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The mechanism and process of lithospheric thinning beneath the North China Craton (NCC) are still debated. A key criterion in distinguishing among the proposed mechanisms is whether associated continental basalts were derived from the thinning lithospheric mantle or upwelling asthenosphere. Herein, we investigate the possible mechanisms of lithospheric thinning based on a systematic Re–Os isotopic study of Mesozoic to Cenozoic basalts from the NCC. Our whole-rock Re–Os isotopic results indicate that the Mesozoic basalts generally have high Re and Os concentrations that vary widely from 97.2 to 839.4 ppt and 74.4 to 519.6 ppt, respectively. They have high initial 187Os/188Os ratios ranging from 0.1513 to 0.3805, with corresponding variable γOs(t) values (+20 to +202). In contrast, the Re–Os concentrations and radiogenic Os isotope compositions of the Cenozoic basalts are typically lower than those of the Mesozoic basalts. The lowest initial 187Os/188Os ratios of the Cenozoic basalts are 0.1465 and 0.1479, with corresponding γOs(t) values of +15 and +16, which are within the range of ocean island basalts. These new Re–Os isotopic results, combined with the findings of previous studies, indicate that the Mesozoic basalts were a hybrid product of the melting of pyroxenite and peridotite in ancient lithospheric mantle beneath the NCC. The Cenozoic basalts were derived mainly from upwelling asthenosphere mixed with small amounts of lithospheric materials. The marked differences in geochemistry between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic basalts suggest a greatly reduced involvement of lithospheric mantle as the magma source from the Mesozoic to the Cenozoic. The subsequent lithospheric thinning of the NCC and replacement by upwelling asthenospheric mantle resulted in a change to asthenosphere-derived Cenozoic basalts.  相似文献   

The retreat of the Tethys Sea and the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau play the critical roles in driving Asian climatic changes during the Cenozoic. In the Pamir–Tien Shan convergence zone, over 3000 m of Cenozoic successions, consisting of marine deposits in the lower, continental clay and fine sand in the middle, and molasse in the upper part, record the evolution of the Tethys Sea, the Asian aridification, and the deformation of the Pamir. In this work, the existing biostratigraphic subdivisions and new electronic spinning resonance dating results were used to assign ages to formations within the Ulugqat section. Sedimentary facies analysis and multi-proxy indices were used to reconstruct the paleo-environmental evolution. The results show: (1) the Pamir–Tien Shan convergence zone has undergone progressive environmental changes from shallow marine before ∼34 Ma to arid land at ∼23 Ma and finally to inter-mountain basin by ∼5.3 Ma; (2) the overall increase in mean size of grains, decrease in redness, in magnetic susceptibility, and in proportion of the ultrafine component of the sediments studied revealed a long-term strengthening in potential energy to transporting medium, cooling, and enhanced continental aridity, respectively; (3) the easternmost edge of the Tethys Sea prevailed in the western Tarim Basin from late Cretaceous to early Cenozoic, and finally retreated from this region around the Eocene–Oligocene transition, which in turn strengthened the Asian aridification; (4) accumulation of molasse with an upper age of ∼1 Ma suggests that the deformation front of the Pamir migrated to this area at or before that time.  相似文献   

The deformation history of the Late Palaeozoic Ural–Tian Shan junction is discussed for the example of the Karatau ridge in southern Kazakhstan. Three deformation events are recognized. The Late Carboniferous D1 event is characterized by Laramide-style thrust-and-fold structures on the southern margin of Kazakhstan with shortening in a NE–SW direction. The Latest Permian and Triassic D2 event is controlled by compression in an east–west direction, which reflects collisional deformation in the Urals. The main structures are submeridional folds and north–west-striking sinistral strike–slip faults. The Triassic D3 event with shortening in a north–south direction reflects collision of the Turan microcontinent against the southern margin of Kazakhstan. The main structures are north–west-striking dextral strike–slip faults. Our new data provides important clues for the reconstruction of pre-Cretaceous structures between the Urals and the Tian Shan.  相似文献   

