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Results are presented of a numerical study of marginal convection of electrically conducting fluid, permeated by a strong azimuthal magnetic field, contained in a circular cylinder rotating rapidly about its vertical axis of symmetry. To this basic state is added a geostrophic flow UG (s), constant on geostrophic cylinders radius s. Its magnitude is fixed by requiring that the Lorentz forces induced by the convecting mode satisfy Taylor's condition. The nonlinear mathematical problem describing the system was developed in an earlier paper (Skinner and Soward, 1988) and the predictions made there are confirmed here. In particular, for small values of the Roberts number q which measures the ratio of the thermal to magnetic diffusivities, two distinct regions can be recognised within the fluid with the outer region moving rapidly compared to the inner. Otherwise, conditions for the onset of instability via the Taylor state (UG 0) do not differ significantly from those appropriate to the static (UG = 0) basic state. The possible disruption of the Taylor states by shear flow instabilities is discussed briefly.  相似文献   


An inviscid, electrically conducting fluid is contained between two rigid horizontal planes and bounded laterally by two vertical walls. The fluid is permeated by a strong uniform horizontal magnetic field aligned with the side wall boundaries and the entire system rotates rapidly about a vertical axis. The ratio of the magnitudes of the Lorentz and Coriolis forces is characterized by the Elsasser number, A, and the ratio of the thermal and magnetic diffusivities, q. By heating the fluid from below and cooling from above the system becomes unstable to small perturbations when the adverse density gradient as measured by the Rayleigh number, R, is sufficiently large.

With the viscosity ignored the geostrophic velocity, U, which is aligned with the applied magnetic field, is independent of the coordinate parallel to the rotation axis but is an arbitrary function of the horizontal cross-stream coordinate. At the onset of instability the value of U taken ensures that Taylor's condition is met. Specifically the Lorentz force, which results from marginal convection must not cause any acceleration of the geostrophic flow. It is found that the critical Rayleigh number characterising the onset of instability is generally close to the corresponding value for the usual linear problem, in which Taylor's condition is ignored and U is chosen to vanish. Significant differences can occur when q is small owing to a complicated flow structure. There is a central interior region in which the local magnetic Reynolds number, Rm , based on U is small of order q and on exterior region in which Rm is of order unity.  相似文献   


Finite amplitude solutions for convection in a rotating spherical fluid shell with a radius ratio of η=0.4 are obtained numerically by the Galerkin method. The case of the azimuthal wavenumber m=2 is emphasized, but solutions with m=4 are also considered. The pronounced distinction between different modes at low Prandtl numbers found in a preceding linear analysis (Zhang and Busse, 1987) is also found with respect to nonlinear properties. Only the positive-ω-mode exhibits subcritical finite amplitude convection. The stability of the stationary drifting solutions with respect to hydrodynamic disturbances is analyzed and regions of stability are presented. A major part of the paper is concerned with the growth of magnetic disturbances. The critical magnetic Prandtl number for the onset of dynamo action has been determined as function of the Rayleigh and Taylor numbers for the Prandtl numbers P=0.1 and P=1.0. Stationary and oscillatory dynamos with both, dipolar and quadrupolar, symmetries are close competitors in the parameter space of the problem.  相似文献   


This paper develops further a convection model that has been studied several times previously as a very crude idealization of planetary core dynamics. A plane layer of electrically-conducting fluid rotates about the vertical in the presence of a magnetic field. Such a field can be created spontaneously, as in the Childress—Soward dynamo, but here it is uniform, horizontal and externally-applied. The Prandtl number of the fluid is large, but the Ekman, Elsasser and Rayleigh numbers are of order unity, as is the ratio of thermal to magnetic diffusivity. Attention is focused on the onset of convection as the temperature difference applied across the layer is increased, and on the preferred mode, i.e., the planform and time-dependence of small amplitude convection. The case of main interest is the layer confined between electrically-insulating no-slip walls, but the analysis is guided by a parallel study based on illustrative boundary conditions that are mathematically simpler.  相似文献   


The radial temperature differences at which the transition from lower symmetry to the wave regime and the transition from the wave regime to lower symmetry occur have been measured for rotation rates ≦2rad/sec. It was found that the temperature differences at which the transitions occur differ for a fixed rotation rate, depending on whether the radial temperature difference is either increased or decreased with time. There is hysteresis in the transition at lower symmetry.  相似文献   


