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《Basin Research》2018,30(Z1):65-88
Mass wasting is an important process in the degradation of deep‐water fold‐and‐thrust belts. However, the relationship between mass‐transport complex (MTC) emplacement and the timing and spatial progression of contractional deformation of the seabed have not been extensively studied. This study uses high‐quality, 3D seismic reflection data from the southern Magdalena Fan, offshore Colombia to investigate how the growth of a deep‐water fold‐and‐thrust belt (the southern Sinú fold belt) is recorded in the source, distribution and size of MTCs. More than nine distinct, but coalesced MTCs overlie a major composite basal erosion surface. This surface formed by multiple syn‐ and post‐tectonic mass‐wasting events and is thus highly diachronous, thereby recording a protracted period of tectonism, seascape degradation and associated sedimentation. The size and source location of these MTCs changed through time: the oldest ‘detached’ MTCs are relatively small (over 9–100 km2 in area) and sourced from the flanks of growing anticlines, whereas the younger ‘shelf‐attached’ MTCs are considerably larger (more than 200–300 km2), are sourced from the shelf, and post‐date the main phase of active folding and thrusting. Changes in the source, distribution and size of MTCs are tied to the sequential nucleation, amplification and along‐strike propagation of individual structures, showing that MTCs can be used to constrain the timing and style of contractional deformation, and seascape evolution in time and space.  相似文献   

Shell-Agip 35/13–1 well drilled 2445 m of Tertiary sediments in the Main Porcupine Basin situated offshore west of Ireland. Early Tertiary sediments and microfossils indicate a major cycle from deep-sea to marginal marine and terrestrial palaeoenvironments returning to deep water. By means of seismic and lithostratigraphy and petrophysical logs, three deltaic cycles can be distinguished within this major cycle. The microfaunal zonation indicates that these cycles are of late Palaeocene, early Eocene and mid/late Eocene age and, therefore, correlate broadly with the Thanet Cycle, London Clay Cycle and the Bracklesham Cycles of the Anglo-French type sections, although they are up to an order of magnitude thicker due to rapid basin subsidence. Three major unconformities can be distinguished together with a disconformity that becomes an unconformity in the North Porcupine Basin. These surfaces are associated with both local and regional tectonic and igneous events. Detailed microfossil and lithological analyses across the major unconformities allows a reasonable matching with the global sea-level curve and recognition of the major and medium sequence boundaries. Discrepancies during the late Eocene may relate to local faulting. The pattern of sedimentation reflects the restriction of North Atlantic circulation and the tendency to euxinic bottom conditions during the early Palaeogene. In the middle Thanetian these conditions invaded the shelf, an event recorded elsewhere in NW Europe. Discontinuous seismic reflectors indicate ‘chaotic’ sedimentation connected with more vigorous circulation and erosion in the early Oligocene. This was followed by a change to parallel bedded contourites and drifts after the cutting of the early Miocene unconformity. The study reveals the complex interplay of eustatic and oceanographic change with local and regional tectonics in the development of the basin.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2017,29(2):149-179
Integrated analysis of high‐quality three‐dimensional (3D) seismic, seabed geochemistry, and satellite‐based surface slick data from the deep‐water Kwanza Basin documents the widespread occurrence of past and present fluid flow associated with dewatering processes and hydrocarbon migration. Seismic scale fluid flow phenomena are defined by seep‐related seafloor features including pockmarks, mud or asphalt volcanoes, gas hydrate pingoes, as well as shallow subsurface features such as palaeo‐pockmarks, direct hydrocarbon indicators (DHIs), pipes and bottom‐simulating reflections (BSRs). BSR‐derived shallow geothermal gradients show elevated temperatures attributed to fluid advection along inclined stratigraphic carrier beds around salt structures in addition to elevated shallow thermal anomalies above highly conductive salt bodies. Seabed evidences of migrated thermogenic hydrocarbons and surface slicks are used to differentiate thermogenic hydrocarbon migration from fluid flow processes such as dewatering and biogenic gas migration. The analysis constrains the fluid plumbing system defined by the three‐dimensional distribution of stratigraphic carriers and seal bypass systems through time. Detailed integration and iterative interpretation have confirmed the presence of mature source rock and effective migration pathways with significant implications for petroleum prospectivity in the post‐salt interval. Integration of seismic, seabed geochemistry and satellite data represents a robust method to document and interpret fluid flow phenomena along continental margins, and highlights the importance of integrated fluid flow studies with regard to petroleum exploration, submarine geohazards, marine ecosystems and climate change.  相似文献   

