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张勤 《紫金山天文台台刊》1999,18(2):147-150
本文给出了太阳23 周开始时间的确定、从开始到现在近两年间太阳活动的状况以及23周上升期间的一些特点。分析表明,1996 年10 月是23 周的第一个月,它的月平滑值是8 .8 ;23 周的太阳活动虽然可能是高活动周,例如,国际推荐值为2000 年3 月的160 ,但它可能不会超过前两周。根据上升期太阳活动的一些特征,还给出了在23 周峰年联测和空间灾害性扰动事件预报和预报方法研究中应注意的几个问题 相似文献
我国雷暴活动对太阳耀斑响应的东西不对称性 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文研究了1971—1980年间发生在日面东部的164个和西部的132个2级以上耀斑对我国185个气象站上空雷暴活动的影响.结果表明,日面东部耀斑爆发后雷暴活动减弱且通过优于0.1的置信度检验测站数远多于日面西部耀斑,而日面西部耀斑爆发后雷暴活动增强,通过优于0.1的置信度检验测站数远多于日面东部耀斑.这种与地磁活动和日球扰动相似的雷暴活动对太阳耀斑响应的东西不对称性,可能借助于大气电环境并通过行星际磁场和磁层,将太阳和对流层的确耦合起来了. 相似文献
The relevance of the occurrence rate and location of CME events to two main systems (giant and supergiant) of the large-scale solar magnetic field structure has been investigated. The clustering of CME events and solar flares toward the neutral line of the global field system (neutral line of the source surface field) corroborates the finding by Hundhausen that CME locations track the heliomagnetic equator. A good correlation has been revealed between the CME occurrence rate and variations of the index of the effective solar multipole, that characterizes the typical scale of the global solar magnetic field. The CME rate exhibits sharp jumps/decreases when the index of the effective solar multipole passes through n=4. The observations of X-ray 'blow-out' effects have been analyzed as probable manifestations of CMEs on the disk and have been compared with the large-scale magnetic field structure. As shown by the analysis, the X-ray arcades straddle the neutral line and occur, or at least tend to occur, where the neutral line exhibits a sharp bend. A conclusion is made that CME events are caused by interaction of two large-scale field systems, one of them (the global field system) determining the location of CMEs and another (the system of closed magnetic fields) their occurrence rate. 相似文献
本文利用佘山观象台和江苏省气象局南京气象站所测的近50 年来的太阳全辐射热地面观测资料,进行了分析研究。将这些数据与同期的太阳质子事件资料相对比,分段求出它们之间的相关系数,结果表明:强质子事件的峰值往往对应太阳辐射热的谷值,而且在太阳活动周的不同阶段具有不同的相关性。对此作了简单的解释和讨论。 相似文献
针对多通道滤光器太阳磁场望远镜的磁场观测定标及掌握(所采用的)谱线特征之需要,取VAL宁静太阳大气模型计算了7条Fel光球线的Stokes轮廓、形成深度、贡献函数分布,从而较为系统地对多条反常及正常Zeeman线的特征及性质作出了分析与总结,解释了在磁光效应影响下Stokes Q,U参量的形成深度曲线在近线心区域处出现陡峭峰值的原因。 相似文献
The isotopic compositions of noble gases in the solar wind show high enrichments of light isotopes. When corrected for mass fractionation all five noble gases there can be resolved in terms of the two primitive noble gas components that have been identified in planetary solids. Reasons are presented for assigning the fractionation to a solar process that selectively enriches lighter nuclei at the surface of the Sun. When abundances of the elements at the Sun's surface are corrected for this fractionation, it is shown that atomic abundances for major elements in the bulk Sun are (in decreasing order): Fe, Ni, O, Si, S and Mg. Solar elements at about the 1% atomic abundance level include He, C, Ne, Ca and Cr. These results suggest that fusion of hydrogen is probably not the Sun's primary energy source. 相似文献
This paper deals with the influence of the distance of the apparent axes of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from a neutral line (NL) on the source surface and of coronal hole (CH) boundaries upon apparent characteristics of CMEs: e.g., the structure, the velocity of individual features, and the width.(a) It is found that the chance of measuring a CME velocity of ascent appears to decrease with increasing distance from a neutral line or coronal hole.(b) The apparent velocity of a CME appears to depend on the distance of its core from a neutral line or coronal hole boundary. CME speeds for events within 15 deg of a surface neutral line are significantly higher than those apparently much farther from surface neutral lines.