orientation strategies as a response to different environmental constraints. The use of a range of behavioural mechanisms (sun-orientation seaward, sun-orientation landward, and phototaxis) resulted in links to the local landscape and to the animals’ life cycle. As a general conclusion, we can infer that the behavioural variability found within the same population represents a response to seasonal environmental fluctuation. Such an increase in variability is likely to develop on a beach in dynamic equilibrium, where landscape references are stable, and a variable behaviour represents a strategy for dealing with environmental fluctuations.  相似文献   

李江  谭姣姣 《海洋学报》2012,34(5):154-160
为了探讨胞外多糖在南极微生物低温适应性中的作用与机制,克隆了南极菌Pseudoalteromonas sp.S-15-13的引导糖基转移酶(GTF)核心片段,并采用Real-Time PCR的方法研究了温度、冻融循环、盐浓度、pH等条件对该糖基转移酶基因(gtf)表达的影响。结果表明,低温有利于gtf的表达,短时的低温刺激(2℃)1 h后,gtf的表达量即上调为对照的1.5倍;而该菌经4和10℃培养24 h后gtf的表达量约为20℃时的8~12倍;经过冻融循环gtf的表达量上调,在第2个冻融循环后gtf 的表达量较对照提高了3.667倍;盐浓度对gtf的影响表现为低促高抑,即NaCl含量为6.0 %时gtf 的表达量是对照(3.0%)的3.59倍,当NaCl含量达9.0 %时gtf 表达量则显著下调;在一定范围内(pH5.0~8.0),pH的改变会促进gtf 的表达,当pH为6.0时gtf 表达量约为pH7.0时的2倍。该结果为探讨胞外多糖在南极微生物环境适应性中的作用与机制提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

The distribution of Cystoseira species was studied at 103 coves in the island of Menorca (Balearic Islands, NW Mediterranean). Both geomorphological parameters and anthropogenic pressures were considered in order to investigate which were the main environmental factors explaining their distribution. Several factors contributed to explain the composition of Cystoseira assemblages in the sampled coves being coastal morphology, bottom nature, nutrient concentration in seawater and urbanization level of the coast the most important. The relatively high number of Cystoseira species found in Menorca suggested a general high quality of the environment. However, in southern coves the number and abundance of Cystoseira spp. was reduced compared to the northern ones. This pattern seems to be related both to a higher anthropogenic pressure and to a less favourable geomorphology at southern coves. When strong anthropogenic disturbances were present (proximity to harbour areas), coves were completely devoid of Cystoseira specimens. As historical data is available for some of these sites, we can document the disappearance of some Cystoseira species at these coves, which seems to be related to increased pollution levels. However, as the absence of Cystoseira assemblages can also respond to a lack of a suitable geomorphology, their use as bioindicators of water quality needs of a definition of proper reference sites.  相似文献   

为探究强壮箭虫(Sagitta crassa)在黄河口及其邻近水域的时空分布特征及其与生物和非生物环境等因子的关系,本文依据2013—2014年在黄河口及其邻近水域6个航次的调查数据,采用丛生指标(I)、聚块性指标(A)和负二项分布参数的倒数(CA)等聚集指标,分析了强壮箭虫的空间分布特征;应用广义可加模型(GAM)研究了强壮箭虫密度的时空分布和环境因子的关系。结果表明,黄河口及其邻近水域强壮箭虫平均密度为21.85 ind/m3,春、秋季高,冬、夏季低;其密度的空间分布以黄河入海口附近水域为密集中心,向远岸水域逐渐降低;强壮箭虫在黄河口及其邻近水域的聚集特征随密度的变化存在两次聚集和两次扩散;水深、表层水温和浮游桡足类密度是影响其密度时空分布的主要因子,总偏差解释率为55.11%,强壮箭虫密度随水深的增加而减小,随表层水温的升高先增加后减小,随桡足类密度的增加而增加。强壮箭虫密度受黄河口及其邻近水域环境因子变动的影响,具有明显的季节变化和空间分布规律。  相似文献   

