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The new pollen record from the upper 12.75 m of a sediment core obtained in Lake Ladoga documents regional vegetation and climate changes in northwestern Russia over the last 13.9 cal. ka. The Lateglacial chronostratigraphy is based on varve chronology, while the Holocene stratigraphy is based on AMS 14C and OSL dates, supported by comparison with regional pollen records. During the Lateglacial (c. 13.9–11.2 cal. ka BP), the Lake Ladoga region experienced several climatic fluctuations as reflected in vegetation changes. Shrub and grass communities dominated between c. 13.9 and 13.2 cal. ka BP. The increase in Picea pollen at c. 13.2 cal. ka BP probably reflects the appearance of spruce in the southern Ladoga region at the beginning of the Allerød interstadial. After c. 12.6 cal. ka BP, the Younger Dryas cooling caused a significant decrease in spruce and increase in Artemisia with other herbs, indicative of tundra‐ and steppe‐like vegetation. A sharp transition from tundra‐steppe habitats to sparse birch forests characterizes the onset of Holocene warming c. 11.2 cal. ka BP. Pine forests dominated in the region from c. 9.0 to 8.1 cal. ka BP. The most favourable climatic conditions for deciduous broad‐leaved taxa existed between c. 8.1 and 5.5 cal. ka BP. Alder experiences an abrupt increase in the local vegetation c. 7.8 cal. ka BP. The decrease in tree pollen taxa (especially Picea) and the increase in herbs (mainly Poaceae) probably reflect human activity during the last 2.2 cal. ka. Pine forests have dominated the region since that time. Secale and other Cerealia pollen as well as ruderal herbs are permanently recorded since c. 0.8 cal. ka BP.  相似文献   

Lake Ladoga hosts preglacial sediments, although the Eurasian ice sheet overrode the area during the LGM. These sediments were first discovered by a seismic survey and are investigated using a 22.75‐m‐long core. Its upper 13.30 m comprise Holocene and Lateglacial sediments separated from the lower 11.45 m of preglacial sediments by a hiatus. They consist of highly terrigenous lacustrine sediments, which according to OSL dating, were deposited during an early stage of the last ice age (MIS 5). The palynological data allow a first reconstruction of the Early Weichselian environmental history for northwestern Russia. Birch and alder forests with broad‐leaved taxa dominated during MIS 5d (c. 118–113 ka), suggesting a climate more favourable than in the Holocene. A high content of well‐sorted sands and poorly preserved palynomorphs indicates a shallow‐water environment at least temporarily. More fine‐grained sediments and better preserved organic remains suggest deeper water environments at the core location during MIS 5c (c. 113–88 ka). Pine and spruce became dominant, while broad‐leaved taxa started to disappear, especially after c. 90 ka, pointing to a gradual climate cooling. An increase in open herb‐dominated habitats at the beginning of MIS 5b (c. 88–86 ka) reflects a colder and dryer climate. However, later (c. 86–82 ka) pine and spruce again became more common. Birch and alder forests dominated in the area c. 82–80 ka (beginning of MIS 5a). Although open treeless habitats also became more common at this time, a slight increase in hazel may point to somewhat warmer climate conditions coinciding with the beginning of MIS 5a. The studied sediments also contain numerous remains of freshwater algae and cysts of marine and brackish‐water dinoflagellates and acritarchs documenting that the present lake basin was part of a brackish‐water basin during the Early Weichselian, probably as a gulf of the Pre‐Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Late Pleistocene glacial and lake history of northwestern Russia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five regionally significant Weichselian glacial events, each separated by terrestrial and marine interstadial conditions, are described from northwestern Russia. The first glacial event took place in the Early Weichselian. An ice sheet centred in the Kara Sea area dammed up a large lake in the Pechora lowland. Water was discharged across a threshold on the Timan Ridge and via an ice-free corridor between the Scandinavian Ice Sheet and the Kara Sea Ice Sheet to the west and north into the Barents Sea. The next glaciation occurred around 75-70 kyr BP after an interstadial episode that lasted c. 15 kyr. A local ice cap developed over the Timan Ridge at the transition to the Middle Weichselian. Shortly after deglaciation of the Timan ice cap, an ice sheet centred in the Barents Sea reached the area. The configuration of this ice sheet suggests that it was confluent with the Scandinavian Ice Sheet. Consequently, around 70-65 kyr BP a huge ice-dammed lake formed in the White Sea basin (the 'White Sea Lake'), only now the outlet across the Timan Ridge discharged water eastward into the Pechora area. The Barents Sea Ice Sheet likely suffered marine down-draw that led to its rapid collapse. The White Sea Lake drained into the Barents Sea, and marine inundation and interstadial conditions followed between 65 and 55 kyr BP. The glaciation that followed was centred in the Kara Sea area around 55-45 kyr BP. Northward directed fluvial runoff in the Arkhangelsk region indicates that the Kara Sea Ice Sheet was independent of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet and that the Barents Sea remained ice free. This glaciation was succeeded by a c. 20-kyr-long ice-free and periglacial period before the Scandinavian Ice Sheet invaded from the west, and joined with the Barents Sea Ice Sheet in the northernmost areas of northwestern Russia. The study area seems to be the only region that was invaded by all three ice sheets during the Weichselian. A general increase in ice-sheet size and the westwards migrating ice-sheet dominance with time was reversed in Middle Weichselian time to an easterly dominated ice-sheet configuration. This sequence of events resulted in a complex lake history with spillways being re-used and ice-dammed lakes appearing at different places along the ice margins at different times.  相似文献   

