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Summary Ideas concerning the overturning of unstably stratified, rotating fluids are explored using potential vorticity.A set of equations governing axi-symmetric flow in a quasi-Boussinesq system are found based on the gradient wind approximation, and a transformation analogous to that developed byHoskins [6] is used.The time-development of a linear, thermally unstable vortex under the action of Ekman pumping is studied with these equations. The changing radial scale during amplification of the vortex is well represented.Finally, some exact steady vortex states for stably stratified fluids are found and their possible relevance to atmospheric vortices is discussed.  相似文献   

Vortex merger is a phenomenon characterizing the whole class of geophysical vortices, from atmospheric storms and large oceanic eddies up to small scale turbulence. Here we focus on the merger of subsurface oceanic anticyclones in an idealized primitive equations model. This study has been motivated by past and recent observations of colliding lens-like anticyclones off of Gibraltar Strait. The critical conditions for merger (critical merger distance and time needed for merger) are determined. We will show that the predictions of classical two-dimensional merger are not verified for subsurface isolated vortices. For instance, critical merger distances will be reduced because of the vortex potential vorticity (PV) structure. The post-merger characteristics of the vortex (radius, extension and PV), are also determined. Merger-related effects, like production of peripheral filaments and small-scale eddies are also investigated and suggest the contribution of merger in both direct and inverse energy cascades.  相似文献   

In a previous paper, Caillol [Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., 2014, 108] investigated the steady nonlinear vortical structure of a singular vortex Rossby mode that has survived to a strong critical-layer-like interaction with a linearly stable, columnar, axisymmetric and dry vortex. We presented a general theory for this wave/mean flow interaction through the nonlinear critical layer theory and calculated the mean azimuthal and axial winds induced at the critical radius at the end of this interaction in the final stage. We here apply that theory to rapidly rotating geophysical vortices: tropical cyclones, cold-air mesocyclones and tornadoes. We find that the numerous assumptions invoked in that paper agree well with the reality of those intense vortices. We also find that in spite of a lack of moist-convection modelling, this dry vortex is fairly well accelerated at the critical radius by such a shear wave with a magnitude of order the square root of the damped-wave amplitude. The intensification level strongly depends on the aspect ratio, height of the system: rapid vortex and parent vortex, over core radius. The thinner the vortex is, the sharper the intensification is. This result is in sharp contrast to the numerous numerical simulations on VR wave/vortex interactions that yield a much smaller intensification of order the square of the wave amplitude. This weakly nonlinear approach nevertheless fails to model small vertical wavelength VR wave/vortex interactions for their related asymptotic expansions are divergent and for they yield strongly nonlinear VR waves coupled with evolving critical layers whose extent can no longer be considered as thin.  相似文献   


New periodic vortices were observed during a rotating tank experiment, to be described. The peculiarities and the formation mechanism of the present vortices are based on observations. The vortices reach the complete form in stages, viz. laminar boundary layer growth, sinuous motion and rolling oscillation. After being formed, the vortices are shed periodically and the diameter of the vortices grows as they advance.

The vortices appear when the flow over the concave semicircular wall, fixed in the rotating tank, is maintained by the shear stresses at the inner surface of the rotating tank. The vortices and the flow were visualized with thymol blue dye.  相似文献   


The simplest model for geophysical flows is one layer of a constant density fluid with a free surface, where the fluid motions occur on a scale in which the Coriolis force is significant. In the linear shallow water limit, there are non-dispersive Kelvin waves, localized near a boundary or near the equator, and a large family of dispersive waves. We study weakly nonlinear and finite depth corrections to these waves, and derive a reduced system of equations governing the flow. For this system we find approximate solitary Kelvin waves, both for waves traveling along a boundary and along the equator. These waves induce jets perpendicular to their direction of propagation, which may have a role in mixing. We also derive an equivalent reduced system for the evolution of perturbations to a mean geostrophic flow.  相似文献   

