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何增  王志华  吕月  董哲 《吉林地质》2010,29(4):89-91
在吉林敦化黑石煤炭资源赋存区,岩浆岩发育,煤层较大范围内受到岩浆岩侵蚀,岩浆岩侵蚀部位在地震剖面上差异十分明显,利用二维地震方法,对水平和偏移时间剖面特征进行分析和解释,就可确定其分布范围及位置。  相似文献   

风险分析与评估是解决边坡固有不确定性的重要工具,但同时考虑外在荷载和内在岩土力学参数的不确定性,对边坡进行系统定量风险分析的研究较少.以西藏扎拉水电站厂后倾倒变形边坡为例,基于场地地震峰值加速度概率密度函数和不同地震峰值加速度下边坡失稳概率拟合函数,采用数值积分计算了边坡在设计基准期的失稳概率,并采用离散元方法对边坡失...  相似文献   

桂西北二叠纪灰岩墙(脉)的地震成因解释   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
广西西北部的泥盆纪灰岩中发育大量产状直立的二叠纪茅口组的碳酸盐岩岩墙,其成因一直引起地质学家的兴趣。本文尝试用地震灾变事件解释这一奇特的地质现象,即:二叠纪强地震发生时,茅口组未成岩的软沉积物中产生的液化沉积物流借助上覆沉积物的压力,贯入下伏已成岩的坚硬的泥盆系灰岩的裂隙(断层、节理等)中,形成具直立层理的灰岩墙(脉)。上述过程反映一次强地震灾变事件作用在软沉积物与坚硬岩层中的不同响应。  相似文献   

桂西北三叠纪来岩墙(脉)的地震成因解释   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
乔秀夫  彭阳等 《地质通报》2002,21(2):102-104
广西西北部的泥盆纪灰岩中发育大量产状直立的二叠纪茅口组的碳酸盐岩岩墙,其成因一直引起地质学家的兴趣。本文尝试用地震灾变事件解释这一奇特的地质现象,即:二叠纪强地震发生时,茅口组末成岩的软沉积物中产生的液化沉只物流借助上覆沉积物的压力,贯入下伏已成岩的坚硬的泥盆系灰岩的裂隙(断层、节理等)中,形成具直立层理的灰岩墙(脉)。上述过程反映一次强地震灾变事件作用在软沉积物与坚硬岩层中的不同响应。  相似文献   

利用地震资料研究沉积相,传统上采用波形分类法和地震结构属性映射法进行的可识别的大尺度(大于λ/4,λ为波长)、定性程度的地震沉积相分析,无法满足薄层(小于λ/4)为主的岩性油气藏勘探需求。地层切片作为地震沉积学研究的关键技术,前人认为沉积体的地震成像在水平方向上比纵向上更易识别,可以清晰描述出沉积体的平面展布特征,为小尺度(通常小于λ/4,甚至更小,达到单砂层级别)沉积相平面展布研究提供可靠的资料基础。而尺度大小主要依据地层切片采样率而论,采样率越高,研究尺度越小。首先以井点沉积微相属性提取、优选、融合为基础,获取指相特征属性体;然后以此数据体制作地层切片,在“所见即所要”的图像处理准则下,对地层切片进行处理,主要包括图像分割、边界线平滑等;最后利用沉积微相-指相特征属性-地层切片图像特征之间的数学映射关系,对分割区域进行地质标定,基本实现地震资料研究沉积相从定性到定量、从大尺度到小尺度的发展。沉积相边界较以往单纯通过井控外推法得到的更加精确,可为相控储层预测奠定基础,为勘探、开发阶段井位部署提供依据。  相似文献   

笔者针对碳酸盐岩储层勘探开发面临的储层预测与流体识别难度大的问题,基于岩石物理理论,提出了一种对碳酸盐岩含气储层进行定量解释的方法:首先,综合碳酸盐岩地质和测井信息,以岩石物理理论为依据,实现了适用的碳酸盐岩岩石物理模型的构建;然后基于岩石物理模型优选出对孔隙度、含气饱和度较为敏感的参数λρμρ,构建能够反映储层孔隙度与含气饱和度的碳酸盐岩岩石物理模版;最后,将岩石物理模版与工区反演提取的参数相结合,确定储层分布范围,并对储层范围内孔隙度和含气饱和度数值进行了定量解释。实例分析表明,基于该模版定量解释得到的孔隙度和含气饱和度与实际地层孔隙度及产气结果基本一致,经验证碳酸盐岩岩石物理模版的可靠性和适用性较好。  相似文献   

