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A giant pockmark colonised by dense cold‐seep assemblages near 3160 m depth along the Congo‐Angola margin has been surveyed by the ROV Victor 6000. The quantitative distribution of chemosynthetic communities was mapped along the dive tracks from a video study using GIS and image mosaicking. Several types of faunal assemblages, either dominated by bivalves of the families Mytilidae (Bathymodiolus sp.) or Vesicomyidae (Calyptogena sp., ‘Vesicomya’ aff. chuni), or by Siboglinidae polychaetes (Escarpia southwardae) were mapped over the 800‐m diameter pockmark area and sampled for fauna, water and sediment. The isotopic analyses (δ13C) of tissues from symbiont‐bearing species were within the range typical of nutrition via symbiosis using methane for mussels and sulphide for vesicomyids and siboglinids. The living chemosynthetic communities were distributed on a SW‐NE axis, corresponding to the expression at the sediment surface of a main buried channel providing fluids to the pockmark. The site was characterised by a more active central part in a depression with abundant carbonate concretions where high‐density clusters of siboglinids and mytilids dominate. Large fields of dead and live vesicomyids with a lower mean density were observed in the external areas. The mean coverage of each of the three symbiotic taxa in these two contrasted areas was estimated from mosaic analysis and was up to 30% in the central area dominated by E. southwardae bushes (23%). Symbiont‐bearing species distribution was consistent with methane concentrations in seawater that were generally higher in mytilid beds than in the vicinity of siboglinids and vesicomyids. A Principal Component Analysis performed on environmental factors at the ten sampling sites revealed that 37% of the observed variance in the distribution of symbiont‐bearing species may be explained by variation in both methane and oxygen concentrations, while a Canonical Redundancy Analysis selected methane concentration as the only variable which explains symbiont‐bearing species densities. This spatial distribution of chemosynthetic species at the pockmark scale may reflect temporal patterns of succession of both substrate and fauna, and may be related to different individual pockmarks visible on the microbathymetry mapped using ROV data.  相似文献   

The Malta‐Comino Channel (Maltese islands, central Mediterranean), supports extensive meadows of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica that in some places extend to a depth of around 43 m, which is rare for this seagrass. To assess spatial and temporal variation in the state of the deeper parts of the P. oceanica meadow with time, data on the structural characteristics of the seagrass meadow at its lower bathymetric limit were collected during the summers of 2001, 2003 and 2004 from four stations (two stations within each of two sites) located at a similar depth, over a spatial extent of 500 m. Shoot density was estimated in situ, while data on plant architecture (number of leaves, mean leaf length, and epiphyte load) were successfully obtained using an underwater photographic technique that was specifically designed to avoid destructive sampling of the seagrass. Results indicated that P. oceanica shoot density was lower than that recorded from the same meadow during a study undertaken in 1995; the observed decrease was attributed to the activities of an offshore aquaculture farm that operated during the period 1995–2000 in the vicinity of the meadow. ANOVA indicated significant spatial and temporal variations in meadow structural attributes at both sites during the 3‐year study; for example, shoot density values increased overall with time at site A; a indication of potential recovery of the meadow following cessation of the aquaculture operations. Lower shoot density values recorded from site B (compared with site A) were attributed to higher epiphyte loads on the seagrass, relative to those at site A. The findings, which include new data on the structural characteristics of P. oceanica occurring at depths >40 m, are discussed with reference to the use of the non‐destructive photographic technique to monitor the state of health of deep water seagrass meadows.  相似文献   