Quartz‐rich sandstones can be produced through multiple sedimentary processes, potentially acting in combination, such as extensive sedimentary recycling or intense chemical weathering. Determining the provenance of such sedimentary rocks can be challenging due to low amounts of accessory minerals, the fact that the primary mineralogy may have been altered during transport, storage or burial and difficulties in the recognition of polycyclic components. This study uses zircon and apatite U‐Pb geochronology, apatite trace elements, zircon‐tourmaline‐rutile indices and petrographic observations to investigate the sedimentary history of mineralogically mature mid‐Carboniferous sandstones of the Tullig Cyclothem, Clare Basin, western Ireland. The provenance data show that the sandstones have been dominantly and ultimately sourced from three basement terranes: older Laurentian‐ associated rocks (ca. 900–2500 Ma) which lay to the north of the basin, peri‐Gondwanan terranes (ca. 500–700 Ma) to the south and igneous intrusive rocks associated with the Caledonian Orogenic Cycle (ca. 380–500 Ma). However, the multi‐proxy approach also helps constrain the sedimentary history and suggests that not all grain populations were derived directly from their original source. Grains with a Laurentian or a Caledonian affinity have likely been recycled through Devonian basins to the south. Grains with a peri‐Gondwanan affinity appear to be first cycle and are potentially derived from south/southwest of the basin. Taken as a whole, these data are consistent with input into the basin from the south and southwest, with the reworking of older sedimentary rocks, rather than intensive first‐cycle chemical weathering, likely explaining the compositional maturity of the sandstones. This study highlights the need for a multi‐proxy provenance approach to constrain sedimentary recycling, particularly in compositionally mature sandstones, as the use of zircon geochronology alone would have led to erroneous provenance interpretations. Zircon, together with U‐Pb geochronology from more labile phases such as apatite, can help distinguish first‐cycle versus polycyclic detritus.  相似文献   

Basement heat flow is one of the key unknowns in sedimentary basin analysis. Its quantification is challenging not in the least due to the various feedback mechanisms between the basin and lithosphere processes. This study explores two main feedbacks, sediment blanketing and thinning of sediments during lithospheric stretching, in a series of synthetic models and a reconstruction case study from the Norwegian Sea. Three types of basin models are used: (1) a newly developed one‐dimensional (1D) forward model, (2) a decompaction/backstripping approach and (3) the commercial basin modelling software TECMOD2D for automated forward basin reconstructions. The blanketing effect of sedimentation is reviewed and systematically studied in a suite of 1D model runs. We find that even for moderate sedimentation rates (0.5 mm year?1), basement heat flow is depressed by ~25% with respect to the case without sedimentation; for high sedimentation rates (1.5 mm year?1), basement heat flow is depressed by ~50%. We have further compared different methods for computing sedimentation rates from the presently observed stratigraphy. Here, we find that decompaction/backstripping‐based methods may systematically underestimate sedimentation rates and total subsidence. The reason for this is that sediments are thinned during lithosphere extension in forward basin models while there are not in backstripping/decompaction approaches. The importance of sediment blanketing and differences in modelling approaches is illustrated in a reconstruction case study from the Norwegian Sea. The thermal and structural evolution of a transect across the Vøring Basin has been reconstructed using the backstripping/decompaction approach and TECMOD2D. Computed total subsidence curves differ by up to ~3 km and differences in computed basement heat flows reach up to 50%. These findings show that strong feedbacks exist between basin and lithosphere processes and that resolving them require integrated lithosphere‐scale basin models.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(Z1):596-612
The formation of syn‐depositional fractures in carbonate platforms is considered an important feature in the understanding of platform evolution. This study investigates the mechanisms of fracture formation in rimmed flat‐topped carbonate platforms in the very well‐exposed Cariatiz Miocene Fringing Reef Unit, SE Spain. Fracture data were obtained using a combination of LIDAR and field mapping techniques, which proved useful in understanding general fracture trends. The morphological expression of fracture sets, preferred fracture localization, crosscutting relationships and fracture fill are characteristics that provide constraints on the timing of fracture formation and opening. Three dominant fracture populations were identified, amongst which a margin parallel and a margin perpendicular fracture set. Margin parallel fractures localize around the platform margin and form vertically extensive dikes that crosscut facies boundaries. The sedimentary fill of such fractures suggests syn‐depositional fracture formation under marine conditions. Together, fracture characteristics suggest a gravitational driver for the formation of tensile stress and the development of margin parallel fractures along the platform edge. Margin perpendicular structures form sub‐vertical dikes and fracture corridors. Margin perpendicular fractures localize on the platform slope and show two types of fracture fill, indicating marine and continental origins. Based on variations of fracture morphology along the carbonate platform, fracture localization, petrographic analysis of sedimentary fill and stable isotope analysis on sparite cements, we suggest a gravitational control on the formation of these fractures. Two mechanisms for the formation of subvertical margin perpendicular fractures are proposed: (1) principal stress rotation as a result of downslope loading. (2) Differential compaction over buried gulley systems on antecedent clinoform slopes. We suggest that the formation of sub‐vertical margin perpendicular fractures might be a systematic feature in slopes of flat‐topped carbonate platforms.  相似文献   