A distinct genetic form of the eucalanid calanoid copepod Eucalanus hyalinus s.l. was identified in subtropical and temperate waters of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. Results from mitochondrial (16S rRNA, COI) and nuclear (ITS2) genetic markers suggest that the two E. hyalinus forms are reproductively isolated. Eucalanus spinifer T. Scott is taken out of synonymy with E. hyalinus and is applied to the smaller of the two genetic forms, increasing the number of species in the genus Eucalanus to a total of six. Adult females of the sister species E. hyalinus s.s. and E. spinifer can be distinguished morphologically by the shape of the anterior portion of the head in lateral and ventral views, asymmetry in the length of antennule segments 22 and 23, length ratios of 22/5 and 23/5 of the longer of the antennules, the length of the caudal rami, and total body size, as measured by total length or prosome length. We illustrate and describe both adult females and males of E. spinifer, and discuss aspects of sexual dimorphism. The sister species are sympatric throughout much of their circumglobal biogeographic distributions, but appear to have centers of abundance in slightly different water mass types.  相似文献   

Populations dominated by Cystoseira zosteroides, an endemic and threatened Mediterranean seaweed, colonize deep-water rocky habitats down to more than 50 m depth. Assemblages dominated by this species display high algal and invertebrate species richness. Algal biomass averages 1134 g dw m−2. Erect and turf algae account for only 25% of total algal dry weight, while encrusting corallines are responsible for the remaining 75%. Sponges, bryozoans and ascidians constitute the dominant sessile macrofauna. Cystoseira zosteroides is the dominant erect algae, with a mean biomass of 60.6 g dw m−2, and densities ranging from 4 to 7 plants m−2. The alien turf alga Womersleyella setacea has a biomass of 104.2 g dw m−2 and covers most of the understory substrate. The size-frequency distribution of C. zosteroides populations shows differences over time. Mean annual growth of the main axis is around 0.5 cm and mean annual mortality rate is lower than 2%. Recruitment was almost nil during the studied period of time (10 years). Processes structuring these deep-water Cystoseira stands must be driven by episodic disturbances, after-disturbance recruitment pulses, and long periods of steady growth that last at least 10 years. However, it is also possible that recruitment is irreversibly inhibited by the alien alga W. setacea in which case these old-growth stands are faced with extinction. The highly diversified assemblages and the low growth and low mortality rates of C. zosteroides indicate high vulnerability to natural and anthropogenic disturbances, and call for effective measures to ensure their conservation.  相似文献   

汪金涛  高峰  雷林  官文江  陈新军 《海洋学报》2014,36(12):119-124
西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼Illex argentinus是短生命周期种类,其资源量极易受到海洋环境变化的影响。根据2003—2011年我国鱿钓船队在西南大西洋的生产统计数据,以及产卵场海洋表面温度(SST)、海表温度距平值(SSTA),计算分析了阿根廷滑柔鱼在产卵期产卵场各月最适表层水温范围占总面积的比例(用PS表示)以及表征海流强度的SST、SSTA等多种环境变量因子与单位捕捞量渔获量(CPUE)的相关性,建立多种基于主要环境因子的资源补充量预报模型,同时分析比较预报模型的优劣。相关性分析表明:6月份有3片连续区域的SST与CPUE之间存在强相关性,分别为38°~39°S、54°~55°W,40.5°~41.5°S、51°~52°W,39.9°~40.4°S、42.6°~43.1°W。利用6月份此3片连续区域SST与次年CPUE建立的三元线性模型,模型符合统计检验,偏差解释率为82.4%。在此基础上加入7月份PS影响因子建立3种方案下的误差反向传播(EBP)神经网络模型。结果认为,包含了福克兰寒流与巴西暖流表温信息的方案3模型优于其他两种模型,其准确率可以达到90%以上。  相似文献   

研究了石斑鱼肠道原籍嗜冷杆菌SE6在体外的抑菌特性及对人工胃肠液的耐受特性,在此基础上研究了饲料中添加SE6(108CFU/g)对斜带石斑鱼生长性能和免疫功能的影响。体外试验结果表明:SE6对副溶血弧菌、哈维氏弧菌、梅氏弧菌和金黄色葡萄球菌等常见水产致病菌均有一定的抑制作用。pH为4.0的人工胃液能促进SE6的生长,处理2和4 h存活率分别为110.7%和173.0%;pH为3.0的人工胃液处理2 h后活菌数为1.59×105 CFU/cm3,存活率为1.36%,但SE6不能耐受pH为2.0的人工胃液。经浓度分别为0.1%,0.3%,0.5%和0.7%的胆盐处理3 h后,SE6的存活率分别为89.17%,88.33%,77.17%和12.33%。动物试验结果显示:投喂SE6 60 d后试验组饵料系数(0.95±0.01)显著低于对照组(1.03±0.02)。试验组血清补体C3在试验全期均高于对照组,补体C4含量在投喂SE6 60 d时显著上升。血清IgM含量在投喂30 d时显著上升。总之,嗜冷杆菌SE6能抑制多种常见病原菌的生长,而且对模拟胃肠道环境具有一定的耐受能力,添加到饲料中能显著提高石斑鱼饵料利用率,增强动物的免疫功能。  相似文献   