Magnetic properties were studied in bottom sediments of saline meromictic Shira Lake by the methods of static magnetometry and resonance Mössbauer spectroscopy for the first time. All layers of bottom sediments contain nanosized single-domain magnetite particles produced by magnetotactic bacteria. The concentration of magnetite in bottom sediments decreased with depth, reaching a local minimum in the layer corresponding to the minimal level of the lake observed in 1910–1930. It is demonstrated that biogenic magnetite may indicate climate-related changes in the level of Shira Lake, in addition to the other biological and geochemical characteristics.  相似文献   

A quantitative high-resolution autumn (September-November) temperature reconstruction for the southeastern Swiss Alps back to AD 1580 is presented here. We used the annually resolved biogenic silica (diatoms) flux derived from the accurately dated and annually sampled sediments of Lake Silvaplana (46°27′N, 9°48′E, 1800 m a.s.l.). The biogenic silica flux smoothed by means of a 9-yr running mean was calibrated (= 0.70, p < 0.01) against local instrumental temperature data (AD 1864-1949). The resulting reconstruction (± 2 standard errors = ± 0.7 °C) indicates that autumns during the late Little Ice Age were generally cooler than they were during the 20th century. During the cold anomaly around AD 1600 and during the Maunder Minimum, however, the reconstructed autumn temperatures did not experience strong negative departures from the 20th-century mean. The warmest autumns prior to 1900 occurred around AD 1770 and 1820 (0.75 °C above the 20th-century mean). Our data agree closely with two other autumn temperature reconstructions for the Alps and for Europe that are based on documentary evidence and are completely unrelated to our data, revealing a very consistent picture over the centuries.  相似文献   

Major and trace element distribution in the bottom sediments from Hole 13 drilled in Lake Grand, Magadan district, was studied using the method of principal components. It was established that geochemical characteristics are correlated with environmental changes. The sediments of cold MIS2 and MIS4 are characterized by the enriched TiO2, MgO, Al2O3, Fe2O3, and Cr and low Na2O, K2O contents, which is related to the grain-size composition of sediments. Sediments of warm stages show an opposite tendency. High concentration peaks of iron, phosphorus, and manganese correspond to the accumulation levels of vivianite and ferromanganese rocks. Silica is represented by biogenic and abiogenic varieties. Maximum SiO2 contents were found in the Late Holocene sediments and mark the high biological productivity of the basin. Revealed variations of some elements are correlated with the Heinrich events.  相似文献   

A sediment core from Lake Soldatskoje, a small tundra lake located in the northern coastal area of the Kola Peninsula and surrounded by numerous archaeological dwelling sites, was analysed for diatom species. The core covers the entire Holocene, i.e. 10000 radiocarbon years. The diatom record has similarities with studies made earlier from tundra lakes of northern Russia and from Arctic lakes in general. The genus Fragilaria was dominant and many other small, benthic, nordic, cold-water diatom species typical of Arctic lakes were common, including Achnanthes minutissima Kützing, A. pusilla (Grunow) De Toni, Cyclotella tripartita Håkansson and Navicula absoluta Hustedt. Multivariable ordinations were used to characterize the changes in the diatom flora. Diatom-based pH and total phosphorus inferences indicate that the lake has become progressively more acidic and poorer in nutrients. Disturbances in the diatom stratigraphy of Lake Soldatskoje around 4000–5500 14C yr BP may be related to human activity.  相似文献   