Morphological and morphometric analyses of diamict-dominated and rock-cored drumlins in the Omagh Basin, north central Ireland, identify five drumlin types (classical, shield, barchanoid, fused and superimposed) on the basis of outline morphology and topographic setting. Diamict drumlins are mainly of classical or fused type and are found in lowland and basinal locations. Rock-cored drumlins are more morphologically diverse and occur on high-level plateaus and upland flanks. Morphometric analysis reveals both spatial and statistically significant absolute differences between the elongation ratios and orientations of diamict and rock-cored drumlins. Equifinality of the drumlin form despite variable thicknesses of diamict (from a few metres to>30 m) suggests that substrate streamlining took place in several phases, including eroding bedrock into rock-cored drumlins prior to diamict deposition. This means drumlinization cannot be attributed to a single set of subglacial processes or a single time-interval.  相似文献   

Located at the southern edge of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis, the Central Myanmar Basin (CMB) is divided into several Tertiary sub‐basins that have been almost continuously filled since the Indo‐Asia collision. They are currently drained by the Irrawaddy River, which flows down the eastern Tibetan Plateau and the Sino‐Burman Ranges. Tracing sediment provenance from the CMB is thus critical for reconstructing the past denudation of the Himalayan‐Tibetan orogen; it is especially relevant since a popular drainage scenario involves the capture of the Tsangpo drainage system in Tibet by a precursor to the Irrawaddy River. Here, we document the provenance of sediment samples from the Minbu Sub‐Basin at the southern edge of the CMB, which is traversed by the modern stream of the Irrawaddy River. Samples ranging in age from middle Eocene to Pleistocene were investigated using Nd isotopes, trace element geochemistry and sandstone modal compositions. Our data provide no evidence of a dramatic provenance shift; however, sandstone petrography, trace element ratios and isotopic values display long‐term trends indicating a gradual decrease of the volcanic input and its replacement by a dominant supply from the Burmese basement. These trends are interpreted to reflect the progressive denudation of the Andean‐type volcanic arc that extended onto the Burmese margin, along the flank of the modern Sino‐Burman Ranges, where most of the post‐collisional deformation of central Myanmar is located. Though our results do not exclude an ephemeral or diluted contribution from a past Tsangpo‐Irrawaddy connection, sedimentation rates suggest that this hypothesis is unlikely before the development of a stable Tsangpo‐Brahmaputra River in the Miocene. These results thus suggest that the central Myanmar drainage basin has remained restricted to the Sino‐Burman Ranges since the beginning of the India‐Asia collision.  相似文献   

