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This study investigated the tidal asymmetry imposed by both the interaction of principal tides and the higher harmonics generated by distortions within a tidal creek network with mixed mainly semidiurnal tide in the Bushehr Port, Persian Gulf. Since velocity and water-level imposed by principal triad tides K1-O1-M2 are in quadrature, duration asymmetries during a tidal period in this short, shallow inverse estuary should be manifest as skewed velocities. The principal tides produce periodic asymmetries including a strong ebb-dominance and a weak flood-dominance condition during spring and neap tides respectively. The higher harmonics induced by nonlinearities engender a flood-dominance condition where the convergence effects are higher than frictional effects, and an ebbdominance condition where intertidal storage are extended. Since the triad K1-O1-M2 driven asymmetry is not overcome by higher harmonics close to the mouth, the periodic asymmetry dominates within the creek in which higher harmonics reinforce the weak flood-dominance (strong ebb-dominance) condition in the convergent channel (divergent area). Also, the maximum flood and the maximum ebb from all harmonic constituents occurred close to high water slack time during both spring and neap tides in this short creek. Since occational wetting of intertidal areas happened close to the high water (HW) time during spring tide, the water level flooded slowly close to the HW time of the spring tide.  相似文献   

象山港潮滩坡度对潮动力影响的数值研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
象山港属于狭长型半封闭港湾,湾内分布有大面积潮滩。多年以来象山港内实施了大量海岸工程及养殖工程,湾内潮滩坡度发生了显著变化。基于非结构网格和有限体积数值模式(FVCOM)建立象山港三维潮动力模型,研究湾内不同区域潮滩坡度变化对象山港潮动力过程的影响机理。结果表明:潮滩坡度下降将增大湾内纳潮量,进而增大M2分潮振幅和迟角,反之则反。铁港潮滩坡度的减小(增大),将改变底部耗散项,进而增大(减小)M4分潮振幅。由于M2和M4分潮的振幅在湾顶较大,所以湾顶(铁港)潮滩坡度对象山港潮动力过程的影响明显大于侧岸(西沪港)。西沪港潮滩坡度对象山港潮动力过程的影响是局部的。铁港、西沪港潮滩坡度对湾内潮汐不对称、余流及潮能影响显著。铁港潮滩坡度的改变均会减弱湾内落潮占优程度。西沪港区域潮滩坡度的减小将减弱湾内落潮占优趋势,反之则反。铁港和西沪港潮滩坡度的减小,将增大余流大小及潮能密度,进而潮能耗散增大,反之则反。研究结果对河口海岸潮滩区域的工程建设及生态修复有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

海南岛莺歌海近岸的潮汐不对称与潮致余流研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
潮汐不对称与潮致余流在河口海岸区的物质输运中扮演着重要角色。已往的研究表明,在驻波占主导的河口海湾中,涨落潮的历时不对称与流速不对称有较为良好的对应关系。而潮致余流主要由地形与潮波的非线性作用所致。本研究以海南岛莺歌海附近为代表,结合实际观测与数值模型,研究复杂地形的开阔近岸区的潮汐不对称与潮致余流。结果表明,在莺歌海近岸区,涨落潮历时不对称皆表现为涨潮历时短于落潮历时,而流速不对称则出现复杂的空间变化。对流速不对称的机制分解表明,研究区的流速不对称主要由K1、O1与M2的相互作用,以及潮余流与各潮汐分潮的相互作用所控制。其中前者产生涨潮流速大于落潮流速的涨潮优势,而后者则与余流的方向相对应,出现多个涨潮优势与落潮优势的区域。总体而言,研究区的流速不对称由余流与各潮汐分潮的相互作用所决定。这表明,采用涨落潮历时的不对称来确定潮汐不对称的方法在开阔近海区可能并不适用。对潮致余流的研究表明,研究区的欧拉余流远大于斯托克斯余流。欧拉余流表现为多个顺时针与逆时针的涡流。涡流分布与地形具有较好的对应关系,潮流沙脊区多发育顺时针涡流,而深槽区则以发育逆时针涡流为主。摩擦力在涡流的发育中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