Thermal convection in a vertically-mounted, rotating annulus of a particular design proposed by Davies and Walin (1977) is investigated. The annulus used in the present study differs from the conventional type in some important aspects: the sidewalls are finitely conducting, and the thermal conductance of the sidewalls is height-dependent. The theoretical model due to Davies and Walin is briefly recounted. The present study aims to verify the theoretical model; we have acquired numerical solutions to the governing Navier-Stokes equations. The numerical results are supportive of the theoretical contentions. The near-linear dependence of the isothermal slope on the parameter D, which is a function of Ω and ΔT, is corroborated within reasonable limits. New data on the vertical and radial structures of the meridional and azimuthal flows are presented. The numerical results also confirm that the shape of the sidewall thickness has a substantial influence on the meridional flow patterns. In the bulk of the interior flow field, the dominant azimuthal flow field and the temperature field are linked by the thermal wind relation.  相似文献   


We investigate the influence of differential rotation on magnetic instabilities for an electrically conducting fluid in the presence of a toroidal basic state of magnetic field B 0 = BMB0(r, θ)1 φ and flow U0 = UMU0 (r, θ)1φ, [(r, θ, φ) are spherical polar coordinates]. The fluid is confined in a rapidly rotating, electrically insulating, rigid spherical container. In the first instance the influence of differential rotation on established magnetic instabilities is studied. These can belong to either the ideal or the resistive class, both of which have been the subject of extensive research in parts I and II of this series. It was found there, that in the absence of differential rotation, ideal modes (driven by gradients of B 0) become unstable for Ac ? 200 whereas resistive instabilities (generated by magnetic reconnection processes near critical levels, i.e. zeros of B0) require Ac ? 50. Here, Λ is the Elsasser number, a measure of the magnetic field strength and Λc is its critical value at marginal stability. Both types of instability can be stabilised by adding differential rotation into the system. For the resistive modes the exact form of the differential rotation is not important whereas for the ideal modes only a rotation rate which increases outward from the rotation axis has a stabilising effect. We found that in all cases which we investigated Λc increased rapidly and the modes disappeared when Rm ≈ O(ΛC), where the magnetic Reynolds number Rm is a measure of the strength of differential rotation. The main emphasis, however, is on instabilities which are driven by unstable gradients of the differential rotation itself, i.e. an otherwise stable fluid system is destabilised by a suitable differential rotation once the magnetic Reynolds number exceeds a certain critical value (Rm )c. Earlier work in the cylindrical geometry has shown that the differential rotation can generate an instability if Rm ) ?O(Λ). Those results, obtained for a fixed value of Λ = 100 are extended in two ways: to a spherical geometry and to an analysis of the effect of the magnetic field strength Λ on these modes of instability. Calculations confirm that modes driven by unstable gradients of the differential rotation can exist in a sphere and they are in good agreement with the local analysis and the predictions inferred from the cylindrical geometry. For Λ = O(100), the critical value of the magnetic Reynolds number (Rm )c Λ 100, depending on the choice of flow U0 . Modes corresponding to azimuthal wavenumber m = 1 are the most unstable ones. Although the magnetic field B 0 is itself a stable one, the field strength plays an important role for this instability. For all modes investigated, both for cylindrical and spherical geometries, (Rm )c reaches a minimum value for 50 ≈ Λ ≈ 100. If Λ is increased, (Rm )c ∝ Λ, whereas a decrease of Λ leads to a rapid increase of (Rm )c, i.e. a stabilisation of the system. No instability was found for Λ ≈ 10 — 30. Optimum conditions for instability driven by unstable gradients of the differential rotation are therefore achieved for ≈ Λ 50 — 100, Rm ? 100. These values lead to the conclusion that the instabilities can play an important role in the dynamics of the Earth's core.  相似文献   


The first three papers in this series (Fearn, 1983b, 1984, 1985) have investigated the stability of a strong toroidal magnetic field Bo =Bo(s?)Φ [where (s?. Φ, z?) are cylindrical polars] in a rapidly rotating system. The application is to the cores of the Earth and the planets but a simpler cylindrical geometry was chosen to permit a detailed study of the instabilities present. A further simplification was the use of electrically perfectly conducting boundary conditions. Here, we replace these with the boundary conditions appropriate to an insulating container. As expected, we find the same instabilities as for a perfectly conducting container, with quantitative changes in the critical parameters but no qualitative differences except for some interesting mixing between the ideal (“field gradient”) and resistive modes for azimuthal wavenumber m=1. In addition to these modes, we have also found the “exceptional” slow mode of Roberts and Loper (1979) and we investigate the conditions required for its instability for a variety of fields Bo(s?) Roberts and Loper's analysis was restricted to the case Bo∝s? and they found instability only for m=1 and ?1 <ω<0 [where ω is the frequency non-dimensionalised on the slow timescale τx, see (1.5)]. For other fields we found the necessary conditions to be less “exceptional”. One surprising feature of this instability is the importance of inertia for its existence. We show that viscosity is an alternative destabilising agent. The standard (magnetostrophic) approximation of neglecting inertial (and viscous) terms in the equation of motion has the effect of filtering out this instability. The field strength required for this “exceptional” mode to become unstable is found to be very much larger than that thought to be present in the Earth's core, so we conclude that this mode is unlikely to play an important role in the dynamics of the core.  相似文献   