We study pairwise interactions of elliptical quasi-geostrophic (QG) vortices as the limiting case of vanishingly thin uniform potential vorticity ellipsoids. In this limit, the product of the vertical extent of the ellipsoid and the potential vorticity within it is held fixed to a finite non-zero constant. Such elliptical “lenses” inherit the property that, in isolation, they steadily rotate without changing shape. Here, we use this property to extend both standard moment models and Hamiltonian ellipsoidal models to approximate the dynamical interaction of such elliptical lenses. By neglecting non-elliptical deformations, the simplified models reduce the dynamics to just four degrees of freedom per vortex. For simplicity, we focus on pairwise interactions between identical elliptical vortices initially separated in both the horizontal and vertical directions. The dynamics of the simplified models are compared with the full QG dynamics of the system, and show good agreement as expected for sufficiently distant lenses. The results reveal the existence of families of steadily rotating equilibria in the initial horizontal and vertical separation parameter space. For sufficiently large vertical separations, equilibria with varying shape exist for all horizontal separations. Below a critical vertical separation (stretched by the constant ratio of buoyancy to Coriolis frequencies N / f), comparable to the mean radius of either vortex, a gap opens in horizontal separation where no equilibria are possible. Solutions near the edge of this gap are unstable. In the full QG system, equilibria at the edge of the gap exhibit corners (infinite curvature) along their boundaries. Comparisons of the model results with the full nonlinear QG evolution show that the early stages of the instability are captured by the Hamiltonian elliptical model but not by the moment model that inaccurately estimates shorter-range interactions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the interaction between two like-signed quasi-geostrophic uniform potential vorticity internal vortices in the vicinity of a surface buoyancy anomaly filament in a three dimensional, stably stratified and rapidly rotating fluid. The surface buoyancy distribution locally modifies the pressure fields and generates a shear flow. We start the study by first considering the effects of a uniform linear horizontal shear on the binary vortex interaction. We confirm that a cooperative shear facilitates the merger of a pair of vortices while an adverse shear has the opposite effect. We next investigate the binary vortex interaction in the vicinity of the surface buoyancy filament explicitly. Here, not only the filament generates a shear flow, but it also responds dynamically to the forcing by the vortex pair. The filament destabilises and forms buoyancy billows at the surface. These billows interact with the internal vortices. In particular, a surface billow may pair with one of the internal vortices. In such cases, the like-signed internal vortex pair may separate if they are initially moderately distant from each other.  相似文献   

In this article we address two questions: Why do freely evolving vortices weaken on average, even when the viscosity is very small? Why, in the fluid's interior, away from vertical boundaries and under the influence of Earth's rotation and stable density stratification, do anticyclonic vortices become dominant over cyclonic ones when the Rossby number and deformation radius are finite? The context for answering these questions is a rotating, conservative, Shallow-water model with Asymmetric and Gradient-wind Balance approximations. The controlling mechanisms are vortex weakening under straining deformation (with a weakening that is substantially greater for strong cyclones than strong anticyclones) followed by a partially compensating vortex strengthening during a relaxation phase dominated by Vortex Rossby Waves (VRWs) and their eddy–mean interaction with the vortex. The outcome is a net, strain-induced vortex weakening that is greater for cyclones than anticyclones when the deformation radius is not large compared to the vortex radius and the Rossby number is not small. Furthermore, when the exterior strain flow is sustained, the vortex changes also are sustained: for small Rossby number (i.e., the quasigeostrophic limit, QG), vortices continue to weaken at a relatively modest rate, but for larger Rossby number, cyclones weaken strongly and anticyclones actually strengthen systematically when the deformation radius is comparable to the vortex radius. The sustained vortex changes are associated with strain-induced VRWs on the periphery of the mean vortex. It therefore seems likely that, in a complex flow with many vortices, anticyclonic dominance develops over a sequence of transient mutual straining events due to the greater robustness of anticyclones (and occasionally their net strengthening).  相似文献   


We present results from a new series of experiments on the geophysically important issue of the instability of anticyclonic columnar vortices in a rotating fluid in circumstances such that the Rossby number exceeds unity. The vortex pair consisting of a cyclonic and an anticyclonic vortex is induced by a rotating flap in a fluid which is itself initially in a state of solid-body rotation. The anticyclonic vortex is then subject to either centrifugal or elliptical instability, depending on whether its initial ellipticity is small or large, while the cyclone always remains stable. The experimental results demonstrate that the perturbations due to centrifugal instability have a typical form of toroidal vortices of alternating sign (rib vortices). The perturbations due to elliptical instability are of the form of sinuous deformation of the vortex filament in the plane of maximal stretching which corresponds to the plane of symmetry for the vortex pair. The initial perturbations in both cases are characterized by a definite wave number in the vertical direction. The characteristics of the unstable anticyclone are determined by the main nondimensional parameter of the flow - the Rossby number. The appearance of both centrifugal and elliptical instabilities are in accord with the predictions of theoretical criteria for these cases.  相似文献   