The Celtic Sea basins lie on the continental shelf between Ireland and northwest France and consist of a series of ENE–WSW trending elongate basins that extend from St George’s Channel Basin in the east to the Fastnet Basin in the west. The basins, which contain Triassic to Neogene stratigraphic sequences, evolved through a complex geological history that includes multiple Mesozoic rift stages and later Cenozoic inversion. The Mizen Basin represents the NW termination of the Celtic Sea basins and consists of two NE–SW-trending half-grabens developed as a result of the reactivation of Palaeozoic (Caledonian, Lower Carboniferous and Variscan) faults. The faults bounding the Mizen Basin were active as normal faults from Early Triassic to Late Cretaceous times. Most of the fault displacement took place during Berriasian to Hauterivian (Early Cretaceous) times, with a NW–SE direction of extension. A later phase of Aptian to Cenomanian (Early to Late Cretaceous) N–S-oriented extension gave rise to E–W-striking minor normal faults and reactivation of the pre-existing basin bounding faults that propagated upwards as left-stepping arrays of segmented normal faults. In common with most of the Celtic Sea basins, the Mizen Basin experienced a period of major erosion, attributed to tectonic uplift, during the Paleocene. Approximately N–S Alpine regional compression-causing basin inversion is dated as Middle Eocene to Miocene by a well-preserved syn-inversion stratigraphy. Reverse reactivation of the basin bounding faults was broadly synchronous with the formation of a set of near-orthogonal NW–SE dextral strike-slip faults so that compression was partitioned onto two fault sets, the geometrical configuration of which is partly inherited from Palaeozoic basement structure. The segmented character of the fault forming the southern boundary of the Mizen Basin was preserved during Alpine inversion so that Cenozoic reverse displacement distribution on syn-inversion horizons mirrors the earlier extensional displacements. Segmentation of normal faults therefore controls the geometry and location of inversion structures, including inversion anticlines and the back rotation of earlier relay ramps.  相似文献   

This article is a long‐term retrospective study of the reconstruction that followed the 1931 earthquake that struck the city of Napier in Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. It particularly focuses on the positive outcomes in reducing the risk of future disaster at both local and national levels. These were facilitated by three key decisions and strategies: (i) reconstruction was initiated immediately after the disaster; (ii) it was designed as a balance between continuity and change; and (iii) it relied on a decentralised, integrative decision‐making process.  相似文献   

Through examination of the scaling relations of faults and the use of seismic stratigraphic techniques, we demonstrate how the temporal and spatial evolution of the fault population in a half-graben basin can be accurately reconstructed. The basin bounded by the ≫62-km-long Strathspey–Brent–Statfjord fault array is located on the western flank of the Late Jurassic northern North Sea rift basin. Along-strike displacement variations, transverse fault-displacement folds and palaeo-fault tips abandoned in the hangingwall all provide evidence that the fault system comprises a hierarchy of linked palaeo-segments. The displacement variations developed while the fault was in a prelinkage, multisegment stage of its growth have not been equilibrated following fault linkage. Using the stratal architecture of synrift sediments, we date the main phase of segment linkage as latest Callovian – middle Oxfordian (10–14 Myr after rift initiation). A dense subpopulation of faults is mapped in the hangingwall to the Strathspey–Brent–Statfjord fault array. The majority of these faults are short, of low displacement and became inactive within 3–4 Myr of the beginning of the extensional event. Subsequently, only the segments of the proto-Strathspey–Brent–Statfjord fault and a conjugate array of antithetic faults located 3.5 km basinward continued to grow to define a graben-like basin geometry. Faults of the antithetic array became inactive ∼11.5 Myr into the rift event, concentrating strain on the linked Strathspey–Brent–Statfjord fault; hence, the basin evolved into a half-graben. As the rift event progressed, strain was localized on a smaller number of active structures with increased rates of displacement. The results of this study suggest that a simple model for the linkage of 2–3 fault segments may not be applicable to a complex multisegment array.  相似文献   