Monthly investment in soma and gonads in the bivalve Scrobicularia plana is described for three populations along its distributional range: Minho estuary, Portugal; Westerschelde estuary, The Netherlands and Buvika estuary, Norway. Seasonal cycles in body mass (BMI), somatic mass (SMI) and gonadal mass (GMI) indices were observed for all populations. In Portugal, BMI and SMI peaked in mid-autumn, while in The Netherlands both indices were at their highest in mid-spring. Norway showed a different pattern with two distinct peaks: one in mid-autumn and a second peak in spring. GMI reached maximum values in July in Portugal and Netherlands and in June in Norway. Overall, mean BMI and SMI were lower in Portugal while mean GMI was lower in Norway. The spawning period lasted the whole summer in Portugal, but was shorter (only two months) in The Netherlands and Norway. The reproductive investment in The Netherlands was significantly higher than in Portugal and Norway, with the lowest values being observed in Norway. Differences in annual cycles between populations were attributed to environmental factors, namely temperature and food availability. Temperature seems important in shaping the reproductive pattern with more northern populations showing shorter reproductive periods starting later in the year, and a lower reproductive output. In addition, winter water temperatures can explain the lower mean body and somatic mass values observed in Portugal. Food availability influenced the physiological performance of the species with peaks in somatic mass coinciding with phytoplankton blooms. This relation between physiological performance and environmental factors influences S. plana distribution, densities and even survival, with natural consequences on its commercial importance.  相似文献   

Sand smelt, Atherina boyeri, is a very abundant, widespread, locally harvested species, able to successfully survive and reproduce over a wide range of abiotic conditions and aquatic ecosystem types. In the North Sea and in the Mediterranean Sea transitional ecosystems its life history is well known, but very little information is available about the influence of intra-ecosystemic abiotic gradients on micro-scale patterns of distribution, body size and condition of individuals. In a small non-tidal Mediterranean lagoon, the cohorts' structure and evolution of sand smelt was described and the temporal and spatial variability of abundance, size structure and body condition was addressed. The study was carried out at the Acquatina lagoon (Lecce, Italy) where four stations, situated in two habitat types along a confinement gradient, were sampled twice per month for one year with fyke nets. The abundance of collected individuals was very high throughout the sampling period, with a peak in Summer and a constant decrease afterwards. Measured Standard Length ranged from 20 to 90 mm and the majority of individuals were estimated to be within 2 years old. The confined station resulted more abundantly colonized, especially by smaller size classes, and characterized by a narrower size frequency distribution. Also relative body condition showed significant spatial variations, with larger individuals having a better condition than smaller ones where optimal temperature and dissolved oxygen levels were available. Size-specific temporal patterns of body condition followed the seasonal climatic oscillations and the species' cycle of growth and reproduction, with larger individuals reaching higher fatness than smaller ones during Autumn and Winter, thus having more chances to survive and contribute to the reproductive effort. The results of the present study emphasised that, even at a very small scale, the presence of strong environmental gradients can drive movements, habitat preference and condition of individuals and thus promote an intra-ecosystemic spatial heterogeneity comparable to that observed between ecosystems at the land–ocean or geographical scale.  相似文献   

We applied genetic makers to identify Calanus species occurring in Sagami Bay, Japan, in order to investigate their vertical distribution in the upper 1000 m. First, interspecific genetic distances of three gene loci, mitochondrial small ribosomal RNA (srRNA), nuclear internal transcribed spacers 1 (ITS1) and 2 (ITS2), were estimated from morphologically distinguishable adult females of Calanus sinicus, Calanus jashnovi and Calanus pacificus that were collected from Sagami Bay, the Kuroshio Extension and the Oyashio region, respectively. The highest levels of interspecific genetic distance were observed in srRNA, followed by ITS1 and ITS2. The intraspecific genetic distances within C. sinicus were much lower than the interspecific genetic distances, indicating that DNA sequences in these loci are consistent with the morphological differences. This information was used as a criterion for species identification based on DNA sequence variation, and allowed us to identify the fifth copepodites (CVs) or younger stages of these species. Next, the vertical distribution of Calanus species was investigated in Sagami Bay in May 2006, on the basis of a stratified sampling in the upper 1000 m. By applying the genetic markers, 23 individuals comprising all copepodite stages were allocated into either C. sinicus or C. jashnovi, and the small- and large-sized CVs were identified as C. sinicus and C. jashnovi, respectively. The total abundance of C. sinicus was highest at 0-50 m and decreased with depth. On the contrary, CV individuals of C. sinicus were abundant not only in 0-50 m but also below 200 m with minimum occurrences in 150-200 m depth. C. jashnovi was much less abundant than C. sinicus and comprised of only CIV and CV which occurred in the upper 100 m and deeper than 50 m depths, respectively. The abundance of C. sinicus in the 1000-m water column of Sagami Bay was at a level comparable to that in shelf waters, suggesting the importance of off-shelf individuals in the biological production and organic transport in the respective areas.  相似文献   