The Karatau–Talas–Ferghana Fault (KTF) extending for 1500 km from Turgai to western Tarim is one of the world’s largest intracontinental strike-slip faults. This paper overviews the evolution of the KTF, providing insight into its relatively poorly studied northern segment in the Karatau Range and Turgai, known as the Main Karatau Fault (MKF). The right-lateral strike-slip along the KTF developed during three stages in the late Permian–Triassic, Early–Middle Jurassic, and late Cenozoic. The total strike-slip decreases northward from 200 km in the Ferghana Range to 100 km in the Karatau Range and decreases to zero in southern Turgai. Kinematic analysis of Jurassic grabens compensating the strike-slip in southern Turgai shows that strike slip along the KTF in the Jurassic, previously regarded as insignificant, actually measures tens of kilometers and 50% of the total strike slip in the northern segment of this fault.  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of available petrological, geochonological and geochemical data for late Mesozoic to Recent igneous rocks in the South China Sea (SCS) and adjacent regions and a discussion of their petrogeneses and tectonic implications. The integration of these data with available geophysical and other geologic information led to the following tectono-magmatic model for the evolution of the SCS region. The geochemical characteristics of late Mesozoic granitic rocks in the Pearl River Mouth Basin (PRMB), micro-blocks in the SCS, the offshore continental shelf and Dalat zone in southern Vietnam, and the Schwaner Mountains in West Kalimantan, Borneo indicate that these are mainly I-type granites plus a small amount of S-type granites in the PRMB. These granitoids were formed in a continental arc tectonic setting, consistent with the ideas proposed by Holloway (1982) and Taylor and Hayes, 1980, Taylor and Hayes, 1983, that there existed an Andean-type volcanic arc during later Mesozoic era in the SCS region. The geochonological and geochemical characteristics of the volcanics indicate an early period of bimodal volcanism (60–43 Ma or 32 Ma) at the northern margin of the SCS, followed by a period of relatively passive style volcanism during Cenozoic seafloor spreading (37 or 30–16 Ma) within the SCS, and post-spreading volcanism (tholeiitic series at 17–8 Ma, followed by alkali series from 8 Ma to present) in the entire SCS region. The geodynamic setting of the earlier volcanics was an extensional regime, which resulted from the collision between India and Eurasian plates since the earliest Cenozoic, and that of the post-spreading volcanics may be related to mantle plume magmatism in Hainan Island. In addition, the nascent Hainan plume may have played a significant role in the extension along the northern margin and seafloor spreading in the SCS.  相似文献   

The western Qinling region of central China is situated centrally in the Kunlun, Qilian, Qinling, Longmenshan, and Songpan–Ganzi orogens. Late Palaeozoic and Early Mesozoic sediments deposited here may provide keys to understanding the tectonic evolution of the Palaeo-Tethys and collision of the North China and Yangtze Cratons. We conducted in situ U–Pb and Lu–Hf isotope analyses of 568 detrital zircons collected from Upper Palaeozoic to Mesozoic sandstones in the central Qinling block, Taohe depression, and Bailongjiang block in western Qinling to constrain the sources of these sandstones. Our results reveal that the Bailongjiang block has affinities with the Yangtze Craton, from which it may have been rifted. Therefore, the Palaeo-Tethyan Animaqen suture between the two cratons lies north of the Bailongjiang block. We identified the North China Craton as the main source for Triassic flysch in central China. It is possible that the Bailongjiang block could have blocked detritus shed from the North China Craton into the main depositional basins in the SongpanGanzi area. The dominance of 300–200 Ma detrital zircons of metamorphic origin in Lower Jurassic sandstones indicates that the Dabie–Qinling orogen was elevated during Early Jurassic time. In addition, our Lu–Hf isotopic results also reveal that Phanerozoic igneous rocks in central China were mostly products of crustal reworking with insignificant formation of juvenile crust.  相似文献   