Numerical simulations of thermal convection in a rapidly rotating spherical fluid shell with and without inhomogeneous temperature anomalies on the top boundary have been carried out using a three-dimensional, time-dependent, spectral-transform code. The spherical shell of Boussinesq fluid has inner and outer radii the same as those of the Earth's liquid outer core. The Taylor number is 107, the Prandtl number is 1, and the Rayleigh number R is 5Rc (Rc is the critical value of R for the onset of convection when the top boundary is isothermal and R is based on the spherically averaged temperature difference across the shell). The shell is heated from below and cooled from above; there is no internal heating. The lower boundary of the shell is isothermal and both boundaries are rigid and impermeable. Three cases are considered. In one, the upper boundary is isothermal while in the others, temperature anomalies with (l,m) = (3,2) and (6,4) are imposed on the top boundary. The spherically averaged temperature difference across the shell is the same in all three cases. The amplitudes of the imposed temperature anomalies are equal to one-half of the spherically averaged temperature difference across the shell. Convective structures are strongly controlled by both rotation and the imposed temperature anomalies suggesting that thermal inhomogeneities imposed by the mantle on the core have a significant influence on the motions inside the core. The imposed temperature anomaly locks the thermal perturbation structure in the outer part of the spherical shell onto the upper boundary and significantly modifies the velocity structure in the same region. However, the radial velocity structure in the outer part of the shell is different from the temperature perturbation structure. The influence of the imposed temperature anomaly decreases with depth in the shell. Thermal structure and velocity structure are similar and convective rolls are more columnar in the inner part of the shell where the effects of rotation are most dominant.  相似文献   

Results are presented from both linear stability analysis and numerical simulations of three-dimensional nonlinear convection in a Boussinesq fluid in an annular channel, under experimental boundary conditions, rotating about a vertical axis uniformly heated from below. The focus is placed on the Prandtl number Pr = 7.0, representing liquid water at room temperature. The linear analysis shows that, when the aspect ratio is sufficiently small, there exists only one stationary mode that occupies the whole fluid container. When the aspect ratio is moderate or large, however, there exist three different linear solutions: (i) the outer sidewall-localized traveling wave propagating against the sense of rotation; (ii) the inner sidewall-localized traveling wave propagating in the same sense as rotation; and (iii) both the counter-traveling waves occurring simultaneously. Guided by the result of the linear stability analysis, fully three-dimensional simulations are then performed for a channel with a moderate aspect ratio. It is found that neither the prograde nor the retrograde mode is physically realizable near threshold and beyond. The dynamics of nonlinear convection in a rotating channel are chiefly characterized by the interaction between the sidewall-localized waves and the interior convection cells/rolls, producing an interesting and unusual nonlinear phenomenon. In order to compare with the classical Rayleigh–Bénard problem without vertical sidewalls, we also study linear and nonlinear convection at exactly the same parameters but in an infinitely extended layer with periodic horizontal conditions. This reveals that both the linear instability and nonlinear convection in a rotating channel are characteristically different from those in a rotating layer with periodic horizontal conditions.  相似文献   


Turbulence in the Earth's outer core not only increases all diffusive coefficients, but it can lead to their anisotropic properties. Therefore, the model of rotating magnetoconvection in horizontal plane layer rotating about vertical axis and permeated by homogeneous horizontal magnetic field, influenced by anisotropic diffusivities, viscosity and thermal diffusivity, is advanced by considering the magnetic diffusivity as anisotropic too. The case of full anisotropy, i.e. all coefficients anisotropic, is compared with both the case possessing isotropic diffusion coefficients and the case of partial anisotropy, i.e. mixed case with isotropic and anisotropic diffusive coefficients (viscosity and thermal diffusivity anisotropic and magnetic diffusivity isotropic). The existence and preference of instabilities is sensitive to all non-dimensional parameters, as well as on anisotropic parameter, the ratio of horizontal and vertical diffusivities. Two types of anisotropy, BM (introduced by Braginsky and Meytlis) and SA (stratification anisotropy) are studied. BM as well as SA were applied by ?oltis and Brestenský to the study of the partial anisotropy; this study is extended, in this paper, to full anisotropy cases (full SA and full BM) and it is shown that the style of convection given by the onset of stationary modes is more affected by anisotropic diffusivities in BM than in SA anisotropy. The important influence of strong anisotropies in the Earth's core dynamics is stressed.  相似文献   