海湾内外的潮波变形及其不对称性影响海湾内外动力输送和水体交换。利用乐清湾内外共9个测站连续潮位进行调和分析,得到该海湾内外各分潮变化规律,利用潮不对称性偏度计算方法确定湾内外潮汐不对称性时空变化特征,比较了主要分潮组合对潮汐不对称性的贡献度,通过数值研究探讨了湾内偏度比湾外偏度值更小的主要成因,分析了湾内外围垦工程对潮不对称偏度的影响。研究发现:乐清湾内潮汐不对称偏度值为负,表现为落潮占优,同期湾外洞头站偏度值为正,与邻近瓯江、飞云江河口的潮不对称偏度变大、表现涨潮占优的变化规律相反;湾外沿岸各站偏度由东北向西南逐渐增大,由落潮占优向涨潮占优变化;潮汐不对称性偏度呈周期性变化,分析确定M2-M4、M2-S2-MS4分潮组合对潮不对称贡献大,该海域潮汐不对称的强度主要由浅水分潮振幅控制,而相对相位则决定潮汐不对称的方向;数值研究探讨表明,湾内大范围的浅滩地形是其潮汐不对称落潮占优的主要原因,围垦将削弱湾内的落潮占优。  相似文献   

山东半岛海洋牧场潮汐特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用山东半岛15个海洋牧场的水深观测数据,比较了不同资料长度下调和分析结果的差异,并分析了包括调和常数、潮汐类型、潮差和潮汐日不等现象在内的潮汐特征的空间变化。结果显示,主要分潮调和常数估计误差随资料长度的增加逐渐减小,调和常数估计的准确性不断提高。潮汐特征的分析表明:(1)各海洋牧场中M2分潮的振幅最为显著,平均振幅为0.87m。(2)各海洋牧场潮汐类型均为以M2分潮为主导的半日潮潮型,山东半岛东部沿海海洋牧场的潮汐类型为不规则半日潮,东南沿海海洋牧场的潮汐类型则为规则半日潮。(3)各海洋牧场平均潮差与最大可能潮差空间变化趋势相同。平均潮差和最大可能潮差的最大值均出现在日照国美投礁型海洋牧场,分别为3.48m和5.70m;平均潮差和最大可能潮差的最小值出现在荣成烟墩角游钓型海洋牧场,分别为0.82m和2.27m。(4)各海洋牧场潮高不等现象均不显著,威海瑜泰游钓型海洋牧场、威海西港游钓型海洋牧场、威海刘公岛游钓型海洋牧场、荣成成山鸿源投礁型海洋牧场、荣成东楮岛游钓型海洋牧场和荣成鸿泰游钓型海洋牧场的潮时不等现象不显著,其他海洋牧场落潮历时均大于涨潮历时,表现为涨潮主导的特征。  相似文献   

Long-term ferry-ADCP observations of tidal currents in the Marsdiep inlet   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
A unique, five-year long data set of ferry-mounted ADCP measurements in the Marsdiep inlet, the Netherlands, obtained between 1998 and 2003, is presented. A least-squares harmonic analysis was applied to the water transport, (depth-averaged) currents, and water level to study the contribution of the tides. With 144 tidal constituents, maximally 98% of the variance in the water transport and streamwise currents is explained by the tides, whereas for the stream-normal currents this is maximally 50%. The most important constituent is the semi-diurnal M2 constituent, which is modulated by the second-largest S2 constituent (about 27% of M2). Compound and overtides, such as 2MS2, 2MN2, M4, and M6, are important in the inlet. Due to interaction of M2 with its quarter-diurnal overtide M4, the tidal asymmetry in the southern two thirds of the inlet is flood dominant. The amplitudes of all non-astronomic constituents are largest during spring tides, strongly distorting the water level and velocity curves. The M2 water transport is 40° ahead in phase compared to the M2 water level, reflecting the progressive character of the tidal wave in the inlet. The currents are strongly rectilinear and they are sheared vertically and horizontally, with the highest currents at the surface above the deepest part of the inlet. During spring tides, near-surface currents can be as large as 1.8 m s− 1. Due to the relative importance of inertia compared to friction, the M2 currents near the centre (surface) lag maximal 20° (3°) in phase with the currents near the sides (bottom). The tidal-mean currents are directed into the basin in the shallower channel to the south and out of the basin in the deeper channel to the north.  相似文献   