The location, shape and stacking pattern of deep‐marine clastic sediments on drifting stage passive continental margins are strongly influenced by the slope and basin floor topography. The tectonic control on sediment routes and dispersal patterns, however, is less understood on rift margins, particularly the impact of subaqueous transfer zones or relay ramps. In this study, an area of the Palaeocene marine syn‐rift succession in the Vøring Basin is mapped in detail to unravel the relationship between fault geometries and sedimentary infill patterns. Using root‐mean‐square (RMS) amplitudes and deposit thicknesses interpreted from seismic data, sedimentary elements in the Fenris Graben and the Gjallar Ridge are related to the fault patterns and the overall basin geometry. Older deposits are found to be aligned parallel to the basin axis, with the greatest sediment thicknesses on the hanging walls and adjacent to rotated faults. The main sediment supply is interpreted to be sourced from the Vøring Marginal High and Greenland, presumably containing a significant proportion of coarser grained material and comprising numerous local depocentres. With continued rifting and decreased fault activity, finer grained deposition draped the previous basin infill and smoothed the basin floor topography. Deposits close to the foot of relay ramps along the Gjallar Ridge, however, suggest that the high may have acted as a local sediment source leading to local depocentres. Transfer zones played a significant role in sediment transport during the early rifting phase, and were able to maintain some influence into the late rifting and early drifting stage. Identification of early‐ and late‐stage transfer zones may therefore help in locating coarser grained depocentres and potential hydrocarbon reservoirs.  相似文献   

Mantle-induced dynamic topography (i.e., subsidence and uplift) has been increasingly recognized as an important process in foreland basin development. However, characterizing and distinguishing the effects (i.e., location, extent and magnitude) of dynamic topography in ancient foreland basins remains challenging because the spatio-temporal footprint of dynamic topography and flexural topography (i.e., generated by topographic loading) can overlap. This study employs 3D flexural backstripping of Upper Cretaceous strata in the central part of the North American Cordilleran foreland basin (CFB) to better quantify the effects of dynamic topography. The extensive stratigraphic database and good age control of the CFB permit the regional application of 3D flexural backstripping in this basin for the first time. Dynamic topography started to influence the development of the CFB during the late Turonian to middle Campanian (90.2–80.2 Ma) and became the dominant subsidence mechanism during the middle to late Campanian (80.2–74.6 Ma). The area influenced by >100 m dynamic subsidence is approximately 400 by 500 km, within which significant (>200 m) dynamic subsidence occurs in an irregular-shaped (i.e., lunate) subregion. The maximum magnitude of dynamic subsidence is 300 ± 100 m based on the 80.2–74.6 Ma tectonic subsidence maps. With the maximum magnitude of dynamic uplift being constrained to be 200–300 m, the gross amount of dynamic topography in the Late Cretaceous CFB is 500–600 m. Although the location of dynamic subsidence revealed by tectonic subsidence maps is generally consistent with isopach map trends, tectonic subsidence maps developed through 3D flexural backstripping provide more accurate constraints of the areal extent, magnitude and rate of dynamic topography (as well as flexural topography) in the CFB through the Late Cretaceous. This improved understanding of dynamic topography in the CFB is critical for refining current geodynamic models of foreland basins and understanding the surface expression of mantle processes.  相似文献   