We consider the stability of a toroidal magnetic field B = B(s*) (where (s*,φ,z*) are cylindrical polar coordinates) in a cylindrical annulus of conducting fluid with inner and outer radii si and s o rotating rapidly about its axis. The outer boundary is taken to be either insulating or perfectly conducting, and the effect of a finite magnetic diffusivity in the inner core is investigated. The ratio of magnetic diffusivity in the inner core to that of the outer core is denoted by ηη→0 corresponding to a perfectly conducting inner core and η→∞ to an insulating one. Comparisons with the results of Fearn (1983b, 1988) were made and a good match found in the limits η→0 and η→∞ with his perfectly conducting and insulating results, respectively. In addition a new mode of instability was found in the eta;→0 regime. Features of this new mode are low frequency (both the frequency and growth rate →0 as η→0) and penetration deep into the inner core. Typically it is unstable at lower magnetic field strengths than the previously known instabilities.  相似文献   


Thermal convection in a fluid-filled gap between the two corotating, concentric cylindrical sidewalls with sloping curved ends driven by radial buoyancy was first studied by Busse (Busse, F.H., "Thermal instabilities in rapidly rotating systems", J. Fluid Mech . 44 , 441-460 (1970)). The annulus model captures the key features of rotating convection in full spherical geometry and has been widely employed to study convection, magnetoconvection and dynamos in planetary systems, usually in connection with the small-gap approximation neglecting the effect of azimuthal curvature of the annulus. This article investigates nonlinear thermal convection in a rotating annulus with a finite gap through numerical simulations of the full set of nonlinear convection equations. Three representative cases are investigated in detail: a large-gap annulus with the ratio of the radii ( s i and s o ) of the sidewalls ξ = s i / o s = 0.1, a medium-gap annulus with ξ = 0.35 and a small-gap annulus with ξ = 0.8. Near the onset of convection, the effect of rapid rotation through the sloping ends forces the first (Hopf) bifurcation in the form of small-scale, steadily drifting rolls (thermal Rossby waves). At moderately large Rayleigh numbers, a variety of different convection patterns are found, including mixed-mode steadily drifting, quasi-periodic (vacillating) and temporally chaotic convection in association with various temporal and spatial symmetry-breaking bifurcations. Our extensive simulations suggest that competition between nonlinear and rotational effects with increasing Rayleigh number leads to an unusual sequence of bifurcation characterized by enlarging the spatial scale of convection.  相似文献   


The ray method is used to study slow hydromagnetic waves in an incompressible, inviscid, perfectly conducting fluid of constant density in the presence of a constant toroidal magnetic field. The fluid is bounded below by a rigid sphere and above by a rigid spheroidal surface, and the mean fluid layer thickness is assumed to be small. Both the general time-dependent and time-harmonic (free oscillation) problems are studied and dispersion relations and conservation laws are derived. These results are applied to free oscillations with constant azimuthal wave number in a spherical shell and then compared to those of previous authors. Such oscillations propagate to the east and are trapped between circles of constant latitude. Wave propagation in axisymmetric shells is then studied with emphasis on the relationship between shell shape and direction of propagation, and it is found that such shells can sustain westward propagating modes wherever the shell thickness decreases sufficiently rapidly from a maximum at the poles to zero at the equator; no shells exist which can sustain westward propagation at the equator.  相似文献   


We have used techniques of nonlinear dynamics to compare a special model for the reversals of the Earth's magnetic field with the observational data. Although this model is rather simple, there is no essential difference to the data by means of well-known characteristics, such as correlation function and probability distribution. Applying methods of symbolic dynamics we have found that the considered model is not able to describe the dynamical properties of the observed process. These significant differences are expressed by algorithmic complexity and Renyi information.  相似文献   