A cross-system analysis of bulk sediment composition, total organic carbon (TOC), atomic C/N ratio, and carbon isotope composition (δ13C) in 82 surface sediment samples from natural and planted mangrove forests, bank and bottom of tidal creeks, tidal flat, and the subtidal habitat was conducted to examine the roles of mangroves in sedimentation and organic carbon (OC) accumulation processes, and to characterize sources of sedimentary OC of the mangrove ecosystem of Xuan Thuy National Park, Vietnam. Sediment grain sizes varied widely from 5.4 to 170.2 μm (mean 71.5 μm), with the fine sediment grain size fraction (< 63 μm) ranging from 11 to 99.3% (mean 72.5%). Bulk sediment composition suggested that mangroves play an important role in trapping fine sediments from river outflows and tidal water by the mechanisms of tidal current attenuation by vegetation and the ability of fine roots to bind sediments. The TOC content ranged from 0.08 to 2.18% (mean 0.78%), and was higher within mangrove forests compared to those of banks and bottoms of tidal creeks, tidal flat, and subtidal sediments. The sedimentary δ13C ranged from − 27.7 to − 20.4‰ (mean − 24.1‰), and mirrored the trend observed in TOC variation. The TOC and δ13C relationship showed that the factors of microbial remineralization and OC sources controlled the TOC pool of mangrove sediments. The comparison of δ13C and C/N ratio of sedimentary OC with those of mangrove and marine phytoplankton sources indicated that the sedimentary OC within mangrove forests and the subtidal habitat was mainly composed of mangrove and marine phytoplankton sources, respectively. The application of a simple mixing model showed that the mangrove contribution to sedimentary OC decreased as follows: natural mangrove forest > planted mangrove forest > tidal flat > creek bank > creek bottom > subtidal habitat.  相似文献   

本文通过建立一维水深平均悬沙模型,对典型潮流控制的水道内悬沙运动特征进行研究。模型以泥沙再悬浮、沉降和平流为主要物理过程,动力因素包含M2、S2分潮及余流,采用湄洲湾2007年8月潮位、潮流、悬沙、底质同步观测资料进行分析和验证。通过三角傅里叶分析,将悬沙的时间序列分解为12个主要的谐波分量,其中主要分量包括:M2分潮作用下产生的具有M2倍潮角速度的1/4日分潮项,M2与S2分潮共同作用下且角速度为两分潮角速度之和的1/4日分潮项,及水平悬沙梯度、余流与M2分潮共同作用下具有M2分潮角速度的半日潮项。悬沙在时间上的平均值受到余流、悬沙水平梯度、M2分潮流及悬沙起动条件等因素控制。余流导致了悬沙序列中相邻周期之间的不对称性。反映泥沙特性的参量对悬沙的曲线特征具有重要影响,泥沙沉降速度影响悬沙的相位,并影响其振幅;再悬浮有关的参量仅影响各谐波分量的振幅,但不影响相位。  相似文献   

The dynamics of a seasonally formed salt-wedge propagating along the micro-tidal channel of Strymon River estuary, Northern Greece, and its consequences on river water quality, are thoroughly studied through intensive sampling campaigns. The wedge is developed at the downstream river part, under the summer limited freshwater discharge conditions (Q < 30 m3/s). The geometric features of the wedge (length and thickness) appeared directly related to Strymon River discharge. A maximum intrusion length of 4.7 km along Strymon River estuary was observed under minimum river discharge of almost 6 m3/s. Relations produced from in situ data illustrate that limited river flow expands the wedge horizontally, reducing its vertical dimension, while higher flows lead to increased wedge thickness. Estuarine flushing time ranges between 0.2 and 1.5 days, exponentially dependent on Strymon River discharge. Wedge velocities depicted tidal asymmetry between tidal phases, with consistent inward motion, even under the ebb tidal stage. Strong vertical stratification prevails throughout the tidal cycle, proving the limited vertical mixing between the two layers, although higher interfacial stresses are produced in ebb. Bottom topography plays an interesting role in wedge propagation, as the presence of an underwater sill either prevents saline intrusion during flood or isolates the front of the wedge from its core at the ebb. Ecological consequences of salt-wedge propagation in Strymon River estuary are the frequent evidence of bottom hypoxic conditions and the increased TSS levels, leading to the occurrence of a turbidity maximum at the tip of the salt-wedge. Higher BOD and ammonium levels were mostly observed at the river end, associated to point and non-point pollution sources. Nitrates and silicates were found associated with freshwater fluxes, while ammonia levels were related to saline intrusions. The reduced phosphorus freshwater fluxes, resulting from phosphorus uptake at the upstream reservoir (Kerkini Lake) and the increased bottom turbidity induced by the salt-wedge seem responsible for the limited chlorophyll-a levels along Strymon River estuary.  相似文献   