中国大陆科学钻探孔区三维地震资料的初步解释   总被引:19,自引:8,他引:19  
利用中国大陆科学钻探岩心、测井与VSP资料来标定地震反射体,大大提高了大陆科学钻探孔区地质构造解释的可信度。超高压变质带地壳波速特征主要表现在上地壳顶部的高速层,其厚度一般小于10km;其下方正常的中下地壳波速结构反映了中新生代地壳的拉张与伸展。孔区三维地震拱形反射由榴辉岩及切穿它们的晚期破碎带共同形成的。在CCSD主孔东南方深部重力高部位有多个这样的拱形反射,预示在地表陡倾榴辉岩的延伸方向还有多个一定规模的隐伏榴辉岩体。孔区广泛发育韧性剪切带,韧性剪切带产生强反射的主要机制是韧性剪切复合岩套,由糜棱岩和经剪切错动产生的表壳岩片互层组成。三维地震调查提供了三维的反射地震波场,使揭示孔区三维的地质构造成为可能。450ms以上的时间切片与地袁地质构造和地磁异常相关,而1000~1200ms的时间切片与深部重力异常相关,主要反映由隐伏榴辉岩体产生的反射波场.根据上述研究结果,编制了沿三维地震主剖面的推断地质构造图。  相似文献   

PARSONS  IAN 《Journal of Petrology》1981,22(2):233-260
The layered syenite series in the Klokken stock formed by continuousin situ fractionation of a trachytic magma in a chamber linedby gabbro with 3000 m of cover rocks. The following mineralsand reactions are assessed as geothermometers and barometers:two feldspars; hypersolvus ternary feldspars; ferrohedenbergite-ß-wollastonite;clinopyroxene-olivine Fe-Mg exchange; Fe-Ti oxides; sanidine-magnetite-annite;ferroedenite stability. Estimates of silica activity are obtainedfrom the silica-magnetite-fayalite assemblage. The gabbros ended magmatic crystallization at > 1000–1050°C.The less fractionated members of the syenite range probablycrystallized with PH2O < Ptotal, at T > 870°C and,PH2O 800 bars. In the more fractionated syenites PH2O = Ptotalduring intercumulus feldspar growth, and all magmatic phasescrystallized within the interval 940–830°C and PH2O< 1100 bars. Magmatic fO2 (bars) was 1 log unit below theQFM buffer. aSIO2 in gabbros was slightly above the albite-nephelinebuffer, but rose suddenly to just <1 in the syenites, a jumpmirrored by minor elements in pyroxenes and opaque oxides. Biotitegrew subsolidus in most rocks, at fO2 < QFM, except in intermediaterocks when fO2 > QFM and was defined by the sanidine-magnetite-biotiteassemblage. In these rocks PH2O of 450 bars at 760°C isobtained using existing experimental data, but application ofthis data to Fe-rich biotites in the layered series (where biotiteis an intercumulus phase) requires P > 10 kb at magmatictemperatures. High TiO2 or F: OH probably accounts for increasedT stability of natural annites at low P. The syenitic liquid fractionated down a low temperature zonein a multicomponent system precipitating alk fsp + ol + cpx+ mt and the more fractionated members of the layered serieshad a negligible crystallization interval, a prerequisite forthe development of the unique Klokken-type inversely gradedmineral layering.  相似文献   

