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全新世古洪水研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
史兴民 《水文》2007,27(3):24-28
尽管古洪水的研究最多只有50年左右的历史,但是利用全新世古洪水研究来补充洪水频率计算的资料,对预测洪水发生的可能性和严重程度具有重要的意义,所以古洪水的研究发展比较迅速。本文从古洪水事件的判别、古洪水平流沉积物的特点、古洪水的水文计算等方面阐述了全新世古洪水的研究进展。古洪水研究虽然取得了很大进展,但是仍然存在以下问题:研究区域主要集中在长江、黄河流域的部分地区,所以研究区域需要进一步扩展;研究分辨率有待提高;洪水事件与气候变化的关系研究的较少;对洪水事件的成因关注的不多;对一个流域内古洪水序列的全面建立还存在困难。  相似文献   

渭河咸阳段全新世古洪水事件光释光测年研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
古洪水水文学研究是全球气候变化研究的前沿课题,确定古洪水事件的年代是古洪水研究的重要内容之一。对渭河流域进行深入的野外考察,在中游咸阳段阶地发现全新世黄土-古土壤层里夹有古洪水滞流沉积层,表明该地层记录了古洪水事件发生的信息。在该剖面采集光释光样品,分离提取40~63 μm石英颗粒成分,应用单片再生剂量法(SAR)进行红外后蓝光(Post-IR OSL)释光测量,获得了9个OSL年龄值。结果表明由古洪水滞流沉积层记录的特大古洪水事件发生在3 200~2 800 a B.P.之间。结合沉积样品系列的磁化率和粒度成分等气候替代性指标分析,揭示了在全新世中期向晚期转折过渡时期,渭河流域处于气候向干旱化发展的转型期,气候变化剧烈,大气系统不稳定,降水变率增大等,是导致特大洪水多发的主要原因。这也是渭河流域气候水文系统对于全球性气候恶化响应的结果。  相似文献   

关中西部漳水河全新世古洪水平流沉积地层研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在淖水河谷多个地点发现全新世古洪水平流沉积层赋存于黄土-古土壤剖面中.在杨凌河段的典型地点系统采样,通过磁化率、烧失量、碳酸钙和粒度分析,揭示了古洪水平流沉积物的基本特征,明确了其与风成黄土和古土壤之间的主要区别.通过地层对比及对平流沉积层上下的文化层考古学断代,并且结合与主流漆水河古洪水的时代对比,确定了湋水河谷两期洪水发生在4 500-4 100aB.P.,相当于龙山文化的晚期,对应我国夏代之前的特大洪水.该研究对于湋水河古洪水水位和流量的恢复有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

黄河上游靖远-景泰段全新世古洪水水文学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对黄河上游靖远景泰段峡谷进行系统野外考察,在靖远县金坪村(JPC)发现典型的全新世古洪水滞流沉积物。通过光释光(OSL)测年和与黄河吉县段FJJ剖面进行地层对比,确定这期特大古洪水事件发生在 3 200~3 000 a B.P.,即全新世中期晚期气候恶化转折阶段,对应着我国历史上商末至西周早期。采用古洪水水文学方法恢复古洪水洪峰水位,并且采用比降-面积法计算这一期多次古洪水事件的洪峰流量为 16 110~17 740 m3/s。同时,根据野外调查获得 2012年7月31日黄河上游大洪水的洪痕高程,采用相同参数和方法恢复其洪峰流量,误差仅有 2.7%,表明在该河段对于古洪水水文恢复计算参数选取和计算结果是可靠的。  相似文献   

渭河中游全新世黄土剖面光释光测年及记录的古洪水事件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对渭河流域进行广泛的考察,在中游咸阳附近一处阶地发现保存完好的全新世黄土-古土壤剖面里夹有古洪水滞流沉积层,对其进行了年代学和沉积学研究。对于采集的全新世地层样品,进行粒度、磁化率测量分析,证明所夹沉积物是典型的古洪水滞流沉积物,该层记录了古洪水事件发生的气候水文信息。应用红外后蓝光的SAR光释光测年技术,获得该剖面9个OSL年龄值,确定渭河在距今3.2~2.8ka之间为一个洪水多发时期,并建立了渭河古洪水事件的年代序列。这一结果揭示了古洪水的频发与全新世中期向晚期过渡的转折时期,气候由温湿向干旱化发展,大气系统失稳,气候变化剧烈,降水量异常变化,变率增大,是导致渭河流域特大古洪水多发的主要原因。  相似文献   

