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The ratio of oxygen-18 to oxygen-16 (expressed as per mille deviations from Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water, δ18O) is reported for seawater samples collected from seven full-depth CTD casts in the northern North Atlantic between 20° and 41°W, 52° and 60°N. Water masses in the study region are distinguished by their δ18O composition, as are the processes involved in their formation. The isotopically heaviest surface waters occur in the eastern region where values of δ18O and salinity (S) lie on an evaporation–precipitation line with slope of 0.6 in δ18O–S space. Surface isotopic values become progressively lighter to the west of the region due to the addition of 18O-depleted precipitation. This appears to be mainly the meteoric water outflow from the Arctic rather than local precipitation. Surface samples near the southwest of the survey area (close to the Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone) show a deviation in δ18O–S space from the precipitation mixing line due to the influence of sea ice meltwater. We speculate that this is the effect of the sea ice meltwater efflux from the Labrador Sea. Subpolar Mode Water (SPMW) is modified en route to the Labrador Sea where it forms Labrador Sea Water (LSW). LSW lies to the right (saline) side of the precipitation mixing line, indicating that there is a positive net sea ice formation from its source waters. We estimate that a sea ice deficit of ≈250 km3 is incorporated annually into LSW. This ice forms further north from the Labrador Sea, but its effect is transferred to the Labrador Sea via, e.g. the East Greenland Current. East Greenland Current waters are relatively fresh due to dilution with a large amount of meteoric water, but also contain waters that have had a significant amount of sea ice formed from them. The Northeast Atlantic Deep Water (NEADW, δ18O=0.22‰) and Northwest Atlantic Bottom Waters (NWABW, δ18O=0.13‰) are isotopically distinct reflecting different formation and mixing processes. NEADW lies on the North Atlantic precipitation mixing line in δ18O–salinity space, whereas NWABW lies between NEADW and LSW on δ18O–salinity plots. The offset of NWABW relative to the North Atlantic precipitation mixing line is partially due to entrainment of LSW by the Denmark Strait overflow water during its overflow of the Denmark Strait sill. In the eastern basin, lower deep water (LDW, modified Antarctic bottom water) is identified as far north as 55°N. This LDW has δ18O of 0.13‰, making it quite distinct from NEADW. It is also warmer than NWABW, despite having a similar isotopic composition to this latter water mass.  相似文献   

The oxygen (δ18O) and carbon (δ13C) isotope ratios of 10 species of living Bryozoa collected from the Otago Shelf, New Zealand were analysed to assess the extent to which isotopic equilibrium (relative to inorganic equilibrium isotope fractionation) is attained during the precipitation of skeletal calcium carbonate. The data reveal that whereas eight species of Bryozoa synthesise skeletal carbonate in apparent oxygen isotope equilibrium with respect to environmental conditions, two species (Celleporina grandis and Hippomonavella flexuosa) yield δ18Ocalcite values which indicate significant disequilibrium oxygen isotope fractionation during calcification. Sufficient data are available from one species (C. grandis) to demonstrate that disequilibrium is probably related to kinetic factors associated with diffusion‐controlled transport of HCO3‐ to the site of calcite precipitation. Carbon isotope signatures indicate significant departures from inorganic isotope equilibrium in all but one bryozoan species (Hippomenella vellicata). Although greater uncertainties are associated with estimates of the isotopic composition of total dissolved inorganic carbon (δ13CSDIC), the data suggest that two factors—kinetic fractionation and incorporation of respiratory CO2—are important in controlling carbon isotope disequilibrium. Where bryozoan species exhibit evidence for disequilibrium in both oxygen and carbon isotope systems (C. grandis, H. flexuosa), it is likely that kinetic factors are primarily responsible for observed departures from carbon isotope equilibrium. In contrast, the probable explanation for those species which display evidence for carbon isotope disequilibrium only, is that skeletal carbonate is precipitated from a DIC pool modified by the incorporation of respiratory CO2. Differences between the carbon isotope composition of skeletal elements from the same species and co‐existing species living in the same community suggests that significant variations may occur in the extent to which marine DIC and respiratory CO2 are utilised during calcification. Additional studies of carbon pathways associated with calcification are required to assess the relative effects of kinetic, metabolic, and environmental factors on the carbon isotopic composition of bryozoan skeletal carbonate.  相似文献   