In the nearshore area of northwestern Lake Victoria a thin strip of quartzarenite sand occurs which grades lakeward into silty clay consisting of quartz with subordinate amounts of K-feldspar, plagioclase, kaolinite, illite, vermiculite and organic matter. Varimax matrix determinations of the element concentrations in the lake-bottom sediments extractable by aqua regia indicate that: (1) there is a strong association of Cr, Cu, Zn and Ni; (2) there is a strong association of Fe, Mn and Co; (3) Cu and Ni show moderate to slight associations with organic matter; (4) Ca is relatively independent of the other elements. The general decrease in the pH values of the surface and bottom waters outward from the lake shore, with consistently higher values for the surface water relative to the bottom waters, results from decreasing levels of photosynthetic activity.  相似文献   

The ancient Zhuyeze Lake lies in the east Hexi corridor of Northwest China and it is the interacting belt of the East Asian summer monsoon and the westerly line. The research on paleoclimate of the lake facilitates the understanding of the processes and mechanism of climate change in Northwest China since the Last Deglaciation. Related researches of this area started in the 1960s, and the research on environment changes has become the “hotspot” during the last 10 years. This paper focuses on four sections (Qingtuhu Section, Xiqu Section, Shakengjing Section, Jiutuoliang Section) in ancient Zhuyeze Lake. Much work was done in spot investigation, section strata comparison, geophysical analyses, geochemical analyses and dependable 14C dating in order to retrieve the dry-wet history of climate changes in ancient Zhuyeze Lake since the Last Deglaciation. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the highest terminal lake level was 1313–1315 m. In Holocene, the highest lake level was 1308–1309 m occurring between 6700–5800 a B.P.. (2) After geophysical and geochemical analyses, high-resolution records of the climate change since the Last Deglaciation were revealed as follows: cold and dry during 15800–13000 a B.P.; cool and wet during 13000–9500 a B.P.; warm and dry during 9500–6700 a B.P.; warm and wet during 6700–4300 a B.P.; cool and wet during 4300–2700 a B.P.; and at last dry during 2700-0 a B.P.. __________ Translated from Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2007, 21(12): 161–169 [译自: 干旱区资源与环境]  相似文献   

This article presents a new comprehensive assessment of the Holocene hydrological variability of Lake Ladoga, northwest Russia. The reconstruction is based on oxygen isotopes of lacustrine diatom silica (δ18Odiatom) preserved in sediment core Co 1309, and is complemented by a diatom assemblage analysis and a survey of modern isotope hydrology. The data indicate that Lake Ladoga has existed as a freshwater reservoir since at least 10.8 cal. ka BP. The δ18Odiatom values range from +29.8 to +35.0‰, and relatively higher δ18Odiatom values around +34.7‰ between c. 7.1 and 5.7 cal. ka BP are considered to reflect the Holocene Thermal Maximum. A continuous depletion in δ18Odiatom since c. 6.1 cal. ka BP accelerates after c. 4 cal. ka BP, indicating Middle to Late Holocene cooling that culminates during the interval 0.8–0.2 cal. ka BP, corresponding to the Little Ice Age. Lake‐level rises result in lower δ18Odiatom values, whereas lower lake levels cause higher δ18Odiatom values. The diatom isotope record gives an indication for a rather early opening of the Neva River outflow at c. 4.4–4.0 cal. ka BP. Generally, overall high δ18Odiatom values around +33.5‰ characterize a persistent evaporative lake system throughout the Holocene. As the Lake Ladoga δ18Odiatom record is roughly in line with the 60°N summer insolation, a linkage to broader‐scale climate change is likely.  相似文献   

Bolshaya Imandra, the northern sub-basin of Lake Imandra, was investigated by a hydro-acoustic survey followed by sediment coring down to the acoustic basement. The sediment record was analysed by a combined physical, biogeochemical, sedimentological, granulometrical and micropalaeontological approach to reconstruct the regional climatic and environmental history. Chronological control was obtained by 14C dating, 137Cs, and Hg markers as well as pollen stratigraphy and revealed that the sediment succession offers the first continuous record spanning the Lateglacial and Holocene for this lake. Following the deglaciation prior to c. 13 200 cal. a BP, the lake's sub-basin initially was occupied by a glacifluvial river system, before a proglacial lake with glaciolacustrine sedimentation established. Rather mild climate, a sparse vegetation cover and successive retreat of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) from the lake catchment characterized the Bølling/Allerød interstadial, lasting until 12 710 cal. a BP. During the subsequent Younger Dryas chronozone, until 11 550 cal. a BP, climate cooling led to a decrease in vegetation cover and a re-advance of the SIS. The SIS disappeared from the catchment at the Holocene transition, but small glaciers persisted in the mountains at the eastern lake shore. During the Early Holocene, until 8400 cal. a BP, sedimentation changed from glaciolacustrine to lacustrine and rising temperatures caused the spread of thermophilous vegetation. The Middle Holocene, until 3700 cal. a BP, comprises the regional Holocene Thermal Maximum (8000–4600 cal. a BP) with relatively stable temperatures, denser vegetation cover and absence of mountain glaciers. Reoccurrence of mountain glaciers during the Late Holocene, until 30 cal. a BP, presumably results from a slight cooling and increased humidity. Since c. 30 cal. a BP Lake Imandra has been strongly influenced by human impact, originating in industrial and mining activities. Our results are in overall agreement with vegetation and climate reconstructions in the Kola region.  相似文献   