Sea urchins are important ecosystem engineers in subtidal ecosystems worldwide, providing biogenic structure and altering nutrient dynamics through intensive grazing and drift algal capture. The current work evaluates red urchin (Strongylocentrotus franciscanus) density on fixed transects through time, individual displacement, and urchin‐associated benthic community composition using a field‐based approach at multiple depths (in and outside of the macroalgal zone) and replicated across sites in the San Juan Archipelago, Washington. Urchins exhibited no large‐scale, temporal or directional changes in density among depths. Furthermore, 87% of individual urchins observed in repeated small‐scale surveys over 3 weeks exhibited no change in position. Individual displacement was negatively correlated to drift algal capture. Evidence of sedentary behavior from the displacement surveys was supported by the sessile and mobile community composition in areas directly under versus adjacent to (control) urchins. The benthos under urchins had a higher percentage of bare space, crustose coralline algae, and increased density of snails, crabs and shrimp relative to associated control plots. Abundance of mobile organisms associating with urchins increased relative to control plots at the deepest survey depth (30 m), indicating a greater strength of interaction with distance from macroalgal production. This work presents evidence of food availability‐related behavior in red urchins and indicates that even when sedentary, urchins have a strong influence on ecosystem structure through increasing availability of shelter and macroalgal detritus to the benthos.  相似文献   

A unified method of approximation, extrapolation, and objective layering is offered for processing vertical oceanographic profiles. The method is demonstrated using seawater density and consists of adjustable splitting of each individual profile into N vertical layers based on tentative, piecewise linear homogeneous approximation with specified accuracy and a final fitting of an N-layered analytical model to data. A set of 3N coefficients of the model includes one density value at the sea surface; N−1 depths of layer interfaces; and N pairs of coefficients that describe a profile shape within the n-th layer—an asymptotic density value (a key parameter for extrapolation) and a vertical scale of maximum density variability (related to vertical gradient). Several distinctive characteristics of the technique are: (1) It can be used for the analysis of the vertical structure of individual profiles when N is an unknown parameter, and spatial interpolation when N should be equal for all profiles. (2) A justified downward extrapolation of incomplete data is possible with the model, especially if historical deepwater profiles are available. (3) Layer interfaces, as well as other coefficients, are derived with only one fitting to the entire profile. (4) The technique, using its general formulation, can serve as a parent for developing various types of models. The simpler step-like (with hyperbolic or exponential approximation) and more complicated smooth (continuous in gradient space) models were designed and tested against a large number of density profiles from the Sea of Okhotsk and the Gulf of California. Comparison of parametric, z-levels and isopycnal averaging was done for the region off the northeastern coast of Sakhalin.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to attempt to fill current knowledge gaps on midlittoral Mediterranean biodiversity at local and regional scales, by using benthic polychaetes as a model taxon. Two different data sets were analysed: (i) a quantitative data set from the two Natural Geography in Shore Areas (NaGISA) study sites in Crete and (ii) a qualitative data set from multiple sites across the Mediterranean. At the local scale, the results provide evidence that (i) discrete species communities are formed in midlittoral Mediterranean habitats, which vary by geographical location and year, depending on the scale of observation; (ii) macrophyte coverage and Chl‐a are the only environmental variables associated, albeit weakly, with the above pattern; (iii) although naturally disturbed, the Cretan NaGISA sites do not seem to experience any anthropogenic stress; (iv) environmental heterogeneity and history seem to be much less important in shaping the polychaete communities than inter‐specific interactions; however, it is not possible to specify at this stage whether local or regional processes or even their interactions may shape the polychaete communities. At the regional scale, the results indicate that (i) the only factor that seems to be involved in the regional pattern is the identity of the study providing the data sets, which implies variability and bias in how research projects are carried out, from the sampling design through to data collection and analysis; (ii) the Cretan NaGISA sites may be considered as representative of the habitat in the Mediterranean, under certain conditions.  相似文献   