琼州海峡冬末春初潮余流场特征   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
1995年2月26日至3月6日,在琼州海峡的新海一四塘断面上,大小潮期间进行15条船同步测流.该断面上涨潮流速普遍大于落潮流速,实测最大涨潮流速为172cm/s,最大落潮流速为142cm/s;大潮期间北部6个站全层平均余流速度为18.4cm/s.海峡中间3个站0~20m层平均流速为18.3cm/s,南部6个站平均余流速度为10.2m/s.中间和北部诸站余流方向指向W一S范围,南部6个站因受地形影响,流向指向NE.用数值计算方法,再现了大小潮期间琼州海峡整个潮流场.大潮期间,通过西断面(灯楼角──玉苞角)落潮流总通量为4.73×1010m3,涨潮流总通量为4.29×1010m3;通过东断面(东营──龙塘镇)落潮流总通量为5.22×1010m3,涨潮流总通量为4.90×1010m3,其净通量,西、东断面分别为0.43×1010和0.32×1010m3,其方向指向西.  相似文献   

Internal tidal currents and associated water-mass displacements were investigated during multiple cruises in the Kaoping Submarine Canyon off southwestern Taiwan. Observations from both moored and shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers and hydrographic casts were conducted along the canyon. The velocity data showed that in the lower layer the major axis of the tidal currents aligned with the orientation of the canyon, and currents moved up-canyon during flood and down-canyon during ebb. The vertical-phase shift and amplitude of the currents indicated that the semidiurnal internal tide dominated with intensity increasing with depth toward the canyon head. Tidal energy was channeled from the shelf landward with a beamlike internal wave, guided by bottom topography. The estimated phase velocity was 1.4–1.7 m s−1, based on normal mode analysis and the phase lag between sampling stations. Empirical orthogonal function analysis of hydrographic profiles confirmed that the first mode (M2 internal tide) explained 70% of the total variance. The strong convergence of internal tidal currents near the canyon head during flood may play an important role in the daily migration of cherry shrimps, which burrow along the canyon wall.  相似文献   

涨潮槽是河口重要的地貌类型,其潮汐动力受地形摩擦、径流及风浪等因素影响而发生不对称现象,直接影响槽内的泥沙动力过程。本文基于实测数据与数值模型计算潮汐不对称偏度,研究长江口南支最大的涨潮槽——新桥水道的潮汐不对称性及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)受余流与各分潮的相互作用控制,新桥水道可分为三个区域,上段为涨潮优势区域,中段为涨落潮转换区域,下段是落潮优势区域。(2)新桥水道欧拉余流表现出明显的分段差异,上段指向陆而在中下段指向海并受到径流影响。斯托克斯余流则均指向陆并向陆增强。(3)新桥水道内中下段潮汐不对称受地形的影响较大,其中扁担沙的北移增强了新桥水道中段的涨潮优势特性,新的新桥通道的形成促进了新桥水道下段的落潮优势特性。  相似文献   

江苏大丰海岸碱蓬滩潮沟及滩面的沉积动力特征   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
根据2002年7月在江苏大丰碱蓬滩潮沟观测的水文、悬沙、底质等资料,分析了潮沟的输水、输沙特征及悬沙和底质在粒径组成上的关系,结果表明,潮沟在流速、悬沙浓度、输水、悬沙输运、底质活动性等方面具有明显的涨落潮不对称.滩面归槽水占潮沟落潮输水量的33%,由此造成的悬沙输运量占潮沟落潮悬沙输运量的20%,这是导致潮沟涨落潮输水输沙不对称的主要因素.在一个潮周期中潮沟的净输水、净悬沙输运方向与滩面相反,指向落潮方向.悬沙和底质组成以粉砂和黏土为主,潮沟和滩面的悬沙粒径组成差别很小.悬沙是滩面底质的主要物质来源,两者在粒径组成上存在着必然联系,沉积物粒径与该粒级在底质中的含量与在悬沙中的含量之比具有明显的幂函数关系.  相似文献   