Lithoprobe and industry seismic profiles have furnished evidence of major zones of easterly dipping Grenville deformed crust extending southwest from exposed Grenville rocks north of Lake Ontario. Additional constraints on subsurface structure limited to the postulated Clarendon–Linden fault system south of Lake Ontario are provided by five east–west reflection lines recorded in 1976. Spatial correlations between seismic structure and magnetic anomalies are described from both Lake Ontario and the newly reprocessed New York lines.In the Paleozoic to Precambrian upper crust, the New York seismic sections show: (1) An easterly thickening wedge of subhorizontal Paleozoic strata unconformably overlying a Precambrian basement whose surface has an apparent regional easterly dip of 1–2°. Minor apparent normal offsets, possibly on the order of tens of meters, occur within the Paleozoic section. The generally poorly reflective unconformity may be locally characterized by topographic relief on the order of 100 m; (2) Apparent local displacement on the order of 90 m at the level of the Black River Group diminishes upward to little or no apparent offset of Queenston Shale; (3) Within the limited seismic sections, there appears to be no evidence that the complete upper crustal section is vertically or subvertically offset; (4) Dipping structure in the Paleozoic strata (15° to 35°) resembles some underlying Precambrian basement elements; (5) The surface continuity of inferred faults constituting the Clarendon–Linden system is not strongly supported by the seismic data.Beneath the Paleozoic strata, the seismic sections show both linear and arcuate reflector geometry with easterly apparent dips of 15° to 35° similar to the deep structures imaged on seismic lines from nearby Lake Ontario and on Lithoprobe lines to the north. The similarity supports an extension of easterly dipping Central Metasedimentary Belt structures of the Grenville orogen from southern Ontario to beneath western New York State.From a comparison of the magnetic and gravity fields with the New York seismic sections, we suggest: (1) The largely nonmagnetic Paleozoic strata appear to contribute negligibly to magnetic anomalies. Seismically imaged fractures in the New York Paleozoic strata appear to lie mainly west of a positive gravity anomaly. The relationship between magnetic and gravity anomalies and the changes in the geometry of interpreted Precambrian structures remains enigmatic; (2) North to northeast trending curvilinear magnetic and gravity anomalies parallel, but are not restricted to the principal trend of the postulated Clarendon–Linden fault system. Paleozoic fractures of the Clarendon–Linden system may partly overlie a southward extension of the Composite Arc Belt boundary zone.  相似文献   

时间域地震资料解释比较成熟,深度域处理技术已经走向煤炭领域,但煤矿采区高密度三维地震深度域资料解释实际应用还存在很多问题。通过煤炭地震深度域层位标定、深度域断层解释、深度域底板成图的摸索应用,参考时间域解释的流程,初步建立在煤炭高密度三维地震深度域资料中直接解释煤田地质成果的方法。以淮北祁南矿三维叠前深度偏移地震资料应用为例,通过深度域、时间域地震数据的对比剖析,断层解释、回采面地震属性显示及底板成图,取得精度更高的结果,利于一线技术人员直接运用深度域地震资料来指导煤矿生产。  相似文献   

渤海油田古近系三角洲沉积发育巨厚(大于100 m)的砂岩和砾岩储层,储层横向变化快,内部非均质性强,地震预测难题大。文章针对此类问题,提出一种基于厚度解释量版的砂砾岩定量表征方法。根据已有钻井资料建立井点处地质模型,结合已有地质资料分析储层可能的变化形式,形成地质模型库,对地质模型库进行正演获得相应的正演地震资料库,然后提取正演地震资料的反射振幅属性,建立不同砂砾岩变化形式下的厚度解释量版,最后提取实际地震资料的反射振幅属性,将其投射到厚度解释量版上,实现对巨厚砂砾岩储层的定量表征。该方法克服了常规地震反演、地震属性等方法难以有效刻画巨厚砂砾岩储层的难题,实现了对具有干涉效应的巨厚砂砾岩储层的厚度及其内部变化的精确定量表征。  相似文献   