The southern slopes of Rossberg mountain, Central Switzerland, on which one of the largest historic landslides of the Alpine region was released in 1806 ad (Goldauer Bergsturz), are prone to large-scale mass wasting processes. This has led to numerous sliding events, which are well-recognizable in the modern topography but lack accurate dating. In order to provide new insights into the timing and the processes associated with past landslides as well as into the frequency of exceptional flood events, long sediment cores were retrieved from the subsurface of Lake Lauerz that lies in the pathway of these landslides and that records strong runoff events with typical flood layers. Analyses of the recovered cores display a sedimentologic succession with variable fingerprints of past landslides and flood events, depending on the coring location within the lake. The landslide signature can be calibrated using the 1806 ad event: An organic-rich peaty unit, which is found in two cores located close to the rockmass impact, points towards a sudden, gravity spreading-induced lateral displacement of the swampy plain where parts of the rock mass were accumulating. This rapid lateral mobilization of soft sediments, and not the rock masses, acted as ultimate trigger for the reported ~15 m-high impulse waves on the lake. In the more distal areas, the 1806 ad event led to the deposition of a thick, organic-rich redeposited layer. The 10 m-long core from the distal basin covers a radiocarbon-dated ~2,000 years sedimentation history and contains a highly similar event layer that was deposited in 810 ± 60 ad. This layer is most likely the product of a major historic landslide, known as Röthener Bergsturz, which, based on scarce historical reports, was commonly dated to 1222 ad. In the 2,000 years record, we identify three periods with enhanced occurrence of flood turbidites dated to 580–850 ad, 990–1420 ad, and 1630–1940 ad. Among the 54 detected flood layers, 6 probably mark exceptionally heavy rainfall events that are dated to ~610, ~1160, ~1290, ~1660, ~1850, and ~1876 ad, the latter being associated to one of the most intense rainfall events ever recorded instrumentally in the region.  相似文献   

The bulk of sedimentary material is supplied to Lake Ladoga in the form of suspension in river water. Rivers annually deliver 1.2 Mt of sedimentary material. A significant portion of clastic material in the sedimentation basin is also related to shore and bottom abrasion. Average sedimentation rate in the lake is 0.4 mm/yr for the last 10 ka. The wide grain size spectrum of lacustrine sediments is caused by textural inhomogeneity of Quaternary rocks, which are the main source of sedimentary material. Variably-grained relict sands at the depth of 12–20 m originated during a relatively low lake level. Silt, sand, and clay at 30–75 m are formed as a result of integration of the relict and newly supplied material. The sediment composition is principally defined by Cambrian–Ordovician rocks in the southern part of the lake, morainal and postglacial deposits in the eastern part, and crystalline basement rocks and their derivatives in the northern and western parts. Textural, mineral, and petrographic transformations of the surficial sediments take place under the influence of waves, induced currents, and gyres. Waves and induced currents mainly produce mature sediments, whereas gyres lead to the integration of materials supplied from different sources and the formation of petrographicaly mixed deposits. Based on the comprehensive analysis of sedimentological information, conditions of sedimentation and main features of lithodynamics are characterized. The results obtained may serve as a basis for the creation of a conceptual model of sedimentogenesis in Lake Ladoga.  相似文献   