通过对汉江上游详尽的野外考察,在湖北郧县晏家棚河段全新世黄土—古土壤地层中发现3层典型古洪水滞流沉积物。在沉积学的基础上,使用OSL技术断代,确定3期特大洪水事件分别在1 000~900 a BP,1 800~1 600 a BP和3 200~2 800 a BP期间发生。采用"古洪水SWD尖灭点高程法"确定这3期古洪水事件的洪峰水位介于176.20~176.73 m。运用Arc GIS耦合HEC-RAS水力模型,推求这3期古洪水事件的洪峰流量介于53 770~55 950 m3/s,并从多种角度验证了该模型计算结果的科学性和合理性。将此结果与实测洪水和历史洪水资料接续,构成万年尺度洪水水文数据序列,得到汉江上游晏家棚河段万年一遇和千年一遇洪水的流量分别为59 100和45 200m3/s。采用HEC-RAS模型对研究河段进行古洪水模拟,方法科学,结果可靠。将该河段洪水水文数据序列有效地延长到万年尺度,极大地提高了设计洪水的可靠性。  相似文献   


白洋淀是华北平原最大的淡水湖泊,是研究全新世气候变化的理想区域。文章选择白洋淀东垒头剖面(厚382 cm),在8个AMS-14C测年数据基础上,通过对其189个样品的地球化学元素、粒度和磁化率等指标分析,高分辨率地揭示了白洋淀地区全新世气候变化过程。研究结果显示:1)11335~10300 cal.a B.P.期间,CaO/MgO比值(多高于4.8)、(CaO+K2O+Na2O)/Al2O3比值(多高于1.3)、CaCO3含量(多高于12%)和中值粒径(多高于15 μm)均为整个剖面最大值,干旱指数(平均约为0.019)为剖面次高值,CIA值(多低于45)、Ti含量(多低于0.38%)和低频磁化率值(多低于10×10-8 m3/kg)为整个剖面的最低值,指示气候冷干,受新仙女木事件影响较大;2)10300~8500 cal.a B.P.期间,CaO/MgO比值、(CaO+K2O+Na2O)/Al2O3比值、干旱指数和中值粒径明显下降,CIA值、Ti含量、低频磁化率值均不同程度上升,指示气候向暖湿发展;3)8500~6000 cal.a B.P.期间,气候总体温暖湿润,干旱指数(平均达0.014)为剖面的最小值,CIA值和Ti含量较高,CaO/MgO比值、(CaO+K2O+Na2O)/Al2O3比值较低;但该阶段所有指标波动剧烈,8200 cal.a B.P.和6800 cal.a B.P.左右CaO/MgO比值、(CaO+K2O+Na2O)/Al2O3比值、干旱指数、CaCO3含量出现高峰值,CIA值和Ti含量出现低峰值,指示2次明显冷干事件;4)6000~4200 cal.a B.P.期间,CaCO3含量最低,但干旱指数较高,CaO/MgO比值、(CaO+K2O+Na2O)/Al2O3比值均有不同程度上升,指示气候湿润度有所下降;其中4500 cal.a B.P.为一次明显冷干事件,干旱指数呈现高峰值;5)4200~1035 cal.a B.P.期间,砂含量(多低于2%)、中值粒径(多低于10 μm)为剖面最小值;干旱指数、CaO/MgO比值、(CaO+K2O+Na2O)/Al2O3比值、CaCO3含量明显升高,指示气候向着凉干方向发展;干旱指数在2800 cal.a B.P.呈现高峰值,指示一次明显冷干事件,同时,该时段受人类活动影响,低频磁化率值(多高于20×10-8 m3/kg)明显高于其他时段。


苏州东南部全新世沉积特征及海侵   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杜建国 《江苏地质》1997,21(1):36-42
苏州东南部隶属太湖沉积区,该区全新世的沉积环境尤其是海侵问题,前人曾作过研究,存在一定的争议,根据对苏州东南部分地区的实际资料及前人资料的研究,对苏州东南全新世时的沉积特征及海侵发生时间,范围等问题提出了看法。  相似文献   