Nephrops norvegicus is an essentially sedentary species of lobster that forms the basis of valuable fisheries in the northwest Atlantic and western Mediterranean. Fishers exploiting a sedentary stock are likely to visit the most profitable (highest catch rate) areas first. Such spatial targeting of fishing effort is likely to have important consequences for stock monitoring and assessment. We used underwater television surveys of Nephrops burrow densities on the Farn Deeps grounds, northeast England, to describe changes in abundance and distribution between the beginning and end of a winter fishing season. Above a threshold of c. 0.6 burrows m–2, overwinter depletion increased with burrow density, consistent with fishing effort being targeted at the highest densities. A simple simulation model showed that this pattern of mortality is an expected consequence of spatially targeted fishing behaviour. The model also predicted that there is decreased spatial variability in density after fishing. An overall decrease in variability was not evident from the survey data, but geostatistical analysis indicated that there was “flattening” of the density profile along a north‐south axis, consistent with the dominant direction of commercial trawling. We concluded that Nephrops fishers are able to find and exploit the highest densities of their target species. A potential consequence is that catch per unit effort (CPUE) data used to monitor trends in this stock potentially could mask declines in stock abundance. CPUE might be more effective if analysed at finer spatial scales, but this is not currently possible. In the absence of these fine scale commercial data, fishery‐independent surveys (e.g., underwater television) are an important source of information on trends in stock abundance.  相似文献   

黄海渔业资源密度空间插值方法的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
空间插值是渔业生态学研究,特别是海洋生态系统模型构建中的常用工具。为找到适合黄海渔业资源密度的插值方法,本文对四种常用的空间插值方法进行了比较研究。四种插值方法分别为反距离加权(Inverse distance weighted,IDW)、全局多项式(global polynomial interpolation,GPI)、局部多项式(local polynomial interpolation,LPI)和普通克里格(ordinary kriging,OK)。采用交叉验证分析(cross-validation diagnostic)确定不同插值方法的准确度。同时,结合渔业资源密度空间分布的可视化表达,比较不同插值方法结果的优劣。结果表明,原始的生物学数据具有典型的非正态分布特征,对数转化方法能让其显著地接近或符合正态分布。四个调查阶段中,指数模型在2014年8月和10月为最佳半方差函数,2015年1月和5月数据具有明显的纯块金效应。配对样本T检验表明,预测数据和实测数据之间没有显著差异(P>0.05)。交叉验证结果表明,OK在2014年10月插值效果最好,IDW在剩余的三个航次表现最佳,GPI和LPI表现效果不佳。OK在空间分布的可视化表达方面效果最好,既不像IDW一样有较多的“牛眼”效应,也不像GPI和LPI一样具有过多的平滑效果。然而,纯块金效应的存在有时会影响OK的应用。综上所述,我们推荐操作简单且处理快速的IDW作为黄海渔业资源密度常规的插值方法。  相似文献   

Scales from 17 body areas of juvenile snapper, Chrysophyrs auratus (Forster), were examined to determine scale growth characteristics, with the aim of denning the most suitable body site for routine scale‐sampling. Least‐square regressions of fish length on scale measurement from 0+ fish were calculated for several body areas, and back‐calculations were made to fish length at first annulus (L1) from a sample of 1+ fish, using both the “uncorrected” and “corrected” formulae.

The overall fish/scale relationship is curvilinear, but high correlation coefficients show that fish/scale regressions from 0+ snapper may be taken as essentially linear. Such regressions give hypothetical fish lengths at scale formation of 8–23 mm. Mid‐body scales form at 10–14 mm, caudal scales earlier, head scales later.

Back‐calculated L1 values from each area were compared with the mean for the whole body. Using the uncorrected formula there is a general trend for them to be lower than the mean at the head and higher at the tail, while the mid‐body region shows minimum variation from the mean. These variations are caused at least partly by differences in time of scale formation. The corrected formula gives smaller L1 variations and a mean back‐calculated L1almost identical to an observed L1 from independent length frequency data.