The point-vortex equilibrium statistical model of two-layer baroclinic quasigeostrophic vortices in an unbounded f-plane is examined. A key conserved quantity, angular momentum, serves to confine the vortices to a compact domain, thereby justifying the statistical mechanics model, and also eliminating the need for boundary conditions in a practical method for its resolution. The Metropolis method provides a fast and efficient algorithm for solving the mean field non-linear elliptic PDEs of the equilibrium statistical theory. A verification of the method is done by comparison with the exact Gaussian solution at the no interaction limit of zero inverse temperature. The numerical results include a geophysically and computationally relevant power law for the radii at which the most probable vortex distribution is non-vanishing: For fixed total circulation, and fixed average angular momentum, the radii of both layers are proportional to the square root of the inverse temperature β. By changing the chemical potentials μ of the runs, one is able to model the most probable vorticity distributions for a wide range of total circulation and energy. The most probable vorticity distribution obtained at low positive temperatures are consistently close to a radially symmetric flat-top profiles. At high temperatures, the radially symmetric vorticity profiles are close to the Gaussian distribution.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the quasi-geostrophic approximation, the interactions of two identical initially circular vortex patches are studied using the contour dynamics/surgery method. The cases of barotropic vortices and of vortices in the upper layer of a two-layer fluid are considered. Diagrams showing the end states of vortex interactions and, in particular, the new regime of vortex triplet formation are constructed for a wide range of external parameters. This paper shows that, in the nonlinear evolution of two such (like-signed) vortices, the filaments and vorticity fragments surrounding the merged vortex often collapse into satellite vortices. Therefore, the conditions for the formation and the quasi-steady motions of a new type of triplet-shaped vortex structure are obtained.  相似文献   


Under consideration are interfaces between two media of different densities and which arise from the interaction between the Mth and Nth harmonics of the motion where 1 ≤ N < M. By means of the method of multiple scales in both space and time a pair of nonlinear coupled partial differential equations is derived which model the progression of the interface. The equations contain a detuning parameter [sgrave] which allow imperfections in the resonance to be taken into account. Stokes-type sinusoidal solutions to the equations were sought. It was found that solutions exist for all values of the interaction ratio M/N. In some situations interfaces exist at both exact and near resonance; while in others they are destroyed by amplifications in the detuning. In yet others, a quantity of detuning is actually necessary for the profiles to exist. In all cases, even when the parameters are fixed, a very large class of interface profiles is possible. Finally, the stability of the profiles is studied. It is found that some are quite stable, even to perturbations with wavenumbers close to the main flow.  相似文献   

The status of disturbances of both initial values and parameters in the model is further investigated, and the exact explicit estimates on the disturbance energy and disturbance potential enstrophy are given, while the initial disturbance fields depend only on the initial disturbance potential enstrophy, initial disturbance velocity circulation along the boundary, and disturbance parameters. And based on the generalized nonlinear stability concept in the sense of Lyapunov, the nonlinear stability criteria paralleling to Arnold’s second theorem are obtained. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49776286).  相似文献   

The Loop Current of the Gulf of Mexico is simulated in the laboratory. A circular tank is filled with water and is placed off-center on a rotating table and the flow field is generated by injecting and withdrawing water at two openings on the wall. The free surface becomes parabolic due to balance of gravitational and centrifugal forces, simulating the latitudinal change of the Coriolis parameter (-effect) in the ocean. The flow characteristics depend on the influx and the rate of rotation and can be classified according to non-dimensional parameters (Rossby, Ekman and Froude numbers denoted byR 0,E andF, respectively). When the influx is small and the rotation rate is large (smallR 0,E andF) the flow will be almost linear, and the fluid flows along the side-wall boundary layer under constraint of the -effect. For a very large influx (largeR 0 andE) inertial forces become very large compared to the Coriolis force and the flow behaves like a potential flow. The flow studied had characteristics between these two extreme cases and hasR 0 andF similar to the Gulf circulation, though similarity inE is ambiguous. Photographs of the flow indicate that the inflow penetrates further into the interior when the rotation rate is increased while the influx is kept constant. The numerical analysis of the non-linear vorticity equation confirms this for the parameters corresponding to the experiment. In addition, the photographs reveal eddies embedded on both sides of the main stream, particularly near the inflow region. These eddies are intensified and become uniform in size as the influx increases. It is pointed out that such eddies were actually observed near the Loop Current north of the Yucatan Straits.  相似文献   