古洪水事件对中国古代文明的演变进程产生过重大影响,古洪水水文学研究是全球变化研究的前沿课题.通过野外深入考察,在汉江上游河谷阶地上,发现典型的全新世剖面中赋存古洪水滞流沉积层,记录了古洪水事件的气候水文信息.选择三个剖面系统采样,应用SAR法的Post-IR OSL技术对样品进行测年研究,获得了14个OSL年龄数据.结合样品的粒度成分和磁化率等气候替代指标测定分析,获得了全新世洪水事件与气候变化关系的记录.证明在距今9.5~8.5 ka和3.2~2.8 ka前,汉江上游经历了2个特大洪水期.该流域黄土—古土壤剖面记录了全新世早期气温回升增湿的气候,由于大气波动失稳,出现了9~8 ka前的全球降温事件;中期土壤成壤强烈,记录了温暖湿润的气候;晚期形成的现代黄土和表土层,记录了相对干旱的气候.由此揭示了在全新世早期气候波动失稳和中期向晚期过渡的气候转折时期,气候变化剧烈,降水变率增大,是导致特大古洪水事件频发的主要原因,这也是该区域气候水文事件对全球气候变化响应规律的具体表现.  相似文献   

渭河宝鸡峡全新世特大洪水水文学研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
通过深入的考察,在渭河宝鸡峡河段发现典型的全新世古洪水滞流沉积地层剖面,并进行了古洪水沉积学和水文学研究。对于采集的序列样品,进行粒度成分、磁化率、烧失量、CaCO3含量等分析,从沉积学角度证明了剖面上覆盖在古土壤S0顶部的沉积物为典型的古洪水滞流沉积层。根据其地层结构及其与流域内其他剖面的对比,结合其所含古文化层考古学年代和OSL断代数据等,确定渭河上游在3200~3000aB.P.发生了3次特大洪水事件。利用古水文学原理恢复其水位,并且利用水位-流量关系模型,计算出古洪水洪峰流量为22560~25960m3/s。 这个结果大大延长了洪水水文数据序列,从而能够建立渭河万年尺度洪水流量-频率关系,对于防洪减灾、水能源和水资源开发具有重要的应用价值。该成果揭示出万年尺度大暴雨洪水与气候变化的关系,丰富了全球变化的区域响应理论。  相似文献   

田晓四  朱诚  尹茜  孙智彬 《沉积学报》2007,25(2):261-266
通过对三峡库区中坝遗址1981年洪水沉积和疑似古洪水沉积的粒度对比分析,发现它们的平均粒径、分选系数、偏度、峰度和众值粒径都在同一值域范围内;频率分布曲线相似,呈单峰态;概率累积曲线都呈明显的三段式。从而推断出中坝遗址的文化间隙层为古洪水沉积。在考古断代和AMS14C测年基础上,对洪水沉积环境研究发现,中坝遗址洪水沉积大多发生在我国的暖期,但周朝和宋代的洪水沉积发生在我国冷期,这与我国气候小循环和当地独特的地貌特征有关。清代以后,沉积物平均粒径明显变大,表明当地植被已经退化;沉积物平均粒径和峰度变化幅度大,说明人类活动使当地生态系统变得脆弱,气候多变。  相似文献   

河北白洋淀全新统沉积特征与地层划分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对河北白洋淀老河头剖面全新世沉积物岩性特征、地层层序、粒度组成及微体古生物组合等进行综合研究,重建了白洋淀全新世以来的环境演变过程。全新世以来白洋淀沉积特征所反映的气候环境特征表现为早期开始出现湖沼相沉积,气候寒冷偏湿;中期湖泊沉积发育,气候温暖湿润;晚期湖泊退缩,以河流-沼泽相沉积为主,气候向凉干转变。综合沉积特征、环境演变阶段与加速器质谱(AMS)14C测年资料对白洋淀全新统沉积序列进行系统分析,并将全新统划分为三段:下全新统(11000—8500 a)以灰黄色粉砂质粘土、粉砂为主,夹黑色粘土,冲积-湖沼相沉积发育;中全新统(8500—3200 a)为灰黑色粘土夹粘土质粉砂,湖沼相沉积发育;上全新统(3200 a~)以黄色、褐黄色粉细砂、粘土质粉砂为主,冲积-沼泽相沉积发育。白洋淀全新统中段含有黑色粘土沉积和大量微体与腹足、双壳类等古生物化石,为华北地区全新世地层的划分及区域对比提供了依据。  相似文献   