The South Tian Shan, which is located along the southwestern margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, is widely accepted as a collisional orogen between the Kazakhstan-Yili Block in the north and the Tarim Craton in the south, and the collision is thought to have occurred in either Late Paleozoic or Triassic. Regardless of the timing of the collision, the major magmatic events in the South Tian Shan Orogen should be related to subduction, collision and post-collision. We investigate this problem through U–Pb age of detrital zircons from the eastward-flowing Tekes River and its southern branches flowing through the northern slope of the Chinese South Tian Shan. A total of 500 analyses on 494 zircon grains from five sand samples yield an age range of 2590 to 268 Ma, but they are dominated by Paleozoic magmatic zircon grains, with some Precambrian population, but no Mesozoic and Cenozoic grains were detected. One of the samples from the Tekes River contains zircon grains from the Chinese South Tian Shan and other areas because the river receives its discharge from multiple sources. The other four samples were collected from four branches originating from the Chinese South Tian Shan only. From west to east, the sample from the Kayintemuzhate River shows two peak ages of 475 and 345 Ma, sample from the Muzhaerte (also called Xiate) River has peak ages of 422 and 290 Ma, sample from the Akeyazi River is characterized by a single peak age of 421 Ma, and sample from the Kekesu River shows a more complicated spectra with peak ages of 426, 398, 362, 327, and 285 Ma. When pooled together, the four samples yield four distinct age populations of 500–460, 450–390, 360–320, and 300–270 Ma, indicating the major magmatic events in the Chinese South Tian Shan. These results, combined with regional data, show an absence of Mesozoic magmatic events in the drainage areas of the Tekes River, and thus the South Tian Shan does not seem to be a Triassic orogen because of the lack of syn-collisional and post-collisional magmatism. The 300–270 magmatic event is thought to post-date the closure of the South Tian Shan Ocean, while the 360–320 and 450–390 Ma events were closely related to the northward subduction of the South Tian Shan Ocean. Our results strongly suggest a Late Carboniferous (320–300 Ma) collision between the Kazakhstan-Yili Block and the Tarim Craton. Possibly, the 500–460 Ma magmatism was related to subduction and closure of the Early Paleozoic Terskey Ocean.  相似文献   

We have conducted a paleomagnetic investigation on the Middle–Upper Jurassic marine strata exposed in the hanging wall of the Tanggula Thrust system near the Yanshiping area, northern Tibet. Progressive demagnetization experiments successfully isolated stable magnetization over a broad spectrum of demagnetization temperatures. The mean direction of the characteristic remanent magnetizations for the Middle–Late Jurassic Yanshiping Group in stratigraphic coordinates (D/I (Declination/Inclination) = 5.6°/60.3°, k = 22.9, α95 = 12.9°, N = 7 s) is much more clustered than the mean direction in geographic coordinates (D/I = 345.5°/37.2°, k = 2.5, α95 = 48.4°), indicating magnetization was not acquired after folding. Although the conventional fold test is positive, incremental untilting test on the characteristic remanent magnetization reveals that a maximum value of precision parameter k occurs at 82.1 ± 4.6% untilting (D/I = 3.3°/57.8°, k = 43.9, α95 = 9.2°), which indicates the ChRMs are probably acquired during Late Cretaceous folding. This synfolding magnetization component is therefore secondary. The corresponding pole position (84.4°N, 119.4°E with dp/dm = 13.5/9.9°) is inconsistent with Jurassic–Early Cretaceous paleopoles of the region, but the paleolatitude is consistent with the Late Cretaceous paleolatitude observed in the Qiangtang terrane and its periphery. The synfolding component is carried by both magnetite and hematite, which were identified by isothermal remnant magnetization acquisition experiments, unblocking temperatures of stable magnetic components, and Curie temperature determination and correlated with observed hydrothermal veins. Available geological evidences indicate that the synfolding magnetization is probably the result of chemical remagnetization caused by orogenic fluids or hydrothermal sources during the early uplift of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

The coastal Changle-Nan’ao tectonic zone of SE China contains important geological records of the Late Mesozoic orogeny and post-orogenic extension in this part of the Asian continent. The folded and metamorphosed T3–J1 sedimentary rocks are unconformably overlain by Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks or occur as amphibolite facies enclaves in late Jurassic to early Cretaceous gneissic granites. Moreover, all the metamorphic and/or deformed rocks are intruded by Cretaceous fine-grained granitic plutons or dykes. In order to understand the orogenic development, we undertook a comprehensive zircon U–Pb geochronology on a variety of rock types, including paragneiss, migmatitic gneiss, gneissic granite, leucogranite, and fine-grained granitoids. Zircon U–Pb dating on gneissic granites, migmatitic gneisses, and leucogranite dyke yielded a similar age range of 147–135 Ma. Meanwhile, protoliths of some gneissic granites and migmatitic gneisses are found to be late Jurassic magmatic rocks (ca. 165–150 Ma). The little deformed and unmetamorphosed Cretaceous plutons or dykes were dated at 132–117 Ma. These new age data indicate that the orogeny lasted from late Jurassic (ca. 165 Ma) to early Cretaceous (ca. 135 Ma). The tectonic transition from the syn-kinematic magmatism and migmatization (147–136 Ma) to the post-kinematic plutonism (132–117 Ma) occurred at 136–132 Ma.  相似文献   