In this study, we integrate 3D seismic reflection, wireline log, biostratigraphic and core data from the Egersund Basin, Norwegian North Sea to determine the impact of syn‐depositional salt movement and associated growth faulting on the sedimentology and stratigraphic architecture of the Middle‐to‐Upper Jurassic, net‐transgressive, syn‐rift succession. Borehole data indicate that Middle‐to‐Upper Jurassic strata consist of low‐energy, wave‐dominated offshore and shoreface deposits and coal‐bearing coastal‐plain deposits. These deposits are arranged in four parasequences that are aggradationally to retrogradationally stacked to form a net‐transgressive succession that is up to 150‐m thick, at least 20 km in depositional strike (SW‐NE) extent, and >70 km in depositional dip (NW‐SE) extent. In this rift‐margin location, changes in thickness but not facies are noted across active salt structures. Abrupt facies changes, from shoreface sandstones to offshore mudstones, only occur across large displacement, basement‐involved normal faults. Comparisons to other tectonically active salt‐influenced basins suggest that facies changes across syn‐depositional salt structures are observed only where expansion indices are >2. Subsidence between salt walls resulted in local preservation of coastal‐plain deposits that cap shoreface parasequences, which were locally removed by transgressive erosion in adjacent areas of lower subsidence. The depositional dip that characterizes the Egersund Basin is unusual and likely resulted from its marginal location within the evolving North Sea rift and an extra‐basinal sediment supply from the Norwegian mainland.  相似文献   

Two end‐member models have been proposed for the Paleogene Andean foreland: a simple W‐E migrating foreland model and a broken‐foreland model. We present new stratigraphic, sedimentological and structural data from the Paleogene Quebrada de los Colorados (QLC) Formation, in the Eastern Cordillera, with which to test these two different models. Basin‐wide unconformities, growthstrata and changes in provenance indicate deposition of the QLC Formation in a tectonically active basin. Both west‐ and east‐vergent structures, rooted in the basement, controlled the deposition and distribution of the QLC Formation from the Middle Eocene to the Early Miocene. The provenance analysis indicates that the main source areas were basement blocks, like the Paleozoic Oire Eruptive Complex, uplifted during Paleogene shortening, and that delimits the eastern boundary of the present‐day intraorogenic Puna plateau. A comparison of the QLC sedimentary basin‐fill pattern with those of adjacent Paleogene basins in the Puna plateau and in the Santa Bárbara System highlights the presence of discrete depozones. These reflect the early compartmentalization of the foreland, rather than a stepwise advance of the deformation front of a thrust belt. The early Tertiary foreland of the southern central Andes is represented by a ca. 250‐km‐wide area comprising several deformation zones (Arizaro, Macón, Copalayo and Calchaquí) in which doubly vergent or asymmetric structures, rooted in the basement, were generated. Hence, classical foreland model is difficult to apply in this Paleogene basin; and our data and interpretation agree with a broken‐foreland model.  相似文献   

Unconformities in sedimentary successions (i.e. sequence boundaries) form in response to the interplay between a variety of factors such as eustasy, climate, tectonics and basin physiography. Unravelling the origin of sequence boundaries is thus one of the most pertinent questions in the analysis of sedimentary basins. We address this question by focusing on three of the most marked physical discontinuities (sequence boundaries) in the Cenozoic North Sea Basin: top Eocene, near‐top Oligocene and the mid‐Miocene unconformity. The Eocene/Oligocene transition is characterized by an abrupt increase in sediment supply from southern Norway and by minor erosion of the basin floor. The near‐top Oligocene and the mid‐Miocene unconformity are characterized by major changes in sediment input directions and by widespread erosion along their clinoform breakpoints. The mid‐Miocene shift in input direction was followed by a marked increase in sediment supply to the southern and central North Sea Basin. Correlation with global δ18O records suggests that top Eocene correlates with a major long‐term δ18O increase (inferred climatic cooling and eustatic fall). Near‐top Oligocene does not correlate with any major δ18O events, while the mid‐Miocene unconformity correlates with a gradual decrease followed by a major long‐term increase in δ18O values The abrupt increases in sediment supply in post‐Eocene and post‐middle Miocene time correlate with similar changes worldwide and with major δ18O increases, suggesting a global control (i.e. climate and eustasy) of the post‐Eocene sedimentation in the North Sea Basin. Erosional features observed at near‐top Oligocene and at the mid‐Miocene unconformity are parallel to the clinoform breakpoints and resemble scarps formed by mass wasting. Incised valleys have not been observed, indicating that sea level never fell significantly below the clinoform breakpoint during the Oligocene to middle Miocene.  相似文献   