Andrei Bala 《Natural Hazards》2014,72(3):1429-1445
Bucharest, the capital city of Romania, with more than 2 million inhabitants, is considered as a natural disaster hotspot by a recent global study of the World Bank and the Columbia University (Dilley M et al. Natural disaster hotspots: a global risk analysis. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank and Columbia University, Washington, DC in 2005). Therefore, it is classified as the second metropolis in Europe, after Istanbul, subjected to important losses in the case of a destructive Vrancea earthquake with moment magnitude greater than seven. Four major earthquakes with moment magnitudes between 6.9 and 7.7 hit Bucharest in the last 68 years. The most recent destructive earthquake on March 4, 1977, with a moment magnitude of 7.4, caused about 1,500 casualties in the capital alone. All disastrous intermediate-depth earthquakes are generated within a small epicentral area—the Vrancea seismogenic region—about 150 km northeast of Bucharest. Thick unconsolidated sedimentary layers below Bucharest amplify the arriving seismic waves causing severe destruction. Ten 50-m-deep boreholes are drilled in the metropolitan area of Bucharest in order to obtain a unique, homogeneous dataset of seismic, soil-mechanic and elasto-dynamic parameters. Cores for dynamic tests were extracted, and vertical seismic profiles were performed to obtain an updated site amplification model related to earthquakes waves. The boreholes are placed near former or existing seismic station sites to allow a direct comparison and calibration of the borehole data with previous seismological measurements. A database containing geological characteristics for each sedimentary layer, geotechnical parameters measured on rock samples, P- and S wave velocity and density for each sedimentary layer is set up, as a result of previous papers with this subject. Direct data obtained by the geophysical methods in the new boreholes drilled in Bucharest City, as well as from laboratory measurements, are used as input data in the program SHAKE2000. Results are obtained in the form of spectral acceleration response, and peak acceleration in depth is computed for every site in which in situ measurements were performed. The acceleration response spectra correspond to the shear-wave amplifications due to the models of sedimentary layers down to (a) 50 m depth; (b) 70 m depth; and (c) 100 m depth. A comparison of the acceleration response spectra obtained by modelling at surface with a real signal recorded at surface is obtained in three sites, as test sites for the three depths considered, in order to calibrate the results obtained by equivalent linear method of the seismic site response.  相似文献   

依托山西晋煤集团赵庄矿三维地震勘探项目进行三维地震属性分析解释技术的应用研究,对其关键技术进行了重点描述,并应用多种属性联合解释方式与三维可视化技术、三维地质建模技术相结合,对小的断层和陷落柱等进行了解释。同时,选取多种属性作为BP神经网络预测模型的基本参数,预测了煤层的厚度。通过对比目前煤田三维地震勘探中通行的常规资料处理解释和属性分析解释两种方法的效果,认为属性分析解释更加精细,成果更加可靠。  相似文献   

The high activity level of Hybrid Events (HE) detected beneath the Cayambe volcano since 1989 has been more thoroughly investigated with data from a temporary array. The unusual HE spectral content allows separating a high-frequency signal riding on a low-frequency one, with a probable single source. HEs are interpreted as high frequency VT events, produced by the interaction between magmatic heat and an underground water system fed by thaw water from the summital glacier, which trigger simultaneous low-frequency fluid resonance in the highly fractured adjacent medium. Pure VTs are interpreted as ‘aborted’ HEs occurring probably in the oldest and coldest part of the volcano complex. To cite this article: B. Guillier, J.-L. Chatelain, C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

A semi-probabilistic approach to the seismic hazard assessment of Greece is presented. For this reason, a recent seismotectonic model for shallow and intermediate depth earthquake sources, based on historical as well as on instrumental data, was used. Different attenuation formulae were proposed for the macroseismic intensity and the strong ground motion parameters for the shallow and the intermediate focal depth shocks. The data were elaborated in terms of McGuire's computer program, which is based on the Cornell's method.A grid of equally spaced points at 20 km distance was made and the seismic hazard recurrence curves for various parameters of the seismic intensity was estimated for each point. Finally, seismic hazard maps for the area of Greece were compiled utilizing the entire range of recurrence curves. These maps depict areas of equal seismic hazard and for every area the analytical relations of the typeSI =f(Tm), whereSI is a seismic intensity parameter andTm is the mean return period, were determined.  相似文献   

The discrimination of various phenomena, such as frost effects, sonic booms and explosions, from regional earthquakes is investigated on the basis of observations in Sweden. Explosions represent the greatest problem in this respect, for whose solution the short-period Rayleigh wave Rg provides the most reliable method. Its presence indicates an artificial origin, practically without exception.  相似文献   

宽频地震方法技术在地震探测工作中的应用   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在江苏东海中国大陆科学钻探址区进行了方法试验工作。使用法国生产的便携式3分量地震台站54台,并将各台的3个分量的记录道与3个垂直检波器串(6Hz和10Hz)相连,形成一个150多道的地震排列,进行了180km的反射和折射探测,总花费比常规反射剖面节省一半,获得了与常规方法类似的成果,提高了广角地震探测的分辨率。采用二维空间变量分离速度成像方法,利用广角地震波反射的“动校正”,使解释结果更加直观,获得了测区地震浅部的地壳速度精细结构。利用纵、横波联合解释,建立了大陆钻址区超高压变质带地区的地壳波速结构与泊松比结构。方法试验是成功的。  相似文献   

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