U–Pb dating and oxygen and Lu–Hf isotope analyses are applied to ~ 400 detrital zircon grains from the Neoproterozoic–Cambrian Kahar, Bayandor and Zaigun sandstones. The results reveal the evolutionary history of the Central Iranian continental crust in the northern margin of Gondwana during the Neoproterozoic–Cambrian. The U–Pb dating produces major peaks of crystallization ages at 0.5–0.7 Ga and minor peaks around the Tonian, Paleoproterozoic and Neoarchean. The zircon population in the Zaigun sandstone is dominated by long-transported grains and exhibits slightly different zircon distribution patterns than those from the older Kahar and Bayandor units. The zircon population ages and Hf isotopes of the Zaigun sample are very similar to the Neoproterozoic–Early Palaeozoic siliciclastic units in the Arabian Nubian shield (ANS) and Turkey, which suggests the late to post–Pan-African unroofing of the Afro–Arabia realm as the main process for detritus accumulation in Central Iran during the early Palaeozoic. A significant proportion of the Tonian-aged zircons (~ 64%) in the Kahar and Bayandor samples show positive εHf(t) values, whereas those with late Cryogenian–Ediacaran ages have high δ18O and variable εHf(t) values (~− 30‰ to + 17‰), suggesting that the crustal evolution of provenance of the Tonian-aged zircons commenced in an island arc setting and continued in an active continental margin. All the samples contain pre-Neoproterozoic zircons that are ca 1.9–2.3 Ga or 2.5–3.2 Ga, which are much older than the known Neoproterozoic igneous rocks in Iran and are more consistent with pre-Neoproterozoic igneous-metamorphic rocks in the eastern ANS and northern Africa. These ages support the eastern sector of the Afro–Arabia margin as a provenance for the detrital zircons in the oldest sedimentary sequences of Iran during the late Neoproterozoic–Cambrian. The Hf model ages of zircons with mantle-like δ18O values suggest that a significant amount of continental crust in the provenance of the detrital zircons was generated at around 1.0–2.0 and 3.0–3.5 Ga, likely by mantle-derived mafic magmas, and subsequently reworked during crustal differentiation into younger, more felsic crust with varying crustal residence times.  相似文献   

The nature of the lower crust and tectonic setting of the Chinese Altai in the early to middle Paleozoic are still hotly debated. Decoupling between zircon Hf and whole-rock Nd isotopic systems for granites results in different interpretations for the above issues. In order to solve the problem, whole-rock Nd–Hf isotopic analyses were conducted on representative early to middle Paleozoic I-type granite and strongly peraluminous granites and rhyolites from the Chinese Altai. The I-type granites show metaluminous to weakly peraluminous feature and have εNd(t) values ranging from − 2.2 to + 0.8 and εHf(t) from + 3.9 to + 12.9, respectively. The strongly peraluminous granites and rhyolites have similar εNd(t) and εHf(t) values ranging from − 3.0 to + 1.7 and from + 2.1 to + 10.4, respectively. All samples plot above the Terrestrial Array on Nd–Hf isotopic diagram, indicating significant Nd–Hf isotopic decoupling in the magma sources. These samples show flatten HREE pattern and have Lu/Hf ratios similar to the average crust, suggesting that Nd–Hf isotopic decoupling was not originated from an ancient basement with elevated Lu/Hf ratios. The observed isotopic decoupling is similar to those modern island arcs, such as the Lesser Antilles and Sunda, where Nd selectively enriched over Hf due to metasomatism in the mantle wedge and consequently resulted in decoupling between the Sm–Nd and Lu–Hf isotopic systems. Our results, combined with the available data, show that prolonged subduction and crust–mantle interaction caused the Nd–Hf isotopic decoupling in the lithospheric mantle beneath the Chinese Altai. The crust of the Chinese Altai was extracted from the lithospheric mantle and inherited the Nd–Hf isotopic decoupling feature. Therefore, the Hf, rather than Nd, isotopic data more faithfully reflect the nature of the lower crust that was quite juvenile in the Paleozoic, and the Chinese Altai represents an early Paleozoic magmatic arc possibly built near western Mongolia.  相似文献   