The observed variations in scale structure and growth suggest that the “pectoral area”, bounded by the lateral line and the ventral edge of the pectoral fin, is the most suitable site for scale sampling.  相似文献   

High‐resolution vertical and lateral gradients and variations in sediment mass physical properties were derived from measurements in box cores, on the scale of millimeters, tens of centimeters, and kilometers from typical, relatively broad areas of the northern California continental slope in the Cape Mendocino area at water depths from 380 to 940 m. Such data are important as a control on comparisons of different sediment suites, as well as providing limits for realistic flux calculations of dissolved inorganic and biochemical species and pollutants. The sediments studied have relatively constant organic carbon contents (OC ? 1.75 wt%) and bulk mineralogy. They range from silty sands (~45% sand, 40% silt) to clayey silts (~63% silt, ~35% clay) and are extensively bioturbated. Physical property variations between subcores (~25 to 35 cm in length), taken from the same box core, increase with increasing clay content. For coarse‐grained sediments, mean down‐core differences in physical property values between related subcores are small, averaging 3.6% for water content, 4% for porosity, 0.026 Mg/m3 for wet bulk density, and 0.1 for void ratio. Subcore variations for fine‐grained sediments are generally significantly larger, averaging 9.8% for water content, 1.52% for porosity, 0.027 Mg/m3 for wet bulk density, and 0.3 for void ratio (box core 125). Millimeter variations of physical properties from horizontal 12‐cm‐long subcores indicate a maximum range of lateral variation of 18.2% for water content, 8% for porosity, 0.14 Mg/m3 for wet bulk density, and0.6 for void ratio.  相似文献   

Seagrass beds occur in various morphological forms, ranging from small patches to continuous meadows. The endemic Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica forms dense and extensive stands that occur in several different morphotypes, including reticulate (seagrass interspersed with a different habitat type, such as bare sand) and continuous beds. This study, undertaken in the Maltese Islands, examined whether reticulate and continuous P. oceanica beds, located adjacent to each other and at similar depths, had different within-bed architectural characteristics. Five commonly used architectural measures (shoot density, number of leaves per shoot, mean leaf length, mean leaf width and shoot biomass) were measured from P. oceanica shoots collected from the two bed types at three different spatial scales: (1) tens of metres (‘small’ scale); (2) hundreds of metres (‘medium’ scale); and (3) kilometres (‘large’ scale). Results of 2-factor ANOVA (factor 1=bed type; factor 2=sampling locality) carried out at the three spatial scales indicated significant differences between the two bed types in shoot density (P<0.01) and leaf length (P<0.05) at the small scale, and in leaf number (P<0.05) at the large scale. Significant interactions were also apparent for shoot density (at the large scale) and for shoot biomass (at the medium scale). However, the results obtained did not indicate consistent architectural differences between the two P. oceanica bed types over the spatial scales considered. Spatial variations in within-bed architectural characteristics observed were therefore thought to be attributable mainly to the influence of local environmental factors. The findings are discussed with reference to the conservation and management of P. oceanica habitat.  相似文献   

We investigated the density‐dependent and genetic relatedness that regulate the occurrence of inter‐individual (genet) fusion forming plurigenotypic organisms in the brown alga Lessonia berteroana. Recruitment generally occurs at high densities in the inter‐tidal, allowing contact of neighbouring holdfasts as they grow and expand on the substrate. Algal density, by contrast, is regulated by the effects of herbivory and wave impact, which often lead to low holdfast density. Herein, we investigated whether the occurrence of plurigenotypic organisms and their genotypic composition (number of genotypes per plurigenotypic organism) are density dependent and affected by kin selection in the inter‐tidal kelp L. berteroana. Four microsatellite loci were used to analyse DNA from 260 samples obtained from shared and non‐shared holdfasts, at two sites with high and two site with low holdfast density. Analyses showed that fusions forming plurigenotypic organisms are extremely common. Interestingly, the frequency of fusions was higher in low‐density sites, in which 100% of the plants had at least two genotypes and the average was 3.5. In high‐density sites, 62% of plants were plurigenotypic, with an average of 2.8 genotypes per plant. Additionally, we found that genotypes that shared a holdfast had a significantly higher genetic relatedness than the average in the population, compatible with a kin structure. Density dependence and kin structure suggest that the occurrence of plurigenotypic organisms is linked to environmental quality, and that kin or multilevel selection may be favouring the fusion of genetically related genets.  相似文献   