通过对冲绳海槽北部沉积物柱状样S9进行AMS 14C 测年和粒度分析,获取了全新世以来高分辨率的古环境演化记录.结果显示,千年尺度上,S9柱粒度组成呈现明显的两段式变化特征:10.5~8.0ka B.P.,平均粒径逐渐变粗并达到最高值,粉砂含量逐渐增加并达到最高值; 8.0~1.0ka B.P.,沉积物平均粒径呈现递减的趋势,粘土含量相对增加.S9柱粒度千年尺度上变化与区域海平面变化密切相关,显示了海平面对区域物质输运的控制作用.7.5ka B.P. 以来,海平面趋于稳定,粒度特征呈现出百年尺度上波动.S9柱粒度变化参数与源区指示季风降雨量石笋记录的 δ18O具有良好的相关性,7.5ka B.P. 以来持续减小的平均粒径对应持续减弱的区域夏季风降雨.此外,S9柱记录了约8.2ka B.P.,6.5ka B.P.,4.2ka B.P. 以及3.8ka B.P. 等多期粒度显著变细的百年尺度的气候事件,对应了区域季风降雨的减少时期.S9柱粒度组成信息揭示了全新世以来区域海平面变化及季风降雨的强弱对冲绳海槽沉积物组成的影响,同时也为利用海洋沉积物来重建区域季风降雨提供了有力的手段.  相似文献   

Cumulative probability functions (CPFs) for large numbers of radiocarbon age determinations are increasingly being used by scientists as a methodology to discern environmental histories. While the recent compilation of regional databases of the radiocarbon dating control for fluvial sediment sequences has been beneficial for identifying gaps in knowledge and stimulating new research, there are a number of problems that critically undermine the use of these CPFs as sensitive hydroclimatic proxies. (i) The CPF method is underpinned by the assumption that each radiocarbon measurement is a true age estimate for a point in time, whereas each measured age in fact forms a scatter around the true age of the sample; (ii) calibration of radiocarbon ages is responsible for much of the structure in CPFs and compounds the problem of scatter and smears the chronological control; (iii) the databases incorporate multiple types of environmental changes differing chronological relationships between the 14C measurements and the dated events, with pre‐dating, dating or post‐dating chronological control each displaying variable length temporal lags all mixed together in the same analysis; and (iv) the radiocarbon ages from individual case studies need to be more robustly tested before being incorporated into regional databases. All these factors negate the value of CPFs as sensitive proxies of environmental change, because peaks in probability for individual radiocarbon measurements are likely to be an incorrect estimate for the age of a geomorphological event and this problem is compounded by combining probabilities for multiple unrelated events. In this paper we present a critical analysis of CPFs and their interpretation before suggesting alternative approaches to analysing radiocarbon geochronologies of geomorphic events, which include: (i) Bayesian age modelling of river terrace development; (ii) developing regional databases that test specific geomorphic hypotheses; (iii) Bayesian age modelling of palaeoflood records; and (iv) analysis of sedimentation rates. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

文章对内蒙古中部辉腾锡勒湖相沉积剖面及好鲁库风成砂-古土壤剖面全新世地层的沉积特征及~(14)C、OSL测年结果进行了综合论述,根据岩性特征及测年结果确定了全新统的底界。对内蒙古中部全新统沉积序列进行了系统分析,并将其划分为3段:全新统下部(开始于12.5~11.4 ka,结束于8.2~7.0 ka)辉腾锡勒为灰黑色黏土、粉砂质黏土,沉积特征指示由冲积相转变为湖相沉积,湖面开始上升;好鲁库沙丘主要为中粗砂,为风成砂堆积。全新统中部(开始于8.2~7.0 ka,结束于4.5~2.3 ka)辉腾锡勒为灰褐色粉砂质黏土,富含有机质及双壳和螺类化石,为典型湖泊相发育阶段;好鲁库沙丘发育黑色砂质古土壤,气候温暖湿润。全新统上部(开始于4.5~2.3 ka)辉腾锡勒为黏土质粉砂,含植物碎屑,为湖滨相沉积,指示湖泊开始退缩;好鲁库沙丘为灰黄色中粗砂,沙丘重新活化,气候干旱。  相似文献   