Plate subduction leads to complex exhumation processes on continents. The Huangling Massif lies at the northern margin of the South China Block. Whether the Huangling Massif was exhumed as a watershed of the middle reaches of the Paleo-Yangtze River during the Mesozoic remains under debate. We examined the exhumation history of the Huangling Massif based on six granite bedrock samples, using apatite fission track (AFT) and apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He (AHe and ZHe) thermochronology. These samples yielded ages of 157–132 Ma (ZHe), 119–106 Ma (AFT), and 114–72 Ma (AHe), respectively. Thermal modeling revealed that three phases of rapid cooling occurred during the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous, late Early Cretaceous, and Late Cretaceous. These exhumation processes led to the high topographic relief responsible for the emergence of the Huangling Massif. The integrated of our new data with published sedimentological records suggests that the Huangling Massif might have been the watershed of the middle reaches of the Paleo-Yangtze River since the Cretaceous. At that time, the rivers flowed westward into the Sichuan Basin and eastward into the Jianghan Basin. The subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the Asian continent in the Mesozoic deeply influenced the geomorphic evolution of the South China Block.  相似文献   

The results of ICP-MS trace-element (LILE, HFSE, REE) study of the Late Mesozoic–Early Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the Okhotsk and Japan seas and geochronological K-Ar dating of the Eocene volcanic rocks are presented. Specifics of volcanism developed on submarine rises of these seas was characterized for the first time, and magma sources and geodynamic settings of the volcanic complexes predating the formation of the deep-water basins were determined. It is established that the Late Mesozoic magmas were formed in a subduction setting from spinel peridotites of suprasubduction mantle wedge, which was metasomatically reworked by aqueous fluids that were released by dehydration of sedimentary layer of subducting oceanic plate. This follows from the elevated concentrations of H2O, alkalis, potassium, LILE and LREE, and lowered HFSE (including Ta-Nb minimum) and HREE contents, at lowered Sm/Yb, Nb/Ta, Nb/Y and elevated La/Nb, Ba/La, and Zr/Y ratios. Eocene adakite-like volcanic rocks were identified for the first time in the Sea of Okhotsk. They vary from andesitic to more felsic compositions with elevated MgO (>4%) and elevated La/Yb (>14) and Sr/Y (50–60) ratios. Identification of adakite-like volcanic rocks serves as evidence in support of the transform continental-margin (or plate sliding) setting, which is characterized by breaking apart of subduction slab and formation of slab “windows” acting as pathways for the transfer of asthenospheric mantle into continental lithosphere. New geochemical data on the Late Mesozoic–Early Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the Okhotsk and Japan seas and analysis of literature data were used to distinguish two geodynamic settings within these seas: subduction and transform margin. Similar settings operated at that time in the adjacent continental- margin volcanic belts (Akinin and Miller, 2011; Martynov and Khanchuk, 2013; et al.).  相似文献   

正Objective The giant Nyainqentanglha granitic batholith, located in the Lhasa Terrane, is the youngest granite pluton emplaced at 18.3–11.0 Ma during the Miocene epoch. A series of NE-striking sinistral normal ductile shear zones developed on its north and south sides. The ductile shear zones are considered to be the western boundary faults of the Yadong-Gulu rift system and have the potential to provide critical temporal constraints for the large-scale East–West extension event in the Tibetan Plateau. Based on  相似文献   