Abstract. We analyse the effects of crowding (‘hummocking’) on the growth, reproduction and mortality of the chthamaloid barnacle Jehlius cirratus ( Darwin, 1854 ) on the coast of Chile. Recruitment intensity, ranging from solitary individuals to dense groups, generates different growth conditions. Density‐dependent effects are reflected in the shape, growth parameters, fecundity, sexual maturity and mortality of solitary and crowded specimens. The skewing of size distribution during growth was not significant at the beginning of the growth period, irrespective of initial density. Nevertheless, skewness in size increased with time, both at high and low densities, indicating that the dominance and suppression exerted by larger specimens over smaller ones generate a density‐dependent effect on size during growth. Mortality was greatest when high‐density recruitment occurred immediately before the period when water temperature and food quantity are highest (spring), when it is assumed that growth is greatest; this seasonal effect was not detected at lower levels of recruitment density. Similarly, no differences in mortality were detected between recruitment densities during the period when temperatures are lowest (autumn) and growth is probably slower. In the middle‐high intertidal zone, where J. cirratus co‐exists with Notochthamalus scabrosus ( Darwin, 1854 ), the proportion of dead J. cirratus specimens was directly related both to the relative abundance of N. scabrosus and the total barnacle density. Although the mortality of J. cirratus was density dependent, the increase in the number of N. scabrosus towards the lower section of the middle intertidal zone could have a greater effect on J. cirratus mortality than intra‐specific competition.  相似文献   

This article evaluates different spatial interpolation methods for mapping submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in the Caloosahatchee Estuary, Florida. Data used for interpolation were collected by the Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Early Warning System (SAVEWS). The system consists of hydro-acoustic equipment, which operates from a slow-moving boat and records bottom depth, seagrass height, and seagrass density. This information is coupled with geographic location coordinates from a Global Positioning System (GPS) and stored together in digital files, representing SAV status at points along transect lines. Adequate spatial interpolation is needed to present the SAV information, including density, height, and water depth, as spatially continuous data for mapping and for comparison between seasons and years. Interpolation methods examined in this study include ordinary kriging with five different semivariance models combined with a variable number of neighboring points, the inverse distance weighted (IDW) method with different parameters, and the triangulated irregular network (TIN) method with linear and quintic options. Interpolation results were compared with survey data at selected calibration transects to examine the suitability of different interpolation methods. Suitability was quantified by the determination coefficient (R2) and the root-mean-square error (RMSE) between interpolated and observed values. The most suitable interpolation method was identified as the one yielding the highest R2 value and/or the lowest RMSE value. For different geographic conditions, seasons, and SAV parameters, different interpolation methods were recommended. This study identified that kriging was more suitable than the IDW or TIN method for spatial interpolation of all SAV parameters measured. It also suggested that transect data with irregular spatial distribution patterns such as SAV parameters are sensitive to interpolation methods. An inappropriate interpolation method such as TIN can lead to erroneous spatial representation of the SAV status. With a functional geographic system and adequate computing power, the evaluation and selection of interpolation methods can be automated and quantitative, leading to a more efficient and accurate decision.  相似文献   