Dynamic interaction between magnetic field and fluid motion is studied through a numerical experiment of nonlinear three-dimensional magnetoconvection in a rapidly rotating spherical fluid shell to which a uniform magnetic field parallel to its spin axis is applied. The fluid shell is heated by internal heat sources to maintain thermal convection. The mean value of the magnetic Reynolds number in the fluid shell is 22.4 and 10 pairs of axially aligned vortex rolls are stably developed. We found that confinement of magnetic flux into anti-cyclonic vortex rolls was crucial on an abrupt change of the mode of magnetoconvection which occurred at Δ = 1 ~ 2, where A is the Elsasser number. After the mode change, the fluid shell can store a large amount of magnetic flux in itself by changing its convection style, and the magnetostrophic balance among the Coriolis, Lorentz and pressure forces is established. Furthermore, the toroidal/poloidal ratio of the induced magnetic energy becomes less than unity, and the magnetized anti-cyclones are enlarged due to the effect of the magnetic force. Using these key ideas, we investigated the causes of the mode change of magnetoconvection. Considering relatively large magnetic Reynolds number and a rapid rotation rate of this model, we believe that these basic ideas used to interpret the present numerical experiment can be applied to the dynamics in the Earth's and other planetary cores.  相似文献   


The “viscous overturning” mechanism, described in its simplest form by the linearized instability theory of the previous paper, is discussed in relation to certain numerical solutions recently obtained by G. P. Williams for steady thermally driven axisymmetric convective flow of water (Prandtl number = 7) in a rotating annulus differentially heated in the horizontal, in the “upper symmetric regime” parameter range. Viscous overturning plays an important and clearly identifiable role in the flows A3B, A4 and A5, which have free‐slip side walls and top surface, and a less clearcut role in A3 and B2, for which only the top surface is free. The discussion leads to various predictions about annulus flows not yet studied in detail.  相似文献   


The behavior of Rossby waves on a shear flow in the presence of a nonlinear critical layer is studied, with particular emphasis on the role played by the critical layer in a Rossby wave resonance mechanism. Previous steady analyses are extended to the resonant case and it is found that the forced wave dominates the solution, provided the flow configuration is not resonant for the higher harmonics induced by the critical layer. Numerical simulations for the forced initial value problem show that the solution evolves towards the analysed steady state when conditions are resonant for the forced wave, and demonstrate some of the complications that arise when they are resonant for higher harmonics. In relating the initial value and steady problems, it is argued that the time dependent solution does not require the large mean flow distortion that Haberman (1972) found to be necessary outside the critical layer in the steady case.  相似文献   

Analysis of the influence of condensation and related latent heat release upon developing barotropic and baroclinic instabilities of large-scale low Rossby-number shielded vortices on the f-plane is performed within the moist-convective rotating shallow water model, in its barotropic (one-layer) and baroclinic (two-layer) versions. Numerical simulations with a high-resolution well-balanced finite-volume code, using a relaxation parameterisation for condensation, are made. Evolution of the instability in four different environments, with humidity (i) behaving as passive scalar, (ii) subject to condensation beyond a saturation threshold, (iii) subject to condensation and evaporation, with three different parameterisations of the latter, are inter-compared. The simulations are initialised with unstable modes determined from the detailed linear stability analysis in the “dry” version of the model. In a configuration corresponding to low-level mid-latitude atmospheric vortices, it is shown that the known scenario of evolution of barotropically unstable vortices, consisting in formation of a pair of dipoles (dipolar breakdown) is substantially modified by condensation and related moist convection, especially in the presence of surface evaporation. No enhancement of the instability due to precipitation was detected in this case. Cyclone-anticyclone asymmetry with respect to sensitivity to the moist effects is evidenced. It is shown that inertia-gravity wave emission during the vortex evolution is enhanced by the moist effects. In the baroclinic configuration corresponding to idealised cut-off lows in the atmosphere, it is shown that the azimuthal structure of the leading unstable mode is sensitive to the details of stratification. Scenarios of evolution are completely different for different azimuthal structures, one leading to dipolar breaking, and another to tripole formation. The effects of moisture considerably enhance the perturbations in the lower layer, especially in the tripole formation scenario.  相似文献   

We consider stability of regimes of hydromagnetic thermal convection in a rotating horizontal layer with free electrically-conducting boundaries, to perturbations involving large spatial and temporal scales. Equations governing the evolution of weakly nonlinear mean perturbations are derived under the assumption that the α-effect is insignificant in the leading-order (e.g. due to a symmetry of the system). The mean-field equations generalise the standard equations of hydromagnetic convection: New terms emerge – a second-order linear operator representing the combined eddy diffusivity and quadratic terms associated with the eddy advection. If the perturbed CHM regime is nonsteady and insignificance of the α-effect in the system does not rely on the presence of a spatial symmetry, the combined eddy diffusivity operator also involves a nonlocal pseudodifferential operator. If the perturbed CHM state is almost symmetric, α-effect terms appear in the mean-field equations as well. Near a point of a symmetry-breaking bifurcation, cubic nonlinearity emerges in the equations. All the new terms are in general anisotropic. A method for evaluation of their coefficients is presented; it requires solution of a significantly smaller number of auxiliary problems than in a straightforward approach.  相似文献   

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