基于FVCOM(Finite Volume Coast and Ocean Model)模型,建立北印度洋海域(31°~102°E,16°S~31°N)的M2和S2分潮潮波数值模式,研究北印度洋半日潮潮汐、潮流分布特征。对底摩擦系数进行数值试验,利用代价函数梯度下降法,得到分潮调和常数向量均方根偏差(RMSE)的变化曲线,逼近并确定最优的底摩擦系数。将采用该系数的模拟结果与TOPEX/Poseidon卫星高度计交叉点的调和常数数据、国际海道测量组织(IHO)及部分文献中的验潮站数据进行比较与验证,一致性较好。其中对比卫星数据的振幅偏差为2~4 cm、迟角偏差为7°~8°,与验潮站数据的振幅偏差为3~6 cm、迟角偏差为8°~9°。根据模拟结果,分析了北印度洋海域M2和S2分潮潮波传播特征和潮流椭圆的空间分布特征等。M2分潮潮波在阿拉伯海南部有1个无潮点,在波斯湾内有2个无潮点,最大振幅超过80 cm;潮流在西北印度洋和孟加拉湾中部大多为顺时针旋转,其余海域大多为逆时针旋转;流速在阿拉伯海东北部、安达曼海、波斯湾和孟加拉湾北部较大,最大流速为160 cm/s,其他海域较小。S2分潮的潮波传播特征、无潮点的位置和潮流椭圆的空间分布特征等都与M2分潮类似,但潮波振幅和潮流流速等都相对M2分潮较小。研究完善了北印度洋海域2个主要半日分潮M2和S2的整体特征。  相似文献   

王逸涵  王韫玮  于谦  蔡辉  高抒 《海洋科学》2019,43(10):66-74
南黄海西侧的江苏海岸近岸区域,素以地形复杂、潮流强劲、悬沙输运剧烈著称,但是较长期的同步潮位和潮流观测数据仍然缺乏,尤其是在近岸(20 km)浅水(20 m)区域。2014年1月在大丰港附近开展了连续潮位和潮流观测,获得的数据揭示了一系列特征。此地潮汐潮流为正规半日潮,浅水分潮显著。平均潮差为3.05 m,最显著的两个分潮为M2和S2分潮,振幅分别为1.45 m和0.52 m。潮流最显著的半日分潮M2分潮和最显著的浅水分潮M4分潮在沿岸方向上振幅分别为0.84m/s和0.12m/s,在跨岸方向上振幅分别为0.24 m/s和0.01 m/s,沿岸方向占绝对优势。潮波的沿岸传播介于前进波和驻波之间,驻波的特征稍强。M2分潮潮流椭圆最大流(长轴)方向为南偏东7.4°。存在冬季沿岸向北的余流,垂向平均值的大小为2.2 cm/s。以上潮汐潮流特征为该区域海洋物质输运研究提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

Coastal wetlands provide important ecological services to the coastal zone, one of which is sediment retention. In this study we investigated sediment retention across a range of geomorphological settings and across vegetation zones comprising coastal wetlands. We selected six coastal wetlands dominated by mangroves over a gradient from riverine to tidal settings in Southeast Queensland, Australia. Each site was comprised of three distinct vegetation communities distributed as parallel zones to the coast line: seaward fringe mangroves, landward scrub mangroves and saltmarsh/ cyanobacteria mat of the high intertidal zone. We measured suspended sediment retention and sedimentation rates. Additionally, in order to assess the origin of sediment transported and deposited in the mangroves, glomalin, a novel terrestrial soil carbon tracer, was used. Our results show a mean average sedimentation of 0.64 ± 0.01 mg cm−2 spring tide−1, which was variable within sites, regardless of geomorphological setting. However, geomorphological setting influenced spatial patterns of sediment deposition. Riverine mangroves had a more homogeneous distribution of sediments across the intertidal zone than tidal mangroves, where most sedimentation occurred in the fringe zone. Overall, the fringe zone retained the majority of sediment entering the coastal wetland during a tidal cycle with 0.90 ± 0.22 mg cm−2 spring tide−1, accounting for 52.5 ± 12.5% of the total sedimentation. The presence of glomalin in suspended sediments, and thus the relative importance of terrigenous sediment, was strongly influenced by geomorphological setting, with riverine mangroves receiving more glomalin in suspended solids than tidal mangroves. Glomalin was also differentially deposited within the vegetation zones at different geomorphological settings: primarily at the fringe zone of tidal mangroves and within the scrub zone of riverine mangroves. The differences we observed in the spatial distribution of sedimentation and the difference in the origin of the sediment deposited in riverine and tidal mangroves are likely to have an impact on ecological processes.  相似文献   