This article evaluates different spatial interpolation methods for mapping submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in the Caloosahatchee Estuary, Florida. Data used for interpolation were collected by the Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Early Warning System (SAVEWS). The system consists of hydro-acoustic equipment, which operates from a slow-moving boat and records bottom depth, seagrass height, and seagrass density. This information is coupled with geographic location coordinates from a Global Positioning System (GPS) and stored together in digital files, representing SAV status at points along transect lines. Adequate spatial interpolation is needed to present the SAV information, including density, height, and water depth, as spatially continuous data for mapping and for comparison between seasons and years. Interpolation methods examined in this study include ordinary kriging with five different semivariance models combined with a variable number of neighboring points, the inverse distance weighted (IDW) method with different parameters, and the triangulated irregular network (TIN) method with linear and quintic options. Interpolation results were compared with survey data at selected calibration transects to examine the suitability of different interpolation methods. Suitability was quantified by the determination coefficient (R2) and the root-mean-square error (RMSE) between interpolated and observed values. The most suitable interpolation method was identified as the one yielding the highest R2 value and/or the lowest RMSE value. For different geographic conditions, seasons, and SAV parameters, different interpolation methods were recommended. This study identified that kriging was more suitable than the IDW or TIN method for spatial interpolation of all SAV parameters measured. It also suggested that transect data with irregular spatial distribution patterns such as SAV parameters are sensitive to interpolation methods. An inappropriate interpolation method such as TIN can lead to erroneous spatial representation of the SAV status. With a functional geographic system and adequate computing power, the evaluation and selection of interpolation methods can be automated and quantitative, leading to a more efficient and accurate decision.  相似文献   

Food availability is a fundamental determinant of habitat selection in animals, including shorebirds foraging on benthic invertebrates. However, the combination of dynamic habitats, patchy distributions at multiple spatial scales, and highly variable densities over time can make prey less predictable on ocean‐exposed sandy shores. This can, hypothetically, cause a mismatch between prey and consumer distributions in these high‐energy environments. Here we test this prediction by examining the occurrence of actively foraging pied oystercatchers (Haematopus longirostris) in relation to physical habitat attributes and macrobenthic prey assemblages on a 34 km long, high‐energy beach in Eastern Australia. We incorporate two spatial dimensions: (i) adjacent feeding and non‐feeding patches separated by 200 m and (ii) landscape regions with and without foraging birds separated by 2–17 km. There was no support for prey‐based or habitat‐based habitat choice at the smaller dimension, with birds being essentially randomly distributed at the local scale. Conversely, at the broader landscape dimension, the distribution of oystercatchers was driven by the density of their prey, but not by attributes of the physical beach environment. This scale‐dependence suggests that, on open‐coast beaches, landscape effects modulate how mobile predators respond to variations in prey availability.  相似文献   

Variability of fish assemblages across habitat structures can depend on spatial scales. A hierarchical sampling design was used to assess the spatial variability of temperate fish assemblages in different habitats and at multiple scales. Underwater visual censuses were carried out along the coasts of Elba Island (NW Mediterranean) on Posidonia oceanica beds, rocky algal reefs and sandy habitat at three spatial scales, namely tens of metres (individual replicates), hundreds of metres (sites) and tens of kilometres (locations). At the assemblage level, there was a clear relationship between fish and habitat type and the observed habitat‐related differences were largely dependent on species identity. Fish assemblages on P. oceanica beds and rocky reefs shared a high number of species, whereas overlap with sandy assemblages was negligible. Multivariate analyses revealed significant differences in fish assemblages among habitats, although there was also a significant habitat × site interaction. These differences relied mainly upon assemblage composition and species richness. Assemblages on rocky reefs and P. oceanica meadows usually harboured a higher number of species and individuals compared with sandy assemblages. Nevertheless, the patterns of habitat‐related differences in species richness and, especially, in the total number of fish, changed significantly from site to site. Eight species showed significant differences over habitats, but they were not consistent due to the interaction of habitat with site. Predictability of fish at both assemblage and population levels decreased with the scale of observation, and the spatial pattern of fish observed at the smallest scale was likely dependent on factors other than habitat type.  相似文献   