This paper reports U–Pb–Hf isotopes of detrital zircons from Late Triassic–Jurassic sediments in the Ordos, Ningwu, and Jiyuan basins in the western-central North China Craton (NCC), with the aim of constraining the paleogeographic evolution of the NCC during the Late Triassic–Jurassic. The early Late Triassic samples have three groups of detrital zircons (238–363 Ma, 1.5–2.1 Ga, and 2.2–2.6 Ga), while the latest Late Triassic and Jurassic samples contain four groups of detrital zircons (154–397 Ma, 414–511 Ma, 1.6–2.0 Ga, and 2.2–2.6 Ga). The Precambrian zircons in the Late Triassic–Jurassic samples were sourced from the basement rocks and pre-Late Triassic sediments in the NCC. But the initial source for the 238–363 Ma zircons in the early Late Triassic samples is the Yinshan–Yanshan Orogenic Belt (YYOB), consistent with their negative zircon εHf(t) values (−24 to −2). For the latest Late Triassic and Jurassic samples, the initial source for the 414–511 Ma zircons with εHf(t) values of −18 to +9 is the Northern Qinling Orogen (NQO), and that for the 154–397 Ma zircons with εHf(t) values of −25 to +12 is the YYOB and the southeastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). In combination with previous data of late Paleozoic–Early Triassic sediments in the western-central NCC and Permian–Jurassic sediments in the eastern NCC, this study reveals two shifts in detrital source from the late Paleozoic to Jurassic. In the Late Permian–Early Triassic, the western-central NCC received detritus from the YYOB, southeastern CAOB and NQO. However, in the early Late Triassic, detritus from the CAOB and NQO were sparse in basins located in the western-central NCC, especially in the Yan’an area of the Ordos Basin. We interpret such a shift of detrital source as result of the uplift of the eastern NCC in the Late Triassic. In the latest Late Triassic–Jurassic, the southeastern CAOB and the NQO restarted to be source regions for basins in the western-central NCC, as well as for basins in the eastern NCC. The second shift in detrital source suggests elevation of the orogens surrounding the NCC and subsidence of the eastern NCC in the Jurassic, arguing against the presence of a paleo-plateau in the eastern NCC at that time. It would be subsidence rather than elevation of the eastern NCC in the Jurassic, due to roll-back of the subducted paleo-Pacific plate and consequent upwelling of asthenospheric mantle.  相似文献   

The reconstruction of stress fields in the Lower Amur region allowed us to subdivide them into four groups. Two groups are related to the fields of the strike-slip fault type and others to the reverse and normal fault types. As a result of structural analysis, it has been established that the stress fields differ in age and correspond to different stages of deformation. It has been shown that origin and evolution of the Cenozoic basins in the Lower Amur region were related to the paleogeodynamics of the faults, which served as a northeastern continuation of the Tan-Lu Fault System, as well as of the NW-striking faults at the lower reaches of the Amur River. Based on the data obtained, a new model of the origin, formation, and evolution of basins in the Lower Amur region is proposed.  相似文献   

Clay minerals in the diagenetic/very low-grade metamorphic–sedimentary series from southeastern Anatolia in Turkey were analyzed to determine their mineralogical and chemical compositions. In the Amanos region, the lowermost unit is composed of metaclastics with primary clastic textures, as well as slaty cleavages and chlorite-mica stacks including volcanic rock intercalations. The Lower Cambrian is composed of mainly very low-grade metamorphic clastic rocks, while the Ordovician units have siliciclastic and carbonate rocks. In the Hazro region, the Late Silurian–Lower Triassic units are represented by highly diagenetic carbonate and clastic rocks. All of the rock units include illite. In addition, chlorite, mixed-layered illite–chlorite and chlorite–vermiculite are present in the Amanos region, while calcite, dolomite, kaolinite, mixed-layered illite–smectite (I–S) and glauconite occur in the Hazro region. The illites are characterized by the dominance of 2M1 polytype in the Amanos samples; and 1Md + 2M1 in the Hazro samples. The I–S, glauconite and kaolin have R1 and R3, 1M and kaolinite polytypes, respectively. The illites have greater tetrahedral and lower octahedral substitutions than the I–S. Total trace element contents, elemental substitutions and chondrite-normalized trace element and REE values decrease toward illite–I–S–kaolinite. There are obvious fractionations for some major – trace and rare earth elements with respect to each other and clear enrichment with respect to the chondrite, with strong anomalies of positive for Gd and negative for P, K and Eu in the clay minerals. The textural, morphological and geochemical data indicate that kaolinite and I–S in the Hazro area occur in supergene conditions with due to a full neoformation mechanism, whereas illites in the Amanos region represent the hypogene origin. In brief, the K2O contents, ratios of Eu/Eu* and LaN/LuN and δ18O and δD values of I–S and illite exhibit notable relationships with increasing diagenetic/metamorphic grade.  相似文献   

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