江苏小庙洪牡蛎礁的地貌-沉积特征   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
利用卫星影象和野外实地勘察资料对江苏小庙洪牡蛎礁的地貌-沉积特征进行分析。结果表明,该牡蛎礁发育在强潮淤泥质潮坪上,造礁牡蛎主要是近江牡蛎和长牡蛎,表层的鲜活牡蛎为褶牡蛎。牡蛎礁区海水属盐度较高(27—30)的半成水,含沙量较大,为0.2—0.3g/L。活体牡蛎堆积体顶面高于周围潮间下带滩面1.0—1.5m。潮流较强,多在0.5—2.0m/s。海岸剖面可分为4个带,即礁后潮间带、潮沟、礁体生长带及礁前斜坡带。由于处于海岸侵蚀段,礁后潮坪缺失潮上带和大部分的潮间上带。礁后潮坪主要以粗粉砂为主,礁后潮沟冲淤变化较大,故礁体生长带时而为一沙洲,时而又与岸滩相连。礁体生长带分布在潮间下带,可看到独立的斑状礁体、带状礁体和大面积环状礁体群。环状礁的微地貌可以划分为礁塘(泻湖)、塘口和塘沟、塘口三角洲、礁墙和礁平台等。  相似文献   

本研究以崇明东滩2015年4月实测潮间带水沙数据为基础,分析了潮沟、盐沼及光滩的水沙特征,重点研究了潮沟系统及邻近潮滩潮周期内悬沙通量情况。结果表明:(1)潮沟表层沉积物比潮滩细,二者平均中值粒径分别为21.7 μm和33.0 μm,悬沙粒径由海向陆逐渐变小;(2)大、小潮沟潮周期内潮流均以往复流为主,垂向平均流速分别为15.4 cm/s和34.6 cm/s;盐沼界和光滩则以旋转流为主,平均流速分别为11.3 cm/s和28.9 cm/s;(3)潮沟中的高悬沙浓度出现在涨潮初期,最大可达7.5 kg/m3,而潮滩高悬沙浓度则出现在潮落潮中期和高水位时刻;大、小潮沟和盐沼界站涨潮阶段平均悬沙浓度大于落潮阶段,光滩站则相反。潮沟悬沙主要来自邻近水域,而潮滩悬沙则与滩面表层沉积物密切相关;(4)潮沟在潮周期内净输沙方向均指向滩地,大潮沟潮周期单宽净输沙量可达4.0 t/m;盐沼界处垂直岸线和沿岸输沙强度相近,净输沙由海向陆,潮周期离岸输沙强度为1.0 t/m;光滩沿岸输沙强度远大于垂直岸线输沙,光滩净输沙由陆向海。研究揭示了潮间带潮沟系统的强供沙能力以及研究区域光滩冲蚀,盐沼植被带淤积的动力地貌过程。  相似文献   

In this contribution, the morphodynamics of open-sea tidal channels eroded into sandy seabed in regions of flow constriction is simulated by a one-dimensional model using the Bagnold formula for bedload transport rate, and accounting for the effect of bed slope. The results show that equilibrium conditions for such channels can be reached over a period of 102–103 years. Sediment eroded from the channel floor is transported in the direction of the dominant current, and deposited beyond the regions of flow constriction where the current looses competence due to spreading. In this way, the material remobilized from older strata in the channels is deposited in younger sand banks near the channel heads. Where several successive channels are incised along the current axis, they interact in their morphological evolution. The morphodynamic equilibrium of a tidal channel is reached once the combined interacting sedimentological and hydrodynamic factors, such as sediment particle diameter, tidal current velocity and flood/ebb dominance, are balanced. The model output shows that the equilibrium shape of the tidal channels appears to be related mainly to flow field characteristics and, to a lesser extent, to particle size. A positive correlation exists between the depth of the channels and their response times. The equilibrium water depths of the channels are more sensitive to current speed than to either particle size or the time–velocity asymmetry of the flow field. The response times for overall morphological equilibrium are sensitive to all of the above-mentioned parameters. In particular, sediment characteristics associated with critical current velocities have far-reaching effects on the morphodynamic behaviour of tidal channels.  相似文献   

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