Sea surface height anomaly maps of realistic eddy activity were obtained by applying space-time optimum interpolation to altimeter data. Analysis error and rate of reconstructing eddy signals were investigated by taking account of: 1) dependency on orbit configurations of single and multiple altimeters; 2) dependency on space-time scales of realistic, dominant eddies; and 3) effect of space-time scales of eddy propagation. Large-scale sea surface height anomalies are subtracted from altimeter data by applying an along-track filter to allow easy handling of eddy signals. The space-time scales of the first-guess error in the optimum interpolation are statistically evaluated by fitting a space-time anisotropic Gaussian function to space-time-distributed correlation coefficients of sea surface height using the TOPEX data. The results of the optimum interpolation clarify the followings: 1) ERS has a better capability of reconstructing eddy signals than TOPEX. Comparison of maps from multi-altimeter data shows that TOPEX+ERS has a better capability than Jason−1+TOPEX in lower latitudes and vice versa in higher latitudes, though the differences are small. 2) The small space-time scale yields a low reconstruction rate in marginal seas and alongside the equator. The persistent timescale is large, and westward propagation is dominant in the subtropical and subarctic regions, where the reconstruction rates are high. 3) The optimum interpolation, taking account of eddy propagation, provides higher reconstruction rates than that taking no account of the propagation. The effect of propagation on the optimum interpolation is greater when it is applied to single-altimeter data than to multi-altimeter data. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Associations between scale‐worms and giant mussels are common constituents of hydrothermal vent and cold seep ecosystems, but very little is known about their nature and ecology. Here, we analyze the ecological characteristics of the associations between Branchipolynoe seepensis, an obligate symbiotic polychaete, and their host mytilid mussels Bathymodiolus puteoserpentis and B. azoricus inhabiting hydrothermal vent fields on the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge. Infested mussels generally harbored a single symbiont (<4% had two to six worms). Infestation rate varied from 7.2% to 76.5%, increasing with mussel size, and was significantly lower for B. puteoserpentis. Symbiont density at Lucky Strike ranged between 1071 and 1191 individuals m−2. Female symbiont size was always positively correlated with host size, while only males and juveniles from small mussels showed the same trend. This suggested a relatively long‐lasting host/symbiont association for females and short‐lasting association with successive reproductive migrations for adult males. The sex ratio of symbionts was always biased in favor of females. Males were smaller and more slender than females and had one mode in their size distributions, whereas females typically had three or more modes, suggestive of a longer life span in females. Between 59.1% and 72.2% of mussels had damaged soft tissues with substantially higher incidence of trauma in infested ones, suggesting that symbionts may cause trauma. The symbionts also induce tunnel‐like structures among the ctenidia, indicating fidelity to a particular location inside the host. Based on our data, together with the fact that infested mussels became relatively wider than non‐infested ones, this association is considered parasitic (likely kleptoparasitic). Our data, together with those from previous studies, allowed us to define the main life‐history traits of B. seepensis: (i) the relationship with their host is parasitic, (ii) the association begins at the smallest mytilid size classes, (iii) there is sexual dimorphism in body size, (iv) sex ratio deviates from 1:1 in favor of females, (v) fertilization occurs through temporal pairing and pseudocopulation, (vi) sperm are stored by females, (vii) eggs are large (likely lecithotrophic or with direct development), (viii) females have a longer life span than males, (ix) adult males may be semalparous, undertaking reproductive migrations followed by a short period of pairing and then death, and (x) females have a semi‐continuous iteroparous reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

Four hurricanes impacted the reefs of Florida in 2005. In this study, we evaluate the combined impacts of hurricanes Dennis, Katrina, Rita, and Wilma on a population of Acropora palmata using a newly developed video‐mosaic methodology that provides a high‐resolution, spatially accurate landscape view of the reef benthos. Storm damage to A. palmata was surprisingly limited; only 2 out of 19 colonies were removed from the study plot at Molasses Reef. The net tissue losses for those colonies that remained were only 10% and mean diameter of colonies decreased slightly from 88.4 to 79.6 cm. In contrast, the damage to the reef framework was more severe, and a large section (6 m in diameter) was dislodged, overturned, and transported to the bottom of the reef spur. The data presented here show that two‐dimensional video‐mosaic technology is well‐suited to assess the impacts of physical disturbance on coral reefs and can be used to complement existing survey methodologies.  相似文献   

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