Theoretical studies predict a parametric instability of finite-amplitude internal gravity waves which hitherto has been observed only in laboratory experiments. The occurrence of this process in the atmosphere is of basic interest because finite-amplitude gravity waves, which are almost ubiquitous especially at upper atmospheric heights, would produce unstable flows even at large Richardson numbers. Maximum entropy power spectra of a strong internal gravity wave in the thermosphere, which was generated by a volcanic eruption and detected on records of the Doppler shift of high-frequency radio waves, in fact show good agreement with the spectra of synthetic Doppler records obtained from a calculated unstable gravity wave. The frequencies and wavenumbers observed in the gravity wave domain satisfy in particular the theoretically predicted resonance conditions. The observed Doppler records also show two significant lines in the acoustic domain which probably result from a nonlinear interaction with the basic gravity wave. It is suggested that acoustic double peaks, which are commonly observed in high-frequency Doppler spectra in the presence of nearby thunderstorms, represent parametric instabilities of internal gravity waves generated by penetrative cumulus convection.  相似文献   


This paper develops further a convection model that has been studied several times previously as a very crude idealization of planetary core dynamics. A plane layer of electrically-conducting fluid rotates about the vertical in the presence of a magnetic field. Such a field can be created spontaneously, as in the Childress-Soward dynamo, but here it is uniform, horizontal and externally-applied. The Prandtl number of the fluid is large, but the Ekman, Elsasser and Rayleigh numbers are of unit order. In Part I of this series, it was also supposed that the ratio thermal diffusivity diffusivity/magnetic diffusivity is O(1), but here we suppose that this ratio is large. The character of the solution is changed in this limit. In the case of main interest, when the layer is confined between electrically-insulating no-slip walls, the solution is significantly different from the solution when the mathematically simpler, illustrative boundary conditions also considered in Part I are employed. As in Part I, attention is focussed on the onset of convection as the temperature difference applied across the layer is increased, and on the preferred mode, i.e., the planform and time-dependence of small amplitude convection.  相似文献   

The theory behind transient electromagnetic surveys can be well described in terms of transverse magnetic and transverse electric modes. Soundings using transverse magnetic and transverse electric modes require different source configurations. In this study, we consider an alternating transverse magnetic field excitation by a circular electric dipole. The circular electric dipole transmitter is a horizontal analogue of the vertical electric dipole. Offshore surveys using circular electric dipole might represent an alternative to the conventional marine controlled‐source electromagnetic method at shallow sea and/or for exploring relatively small targets. Field acquisition is carried out by recording either electric or magnetic responses. Electric responses bear information on the 1D structure of a layered earth and successfully resolve high‐resistivity targets in marine surveys. Land‐based circular electric dipole soundings are affected by induced polarisation. On the contrary, magnetic responses are absent on the surface of a 1D earth, and as a result, they are very sensitive to any and even very small 3D conductivity perturbations. In addition, they are sensitive to induced polarisation or some other polarisation effects in the subsurface. At present, circular electric dipole transmitters and magnetic receivers are successfully used in on‐land mineral and petroleum exploration.  相似文献   


The solution of the full nonlinear hydromagnetic dynamo problem is a major numerical undertaking. While efforts continue, supplementary studies into various aspects of the dynamo process can greatly improve our understanding of the mechanisms involved. In the present study, the linear stability of an electrically conducting fluid in a rigid, electrically insulating spherical container in the presence of a toroidal magnetic field Bo(r,θ)lø and toroidal velocity field Uo(r,θ)lø, [where (r,θ,ø) are polar coordinates] is investigated. The system, a model for the Earth's fluid core, is rapidly rotating, the magnetostrophic approximation is used and thermal effects are excluded. Earlier studies have adopted a cylindrical geometry in order to simplify the numerical analysis. Although the cylindrical geometry retains the fundamental physics, a spherical geometry is a more appropriate model for the Earth. Here, we use the results which have been found for cylindrical systems as guidelines for the more realistic spherical case. This is achieved by restricting attention to basic states depending only on the distance from the rotation axis and by concentrating on the field gradient instability. We then find that our calculations for the sphere are in very good qualitative agreement both with a local analysis and with the predictions from the results of the cylindrical geometry. We have thus established the existence of field gradient modes in a realistic (spherical) model and found a sound basis for the study of various other, more complicated, classes of magnetically driven instabilities which will be comprehensively investigated in future work.  相似文献   


Convection experiments in a rotating long cavity were conducted to investigate the changes introduced by Coriolis-force to the well understood convection in the (nonrotating) long cavity. In the far convective regime, the results indicated that large-scale features of the convection were dominated by geostrophically balanced confined primary currents. Close to the transition regime, where the intruding currents gain a thickness close to the vertical dimension of the tank, secondary features became predominant. In the transition regime, these secondary features were not present and the simple picture of two cavity filling counter currents with laterally tilted isotherms could be confirmed.  相似文献   

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