The southern South African continental margin documents a complex margin system that has undergone both continental rifting and transform processes in a manner that its present‐day architecture and geodynamic evolution can only be better understood through the application of a multidisciplinary and multi‐scale geo‐modelling procedure. In this study, we focus on the proximal section of the larger Bredasdorp sub‐basin (the westernmost of the five southern South African offshore Mesozoic sub‐basins), which is hereto referred as the Western Bredasdorp Basin. Integration of 1200 km of 2D seismic‐reflection profiles, well‐logs and cores yields a consistent 3D structural model of the Upper Jurassic‐Cenozoic sedimentary megasequence comprising six stratigraphic layers that represent the syn‐rift to post‐rift successions with geometric information and lithology‐depth‐dependent properties (porosities and densities). We subsequently applied a combined approach based on Airy's isostatic concept and 3D gravity modelling to predict the depth to the crust‐mantle boundary (Moho) as well as the density structure of the deep crust. The best‐fit 3D model with the measured gravity field is only achievable by considering a heterogeneous deep crustal domain, consisting of an uppermost less dense prerift meta‐sedimentary layer [ρ = 2600 kg m?3] with a series of structural domains. To reproduce the observed density variations for the Upper Cenomanian–Cenozoic sequence, our model predicts a cumulative eroded thickness of ca. 800–1200 m of Tertiary sediments, which may be related to the Late Miocene margin uplift. Analyses of the key features of the first crust‐scale 3D model of the basin, ranging from thickness distribution pattern, Moho shallowing trend, sub‐crustal thinning to shallow and deep crustal extensional regimes, suggest that basin initiation is typical of a mantle involvement deep‐seated pull‐apart setting that is associated with the development of the Agulhas‐Falkland dextral shear zone, and that the system is not in isostatic equilibrium at present day due to a mass excess in the eastern domain of the basin that may be linked to a compensating rise of the asthenospheric mantle during crustal extension. Further corroborating the strike‐slip setting is the variations of sedimentation rates through time. The estimated syn‐rift sedimentation rates are three to four times higher than the post‐rift sedimentation, thereby indicating that a rather fast and short‐lived subsidence during the syn‐rift phase is succeeded by a significantly poor passive margin development in the post‐rift phase. Moreover, the derived lithospheric stretching factors [β = 1.5–1.75] for the main basin axis do not conform to the weak post‐rift subsidence. This therefore suggests that a differential thinning of the crust and the mantle‐lithosphere typical for strike‐slip basins, rather than the classical uniform stretching model, may be applicable to the Western Bredasdorp Basin.  相似文献   

O'Sullivan 《Basin Research》1999,11(3):191-204
Integration of vitrinite reflectance (Ro) and apatite fission track (AFT) data from well sequences can provide a direct estimate of the geothermal gradient at the time of maximum palaeotemperatures and the time at which sequences began to cool from maximum palaeotemperatures. These values, plus an understanding of the effects of cooling in response to long-term climatic changes, are particularly important when estimating the amount of denudation experienced by the sequences during cooling from maximum palaeotemperatures. In this case study, AFT data have been generated for subsurface samples from eight wells drilled within the North Slope foreland basin of northern Alaska in an effort to study the thermal history of the basin. The combination of Ro and AFT data establish that maximum palaeotemperatures were attained within the North Slope foreland basin prior to cooling beginning in the Palaeocene. Furthermore, they indicate that palaeogeothermal gradients when cooling began were close to the present-day values, and that Cenozoic surface cooling resulted in a significant amount of 'apparent' denudation. These results suggest that heating throughout the basin was largely due to deeper burial, and that cooling was due to both removal of section by denudation and a drop in the mean annual surface temperature.  相似文献   

Most field studies of wave processes on shore platforms in front of eroding cliffs focus on a single site, revealing aspects of wave dynamics at that location. Here, we analyse data from six platforms around northeastern New Zealand and describe the fundamental control of shore platform width, gradient and elevation on wave processes, including greater attenuation of short‐period waves at lower tidal stages and increases in longer period wave energy towards the cliff toe. These data suggest that empirical formulae developed from coral‐reef environments provide better predictions of wave height on platforms than formulae currently used in shore platform models.  相似文献   

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