夏季楚科奇海河水与海冰融化水组分的空间变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对2008年夏季楚科奇海水氧同位素组成的分析,运用S、δ18 O的质量平衡关系计算出河水组分和海冰融化水组分的份额,揭示出楚科奇海河水和海冰融化水组分的空间变化规律,并探讨其影响因素。楚科奇海河水组分的份额介于1.9%~18.4%之间,呈现随深度增加而降低的趋势;河水组分积分高度的变化范围为1.3~16.6m,平均为(4.8±4.0)m。河水组分份额与积分高度均呈现东高西低、北强南弱的特征,与太平洋入流东侧为富含河水组分的阿拉斯加沿岸流、西侧为低河水组分的白令海陆架水,以及北部海域受波弗特流涡埃克曼辐聚作用的影响有关。海冰融化水份额呈现随深度增加而降低的趋势,20~30m以深受到冬季海冰形成时所释放盐卤水的明显影响。海冰融化水积分高度的变化范围为-3.2~1.7m,平均值为(-0.3±1.2)m,其空间分布呈现东低西高、南强北弱的特征,与太平洋入流输入通量的时间变化以及输入路径的西偏有关。  相似文献   

We investigated the cover, community structure and abiotic environment of nine shipwrecks lying at increasing distance from the Belgian coast. Results indicated that all shipwrecks were strongly dominated by cnidarians in terms of biomass and by amphipods in terms of abundances. Based on their epifaunal composition, three groups of shipwrecks could be determined. Metridium senile dominated a species poor community of the coastal sites. On the same sites, a Tubularia larynx community with a more species-rich assemblage was also developing. The T. larynx community had a lower biomass value (102 g AFDW m−2) and significantly lower species richness compared to the other sites. The coastal sites were characterized by periodic salinity decreases, large seasonal temperature fluctuation, high total suspended matter load and reduced current velocity. Channel water masses influence the offshore sites causing a more stable temperature and salinity environment, less turbid waters and high current speed. Tubularia indivisa dominated this community, with an average biomass of 229 g AFDW m−2. Intermediate sites were also dominated by T. indivisa, but a higher biomass (424 g AFDW m−2) was observed. They showed intermediate results for the abiotic parameters and fast current velocities. Hypotheses for the observed variation in community structures are discussed in the light of the abiotic characterization of the shipwrecks.  相似文献   

北黄海温盐分布季节变化特征分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
利用2006~2007年夏冬春秋4个季节北黄海的大面调查资料,分析了4个季节北黄海温度和盐度大面以及典型断面分布特征,得出以下结论:2007年冷水团势力范围强于2006年,北黄海冷水团的形成受地形影响.黄海暖流冬春季较强,冬季最强,夏季最弱,秋季开始形成.鲁北沿岸流冬季最强,春季减弱,夏秋季消失,但夏季鲁北沿岸存在冬季鲁北沿岸流水的残余体,即鲁北沿岸水.辽南沿岸水4个季节都以低盐为特征,除夏季低盐中心位于庄河口外,其它3个季节低盐中心均位于调查区域的东北角.渤海与北黄海之间的水交换4个季节都存在.春季,断面盐跃层形成滞后于温跃层;秋季,断面盐跃层消失滞后于温跃层.  相似文献   

In October 2005 spatial distribution of live and dead Acartia clausi and Acartia tonsa was studied in the Black and Marmara Seas and near the Marmara Sea inlet of the Bosphorus, in order to understand their fate upon transportation between two seas. The morphometric characteristics in both species from all studied areas, and the decreased abundance of A. clausi and A. tonsa from the Black Sea towards the Marmara Sea indicate that the Marmara Sea Acartia populations are formed by recruitment from the Black Sea. We observed mass mortality of A. clausi in the Marmara Sea near the Prince Islands. The majority of carcasses (66% of total A. clausi numbers in the Marmara Sea) were found in the salinity gradient layer.  相似文献   

The Unst Basin is situated in the northern North Sea between the East Shetland Basin and the Shetland Isles. The basin is essentially a three-armed, Permo-Triassic fault-controlled basin containing up to 3600 m of red-beds. This is overlain by a westerly thickening Jurassic and early Cretaceous sequence, the stratigraphy of which is very similar to that of the East Shetland Basin. In particular, the Brent Group (140 m), Humber Group (685 m) and Cromer Knoll Group (300 m) are well represented.As a result of Laramide uplift of the area, the thick Upper Cretaceous and Palaeocene strata of the East Shetland Basin are absent from the Unst Basin. This uplift resulted in substantial erosion within the Unst Basin providing the major source for Palaeocene sands in the Viking Graben and the Faeroes Basin. Late Palaeocene and younger Tertiary strata transgress westwards across this erosion surface.Petroleum exploration within the basin culminated in the drilling of two exploration wells. These wells encountered potential reservoir and source rocks in the Jurassic section. However, geochemical analyses indicate these source rocks are immature for hydrocarbon generation within the Unst Basin. It is concluded that the Unst Basin has a low petroleum potential.  相似文献   

Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of particulate organic matter(POM) were measured for samples collected from the Bering Sea in 2010 summer. Particulate organic carbon(POC) and particulate nitrogen(PN) showed high concentrations in the shelf and slope regions and decreased with depth in the slope and basin, indicating that biological processes play an important role on POM distribution. The low C/N ratio and heavy isotopic composition of POM, compared to those from the Alaska River, suggested a predominant contribution of marine biogenic organic matter in the Bering Sea. The fact that δ13C and δ15N generally increased with depth in the Bering Sea basin demonstrated that organic components with light carbon or nitrogen were decomposed preferentially during their transport to deep water. However, the high δ13C and δ15N observed in shelf bottom water were mostly resulted from sediment resuspension.  相似文献   

The southern coasts of Africa are influenced by two major oceanic currents, leading to biogeographic patterns in inshore and offshore species assemblages, and in the stable isotope signatures of suspended particulate matter and filter-feeding mussels. We used the stable isotope ratios of carbon (13C/12C) and nitrogen (15N/14N) from the blood and feathers of adult and chick Cape gannets (Morus capensis) to investigate whether the geographic differences observed at the lower levels in the marine communities are deep penetrating effects that reach top predators. Additionally, we evaluated whether trophic segregation occurs between adult and reared chick gannets, and whether a shift to wintering habitat occurs in adults. The study was conducted during the 2006 breeding season on Bird Island in the Agulhas system, and on Malgas and Ichaboe Islands, in the south and north Benguela respectively. Our results showed significant differences in the isotope ratios of members of different colonies, but no intra-colony differences between tissues or age groups. These results indicate that there is neither age-related nor temporal segregation in the diet of members of the same colony. Feather isotopic values suggest that adults remain all year round in the same habitats, and do not undertake long migration after reproduction. Since all gannets tend to target similar prey, we attributed among-colony differences in isotope signatures mostly to the oceanic conditions experienced by the main prey of birds rather than substantial differences in diet composition. Overall, isotopic signatures segregate the two current systems, with depleted carbon values in the Agulhas and enriched nitrogen values in the upwelled waters of the Benguela. Within the Benguela birds from Ichaboe in the north had higher δ15N values than those from Malgas in the south, which we attributed to differences in the functioning of the upwelling cells in the vicinity of the two colonies. Finally, slight variation in the proportion of main prey and discards from fisheries may contribute to the variation in the stable-isotope signatures between colonies in the Benguela.  相似文献   

The fractions of river runoff and sea-ice melted water in the Canada Basin in summer 2003 were determined by the salinity-18O system. The fraction of river runoff(fR) was high in the upper 50 m of the water column and decreased with depth and latitude. The signals of the river runoff were confined to water depths above 200 m. The total amount of river runoff in the Canada Basin was higher than that in other arctic seas, indicating that the Canada Basin is a main storage region for river runoff. The penetration depth of the sea-ice melted water was less than 50 m to the south of 78°N, while it was about 150 m to the north of 78°N. The total amount of sea-ice melted water was much higher to the north of 78°N than to the south of 78°N, indicating the sea-ice melted waters accumulated on the ice edge. The abundant sea-ice melted water on the ice edge was attributed to the earlier melted water in the southern Canada Basin and transported by the Beaufort Gyre or the reinforced melting of sea ice by solar radiation in the polynya.  相似文献   

为探讨南海北部中层水盐度的时空分布特征及与外海水的交换,选用1871—2010年共140年的月平均海洋同化数据(SODA2.2.4),利用EOF、小波等分析方法,分析南海北部中层水盐度的时空分布、变化周期、盐通量等特征。结果表明:(1)南海北部中层水的盐度月际变化特征为:1—3月,南海北部中层水受到越南东部沿岸向东北方向延伸出的高盐舌的影响(>34.45 psu),盐度偏高,中部盐度较低;4月南海北部中层水的盐度分布均一,盐度范围在34.40~34.45 psu;5—8月,夏季南海北部的中层气旋式环流将北太平洋中层水(North Pacific Intermediate Water,NPIW)携带至南海中部,在南海中部偏北形成一低盐水团(<34.42 psu),并在此时间段内低盐水团逐渐向东北方向移动,直至9—10月,上述低盐水团与NPIW混合;11—12月,NPIW东撤,收缩至吕宋海峡西北侧。(2)过去140年,南海北部中层水的盐度值波动上升,其中,1985年中层水盐度值最高,可能与当年夏季风爆发早且强有关。1963—2002年,存在较强的16~21 a的周期性,小波系数的实部正相位的峰值和负相位的谷值所对应的年份,与ENSO冷事件具有较好的对应。(3)对EOF第一模态分析显示,整个研究海域为单极子变化特征,呈一致性变化。第二模态的空间分布呈偶极子形态,一正一负相位中心沿NW-SE走向对称分布。(4)南海北部中层水全年的净盐通量均由南海向东流入太平洋,夏季最少,冬季最多。1871—2010年的140年间,中层水的盐通量一直处于下降的趋势,下降的趋势十分缓慢。  相似文献   