利用长PCR扩增漳州西施舌线粒体DNA(ZZ-mtDNA),用引物步移法测序,获得线粒体基因组DNA全序列,研究其基因组特点。结合双壳类49个物种线粒体全基因组,分析基因间核苷酸和蛋白质氨基酸序列的差异,构建系统进化树,探讨漳州西施舌系统演化地位。研究结果表明:漳州西施舌线粒体基因组DNA全长17 199 bp,A+T含量为64.2%,编码36个基因,其中12个蛋白质编码基因,22个转运RNA基因(tRNAs),2个核糖体RNA基因(lrRNA srRNA),全部基因均位于重链上,tRNASer为单拷贝,tRNAMet为双拷贝;非编码区占10.9%(1 882 bp/17 199 bp),其中,主非编码区为882 bp,与RZ-mtDNA主非编码区差异明显,另有一个较大(400 bp)的非编码区为漳州西施舌特异性非编码区;以双壳纲帘蛤目文蛤属3种贝类、贻贝目贻贝属4种贝类、珍珠贝目牡蛎科的6种贝类为参照,对编码基因的核苷酸序列和蛋白质氨基酸序列进行差异分析显示,漳州西施舌与日照西施舌达到了种间差异水平。线粒体基因组编码的基因、tRNA组成、非编码区均揭示漳州西施舌是腔蛤蜊属的一个新种。  相似文献   

刘勇  程家骅 《海洋学报》2014,36(6):124-130
鱼类产卵群体的相关研究一直是渔业领域关注的热点,对鱼类的产卵期、产卵场的研究是鱼类生态习性研究方向的重要组成部分。本文在前期研究证实鱼类体长-体重关系幂指数可以指示鱼类产卵期的基础上,利用2004年4个季节的东海大面积调查数据,尝试利用同一时间点上的各个调查点幂指数信息来分析鱼类产卵场分布特征,结果发现,成熟产卵个体仅在春季出现,而未成熟产卵个体4季均有分布,以此推测小黄鱼存在"跳过产卵"现象。另外发现,单靠幂指数大小,不能区分各个产卵成熟阶段,也不能区分产卵个体与非产卵个体;而怀卵个体出现站点的幂指数平均值偏低于匀速生长,空间上也具有类似特征,即幂指数相对低的地方一般对应怀卵个体相对集中的水域。本文依据幂指数分布,推断小黄鱼成熟产卵群体有3块相对集中水域,即舟山渔场近海、济州岛西南侧和江外与舟外渔场临近水域。  相似文献   

The spatial spring distribution of Eurytemora affinis (adults and C5) in the Scheldt estuary (Belgium) brackish and freshwater reaches was studied in between 1996 and 2007. The bulk of the E. affinis population being generally situated in the brackish water reach (salinity > 0.5); we studied which environmental factors are responsible for its recent sporadic occurrence in the freshwater estuarine reach. Using PLS analysis, it is shown that its presence upstream is limited by a sufficient oxygen concentration (>4 mg l−1) that is associated with temperature. Not only are the environmental conditions in the upstream zone important, but also the frequent presence of an O2 minimum zone in the mid-estuary (O2 min < 1.3 mg l−1) seems to block the movement of the downstream E. affinis population in an upstream direction. Occasionally, the bulk of the population is however situated upstream. During these periods, high E. affinis abundance was also observed in the Durme tributary. Our findings suggest the possibility to use E. affinis as an “indicator” species of water quality, but also lead us to stress the necessity to consider conditions over the entire estuary when studying restoration effects, not exclusively in the zone of interest.  相似文献   

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