We present a well‐dated, high‐resolution and continuous sediment record spanning the last c. 24 000 years from lake Bolshoye Shchuchye located in the Polar Ural Mountains, Arctic Russia. This is the first continuous sediment succession reaching back into the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) ever retrieved from this region. We reconstruct the glacial and climate history in the area since the LGM based on sedimentological and geochemical analysis of a 24‐m‐long sediment core. A robust chronology was established using a combination of AMS 14C‐dating, the position of the Vedde Ash and varve counting. The varved part of the sediment core spans across the LGM from 24 to 18.7 cal. ka BP. We conclude that the lake basin remained ice‐free throughout the LGM, but that mountain glaciers were present in the lake catchment. A decrease in both glacial varve preservation and sedimentation rate suggests that these glaciers started to retreat c. 18.7 cal. ka BP and had disappeared from the catchment by 14.35 cal. ka BP. There are no indications of glacier regrowth during the Younger Dryas. We infer a distinct climatic amelioration following the onset of the Holocene and an Early to Middle Holocene thermal optimum between 10–5 cal. ka BP. Our results provide a long‐awaited continuous and high‐resolution record of past climate that supplements the existing, more fragmentary data from moraines and exposed strata along river banks and coastal cliffs around the Russian Arctic.  相似文献   

The paper discusses at length the provenance and the environments of sedimentation of the Cenozoic sediments exposed in the northwestern sector of the Himalayas. The results are based on detailed sedimentological (including mineralogical, petrographical and petrochemical) investigations of more than 3,000 representative samples. It is concluded that the detritus of the Cenozoic formations was derived mainly from metamorphosed rocks exposed in the adjacent Himalayan regions. A comparatively smaller proportion of the sediments was contributed by acid plutonic, volcanic and sedimentary rocks. The detritus of the oldest unit of the Cenozoic sequence was deposited in shallow marine waters. The remaining formations represent the accumulations of nonmarine environments fluctuating in space and time.  相似文献   

The High Himalaya is a key area for tectonic, geomorphological and climate studies, because of its extreme relief and location at the transition zone between areas with abundant monsoonal precipitation and the arid/semiarid Tibetan Plateau. We present 10Be surface exposure ages on 22 boulders from the Annapurna area in Nepal. The ages improve understanding of the Late Quaternary landscape history and the geomorphological processes operating in this part of the Himalaya.Although our study is reconnaissance in nature, it highlights the importance of catastrophic events, such as landslides and debris flows, for denudation of high mountains. Holocene exposure ages for the Dhampu–Chooya landslide (~4.1 ± 0.6 ka) and for 600 m of alluviation in Kali Gandaki Valley (~2.1 ± 0.6 ka), for example, indicate the frequent occurrence and extent of catastrophic events and their implications for natural hazards. We also offer an explanation for the differences in Late Quaternary glacial chronologies at closely spaced study sites in the Nepal Himalaya. Topographically controlled and spatially variable precipitation in the Himalaya determines the sensitivity of glaciers to changes in temperature and precipitation. Accordingly, some glaciers advanced in-phase with Northern Hemisphere ice sheets, whereas others reached their maximum extent at times of increased monsoonal precipitation during Marine Isotope Stage 3 and the early Holocene.  相似文献   

Sequential core sediments from northwestern Taihu Lake in China were analyzed for grain size, organic carbon and heavy metal content. The sediments are composed of organic-poor clayey-fine silts. The chemical speciations of Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn were also analyzed using the BCR sequential extraction procedure. Cu, Fe, Ni, and Zn are mainly associated with the residue fraction; Mn is concentrated mainly in exchangeable/carbonate fraction and residue fraction; and Pb mainly in Fe/Mn oxide fraction and organic/sulfide fraction. The exchangeable/carbonate fractions of Cu, Fe, Ni, Zn and Pb are lower. The fractions of Ni, Pb and Zn bound to the Fe/Mn oxide have significant correlations with reducible Mn; the organic/sulfide fractions of Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn have significant correlations with TOC. The extractable fractions of Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn are high at the top 4 cm of the core sediments as compared to those in the deeper layers, showing the anthropogenic input of heavy metals is due to rapid industrial development. The heavy metal pollution history of the sediments has been recorded since the late 1970s, determined by the result of ^137Cs dating.  相似文献   

Rock associations in fluvioglacial deltas reflect climatic cyclicity. Climatic cycles determined the accumulation of sediments in the association of hydrodynamic, debris, and turbidity flows. Hydrodynamic flows formed successively the near-summit part of the delta (pebble and boulder) and its frontal slope in the course of accumulation of the pebble, sand-pebble or sandy and, less common pebble-boulder layers inclined toward the basin. Decrease in energy of flows in the basin resulted in successive reduction of particle grain-size along these layers and toward distal areas of the delta during its formation. The formation of the deltaic frontal slope was followed by the initiation of debris and turbidity flows. They spread along the floor of marine and freshwater basins and deposited successively gravel material, different-size sands, and varved clay. In the study region, sediments of the association under consideration include sand and sand-gravel deposits (up to 40% of total reserves in the Murmansk region) and almost all known brick clay deposits.  相似文献   

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