The influence of the North Atlantic on the margins of Europe means the region is particularly sensitive to changes in the ocean–atmospheric system. During the Last Glacial–Interglacial Transition (16–8 cal ka bp ) this system was repeatedly disrupted, leading to a series of abrupt and short-lived shifts in climate. Despite much research, the number and magnitude of these ‘centennial-scale’ events is not well understood. To address this, we expand upon investigations at Quoyloo Meadow, Orkney, Scotland, one of the best chronologically constrained palaeoclimate records in northern Britain. By coupling stable isotope and chironomid fossil analyses with existing data, this study identifies multiple phases of centennial-scale disturbance at: c. 14.0, 11.1, 10.8, 10.5, 10.45 and 10.3 cal ka bp , with the events at 14.0 and 10.3 exhibiting a particularly pronounced cold-climate signature. During the Holocene, the strongest response to climate forcing was at c. 10.3–10.0 cal ka bp , expressed as a two-stage drop in mean July temperatures, a shift in pollen spectra indicative of ‘less-stable’ climatic regimes, and a depletion in δ18O values. We interpret this as the first reliably dated incidence of the ‘10.3-ka event’ in the British Isles and consider the wider impact of this climatic reversal in other Holocene records.  相似文献   

Predominantly laminated lake sediments from a saline closed‐basin lake on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau were investigated using a multi‐proxy approach (14C‐accelerator mass spectrometry dating, smear‐slide analysis, loss on ignition, grain size, X‐ray diffraction, elemental concentration, ostracod assemblages, stable isotopes of ostracod shells) to trace the regional environmental and climatic history in the Lateglacial and Holocene. Before about 15 cal. ka BP, small saline water bodies probably filled the basin under unstable cold and harsh environmental conditions. Soon after about 14.9 cal. ka BP, a relatively deep saline lake was established, probably as a result of runoff from melting snow, ice and frozen ground in the lake's catchment. Large changes in flux of aeolian material to the lake were recorded during this initial period of formation of Lake Kuhai. Highest lake levels, a low sediment accumulation rate and less saline conditions were maintained between about 12.8 and 7.1 cal. ka BP when the aeolian influx diminished significantly. After about 7.1 cal. ka BP, the aeolian influx remained at a moderate level apart from a strongly increased dust delivery to the lake between about 6.1 and 5.4 cal. ka BP and a minor short‐lived period of slightly enhanced aeolian influx at about 2.7 cal. ka BP. The strongly enhanced dust input to the lake between 6.1 and 5.4 cal. ka BP represented the largest influx of aeolian material to Lake Kuhai during the entire Holocene. However, evidence for climatic deterioration during this period is not seen at most other palaeoclimate sites on the Tibetan Plateau, but instead a significant increase in aridity has been recorded at numerous sites in the northern foreland of the Tibetan Plateau and on the Chinese Loess Plateau. The large dust input to Lake Kuhai between 6.1 and 5.4 cal. ka BP probably did not result from a severe climate deterioration on the Tibetan Plateau itself, but from the pronounced aridity in its northern and eastern foreland. In contrast, the increase in dust influx about 2.7 cal. ka BP seems to correspond to a brief warming spell recorded at other sites on the Tibetan Plateau too. A slight increase in lake level and decrease in salinity after about 0.6 cal. ka BP suggests a slightly higher effective moisture during the final lake stage, accompanied by a somewhat larger dust influx. This apparent contradiction possibly results from enhanced human activities on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau during the last 600 years. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Field stratigraphy, sedimentology and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating have been used to reconstruct the southwest monsoon variability in the semi‐arid region of southern India during the late Holocene. Facies architecture and OSL dating of the water‐lain sediment suggest prevalence of a weak hydrological regime around 3 ka. Following this, a progressive strengthening of monsoon occurred till 2 ka. After 2 ka and until 1 ka fluvial activity was nearly dormant, indicating weakening of the monsoon. Presence of high‐magnitude flood deposits, overbank sedimentation and pedogenesis during 1–0.6 ka indicate intensification of the southwest monsoon in the basin. The onset of aridity was associated with episodic storm surge events that are manifested in the pond sedimentation and localised aeolian accretion. This phase is bracketed between 0.5 ka and 0.2 ka. A renewed phase of monsoonal activity was observed in the form of floodplain aggradation between 180 and 90 years ago. In the past 70 years no significant change in the monsoon performance has been observed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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