(c) CME spans tend to be wider when they are more closely associated with surface neutral lines. It is shown that the contribution of CMEs in the neighbourhood of the NL (the heliomagnetic latitude of the CME apparent axis L < 15 deg) decreases with increasing length of the chain of coronal streamers separating the CH of like polarity of the magnetic field and depends on the character of the relationship between CMEs and other forms of activity. The study revealed a concentration of the apparent axes of CMEs toward zero lines of the photospheric magnetic field from the J. M. Wilcox Solar Observatory at Stanford. 相似文献
本文根据在考虑磁光效应的条件下由斯托克斯参数转移方程组的数值解求得的斯托克斯参数轮廓,探讨V轮廓的不对称性和剩余圆偏振产生的原因,并论证白光磁象仪的工作原理。本文指出,V轮廓的不对称量与磁场强度和速度场精度都有关,因此文[1]和[4]的两个极端性论断都与实际情况不符。 相似文献
在非线性无力场的模型之下,我们设计出了一个估计太阳活动区水平电流的计算方法。解析解的检验表明,该方法是收敛的。这一方法避免了以前外推方法中沿中性线所出现的奇异性 相似文献
在Li&Yang (2 0 0 1 )所给出的局部对流理论的基础上 ,我们进一步采用梯度型方案给出了非局部对流理论 ,并将它用于太阳模型中。这一理论考虑了恒星对流区内的非局部效应 ,它得到了一个与原来用混合长理论或局部理论给出的结果有所区别的对流区 ,扩散效应很明显。但是 ,目前我们的理论还不能处理时间相关的对流以及对流超射等问题。这些问题将在后续工作中加以考虑。当把这一理论应用于太阳模型中时 ,我们发现它对标准太阳模型的改正非常微小。我们讨论了这一现象 ,并对其加以解释 相似文献
本文主要从理论上用解析方法讨论日珥视向速度随深度变化对谱线轮廓对称性的影响,得到的结论具有普遍性。第二节的分析表明,日珥的谱线轮廓可表示为二项叠加,其中第一项与源函数无关,只依赖于速度场模型,源函数分布仅通过第二项对谱线轮廓产生影响。然后在源函数不随深度变化的假定下,讨论各种速度场模型的谱线轮廓是否对称。得到的结论为:(1)常源函数与常速度场结合的谱线轮廓为对称轮廓;(2)常源函数与线性对称速度场结合的谱线也是对称轮廓;(3)常源函数与线性非对称速度场结合的谱线轮廓为不对称轮廓。最后,用数值计算对理论分析结果进行了检验。 相似文献
众所周知 ,贯穿对流对恒星演化有至关重要的影响 .然而至今对此问题尚无完善的理论处理方法 .尽管该问题已经取得了很大的进展[1-4 ] ,但在恒星演化计算中处理贯穿对流最广泛的仍是某种唯象的混合长理论[5,6] .日震学提供了一个探测太阳内部结构的强有力手段 ,它对恒星对流理论给出了一个严格的限制 . 在过去几年中 ,利用日震方法探测太阳对流区之下贯穿对流区的结构引起了人们的特别关注 .所有的理论研究都是根据这样一种简单的唯象贯穿对流模型[5-9] :在稍许高于绝热温度梯度的对流区的下方 ,紧贴着的是一个稍许低于绝热温度梯度的贯穿… 相似文献
本文简要回顾了太阳射电米波爆发中尖峰事件的研究现状。对与之相关的一些内容作了介绍,同时,我们也提出了研究设想和展望 相似文献
We have revealed the periods of good visibility for each individual mode of low spherical degree using irradiance data from the IPHIR experiment. Their statistical properties and the influence on the resulting line shapes are discussed. The analysis of the temporal change of each mode power by Fourier transform with a running temporal window was performed. The running mean power of p-modes (=0, n=17–24 and =1, n=16–23) apparently changes with the rotation of the Sun. There is well visible an anticorrelation of the p-mode power with the mean solar magnetic field and less significant correlation with daily sunspot number. 相似文献
Historically, our understanding of the solar magnetic field has been shaped by an interplay between theoretical ideas about the subsurface dynamo and precise measurements of magnetic flux at the level of the photosphere. Today we have an unprecedented ability to measure, or to infer from measurements, properties of the magnetic field at every level from the solar interior to interplanetary space, although photospheric observations still lead the way in completeness and precision. I review the state of our capabilities to measure or calculate the magnetic field and suggest that the next major goal should be to follow specific magnetic structures in space and time from before they emerge until they can no longer be detected at any level. 相似文献
High-quality stratospheric photographs in the continuum were used to investigate spatial scales of the solar granulation field. Two-dimensional intensity power spectra are shown to contain most frequently the modes corresponding to the sizes of granules, protogranules, mesogranules, and supergranules. The place of these four, the most steady formations of the quiet Sun in the global structure of the solar photosphere, is discussed as well as their interconnection and their relation to weak and strong magnetic fields. The protogranulation scale is argued to play an important role in organization of the fine structure of the photosphere and magnetic fields in the quiet and active regions of the Sun. 相似文献