In June/July 1994 a study was made of a small bloom of the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi in an area of the North Sea to the east of the Shetland Islands. Observations on the hydrography of the study area indicated the bloom was associated with Atlantic water and was confined to an area in which a stable shallow mixed layer had formed. There was no evidence to suggest association of horizontal physical structure with the bloom development. High cell densities of >1– cells dm−3, together with low concentrations of PIC (<50 μg dm−3) and detached liths (2– liths cm−3) indicated that the bloom was studied at an early stage of development. Biochemical and physiological observations indicated active growth was taking place. The results presented are discussed in comparison with previous studies carried out in both oceanic and shelf seas.  相似文献   

The physical impact of marine aggregate extraction in the North Sea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

A sustainability criterion for the exploitation of North Sea cod   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  

Characteristics of two natural gas seepages in the North Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two occurrences of active gas seepages are described from the North Sea. The southernmost one, situated above a salt diapir in Norwegian block , has been studied and sampled by use of a remotely operated vehicle (ROV). This seepage consists of about 120 single seeps located within a diameter of 100 m. It is estimated to produce 24 m3 of methane gas per day (at ambient pressure, 75 m water depth). Isotope values of the methane gas and higher hydrocarbon gases in the surrounding seafloor sediments, show that their origin is from a deep seated, thermogenic source. No typical gas-induced erosion features are found on the seafloor at this location, probably due to the lack of very fine grained material.The second occurrence is located in U.K. block (Geoteam, 1984), where the seepage is associated with a very large pockmark depression, measuring 17 m in depth and 700×450 m in width. This depression represents an eroded fine grained sediment volume of 7.105 cubic metres. No detailed inspection or sampling of the gas has been performed here. However seismic reflection anomalies are seen on airgun seismic records at various levels down to a depth of at least 1100 m below seafloor. The seeping gas, possibly mixed with liquids, at this location is therefore also expected to be of a thermogenic origin.  相似文献   

Concentration and stable isotopic compositions (δ 18O) of dissolved O2 were measured in seawater samples collected from the Philippine Sea in June 2006. The in-situ O2 consumption rate and the isotopic fractionation factor (α r ) during dissolved O2 consumption were obtained from field observations by applying a vertical one-dimensional advection diffusion model to the deep water mass of about 1000–4000 m. The average O2 consumption rate and α r were, respectively, 0.11 ± 0.07 μmol kg−1yr−1 and 0.990 ± 0.001. These estimated values agree well with values from earlier estimations of Pacific deep water. The in-situ O2 consumption rates are two or more times higher north of 20°N, although the value of α r was not significantly different between the north and south. Its levels varied rapidly in the water mass of less about 2000 m depth. These results suggest that organic matter from the continent imparts a meaningful contribution to the upper water in the northern part of the area; it might produce the strong O2 minimum that is evident in the water mass from about 1000–2000 m in the northern part of the Philippine Sea.  相似文献   

Water masses in the East Sea are newly defined based upon vertical structure and analysis of CTD data collected in 1993–1999 during Circulation Research of the East Asian Marginal Seas (CREAMS). A distinct salinity minimum layer was found at 1500 m for the first time in the East Sea, which divides the East Sea Central Water (ESCW) above the minimum layer and the East Sea Deep Water (ESDW) below the minimum layer. ESCW is characterized by a tight temperature–salinity relationship in the temperature range of 0.6–0.12 °C, occupying 400–1500 m. It is also high in dissolved oxygen, which has been increasing since 1969, unlike the decrease in the ESDW and East Sea Bottom Water (ESBW). In the eastern Japan Basin a new water with high salinity in the temperature range of 1–5 °C was found in the upper layer and named the High Salinity Intermediate Water (HSIW). The origin of the East Sea Intermediate Water (ESIW), whose characteristics were found near the Korea Strait in the southwestern part of the East Sea in 1981 [Kim, K., & Chung, J. Y. (1984) On the salinity-minimum and dissolved oxygen-maximum layer in the East Sea (Sea of Japan), In T. Ichiye (Ed.), Ocean Hydrodynamics of the Japan and East China Seas (pp. 55–65). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers], is traced by its low salinity and high dissolved oxygen in the western Japan Basin. CTD data collected in winters of 1995–1999 confirmed that the HSIW and ESIW are formed locally in the Eastern and Western Japan Basin. CREAMS CTD data reveal that overall structure and characteristics of water masses in the East Sea are as complicated as those of the open oceans, where minute variations of salinity in deep waters are carefully magnified to the limit of CTD resolution. Since the 1960s water mass characteristics in the East Sea have changed, as bottom water formation has stopped or slowed down and production of the ESCW has increased recently.  相似文献   

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